U A. .J UUVVTy IR f l-E tORII, J FlThItWAKJS. M .JM S & SN rpitr tn d'nf. rW AN JL E. ON ARmWE NE DA W A Y 0 9 6DO UM I, N . 2 Th e Biogg rest Imiporters 0f General Dry Goods, Ganpets an.d Ui in Ws Durham, -have opened out a v- stock of Dr-ess Gds ilks, Prints, ul 'Wash Go-ods o-f ai inds. Mens and B3oys' ready-to-w,ear ClIothÈfrig, fitting, wel$madeý and good valune, LADIES' CAPE5 AND COAITS - Ail ne, made -up ini the Latest styles, lsand -Good he y-ir you Ti oriners tff lour yLips Thiean Whenyou toopyou edizzTh Tr hce yoar kd âys arc Pnd res-t0rer., O fr p o ce give 1 BOX FREE with eyery 4. Poe49. liovvmarnville. A Fine Asrmn f, Po' aud Beddig Plnts 3 with greater pleasure, at thte saule time DRA ECESI OOT IV owat- bis ea-rly demnise, than Jajmes 1I iAniothier link in teoneulcanOf CORDIALLY WELOOMED )AND RGTRy c ircumnstances evolving from Mr. John ALLz ENTERT.&TNED nv DR. AND Mus,-. ro 'satternpIt to run a iii.emgs JOIIN ou, "THE rDALE"' ANI) BY in, the arvi n oavnville in S859, of TrE ClTy TEAcns--SPEsicnis nY W. Rl Brock, who ,was born lu the Royal FORnMERDURHIAm.TEAOHIERS-ELiEC'r- Citvý of G u elph in 1836. Ris father was 1ISN 0o,1OfficERuS, an Englishmnan Of fine attainments and was n-ot long in this rsn town before Great -cîcdit is due the executive hie took a hligh po'sition 1 In the businesscomteeo the Durham (.Lountey and social hife of thei place. HUe was a Teaer'Aocainfrm iga pion!er inthat section of Onitario. Un- vaýýi0riaion ,,i theusuaql, ýw gy o1hldingfl fruaeyhe was cnit dow,ýn by Ja, ac- the cnetosbtttn therefor a cident in the vigor cf bis mnoovisît to Toro-ocin the city shos wvhen out shooting on the river near is Che npco a.L hs entered home,. He was killed through somý- e beariî,v into the spirit of th suggestion jmischance in handling the weapon hieanaistdbPicplWlimSot used. He oniy lived long ,ýenough tq uo!-ha euî[rmal SehIool nd others 8W!,O makýe a will and say fare-well to the da wienomi' ecer utis ýounty, ones composing the family circle. Th;is ercomp!etoýjarung etwere made chariged the course of tbe stream 01 o1 for makJù-in te vi of the country which Mr. WI, R. Brýock had started 9ltahrsbtonasîbead tftbe the voyage of bis life. liis father S having fýmf(Ib teral desire that he should follow one of the ,Single fares wreoferd, ,th ril as the onie most suitab'e and the o~ riew ay inclsive ThLis îý,I wy pdntag most Ai accordance with bis own cdesire, vwas ýtaken 0is patclpe,,irioË.d to He was at the time -a studer n t lhevitthci. Mayechrnad office of Ferguson iBlir, one aI th(e fi terwvtoTrnoWensa vn- Bariser t' i tat bt ing but thCe graAt nber wet on p3ritracî n iztcity, bu ~lthrsv 1ri . adwr mta h cons8quçenice of this ereadful calaic.-ity. Uniion io by a deputatio',n Co!city he found it would bc in the interest ofteceswodrtethmtboesr the othier members o! the famîIy ta urîgbue. n unse r chaýnge bs llas Te dd 50and a-bani done hs proset o eoîiga o ranis forthe twodays' ouing. Abouti lower of Blacksýtone. Tnrning bis atten ahnrdtahr priiae nsm tihon to commrerci-al pursuits, bis first part o! the p)rogýrnm effor't in fhat iine was ~,in hý, iti e .own- The finsuu' hvwa ut 'Tho Dle. ing teachers were also given a. copy o thiîS littie souvenir. How appropria-'tely and beautifully to spend tho na-tal dayv of ouir',ate beloved Quleen ! May Dr- and Mrs 1Hoskin lo11g liv6 te enioy their- envlronments, Thie Theatre o3i the Normal eho was handsoïmely dioraed lu onor of hevisit Of the Diuanl teachers Cernl- mena geëaue waBs hown in the a,, - rangement of the bunting-, banners, emlmetc. Two banks o!flfowering palatalso tatefllyplaced graced thc rostrum and behind the chptirman,-,iwaF useddthe Duvrhameng. A session ïLfortasatof o the busi- ness of the Ascainwus held from 7 to 8 o'ocek with President Dav"id Schlools, in the chair, and Secrotary 1F. j. Groat at his pos3t This is onre place wheIrï3the miemembers cof Ète Associ- ainshoneinrpenncan vgr ia8sticallyaope as moved bv Alr, J. W. Bradley, Hleadimaster of ecsl Public Sehiools, ind edd by Mvr 1", J, McKessock, Soù-ýLàa, luropiîmnta fry and apreitiespehewa xtn- ingthesinereand hearty thaxîks of the Asocatonto Dr.anid Mrs John Hoshinà j0f The Da cbforthir great knu invittionto th iDuram feachers fa visit hi hm n for the, splendid and g'eneroulls manerluwhich theyeter'- tained fthem The puble m- etiug spanai 8 o'cýock (In Par Anmim OrR Tnwx uvn ConNrv FTP..qr'-- Tur WnTTn 1 Wëti5týLý, IBU ýjaitM