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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1906, p. 6

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Il ETO0TAKEAÀFRESI=I IOLDJ kcv, Dr, Neev Ill Iwiglit hulis biscouirses 011, a llebrew Patrioî's IMIo tt o. Text-"An c Le sadoxv went Ledit descrt. Ib is for you te de(, ig b tern degrIees.' i.. Kings. lag iorward intobbc thick cf Le euý,Ce- Th eher day hje Dean e! Corneil my and Le earried off tLe field oni your Lnvriyshowfd tme bis shrubs, flow- shieid. Wbati Yen, manufacturer, or Crs nd ree. Wiie xaiug threugh mierohaut, or financier, Lave made mon- thegarcn î yes chojnced upon a C;' enn,(ugbl for yonrself i Go onit taking ~uine undai. Stndying tbc bronze irooney for oChers, bLet yon may Le brcad pae, 1I deo7pbered 1bese werds: 'tTumn and raisiiesb fer bbc bungry and bhe thesbdox LeRlesl degrees on the naited. Nýo malter how oid you are, you su-hiand taRe e fresh heid." Th e tj nt aethîe Leginnisg. There is Dean xp]ruined tbbc motte by sayisg tm o rt e hpe nyu that Lhe Lad hcaî-d bbcsentiment ex-' lie. bou are-iteancwhatergoal;you in sme Srmonor ratin. mrelorward movement and the vie- Tbrt enturies ago a fl-ebnexv patriotitory lis yones. "Tums thc shadotv bacRç anlpeet wes approaching oid o ge.I oithîe dia land taRe a sexy lold." Giexyn woalry, tLe tbol was about tol 1rop Iirc'Iis bancl. But bis country AIMOTTO FOR YOUNG AND 01-D ALIKE wsSUlfering, and the poor needed hlmn. To alltho have recthcd middle oge, PiM bLthour Le girded np is loins ,wit rerali yonth ai-d anticip-tbe iife's ',rcL su Lean anew. Addrcssîng C deline, there is fcod and medicine 'n gePy( Pof dIispuiitcd folloxyres, tbbc idtiiese nords: "Turmu bbc shadotv back ùun hero sndeni exiahed:"Tnt-n btht chý dai tes degrees oand boRe a new sb Clo 'fc'sdue bok ben degrees hoi." Slriotiy se tig here is li0 sudbegn net."Fren Loat day tîn j oldage -Isthe Misissippi Ritve asy IiLe werds bLcame the m îollo of bhis 111e. o,ýLder non' thanj il was a msillion years lAIS AYS ACKE WIT GOO age TheMississiýppi River is wabdr. DEEDS. 'l li 4 banýIks btycswLio ilbflbotvs IýI--,- fi'--1-f 11- River- t- Afber a whiie bts lame began toieîcrnally yonng, cternallylrheen- sPred When hie deu, he NvesRow ly pure, led by bbc reins ofsa mr lh bb man whe packeud al bis; daiys the snow of iinter, and the clonds ,oflblc ihgodedcds and tbeokîL e olo gcless ocean. o i le from a sun-chi. Slojv, ly The soui is a living strca)m of bhonghý'Lt bi0-s 1trybgas te move ont into otMer and love and plan thatIflows bhrong1 clmsedcontinents. History tels ns the lips lu speech. The rightl hand andý that~ a rueer ayung Engiish sel- thelef1dbhesId arê liRe tlhe righb banR die, crrid te ffchianomAsie Mifl and tbbc 1db ank 0of Ithe Mississippi Î, 0 nlad Julsf as aSpanýlsh, mis- River. The body sýhows ftice mark and sinr crid iefrom tbbc his scar of tinie, but not île soni. For o! l~ ni oAh Calfrsia, ,ud îLehe art that thinRs and loves and Fo fil(Jtfbhe w orid with purpie clusters. prays, there is neither yonth, nor me- And sobb l Hbrcw poet, who passed tLrity, nor oid age. Il is simpiy 111e awe tbîrty esturies age, stili lives, tbat came frosi God. Ont of bbc dcep ûn waiks(1 np and cown our earth. the seul casme; into the deep lb goca, liRe lu tse ! is lest jounuys bLe book the river. Apil for those who open Lip te'rAmerica, and macle tus way to their heart te the inrushîng tides of îLe 1iae o fonnd bis footprisbs in divise spirit there is ne oid Cge. Dean Baie' S floxver gardes I And when J oo t a library of books and reports ACHIEVEMENTS 0F THE AGED. writt110? y Prof Bailey ond bbc gronp As'1er the mcmory, Cato, et set enby- et seboler1s about hlm, 1 discovered bbc five, learus a new language, tbc Seý ct off bbc Americen <echolar, as lif(.reek. As for philosophv, 'Richter wsý graVesn on a bronzeae on' vblch maRes his greatest intellectuel discov- bbc sncm loy, Pr;-icktg ont thesdecrics after seventy, As for reform, Giafi- swords for ail wbo sek inspiration [0 sione achieves bis greabest eloquende,j -reeh e ndelavor: Turs bbc sbadow beek and moRes is noblcst pleas citer three tesn degrees on the sus-doal and taRe P. score years sud ten. As for art, MlieL- fresh hod." C1f Angelo neyer finds hiniscîf tntil Le DICUBGDPEOPLE SHOULD BE- comnes te bbose ycars when tLe psalim-ý GIN AFRESH.1 ist bbonght he ought bo have bcsu in Tý' 1'11ý,,arios an teah the cemetery. As for poelry, un cex- Te ilparitsan bacers and lov- tr ree d age the g reat Germias's spirit (ara of Po ir kind xvho bave soxvn widelýv iriscs liRe a lark. floats intoc sky. stilli' 4777 Far AboutawHoe FRUIT-A-TIVEiS are t'leI finest mecdicine in the world ~4++++-++++4h for womeîl. SOM\E GOOD BECIPES. As a riild and gentie laxative-as a poiie n peedy cure for Constipation Yorkçsbire Pudding.-To t pint muRk ,sud Bloena-sthe oniy cure for &tld 4 eggs, wihites and yoIks beaben 51f p-- we&lc and irribated kidneys and ep-arately, j alspo aiad 2 table- ciaily for " that pain ini the back "-as à speouis balig powder siftcd throulgfi positive cure for headaches-and als a 2 cofleur.1% lb hndbc, mi-xcd very1 general tonic to buiid up and lnvi',rate smootb,, aotbccoîituyof crearn. j t he wl-ole systexu- FRUIT-A-Ï1iVES P.egulitbe yonr tLinte whena youý put in stand supreme. your retso ý)ibtetit xiii be donc ose- lui cases cf irritated Ovarles, Ovarian bal bour cor forty minutes before di-bing Pains, Vaginial Catarrh, Excessive and iA UP. TaRJe it from tbe oven and ,et Scanty Menstruation, Ulcerationis, Bear- It wbere ilbwuil kecp bot. in lte mean- ing Down ilains-and all those troubles time have the pudding prepared; now peculirtOyeomen- into two common biscuit tins, pour tbe pudding, bal in eco, set them in tbe h ot oves and Reep them there until the cisser is,; dished up. Take these pud- iî dings ont et the lestý moment and send to tbe table bot. Tbis is much beter en Fr W-vLivcn TALLET5" fLan the odl xay of, cooking the pudding1 have the most iren-iarkahle effect. under bbc( meat and is excellent with Ninety-nine cases out of a hundreâ roast of becl O! rPemale Trrouibles are due te negleet. T u ei lsetyii ln Bowels becosue constipated - kinesWhes bbc 3frit ice is ready, taRe the frregniar - skia negiected - and th et1ie to the ýýiks, skixîîtooughly po>isýOns f the body, whc houid be adstanilnoteglse.Letthesi aredoff by these inportanlt lorgana ol ilcvre ha hesea ay net are takcer up by the bIood carried to celet 5 roa ! atr hneb top of tlh e1fema!le organ1s and pisntheiu, teJlY. The op mitr is wbat thus srtagrtin p atrain of femaXe caues ely te mid. XVb-Wen cold, cover troble, wtb elbd prfin Hiiand put on the PRI-ATVE prc madle froas bi cv r adlbel. fruits and by theïr rmral action on \elSotCks-r making a Sbowels, kidncys and sirid the system xa hotclefor- a change. MR of poisons, pu ,ify ific bWood, and restore a icitdubdvdei ni xo at thue delicate organs o! generatiosi te new os eI euthaif an incL thiek. Spreaid vie-or and heaibli, O tle 'btteron ose( part, plýace [lbc ouawho &enF ers, should ever be ether hiallou o s ael o witlsout thera. soc. a box-6 for $2,50, oVenl. Cnt cold boiled or bakeCd veal in- at your druggistý's or senit postpaid by &') smell pieces, add a iille xvterai FIUI-A-T[M ES 'n efAWA. gravy if you Con bave lb, :11dJsenson to toslte with sait and pepper. I% f too Ibi, i my Le tbickcsed a i Le xith coveed ittns or astnîns hve I onr asdi- water. Wbecn the biscuit is embroidjeeso! the coat iikdont in te oyes nd Von top. Theatlyer,, colors dos)ucecibLer n ah us rshuclL tredL The ie top.lTyer embroidcry loss, thet thLe utle gai-mjenis very geod sdeeis rMay sot suifer from their lauuidry x rwe eaos-u upo perieces.lutter, in a bot spider and add bread ont The bats of embroîdery are better shap- lucbsisdaiso sie.Wc cd ton lie wec lst casn ad are well Lrexvned, pour'ever lb a casnf te-, emhroïdered like the coats, and trimmdmaos nlsesn.TemoeLutr wîtb Ruoûts of ribLas to match tLe col- bbc better. ored embroideries. Others are luily, Cold Fisj i-o ltan otc wît mey lce dgcl louces uplî- cold flb, rut fisc and ail bouies and bits e by clusters of but ton roses or other cf skis remnovcd, add ose-hall cup sweeb small flowers and xvth the wired friimes creei n d Lbutter. sai and pepper te upos which tbhoy arc mountcd, Lest in- baste. BoRe in tan open top crust1 and bo shepes bliat wil Lest become tbc srmail sprinkle the top with fuse crumbs. Cas- people for whoni thoy are intended. sed clams or cove oysters maRe fine Neiver kinds of bats are mode of de-- Pies, but two crusts should Le uitcd, licateiy intefi satin straw, scoop shap-Ad-and bbc Juice should Le bhickened xith and wibh double brims, separatcd 1Ly fleur Meore il is burned isto the- crusi. pulls of ch-iffes nasd ribLes contrasting JeiiÎCd Pruses-Tbe i' orac c, daýintiIy xith bbe slraw. A tan stnewcînal alue l prun se .uc. wp ei- bruýtsh or a fine pieceof t) new flannel, kengthe strokeCs towards the Cefid o! fb ingers. Ajpply until ail the dirt is.- aperthlen take a cleansit twe andi étal')it tii 1the soa-p is reoved-. Take11'ý1 the glove fromil the haniia and blow Ilt(open t'i the fngrslien bang Il'p)wih itl of Strin)g putPi t Ilug lte Ibuttos- a current o!f air. When d (ry teywllyçii bave regained their eolerl, and wil aise be smooth and soit, To Preserve LamipChnesTer 15 flot the slightest doubttt lmpcim- netys and globes maýy eteperd n such amsra s to ake tem .-s, last fo ongbut îliebueeprca whois first purchased, into a pan o! cold. 'Water. Th'Ien place tleý pan) on the stove and let il stay there until the waterý Lois. Take it off, and leave them in thewater ustil it is perfectly coid. Il iý; astonishing how strong th15 simple method of tempering makes the giak:ïs, and bow much, longer they may be used, If you are îinclined to doubt, try Pn experiment; take two chimneys from the same case, temper one and not thie otiier, and sec wbich serves ils purpose longest. LoRAller Your Clothes.-Never neg- lac[ small rcpairs-a stitch ni lime saves t flot oly inine, but ninetyl Dosir't leti butto1)ns banig by their labt threud,' damn smal1 holes, neyer wear dýirtyo r tub- lec lacýe, brush off mud, and ;,1(bind frn- nd skirts, Fine feaU hers malte lfine bu d s,i but neyer go in for only oubside sho(w.l Yorlingerie, corSest sd sckng should be good, i in. anc ; alway carefully kept in erdler. Aden oito rpettîcoat is better thias a ihaby ui osie, and the smretbot ,1 AZl 1!they are worn clown at the bhcd or in- u3buttons or tidy ljaces,. lBemembe(ra îlep eubor apeaane s lt en an index of a personn's caatr and that one îsý apt to get "nly in onc's character whon haitLs of untidiness arc îsdulged lis. The tidy girl miakes a tidy wifc and n idy mother, and 1b.er influence goes far liRe the ripp1,le th spread in water afier a stone bias becsi thrown in it. SOME DAINTY DISHES. Basanas and oranges peeled and sliced and thoroughly pouiided togethier, adding plcnty of powdeîed SUgar, MaRe D, delîcinus purce to eat with blaneCma1-ýe ceream or custard. To use up cold pototoes, chop ihemn fincly, place a layer lu a pudding dish', season with sait, a libtie macee, and bils of butter, suft some flour over, then put more jotatoes and seosonisgs. \\ en tbïe disîl is full, pour milR oxer, setit inc the ovcîî and bake a nice brows. Ai- loxv hall an hour for tbe beking of this disb. Excellent fried bacon and cabbage is ruade thus. Cut the bacon int rashers,j hout the cabbage,(, and drain it. Fry tlie bacon, and wýhcn cookcd put it, on '7 - -------- t-. . ~- o wtrtrninnu4-tn.~4 rt-M tti flÙ41,S exni- ~tp iD n t: _______________________________________________ IliIile S -ot ag -r ' as ttd b1Ru,-ý itiect-Fluu -inoll.-A lt- a ti e i(, nI iIi aud 'ce iuon ';u "J haeve or. Itb ciarvest t, God. biskî1 ngfl ( du eni God ontrb, uiihi VV 1:sls-fs:$ u ue ui dîistatcu od a-fe u-hl toriusiolu1 ntu tY ouit 10lns- aag Ltics ttn hec Fl, lyo ý ne lte b c viic v î< c - hof o 's"i . in 1d- A e t(nhfle a i and-s i qw b a oe n r e vuiïW e b os pou!d11use-te i., ',t -p noo fis ,,ai nec -iii(iý l!w i rf r p" 1 e --aaî'-. d~~t s-f ~-t-tî ut o" tiu,-X,; i- -Q -- - -su tt it-tt- :tt.ui.tttit t-lc -c--. r - ' --t-s- - - -,on- 4 .--1 mes i - t- ari--s-'ins for a-1ta L.ash to li g1CiapIeSC - -t --,! i t egn (o1y o eil - -i o t e y i ntest one.-tl i -t--- î 5\, atr .-n-,-t- crt- ---ogi fr i e e n u e ir evc a ie'-1-- n iig hteth i ûh ld hs I e slifof s gi n le- ina - m- cIes tthpeulot fa- toe-adcbidone -up-ore binss.teeOn h fltys-otn n-itrio-oe ne rn L- ie ad-srl bc1we~ e --A1-4 l- ' il f- ill' -i"f..!TW-verJMl Gir -t 'what do you gain? Nothing, but ail the anvnoyanoe and extdra, wvork that go with a poor furuace., The ",Su nshýîîzIl "is in nuo iifrmalito Vancouvcr, Danc we have hundreds Af tesliimonlials from :ýploased usera.rs Sold by enterprising dealcrs vywe. Bookiet froc. ST. JOHN-, HÂMILTON.ii I NRVUSD~ILTT ndpr~rted iseases have wrecked 1tho n; 4 sanuaf roicing lives. Treat with sciexitiflephscin __________and nb.entued. Avoid qeuaçles. E. A. ÉidIney, of Toledo, says: &.At thie ageof 51$, 1 iesarneda 1b'ýd habi't and at 19 contracted a s rion.s disease. I treat!d .,ç, th a dozen doctens, hai Spromised ta cxsro m2. They got my nney and I sf111had the disease. I had givea , nhope when a f riend advised mie ta consult Drs. K. & X., wvhe baS cnsed tl.t Without any confidence 1 called on themi, and Dr. Kenýnedy agreed ta cure mtuo ton pay. Alter taklng the New Method TIreatment forsix weeks 1 feit lte a e man. The drains ceased, wormy veine disappeared, nerves grew stror hai topdfallinff out, utlffe becanie clear and my sexuai organs vitalized,. ý was entrely cnted by Dr. Kennedy and recomniend hini £roms the bottonx of miy hemet. We Tircat clnd Cure SyphMSl, Gleet, Varlooccle, Emia"Ioma 'C iredr Dioanseu. CONSUTATIN ERtE. ~OKS REE.Cal or Wri!tE for Question ial f'z ni rauet.N U~ OPY

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