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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1906, p. 4

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America's Greatest Hair Goods Artist is Coming to Satllrday, larohl Oth ThIis visited givet y0au a Chance ta cobnsut PRop. Doimaxibu5 about your Hair &and tochoase tram the stDCek o aiHar Gaods, which he cirres with bkim-just what -Yom require. BnWness Baldepse as aIl M'isuknew, disfigures aud adds an aged iexpress ion ta bbelace Wbv renmin Bald wheïi Profesqsor Dorenwend cau fit yo0U with a WIG OR TOUPEE, whicb wfll bde al trt,!ei aiBalduIiess and take tbc place a of'ûur ewn lbain PfDocons ecommend these Toupemes as a preventative for eolds in the bead, 0atarrh And neuralgia. LADIES READ THIIS!1 I You will neyer have a better opportunilv ta sec ier yaurse&i the beantilul assortmeut of Swnrcmmns, B.I£0, POMPIÀDouRs, WLViES, WiGs, etc, wbicb Pro- ieor Direnweud carrnes with hlm. Rememher the DATE and don't flu S catil a the beit and SEE PROFESSOR DORENWEND EARLY Th e NW N 0,of Toroilto, Liullted. 103 and 105 YONGE ST., TORONTO.I I SOeK TAKINGi S#ArL E AT CHINA HALL GROUERI. ecrockery Devte. Sec our Croekery department; we are ri,,akxg redîuttug al D,an the line in aur Tailet Sets. Toilet Sets were ýworth 84.00. Sale price 6.0 without question the best value ever offei-ed In The Oough Us VourWrmg TI Hcough is the warnag' that bds you guard the lung-s. Once the cough gots dry aad tight, once it hurts to COUgh, once there is soreness in the cesýt îlid lungs, danger is near and the ail- ;ient serlous. Remember that pneumçdnia, cont- srniption and other lwng tro~ubles date alWaYS the restlt of neglected colda. Orý Chase's Syrup of Lînseed and Twrpentine has won îts place as leader ini the front raxik of throat and lung treatments because it cma be r-elied on to prceveat and cure Croup, bronchitis, vwho'Pl g cough, asthmia, pneumoaia, coughs, colds and throat troubles promrptly cured by Dr. Chase's Syrup of LUn- seed and Turpentine as is evidencedù by many of the be6t people iia the land. Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, 55 cents a bottie. JOwMANVILLE. FEb.2, C. South Braànt Agricuitural cit mort4rge bt3t î,hes IbeenhaDgiiing o(Ver their heRds foir H1,'cars. A roun'd of speeches efollowtcd at akrgIytti-nted Eastern Ontprlo Live Sto nd iPoýU- try Show wiý'l be h,,iîldin Oitâwa Narch St tdOh Przs ai!1m foilWin£r be iade whih A P'. WcSýerveIt, Secýret- arv, Parliament Buiedings, Trroito, an or beire Febritary 124th EDITORS AT COLýEGE on another Page appe,-ais a fi sum- Mary oi the good work in arclua and domestie science Unes earried oný at the Provincial Agricultural Coliege anid ExPerimental Farm at Guelph.- Satur 1d- Feb, 3î à a hundred or more ed itors,. meýmbers oi the Canadian Press Assaci' atian, by, invitation of President Creel- mian, journes ced to Guelph in two bpecial coaches kindl.y provided by- the Graad Trünk Railway and tbe viit to the College and Macdonald Institute wVaS the most instructive and satisiactory, we have ever eDjoyed te thesm attractive institutions Mr. J. D McDonald. thr, genial District Passenger Agent or the G'rand Trunk Illaa, accompanlcd the edlitori3 and was idftgbein his effor-,ýts a asist in cverv possible w-ay the ,Klighîs oi the Quii s4tation byMao lmn n rsdt Creelmanwo cade i awr grcc';lng ta the Royail Ctr Eicctrlc carscouex d u tatheColege where Prtesi-det C"rlman escanlted ius t,) tiie different departments of instructioni wbene a prolessar g'ave a ushort jecture on the work oaIlbi. particulanbncli. L-unch wàs scrved at Macdonald Insti- suIe by- tbcyoung ladies ai the Domestic Scecshool, thc edibles bhavigb prcpisrcd by thein and wore splondidl scrved bx thcm a Lso. The conipany- .11 - - Il ý r Tu LATE MISS MARY F7RÂNK The ueraI i tht laIe -Miss Mary Fr ankTtcak place an Friday Feb'y 161h, the remainis aniviug, by G T. R at, 3 96 p. ni. fram ber late home with Mrs. J. A MacMurtry, 646 Euclid Avenue, Toronto A short servie af pra--er was comaducted at the home býy Rev'd Canon, l4acniab. afler which the body was tak- en ta the -Uniion Stationu, theuce ta FlowmanvilIe for interment in the Frank taMuly plOt in the cemeter.y. Rev'd W. i, CarroIl, Rector, conductedà the beaut. iual and imnpressivE sFervice af the Ang. lican Church Many ai tbe faily con- neetionm werc present amiongst wbom were J A MacM4urtr.v, S. A. Mac- Murtry, U. Cornish, GTeo. Radeliffe, and fi Wiley, Toronta, Sobert ERogers, 11amiItou atnd Lewis Carnish, U, J. Rowe,, Charles Rowe, John Somn- criami J ffrank of this tawn. The late Miss Frank was posqibly at ber ance ai thc aldest living' residents ai Bownmnville, Born at Bowmnauvillie,l 83 jears aZo. on the5 Frank Fanin, which was baught bv bier father who came here rmi York-shire, England, in the year 1817, or ncarIl oe undred Years ago aud wbh iarm es tili awn- cd by a Frank Fcw eetates in Canada, eau paint ta sncb an unbrokon record. Mliss Frank, thraugh marriage con- nections was nelated leaa large nuin- ber ai aur leadiug- families amangst whoa wc may mention, the McMurtrnw s, Borlanda, Somers, B3raggsz. Radcliffs, Brodies land Cornisha. Mise Frank, since the dteath ai Mr&. Bradie, bus ne- sided with lber niece Mrs. J. A. Mac Marlry, (nec Jennie Brodie) aI Toronto. During the deceased's 83 years in Can- ada, she bas witncsscd1 wondeniul changes, seing this country rise fnom a few ï3caltering hamlets mbt the great aud grand Dominion. lu religin iss Frank wïas lik-e ber faîber and inother hefore bier, a strong faithtul Anglican, WORRIED MOTHIIRS Moch of the worry whIch evtny moîher ai young cbildren undergoee, would bew paned If the mother kept Ba4by'à Own Tablets on band, ond gaveg an ocýcaslonal dose wben tbe cblld waa frtiol, cross or feveriah, Nearly aIl the a-lmenîs ai cbi!dhood car be trac- ed 10 the stomacb, bowels or teethIvg. tqnl ay' Own Tablets, ndc the ' înth~ba iegurats fa govern 3 Undye mer t analyau that Wi mdcasl'ab-2Ntr aolndy mfr.Mn. ennth Molnnals, Lakceli, Ont, aye:--"Baby'a Own3Brw Tablett are a perfect medfiîne LI everyBrw way. There wlll be no alckly children ina the homes where they are u8ed. ' Sold by ail niedîcinep dealersoi-r by mil a' 25 centz a box by wnitlng Tha Dr i ' WlIlama MedîcineCa., Broclr'rllue,Ont --------------- I IcI l 1 1 1 - - - TIRF LATE WILLIAM GILBERT. At the February meeting ni the Quar-. î4rly Orfijéim Board of th~e Enili.In Cireit '1-t was uDniimouslv resolved that' IbigsBoatrd. comiposed.oireprment- atives !rom the dii fenent appoiutmenta8 oi this Circuit, expressers il ieere re - gret at the logg oi one a1i ils membera, th. lute William Gilbeit, and defsires ta put on reeord its hi gh appreciation ai is long aBd usetul lite, bis valJuab1e oerviceb am a local preacher. iais leader, etc, and deuires ta Eýxpress its SYMP'athy with tbe iamily, in the loss af a good lather, an hnred Official ai the church and a picus, ,rodisy man, wbose rame will be as ainîment paured forth, for manLy vears ta camne lu the townrihip of Darlingtan THos.SNowDou Reçordinz Steward Supt af Circuit. OBITUÂR!. Week Bargain Sale of "Minerva" Bran~d Wh itewear I3,NTRDiscount off Regular Prices Our rousing January and February Sale has lef t us with ma 'ny oken-we have flot a1t pi esent every size in every line but we sizes in mnany lunes to -clear out in one weeks fast sel!Ling7. Corne in the Whitewear Bargain Sale the goods are the best and at àless prices. irments $1.67 $2,25 Garments $1.50 *2.00 Gai-ments $1.33 1I17 1.50 " 100 i125 e 67 '75 ".0 .50 . Placed on Bargain Tables Weclnesday woruimg ,es and B3aIes of New Spring Goods are Piling in rPrints NJew Embroideries NewLae Special Values in-,PilIow Cotton@ and Sheetings, 3argains in Men's Fur Coats__ ed, natLural1, Bulgarian Lam.b Coats, reg. $28.00 for ...... e20.00 ai Wombat Coats, regy. $25 00 for.. .............. $18,75 Roeky Motuntain Bear Coats, reg $.00 for......'3~ M~.MfeIàTFV

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