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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1906, p. 8

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LIOUSNESSAN INDIGESTION* Teetwe 0ailimlents oftenl accompany ecdiother. Wheil bil ets into the stOmach it cause's qnausea. Whpcn linthistti yen get hieated, yen may turia sickç. If yen hurry-say to catch a street rilway crsc againi. Wheti yotn walk quickly, ctlzzi- nesmay oecm you.ý Yon may imagine yoii could relisti fodarl4 i wen it is placed befare yen, be übligeïd te tua awyin dlisgust! Store girls, stenlographiers and women whio Spe1,d a go deal o)f time indoors are particularly prone to biie sn 1wai ndgetinau fndBieans a veritable booni. EXTREI1E CASE YIELDS TO BILEANS. E'Ven exýtreme case fbiliousness and indigesition yield readilytoBea. M P 0Do't think therefore thaithecause up to uow y ou have not foun da cure th at your caseis eyodlte power of Bileaus 1 -s.A.Laverack, of Waklelsy M. 1 ~"Ihad b!iliusness and indigestion very bad. Every day 1 was tormenited with attabcks cf iuausea and retching. Ail iy friends thouiglit I wae al.mosL beyond cuiire and 1 was as yellow as beeswax-,. leadachie continued ucainland then I began te have attack8 of ague and tremabling lits. My tonguewa Lhickly coated, m1Y eyeight dim, a n d aw ays woke in the morn ing with a bt ter taste in my mioth, hi was my state when a neiglibor ad vised meota t ry Bli eanris, saing theoy ha d cured bo th hehrseif and 1 iha nd of 1i ver compl a int and conisipation. , o upyadoydlgh hysohgnt om ood., I perse vered vvith them and ( wi thin a fe w nmon t lis I was qulite retored to healdth. I oe m woderulrecovery entire-ly tu Bilcans, and,, ha eyragai h wvithout a Supplv ias long as I1ir. URÉE SAIMPLE BOX. WIiAT BILEANS CURE. Cntths ut .e pette ilanGo, Troto ~Bileana are aise a certain curefor debility con5tipàtion, piles, anemia, heiadacheic, liver cent stvep te pay ;eturn otae adirecouplinlt. wind spais, belching, bloed impuwrities, lemile ailimen.ts andl irregniuarities, pogtge, nd ýcc ampni9 sud al alintsL. aising eut of impaired igestion and liver disnrdler. 0f ail druggiSts at viibe uet you, 59c, box'or post free fom 'the Bilean GCo, Toronto, u'pon reeeip cof price. 6boxes Satl m n Sp.5 for $2.50. Solutb akFo ae Thtlarge, brick residence in Bo uviIIe contaning reniseven acres of lanii atta Ch- ed. wFeil stocked with over two bun.dred fruiti treeý. Affords a fine view cf Lait Ota'rio. This le a deirable pla.ce for a retired fami'y or 1) la c e cf su iler rrsojrt for a Cty famlly. Appfly o RoxrBEiTEz, lBwmanville, t t $33.01 TOTE PACIFIC COAST. Frem Cicag,;Ia t.3he Cigo and Nor'th Western Rv.- Tickets on sale dailv up teoctebr Mt at above rate to Van7,cover, Vict oria, New Westin iter, B. C,, Tacoma and Seattle, Waâsh , Fort"ad Ore., San Francisco and Los Angele, (Ca., and ther WestlenA points. Correspondingly lew rates from poir',ntei and.Special frighlt ate on hou"csehOld ffeets. Chice of routes are splendid traïiI soeie. o et resevatinsiLustrated iterature and hfurtber partïIenlars write ir o i4reauou3. H. BENNETT, Genlerl Agent, 2Eq ,KIng St., Torûnt1o, Onit38 Rarrie i ~~arriages i il bu weSaiogus uBhwý i % fu of~be 2 seat apmI 3 seat Srreýf ewith xtnsion týopjs and ihavi'ng large, roomyj, widý eats edmade se thaIt the wheis umunder the body, The mtraeused ilu the construction et these ehcear of thebetpl oalo BISSELL EXHIBITION, The iss L- Dlek rrews and Steel Lard ïRollere bave been-' so well adver- tlsed tbroughout Ca'nadian paper 1in the les fewý ht visiter-s to our largeoxiiinlo owr to seeing them evteryyear nas tbe would1 be re- neing aqaitcewithed friende Tfhe TF. E. Bissell Co , vwillhave anl exhiion l:u ,the new 'implîremnt aud prcesa e Pi Manufacturej building at TornteIbs yarand aise inteIm Go mrTo The VairÎ a TOROîN0' Aug. 2 lhti et t Fr-onmBOWMANVILLLE Going Auguet ý'27th t Septenb'er Sîli, oig Âugst 28th, Al tic'kets valid returning unti'l Sep'tember !,!th, 1906, W, WOD, Dpt Aget J, D, 0Oý LDsrc asne AT HYMIENS ALTAR. CARPENTFE-WSIBSTER. day morning Atig. 15, when Miss Mary A.ý deughter otfe-WÀardeu John A.- Webster, wes united in marmiagei witb Mr W. G. Carpenter, B. A, Science Master et the Higb Sehool, BDwrnau- ville. Tho ceremonav was performed b', Bey. 'Wm.Timbemiabe, et Grae Methodiet cburcb, in the presence ot some tblrty invlted gUeste, moetiy lM mediate relatives et the contraeting parties. The bride were e gewn et wbite eut muUui over teffeta, and was asslsted by ber cousin, Mies Rachel Webster, Lansdowne, wbo was ditl attir.cd ini a pale bIne taffete ilk empir2e gn.The 3groom wagseupported ,bv Mr. P.,. e ceetVittorie, 0Ont. Alter partakzing et fre'nhe bride aud groom leftI on 1thie on)oisc tanfor-a t NotuMenreel, Quebec and dlown theSaguny the bride gelng away lnaa navy biet-, et teilor's Suit with bat to match Ona thÉir reatuma tbey il lb up their res idece a Bwmaviîe.Maay presents wemo received,. by the bridec, who lias numüerouo triende tibothlu Î, tewn andi viýclnlty, al -cf whom idin l xein engatulain S.GnnoueJra, *TïipuTÂBS S oin'S Mr, apne' A verv pretty wedding wae celebrat- ed on Wednesday afternoon at the hiome ut Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Corlshi, ïwben Mise Lily, daugbter et Mr. and lMrs G. P. Down ef North Road, Lià on, Devon- sbire, 1Eng, was united iu the holv bonds of matrlmeny te Mr, J. A. E 1mo Moore The eremony- performd by Bey. John Betord la. the pDresence o!1 -out ift.,n'aotýo tair lmAceil the Barley Wanted I*ighest Market Price, wilI be paid for anyquatit ofBarley at Caledonia worker ssavi,-sevei nau a x cutive boards of the cburch and circ-tit. ln polies hbj was a e-taunch Liberal ef t1e old echool. H leaeevS te moura bis loss thr3ee deughters, Mrs John Potter, î' Curries Cossing, Mrs. G. L. Height 'ndMiss Lottle R[ncýh, Weodetock, and ene son, He1nry, of St. Thomes. Theo tunerel wa.s Conductedl by - Bey. J, lR Ieaee eof Oxford Centre, interment lra- i g place, at Curries cemetery, NEWOASTLE Mn, Donald McLeod hbas moved te To'ronto, Mr. T M Gibsen was the- firsi te mar- ket barley Obis season-. Miqss Ethel RattenbjrgCrk, visit- ed et Mr,.-A. ELsorth's. Mr. Thomas Mrtin le suffeing from Inlammation la bis e-y' es, M1iss Filigg-, prof essional nurse, New York, le home on bier bolidays, Miss Oive Cobblodlck lias returned3 t rom visitlng, frlends la Toronto MiÎss Eth>el Lockhart bas returned frein vislting frlends in Woedstock. Mrs. Hearry Jeneso, Bowmenville, bas. been viiting.1 ber sistere the Misse3s Rose. Bey. Mr Brown, p)asto.r of tho Pres. b'ýterian -churc, le e way on bis wed- ding tour. t erouses enCergy, deveiops and stim- ulates nervens 1f e, erouses the courage cf .youtb. lit mekes yen young agein Tbat's wbet Hollister-'s Rocky Moutain Ton will do,. r5 cents, Tea or Teblets. Mrs. Patrick Kenneflek dieu Wejd- nesday xaorning aged 77 vears, The remains were îaterred in Port Hlope. A wean who îs wes.k, nervous and Feeeplese. and Who bas celd bande Dand tedl, cannot tael end act lite a well person. Carter's IrenPýilleequelize the cirultinremeve nervou8nese, and grive trength and eut, Mr. William Lee, Goderlch, vlsited bis sistere, the Misses Lee. Hie niece, MISe Dewar, retaued witbhlm. Eric, the little soni ot Mr, William H. Pearce, w"as taken ieudde-fly Ill with convulsions, but is now muc bobtter. Mise V. A. Davideen, Brig-hton. and MeMwtand twe ciidren, Brock, ville, have beenviitngthir brother M4r. L B. Davdeoný My friend, look here 1 yoru know bow weak and nervous your wifc le, Pand yen knew 1that Carter's Iren Pille will relleve ber, now whv nîDt be faim aboutC it end Prof. Bonbl.riding bis new b'i-, cycle, fe]u off t1he bridge et Bondhead ami smasbed the bicycle and sprained bis Unk1e. 1Ask arny 'JAP that yen ma.yseec, ~'Wyt.b Çzar, with Bear bbln," had to Clin b atree. The Yankq. Gnd biesIbhe Yankeseve he13 They gaveusRockyMeni T. Mrs. Bigham, 'Eoronmto, and dlaugbhtor missc flsîitin2, a tralsnd nursi e t 0- tawa, 111, and Mme Thomn et Toronto, are visting Mme (Dm) McNaughton. A man's vife sbould aiwaye be the seme, especielly te bier husbend, but if ebe3 le weak eand nervous, and uses Car- te' Iron Pill,Iebse cunnot be, for the.v mebe be1r ttteel libo a different person,", se thoy ail say, and theýir husbands sav Myr. lTheum, loweeTerento con- "nt.,iU5 seiye. i-uteva lu , Baby's Own Tablets a isplendid medicine at teething time. My baby was very sick at that time, wae cross restless and bad no appetite. Af ter giVing ber the Tablets there was a mArkedl imprevïe- ment, and in the course eti a f ew ôdays she was net -lke the same chilld. T he Tablets are juet thie medicline te hielp littie on es over thetr igtetin ime. You cen get Babv"s Own Tablets frùm any dru gglet or by vmRiai-at 5 cents a, box by writing- The Dr. Williams' Med- iine Co,, Brockville. Ont. OROI'O. mand Hedges, Toronto, vlelted et T W Jackson's. Mary Tuoker, Toronto, vlelted ber sister, et Mr Jas Hlenry's Eina H{all, Ncwcastle, v1ited beîr grandmeth ri, eMcLeod. WisnDrew, Oebawa, and sîs3ter, vPisled Thos Smitb's James Faîmbaîma, Toronto, vlslted et J A Jrm' MVlrs OC F Awde end son, and Mra F Awde, vstdf,£lendFi la Tyrone. Geerge Boeek, Toroýnto, wasý guee t e Wni Amnistrong'e hem father, IN F Hall Mra Dre, Harmony, bas begen rat lng et Thes Smilh'z Miss Wlt, Provideýns, bas been guest oe îquby Thorton Miss Monnîcer, t bhen, 'ousIn et Rev H y MoCnteer, v-ilted ati the R F; Mentbas retrumned te N07 Ye)rk. EdWilmsn Toronto, and Len Super, Kendal, asiedetMra ssunGüs. Air and Mrs A J Koox aird ÎteUy vlilted ber brother, Obarles Tamblyn, BeemM!lle3 Mr& Mettbewa aud daugbter, Mae, Oriîlile, are vlsltlng ber siletor, Mme R C.Oowan., MIsses Berthe and Delle Doncaster ef Toronto, vislted their grandfather, Thos. Doncaster. .Mm and Mrs E Rutiedge, Salem, vie- Ied et col Steplea' Sedy Levy, bas lreturnea home te the clty. MioseM E Hall and Mme, Hermb Rldge bas -uturned home fom Toronto. Mme,-j G. Jamieson end trlend, MIW Edeean, Toronit,vleîtcd ber elteur,Mre. T. W. Jackson. W. T. Andrne bed hie pamalyzed and breken by a kick fron, a herse-eat Woe. Adams', Bewmanvllle. lie thonghtless- ly iaepped op behlnd the animal arm ilouohedIL. Fred S!tson bais gens e the bci *ty. 'VilnaCornmlh -vleltd frildn in 'Lîlilen Gamsby vîslFed fîleil- ndauPoret PermY. olty. Mme 1M b Travele ialedtiede Mr A F LAtIs le ho'jMday1119 aI Wal seza Beachi,Ger a By. George McLeani, Tomonato, vlslted at Mme MicOomb'e. Ettle Batten la viaîting frlends la Preeton and Toronto. Mme Chnmise Tamnblyn, Beamavîlle,- viatdfiande beme.. Mm 0 A Gwainsby made a busInessý itip te atîee frein lenrle Jebn Wlpt'er, Oshawa, vliel rienda 35-tf. John McKay Limited," Bo-wmanville. -t 2..frnr.nrrnr~r~. E ~ A nap in Overcot- O We have Secuired a, big Ba-trrain in a lot of trý e Samaples of Faîl and Winiter Overcoats. 104 Coi 5 Patene 3ofia pattern. A fulilrainge, of Sizes in Esortrnenit, These- are fuflly asý good a bargain as thc 5Brand we had las"t yea-r and ranige in price from $69G j~take the lot,an we wilI Seli at a big Snap. atRglrpîes ebuh hsea î îc te clear eut t'ne enïtire( lot betoro thle bulk of oum E fatil gosarrive. gYoi. oan u.y Ovoieoots fto0m %S4uving Ut PIohepoi' than. az =70y mor~t Gall bUy them fz SThe overcoats are ail of tlhe latest style andw Ete date in e very particular, -and boeing Samaples aïe 5up te stand the closest inspection. Tc To ive sorne idea of priees,-very sinrC( StlioS& e sold freely last year at $11, we cari diat ECoats like those we sold last year at $135,50,1 sell at $9 50. ECoats lilke those we sold laet year at. $8, ec *at $5. *We have exarnined this lot vo ry closely ai assu!,re our custonr of the wonderful value they E~ Ge our choice, Corne Quick- and SavO S aSrpte m-be r S el eli ~ts av at th e * t, e vo ,in 50.1 VOL- thie re arTe UP re made cotnte t and cari cau seU THEMSeN ee ÎE BOWMANVILLE.I à i i- j 1 -r ri 1 1 1 1 1

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