DO! EN SEO) NEWS ITEMS k hAPPENINGi FRONI ALL 0--t II j; GLOBE. rieIgraph griefs Froiti our Own tiid Milet Countries of IReceni Event. CANADA. ___________ ___________ ___ _____ -1 Like to Try Psycine <'Please 2Fendl me a hottie of Psychlne. I have a child afflicted with ttîherculosis, and have heen advis"cd te try your medicine by our fmi doctor, as lie says lie cannot do any thing mAore for my child."1 MilS. H. STEPHENS. Arthur,ý Ont., July 14, 1907. Psychine cures when doctors f£ail. Many are sorry they did not try Plsychine first. Throat, lung and stomacis troubhies yieid to its curative PLORENITE NIGHTINGALE. lFtrcdom of London to bc C&nferred on Faînous Nirse. A desnatli frorn bonidon says: The3 Corporatiiof cithe City.of bondon xiii confer tha freed.orn of thý city on Flor- oneNightingale, ttise organizer of the nusig n is Crirrcan War, and h bas oherwvSe made horseif beloved byv hou chrts l diers. She is ncw,1 Le br 8911 year, The Klnd You Have Ahi-ays Bought, and which bas beeM "ý ý!i1 ' 1 ý iý"ý h. ti , ]! l ia, c -nd allevr tht rsidncean piJoJ.uu a S.bk> \vas that e! Mr. Onimet. owner et the t Ouim tosoope, a lest case. His Honor pronounced a verdict cf guiily and im- poseci a penalty e! $10, but later decid ' ed ta witisold iudgment until noxtweek, 7 ~t ~ iiictvnw1hpaetso o î:igI~ timeestringhekdnestoaeaiiîy olthe fatlly ina huitboxpi~i~ owedbvirne1frcstouY ne ACnt! find rmaficin ftss aue pflCito tel ilveprnorOuw,0 wiii ~d iî V be vey hen it n aetot~W~ ae ~,~et ht th cvna ra.' ~ hee aryo Wduda. Te ue ln-v--heMnstro 1 -Y, I usla is a loeoc u os ~jverftisement wViMnot b2 pald fOr, 4.m& i ;ý7 , , : ----7--