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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Feb 1908, p. 4

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1 P ase Eoollollly Wanll -Air FRrnac~ - ('I - a\ r-S r the mout- csfu warm air healor matie aRywhere ou curtis; ï-ives benirb fui iseat aud digests thse ftuiwltis emfortng lownesc. We have a nice booMuet te seur! ,tou if ýscu n-rtemplate chaurbua' - or imtalling a fur..sce. Dealers In Hardware, Stoves and Tinwane CE PHONE 66 OPPOSITE POST 0FFC The cup tt reallyf cheers !se brewd from IDE AL TEA. l i s m elëeted by active trirJ. ~e don t tal e anybody's.word for quatit4'. We test the flavor, prena 'and strength bcfora we offor it for sïio and boend it speciallv for o1ar trgde. lho ,ind 1 i b oýekageS at 25cts and 40e per lb. Greep, 13Dck or Mixed. Dinnier and, Toilet Sets. -leDurLng the mo-nth oi January we wili make speh i on al tYiL er and t<he ses now s~a CRH ane examinUre ou tock, If we bave7-u, ting te suit Sou wa w0lina ak e.tiese once Ai1 ld of f. ,od grocerý'e3 No br-uble to sbow goodse Chiina HallGoey Subscribe for Your I4NE At theBI2O"y 4î We can supply you. cheaper by the copy than you can buy them by the year. W. -T. ALLEN, Big 20, booksQtore. - Bowmanville. Dominon Lino ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS FROM PORTLAND Canada Feb. 8 Southwarlc IMar. 21 Dominion Feb. 22 Dominion Mar. îs Mtnsnton Mar. 7 VanCouver April 4 Canada.Mer. 14 Kensington Apr. il Steamers Bait from Portland 2 p. m. First lass rate $50.00; Seeond lass $3000 and upwards eccoi ding tw steamer. MODERATE RATE SERVICE, To Livorps)ol $4q,00 and $4250 To London $250 additional Third lass to Liverpool $10,25, London- derry, Belfast. Glasgow $1.50. For ail information apply to M. A. JAMES, Agent, ]Bowmanville or to DOMINION LINE, 17 St.Sacramsnt St. Montreel. NEWSPAPER SNAPS. Toronto Daily World, 4 mos. for 40e- Tiam STATESMAN for 1iPuS and Toronto Daiiy World 15 months for only $2.00 to new subsenîbers ouly., A'sy subEeiber paA ng for THEs STATESMAN to Dec. 81,9 1908 and sending us 31.00 fora nwsubsenibenmaycnoose two of thesa papers as a pnemium: Farming World, Home Journal, Wes- tern Ilome Monthly, one year, or Toronto Daily World for 4 months (new subseniben). These offers are good for Canada or Great Britain onls. Ail onders must be sent to JAMES PUBLISIIING H:OUSE,,Bowmanville, Ont. ala'swinteri o ssiblhawth- ou agocd iaÙgstemga 1 BOWMANVILLEFEB. 5, 10 Tise appeal of Tisa Globe, Toronto, for assisauene for the people of Shacis towo dWisn' iaQ brou git a meat genenssus resposuse ini mouey and clotbiug'. Th' fud bas aireadv neacher! $8.734 86 sud owiug 10to he intensele cod!waatbr'r ungertt appeals ana stili mnade for badding ething and! monoy. Tise Globels philanthropic action was Msost opportune l in dof the severity of tlse weather the past week. O d fashloned VI inter cama af 1er ail lise dubtng. Tisei real tbing with al its ec-jot mentis and concomitants is he, e. 1ise pa t weelt has seen lise mer- curv drop to 22 de.-rees belcýw zero in Bowrnanviibe aud orne say, 26 degrees below aItishe G, T. H. Station. Snow, has oct been so deep lu savenal uars. The, town is full of canais-wibhout water of course the pavements bcbng u.'dgcd in with higis enhankments cf ,DsOW. 8otunda.y morn'ug noarly a f ý,ot cf suow iusIt have falen. \Ve isear tisaI outtluntthe-country tishenrth .ud soutis noqdwave are fuii cf soow le top cf fonces, fonces inu mans.pinces bein.- buniedr! 'ut -AI s'glt. Februt-ny bas begun we;l. Th,5 Pri sbyterian sa ýs trulisfullŽ.: Lif wriudnt b-3 se inl a r! venieti as il n svi isout rthe exhisieraticu of a snow stonînaurd tise frost tisar sets every nervo tin.-lirig witb the scosation tisat ooly those ln tisis fayore i part cf Canadq cao c-,eiienc, Hurrah for the Canadiçan W inter Separation of tisese Unitedi Counties crepp Up annualy. Il will continue te croate agitation se burt7 as Cobourg gts tise exclusive patronage from thse- cunt- les council. PunI Hiope 5 isnrei;oais to share lu many wêys ln strrirpaer u- ago. ltwais a ycry boggIYb. act to take the Home for Ager! to Coboourg when Nr'htsumbcrlan(tibas bar! from iurne immemorïai every- benefit from tl union aur! possi ).y mificul cf c ans--r, outo cfDurham. SuretX ci f1 1 phiv lober sdater cubty inouir! bave offered Ibis ins i ution tu Durhamn. Bat u10; Cobourg nuýl gnbie r!own avary- thing lu sigbt aund our geucerous bearter! represenîstives nover lute lumbie rcudily ieCo tise moýshes sS, astufcby ]laid f o" tiscusAi the kicking that vews papers do will neyer amountt 0au' Ihing so long as Duruani 's mcrnaers cofIthe Countica' ParÀaicnî o s casîecd 'y tise wily Cobous gens The Guide is Fngzesiug that Port Hope Boiard cf Trade alte un bbheseparationpropaganda eud exrýool . lr.N5 cshali eha wchng the ef orî udnr!suj i bminei ntere.,t ONE OiF TH{E BEST PAPERS. MIr. J aines Milliar, B A.. fornser iMatl:, t n final ',Iasteji- cf mau l 1gb.I SCIb00lwrItes AfLet anau b>,eLcnr f ne,-.nbs oe ocf -,ears trouai3awruaui- Ville, tlmcp usal f thse Januurry STATE-MANS, ý -î Inme îuý.kes me aimst fee! t" isaI -nacvjýi'be h;,S Stilmy home. n w nal rccw ppear eut very man ns '-u-1 1n. n idnsdeirts stislh ini osîdoCen HE STATEISMA'5 h.SuCof0 the hoîr- 1 stai e asp s ~tdgt 1 bave seep auyw i 1U3t-irfïLincne i ut i onghly esrî.d on ail 1' aI tui Plaue i-thlse districtîle wbieb thev aie speeialiy reetd SEPARATION OF CCUNTIES. (Pot -I Hcp Tuec$ Taocseparéaties of the eouoly cof Dur bans fnsm TNoetthumberlndr!w-cuir! hca mat- er cf r special heniefit te tthe busincss men of tthe tcwns anr! villages cf Dur. hans At the preseut lime ail the eouuty buildings sud lustitutions belouging to tise combiner! counlies are concentrater! at Cobourg, anr!tise profitable business cf suppiyIng grocenieî. lothiug, mort, coaI aur! ether provisions te tisese iu- stitutions, arn.unbîng 10 tbousauds of dollars a 3uear, bas in thse pasl beau practîcallv a perqulsite cf tise Cobourg mercisants. Whou Durham us separated fnomn Northumnberland, andi net beforo, lise business mon of Durham wiih ha given fair play, Whouensepaaie isobtained the counties buildings will Do loneer ho concentra ted lu Cobourg but willu ail probabilbtv ha distnihuter! amoug tise towns aud villagces of tise count.v. No ona locality will ho lu a position to menopolize the business cf supplvîng lise counlvý institutions, Durham now pays more than ils share cf tise cost cf maintainiug thase institutions and ob-, talus fan bss, tisu ils due shareocf benefits. Sepanatîcu cf tise conciles will put an eur! to Ibis injustice. ROYAL BANK 0F CANADA, (Froin The Monotary Timpss) The Horsa cýShow toh hld nextweek la St Lawrenca Arena. Toranto, Feb. 121h to 15th, wili usher in a series of avents of much interest 10 horsemen. Round trip tickets for single tare will be sold oyar ail railload lines frcm ail stations in Ontario on February 111h and 121h and trom ail stations within 75 miles of Toronto on Februery 131h and l4th. ail tickets good to roturn 10 and including Febnuany l5th. Official open- ing at 2 p. m. Tuesday. BOWNANVILLE 30 YEARS AGO. FRom THE STÂTESMAN OF JANý 24, 1878. The editor had a nice wav of joilying sub5cnib6ns to pav for t heir papon. Right-hearted, honorable people, corne up liko men sud settie their indebted- ness at THEE TATESMAN office or remit the ameort bï mail. The W est Durhsam Agriculturai Sc ciet' iàlected tiese officers for 1878:' Presid8nur HM liddleton. Vcede, James Parr; 2Ad Vice do. S B Bradshaw. Dntr:Ez-a Bail. A Tambîvu, A non,ïh Wîlmpt, Clarke; W' Ormiston, W Clemens R Eversoni,Il ElliottI Darliug'ton; S Burdon, Bowmanviile Auditonm W R Clînnie, John McMurtry. A motion wass adopted that h h. clesir- abl e 1 procure moro suitable exhibitions ground. A local pool who signîer J. W. wrote a p"Dem of John A sand Mackenzie in whieh these prophetic lunes appear-, Protu-clt n1, toou ajel. ti, thou art M' Vi yt ride to powerontysrgad bnoad bpeet; Protection, the englue, large, poweî-fu'. anud noble, Wt11 sweep al the Grits au! choir frieuds from th-) trac". Borno, le Bownrivile, Jan. 19, 1878, a son to wifo of Mn. S. Mlason, jr. Marrict.in l Oshawa, by Rev. J. Hogz> Jau. 17, 1879, :In Uebl. MclauZhlin Os"awa, and NYiss Sarah Jane Parr, cf Brantford. lier, -a Bowmanville, Jan. 19. Dennis Wvoo-is S'iton, ager 59 y cars, ERtos THE STATESMAN JANS.811 1878. J. S. Doue-v. Tyrone, was annorcei to pi.eac.ihlaBewnvilie Town Mali. Cuniing is now ail the îage. Young Pop so icial ln Primitive ehoitchurch was asuccess. Give Pool Wyi'ie's steam baker! brier! la tnial and become rhyrnesters, *ý'ý's nsohn P. Bice was throwu from her cargo near Percy's blacksmith shop; t1 o horse runnîog' awav, upser tise veie. bStce f her ibs were brekeL-. Borts O'dra-n BowmaLilo -Jan. 27 1878 wife cof11. 'Uar,cf a daughter. 'cAthur-Is BrwmRL hle, Jais, 28, the, wfe sf F F. MeArthur, of a son, Y....iowleo--Iu Biwîriic, Jan. _17, the wife f-l Thos. Yeliiwlees, of a aau Inler: DiED l3urgess-In Darjnuitton Jan. 25, Lilbie Jlane, du'Xg,ýhter cf W Burgess, àger! 8 yeare Short-m n lng'î,n.Jan. 26, ïMrs Humphrey Short, ageri 52 yearS. Darcl-In Bowmauxiîe, Jan. 28, George Ht, son of 1Ihos. Darch, ager! 12 ears M ASQUMuADE CAti31.Z VAL, Cornet Bana beld a grand carnîval, Lee & Edsail's, silver nup was won by J. B. Mitchell who as Euiglish Clown was immense, the report states. Others in character costume were: LADIES. Mfiss Wiiiiamson, Snowilake. E. Scott, Hîghlaud Lassie. E, Munson, Fairy Queen. Nona Mayer, Indiau Priicss L. McSorley, Mary, QueeneoIScos A Burdon, Slarrv nigist. Marlon Fletcher, Fiowen Girl. E. Reid, Swiss Passant, "F. Bounsail, Red, White and Bine. "Anale Vealo, White Fiowar Girl. Nellie Fletcher, Niglît. J. Smith, Spanish Quecu,. A. J. WSIFie, Irisi Pincess. Mabel Fletcher, Winter Liiiy Eiuebottom, Sataneila, Piance, Spanisis Quean. B. Fletcher, Red!, W hiteansd Blue. E. W s ]le, Dutch Peàart. Rachel Colacoit, Daughter cf the Regiment .5~eBirdia Henderson. Fiower Girl. GENTLEMEN. A LU Guy and W. N. Porter, Two Orpha ns. Mn. Cryderman, jockey. Bleaskey, Caronaway (Jhief *Edsail, Count de Paris. W. T. Scot. VolunteerCaptain. 300 yds. best black, Sateen a-ad near Silk, 32 ilus. wide, 30c. and 35e quaility, before stok-taknprice . .. ýziç a yard, A clean up in Warrn lloîsery, al o1, 25e, 30e and 35e wool and worsted Stockings. before stoek-taking price. ..... .18c. a pair, Dress Goods, 500 1)r( s Good plain and faney colors, our 50c, 60c, 65c and 75c qualities, before stock-taking pvice .... .... 35c. a yard. 36 Men's Fancy Winter Vests. a11 siz s, 325, $3,5il, $4 00O $4750, and $5 00 qualities, before stoek-taking Men's Shirts. Afy oirAMea's ffle sof t front Shirts, W. G. -R. brand, $1.00, $25, '0 and $1 75 qualities, before stoek-taking' price.. ...... 5 50Omen% SUAS. Good "1weed Suits, ln sf ripes and mixtures, $8.50, MO~ and $10.00 qui lties, bef ore tock-takIng, price........... , $4,9-5 - Bliack and Grey Ov îro its42 ims.amd 50 ims, i uerigth, 7 5 $8,50 aind $9,00 qultis efoîe'stock-akingpie~'49 Boots and Shoes. 54 pairs ;,'omèüis Feit Boots, kid a-ad. leather foxed, laeed and Congress, $L25, 1.85- and 1 40 qirniities, before stoek-taking price 95e.> pr. 28 pairs Womeu's fine box caif bals, (Empress) $2 50 quality, before ste-auv'prico: ........ ..... $L78 a rpairý 24 piairs Men's feit and foxed boots, laeed and Coug. 81 .50 a d $1 75 quality, befoie ,toek-takina. price ....,.... «......,.$[5 a pair- SNow Open. ENTER ANY DAY 4< Winter Terrm n lu aepantrnents * ofthtie Central Businiess Cullege. S Toronito.--offers splendid chances for spending a f5w rnouthq pleas- antlv anti proitabiy. Twenty- ~ fiv tirstchers, catalogue iree. * Write fcrin if.W, HlSHAW, * 4< Pnii-ip)al; E R. ShAW, Sonne- S tary, oge&Gerrerti Sts,, .a~ Toronto.og F RSALE-FRAXIE RESIDENCEI anýd acre of eïcellent gardea with about 20 bearing apple treess Will b5 sold et real isargain. If you waut a home on Odell St. ses M. A. JAMES. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -U"ESIRABLE VILLAGE -PROP- J..fERTY FOR SALE-In the yillage of Brooklo, Ont., choice frame bouse, extra weli buit, 9 rooms, ,overy modern convenience, batb rooms, hot a.sd îold water, furnace, nas, hard and soit weter Pompe bohl indoors antd out, good Stone foundatio,., cernent floors is ceflais, vorandahsaend ement walks. Large roomy sta bl, carrnage house, ice house, wood shed and hen house ail under one roof. One acre of gardon with ail varioties of fruit. Property maySe inspeciedat any trne. Will seii at a low prie. App]y to owner, 0, J., GLAss, BROaKlýIN. ONT. 4 tf le a gond trne 50 stant, New terrn opens 1 4 Jan. 2ud. Write for catalogue; dur moderato rates anti Othenr edvailtakeswlll interest you, The British Amerîcpn--! r E Cbauges of finm Damai, changes o Dc p n - .W,-.,.u .obl, -............fii Méluli U u UA.tuLLLuy " u1u t tti strat diessson ndrs or upicaa ecue ickts rm ay ran $881,000, but muet ha wortis mucis more. tuner page pouar! so as tisa dealer eaa judge what aule, dso r oraded lor u t ocat e tets Trunl Ag Grand Fise RosaI Bauk's new building on tise bubk ha ike. If lise asooxe ih.foiicw- King Stneet, ln Toronto, le farerougis Miller'8 Worm Powders correct ail er! it wili iikalv save upleasautuesis A. C. PRICE, JURY & LEJVELL'S Drug aivaucer! telnicata tisat, while il will 8ueS troubles as lack cf appetile, billons- when lise seed. 15 deliverer!. 4 ha no skyscnaper, it wil h a building nase, dizziuesis, sallow complexion, etc., 4 2 w L, cl Manger.Store. of prudent size and lasteful design'. sice to take. B. M. Mitchell & Co. 52-3 M. .B ,TN P. Trebilcock w., Bowmanville. Agent, ~~llllI M M w- w- w- w- ROYAL MAIL STEA11ERS. REDUGED RA TES, ALL CLASSESý Liverpool Sailings. Frornm rr St Johs 14%lJfax Tunisian ....Salle Fn. Feu. l,' Set Fbi5 Corsician . salle Fr, Feh. 28 Se',t Feis,29 Grarnpfn. s ýý a$sSet, Mear. 7 Rates anti fui information fnom M. A. James. A Ian Lina Agent,, RowrnanvJEý, Nl. A. JAMES9 - Bowmanville, Stock M stbeRPed4, ý4ced~ * Before Feb. 1 *bsIsT SWash Goods. 2500 yards of wash lIusins, Cotton Delai.,es, 20e qualities, before stoce! Val. Laces and 9.00 rcls, hnestYri 2,5c qualitleis, before sto al Black Sateen a w- w- M w- 5th when we 'Lake Stock Down. ie Wiay We are Goîng to do t f 1 h. goods including, best Epzlish prints, Gn~as Chuînbrays ai-d Piques, 12,1c, t4e, 1,5-e iS ý An &-taking price .... gr- a yard, 1Insertions. rencli Vfal. Laces and Insertions, 18c, 20c, 22e and *-taking price .. .........I212c. a yard. 1nd Near Sjlke M 1 oeil Ir f 5i COS9 ici, Ell

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