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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1906, p. 7

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Absolutely white four inakes thej beautiful white bread-the kind wé al mest fike. Buit white bread isflot necessarily pure becausme it is white'.. To- be pure it must be mnade fromn purified flour. There is oniy one method of making fleur absolutely pure, and that is by elec- tr-icity. No impurity1 can withstand the , searching, purifying work of this eýlectrical jThe electrical method is ezrnployed by eve,ýry big miii in-the, United States. Il Canada the only flour puried by lectcîty is hefoeit is the oniy fibur that can be cconisidered as absolutely pure. ONTAIO EGISATUEJOE OTARIO liNSANITY W HATI TIIE LEGISLATIjRE AT TO- RONTO IS DOING. INTEBIM XOTt 0F $600,000 A messae e rora bis Hjnor flic Lieut- tcuftnt-Gov\ ernor wag' received tranusmit- fng estimafe o f0flicaount ut of$600,- (;00 for flic confinuance ut civil service unhîl flic estimaI es for 1906 are fînally passcd. Hon. Mr. Matlîesoî mus cd flic 1-buse nL o committees ut supply and Nuays and means, whlin flieio a us passed, and lie explaincd fliaf if was needed for flic civ il service and tur flice payment f utmQnbers. PRO'VINCE'S C13EDIT IS GOOD. Mr. Har court svas inforrned by Hon. Mr. Mtiieson fliaf duriîîgflic year 1905 flic Government liod ieceived severel definile proposais for flic purciase ut sceudifies f0 be issued by flic pruvinde. Several of flic partfies niakîîg flhc o11c, bl se liat fliey be considocd a cu)nfidentiial unless lie sale wascon rit d A sale of apemntisu ti sok r ode lied -nut yt icu om pcdif was demed not lnic infur- Aes 0 iceprovincefliaf fli c dtails hlould lie mado publice t flic presteut f'me. During flic present year a pro- posailiead beenreceived fruni respen- cible parties wlîicli wouud secure f0 flic provin~ce a liglier net rale flian any prc- IviouQ uttors. racre ' sno question abýout flic province bing alte to eld. hie, matter wos cnrely evne etfflic rate uw inîcref. Tliis ied te'Io e cunsidcred crtlybeceuse !er uepe r cent. mun$70000. -lHe asked (ie meý)mbers fremenîmber fliat whîIle negotiations Vw'e ging ou if vas adiable fo do nu- fhing fo injure flic credi f uthfieprvice. GOVEFINMENT 'TLEPII05ES. D)r. Lewis (Doit crin) preseuf cd n peti-' lion froni Dufferin Couiify asking thiaf flic quetinutfestaliisling a pruvinci- il teleplione scrvice receive flic early at- tention etfflic Goverument ut Ontario nid flic Legisiative Assembly.lihe petilion recntes tflief.flc eleptone service iz a mnooply, fief it is douittulwlie f ler flie Gui ernmenL ut Canada wlll f akdeý any action t thrs lc faking over nd operetion 0f fiiei,, on e.ers lacor flic long distance and trunk Ihuesý; fliafflic Governient out atolfba lias announc- EPy* ils intention ut cslotblislîiing a Govern- INSPEGTOR'S REPORT 0F IDIOT AND LUNATtC ASYLUNIS. Hlousekeepeis aoers, Farnïe4's and Domeslic ervnt utter -The thirty-eigli;l nnul rporf un the Iunatic and idiot asylums oif Ontario shiows tliat iliere were ,,i13Patients cei tified inisane. on etme30lO, au increase uci 63e for tie erdrn xvhicli 1,13u paýýtientswreadînîtted. On; Septernber J3u105,fle numbel' ei pa- tents w as 11,613. The Littai cost of mainý- tenance for ',lie ycar scas $760,204/, a w eekly cost per patient of, $2.32. Rev- enue from-paying patients aniountcd to $114,916. Dir' Forbes Winsluw is quoted as say- ing that "alcoliol must be given the f1r-ý olace as a cause of insanif y," witli to- ibacco, especially cigarette-smoking, as a citent factor lri lunacy, Lu the Britishi ýssJiums intemperance is asigncd as the cause oft eequarter ofthte cases of ini- sny.while in Ontario only 6y, per cent, ufthfli ca s es are attriliutcd to drink. Uniforrnity 'in tlic manuel of service Èrecommended for flic ditierent insli- lutions w.iicli have sliown a disposition tu byve apart instcad et worki ng in syni- îj.atliy. Tlie itinerant systern anong )f- fiflsl considcred a hlcptul one. The appoin1rtmenf uta Provincial palliologist A\ ston roteý5f is once-more regis- fered ag 'ntfie commftmnent ut insane personus lu jai Ilt-, pointed ouf fliat flic word "slu"inconto ih flic insane is beconiing ubsoleto,. Hs tel is flic proper naine for instituliura1s devoted to flicir care. Next tu York County, wliicli furnislied 2~50 lonatics lest ycar, cornes Mýicddlesex wili 63;, Wentîxortl anîd Frontenac lied 4iC ecd; Carleton. 46; eeeanid Gren- %ilîle, 45; Sincoe, 41, and Northîumber- tend, and Durliam, 40. 0FfIie total number ut patients l,107 hal rom York count y, 351 trom Mddlesex, 280 tý orn Wenfwortli, 253 froîn Sincue, anîd 2451 tioni Carleton. As meny as 64'3 patient.sliavec been in residence~twenf vyears Iand utpwards. Iliere were 315 dîscliargcd crured doringi flic ycar. une otfliseaic wentyj 'cy(ars. Tlie number ufdoflis for flic ~I~ lRZWARD wiU W h"o'"'b paid to aîîy pro who proves that Suýnligjnht Spap contains ally nuroshemicais or any form.of adulteratiori, is equally good with hard or sofi water. If you use Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow directions) you need flot boil nor rub your clothes, and yet you will get better resuits than with boiling and bard rubbing, in the old-fashioned way. As Sunlight Soap contains no injurîous chemicals and is perfectly 5c u lw5 pure, the most- delicate fabrics and daînty silks and laces rnay be Tour money refunded byJ washed without the slightest iniury. Sunlight Soap if y» ind any Lever Brothers Limîted, Toot cause for complaint, INOTHING TO LIVE FOR. Sad Suicide of a Young Woman et Toronto. A Toronto despateli says: "No children andI notlîing f0 tive for, lite is a burdcu,' w'îutc Mis. Isalielle Brooks, fthe young 'site ut Fred Brooks, a stuneniecen, jus. 1 tore cnding lier existence on W ednes- day effernors inlierpliome et 175 \Vau [luiL-ne streetIlier iusbend found flic lieuse lueked wlien lic refurned liante from wonk et 6 o'clock, and forcing flie duor, discovered lits witc lying insen- f wo uronarclis in flic course ufthflicucr- sible on flic fluor, sie liaviîîg drauk a cuantity et cariolie acid. Betore Drs. Durable andI Cunvcy ncaclied flhe bouse ilie wonîen w'as dead, Brooks and lits xitc came otîf frum Mauchiester, Eîîg., a. short lime ago. Deceased was Uf yeers elfi. Betore leaving for Canada sic took poison f0 enîdlier lite. TIe Chef Cor- oner deeided fuel fliere wes no uccessity for an inqoesf. G. T. PACIFIC CONTRACTS. Nearly, a Thousand, Miles Now Let for Consfrîslion. If Thomas W. Lawsun us tic une niain iu America dîrecfiy'respunsibte for flic i ecent insurence, uplicavats, wliaff lis teertcss cummenfatur bas te sey onflic present insurence situafion-ouglif te nieke 'good reding. Iu a-relcntiesslýy uutspuken arficle, "Tic Btack Flag . u [lie Big Tlirce," in fie Merci iîumbcr ut Everybodys. -Mr, Lawson points ouf ini litsstrikçinglP' convincing tashin, tfiat thc nsurance conipamies are as coni-upt as ever, anîd indicafes flic steps fief must puecede f lein reat "purification." Tlie corsent iiîsfalmcnfut Cliarles Edwerd. Bussctl's "Seidiers oethflicCommun Cýoud" is fuît ut fimety, tacts andI anec- cotes relative te flic nilroad situations in France, Italy, and Great Bitain. Marshalli Feld, perliaps flie grealest cemm.ýý.eial genios ut bis day, is flic oufetu a brilliant illusrated article, ieasect ou intimate knewtedge, by Jelin Dennis, Jr. Anitllu-imînating cenfrast lie- tvvcen tic religion uftot-day and fliat ut a generatien agu nîey be teund lu two artice by Varice Tiompsen andI Eu- fieno XVood. Science has eufliurized ghsss, seys Mr. Tliompson su "Tlie lu- visible Wurld' if lies approved felepe- f ly andI clairvoyance; iflibas run a tlieu. siind psyOhiiu nysteu-ies tu eertli. Mean-ý, w hie lc"exliorter" and flic "circu.it- r-ider," as is sliown in Mr. Wuod's "Tlieo OltI-Tîme Revival," bave li eliir.day.1 Sic Gilbert Pearker coucludes linbtisis- R,,EMARKABLE MEMORLS ME-NWHO EETMONUMENTS TO THEMSELYES. An In an Queen's Tomb To wn Vears to Build ani Co-, $16,500,000. Begat nionum'ents fo 'hpedeadliav cased te excitc mure Ilian passiuýg itr est; for unfic -toinl et nîanya milion aire bas beau p.laviclied sfiin ot bave kept l in cumfurt, if"nt idee ini luuy hrouogh hbislite, Jay GouLuî lctt beiudlim$0,0,00 anlai',f le penliaps mily fitting liat l.d'hJ itsboe, ssliold repose lur, a1$50,000 tomýcb. Bfut s'ucli , mef 5tbunial-place ' le e te tin sfyingý)j1- flic pest-murterm ambition ut',Senetorý» Clar, flic Montant, i inirwlioî net tcavýing is final restIng-ptacc lu Ilia li",;d- out posterify. Tlie Senator, wc learni, Ple liig giî'gentîus mreouleoni preni<sldunghi tifetimoe t e cost ut $150 ,000., If isce- pused cliiely of witle granite, flic fiuest money cen boy, wiflî a pedestalweg- ing tliîrfy feus, Tlie stops are sculp- IL lýPlýý'_lý_ý-)Uri. IGH7

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