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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1906, p. 6

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-~ 'e LitIeive-r P1uise -5ee Fac-Simile Wrc!pper Below. CI A ~ MiOPTPTI CURE SIGK KEADAHL? AI)VrETISIXCG RATES, ThI'lieanadian ttsnlaibjhe -Very edesdainarningaS he fflM 6 statesxnIan 13 teck, KRingSre oW-ninville, O t, by M. A. ., xie: etr , UY laadvï,ncce Advertising rts raïnlietit adve ttiIn, c-" ta pr > I i*rtinsertion; five 'entýs per une eac Ciseut insertionl. Contract rtites o'.n A. E. YLAG IN Sictrand Cneacr Ce~fliakey llckRig S-treaýt. ',e aes. 48-lyr. ROB:EFT YOUNG, V. S. FFICIOitsy" INBREVSLOC9 ~oppaiteTown Hall Entrancà, 'wliere h0 will lie found froni 8 a.rn. te Spn. Night cails at residence, direct Iy opposite Dril Slied. 17-ly. SIMPSON & BLAIR. RÏL: I I + + SWeighed -in l SThe Balance I +i 1;' ar 1(, ichrd "Sevi' 'sil? oW1e11 ws glI sunm, a jutt akelfer tIli' Auliust lioiday, m an aller esses,'im ian' atherlads.The oung 01k i a por lot now. TJliem usdas. wage mwus lhelter thoin," "Wliat's ' wage gt-A do xvi' lut? If a cliap's near lies n ear. Bicliard's earn- in' thirty shiflin' if he's earnin' a bob." "Dick says," began Jessie, liesitating- 1l«y, "that lie dosn't want bis wife ta "An' wly sauln'tshe wrk? Warký fifty coma Ea sler, ail mlalhds e ' tli'dlM warid , 1( e etmy al-tbe y slie l) ag twie iit lot camx nea wsa cck i l tew oedvk. The p,-ro- viinin to nerenlouehl le a Ivas een i) ilie satis Jessie lid knoxvn xviitwas te g ili-cJiad and PI-l foed. Shv, a ciaeloiggirl, theo yug s sven. heelied nover !heenlanyfprespe-rous timeszat hmein lir deyind she ied werked in H1lie miii ]to d out1inHie drkof [t1Pe moning jte faýce Ilie keen .wind fromtie ri1ver1--to ýýmorflier oomwitlifingeris inmbed afnd clIed. But sie was y ang nd allier girls had been taken eult te tlie thoat:re, ond theougli the Chrisîmaý,,s holidays were oe-r, Dick had nevor asked lier te go onice. "I xveuldn't ha' minded s0 much,"-she soid new, xitli something like a sali in liepr let "but Marilia seys lie tuk 'er Les yer." "Ay, an' wiil agen," said lier mollier. "Mamîlia Cmnfield's uncle cen beave 'er It wý,as the lest slraw-. Jessie thxexv dovn lier sewingP, and catching lier slJwtomis j, shewoun it bou 1ANFUL PSORIASIS Li5 YEAIRS TribcScaly 'H ui our i nPce All Overthe Bodry-Skir! Cracked and edigIthngInbear- ale -C ,,red 13bCU C!icuaIl T il;iry Dlys ïd at mi Epne NTH E R WONMD EFFUL CURE BY CUTICURA 1s ffic M(tedl w.ith paissfor thirt-fiveyea1rs. It ianlePatchesalil over i y body. 1 used tliree cakes of Soap, six boxes Cuticura Oint-. ment, and two botties of Cuti- cura Resoivent. 1 batlied with the, Soap,, appiied the Oiotment once a ~-~' day, and took the dl, 1Resyolvent as di- recût4ed,1a thlirty days -1 was compieteiy cured, anid I tnkprmnaneatlly, as il à s bouit five yie P01og 1., first md t per an-e ia red sotgenierally fo)rinig a circle, jeuaving in the conter a spot aboout the e of a siiver dolflar of sound fleshi. la a shor"t timle tleie ffectedcirciiep wouid form a ha dry scale of a white eï1lvery.appeýaranice ,and wvould gradually drop off. To remove- the, entire sae by atigor ulng ofi ta seftea thcmn the fieas'h Ywould be perfectly raw, and a liglit disclýigcoi ofboedy substance wouldcooze auý,t. TIat scaly crustýwould frmi 1aala in twevçnty-four hours, It wasl V'orse on imy armus and lims, ai- though it was in spots ail over iny boéby, asoon niy scalp. If I Lot te scales romiàn tea) long without remov- ing by bath or othe(rwvise, the Aia wo)uld crack. and bieed. 1 suffered ntneitching, worse et tîights after gettinig warm in bed, or blood warm' y exorcise, when it would be almost unhearalile. " To suni it al up, 1 wouîd net go through such another ordeal of affliction for thirty-five years for the State of Kansas. (signed) W. M. Chidester, Ilutchinsen, Kan., April 20, 1905." Cutic,,ra 5o.p, Ohtmnot, and i'illa aan îoid throughout thewerld. rotterDrug & Chem. Corp., Sole Prop., IBoston, UJ.S.A. is" M.ikd Free," iiew ta Cure ail tiameure." him; lie seemled 5 iliysria ir poitin te a c'if l e "in stmal, illi liow f rilbon o il,1Nice andnet. aud catii. "An cieet,"sard essie "Andchep Tot antse fuit You od mecouidt hae itI[ixes- t." inouln't w ?" si Jsse., aih Cranfieid lias one xvitl worsesnil bm ~ iJ1 Tsphtyaele. "A ilit ldpette" saidDik."Mac- tuees J go ýte lifieout (ifobb s shouî is ie, Ù100." Tlieyxvebkd tholonlio giFisegt LonT psd themii xliere mst .l gi.li ooked u tIi rnibidnw xvliesin ii e ie a e yu a iy , ;i( who waked beie lier;Iliereys iaed I lir mebeIiethm."ou ofin't wwnt ast ' leesre efre Un) Iildee, vbeuls Urocal. i. awc," li said, ad, ýlsa-"ý t "Thonyou owhveyour ian," And Jssie Adiomîhnt o, mey,m'ul liol yeu ta il,. Ths sote'nabkin'heut ein'of gad ixenoy ugli fer e" h oh il weren tbas modeupehes mdttahe lier xvllul woy.andJessie wpii led up ail li she a lie ingsince.n wlecs pused t f o bea h enhur e la speek ansrp(. "Ac now u no-1thAn lhing between theni xvhicli they placed1 camefully on tho, bed, and what de you suppose it wo? Wy the other baby! Oh, ixvpeeewTo s s Hîe laughod and xvaved is 11111e fat liandi, ondthoollor abylaghed and waved that ollier b]abiy, ccd smuiý(1ied vey time Tooies ioked t -hlanli Ut x Nvas very lln Whta edlime Isetobabies liedme Ihat ~ ~ ~ "i TedeIp e otafavoritiepic-1 tome. ,1 eli babywoufldipick utIh higIier thoýn Todis id, n. le Teebe oc dentlykoce bsloo Plis ov(0(te Thon ieypyd"P'ense Porridge bot." SomooxvTeodes nverceuld play Il quie rgl xx11hanyon(2eîcsc, but the ieolii, babJy see eknoxv just xvlen te go tete riglit aocd laIt, and il was greait Ion te)xvatch the gamo, and sce ,Ilu four 11111e pink-cushianed palms camne logether, xith a sof itt11e lliud, riglit ex-amy tume! Of course, memma set near to see that lhey didn't hurt eaoteler, but there wasni't a sign ai a quormel ail the memning. By-and-by liey book a nap tegellici, and xvhen iToodies hlied is bottie tle Clher baby lied one, lao. The momýient Toodles weke up, lie Domfinion Line STEAIMSHIPS Every Satrday- E very saturdaOy iMàontreal to Liverpool. iYmnaMa-y 5. Can'(aa May19 Sïoutl'wark, May 12. ninvo, av S_6 RIUST OAS40o-7faerii'te- - steamer. IMODERATRE RATE SRIB On staeseare'xing onu' onG elass o*cbi paseges Seooi: laa>t3 wllom ls giv'en ,;le aonmatosiatdin tlle best part of the 8tezmecr. $4250,and $45o eLiep el 45.00 aDç 547.5û to London Third Class pasegrswoked to principal poinýs ila G, ealt Hitain at $2750,-; berllied ln 2 ai-d 4 berffi marna. F'ra a o ral atrionappy te M, A. JAMES, Agent. or te DOMINION LINE, 17 St.Sacrament 'Rt. Moutreal, ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. Turblne Engines--N.,o Vibrationý The Finest anld Fastest The Canadian Route, T' I 'I Use SUZNLI.GHdT SAP A-ji GET TUEPRMIM The Coupons arecthe same as casýh because they cin 'be exchianged( for Toîlet Seaps for which yau h-ave tLo pyou ney eveýry week. Users of SUNLIGHT and CHEE.RFýUL SOAPS can.,get thair TOILET SOAPS for notfingý. Read circular in every pjackage, or write UiS for PeimList. A glft is of littie value if ;t con'sists of somethiig y0lu have ne ulse fer. In exchange for Sunli-ght Soa opon you.u can got something yu ceed anid ume evecry day. Lever Brothers Limîteà, Toron~to, Canaeia .1 ---------- r- lcalli that xvas given bock te lier. She gave hlm grudging llianlçs. Hot wus good, wus Dick-good and duill. She suppoused t(he Lord lied made hlm Iliat waY. But Jessie xvas eier han she lied been a yeam cgeand she lýiad knoxvn the jack ailoe she ,knoxthe fi wortliofaial sh Tliey vememarried !in thesrigme WHEIjN MOTHEIS J:ýAWý,AY. The lieuse is sucli a dear laOce wlien mother is eay ,, There isn't fua n eynI~in n latper xvlat you play. The dalîs justsit as stupid, ani oct sO still and queer- Tliey' always say sucli funny tlings wvlen molliers by te hear. The 11111e china tee set looks se lana-1 sanie vailing there; Theres ne f un ployinlg party and eatîng only air j1 It isn't liili e 1ievely things you mast beliceeyusec Upaniý the plate's and sauicer, whlea m other coînos tatee.

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