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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1908, p. 3

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r 'T hve sedYour Cotsfoote Expec- torani-t 'sdfttiil it atisfactory in rases cf coucoda Or eoughs. 1 have used it ever &c, I got a trial bottie, and luav? cemmndiL te everyone in uneed c-F it. Yený may use sny naine aa- ldrs or tsioil if you wish. Ho0ping il. wiI ba efithers as it haa Co~ boe Expetorantiite grea-t- C. ih a<1 tren cur lut'he Wnrl d S-eia Là T order that-every family nîay prove its unmparallelod merits WC will isnd a- saniple botg3e frrco te every- (:,e who Sends us tlieïr naine and ad- d1ress and mentions this paper. Can be had at all druggists at 25c. Send your naine to-day to Dr. T. A. lcuLtd, Toro t. Send for Frae Sample To-day. LYOUNG TTTY AND THL PE XCOCK. "Tho e -Kd113v ni s _ai Roscîba, as She o uedtisebas iaid let lise lit,- Kin'leme Nov riln liroua nd aOgl acq ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~pr auIbtL u fmmef,l i< ,,uyw uksu b-ils'l teibt.ISeiha bre iOn mIcoe,- liqre A ndbi-î laemu eut niyaI liemmuing up and.i!iciru, up and O--m- friglilful mein-h e whîe amdce f ho hanket uaO ia fwyxVt ier.an is, beght -np agalimsi sonsthig irf bsîmis erhejar! SUe This pieture shows the mnost rece Ou et nic-stni rba ilailmest;which bias been the rage in Europe,t butbor sie w'sagon e fimsolOd, people find diabolo difficuit enougl aE groni Ho' o-i i Comit And toumnamnent aItishe Crystal Palace, ii 301 bor îrageevoylimm h-ekilperformed some amaziug feats on r( Wtsi iuce trcs hos woe nt lReances wcrc particularly sensational ug ni usi hi-y Ihoîn iby oui by. __________________ An i mobima liaI irng spiei- 010crature reDnimg up lise bsn, sîilh jin-s'eu-y sovere louîguago. Tise usugisty UL alaal glteîiug. a great, glýorlo9us. 1cime sal quîetiy aI a distance, amni listP jhn preeni igli in lise air? And musat ened; ammd ihen lue raisei lus tait onice al heautiful roi lopknit il 11001w110w smoemnid b'gý,an lemue e lsurely ocr Kil wIsk ouli liRe le culf Iliat top- lie gmas, sUe rau ohmrod andi sIatii-snod jIcui Ut! Wrmde ci f she nouli. bsrscl lesie bis puils. Tis ~aeek cmepaing up -os'c She Rhept Ibhis, up nil day lg, fail- tU'e gmas, ryqere grass, Kit'. 'm Ig oiscedmbignpe wmns hogiî t ua. e~d1uiand scoldeî, 0asd i rclurnisg le lUee slaily, w !hiUS Ogufeibai ttwsniug, -ay. But a'si imiiR lse por limed-enit lrmse e ide ii bis boeautiftui 1011 peaocch5 mounci a, lis'-oak trc oui ssraying i te ar; but ho liainot ai neul tet'Ooosl. gluî orte w1eihite cal, se quiet- Kt.wnsee iiwslly h ii- wari is royal progrese. Juat it-ius0-0 ns isfi.SU as li u-ecbeilier he gre aceli not see bbc lascinoiing crest non, spe iug Lt lUe tai! Uung i-ownu un )sayed viuibyfcle n ut sise(coulO imet oacîs ipt.iimghy boi ler, ptyoî teefar Up t:tl h,,cold lo rech ki- hec le ieap at ih. She sol and ;ïI. oi ie pearcnk cnl' lumLuîci bis hcught a sîhile, yasvnei. Ioîpoi lier- lica n bt ad gae bîm a'sumui I ef, .,adtIIbeughîl seme niie. Thce- dii lul ock as sUe feli bock UpýoiS -seec hs qcnlcsjs i whe grass. e ieýr rCs ut e ~ î1m~~ ~al sm le.[on the feaoes prche. Ceuld sr ouiagan te pornk eoki dsian-tanil s ivuiig neai-? No3 coueresolO andagin hepecoc 1mke ds ise handoue. Up Iieth mmle sisewn u, fut amsd sîmprsci. ani passaci ber by.' hedorimîr 11111-C whitie mite cof a tiui;ngi Th,,i sn S man aheai once more and wa iing __uutil 1lac 1011 sira3ed tbu-ara' made miumuiler trial. and Ibis tînse sUe - leamtIosgr u hlh.S dm rai bo p-oi 1e cra. i caught-tbbc hall, huit slîe sippc aind TUeebird lsmrc is lauas qu ith - lb ci dîffcul. d une liscie, ,a a irink, and gai-e ais augey mlii u i mutisefadamr3rigen tUe litîle cal, nue o i e ere hlm; unid 1îg'u lesi n sem iiitn thoýn lie scoiiei. lua iîaesh vsieo, us- OeuIitty 3011 neuci- siw. SUe Imauc anîd yowie2d. ouidlime po)or peacock scrornci anmd acreecisci; ammd ail tise lauuily- caine rîîîsmmmg. "0my ieari-luBie Kitilik!-Sii-F TPIIILIP h fal, andbreak lici- ba-'~ckiciR eia IUflhlb M IVIU "lIue,'souli ,esclas lim"r e l lis gardinr, "baud mm'e fhat ioOd-cr ciar b', - Igel arp. lu flfKl '-e ianefetlthe,,arIer uri-insi the and RcjseIla's fathert- houa ~ L JI E ruI te peaudsiernlup te m"sniie [îsstlrvis'inhus, île- iias tl,)ochea y te Uhmmseiiii,f oui ou tUe hhînU1, but Uc Ila ands y&weea Solid Msand cm-in-bd opa themmyandýiro Ise mmccxc Disease Spread Ail Over His Body ~~niaî'?~Ogn eiepliprh -In Four DaYs, the Child was w-hu lhm- ftinL: kitten sivuug oui Eî]irel-y Çre-Ue Srngy1iîsilic. hen he ircsv flic tîr- rîCri 'eaoch te r-Oimn. and pmllimmg R EOM EN S CTIUR hl-c-i Iiiq j,_ aveire lmile cf Kitysýi ks. R E C0 MiME î D S u U IC' R Put Rll t-lla -seld, as stuc- cudbci mand SOAP AND OINT MENT kis-iod b i mouksouammcipet, a0 KîUy Rit 1 Imevs i mw"-3 e-imbUts Cemîspamu- "one day wenotHned tîat ourînsoe I1n. -oynas ml breken eut -with itching sores. We- first ntiec iti on his littie hand(s. Eis Iai-msn werc net as bad ELE the'n,;'sud we didn't thluR auythiug seron wuh rsut.Butthie next day ît o we houard of tise Cutîcura lRcmedies beingf e goumd fou- itching sou-es, etç., that 1 nc thoughit 1 wou1ld gel. thes.' By tbis i-te atmer time tlise disease liad spread ail over is ainnua.I-v ~~bo4y mand lis-hands wcre nothlngbtU ni a sou mes of this itehing disease. 1I cd n -cnt le tthe deug store 'sud purcisasci acimI. 'TI1 a box of Cuticura Soap 'sud eue box cf n-cJil Rime CuieraDalenand that n git 1 ci-viole t, stmippd m- lthoboy and teck tise moî-io oh-e Cuticuva àSoap ani lukewarm -water a.nd jdn washed hm weii. Then 1 du-ed ia nio nl.v with a soljbahi towel, and took tise ielcr Cicura Olulmeut aud rubbed him du ies tic thioro.uglily withis i. ,IduO tisis every çwjjjj tUe eveuiing hefore I put hlm te bed and fin ilirpe or four ulghts lie wals euitirchy cratob'- ou-ci. Yen haýero y permission to ishimsg Cfi puusIis-1 h!ýben auhody w1ho Hsu!.. iîrmsing h 1ered as my bahy di oughÈ,t te know (cf cu tie utcua 1R1,sdis.I -ilsuey cs p an(I giadbc reomedtUe Cuticura Icnmeie, fr tbey -au-e a gieite lr îes11li suffe-ingwith Rin iseans. Ms.Fuauk iiu-it Ponhue 20 Fru~qt S., Kokomo, 1 Ui.8ept. -i1C, 1 ?9 7,-1 Au-d Blackheads Pevnend Cured by Cuticura, GeuiysmartIs fatce ,vitis CuClticuira l r ,tie reU kmCueluÈd net mli Wais ff iseOinmcnin -,ve minues ith utiura ou 'sd bot wate- an coninueto baîtie ace freel fôr ome inute. ee rmmrn- ing 'udan,, g ACehr ims s he aîrai cuti( ura Sapfor bath- Cmi-te Exi i (Jue matsrb Tiaen P In e is et e00) te SOeiy tire ieo o ' ]esieu ac i, rid ouerli-g ÎCe Ouip. SiePrte. iosen Mss ECTRICITY FOR LONDON. timiOîi a;tUtaI lUhe raricous forus ousîmîmrn-ed iii Lonion pour-imite) espUere cf hUal gîgaîsîl o fisn 11, WOM5O tous cfecurîomuim 7,000,00) bjuon 0f suîpîmiirirF e16roýsait'foDr ise Londoîsair isi ,s -n. l'homo is iumox- a projcont 10 lie Pvii b13 o. alOisiing tus- ltrin ge-errains nboiùii, rund intemudc-d te surppiy eic-iricil3- for hium-iah, 1but OtrO lr pur'pesm. lmus deimig aNvii use cf fuel lide lime -cilyý. The -tache is lme c'r,-t. feruusîcecxr Jdriei's r-ti-m (ii-gtC se oed0uiciiîg, umdOfoi-i diirtiedou,lpausiu)g bhfirfue a pOOd cdl "Timere i. 11 oeo fr the pa i,ýýthîî x1a. '-'ibJ ou- --iij "'Ç' )h"ta t le 11ÀubMe uihI îim1T'as) e "Y,11 irdire plIme n cotIser eut bore ? "itstumorie 7 ccnt evolution of diabolo, the game ,and is now invading America. M!ost is generally played.- But in a recent in London, two French contestants roller skates., The child's perform- l, as ho showed u xuch,,proficienacy, LOOK UP. Tiie wýerld's a pîvtty gee d iiworld, lu spite cf ai11 ýou hear 0f achec, and pains, and tiirmoil, And hours dark and drear. S, w hat's, tie use of sighing, And cuinbng Up Our V-Ocs, Or tik]ug cf cur iuiislhop, Tiil evxcrybudy knowxs. JusI bow mucli trouble w.e bhae lied, Hwmany are our lls; How rnuch weYov paid tie dcctcr;, lIcw bitter wcc is puIs., Nor yet hcw much we'ye xxorriod, Or lïw ewuw ciothes wo necd: Or e'en cf ail we've liad le losei EWcausc cf others1 grcod. Ju.st 11f t your <qCs Up Iliier, Away frein grced and woe, l3choid 91i naturýe*s beauty, Whoýrexo,,r ycu may go. List te the birds ia-singing, And note the f],o-xvcrs gay, 0!' wich telitllo chidren S,, happy ai their play. A multitude cf blessiup.s Attend u ls from above, And nature ail about us, Proclaims eur aterslove. Ah, yýs. let's stop our ýsighing, 'TNwerpc lcter far le sirig:- And niraybop t,) 50mebrmthe A -aY cf bOPý, will te ing. FINGER-PRINT SIGNATURES; Fin ger-p rin t i douitific atLionbai bcex- teu4dd1t commercial uses by the Pos- la iîg Bank -of the Philippines ai Mani la. Tis bank has recently, ls.suod a serins of stamp depecsit cerds On vhich are spores for 'stamips of different vlues te bo aflixed. Whoen the depcsitor has 'Slamùps tej the value of oe e pes on the eard if is cxciîanged at thr, bank fer a UdePcsit-Leck shiow ing the amieunt te his credit. Oppe.Yite the huies for tire oxwnrcs signature and address is il 'square ruied off fer the roceptien ef bis thumh-priut; .se that, erril if illiherahe, deposiU rs nîay reodi]y be ideniifiod. 600I1 A geed wai foir a man te miaie a rom- foiable livinýg is to have a rich father. if an acroh)at isn't light en his feeot he i is apt te ligtl(n his head. A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAY Do you appreciato the economny of D)o ye-n kriow th).tit 1ma1w î meaîis a- îe-ebeymî te uise "Leftovers, hup.mesSeus 'sd cais-and eý tea- sofuisail yen neied for a cup of doudious beef ea? 0cr ncw eok book, '>My 1Favorime Recipes," telle how to us Armour's Extrict of eu, Beef the right way. -Sent froc ureuuipi of a mtelcap froni jur of tlsextract. Poiid IC.nd, by 107 AMlI ITIECIPE M"ïlXED OFITEN. Sonie remackale ýsiories are beiug told about lewn rond a ýmcng the c-oun- iry pepie centiing lin cf luis simple home-made mixture curing lieumnatismu and Kidney trouble eren aller the neied beoIlli escrîs failed, 1-ec is tise recipe andr]ý direchL-ens for Iaking. Mrx by sakng ieil lu a boutle one-hiaif oucoluiO Ex- ratDarîdelion, ie u ouc Cemud Kàrgm, [ihee ounce flomeud-yrup Saraprila.TaRe as a c oe eLea- Ne cange neî;ed lie mode luinurusual duel, but drimîk pleoly "of gooâd vater, This mixtuure, sveltes eue authority lu a leading PUhliadeîplba uesrspapor, hos a pecular loufceoffeet upen the kidncys; cmiasing flic clegged-up pores cf flic eli minahivo tissues, forcing the kidneys te 'sifI and sirain frem the blocd the uric acd and cilher peisoneus wasle rimatter, overcemimgc Rheumatism, Blad- dr and Uuinary troubles lu a 'short wbile. A New York druggist wUe lias, had _bundreds of calIs for these ingredients since 1iie fient aunouncementinlu fho ncwspope-rs last Oc lober saalc that- tbe people wý,ho once lry il, "sbvear by iL,» especually those irbo bave lirinary and Klduey trouble and suffer svitis Rheuma- lOss.1 Tlic>druggists lu inbis neighborhood say tbey con supp ly tUe, ingredi- ents,wshsei are eaily ntix ihomo. There is solO to e ho cbotter blocd- cloansiug agent -or system tonie known, end cerlainly noue more b.armless (r simple to use, CARTWBIGZsT S. S. CONVENTION. judgimg Immi he lai e ttuuue ut lme Summday Sbc ovn initheli doJonuary 11. iHo ýiul,,stlu thîs gml ttwork is inc-inlg. Mej.Il. H. Browxî eught ti-e lesson cf lie j, own Sbbtnl a set-y belp- fui manner. ire feutue sare imi cirtanlte'orcoml- ber 1The bokor ssus-ed oui mamde raluable 2 î? etrai erdid net lecture tUe 'las.. Ho akedtliem ques- liens cf Surhil a 1ilarac!Per Ihat tiimy ceuidanswc r. iluIhis îray thle kuer- led ge cf lUe (-Jis n'as Le, and lb-e teachinsc, -f the, lessoýn siere mode cl1eo r. A gomerai discussion fciiowed the lesson. Mis. Davrid Aircmer -of Pi-t Peîry gav e a voc'ai selýeqtion, n lins n'as highly ap- prcciaicd. iThe ctîciîs, cf hlackteck- Anglican, Preshyleuian andiNlethodist- Caesarea, and Ne-shîcicu aise proid musical selectiens. Ber. iR. A. Delve's address cu "TUeý Elissentils cf Te-achumg noas excellent. The essoentiais are,: 1 An appreciationx -ci lise d-ignity of S. S. tcachiug. 2 (lcnsnijoiis.aeneptaucn(-f tUe truiis te l'e taugik 3 Deiuing Run icldge etf the principles c1f temmciug. 4 Cicarmnss o' prsnlto-t rve epaimmi. le persuade. 5 Siimplicîtýy cf language suilahlo e tUe ebtîdhren cof "hUIts subi- mmary mmudaiio 'spher e. 6 Prtparalieon.1 S. H. BhaRe gises len lieues per n-eoil ký. ltme Sunfda 1 Scioci besson, Justice McLarý,u 'ilie-ues, 'aud John XX'mna- niakr ctet er.7 Faitis in Gco and tUe 'schola*,rs. Mes. Feostr a areport of the Pro- vinîcial ounflon hld aIBramupton, ivhicli n as -sympaihetlc and Oacen- ilig lu an unusual degee and gare in- firmuation thot ceuld net lai! ho bhofl svalue tethe camnest Sunday Seco teachier. TUe Round Table Ceuf-ereruco, 100 hy Me. Bîerwnxx-as fulli-cf inlero-st. Aller adjoimeninent cf tUe aflorucoîs ses.sion, î'ofeoshmments noce servedl in lUe basem.ent, cf tUe cdur 'U, and lime hospitalily cf lime Nesii1eten folk non iveil teelcOe with most, saiisfacicory re- suifs. TUe fe]lloîng officcrs w- re elected: Piesident-Dcxii Maiclimi, Nestlcleu. \'ice-President-S. H. Nichci oý,n. Execulivo-Rkosiieni miminsteî-s oud suprineul-'lsof tho s amious S-unday Schcis, egelicin'it J.L. Psre, J. Roi. A. H.Fos, r adess: "TUe' Teaclýirs Tisoro-ugli peeparaf ion cf tUe, Lesaou"-nais ohly pî'cimýed and ceau- la;ine.] much s aluile suggestion. Care- fuitUd -hrs0f ti-," Rible mad cf tUe hllO nmias quimie as riai as ami ducatis o foi-ce as o unis ersity coursýie. BRe. Me. KidOie an address en, "Ibis le toiuteic e-,t ei1 ndlsîrucat.hie in- faint. Prepai atiivo ws agmin îrged - as h limhasts cf siîcness. Il _lie losson is not aufi'mcmiy xiii pre-mîcdh- ho- A nîu ios r'cemhi~hm Lg ii for mu-ii- 1bt L.e- iose agis uu n's 1110 iaIls uie drcîiIi ian~~~~~~~~~ teqn -îrir f"e uit un ci lUe door nlnicir oui f I Beau-i etIlcbti A i auth ~em TurusS fs di'{i-y faraeo1iu UpO~l REVENUES STILL IN"CIIEASF. llei'skamngRailwlay a Moncynmnekier for P'rovince of Ontario. A despatch from Tere)nto says: Fýor sensation ivas c ausýcd on Thuesday ing and Neri[heen Ontario Haiiwaj am-ounted te $5.46,néi thrdishurse- ruenîs te $436. Th[e pevmiehus le lise saj:inei ti f 96.Fr h rece'ipts orhi Tmi migand Nor l- cru OuarloBaii ayWeee 778478 an a balance cüf $192,360. Ilu addition tei this, the coümmisskionlucharge Kofte r(iad celIlected $128.005 in royalties on core pecdueed on peoperties koscO te different w-lieirusw. The total net re1ý enue cffltu read!w-os, tiecfoe, $220,- 385 for icevn moulUs. THE UNEIMPLOYED FLED. IVere Chascd by the Police Ttmroutigim ChicuIgo Strcet$. A despatch from Chicago a:s An ai- tompi c-f the Soeuolists te Lring atout a "maîch cf the uncnriployed(I hrough ther dcwntown 'streets ou Thursday le the City Hall resulted ilu me sharp 'fights wakh ltmepolice, lunxvlich, 111e weuId-be marGhxers were îcuted afLor a rnbeo f mon had beeu clubbed. Dr. Benjamin Riiman, tUe origunator cof the pion telomarch fliroughs the sîrceies, and two- f is-fellowers wcre arrosi- ed' STIK[E ON THEII TYNE. Four Thousand Epl3e Rfuse b Aceept Rdein A despateli fromuN oncsteonT says:'lThe tlireaiene-d strike inlu thehip-r building inustey iu the Tyne district iwecame a fact, on Wednesday wheIn sorme 4,00mon whýo had refuiseid the proposed reducteu in irmieir svages, 010 net eturu te work. Tise em picyes de- clare Ibis reduction is necossary lowlng te thie pese in the industiy. Some ports ou fle ic nrlh-e-ast, ceast aIse arc aff ected. IIAN) AND ARIM ENDANGEBED. Zam-Buk Arrests Bloold Poilson Negret a eut or a 'scratch and il, mav turn tu bioO peisoning., Mr. Josepli Lalîbec tic cf- 34 Artillerie Street, Que- t>ea, might have lest bis lianci and arm but fe)r tho l imely use cf 7Zom,-Buk. le says: "I cul one cof mny -fngers -on a rusty piece cf lini and liod ne 1000 il weid thome,'se serucus, but lu two day;s blocOdpeoisen bchd Qset lu and my liîesbocame terrlbly Oiscciered, and ms' hand and arum sibuileu. I was abarmirc d 1begon using one lînn afier :inüthier but noue relies ed1 me. 1 w as about 10 cousuit, c dector wlren a fri.end adi ised nie te try 74am-Buc. This 1 diii. Zoîcî-Buk bogan by drasring out the inflammation and-iu ene weok thoe soreind bras niccis licaicd. - Sine Ilion I bave had ne healing balm luthe house buit Zam-l}uk. 1I bel seo gratoful f-or my speedy cure tUaI I îinhesittiug- 1,' gise îny testimonial te tise mnit's cf Zamn-Buk.' Zoom-Buk cur-es Cutis, Burns, Chiap- î',,d Hauds, (hallngs. Ccod S.orsl h-ch, tChlhmins, Fozema, Rucning SKores, Sore Tiroat, B3ad Cliest. Ringweorm, lai-les (blind ýor bltediiig,ý), Bcd Legs, lu- flaied Patces. Bbheumat.ism, Neuralgia, Sciohca. Abscisses and ail diseased inJurced and irritholcd conditioons of ilie skmn. 0f ail druggists oun! stores, 50c., Kir post polO uponi recelpt-cf price. lu-oiu 7c-Pin-uR(Co.. ?ýoronto. 50e a box, 6 boxes $2ZOi. ONLY NMODERATE INCREASE. Great Brit-nin XVilI Bîild New Baille- 'sips This Yens', A despateli frem Lenrden sy.Il is pe-oni o U eigya vi lb, noavai estimaltes îaiyforce, s cr- iiid destroy-ers. An seeal 2hun foi' b-htleship constructkion1h îî ha inodyl hand wîii be pospnd lui- UI thie folcwing 3-car. Marconil Service to Opentte lmePolie in February. A despaIn frnmLondon says: Che- m-ýller Maîroui states th.althelc wireless service býetvveen -Loudcn and Menreai LIKE CIV IL, WAR IN IIOSCOMMON.1 LIEUT. BRONE'S, SUICIDE. l 'Ike 200 Constabulary (o Arrest W ell-Known Young NMontreal IMari Tvteîty Mcie. Sisoots Himself. A despatiîsfrein Boyle, Ceuýnty P os- ceiminen, Irelammd,,Soya: A force cf 200 couslabulaey vutoecl , the Ce'g Dis-1 lîMnton Wednesday-an teck iite eus- L)dy "20 menwL o 'arc chirg-(!with mun- laîrlul asýsomnmly and ciel ai itýh bar- )ing inlerlere witU lise mails. TUe laOîri f lUe Keogh and Kuonx Es- laiesiinis ditrithave mfsi1 1o4lnd jt Ibeme rtenants, ai i(,e l- 1er - cosqucntl 'y organized a "ne rouit" c-e <iibinac galnthle landewners. TUei iiltter then seui e ut precesses fer m-ý omit te ibetu- tats, and it iras the mnais beariug iliese documntus 1ha1 si.ere iteleri itU by the mou gatli- ered fi on Wdedy DEATII FROMI IIEAT WAVE. Dt-ought in Melbourne Leav es Disaster in Trait, A despotch from Melbourne, Austra- lia, says: The heat wave tîmat lias Leon centrcmng ocrcVictoria 1cr saemc ime past la- ended, but il lias leIt dL-so-us < cUrets in its trail. V's siush Oires are riging lu many parts, destreying liun- etreds 0f liomc-stead-s andlisreateuing îmany bon-nsUips. The sufferings-4 f bl'sers and catIe have becu iemhi] and tîhe settlem-s bave lest hoaviiy in lIre sto ,ck. Moji-c Ilian 100 deallis from 'sunstroke have hocu repo-rted and tliou- sands <f pemscus arc serieusîy il! frein lise eflect -of tUe beai. '1'q WOOD ALCOHIOL KILLS THBEE. Fcatal Termînalin 1 a Debauch ln Glen - ENven, Sa'skatchesîan. A despalch fr.mm Glen Ewen, Salu., asays: Tliree men aire dead rand a fourlis criliraiiy IlI frem efotscfdrinkiug weod airebel. The viciins tare Daîe Caoney. w-li died ou Wedunesday af- terneeon; Frand Ceency, lus brether. nisc dîic on Tuesday inoruin, 'sud Iîorry Cecu.ey, c noplien, n'lo dicO Monday night. TUe Icurî i mn aL Jas. Gumn., who i s ne-o yet eout of danger. TUe alisUe!w-os laken from a doclors cflice on Saturiay uight., and At is sup- pcosed tlie mon dr-au il -ou Sunday. Adospaicb from Monîreal soya:A ar-usation was causýed on jTbutrsiaey irlicu flicneirsspeciiaI Lieutenantir Il. Gordon Browiw iba eniie jsuicide. R-e was uciicer lie Vlc leria Pilles anid ofdnia ertr 1 0 Lieut.-Col. WUiteUeoid.Liu.Bon Lad bCeon î haîiug oi sokin wil two lelenis. Hopasl<4-acacsulrmr be wassihtin 0usd 1aiRcO utirs. ),]bVdy suspecteiisdaI aytising n'aiis wrontg unt-il a miufflcdîerirabar ceming lrem'ls t rh lo ie to)p- Stcry. Bisfros meieyma- a Oaslisfor tho slalway ou "u)l PBrownc's reem. Tlwsere lieytendLiuv Proîve lyjn n,,is aeu rsoi .sirelclied, shet lu the U'-ad, oui tise reroîvrcu-1ing cies te i-igh ia Fie bideridontly dOinstanill..Lieut. Brow-ne had'ben lu poi rhualtis fýer some lime. Frit Inspectors Ordered te KleJp a Close Wafilh. A doespqmînli reo tbia o-s feuil division cf tUe Depamîmenltcf :Ag, rinîlure lias lssued iistritie)ns il tUe IDminion fruit luspecters tebe ,on tUsi beRi-out for fbise no:aricaon rcei ked fr-uit packages. Tb, cmdec ainticiae a condition lu brade bmouîiabou b mmarket condiions. La-st Ifol! th-e appile nmarket n'as hli,h oud iagoiftr wasanipteO As a cnoune whoie cords noeeught u, rand( fruit go, li ai oiandilrnsee aîray fer future miaî-tiuig. Tisc' e wviilb e a great temptajticu te ieek tis ýoff f0 tUe lient arnagoi tUe ce,- d-e issbeen issucrd fte-,iurJ tUe puteii) le agairnsI hein.g iis4ciby),fine -nsrks. A 'euner eaielima [ill liard fer 1it îUemt efn' etnis, lue marrici lier asfoýr hecteudstà w hy 'sUe ek lih Wb'eî 1wow-c)omou begi eeehrg COmphîmoufs ils the rcrigagl eue ho gel busy. TE XNEW - INSURÂNËACE BILL<- Mr, Fielding iDrops Sections of Frater-nal Insura nce. A de-s.paich frcmn Ottawas says: In the dors. The lenders cftat reryinfle CGi,mns on Tliursday aftern,ýeu Hou, liai order had quitefîaly ackuow. Mi,. Fielding, -on m-otion fer the second ledged J limai thirisytm asudgc c, Aing -cf the insurance hmllf , rîeae n sdratien. XVhulotey had bi sggesti4ol.n, mde t enIe e-anile oevsfrpeetolgte. 'vue as intîoducedl, Ihat illPef1 m-1 ud Porl - ryfutrthyfftta tote al mu a nd Ceu t i loc o - shoul ot1( t u to asiImr milie on ihe- undcr'eslandingthat it iselid sdpermaýnen bsi.Fota reuldho amalte ferfuil diseussiou blnpui'pos4, the SpoeCuthdbe th louse lif it ore bock frcm the surnmoned te mcci tin Jn et u ccmitte.Pr, 1di 143le said thoat yeai' arlIertio usaitecndr ameaog tr important matters the some steps.Olirbde vllîcie biL propo-ýed 1tedcal w-iih tise quesýtion ýruect during lIe yaraudif ced cjf asso-.mnt ýor fraternal insîîranee. bu1-it righl ihaýtt iieli'efmlsliudav lu regard te that urgent represenha. an opportumhy te esltwhîth ai tiens had licu made te the Govera- end in viýew. Hon. Mr.Fhdigte- rnýent. inciuding tho-se cof a deputahion foive proposed to strke remthemca rpsenting ihe great fraterual order sure aillthe clausces daigwt i iË the Iridopeni4cnt Or(dor cf Foreosters. sessment and fra,1ýtrni insrneiwh~l 'Wh'ic oniy 1ha1 body Nas icprescutcd if necessary, m'ght Ie'c Ibo ubjec ru lihe occasion rederred te, ne had ne cf a scond billaai other sin ObbVT y cpr~seUYîw~ t~iii 'nr.Borde n u -eand tisle bill g(,uera1ly be agareedje liy fralornal or- was riead a second lime. GrA-ippe-ir' Influenza, wyce eyu like tA cal it, is mne of the inost wveakening, Scot',.çEmaLonwhich is cod Liver Oi1ad yopop ites in asily edi- gested fri h raetarnt-ule knowin tmedcal-cece. IiS nsueaiy digested thaî t i ins nt the ssemkn e lo anid new fat, ansrenthnigere a-nd mîucles, fi AluablaN for Coub adClds. ALIL DPUGSTS; b0c. AND 8.0 IP ZSTAC; SHED 1673 0F CANADA Head Office aa Tont JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS D-ePosIts nsay bc made or withdrawn !,y eiher of the two 0members ofa h0ll'ehokd q7hÀýs ferin of accotint îis specially suitabie for thosec living in thc country, as elîhermhr £ail attendý to ihc banking whien in town. lit case of death, the moncy rnay be withdxazwn by the survivor without delay or cost. Write or cal! for further particuiars, Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection With ail Branches, 13OWMANVILLE 1BRANi'CY W. J. Jones, Manager fl-ANVCkl AlfSO AT ORONO w -W w -M -0- 0 -IV w w -W _W_ _qw 0--o 14 1

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