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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1908, p. 2

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af'i fresibsxsitar, season as ut, bDu t, t» et baking irowd, i nid a 'pinch ofe1 ure, wbo !il e wate\"ýlr. ,,ni il p 1ss1be 1p t io ut >~ " '-~ ùba n n an îi [b niohilo ioîî 'ney lî~ OY 'Ci Cii 0U i liii' lx'xx avs il 'it ýe«erIsrequIrcu- fo perle in _tha hmeaîed (enlIsa undar cise of the folowini Vý(il At PIeast six monible' raidence upenad ,eivatiea 0f the laniti n eaeh JeAr fur ibre, A 'hA timeîteatl er iray if-he sa desires, par 1for- t1 ;reqoire 1reeldence dutlee bY living on famn and owned sole!y b y Ihîm, nýt teeqS thai î ty (Ss0i acres 1 tetarilt he vliuty of the homeetead demittowuerslip lu land wtlIlnet eet tht, requlremreut. (3) If the fatiier (Or u¶ueter, If the fatbsr le deceasaedi 0 a huluesteader bias permanent re- s dece on farmlng and ewned sotely by hlmn flot le2s ths.n eig ty [soiiaces tln e'tet, t, thle vilntiY, Of Vt' e 'saead, or upeu s- hoeta nteresi for by hlm lan the viluav sn6bbe-îider MIY perforsn is ewn reï dencclo utes by living 'atth the father tur M ,t !, Cr/. [4] The tarm "ici Iv'lu the two- preced tng3pas Jiapb le deiaed as maanlng 110 mor'e b1ihnaine itlgias airect 1 :1ue, ,elsVe of Otha wtdth ef rossI allancas 'cre dtathe mneas' eeut. [SJlhmesteaider ltteedlng te preerm b Ii, realdeoce iltnscodce ith ibe ab'), ' wh ýMiet tth parenlteor on1f 1ru 1 ' a, 'i o'wued bbý 11mse" i1ll ainiculfy thle gent fu'r the ditrctesnc il titeullos. Six mouu' oie]howlithll n mut ha iveil Ïteeeoemmlstoer cfDoimiiion zi a 'tta-wa, ofiLe_tiGlten,, teLe I'euy 0or the lMinis tc' f htterior. vrtisý,eMent will net te patdfor. 46-iao A DIFFEItENT MING. l"T'isanMr. Iiexlevsuidnt îeally give acdugte lits meins?' sisilishe mn- P, ÎR. j chaum Tarte.V liitcs o i gŽ beaten; two cups et sugar, two teaspeenstý, of vanlla; txo teaspoDns et vinegar. Serve witb ti'esh fruit, wbipped cream. Tbis cake must be baked in a spring cake pan. 1 Sav e Time Makings Pic.-Tiserougilly mix twe cups ef lard wittî six cups et fisur and a litile sait, tisen Put ln a jar, cover tigh.ly. and Set in eaicool place. Vvhen making a pie use for txwo crusis (isedium) ona cuptul et mixtueas moýisten xitis two s'ant tablaspos et xwater. This can be mixed up sorne miorning wvhcîs iseaisn't mucb te do. Driesil Currant Plie.-Some day whlen yoiu wisis a new desse,_rt ry a dried cur- ratpie. Thsis recipe was originaled by a Nwomaa ena e ar v, ieu trcsýh frit w scarce. It prevcied agreat sueess ns is \as se daticieus tit il. -aS als e miany limes afterward. Caret.ully icl os r ansiwash ena Pounîd !otZante, cur- "Life inEvy Dose" "I cannot speak too ighty of Psy chine, for it is the greatest nîadiu'iua I evar used. 1 wes just about «'al l ' wbien I begen the treatnient, and in 3 montiss I wes as watt as evar. It ilaa greet tonie foir weak and run down pao- ple. There iN ne 1f e iaeveîy dose.'" JAS. STOLIKER. abouirt tîs \venderfl a"rptou b t 'l i At at ragis,50 i fieti V l a-vry Mii ioîn; -'ourastoi"' ilictiiueuns 'qiutreick tin, ani baka in a roots whlen axtracted by the use ef pure, ajtri la-reLfined glycerine of preper strength re drl ovPIu for an bour. (whicb is used-instead et ai cobol), w iii tuics Brwn taw.-Take two peunsis almost invariahly cure thoso pecutiar ct beetf skçirtiig ,lnd ceretully triai ott al t weaknesses and maladies Incident to the sýkia, ansi eut ili pieces ecre inchI womea. Thats is wby Dr. Pierce, nearly squar'e. Deieail tisema thicukly forty years ago,çlcided te put up flu a wils iour ani bessn l a itta Ierayd U-e-use f-ormn, IlProtcietton wil flurIw brwn l, lttle ]otwhilahe ha(! touad se usetat I n b, i& biitter lu a try;iag pani. Taise e)ut tbe large practice. mreat, add a tablespeontul of fleur to the f5r. Pierce la frank and open about ft, stir tilt brownad, asisiaeplat et bis raady-preparad madicine, catled Dr. stocck, a bay leet, a ýsmaIl oiin stick Pierce's Favorite Prescri ption-ho tella a'itis cleves, a teaspe'ontuj t Aîtai a ust vhbat is coatained la lt-be says goos saaoniu et appr; tstly dia il net a cure-ail, as it serves only a gýc;od easnin ofpepeý; asL.ý' str i lagleness et urpese, helug for womeai' s lteaspoontul ot vinegar. Cover tise pacutiar weafCnsses and maladies, the saucepan ansi let tise meat simrner slow- ouly medicîneo put up for sale tbrough- 'v titi quite ceoked. N.B.-Ift tissst druggists for the cure et sucb maladies, once bouls ftst il, witl bc speilt. ail t b eingredienits (t whjicb bave tbe au- Currant Cookias. Fait_ a pounsi t idorsement eto adf medical practi- Iku, Fo once etbutertIsee iîucstieners aýnd lwriters, as balIng the very bWha bst kîiowrî eme ies fer tbeailments for o'curralnts, two one tsiale*ib"aoiePecioin savsd egg, hit aIlteasýpeoutul e a~a v Ail thîs vl h o larned t to he reaLdar's >1e, alitieinik abot ee abtspon-full stsfcio y eraaiag albokielt of lioaaneasoitlcnao go i.extracta omild hy Dr. Plerce tromn \taise.-Bb tsa uttr ite ue ioui',standard ituthorities etf the sever-al scbools mix n tse akig pwdar tha 'isitis fetpractice, ,aid whlcb will bha sont fî'e iiix i te l ýdd hete puny ()rêa nrequest for saine, sug9ar, the curats isi is'a cnuo. xaited te Dr. P_ V. Pierca, Buffalo, N. Y. Weat up tfise *eggs itise itti k andi It, stands atone. Dr. Piarca's Favorite sidd te) thse idry iGedit-. Mix toto a Prescription is tbe nt medicine for ::irly stifi 8a1t,1î put lise ixture womau's pecaliar waakuesa and affec- iute e gîcasasi iakiisg-tin or ýfiat square tiens, att the ingradientýs et wblcb are cokelii. lakela mOdratiy seacd rintad upon tbe bottie-'ra ppar ii, t ain cakotin 13S i amo-eraelyhea ed nglish, se that a]l etae lit may ùen frcabouýt twenty-flxe minutas. Cnt know exactly wbat they are using. iii tiga--lîup iocs and drcdge A fartber reasen for tbe unpracedented f xil upr popularity et tise IlFavorite Prescription"I cI"ut 3» Cakes-F7our eggs, 2 ozs. oft r. Pierce for the spacial ûse ot women bui'. l ee.cu tr sua, 2 te 3 oïs Is te ha fo'nin lu he act tb at it coatains cui'esl, 'i cem,4ozs. rica flouirnEot a dm e acob e.Hadoas net hab- -~. ~ ~ 1u e1aa u1p ficial fo)r Itt'ose aiceouspular te ild for othesitwlneda0n Ovni patty pel-02smaill cake _tîins; tL11tiese siiand faitu t triuL <luc ansi üuiig get excted ON ci' a pge elf carfot hall atted, Jais. 13-S. 0. E..... 1. 0. 0. F. Jan. 17-C. O. C. F ... .... . W. O. W ..... .... STANDING. 0 . E. C.o. C. C. O. O. X O. F. F.......... .... W. O. W......... 1. 0. 0. F... ..... 1l .. .'71 5-9 \Vea, Lest. ..1 fi ..1 O ..O O ,.O O ..O 1 ..lj i DIGNITY. Tieseceee as aetibunal in oena 'tr the Seoutberu Staleas. A large attaend- arca au lSýpresent, ansilthe prasi;ngi isigîsra ,h'io aas uaxv te ie si l'en, lest Is tlmper. hui- liîeî'er t an elsi neg'ro in front of bi,"are yeu the dataenat?"' "Ne.,yeur boiser, Iciiit, ' mpisati- saily slcîsios lise nogre. "I it. doue reothîn' to ha callesi ies',like dat.1 Ise gete iawyeiî' nste do e Iefeen- 5115'"i "Taîx iau'se? cs'vseeS Ubou. P.- \1 inoaIgI saas' es parîsen etftise strenglis th lfse twU cu, trias i- pe ofet1tiacruLsaet tbf At- laniie Fleet le lise Pacific. "The X c' Suppiy andsi Is Mnce is ctiiia's and inporlancr' te evai"> e-naet fus. In "Tise Holiow Lansi," Roeotllo',sard nus.seil wýriles efth11e stupens>eus plans of Li[tile toltanfi to dam th4 Zuda1r Zee and luralits he teýcm tale fai'rntands. Tuera ,-is :,as an ailicle on "'Iise Opca, ' by Louts lheasi. Thsefition is parti- cutarly inile 1'cst1ing9, iacluidihîg "The Poo)re' l3uby>,' by W. A. Frisser; "P t- son tsy Ix ails," Isy G-onrgeals \5a5 j iWi ;l11 iI !tS 'ciaiibis, "epyeur eycs o lui, ani doyeur ENGLISHXNIEN'S HE XDIS. In Englansi, as a wiso>atia veag size etf bat requirci by vmou N 7, or neairiy 22 luches in cumtsrence ; tn WXaies, 6 N .tiserxa rae; !, ihe Irhmian iv-mes a 7 tull; wisile th, Scois av- raeis 73',. Thbe King., ti'uiay, es uo'oasize 7 but, Lbut bis siîe-tPpro sent ls 7y,. crippie brings nothing in. You can't afferd to support idie stock. That's why you cani't afford te be v7ithoutM I aksa-wayth pain and stiffness fromn Spra"ins and rie-rw the sorenes ont of tra-CUd MuSpacs an Soft Bnle and Swellings. Used for two genera-tions,, by twe natllzîiS. a o O~pec15, 'W. I"I use !Kendail's Spavin Cure tor a Býoue Spa\ lu of var Sfallding, whlich lias enltireiv curcd ithe llaenesq Ruegreat ly eur ihe swelling. Another bo)ttic of t,1,p2 i dn', lan ur. ,l colrnoleteltue cure." IOADBOa ilOabt t 1-or 0 frS ol bveaar cywirç. Wrvii t e for rC01e novf oa fa:îc~ oc-"TrotiO l'u Bc Ve" u wi fu ne or it ev-ery dy, v DR.B. . KNDAL G., NosmA AL.VRMNUSA

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