i I GOw liqG Boyp. I The Thiety-Seoo.& .I-11ui Iteport- 0-F TRE-- T BIH Ttilrty thlrd Anui Meetlng oA tbis Compay wsol l the Offiù of the vers rsn;-ess W. F, On,,van, John Cowan, R. 8. Hnûlla, W. Roadwin, 17. W. COowan), T. H, c1an ae A. Gibsan, W. F. Allin, Thoi. Patterson, .John Carter sud Joseph Luke, The Presîdent ocaapied the3 chaie, and Mr- T. Hl. MoMillan officstud as Seore- tayThe Ânnual Report, emboraciike the transactions ef 1he O.mpany for the past yest, wa preseuted by the Chaînon.ý SDirectos z0mot. Yoax El.diD.g Doc. 316t, 1905. BLAOKSTOOK A vory interesting event oeirdla3t Wedne8day afternoon., at the home 01 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor, sDutI ocf the village, the occas3ion b;eiug the-6 i. ýr- riage of their eldeat (daugbter, Âuîine Pearl, to Mr. Wilfred Y;. Weathoril;, 0 Lifford. The day wasý beautitul id a! weatbier loriFebruary, thesi un shiniA~g as in April, giud everything propii 1-3 for sucb an event, Soai forty4ti e guestu gathered in the weleome au,( wituess the function. The ceremai y was performied at o'clock, by tha R~ev,' R. Ar(oihiald Delve, of Blackstock," pastor of the bride. To the strains &I the beautiful wreddiuig march, ab-i renderLd by Mrs, Anson Taylor, e bride entered the parlor leaning on the arr of ber father. Sheo was attired iu Blue Silk over Taffeta, trimmed Witlî white emibroidered silk and rboer NEP* -s;OeOdÂiiyoNAL ToNI4 Te MAIN- TANS'MEN-0u &. ÂZÇD r fIF sx11N OLnAR. On overy side on@ et youcug mou and growing boys vlth jale, paty oouiplexi.ns, ihei fice. covered wlth pîmplos and ihoir gata Rsambllug and lisilems. Such a conditlou.ls sxtremely1 dangeroa-tbe blood le out of rder- a complota breakdown may resait. To pub matters right; te give the sprlug fo the step: that clearnea. 10 tho akîn sud that glow of atve health te the face, a tonieln Iseeded-Dr. Willilam%' Pink Pis are neQded. As prgof of thîs. Mr. Oharlea Diefenithal, 12 St. Ursule atreet, Quebac. sfYsî--"FîcqueutIy nt studies uùüeeutated rmy remsinlug up until e laie hour. Th@ resait wss that my systeni gradtiaiîy weakeued and ln Deoeruber. t9O3, 1 seemed te callapse. 'iOAPTA1I NS O N M ANfY SEAS NE VER WITHOUT PE-RU-NL ~~iy Ko y ~massand l'u--na and 1 i rn eor .......... ~oses-thavou~,ee-wey~"I r!'~ ~MW~ nT) ~eveIueA,~,uiu......... .......... Dc31 Tc InturosL P&!id adoerchargs,, Govrnaienb, Tf:x: and llcenz $46,457096 $ 22,457 21~ . coIflta IJflfl oitipeopie. ài, 1gomii -111-7- eomuon mon ai vepîe.Mn.LoOflI o" Mv,,Wl'Graan~~ndj Mr. Altred ibrown:, laki hore. bas visitiug friends t Starkvill, Matr oatu-nie 1 bil property, cdweUling g t e .qx n '1d 1 c;e " I d aeiv i~a n, n ~g1eDOd' 1en lneU.13 . . Mn. . ine.Ptbkr Kidnev FPuis ail t1he credit for it. Icws oorcot1., TeCL 1'rm ntbo ~ead C&Befoî-e I Starte3d tause Dodd's Kid IBerta "Uco(ck, rio n iand MNI . wsbogby _Mr, T. D. Plado ney PusIwi1iaqso80 u4ed Up IJ 'oul d ,-h-rî l fF. R. Bon agr jic tM otpoafre adaemrbn ride ina ~,adIcudnt do an e.Hnoksltwe Me T IorSO) woru otanv ind ijeroud n ï,oGhT oIelesa,PotHpIbon..M.j 1 woffld ntlivelî.Dd-' iII, " 4a~1 __________ wrong, but thbe Kidnevs1- of the oid must 1~~tn iîas I be~ ~~~~PI wrnDd' inyPlmake all wrong Kiduev rgbt, That je wby they are tl e aid folks' greatest friond SHORIHANDI For y'oungg irls there t,, nothing that is better than Dr. Dean',, Nerve an d Blond Builder. 50 doses 25 ets. and your money back if yen are flot satislied with resuits, 1 1-,l i~~~f Il PSO Q F L 9 -1-: ----------- ý luilïl On Weduemday, the l4th ius%, a tverT pretty vweddingy took place at the home ofMr W . Maffït-, Ragflan, wheu Vi.Mfi'. aliîter, Miss E nma sM. ilanibly, wa marIed ta Mr. Norman Buokior, of àltoona, Iowa,. At two o'alock the bride entered the parlor, IemnIng on bhe arm of lier grand tather, Mr. Wm. MicLangblln, of Cartwright. Th. %memn perfornsd by Rev. Prof euhl. of Victoria Univer. mlty, cousin of the bride. £he bride Woked oharmug tu a dreas--of oream sllk collmnine trimmed with chiffon and seMulum, and carried a hoquet of white, sarnatlonu sund was aèttended by her cousin Miss Clars B. Parr, wbo wore a dresu o! gray sllk collilenne and car- ried pink carnations. Ante 'Moffatt, niece of the bride, made a pretty 11111e