ATEXPENSE 0F 75e., Mylii by lfa lite11,ri1,1a11,001, when lirtstbrmeoouedtra buis headtoiheno"- tom of hies t. Ha'but * îîsfand eryI v ail tue tile(, 1>0ie.caid iv i dr1 Ile sqail, the porwhiietakehai s iiLI. 1 ecoI,ýuld ne bearouhae s iolh iY tuc unid fii a îgh dri lowrdo haeufeln t the poor Held a t treat lmadheei coucus yjc lire ad stis e suba, cead. ieeraedt gît wrse. e eut Ou eiivehouel"ouhd LI AIl Prts )f IThe Art of Goieng Withouit Is Mvost;f Cures arie- carriitiaiiy Valuable to Man, i-nirhcý,arn ,tV I kncw hoxv le ha obosad. Philip- plans iv. 12. St. Paul says lie lias learncd the art o? going witbouî, it ta easy le iota, tilt il Lt bard te lose anti keep ena s spirît. it is easy te lese eues munOy. Lut il is bard for mode 10 order fret te v. all~ grecefully in Lai gain-counter chocs. Old aga comas xxitbout trying, Lut 011cr workiug forty y cars a mon musi hava loarncd how te gixe Up- 10 retire gîccion ly. Tbe secret lrarned by St. Poul Lad Iwo parts. Fb sI, be ieoked on loss as intrincica ly usefrîl. Tba loser gix as up, Lut La gels. Advarsîty bas a value. Totstoy s Peter, îLe ricbest mon n Bussia, lol~rn prsonar 0f ixor, tramaI foi tac tirai tinte hunger and fatigua. but Le leorned more Ibo picasure of ealing xx ban hua gry, cf sleeping citer bard work; lying on îLe Lare ground fo~ îLe first lune, lie saxo îLe sun risc, nnd toek in Le mcaaing cf îLe mli- lîglit W tIlt ils myr ad stars. Eoxarty Lrinrts îLe feeling of îLe pcf- oiory ibeppiuas.s; Lankruptcy ta a great tna'-.bee 0f îLe liigber x alues. W/lien c mon tics petulant wilh convoînscoace lit appreciates loves potence. Vihen b adîtionol opirnons Lucide oî.e disccv- ors Itiet îLe plain lace cf duty Las tliç Ratuies oh ber fother, Ced. Ona naver forge is TuE INEFABLE MO\ EMENT xxbea feeling îLe bond ha bas alw~.'~ Laid slip oxvo~ Le loekrd up, :n~ hlîrougb his mors 50w îLe heax ans ci-c Col îLe assurance 0f persenol iaxrr tality descend upoîtidut Waaltb, hoaltb. faitb sud life Liv' tbeiî~ i evelotions litre Ibe sunxbina, pi. ne i auîo 0f mouatoin, cix or, fower 000 bird. But pox erly, 'buLl, sicknoss acta cuLcuiLelxdfr00 but rîîal~enîcu Crî~tl a, tlovis n oi onpt p ilîl oIr ytbi gbLs sn moe-r e emnt ut evAry oafawsl ,L nieuntotîr. bi o oLt fpul fi 4-ire'q through thýeadic(o-À .Pinkhiam, of L.ynuMs-, wilicil is giveln to siek The pesenYMr. iPInkham l 1iasfor teyfveyears imade a study oýf thle lus ,of her ,sex ; she lias cnutwith, wmnwho tIo-day oýo eno't ol h eat 6teven l ji e oi(er hipftll avice. MisAnni1e E. Scéhwalm, of 36Spa- diaAeTorontoi ntwrts "i lhave'f n -Ly-a,.Pinkhiaiîn's Vg taleCrnonda seiiefrfemnale e- periodsi ichafee ygnrll ael înIl lstsing. I wasont. a wîck 1 vised to use yofuComo 'ud fdor ns and ll)iïn a v ary shot îme Ic ofdae nydelfa prerU'e. omn ape l"dt ygo elhad e)0asr o ing snh asuivronrul emey for affern Thetetîonares wbîch we are con- Etantiy p Élilishngfrrngrteulwmena femate 1 aoness ae n hi promtlyb more precious than gold. Pinkam' j Aber Coe, F~a0 Os ed Siia jLnMitnVilc , D Ear- s W/bite., tigMilton lAvcy on latas 1Erfl1 oncsgiiel; Mo1 n. Jr Ut .holi ln rsi Tns E. BOE'INA J(OiHNlTechr %ANADM %N'PPLEST CL~Bi, jr frego cîy B n1 f 1 fait-oy bbc ppls arivoxxili te ifor aio Ibt ibeyaraBe ils froînBoxman SeboolforPlbIlar Sup I. W/rn Taylr; A l t.Su inS * HE SQUVENIR STEEL RANCE T is iie eiigt c, every houscwifewh Las ever lused oVn.e hpossesses the fui1 CepaCiLy o!a rgb kitchen range, but àt req7uir-es nly hIa!f the rooru. ht is FitAe witzh the famous acrated oven, wchieh 15 so consiructed tliet a flow of pure, heatîed oxygen passes through ià continuallylumen soe range is in h5 Jdeep gre-box holcis Ahe re enaiy over night, ans no alhes can accumulate teoke thC e draf& h5rtescn eremoved without 1Io5cening a -Mngle boi. llznitoLa Molir ez1 41ir 1to -cWir-nipeg Vancousver RIC & 0.,Local Agents,Bwmn