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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1906, p. 5

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ESoiNe T GIaeWeer àmliû. 1.....il 0a9m.I zxPreea-, 4.40 s..M, ilixPreus - 11 ILoal..-.-....75el7 Mlxd....,.... I 6 .m.I aue.ger - 1 38 P. ut, f~o -6 49 p.M. I Med.. SS 8 .1024" P.M. -TIckete ta -ertain points ýOlId in accordane witb speelal hcllday rates annoncétdInbanothér columia wiM int ho boorer-crýF' trai7jeNsosi 1or Soeo¶'r & Juui-.nAnt An linteresting Card__ -Proposition,- For $1.00 we wîll make for voni one &ozen post cerds wth pietures (6 dîfferent one,-) o! Tour owu. Wo -]end you the camera t#311 you Lee' to teke the pietures (no work for.you, just fai) youa take -y1oun cwi bousýe, ehild, family, or any- thing else sou wish. We .do the deVelopiug and finish on post- cardq for you. Remember, thýese pictumes are your owu private pnopety aud wUIl no t be usmd Ion sale to auy- one else. We wi-'ll'be glad to sehow pampies5 and give iler ex- planation. S>,ttt &SJury, Druggists and Optielanse, Bowmanvilie. The saIJ satisfactory Dnug Sto. T.&here Is N0o Doubt kbout It Yoýur glasses need chanco- ingr wheu you caunot ses ordlnary newspa per pint ait 1,1 luches fram thbe eye, Iu 9 cases ont o! 10 you wïll find that the glasses 'as fýIl aiiprev'ln t beahes, We bave hundmeds o! eus- tomens alil oer Ouitario wearing aur giasses and we wii'L eenflrefund every cent PFid ta us for any -pair iba re nat pemectiy Bat- We wouid like ,ta seli sou n pain ou the same terme. No charge for esrefal ly ,etsiiug y aur sighi witb the besi instruments kuown to profession. Stott &Jury, Gradiuate 0: Detroit Optical College, 17 0" w3etgt BOWMANVILLE, OCT 18, W6,G Miss MoConachle, Toýronto, is visiting frienda bore. Mrs. John Mzlntyre Is Visitinýg rela- tives iu Toronto, Mrs John Davidsoen, Newmarket, 'le visiting Mrs. John J. Mason. Miss Beryi Perey recently vlsited Miss Addie Çbalk, ?Qrt epQ Mrs R. Whiteside, Bradford, is visit- lng her aunt Mrs, A. Buckier. Mrs. M. J. Bates, Toronto, la vlsiting ber brother Mr. Joel MacWaîn. Miss Aberta Biekeil. Toronto, vîsit- ed her father, Mr. W. B. Bickeli. Miss Rosa McNali, Port H1ope, 14 the guest of her sister Mrs. A. Tait. Mr-. Roy MeYurtry, Toronto, bas 'been vlsiting the Misses Stephens.ý Master Horace WaIker; Toronto, is visting h i s grandmother Mrs. S Wright, Mrs, Thos. Bingham suffered a paralytie stroke Monday Oct, 8 and ig very 10w. Mr* Harry Gale, editor ot the Enter- prize. Coiborne, spent Sunda.y with relatives here. Mr. and Mn.ý T, H. Ellenor. Scheuect- ady, N. Y.. are visiting his father Mr. Wm. Elienor., Mrs. Fairbairn o! "Cordachi," Peter-1 boro, bas been visiting ber niece Miss Fairbairu, Elgin St, Dr. and Mr@. J. M. Brimacombe visited hie brother Mr, F. M. Brim- acombe, Kirby, Sunday. Mr. Thos. Puley, Oakwood, le spend- inp Tbanksgivlng bolidays with bis brother Mr. Philip Puley. r. and Mrs. H. W, Ackerman1 Belleville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs J. R. Finkie over Sunday. Pleesed to see Mr, J. H. Cryderman abie to be ont again after an attack of infiammatory rheumatisS. Mn., Lawry Crydermau vislted him mother on Sunday ln Hamilton and fud ber healtb Improving. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sanders and son Harold, shawa. have been visit- ing Mr, Walter J.ý Todgba m. Mr. and Mrs. James Deyman attend- ed the luneral yesterday of the late Thomas G Jackson, Whitby. Miiss Emma Tabb, Rochester, N Y., who 18 recovering niceiy from typhoid lever, is spending a few weeks at home. Mr. John A. Cooper, edîton 0of The Canadiani Magazine for. a number of vears, wlil 1e editor of a new weekiy "The Courier" to be started àhortly ln Toronto. Mr. and Mrs N. S. B. James and son Stuart ani Misses StellA and Fld Mason spent Sunday at Mr. John Run- nals', Welcome1 Mirs. Wm. Edgar was called to Mea- tord owinz to the illniess of ber tather Mr Wm Hfarm, who bas since passed awav. Mrn Wmr. Edgar also attended the funeral. Col. Harry Ward, M. P., and Mrs, Ward, Port Hope, have taken MrqA Buriiand 's bouse, McLaren Streàet, Ot- tawa, ciuring the Session o! the Domin- ion Parliament. Mn. R. Norman Jolliffe, baritone of Toronto, son of Bev. W. J. Jollifl-e, formerly pastor of BowmanvIile Meth- odist church, ls forming a class lu sing- ing at Uxbridge Mrs. Win. Quick will receive at hen home on Elgin Street Friday Oct. 26tb Thaukbgiving Day ticketo ai sijngle fane on G. T. R. froin to day to Monday inclusive. Sehool reports appear on inside pares. Fair vizes payable next Fniday and Saturday. History of Bowmanville appeans on au inside pagfe. 'Pastor's Thauksgiving"l is a good Etory on an I'nsîde page., Handýing- apple e-rop is a capital articule on another page. Mn. H. 1'. Richards and famiiy bave moved from Courtice te Oshawa. The Mason Co,, are showing a very handeorne range et Ladieo' çoato. Accounts passed ai last 'to'wù counl- cil meeting appean on an inside page Obituanies ero-wded out of necent issues by fair uews appear ou an inside page. Horse Industry lu Ontario le a timely article Bead it on an i nside page, larmers. New BOYS' 2 plece suits just ln at The Mason Co's. These are very choice and are not high priced. Coon Coats are eheapen. You eau see a niice assortmnenî at The Mason Co's. See advt. ou iast page. If you want Lil-Y or Hyacintb bulbs cali at Peter Murdocb's. He bas a large assortment annlving thisf week. Cali and see the lateet styles lu Innr garments When you corne te Bowman ville Fair. M. Maý,er, practical furrier. F. C. Fethlck's barber shop will bo closed every Monday afternoon comn- mencing wlth Mayuutii end o! season "'Cost o! Character" 15s an article te nead u-owv that wrong-do&ng Lises ram- pant lu fluaial and political circles. See inside page, Boys, wil You pes read the article "Flanm Poultry .aiîg" ou another page. You eau make fan more imoney wltb poultry than 15 being made. We ealu attention of our réaders 'te the advertisement o! tlkp National Rail- way Training Sebool, o! Minneapolis, Miona., -which will be found iu annother _ouMnu. Dr. W. E. Tilliey. iMiss Ethel Morris and Mrs. T. E. Higginbothamn are del. egates from the Methodiot Snnday School to the Provincial Convention lu Kingeton. Mn. C, A. odelw publisher o! The Keystone, Whithy, bas punchased the Gazette and Chronicle from Mn. S M. Newton w ho now bas the Kings- ton News.- Now la the time to leave youn orden for a Faeu suit at (Jouch, Johnston & Crydenman's, as thoy bave just opened out a big lot of Scotch Tw-ieeds and worsteds. Bowmanviile Rifle Association will boid Its annual match on the Rifle Range on Thauksgiving -Tbursday Octoben 18 at 8 80 a. m. PrIzes amouni to about $100. Bowling is about over for this season Growing lntenest bas been shown in the gaine and efforts are being made to secune langer grounds. Report o! club contests wiil be tud ou an; inside page. Yout are tbnowing away maoney if you buyv overcoats befons yon see ThLe M4ason Co bs speciai punchasie of travel- lers' samplu overcoats. These are being sold ai less than î-egular cast prIes. Stephen J ennings, Oshawa, died Sept. l'B af gastnitis, aged 69 yeans - His f amily bas neceived $2000 fnom the A.0 T.W in wbieh he bas been a mein- ber 25 veans Alilhealtby young men should loin ibis splendid Socety. The Ladies of St. John's Charch wili You eaubi a bacheloDr For 10"e. and an oid mald 5c sat Pothiok's Tobacco, Store and Ba.-ber sbop. If you Want 'Lawn pence,, ses the ideai rouund -[. john's Church grounds put up by Peît(-r Murdoch. M Mayer hi s the latet 'il 1 ail Miats, Braces, Neck tls SitColiars and Gloves, and tý e pnîces are loGw. Darliugton F'anmes-John MaeKay Llmited, WP il -i your baniey. You want oatmeal and Lhoppfed feed, Make an eichange. If ý ou have P a' fui-s that need altening on repalnlng no1w is the trne to bring them ln, beloiecwe get ioo bus1y. 'M. jMayer, furrier. Ready tg wr r çlotlmlf f or muon and ýù3Ë,porfect D'clg and made up iu the latesi styles loît recelved ai Coucb, Jobuston & Ci derman's. Just receive 1 at Coucb, Johuston & Cryderrnau's irect Inom John Cnosslev & Sons several baies o! Tapestry and Veivet Carpets aiso a lot of Tapestry squares. Mnî. J. D. K,3achie, Our former me- Epeeted townn-mnan, treasuren o! the Durham Old Boýys Assocation, Toronto, 'sent to Mn. M A James on Moudav a check for $IL for the Treasuner o! The Home for thie Ag-ed and Ifee to pro- vide a TbankPegiviflg dianen for tie oid people thene, This is a very generous and thoughtfu' act on the part of the Durham Bo ys and Girls residing lu Toronito and ani act iwbich wili be ap- nrsciated by ail Our citiens, as weil as the subjeets o! their benevolence, A THANKFPUL MOTHER. "i thank yo'u '7ith ailiMy beart for 'abat Bmby'e Own Tabletii have donc for My litile girl," Baya Mme. Antoine Charette, jr., o! St. Boniface, Que- -When 1 begen givlnig hon thé TmrblstL abesaeemed to be pinlng away,but ater using lute Iaitabox iabs vas napîdlyt geining, and ehe le nov a fine, fat, helthy littie one, mnd I write you thia as the acknowledgment of a mâother who waIlnover fonget 'abat Baby's Own Tablete have dane for her ohild' Let-ý tors like thie muet brlng hope and corn- fart to ml mothere 'aho bave feebie or aickly chlldnon. Baby',î Own Tablete will cure ail the mpInor ailimente and cen be given jaet me eafely ta a uew hemif baby as ta a veil gnavn child. If you cennot get theee Taes frorn yotin dealer, write The Dr. Wlllimme' Medil- ins Co., BrockvIlle, ont., and gel them ai 25c. a box. ORONO. Mnr. Fred Slison le worklng in Péter- bora. Mn, R. Hookin attendefi thé Mark- hama faim. Mr. William Buckley boughit thé pnize winning LeIceeter mbeep at Blmck- stock faIm,ý Hlerbent Alexander won firai prizé with hie two-ysmrold bore. ati ll-. brook. MNI. Saniuel Alexander and famLnly, 'aho ~ a ovdfruKendal districtt Darlington bave gone ta thé NorIItbh Mnr. Frank Hall bas e éted the H. Thé laie Win. Joeepb Edgertou car- ried a policy lu the San tifs or Canada for $1,00, besidea a $250 Benefic!ary certificats as a moember o! Orono Lodge Mn, Jamne Bungesz a rcelved the gold wateh premines lu the conteut at aur Depanimnental store. Mstbodlst Epwortb Leagns anniver- Bami- Oct. 2letý MÂARYN-Târsc0N-In Bewmanvilie,Coctober 101h, by Rev, Wm. Jo,'Iiffe, Mr. Bfarry Lorne Martyn, and Miss Anié Rowe Tapson, both 'of B3owmanville. MAso-RIN-InGravenhurei. Oct. 15, bY 11ev. H. G. King, Lancelot Libbie Mamou, son of Mr, F. H, Ma8on, BowmÉanvilie, anud Mande N., daughter ofMr. 4. R. King, Gravenhurst. HIooz-Wn.LSON-On Sept. 201th, et the rés idence of the bride's fath2r, Cartwright, Uy Rev. WYm Cooper. Mr. John William Hooei-, and Mis Annie Mabel Wilson. WIIITE-YPLLOWLEE-At the residenlCe Of the bride's parents, 23 Division St, ToroGnto, Oct. 15, by Rev. Jamnes M1urray. B. A.ý B. D, Margareýt Veitch, daug1hter o! Mr. Thomas Yellowlees, anti Meiville P. White, Chicego. LUKE.-KEE'LER-In Oshawa, Octobér lüth, by Rev. C. W. Reynolds, Whitevale, brother. inlawof thé groom., Mr. W Ambrosée Luke, and Mattie Pauhina, second daughtér of Mr. John Keeler, both of Oshawa. JAcKso-Iii Whitby, 0(ct. 14ý, of typhoid fever, Thos. G. Jackson, aged SD yevro. Cox-In Stettiér, A1bérta, Sept, 28, of typhoid fever, Arthlir Cox son of William Cox, form. eriy.of Solina, aged 28 yeara. SAMELL-At Nesfileton Oct. 9th, John Sam.- élis,_In hie 83rd yeer. CLENDrNN-In Whitby, Octobér 4, Wm. Henry Clendenan, eged 7o)years and 10 menthe. PLA6SKTT-In Céder Dais, Octobérâth, George- Plaskitt, egred 59lyéars and 41months.' MÂaIN-In Oshawa, Oetober 7th, Thomes Martin, b insie77th yeer. lovéd twin daughter of thé late 11ev. Géo. Me, Culloch,. aged 10 yers end 6 months. lnterred at Newmarket. MCflUGÂL-TOBownenvlleOct. 14, Em-, me Jane Meicaif, belovéd wifé of Robert mc- 0ougall aged.-,9 yearsý BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. FLoun, f 00Ohebs....... 8200tWo8240 WHAeTÂ, Fait, bush .....0 00 0 75 Sprîng........nG o0 'i O 721 Redi'lfe......0 90"u O8) " Goose . O...0 0 n O065 BARLuY, ebshNo. 1 .0 00" e0 W t' cl ' 2 .0 00"ri0 48 (i fi t8 ...OC- t0 45 ' , uTwo nowed 0 00" 000 OATs, Wilte '9...... 000 0 80 RYE, f'...... 000"le0 60 BUCKWHZAT 't..............O0 0 fi O50 PEAs, Blackeye, P buh.O000 IrO 0 Il Canadian Beauties O0 0 il 075 Fn e P<u rs v SIÜR TO OUR TOWN are respectfully invfted to cl tthe P eial ur Store conducted for nearly hall a Century by MARKUS MAYER, Practical Furrier, to inspect bis new stoc!k o! fashionable Fur S Goods imported for this season's trade, Ladies' and Gents' Fur Coats a choice lot tochoose from. Every thing in fur goods now showing and the 4 prices right. '~Fur Goods Made to Order Pur repairing correctly doue and made over Îf! éê desired. Highest pnice paid for Raw Fur. Cali at the 4 S old srtand, King street, Bowmanvîl,4 Markus iflayer, S Practical' Furrier. !. &wxnanvïie, 4 A: j-L,q,f 1 LOJCAL ÂJD TREttWISE. Chuch rgaietwanitcd. See fadvt, 10,000 BUShels Banlýey waued at cal- edonipa Milîs, omuvU.f -f î.ýou want a cup o! good coffee o Fo3T anCg'al can get it at Peter Murdoch'. N,"ow is your time to ordler Ideal Fence f Petýer Murdoch Is ready to put it up on short notice. Archie Tait wants ail yuur eggs and butter. He pays the hLghest pniccesl 2h cash on goodis. ieo Exchange your banley and oais for 4eînal oo4mcl a4feed -%t CaildnîiàMilis,Fgs n - Bnlnâg lu t our furs for repaliýing befone Cran berres Appies' Oy- the busy seaso n eommeuces M Mayer, 4 1 Baanstesad practical fumerUwS C ISas5CshO and MIN rin h1e ctW'pe jFr ]BOIN Mimerafda cenghtCashîîh c Fo MINZRit-111 SBoWmnvl, OCt heWie f ruce'e and Mn. Fredlcik John Bernés, a seni. <ifred 4 Tbomes Edwin.) 9V FOOTCa-In BoWmaielié',, Oct. 9,, to Mr. and 4 Mrs. J, vine X. Fostér, a son. WILLI-In Bowmanviiie, Oct. i3, ito Mr. and Mms J. A Wiilis, e cenighter. (Greta) FINLrbY-In Ciké, Oct. ioth, te Mr, and Mrs. * A. OI. Finlay.,Pa son.A r h e l i , FÂWan-In Néwcastle, Oct. $th, te Mr. and A c ï ' î Mrs. Johin IFaWkeê'a son. IFI CavintÂN-éarHampton, Ocet. 1l0ti, t 4 The Popular Groceer.Bonail0 Mr. anti MrE. A. Bénson ril mn daugh- 4 CÂTOR-Near Se-lemi, DarIïington, Oct. Srdto car. nais irs. f uller Cator, -a son. C Alhert Eti _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' 1

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