i TEI 1M =-00 onr x... n A- v. ýj erAlna m. I~I Acivance. ea Ouit TowN AND COUXTY FIRST ; T1HE Wouu APTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES & SON, Proprietor o BOWMANV71LLE ONTARJOë, WEDNESWDAY, JULY 1,10.VrOT.Tr, T.IT M-Na> A4JI1) iU *The Biggest I Importers- 0f General Dry Goods, Carpets an d .Linoleums in West Durham, have opened out a vergl big *stock Of Dî'ess GYOodà, Silks, Prinlt,IMuslîno' and Wash Goods of ail kinds. ~1 Mnsand Boys' ready-to-wear. Clothing-Good fitting, well-made and good value. LADIES' CAPES AND Made ùp in the lateSt stylE COATS - Al uew and LACE CURTAINS - Hundreds of pairs - newest designs from- 25e up to $1LOOf per, pair. CARPETS-A big assortmant from the cheapest U7nion u-p to the best All -W001,. also- Tapestry,Brussels, 0rièntal Velvet and Ax-minster. Also a fine stock of Wool and Tapestry Squares. WANTED! Store, Crsn am" fr5) ubunn Ins 08 adies and girl toge a ree tin o enoau . inseet bites. !V '00 hueepr to accept oisigSilver, Glass, Niele aad Ba.F rce for thwakig V 5 ladies ia eaach section to tr OtrCe8ntry Bakiug PI)WLIr, Onl 5 reesamp es for each section. if ou wîll ýaccept "oein for actua-lly nîig"euo F. R.Keik, Drug tore uigtienx fva The Druggist& Optici;an, Phone 49, omnie Conipany, Port Hope, . tEtbihd17 MR. THOS, HOARIS TrAGI-,C DEATH. BODY ARRiVES HEREP-PEOI'L» FROm TOWN AND COUNTRY PAY LAST TRý?iBUiTE 0F RESPECT TO A WORTHY Asttdin tis journal last week, Mr. Thcts tHoar. famillariv known as TH1E SïATLESmAN's 'Wandering Boy," met iris death by accident near Comp- ton, Cal ,. n Nlnday morning July 9th where he had been visiting Mr. Wm. Sandercook and other friends. We had no particialard last week. rrogrthie tirougirtfulness and klLnd- ness of Mr. R., Bruce Williemson of Los Anugeles, C'ali, we have recelved these particulars )f Mr. Hoar's accident 1 death, so acae by tire jury-at thc Mr.Wiiiarsonunder date of July Theiqus was held yesterday at 4 p. m. Tnere was a number of eye wlt- nesses and they aIl told pretty mach thne same story. The reports lu the neswopapers were not correct. Mr. Hoar intenided to corne into Los Angeles from Willow Brook about ten miles south of thi ctyonthe.Long Beach line, a littie tus side of Compton. There 15 sipya priirate road at tis point to the electrie line, There Is a littie store there and Mr Sandercock lives quite near Mr. Hoar was talking to the storekeever wheu he raw a car eoming and started to run ta taire It. There is a double track and he had to cross over boti tracks in order to get on the rlght sideo)f the car. Cars do flot stop at ths poin-'t ecept wirenthey have passeng- ere to allgirt or are fiagged. Tis car was travelling at the rate of 40 to 45 miles aan',our. NMr, lbar evidently rniscalclulated tire speel for if he iadî Liad onie hit second more) time3 he would ba.ve clea-red the car. As it was, the corner of thre car hit hlm lai the back of the hcead and shoulder and tbrew hlma thir'ty or forty feet, killing hlm lnstantly. GREAT SUMMER SALLE. I n Say, Ladies of Durham iCounïty, i XfT ' Tf you reallY Understood the geýnuInenessE X0 N of the bargains offered at the West End House, as indicated in the full pageT OlI advertisement inthis paper, thus week, T rno- Nq r a1 you would lose no time in making.vour wayi to Mr. Mc.Murtry's stores. Read G, T. R. to Toronto; Magnificent the great reductions and vou must find large Steamers f rom 111ror to Niagaila some article .you want Yon ladies Falls. wiIl be sure to want a pair of tiose long bu 'ko vea, siotaied. ar n oge T~e&j P', si 91 goeas, lOW 50 ved r uinar offered le men's, woýmen's, misses' and youths' wearing apparel. Come earîy The 3olliazt and Mot of tho tu, get best choice. ,sn HURRIIH FOR PETERBORO. Thec'Durham Old Boys annouce Uîider the auspices of Sussex Lodge No. 5 S O.E.B.S. Whltby Lodge No. 97, A O.U W,, and, the, 84th Regimeatal 'Band, an excursion wIll be rua to Peterboro from Bowmnlville and inter- mediate Stations,,via- Whitbv, .On Fni. day July 2oth, tuis week. EVerybody cornte. Bring your basket and' enjoy the-day. Train leaves Bowmanville at 7.57'îa.m. Returning leaves Peterboro at 6 80 p.m. Tickets [rom aIl G.T.R. Agents and tie Committee. Fare for the round tnp only $10, Bowman- ville sud Darliagtoni tickets good for two days, JOHN XacKAY COMPANY LIM1TED., SUOoassUL YEÀR's BUSINESS. The new pot and peari baiey milis of the John MacKay, Limited, have done 9001d work durl.ng tire past year and it wili be a pleasuire to our readers to know that the company iras had a miost satisfactory output. Tire annual meeting of tire Company was ield last week and1'8howed a very large turnover of Barle3y and a moet encouraging re- turn financiaily to tire siare hoiders, a another of their populaï annual excur- sions as follows: - Train Faro to Leaves Torontr- ND'alla Trenton 5 ý45âam.$2 35 $2 70 Brighton 602 2 10 26(30 Colborne 6 12 205 2 45 Grafton 623 20L 5 2 S Cobourg 636 2105 2W Port Iope 6 46 1 903 210 Newtovlle 6 58 15 2 00 Newcastle 7 10 1 45 1 90' Bowm'vle 7117 1 30 1 85 Darl[ngton 7 24 1 30 1 85 OeIabwa Jet. 7 35 10 1 .75 Toronto Ar!v 8 45 Children gunder 12 yars haif price, Ail -Niagare Fall iu csts good for two days. Ail Toronto tickets good for two days except from Ne-wtonville to Qah- awa Inclusive. 'Hot and cola waer' tables, etc hae been provided nt tie Fill, Taire along your basket and have a good time with your fMende. Splendid munio on Steamer by speolal Orchestra. i y- A ý-