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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Feb 1908, p. 6

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UE TO NISF0 AÂÂ Mrontreal Corn Erxohange WiYïl---Ptess fori Direct Sumfrer 'Ser-viceo ttt - - Ci -- r--SiitA IIISTORY 0F BOWTMANVILLE. IROITE STATFS\AN, FEB. 6, 18PC8. Sume -one has gone Lt-cm this strange Aorld of o)urs, No mre.te.gather its-thor-n withils- flowers; Nc mote te linger whizr-ý 0unbeamrs must fade; Where, on al beauty, deatlh's lingeiý are laid; bre te uitriup the trade. Fgrsproducedl showed that tho t Throiio anjPhona t-- THE SENTPENCE. TU bo ,hanged hy the necli. avnd may the L- ri m)n utr cvu rI 'ii, qh.moi n iu 1:0-coLi ey e.ng klo whanplosi c- sud to tuai domn u t Iuaii i xvi f Ha P D ihe agàIitjtinfor a drect Mn Cook-Book-free. pravent the spread oif an iufeellous dis. OîtarioBn' uwbidngxe c treal ino. AtiOnall rug &CerCo.(c> ase are corrosive sub tînate, carboilic euPýeJ on Monday. Fcb, 3.1 -S. nxov 23 Of Canada, liteda , oîeî cid, ainu, chlDrid of lIme, eaustic îýn-own las theBan -of MiN<trcal,. limne, âulpl'atceof copper, formaldebyde John Milne waas etrl ldchai-maof tw, falteing in hLs voicee as ho i-aid aid suilphturous. acid, and heat, usually o ard cf Educaton with F. Y. Cowlo dotiseuiS 'q e t , " I n i n n o c n t , m y L o r d ,. C -o d P m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _i n t h e f r n i -o f s t {a m . O n e o r t h o le r e r d a y W a c i f w s t h o u r g - - e a o ! h'eh met f tise s u- , ccrcw mo wiamAbea.nl Tht-rta womas suoceani rang lout and Vcst, cl arged i wlh a message ci e C usiaccrdig wht i l pitifillly, and fthe prsnce gavie on I or dealli. One end, uow silent andi A edinet ot a Valenti e. Supper wes amtounced a~-tc ea-siacaaa i I xo e-- UnCled, hreJote sae flhous-subs[ance-must bha use-d, hart-te rený- man; Pcv. Jos. Wld MA.--- [RM1,tj~jU gai ny as ha mmcnd, obedieut lu theï (\ araI Horn5euou th h'chothsofar.verCtrelchîng\1 A. euiJ iCuch of a wardeccs hand, ai-d walkehi ithe bl-ak.-ss ci the mght, crcssed 0rincestehshre fafx Ctis, speakcr-s. orti~~1re afnek fbsf'do o Ccttd roDf, Valtley attd bil, and patient, a liquid or a readily soluble TYl neî1feho)dsts always gi'e big exermo ralln f i ws hli e cm ixr. it i clmbîe unth vsIt e necessary. The m-t gelnerally VOiUw for a quarler. Thcy ahvriha ~ [ ALIR pto 1cr at wais . c e hi tte aBc i aac weîymle wa.useful, all-rouud hisijîfectant is prehab- Ica wtîlisTeecheo te folw frotu Ravs. ESD II R Clamtino sil polaiteua h fpaOsed tlrite:rooi and floor and cci- lformaldqehyde, -or rallier ils solution, Hannan, McDonagli, Ge,Jollifle, Vbi[- SHIORES. Jic. in teLcn< pct!re rixtaieh-ooms f ohe frmaiin. This is volatîzrd ini cder 10 ing and Leachlinrterspcrsed with music r r Quoin. 1iif, ecuwihbs enoc-iy the choir. 1 e ntenTIkno e,' s inunocent! There theic lilfe Lady w-ho ruled a pied by -ona with an infectious dsease, Bewmnanville cut-lors brai -Dri-sos-i Et And tevhev udei'ret u;îï my mpidesa iislece at;h-i - beauukEmpire sot-t-t]rLLd inmk asii-leafnceymcIc b1s(nshoE Thatve i-ero fthe M n y only 1w-)ocf lber ladies. Eacli w'hich iA is desired te hisinfeci. shsiiî. Interest (o Ir aa as he naa ie -uofth( s d-nil !,,P. ilîrer-id i-s h-oe- he îe oit Suiphureus acit], obtainbd by blurning A erayi~se LTw~Cutta diss -utl!Q1 uiii, r.--c riom n t cj il utthatre.the drstevor, ne-cau',sa r cesnele ue,7ui ;i-tri Jantes UCtI,- to,,st, Pa-.t-o mnta Rosa " Poppy tciy iran London, Ont. I REN [SIE Wl IIIEL AND S La-i-e a p2cLage of OUF ar inGmTri or Canada's Pride Tomatese-d in plce of Lie popp; es. Walite to-day and -lame your .c1hoice. Darch & Hunte,,r SelC. t~ t~ E a NTvD ai an trecg aone., brîicait O Osto-t tte;do 2ALUS MEDIcINAL 0. Lidos ntc-fo' std Irishx- ol usckta ot -~~ Rerelat~- OOxv-h-rn at ~ Rd-i I-s tri 1,-t.-- - -~ - - . - - - . s-...~- *~t, ~ --- -~ - - - - L.st..%-di....,t., - Lat-t that'a healthy stomîaTh ha the of - 'Lt eorgh. Guet.].natura 1-3 astror,-gi,-A q, o-f aea-st mportasornr TIL- Japa,ýnese -as a peopieare remarie- Utt -uLîsea Utui, uUtajJ The eherrj trees ic the most highty prized of al in Japan. h ruot oniy giv-es forthaneauiful bossoru but the Widcer ire o f irn ishes a barie which isan motihlg-hly prized 'ra medicine. (Pr-nu V&irnasa. i S s aTO authority ou n icijies, of ~>citise properties cf tiia l-,aok Clerrybarte: "'Uniting wîth a toule powrer the S roperVy of caiming irritation and iminishing nervouti excitabiiity. Adapted to the treatm ent of diseases lu which thers la debtlity of the stom- ach or of the systeru." Another au- thority, KiNG' s AMERICÂN DispENCs- TORY says, 'lit gives toue and strength to the system, usefutlun ever, cough, and- found excellentin consuimption."1 - This ingredient ta only one of several very important native, medicinal roota lut Dr. Pierce's Golden Medicat Discov- ery. This is a remedy which has en- joyedl the publie approvai for r.xearly fority years, ncthing new or urîtried about itf, has cured thousands of people of tihose chroule, weatkening dracases ivhich are accompauîed by a cough, oucis as bronchitis and incipieut'con- ùuxwption. More than that, by reason cf the ctber ingredients, Bloodroot, Alandrake, Golden Seau, and Queen'a rooti, t c f the medimriai virtues cf whîch are scientificaily extracted and cm inuDi. Pierce's Golden Med- Lai] Diaeovery, remarliabie cures cf dyspepsia anai stci.uach disordera have t, a-t ~a-Sit, iii OlP ou -~ - - g- r- ---r Cta 4--t~, tt i'Cilt Pr-Wl hte-- iotveers o-jfi -. ---[ual- lie wudP r,~s-rai--Co rove not c rui!ly ' if - o e iete î îy lady, My Quteen, liave, grantcd she hsd n-o doifri., S11eowar- I ilcy-c o gtcite ang my dat-if "q aY ctfetlia bm traist -tCO5- Octd tics inn ocor-t, bas ir uYsi~~l~iVs îer huti ittti ays nd ibares neO one te pi( gar-île hrothe,.r, vcry hîco but tue, an-h Fm euly a gir gcnlein is 5ympally. but, ramorse- in iL3comojiens, tld ierqnyoîî ar-e a wcrnan,e my lady, ai iti- u uscom- -sons, t9l beTheei1,-,w wviai il ;s to lose one vos. a lne ios.Thy'r, r j1oiy areaG vhim lime I-o prove his mna fà f-cad ettp-oPylya- scn l ttie lune. t love hon so fer~1-e -of as Htien vh t 1 ou rl-netfovenpranch t-be Qi th le bvoir-c hache inte a w-ui a ltter, le teri ierfer i-t- cr-d;ti itiernesa. aud Clara' peasishouo maa lsstds hforsu tti y ý-race 0f.the Qurein was ended. Ged tre, bt aSe.enagn uid only eway -rn tbe- Lendon hQ-seop LI P -ahhear-r- lia giia tccrter. lc1 anîong the wîras ruade a rapidh> knav. e-o Ilatthoe. isa1111eto.b- h tron, and heb-tlistený'tsii h sew! orlt oh» nted a in coldas tb-ay lest (the cny-of a wcman': a-gfotheranend ani.,.odheard, h. Ie clamereus applausoeý Thi t ory of ithe critec as plain sud nGadn simple. tiivalry botw con ivie rmn for a somncs love;. a qirarrel, a fight,T-ESQUL w hich thte stteoess-fu1t suitor lied noue -IL. was mesl irrogular. Il vieý the hbesl cf, _Thon, a- few duys 15er., sc&nhelot-..-lThe Lord Clittî cris tise iscovery coftlite oliter Iien's 'ead li, rnificd. The managiug dire. harbdy, siabeblu r the hacha,; haside lte teELjetre.phaone.CCompany xvas mczý à,-' - iifi-, pr-os-chtei s'l-igt.h-)s sair, and cxpccted 1-satling lk5. Fls riv ai; a ceaI, Letain-eh sith blooh. horcaiprlattou. The Quecu, nus fcrnd in tho eontof the latter', demanhd ePxplanatieons, and n( TMte evihenice visa circurnstafntial but a taclicai aur-cunt of the mat ccuviuciag; the defence, su alibi, w ith whicte sasviie coeuld ho tappeil, t ntirines teb suport it. Put tlbe girls mer-ser in svhicb Ibis particule faili nveravcr-cai-sd lw sy3 sic liad bee-_n tappod. But the tneg ioec, "Iff1I muid outy speak tote he Iestony appeaiad te hon mon( Qucani". And always lbei-brother caid, ils com-dy, euh honr xonan' iifC-,ý impossibe ny dean, quite ite- moe-e bot a mest unusual e: possile."if the Royal prer4ogativo. s s * \iticeut racromeudateu i re Gîte nipht, vian oniy a fesu dayss e- Home Secroteny, tho pisoer marued for bacr-lever 'i-e livo, the girl sentence et deatit was î-qpioved oieup fmcm an uuoasy sleep inluihoneoe bmdy ia orIlis exe - ara mura icrxenotas ne ttivs i~rj str- <-titor S tii \jv5ats-- -é f--shrtresn lut-o a hlelunlthe guuand auooutsCuctfr1 -scmposen litt t- A x-s-rlow, 'eaunî-tyro-cr ng, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l -s utn ar.îevntvle r 5'i* 0w, Lord Auson was Seizeh xith ,un et- tuoeur1 1,JUt"ael s-jssîaSiiîOs -'sUkQI cf lypes, eh and na Sentous cou -r-r t-t. I iasitisexvedwcr cf he rcru Il-n o; Newcasle-G. A. Jacolis; Darting- 1ri ' e I l umuaarnd uhtIselinn uoi1v Z- -* W\-cix. B. Scott, Thes. Jqr raetrr r--.rt.a ra v ea in h1lhh ekdi l u sttUtita .P e itsF.ioa trmts asIate have come te te-,s for the rl fer i L, jý ý teiu,)nCartsviguî Pf . B. Sprinks, Davidi punchese 0f thieir holdings. A rate of ah --su I- Hal a apovenui isife-out bu oey; Maneusien Pe. Tetchhuru, in luthe £ bas hoan agnead upon. R'] Thos. Pana-an; Hope-John nosev oa, Conaiderabie opposition lias hovetopah tlove 1. Ii C- net ts-ary axailable fer dorriostic t htcniatr-f odCuzn-ýli ecounce, use, lu tise forru ef supeniseeteri steam, t*~ssrs- tvi .i.Lewheu,tebecniauefbod uznfr love il ta mucli usedai-t quaranîlue stations R S taitios. IPv. Gm., Blair w-as re- ti- vacau-y le the Iriali ropreseiative, forthedisnfetio ofclohin, wiha ppoîntoil Suporntteudont cf publieopeens, ceused by tisa deatb of Lord Krt w-ail of igtgbchoiajurod by contact wibth"-hos-rDuamcnt.n 1ne s auhi- chmica dfinfctais.-euts Cin-Wiule atleuhing a meeting of the An- F, uj ,îanptien. ecat.-ot'sGm IRTIIS. tnîm Puard -of Guardians lest svoek, ho r m-an ion O'Hotra-la Pewriaausil-,Fais. 2, 1868, Fug Sufferin, of Pellyclan, svas suddeu- he ailIPlytarucie hoxvuby panalysis. Iti l toped oonuec-. IIEALTH HINTS. Iexio0fHus Rna0 o. ha rnay recevonr. Palace, Ltîi Burs-In Posvmansilite, Feb. 2,.-1868, A Young Meu's Chisiain Association t heant,' Lnb itching f nom froat sioulh ' l-e evife of Wm. Pumas of 1w-fn daugli- ba,, bac stenteh la Poersceurt Panisu, eif Cov- seakod -occasioneily xx'hbaerag seakeh ters. . - witî Viscoonat Poesourt, Xiscouat ga iu kesene. It is knewn by oxpeîience MARRIED. MouckaneuhMn. A. Cliattenlon, J.P. as g thal froat cen thus ho t-cmos-oh.1 l Agood w ay ie provetti coida C- te McMurlry-CrtOSIs3- At Giiswa, Jeu. pThoaîrJms-iueh beRct;ati re -of th save a pearefsiunten lose. It it is 30. 1868, by Rev. I). M. Gordon, assist- schooner- Enterprise, Dublîn, bah e fear- is moat raiaiug liard- or thete is a deep snow î'd by Rer-. Dr. Spoence. et tcsihance 'cf Pi expernince- wh lient Ibir---vcssoi - as ini svas tepIexv- tuneugi, cul off- the sîocks.ugs' brides faher, \r. SauhA 1~urI1 wreckedi on the Petebroke roast. Tbey oteor et fuel, pull ever Ïliete sio euhn up oven of Ontarioe Panha and Jesale, second svare saved, but lie rosI of tiec cev pen- la de- the othor sl-ocktng, Iben put -on rubhors deugbten of F. G. Crosby, Esq. , &IIh Of iisaie. a s than uhd yen keep dry. Gttawxa. Tie gi-cm is a Powm asuvilte -Tbe suru-of £17, the balance cf a par-J at turaily, If von lis-ee ateethecie andl xantlote boy. h-h relief fund, xvas reuently sten fnem P ,eceîsed put .some rottea ia youn tothiwnd DIED. Pcv. Fatier Hennebury, of Monhelige, tui s.rea n lucoltena ruud a nat pick; most people -Pret-i eiavllJu 0 c-uaty Walerferd. police are ilus ti-] in sud~~~~~~~~~ c. s0 otpcaedtemlnewasLusduheao hna anî gaiig, but no arrests bave been made ânr ntre usetic t lik w ndeh eu cant ge lwaý,s Lo oa ur, fThma2 re Application bas beau inade te bis, Iredyr ostnikstolb etried Ib yu a mtu gt pick e.h er,2monîba. Maj-esty the King ton the paymeut of Il-e Sir had o n e ilhis1muc veossie te nt, pcv- S tt-lu Bewmans'ilte, Fei. 1, Mas. royal bounly tb Mas. Michael Morgan of an( soca Soit agd 5 yara.Neneghi, svo reeeutly gav'e bu-lb te at -xencise Air a Coud Cure.-Take a long, deep ~tlirec sens. Childace and meiber ar-e broatit as seau as yen go ontte-ofdeers. éding vieil. ru the Thon hold il as long as 3-ou pcssibly F0OR OVER SIXTY YEARS. Peturna froru lhe linon trahi-esiosx' tai unheýrîca. epeal Ibis severel limes as yen business vas siack a lst motl. Experis A§ on uie xvaIha deug. Yen viii ha sunprisch Ibhe Mrs. WlnslOws Seothing Syrup has vere ouly 7,602,200 yards, as agein-.l 251 nîîfnr--a s rr-i- ir ,trnaur-,-i t-r-t- l sed iithby millions cf - mothers for !it,84fl,200 for last veau- TLh,-~ t r- pttse. II-eteso tr ut-ma-nli-eOit rtssifte_6.tta r 1.-jt Ldis, 1 Aurieican adSud tben tarie batqe'm-s r-tsar-rs-t I r-ttt- - t ro i b o I (tm lttttai tgtt t5-aittr.r SVOlr rs h- ?tber ns basstsn i- mnrar -i.fr Lumnbernan-s Ail traveilera, and those -eii- Pged iii outdoor ý.vork, shoi4ia us-sys have a bottle cf HîVrst's Pagi thand. It is the xnost verful liniment mauufac- ierl and gives instant relief cases cf Wrenches, Brulises id Sprains. It aisoe ures rains, Rheumat1SM, Neliralgia id ail kindred troubles. 25c. ail dealers. Try Hirst's Utile Live-r PUS ýindigestion ýand dy.spepsia. .ic your denier or sead Ils c. direct. A handsýoa-e as -t -- - t - - s ~i- t,- uta-r- ira ter-t't -i jr> ~ait~-r-Ir-r- - - t- ~ r--~--. - - ~a'.... .e ------- ~5 ~ta"> .' t r-ta, ~ r - 'i- r- r- --t-a-- ---'-f--or-r-- 5r- -- T- ---t - - r- - -- t - r-- the sight of food-don' t SILeep wl-atire;',.()Utint tLe niorniog,-no hea;rt for v;orký? Vouir kidneys are alfTed-ethe truugh ove-- work, exposure or dsae It la thle Kidn-,eys that are making vou feel so wvretthed. , Gn ui cure îick kidneys-itnake you Ywe and3 ston-ve yOU ail yotir old timie eergýy aim llt. h- p-and

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