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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1908, p. 5

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OnE;01 Asq1;î GOINtS WEST MMII._.î..8 59 a.. M 'press - 4.-M a. Mi *E£pres- 10 10 N 1Local 7 57 h Mied ..~.Si 1p.m. !Paossger-1 36pi ai 8M 4...,.9 55p.m. 7a *Datly. JuRy &LoVELL tOWn Agents IWhen aJury &Loveli test Eyes It lis Done Properly iae.oi;ps our nerves are over- Ynu mayv be irritable,crs and peevish, Yau Ldon'î want te bc but obreow -ion ctan'È help it. Tbhese sîmnptors are elten the Whntenerve of the teoth of a stroDng vior 'sman becomes sensitiva anid fsea ou knaw hew 1V Iaffects hlm; then why tbinlk it Itrang1e 'that the above sxmptons taýhonl - d 1be caused by, the continuons Ovr-tixing and straining cf the delcat an sesitvenerves' of the eye. Il ,;ou sfier from headache or ove-strala, asik us ta test yaur eyes We will (de sa igladly wîthaut charge Jurqy & Lovel, Grad!u9 te cf Cau~ian p tcal Colloge, New Yrk Shoolof Opties, Chicago OpthalmIic Colege. t If OUýE TO PEN "--On Libertv treet ilo 1Ilh, , 1 Nutîrs ryCx3în-r.Apply t,08 C. i~RVNANTED ;v March 1.s l")iýi â~pl t once te ZVIS. Wu McKAY, cornert 07 "-iiand Welington Streets, Bowrnanviile, 5-tf 'W 'ANTE -Youngirl as g-eneral' srant in farniiy of thrëe. Addres Mrs. l. W. EYRE, Alexandria Palace, Qeleen's i'ark avenue, TorontQ. 4-3w -"¶OR SALE-F-RA e1E RESIDENCE r and acre off exc-ellent gardea with about 2cibeartng aïplpe trees, Will be aold at real9 Eagin fyou want ahome on Odeli St. teeC M. A. JAmzs. S' TOCK FOR SALE- liwo workh horts ont year cld colt, aow due te reuew C F tb. 4-tw. Yearling helfers, 3 smil ptgs.b Et île price. ADpiy te W. D. DoWNEY,T oke-,n Front, Darlington, Bowniaiviile _Î_ smal farof ci tt Nth )ofthoSfli tlot 18 je tht SUa ffleeston f the township cf Darltuglton.a '1iere is on the prernises a gond bouse with Bleue etUelar; good baren wth stont basement; fruit trees and srnait fruits for a faenly For furtber particulars. appiy to I. L. 2Rowrs, Hamppo n. 6 ifV .VIOKERS & ALEBATH. t Ba risteýs, Soie-tors N ilarles Public Wi: iAým W. Vicîtaus, 1D G. &i. GALÂAIffb. - (forrnery cf Bowimauvilie)e 77 York St;, Toronto. 1 Tht prattice formeriy earrîed ounlzy Mr.. Gabraith ie Bowrnanvillie aili be coeîined by the new firm. Mr. Galbraith will h e nBow rmianville every Saturday and aise, during tht V eeki f TE rqnîred. 22-t I N 1 ý,ïRA1LE VILLAGE PROP- -I ERY F0OR SALE-Ie tht illage of Brooklil, Ont., cioee fraime ouse, extra wei1 beuit, 9 roems,tVr modern convenituce, bath room, luitt ad elitavater. furnace, gas, bard and soft water p umips beth edboora and eut, geod stosnt founidatiori cernent floors inu ceilars, verandah1s anid cernent walks, Large reomy stable, ca rrtage 1bouse, tee bouse, wvond sheda ana lien honte ail under ene roof. Ont acre ef garden vth ail variettes ef fruit. Preperty rnayhe inspected at any time. Wjll seil at a iow pries. Appiy te ewner, C, J.,P GRASS. BaeOOKLIN, ONT, 4 tf Cashi for Farrn. Produce. I Tha 2 esxndis prepsned o buj ail good fanm praducae, namelsEggH. Butter, PutrDressed Hegs, Beaus, Biling Peas, Dniaîýd Appias, &c. T'ho higisast pnice viiIhaý paid for good, fat well-dnessed sokdrs-pickedaith -winge, foot sudI head au sud undrawa ai tise same oý!Idstand-Temperance l8t, iSouthh OlStandaprd an ,Bowmanville. 4S-21n JAIES IcCONNACIl' ALsiKE, BUED CLOVssUt TIMOTusr. 1 Ai lun tise îarkeh1 ta buy, tise aboe at hbîhesh market value, elîher cleuued â1t comas Iroým lise threshiug Ras, SAMPLES-I trust Fannions aili e c(aroful sud brng true saîples et o.ýdte sy offar. A geod avay te pro- une mýtue samplo is ta open escis sud veybag, take a baud fuli frai aac, wm1x thorongisly sud brng ah licuat Il pouod se as thse dealer ca-i 'judge waa tbe bisuk is like. lith abat e bs 'olioav- ed il aili lirloî save, unploasantness whoni the saod is delivared. 52- 3i. -J. B. MARTYN. Nüw open. ENTER ANY DAY. * Wlnter Term in al oepartmeuts ef the Central Business College, * Toroto. offert splendid ch.-a~j fer apeodîp4g a few months p'leas1 at * yand lpmetably. Tweny- . live teachers. catalegne free, Write fori , ,IlSAW * S Princ!ial;E, R. SHA.Sce tary, Venge &GradSts., * SToronto., BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 29, 1908. The sermonette on an muner page le Carpet Bail League report is on an- o thon page. Miss Helen Bird visited honr aunt Mns Wm Westlaka, Whitby. Cartwright Sunday School convention report iappears on inuer page.- a We lue Ihat litho poem ou another page-" Look Up". Leanit. Mrs Wilson Gerow, Port Perry, has beon visiting triends iu this vieinity. Mrs Stewartý,Bruce, Pont Penny, feu dowustains aud broke two or Vhree ribs, The a auai canvensazione o! Otario Ladies' Collage, Whitby, avili ho hald Friday !,-eh 7 Great divensity of opinion obtains ta garding the mast suitable site for agni. cultural grounds, Bowmanville P O building comes ln ton eiticism in Tarante Sun. See arti- cie on Inner page Dý. Alex. Beith iractuned a boue lu his toeoani by talliug ouniLe.He attendiug te bis practice. Major John W. Odeil, Coh ourg. has beaun e-elected Vice Presicteut cf the Outqnjo ArVillery Association. Colîci, Jehnston & Cryderman are solling ai thein ladies' Astrachan coats aht coit pnice aQ4 a lot et dness gaods aI about hait pnîca, Waather hecume wlintenli.ke agmin lasV week aud good sloighiug' sud skat- ing vene, eojoyed. WinVen's, back ist uew broken. Spning wili ho bore lu2 t tavo months. The Huron Ontario Bailway 15 an eloctnical proposition, sud it ils planned te build a road betavoon Port Penr nysd Owen Sound sud a point on the Lah', buron shore. - Chiot Jarvis avas at 7eoiborne last E woaie whene lha arrested a mati chareedc with shceting with inteut Vo hanm. This aveekho has a herse tub! lun chargei He is a terror Vo hanse.thieves. Mn, Chas Lehmann, laite prôpnieter o! the Bannaett bouse, un the, prolîmîn- ary Investigation l'Ospectinez obtainingI certain monies frani 'Jehn J. GrIffith h avas acquittad, as WV the latter's evid- si once ho voiuutsnily loaned the mouov. John is uow comiartable sud happy with ~ Prof. Allun at tb a Ceuntiles Rame for fi the Aged fi Severai members etfXVbitby Gun Club > visitod the home oi. Mn. W. J. Rayenaft, Brooklu. beeve of Whithy, Tnasday b eveuing Jan 21 sud spenit a pleasant a eveuing Aller Qupper au addrats was Ji presented accompauied bv a eanving f, sat and a hal!=dezan silver kuit-es wltb the good avîshas 0f the c'ub, Among the suecessfui prize-winnars B ,a Lindsay Peultry Show are Messrs. tl S Snowden, jr , ud T. J. Cola, bapia 8, Grova, W. R!. ,Kuight and Lunney & el Varcea, Bowmanville. The show avas prnounc-d a irreat succass. Thora s avaere neanis 800 aunres sud the quaiity gouë. . That popntar LiudEayite, 51r, . g C. Tnaw, avas jndga. fi T'heunamas et 188 ptomiuent batnisters fi have beau added îJ the iist et Klugs CoLnsel. lu Ontario.' Amongst the num. a ber ara: G bHeHpins, Lindsay; BR ,l .Loscümbe. Bowmauvihle; F. D« Moore, hi Lindsay- F, M. Pild, Cobourg; Col, HY A. Ward, M P., Pont hope Soeae fave deiaed the profffored houer ha- causeof itheopromuscuens mannar in wbich avant law o r wilh a political pullt t appeans on the long lisI Ji At s convention bold lu Beavianvihlà:s Thnrsday i b Daviît, M.P.,, was T agati cosen as the standard hesteonflb West Durham Lihera - Cousenva Vives for the ientheemiug Provincial eleehieus. A numb'sr et sddrasses avare delivered.~ The lollowiug afficers avere elected ftonth ensulog i est: bon. presitlauh,G ee Tata, a Blaciestacie, K.C; Pnesi lent, Dr. billion; 9I Vice Pros , 1'. Smith; Secretary, Dr i ýl Bannycastie; Treas., J. MeConnaechie in T The regîjian meeting of Bowamnville M Woman's Instituto was held SaturdayM iu the Cenel Boomi. Mrs.E elan vice Presidetut, oe:upied the chair, A papar ou "Promrirnt Canadian Writ- ~ ers" was 5îvan by Miss lvcraftla ,,The ] deal Rame" uns tory nicely la prasented inl a paper hy Mns» Jas. G. h Riekurd A discussion tollowad on SI 1 Cooking vegetrbles'ý Next meeting 81 Saturdav Feb 29. Good prognailun U preparatien. fil Thes speelal Spring numaber of thea Dry Gonds Review is a speciaiiy fine ! numben centsiniing 246 pages a! reviaws l et the dilferent oranches oi the dry fe gonds man's business, spic.e articles onel up.to-JaVe Voples, illustrations, etc Thecover is iu colon design iand is very attractive, The McLeau Pnblisbing he Company, 10 Front St. E., Toronto, ise eutiiled to muciieredit tan sncb a suparb publication Mn. M. J. Ilutchisan et il this tovu ils un assaciate editrîr. Tise Ancieut Orden o! Foresters, Court Pride a! Otario, No 6000 aili have an open aaetlng lu thiai Rail this (Weda uesda.y) evoning at 8 p.m. Mrs. A. H Riggs, Tonante, High Chiai Companion of the FoPrest, wili sddresea the retetine' Ail aelcoma. Lýade frai 16 ý aars ai ago suad upavards sud aVisons are re qnestad ta ho present if possible. Mayor Spry will prasida. Tise oeaoiug aithe Cirelo aili ho uexh Friday evening Jan. Sîsi No carpet hall pracîcea on Wed- uasday or Friday nights. Mrs John W Alexander (iorîenly o.' Boavianville) received Tuasday sitar- noon for the firsI lima lunlthe heauîitui sud spacious haute lu on Cihosinut Park Read, necantiy hought, sud whleh bas beau turuisbed thraugisoîit avilis Snb exqnisite aste 'Mrs. Alex. ander, aearing s bIne sud whiite sîlk gown avith rosi lace sud diamoud ornamauts, neeeivAd lu tise dnawiug- neami which aas decerated awitis Ameican Beauties, Roman hyaeinths sud jouquils, the fragrance ai whicis avas meat naticeshie on antering Vise roai. Tisemauy s4sitors paqsed on te Vise isadsome dining-rooî aviera Mrs. -David Alexander dispensed tV% . mia polis had tabla with centra oI Cluny lace sud mauv euh glass sud iliver vases filled witb Ricismend rose tand isyscinths tise same loveiy flowens dacerating tise' wholo rocia Mrs. John W. Alexander aili reeeiva on tise first Tuasday lu tisa mentishiroughout tise seasan - Toronto Mail. Be4rs tise ltKilil VsU aveAIays BOUghl 1 mest intareîting sujd successini meat. ings. Mn. Poley bas doue theuîeSt-of the Saeretanî 's avarie ton tisis convention as Rey. A, W. Ceeue, tise Inot elocted secretary is uow residing in CagamY, position itih houer te iimseîî, th Aqscciahlen and lise halva ho noprasents. It is douhîfîsl il auy town in Canada eau hoast of an up-to-date Opticîsi Parion se avoîl eqnippod as Viat aviicis Jury & Laveli place ah tise service oI aur ciizens --nî. Jury bas made th,& epical profession oeeofI is special studios fer many years sud 1er tismea vears lu succession haoavas elecled President ai tisa Dominion Association oi Opticiaus. Mný Loveil is also a grad- uateofaIeeoe the hast Optical Collages o! tisa country suid ail custemers tins have thse banafit af tisa coîbiucd ex. oaianeeet ofheçe have upticians sud their opical noon is pnriate'aud is fllled ailis tise hast and îost expansive in. struments know iio t'ilpra--iessiei. THURISDAY, JAN. BO0-Auctien sale of barn on' lot '30. in tise ist concession of Dunlunghou, tue-pnopanhy o!- Fred Plintoif. Oua barns lIlyU, 16 ft po 4s, suBd au extension 21x36. Tisane are 7 hentslIn trame, ail in gacd condition. Ternis, cash ,an negohiabie note. JAMES BIsssor, auchioneen. 4-1w4ý Sa9le POSTPONED ho Wednesday l'eh 5- Tise administraten of tis easiate o! tise ist James Pye aili soiaitahbis laVe residence Enniskillen, aliltise isaute- halO furnihune sud !unnisiings. Aise fraie hanse sud lot, buggy sud cutter, neanlv now. For tons sud panticulars seo bills. Slal 'cloek, L. A. W. TOLE,, auctioneer. Wa.nted 1000 - New Subscr'iersz Fresh Oysters daliy at Tait's. Miss Aura Caldwiell has been visitini relatives lu Foterboro, bear Mrs A H Rig gs in the Forosters Rail this (Wednesday) ovening. Miss Annie Crydermao, is visitine Mrs. (Rey.) M. E, Wilson. Dunsferd Aunuai meeting af Publie Lihrar3 Board avili be beid Frlday night at 8 p.m Caîl and seeOur workinz boots. W- can Save rau maoy. Raid & Pearu, Tea-We pride ourêeives in tht blending et tous, R ave yen tried nis Tait, Den'V fail te, eal aI -Reid & Pearn't sisce store and inspeet their stacie, ît will pay yen. The Mlisses Rose, Newcastle, necentlv visited their sieter Mrs. Harry Jonoss", King St. East. Big discount sale of ladies'claîth Gi and funs ef ail kinds at Ceuch, Johustoný & Crydormsn 's. Mn. John 'T. 'freavin had his loftV thumb badly crushad Iu a machine ýt the Organ factory~ Mouday. Mn. Xci, Luxton, Prespo t St, hlas a feaie e! 8 chicen hutehed in Januan, y- protty early for this climate, If yont system nods tening up. taito Millor's Compound lInon Pilis. R. M Mitchell ý& Ce,, Bowmianvi-lle. Mný John W. MeLaugiin, Beeve af Darliugteu, sud wiie, Haydon, avere roceut guosts o! Reeve aud Mrg W. S, Givan, Milibrook,. We always lue te 7refer aur readers ta jury & Lavall's advertising. IV is truthful, practical, sud consistent, See let columu on this page. Rev. C. B. .iafiarf, Wttliard Station, and Mn. S. R. Jeffery, Toronto, have beau visiting their brother Mn. Fred Joffery who coutinues quite ill. The anual meeting o! Bewmanville ~pIl n Club avili ha held lu t he Coun- etîWBoiom Tnesday, Feb lInO at 7.30 pým. % large attoudance, is reqnostad as usineiss etgreat importance Is te ha trausacted. Mn. S. Hays, photograeher, bas finish. ed a fine group photo cf the vîcterieus Park Nina Basa Bail Team. The boys al look verv naturai Seaeuoe lu tha studio wiudow, Couch, Jotinsion & Cryderman are elling off thetin Lacies' cioth eoats'tt rom 25 Io 38è pen cent discontsud uns e! ail kinds aud men's evercoats ut gneatiy reduced prices. The Censervatives ai West Norththum- berlaud have chesen Mn. C A, Munsan, as their candidate fer the Dominion House an d Mr. -J. D. Beggs, Cobourg,, fr the Lezisiative Assemhly. Mn. Thomas Shanlece sud son Charles f Escanaha, Mich., sud Mrs, William B, Tapsen, Bewmanvila, are guasts et thain sister, Mrs Wm. R Thonipson, 378 Stewart street, -Peterboro ExOamin- 0r. Miss Floresnce Gibhamd, Napanea.- .tudeont Gi Toronto Univensit-, was cnest o!fMiss Mary Crn derman aver tha -ee-en. '_ss Gihhard has mauy îionds hare who anealaways gîsO te ha !vened wiVh han cheery presence. It will ha an item e!fnoava te Cornish in Devonshire people lun Canada te ýarn that Rey Canon Thruýno, Kilk e ampton, avas laid te test in thae hurcb. ard by the chureh lu whieh ta miinisý- snaed weil-nigh hallsa Century on Jan 10. Durhamn boys cerne ns'îurally te Ina ;p like the big applos in s atai lMn lames MeLean, cf Taronte Univarsit,, su of Mn J ames MeLean, Port Hope, a.s beau elecîod Ilet Vice Presakeot of oronio e ~dical AthIetie Association y188 voeoven the next man.-Guile. n1s, J. J. Masou and Mns. P. A q&ddy are attaudisig the tuneral of Iraiti aunt Mrs Miary Cawkan Richmond Vt Hamilton. Deceased avas, a native 5, Plymo th, Englano, and hart resided U Hlamilton for 48 sesus, She avas a tomber of the chureis of England. wo sens, John, ai Winnipeg', sud Vtilliam, et Detroit, and oeedaughten, Misst Lîlie, survive honr 1V seanis almost impossible at Vh10 ýme o! the ' ar set stir up much euthus lam in the r4etailÀ traëla, but ou Saturday îst thiprP Wavs Ralot ofixciieînfent caused ïThe Maou Cothiîîg Ce offering for aturday oul'y their negular $1,25 and 1.600 sl'imts fer 65c er 2 for 8U2~5 aud taein 50c ies for 19e. A mambon o! the frnfmie us,'that they sold moto zà,rVs on Saturday than they had lu tav- îontbs proviens.' Thay a e again on-e [g ton Saturday oniy anothaer ,nup- sein regniar 50c Faney Cashmere 1u, fo 29e and thoir regulan 50c Suspenidaý nrs Ion 29e. Ourbearîlest congratulations aie ex- tndata Mn. Fred -R Foley who was lteted Presidant of the Bay et Quinte Epw enVh Leagua convention whieb helci s hiaunial session et Lindsay last week. The papers lu that town report Wl1tlliti lbewlteiliug ye; Sho cannot heast a loti sud mien That lavish waeaiths ath hnaught lier But, Ah, she bath mucis lauren ehanîs Tise Farrmer's peonlees daugisten. Tise ietegolàg is a versa 'of a very -ica poea that appeans on the îsh page (i THE STATESMA ai JRIn. 801,11868. Au item ou the 151 page sVates that hsihhn is e eny Ward Beech- 1 nl's, eiurch renteA ton $49.560. Au edihoial in this issue ou non- [enfî)enamAnt ()f the Temnn,..nin Actio 1864 asks, is Daington I7wnsiipta nuled by a few liquer sellons sud thiai allies or ailI these who nealiy are tam- perance men stand trua ta tise pinciples sud bathîe ýyet againntiste ight? Theî fActworks n-VOl waviserain h-ve hsý coàurage ho de Vhiaitduiy. A lecture ha' Fatisor Chiuiquy realizetU $59 GO fon bis Kaneea mission. - A papular anhertainen e! these Osys,i W. H. Wallaek, acter and singer, aas billed Ion Bowaîsvilie Mn. Boht. H. Svlvester, sounfbet Sylvester, Esq., Enuiskillen, avas pres- ouad ailis a handsome savrd us a manie ai appeiatiou et bis services as dOnl instructen te Cartwright Volunteer le- f antnvy Ca A despuicin ltViis paper givos pan- ticulars ofa diabolicai outrage ut Allen, nean ,Brampton. A mnuinudelirium tramons avas lying ou tisa flGor lu Alex- auder's Inn lu frent et a tirepluce i Soie Young ian laid shavings round' hus body and h-3 washurnued tc, deatis1 SMTI-MO' AÜGEuI-Vlarried attise resideuca ùfth ie brîde's faîber, Jan. 23.1 1869, by Rev. John Smnitis, James Smihs and Mary Jane eunly dàughter ef John.ýj MeLatughlin, Esq., Tyrene, ail of Dan liIufton.', CDied-PER-In Baavmauviie. jan. 26, 1868, oi paralysis. tMary Louisai IBlanchardi roet cf tise laVe Calvin Pier,. Picton, agod 69 yeans.1 Died, lu Bowaîsville, Jan. 126, Busscili Claire, only cisild ai F. W.Raefe aged 4 yaars, S mon tihs Di ed, lu Bowvianylile, jan, 27, Johin Lewis, auly sofetMnr.Willýim Tspson, aged 1 year, 10 îonhbs, BRWuOaV, eavsbip Clark o! Dur- liugton, advertls(jd auctio"n sale o! iraucisieofi heugates on Scge- oad LWiseo ere tise gaVes located-Ea. C.,. BRODIE-MACOMUTRTY-At theresideuce of tht brIde's brother Fred ýk Maoaurtry, Winn- ipeg. Jan Ilth, by 14ey W. L. Scoit, oncle of tht bride, Thomas Brodie and Margaret J. Mvacmurtry. fFLETCHER -Tno Bevian-aille, January 281, Burne Adeline, infant daugtber of Mr. aud Mrs, A. tUerijsrt- tcter. t.get 4 aveelsb-d7tays5. -WýILnUR,--Ie larintgn, Jan. 21s-, Mahel Bryant. beloved wite et Clark T Wibur, agcd 32 years DÂVînSON-Tt Gederioh, Januamy Ltth, Mrs. Davidson, motimar of Mm. Hugh Davidseu ot tha 111gb Sohool Newcastle, te ber lîrd year. Jan. 201h, James Outteil, ln bis 54th year. ý,N 5 - .-of MIîr. S. tJutttll, proprietor et The Newe0mne BAKÈ7ER-Te Solina, Jait. 2-î, Margaret Brown, relict cf the lette William Baker, aged 68 years., M!cîvoît-In Bowmîsnville. Jan. 27th, ait tht residance of James Smith, Miss Agues SIcîvor. agedS8eyears. Funeral te-day îWednesdiay) at 2 P. Mn. iBosr-At Winnipeg, Man., Jan. iSth, lu. faut son of SMr, and Mrs. Ewart G. Beamlsh. BÂ8IRETT-Ir1 Sletreal, Jau.26th,after a shert tllness, Frederie W., BarraIt of Torouto, brother et Harold Barraît, Port Hope RecEmorN)-At 488 Yerk St., HTamilton, Jan. 2.Mary Cawker, melurt off tht latte Alfred Rtichmond in ber 75th year. Sister ef Mrs. 8 Wright and Mr. 0, M. Cawker, Bowmanvilte BOWMAI~1VIL I ARKE l08. FLOrUP, e100 PLS......i12 O 83 10 WaEAi, Faîl, bush,. el <1' 1 10 et Spnîne' ..... a00, tuO95 el Red ite ....0 00"le1 15 et Goose ....0 00 il0 85 SARtLzy., ~bush, Neo. 1 .. . O 00 0 O70 OÂTs, white e ......0 483' O45 RYE, -* i ......000"fi0 77 BIUCOWHEAT'U'. .... el0'i0O60, P sBiaekeye, P bush.. O 0't WG le CanadisuBatisOGO"O8 n Sali 't 6"0 7,51 SiBie ' l ,0 751 TîrovvSass.........2 0 3 00O B u 'R a al, r ! r" lb. rîI O 0" 23 EoosGde ..........0 0" 25 RÂAY, - o......15OO' 18 00 Ja nuary SokTaigSle. 1,$ 4Ç~ 4f~ 1We are busy st'.ek-taking this montis, and find that lu soea linos wa are overstocked. We uaed tise space for' our spring importations and for Jauu-ary, avili sali ut prîcas that, wili tempt tise buyer. Thesa prices avilI interest you - 15 teasesos, 40 pleae; fine Frenchs China, neat avreatis decoration, would ha icap at,$5,OQ, selling for $3.50. 6 tes sets, 44 place,ýý porcelain China, batflfoa decorations lu tavo colors, regular prica t.IO for $ 0 4 tes sets, 44 piaca, Ribbon sud, Rose patteru n-blr and gold sud green su gold, regular ?3,50 for $2.75. 10 dinuer Sets, 97 place, four decorations, gold hne and iluiunlated, regulur $10.00, 1.00, 12.00 for $7 andfi 8 l ' dinner set, 97 plece, regular $10.00 for $6.00. ~=Ofier to New Suberibers Oflly. Farrn heip is dear. Hîred in are scarce-rel od anes, Servanàt girls are searcer, Demand far exceeds the Éupply. Farm machinery is exponsive-but 1V must be boug'ht Fewer men means mare machiines. Farrning is more expensive. Fanm proaduce must sall i hlher. Ronce town and city peoplo find liýving more costly. Vears ago eggs were 8cenits adozan-uaw 25e Butter was 12- cents-naw 25 to 35e Milk was 3 cents a quart-now 8 cents, Potatees ware 15 cents-now 40 cents. t O0ts were 20 eents-now 40 cents Town labor was 81 a day- now $t 50 te $2, With increased e&st of livin g cost cf laborl must inerease - Il eest of laber g'oes higher, the preduet of labor must rise lu- pricestee. What is mare natural ? The December "Western Puibllshier"l--a nelwspaper trade f urnal-gives the namnes of maore tlan 80 weekly newspapers wiieh have adyancled their yearly price frcm $100 ta 81 25 or 1 1, '01-more te the latter figure-because cf the rise lu ceet of prniat paper, labar and ether office exponses. Enougli has been sald te cenvince a reasotiable man that conditions have changed and the price oI newspapers must advance. We are not geing te advaceo the price cf THE STATESMAIN this year but in the face of higher wages, rise lu prîce of whitepaper7, typo and lnk, cost of living in tewn, we offer van three dollýar papers for $1.50., This. aller: is made te yen because we want yen taread TUE STATESMAIIthîs rear. IV is a botter local nows- paper than ever before. IV cests twice as much ta turn it eut as it did 80 years ago. Yen will undorstand fram this that we are vert esit-eus of fhavlng yen as a, membor of THE STATESMAN Famuily when we aller you two, dollar papers along wilh TE STATESMAN ail for, eniy ana dollar and a half Na othcr newspaper publisher ln Canada is now or ever did make such a generaus aller. Here 18 our aller ta yen, gaad fer ie days-so be quicie te serA in your erder if -veu accopt aur1 great bargain lu papers-you mail us $1.50 in the envelope enclased lu this paper inside cf ten days and we wili send The 8 papers ta yaur ewn address or taany etheraddress araddres- ses yeni may name in Canada or Great Bî'italn, but net ln United States. The three papers wewill send yen for one wbele year -are. (1> TEiE STATESMAN, (2) THE WEEKLY GLOBE AND CANADA FAR- xîER and Illustrated Magazine Supplement, (8) THE HOMnIJOURNALS CanaO a's Best Home Y4agazine-it should be taken lu evervy berne where a worn lives. tOlr yen may hav eTitu FARMING WoRLD or THEVE ERaN' Ho-Nin NMONTELY Înstead cf either THE GLOBE or TE OURNAL if preferred . That means tbat yen, have TEE STATEffMAN an d any tw0o!o the papers named aboaefer one siear for $1.50. me A., James & Son Eoa. mauville. Ernest Hall, the vaung man, 18 verNotices O rt s 25 cetMrigs old', wba hired a herse froni Glevýer s 50 Cent" Deathis, 50 cents, each in- livery and aubIner Itema H Edl,1Ott. is0rtfen. Wlien faneral oardgare rinted at tht. dffice. InsertIon frees Rampton, and loft them ut Bani-eton and Manilla respectively came up bpe vra<PA7SCOE, At Enfieid , Souday Jan. 12, te Mr. Magistrate llerseY yesterday, pleadeci and irs L O Paea ugtr guilîv and was sent te Cantral Prisonn$aoe agtr fer 2 nonth atha"dt .î~ H - NIGH TeCedair Daie, Jan. lSth, te Mr. for i monhs ithtrd Sl rs, Paliaer Im.îight. acon. adueated ut Eton aud 0Oxforid and d IHoLMEs-In Oshawa., Jan. lth, the avife of longs Vo an aristocratie family (in Eng-j Norman Tioliies, a daughter., land. IMAPLow-Tn Oshawa, Jan. lîrd, the avite off Albert Marlew, of a son, AanRut-lii Oshawa, Jan, lSth, thteavife ef 0. I Adrus. of a son. HOr.LAuN-In Oshawa, Jan. 17th, tht Wife of - James Holiand, ef a daughier, BOWVAN VILLE 40 YEARS AGO. HAîus-Te Oshawa, Jai. 114hlim te avEceo W. H. Harris, et a daughter. MANUFE-IC EaSt Whitby, Jan. 22, tht asife PROM TEfs STATESMAN JAN. 30, 1868. of Rlarry Manuel, et a danghter. TuEFARFR' DAGIIER. TaEesLi'COCK-At Grace Hispitai, Toronto TnEFAnmaIs AuGHEP. Jan. 23rd, te Mr, and SIrs, Fred, W. Trebilcock, She may net lu the mazy dane asn WlTth jewoiled maidens vi4; DXit NOn Jnî 24t5. at the, Parsonage, Tain. She may net smile On cûurtlY swain worth, te the Rev, and Mra, S. F. Pixon, s son, n. m,,..tn~î -(Allie Eugene). Allavell. niaUUWWWWWM Wa WWS au t WWWa.WMWW5WaWW «ROWWUE EHW ERREZ" yW.. THE ROYAL AKOF CANADA-J%'ý-' CAPITAL PAIO UP $3,900, 000,'00 RSEVM ,l0 QUO HEAD OEPICE: IIONTREAL. DItECTORS: Tnomas E, Kenny, Esq., President. H> S- Hait. Esq, V!eq.pre-qi Thomas IUtchîe. Esq, ' E. L Pease, Esq0. EH. G. l3auid. îLsq. Hoa. David Mackeell Itiq. D) K Effiatt, Fq. F W I'bom'pson, Esq Jas- fedmond, E8q, Wilev Smith, Ef q. G. R Crewe, Esq. W RH. Thorne, Esq. 3îR dson L, Pease, GBerai Manager. C. E, -Zeni fj W. B. Torrance, Supt. cf hbranches. F. J. Shermîr IMM., E1ghty-fvý braiicb6in lCanadat, nine n11 l St. John's, -Newfound!and, and SanJ in lNew York,. Cerrespondeuits îl-raughoe Ma- .............ll ... aaaWaWWaWWWaWWWWWWWW.WW WW......MWWp .rn...W n t,,,,, 115 allie, * I WWîî4 ~yilia J ~t lIIlt~ - aille ~ 'liii' Am. GnerAlAlail icrs branches linCba banc.ed : JuarnPorto RiclAm 'c )ut the werld. dh nager Bowm-nnvllle Braneh H .................. ------------ W WW EW WW ,I.S WU M.W I I~UI~II1t; IIIIïI UIILI Haviug duriug tisa past ten pears experienced the avil resuits o! the Credit System, and tuily reaiizing tise inijustice Vo tise Cash Buyer ln a niixed Cash and Credit business, tise cash buyer isav. ing to psy tise extra profit, tisa credit, marchant is compelled toecharge on his geods te cever lossas on bad-debts, book- kaeping, stationery, postage, and many other axpe nses Incidentai Vo tise Credit Systeru, sud ,afler canefully sud tisoroughly considairg tise subjeet in its varions phases, sud proving conciusiveiy 1115V undor the Ca0s1T ysLem we can sali our goods at a profit o! irom 5% te 10'/, less tisan formenly under 'tisa Credit. System sud eonfidently relying on our iniends and tisa luying pubi5c toeon.. dorse our effort Vo givea tisas U leaper Goods sud believing they avili tisoroughiy app.reciate tisat we Cati and Wîll do se, we have decided on and after February lst, 1908, Vo sali for cash ouly sud ut oua prieo te aIl. Thanking you for your loyalty to us in the past, and sohïciting your con- îtinued confidence and patronage, we wilI prove conclnsivoly, that doirng business with us under thse Cash System will prove decidedly to vour profit anda- vantage. Note :-Grocers' due bis taken as cash. Great Reduction Sale will be contin- uod during Febrtsary. Respeettfuîly yours, 5.ý W. MASON &SN Next door -te Staniad anàfi , cWmlauille -Fnee shed room a%t Cenitrýal i Jvery yardstn ytie -fflm 1 dinuer set, 97 place, regular $7,00 for $5.00. We carry a large stock of Fancy China te select Irosn and this sale aili give you an epportunity te furnisis your homvPitishigl class gaods at small cost. Eao our window FISFT FOR JANIJARYW FRESHI FISH-nlernîng, White Fisis, Salmon TroaSimelts, and Oysters. SALT- FISH-Labrador beîtriug, Lake Superior Herning5 , Salmon Trou>t sud Cod iis Phono 65, iePol' rcr lligscssPrio pu fo Pai PAduse, ---------- ---- ........ . ........... . ................ . . i - Ur SU -È. T-- È- ý 1 i -r -L 1- -L -r 1 11 Li b a ...................

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