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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Mar 1908, p. 2

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30,0 ILCNSEunE rAsquith Introduces His Measure ini the British House of Commous. A desp1-aicl freas Lcnudon says: The ses wiit ha tbc subjeat of local -option, lOGutry lias long beau rpecu!alîng e-n a p l baing takeiî xxln demnanded flic Ccvrnnent s pnoinised Licnsng and a simple majerity te doci'de. A ce- 1-sii, deaing with the liquor rada, fusai lo grant a iioxx l i ',w il ha ce- \vbich Chanecllir cf the ExelhquerrAs- sLisie ý3 only cf er thre, e ~arsby au- quith fiatroduradla týise Ieuse of Ceai- caiar roll. Public bouses eutside inions on TtursOay afi-c neen. It wa's ILendon will ha allcwed to l«ep open lXu'ewa that IL l vud Le cdrasti rtam- cnly thraa bonius on Sundav. perance measura, but faxV if any ýexpert[- With tha vew ta preventing clubs cd( such SwleePing speoposals &as the f rom bacoming virtually tpublic bouses. Chanceller aaaeunced. alid evadiîg the law, they are brcught If onactead, the bill wlll reduce the witiiatheic At, and must renew bliir 1existing icanscd bouses la Enaidl frunse annually. They must aise sub- and Wales by ene-ibird; ta cuber wcds, -milto police inspection. There will It xiii abolish about Ibirty IPousaad t e ne exceplien, aOd the law wil ha lFzcrsai whir'h intoxicants- are Low s--id. eapplicahle te bbe fashionahie ,clubs ini Tbere viii Ibus heoeahcmesd bouse Fall Mail and SI. James Street equally t4 eviy 600 or 800 peaple tn towans. witis the werkmea's heer clubs. onedouafr evary 400 or 500 ia the Justices of the peace xiii whelly acc eeuukicy districts, coipareti wiih the 1kcally as the Iiicesng aulheriiy. Tbay pi-sant general average cf one fer axery a mriowered te orero i' bdrea an- 379 inhabitants. -lrrojyexclud"ai Item br, tclosc tara Hamerraîin JlYe gvenlethoea an poling ays, ad te dar'dawhether xxbo ara d;spoessssd, Ibis Letng ievied womcn shah tLe enîployed as barmaids. 1.s aow ia cetaiin cases up)n ibthe e, Oaa-o e!Ie scantiald5c b r arlainiag license heldars. but cf er 1-l h lise reovex-y by the Stal-e of pro- years ne compansation will h- a pid pc.rty ta liceeries, xvhirb tbe.oretrcally wbea a license staira away.lbas aiways existad, but bias heau allew- The grantîng of ait future nav iea- triteescape ifs contre!. IIUNGRY ENGLISI- M INLS cacaMovambar Il: No. -of Scisecit. DISTRESS REVEALED EV TIIE WORI4 Srbools in wbicb chli- OF SCI160L BOARDS. tdren arcre pectad te ha noressiteus .... ..153 Saliceis lr3m wii-bre- Appea-Issued la London for Fondi ta poriuofts cd........14 )f Neo. or I. ChilOtan. 12,381 SUPPiyIY Beakfasts -fo Under- 71 fed hildien.Avarago, number cf mes-lia supplimai le btde.toecris rilai.... .... .... .....3.1 Nitrbar cf sch«iis apoî-tiîug insuf- The most coaspicueus appeail te Oient tunîcs .... ......... ....72 chariiy -duîing CrslmcasSaisea xras Number et achools et wbirl tise lisat issued by ePie London Ccunty -macla prevdad averagcd lesth-Ln Gcuairl asiag for suharriptions to c Ibree earh abild i'î week whaa tua-O fer the purpôea-et feeding such provide t ail._........ ...... 13 ct tisa cisudi-en la Ihescisoeis undar ils rooarot as ara uneble te 051cmn preper Tbe lest sitinrr cf the ceunte ore sustaisanica, writes a Leadeai corresproa tisa Cbrlistmas vacation lied ibis report dent. The appeci is signet by Lords hefore il and at flic same tiare a me- Resebery, As ahury anal lRoschildad t1,: eîî acuibrize tise expcrsditur-ecf Mvr. Balfour. $1,200 ini adliton le a suas af $2,400 al- Tise gentlemen asic for aid maialy redy saariionaid fer tbe (purpeose Cfý on tise ground tisatIt la not expediant providing croakery and ibe-,ether arti- te put Iita formýe tis e dncatiers feeà- elles naressary foir erx iug meals. Tis- ing et cilri) art. This art la not mnobloîx was lefaeted by 54 vcias te 40. momtp iui&sry, but pcr-misËiva, and ai- Thea Orat appcet -f the counci f,îm lois-a bbP lecl euccýtieîîclaubhority teifiindafo. r this xx ter sia-,issued Iuyy ý,a txfor Ibis purpese aqua te1 thîuugb tbe- pressa-on November 5. The t-L fire con caris$4.80 -et tise-actuel 1 appeal cskad for -$72,n00, but tihe suas reirbal value of residanliai -or busines 1realizeaiameountad le e nly $558,. andj Piireperfy. Tisus tisaoccupant -of a l rp bco tise flui xxclinlaDecember ifl dwaIliag î-cabed et £100 wonld hase te feu short -f $'ý.600. J'ayv dtoa taxatlea- cf $1.04. An exempie cf the failitra -o! Ibis The sn aresla t hiis tnàx cen oaly means of raising moaay la given ta Fr, nsed focrlbha fecding ef narsiteus Brmnoadsey, a soutis Lonaion suburis. ciideand tise acc proviaies f-m nfull A,- Cisucar Sabeel aller investigation 1,otry e hamadea raote home ech- 4190 pupîls sera feun to e h-a l ned -o! ofsiars tcildren previded witb food. A fuud-w as et once opaned. !tf Yna-anad aise givas parm-inaton tc tisa resnlted in a jsuffiicat s-uribing t'tif leribiaes ta piosanute paraatsfofise 1rcised tf,) cid118 chiidcen; but hi tiscea chitdren faO if it ta discosere a lct tbu'y etier smbeols i thea bcrongb, wIsacc are chle tic provlie food, but bavaete rnunibar et accaitous chlidraa xvas faiiad ta do sc. 1 108, 278 and 245, au appea- for baip Tha Cenafly Council i's,"nad a forai te ssans in vain. tise school managers askçiug questions IN THE BOBOUCII 0F HACKNEY. f asfIicws: cn m. t End disriet, over 8W0 ebidrea Ara ie any clilidren ia your de -are reportcd- as slarviag sad thare are p irlentwiso) are unchie hy reasea cf ne fuads in baad. - lcmket bd to taka full advautagie of The Salvatiur Army Wich basf yanr t- the edaraticu fiprovid-adfor Ibeas? suppliaci ever 350,000 breakfasts te ahit- p îViativtise stimcted flamber-o f ,I.,era t s-charge -of hait a cent ecci. fblie noceissitous and others) foc-ataadcnied this aide e!ofibeir xvork wisom ifisLesrable thet asceis sbould ma tiepronispssgcflu bo perldd c certain pecieaI. duriagaccl. Osing, te the dinicasîs if li e -en Ibeyercempelleai ta rasume tise distribution ' Tieasursrciel ees n -,et ibne( mes-la, if bas airaady opeued h poinîc cemmitees l daSi itis oass e t Custani Flouse, Ber- mattr. p tedat ha ondaySboedcr, Caaning Town, coamitie &thxer sad Sentis Lamsbetb. Thse 1-xýun apoiarc ailn povemty fstrirkeî siias. 1ba ccuaiiland sixty l halsdr ise anny bs-s Lýýissueal s-n appeat for~ ofo di1)<o)e(e1g1usbeis. Teuaficadî1s tesuplAy tise dittare)i nce thuelis THE7 STATE 0F THE CHILDEN. Sd. ssohat cntbrakass on An 1v ,- Te-,sat f -currantli wighiiiug -Lx oua-j An yeag rPort is tlicst o't0w1 k a an i a mug cf comoa; theavs-rage ix mnontbs, adhave foulnd it an ex- coellent remedy for pileumnonia and wa lungs. " Ronald Johinson, Farewell, Ont., April 15, 1907. 1'1Psychine is one of the hast mcidi- aines on the market, and for ail throat an d lang troubles is unexcelld."-A,' *Word froas la man> who las tested it. IPnenmania, Bronchitis, Conghs, Colds eud ail throat, lung sad stomacli 'roubles yield to Psychine. At ail drng- gîss, 50c. and' $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Siouas,Lidmited, Toronto. IG-Oat is two cents.. Tha chUidren pro- vide their own drinking vessais. The.se consst cf anything that xill hold hot boreca, ranging froas a cup to a sardine c&n. MUost of the great provincial lewns have alraady adopled thie act, but Leeds, which la rac.iving considerable dona- ions fremloa philanthropists, ha-- itp ta the time -of îriting becn alte te supply al ueeded meals. LiverpeelI bas refused teo put the uct ie -force. Bradford lias publtsbed the report of the neidcai supc-riatendant ef thse schools, Dr. Crowley, andi aise gîves the menu ef the breakfast and dinners suppied by ils eduration emîiitlce. Breakfat consists of porridge witb mik and molasses, fellowed by Ybread and margarine -or dripping. Ditner.s cou- sisted -fi0ftwe courses, varytng frc dlay te day. A FEW SAMPLE DINNEI3S are givan, the ceat o! wbich neyer ex cedad 31ý rents and orccsieuaily fal te. 2 canin. Pea isoup, jeas reiy pciy pudding. Haricot soup w-iib dumpilinga; jan p~udding. Savmoy battar, grs-vy and beans; rieý anai cu-ranIs. Yorkshir-a cheaso pudding; peas an- gî-avy; buttereai rire and sugar. Vagatariaiî pie; blanc mange anc jam. Mleat hasi, severy balla and rire stawed fruIt Scotch bai-lay bcoth; rhubarb fart. Siiepharda pie;, mlii pudding and Ltlewad fruit. Fisb and potato, pie, green peas; blanc mange and jam. Dr. C'oxviay's: report istatas that ct tisa enid e firat çveelk tie average gain hl wxeight cf the aidren te xvbeîr thaseimala ivera suppiiad svcs t peund 4 ounces, and et tise end cf four w-eis the averacge gain was 1 pouund 14 aunces. About tisa midaile cof Darembar tise edumation committeeaet l-artlapeeýl ia- ýs-îitnted an inquiry Ie tiste condilion Geibacisibidi-en la tbe arbeels irader lb cnrcim. This' cemmittea, discovariag tisaI 270 childu-n anbd ceane te schcol wilhont breakfast, immeda4aly voead $744k te ha expandad -on fcadiag thase cbildrea. At Neasesi on Tyne 2,M0 abidran verc r-apoed by tiesa chool managers aa- ha-wisîng insuffiriant fecai. Thea cdi- ca, rommuftce,, is nexv spendiag $7,- -2 la previdln g meatsrat etan average ccst of Ibreae cents .a chilai.-- MONTRiEA.L<SB AD-STREETS. The Cou-luge Cansparlirs Tirreu-ten ta, Sue fle Cit y. A &satci trans Montras-iays:,If ',s vory preisiah 'batactions xviii ha teken c ganst lise aîy csvuug ta otisa wreLbcal ýco)ndition -o! the strets. Mr. E. ýE. Bei- COnîl, Manager cf tbe Sisdda n rxvs- ing Comîpany, stetat on \Vednesd-ay aisornhag Ïhtirsf is romparry bcd put up îviih Monirec's h-ad atracts for acy ,yeams anai tbaf he direlers xsoea i Lw v-r f su -ng the City fac $20,000- dam- apT eprasetirfîes -of tise Cens-Otan Transftar cn DeîriicTrans-rer-f Coir- psaie-zscai bisetI lise Sheaiden pc-ephe teck ariion s-gaisLthtie City tbey were prs-ctically ( Cet-tain ta telioxvsuit. VAIN BEPETITION. YýOung Jrk'Mmaa, la dinar' rurcarhy r-aady? What are w-e geing tô Imamrna--"ýIfs rcady, des-r, sad meo- baer is gohs-g 1, i-ve yen sou-ne -o! thaf stre supais estcecrday. Coma, isk tIisa h-aing.' Yeuag ack-i s--Id if yestecrdcy. I lcant liea-io aýsk anlriossing fer w-r-med HE cýKNEW 1T. m pact fitistsr-"Ltile boy, 1 suppose your ýnsatav a taughi.t yen tisa golden e. sWi1 ycuour-rsv raeiti?ý' y-WljusI acxs it's 'SbuLthlie r YI an ipe yeur feet, h-rt in the nmem lima it's 'Dau'f let ithue Cira.'" Can as eeacp sscraI?" "No, bu-t rau kýcep a mdco, sand tbet's soerua g teo hcag aboutI"' i>% I thi t Ilrdshps o Seastrese !il LondonIb A t- Il a e O ci Mtore, proof that Lydia E. Pînkr- harn'i'egetable Compound cures side woinen. Miss M. R. Morin, .335 Ontario St., Mont-eal 1 wfites to Mrs. Pînkham: "I wa, in vecy poor health and doc- tored for'-months, reelving very litte benelit. 1 had lbat all ambition, was nerveoag, and subject to dizzy speils and painful perlods eaeh month. " A friend suggersted Lydia E. Pink. ham's Yegetabie Compoanti as the proper medicine for me. I proeured a bottle of this remedy ansd began tak lng, and before it 'Was Ëuished, 1 feit so much better that 1 con tinueti its use and gave It a thorough test, with the resuit1 arn to-day weli and a much heaithier girl thart-I- -was- tliree-yeari- ago. I have no more painful pe-riods, dizzîness or narrons troubles, " FA4CTS9 FOR SICI< WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetab1a Compound, matie from moots and herbs, has been the standard, rernedy for female illis, and, hias posltîvely cureti thousands of women who have beer, trouhieti with dispiacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, flhroid tumors, irreguarities, periodie pains, backache, that bear- iug-down feeling, fiatulency,indiges- tion, dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? RIMrs. Pinkham Invites ail siek women to write lier for advice. Sie bas guided thousantis te lieaith. Address, Lynn, Mass. S!. Cathaies bas h-cen premised froc WILLIAM BRAY, HOPE. postai eivery. Our lilte resPect-'dritizen, wi enetter. A00 a s eparaet eielltevilsle. 0 au mlto etlouite tis 1h înst., wsaaber-ncd The ha oereabeaýei -inBalsi11e.h ii' Cîî1 il Ecîglanai, on ebbc4tis cf - Te a osd4 H gýcnIc nsfl$30, huil. - Ms,Iv 1825, and afiear bis niacris-ga came ug hLoOa îis $30,fl00.,I e- to b Cens-Ois- ffl The C. P. B.ric$2,000laes ui10. Tisey seiea inrutitan six is-ek iuî tbe Londen aet-. H-p1evnitsisc io rsda uepis experts tire Prince -of WaieS soeatbtrty yeems ago, meov.ng te Cav- ta atend tiec-ad home xsaek cf lise - an, essf cfMilbro-o, wisceeib y live i ciy. 1 J 1-0cmef te4ir -crs s-go, wben tisey 1<15 prposed 1te bave Hemfflen lira- 3amovedto Nie MIbrck. Haro Mca. Bra y nisn on ty tîslvîraheurs ah c8t-laie, ait-O thirleen years agc. Feor tise last Sudburiy icaidents are seaktng lb-a Cix- Ir te yacîs tleyhave ive iniiiCaran erni-ent ta appoint e Freaeh-speckitig Tn-crthf e bac. r y insarlýs 0-Jdga fer ibai-di fri-lt. «The ciaie iMc. "resPc5 t oSl whotn Tisa Winnipeg Cran Exchatnge bas Ihy itt-'niii ier repect ere x bcî ean pracîîceîîy retdasa aresuit of his naigliborýs ei-vays eseemed, analoee ~newasx t cf tise Manitoba Legisha- s' lit-sa ]c oxîlasi sslways far tis ehsi. _t urc. Indnaîrienus in hb-ti, Christian Ila lun Mmr J.J. HillIls reporicd ta h-e pra- once and -1patu-ictio ina'lite and teartiiug, paing te hid s-railw'ay paralat i1, nene wh-berav iti ceau but raeeti 14,C. p. R. bbwrven B1andeonanara tbis memorxy. Clay One sou, Thomas, cf Hamiltons Tasn- 1 Alaary. - nrolycsapl ýcn nltlp, Oued neai - fw Ocys befto cb i ashd a lo<--rnsrev fitscepel Seing fILter, thre sîcrun bauuîg sse svere and thctr5i' cooopiwtivea f loadon c tis ad s-O 50 s- the fs-ctf cfbis d<-this alepgiiitctx atc h-iug unkaoýwn 10 bis famiiy tiare un- Ts laîial Davalopient, CýOmrPnY iiiJ afler bis ittrîn. Tsi onos, Xil- las pac -O tthie central cf Mr. Vsil-1 lias, cf Cardeonl,,air ai s--uy, xvbo lîam Nlàcltenzieadthse Tocante BRail- 'tas h-ors tihe sîuppeort and eîntcu-t cf wîyintercala. boe decliîrg yaars cf tha e ecaeO, Siscrisceke Ceuncil bas dd-aie cl-ring withbNirs. Saey. a daugisttr, and ptrchcs--e tieelbre igbf anaigas, die a Ougiters, Mca. Hamiynanda lint f lise ShorlirolteP. à1- & H. Go. Mrs . Ai-malga, -cf Micbigîn, and Mvcr. foc $250.000. Jolînsbao, -o! Crs-ycoauaty, ara lafIt, e R.üde-ric NIcbels-on-, a crto)ple, wxasn meiuru bis departu-e. A Meibeýdiafti buracd le deetb cf Higli Bank, P. E. I.,p .ieligion, s- Befwormar ta potitima, and e bj bis clotising iakiug fOr-awhite ha f gaod aea wisrevaur haosas founal xas xvas oooking bis Onner.;s tise late Wýilliam Bray. Oniy Mrs. John- A bll cf geld, sasnPcs of xvicb yield st-on19 ne -i eh t tise funcral et acver $100 toe tisa bas bs-sha-n Oscev- th isesa "iea adistance, La'sidea Mr. ored -on Vauceuror Islandi, B. C., by Josha B a s- npliesî, o! Bauger, Ps-. Walter Myles, an, olO Yukon miner. Tise inerat-te k plance bo Car-du:ýrr; An ordar (conrpettiing elactric bead- oemtec. Ie Rv.Mr. Clýrýeronui i ligîrus on locomotivs h eiusg iconlaîi-, ing t-h lest riîs.-Milbmook epeî-î.r. Ipiateti h-y t1 ir-a aîlvay Corritsseus, whvisa hs-a.given tise rs-tlwaYs notice -0f tbe proposi. 1BEA ,EBTAIN. Tor Infarts and Ohiden.iaBiii my siea o b The KInd YoýU Halle AIwNaYS SOUgh arri o 14 ,2.Ts aa jii ost i mut to $16L.5fj736"' Bears the , 'i,' tme Ceod -a pr-vislýonct are,- Signatue of n ah ol' ang tirtise sefleaseat ef bbc j- S i g n t u r o fs1 i p h -n O r g t iik a o uo n t hse T yn e . UNITED STATES. d p.USSIA WANTS TO FIGHTT BRITAIN. Large quanthtes if ceiored oIeme,- pl W 1.11 RÉpudîs-te Rlecent Anglo-BRussian - Conentien. U A de1ste ra L'Idri ays: Prof. infernatt nds-al icsva pon inicrua_ taip-allies 'comaaH. 1espct1Lrug or i ss'tsInatu n. Ts a . _________ _________ ________ d tnguelý, slas o mpexo, i h e a d a r h ( c s-a d p a i nl a n d eý r Iti -s s b nlà 0 cr b is da re r îr e i - a n i n dii o le n t iVer.Li'riuuphyt ig a short Lord nmonheners Ârmy at Work Againstcoren the AMridi. A despatch frm Uaan says: L-ord hilchcners Iillo ý,frontic.r wiar in the Pazar Valley agaiust the Zal-kalihelI tihanmen h mnaking rapid and' suc- cess'ul par .Tihe p-urpise ,f the c-xpeditieon is te punish. the tri-esmni fdr numrneruý raids mb oIidian Terri- tcry, and in a rear-kahly short ram- paigu lb y have 'been scattered andi broken, thoir f-ort.s hava Leen destreoy- ed, and many cof tbe tribesînen 'bave been kllled. The axpecition is iheugbt bere 10 re- flct credit upon the icerganization c 'f lhe Indian army as carried eout by Lord Kitchener. T1'omny Aikina is pnofltiug 'by the lessois learned frm tie ussýo-Japanese war. The Britisi treeops advaneed -on thea enemy in cpe aýrcer xvlb xvdeintervalsbeîxveen ihemn, Th4a mea teck advanl.age 0of al avait- ahie cover. 'This, method of proce4ura' sihe xvre accusrome-l for their snipng tactirs te the targels made by the, more, <r lencompact oluma ,fýormaison ,-i- plboyed by previeus cxp'dik nS. Thse Zakka Khcls hiave frnm timne ime- .-emo3rial been the m<ost tobe m (J neigbbors to the people of nerlh- cm India. They have for canluries mountain batteries and sappers. CONDENS[D INEWS ITEMS tiAFPENINGS FROM ALL 01--' TUE GLOBE. T',egrs-pl Brils FreiOur O0w-n ud Otlier Countrlea of! Bacaus CAND. b een in the babt cf sweoping' down from iheir fasincas-es, situated in a land thIat bas heca ndescrib-A as "a muntrj on end," and "an upd own moun- try,' and bei3b-rîg ad murderng \xhemo a-vec Ithc fancy tck them. Vu xvas thby whc batchal thc plot xxhcýrby tise Brut j i posts in UthelKhail.ar Mwera wpiur d in 1897. Il was they wise formcd the beýPrnai cf the res;stance te Britlh anas during the rampagua nTirais, and ce- naancd tc theo end uaconquerad amd untamýed. Since ibat crnpaign tisera bas bý,en alncst ne crime wtiicb tisa Zalika Kbei have not commitlad. Net- ther the persoens nor tise p'epeties 0f rixxellerq in the lewland's hase br an salae fem thase iîigbland cat.erns. The ferce sý-nt againsi tbe Zakka Khet oensisted cf 7,000 m-en under Major-Generai Sic Jame.s Xiiecks.Seo far as Briish b roops were concarned, buidthIese wmtbhiiy re-Presented Eng- land .Scaland and lretaand. They were ath f 'v ariashr.tas1eafrh ih ~A1cn racarte usrFuies. u Siddi Gion khea deai enIl ra ,,iaiens ks, (ua ronko hn uu e imenti, auadro nd f he3thLaces garine are heiag sold as butter ta Chi- Txveive jurymen xvho dectdcd a maso' by a flip f a coin were finad $50 cacha in New Y-ork and thalr verdict wsyas-et aside. GENEBAL. Canerai Stcea-sJ b.as appalad te tire Czar fýor a fuit pardon. The Ausircu'a Foreign Office boîteva Turkry weould risis a waci rathar ilian yield the soxer-aigaly lof Maedenla 10 bbc- concer t of urpean pcxsvers. Nuaziý etzi.l irmer Itaian Miaistaýi cf Public InstructLon, bas Lama feounai guilty et emhczziemaant and santencei te elevamenuiýjts and twenty daya ixý prison. A carriago ii wbich Quean Wtlbai- raina and ber busbaad, Prince Hanri, \viere dcix ing, was wremked by a street, car ah Tise Hague, but biseroyalcoupla cscapad- urî-. Tisa Czar's spech. te the meintors etf tise Dunra whom ha rec-eived la audi- ece -ca regardaid as a-naw guarante4a cf au pmaotsyslien cf respovnsibia gov- emmii amnt a ua-sia, AUTOS OFF COUNTY ROADS. Drasie Legisiation i- Proposed by Dr.- Clapp, "M. P. P.' Anut autwnmebj le1 l;sici 1-oleha mac cf the fatures aI the Legisjabura ibis session. Di-. ipp, M.P.P.. witl hringalonac bill g v ag üunlries pewaer 1- praibit lta ia-eby cauîtobdUes -cf mcouîrîy rass uri-a c i-Ia1n days of the week. la order tisai Ibhemeasura <hall ha most aflertivac, Dr. Clepp suggesîs thb[at 11)"loe8eaoi'shah mmmelde Saturdcys, Sundays andi M ndays. The nreasure a ise hoirram-ed-te rasuit et au C-itb-oot-loýng peltion on tise subjeci from Brant, loxva-sip. Mcr. P. H. Bewye-aa-i bas nncl meibj -;'Il befoc ise L-egi.siature. if pros ides Ibat mac-hies on aitga fua cral munI tucn dossas a sraie lane or sireet -or the driver ha panalized bhy a - -.1- - DESIRA'BES ONLY ADITTED. Governmeýnt lias Scerne f0 mpov Class o! British mmqans A depalc fro (O'ta\wa says An mmiralonregulatien wi'J ho issueId ;horl reviîngtliat afýer April 15 Lext an er-sen CMiag te Canada on psttdjassagw drawn' fremn any char- abie orfimilarinstitution iiinth uhjea 'teexclslaaif 1:e apvde vit acetifcae ri tha Cu ýanacifan JIO \VJllma Fi, sulitable et'r. This is donc because lt is fourid 'that in To- oýnta and Qlher large aifes many ia- dviduals s&Gsenteut have tecoase a pubtic ýcha-rge. ORà Rh[ND SoId Everýyw!Iuee. Taboes2 cents. - W~~s ho$hco dîe, rVcdsl?:i cus Oï1 V DOr ne , .k x u a1iT'Ve fc e s, e m is. i os, S jei - u-r, S ý1a tî je u-fs fA bue aor E x c sa,, .Prio$1 per ox, Eixfor 5. Due-xViii pcasc isx ,w I i c ae. S o d b y al r d m ggisw or m i l p la l . on rc p fpite ~ - ,nrted fu-ee.Tfsei o dM dio rec. <f ruse-ls-WIsdaou> T eon o nte~ -A- An ïznf f>zZIbzze Cu,-re For ;prula, RebnspiiDt, cor, kendall',- Spain- Cure h sn e u l " I h v e f i c a r V . ,n u b e r o f h o r s e $ and have used you rmeie wic ~Bc prëpare4'-kcep Knd asaWays in the gtt bI . O d r b .ok " Trea.tiSe Ol tlhC Horse" froe from dea!l, or S a bolll.-6f r$5. D - SyLopsis of Cnda North-West. A NY evon umberpd section of Ds-im. ina Lrs uManitoba, Saskatchewan aid Alberta, exe -ptng 8 ae~d 2!i, not reïer-ved, ,nay ha homeuteaded by an>, person whiu s the sale ha-d of tamiy, or ai y maie over 18 Yesof age a tbe extent of on quarr.er ecu. tion ou ý60 acres, mura or les. Appieati.ai for entry muai ha, made ln par s-on by the applicant s-t a Dominion Ls-nds Ag-fsey or Suh agency forthe (Il trict ln whuie thala diss!tUate Entrybypro,,xym-y luoqevarbla made a ais-nAg-aney ont ertainl ecordittns b theafather, moiý tar on.l.dauglihtar broîilierors:tr o au itniugh etadr Tht-luomsteear areqireu roper1ý ie t tha lvmaateaddautic ean.r 0ouncf ýIlle foulfuwung (1l At Ieast six mnta'reeldenea upon -n c u l t i v a t iJ o l i h e l i s e e - o b y eau a. fruInv s-doxx nad saouy lyIhnlm, a-t ler tiba eli by tac) acr es 1tjs a- eut, luithavtclni& o',5 boueeaa .JïiitÈ owneiehtplu l m will flt net tts eureet (SiIf tia tier(or mtaif tirefs-thisl dacasedi cf a omaetes-,er has ýpe"-rausi,'ee- fot le s tia Q lg ltY 180] acre,% in a-t nt, l theisvenly, oft o htmeittead, or auP1n a bom,,stead enteraS for by htm un the vIiaLity oueS b ma-leader may utarforur hies wn test. Sauce duais Sy ltv-ig -At tir afsthar [or n .thaîl. 1 1] T-ha terin vtieity 1'lu tba two, pracad ing prgsphsIs le dind c.s meanng untt m ore th ari nine m iles a n s- Se t e u e x l e cf th e w d th of rma S s-io w an aaî e os ed i ni th û ruas-utent. [5]A hom estesder lutendint e ,, prefo mr isi r e j d e n fe e S otie sl u a' C (tq ir da u ve a w lt h th e ts- b a yv wiul lvIgwttb prneor on fs-rnui-g ln Gw ile S b ? w.9e]'f ,mu t uotfy tij ra ge ait ifa the distictpiuelur11tentîon, aux m o tt is' no ti c e L u w ril iin m u et 1, e g v e n t a t i a C o r a m pi tes l o -r o f L ID o m u n" 'u C o n, L r a s t Ottawa, of ,itttsottn tu Op ly 1.1.or patasi liarn'y of tie Mi 1eerf ir aîitror. N B . I J - o t o r t a d U b li e ý t u j os f t h ls a - - LAD ITALIANS FINED. RccGrdùr We i lo4M ontrent, T r a c e v ; i c e f ou n d c i L t e c e t d w eai& o Th rda. The sne cs ru fiinm $ 25 oj r en e m o u thnil i t h r d Ja U o rl t $ 5 0 furnsh we rliale ecurtie 0f$250 ea h that ha wýll l ee th pac fr e u e e r . A i I * ' t- , Uc nçiw a r n Posd ý on ho Italanis a(nJbehofle met end threatened ta ijli B ede Xeir. Their pary ias be e up, anmi the police ae seehing the mepn \whoý m~ade the tiueats against the codr Ilercy PBrowvn srnlrened aI Montres-I te Vi've Ycara. P .rw , a n d un t'ro uts h i f a n ri ti lr il,--------'srn"nîg o gt-L' îuî utsp -pui ç io i ich thie i-s muaissaa- and1 Iastir., cure. 3ct, a bou. ai ail deaiers es Diiurî li ts-Ch mier. iru ac ra.Selsa - ersbrîn.Ts mtiwokrlcOun hn or Edutuanson, Dates & Co., Toronto. Adaspatris Iroa Ca-pýeusirs-,en ssys: sscik dcaO s-e if hack agein. sacc l as witlr Lr atlas, sîbichb airabis MrA. Geo.1-. Simser, Grant, SirncocCo., TreUniva-rsai Municipal Suffrae uBill SAn or c-oe! tue An!i-smxveatng Tesi-ue rsIte oparhinImb appropriata unilaOnt., write5. 1p:îssed its tliud rcPading ii threLanais- h a d~~~~~~~" t o n n i lî c I - thas e r w o r c r l L - t ss a lis u ro fu r w if s \ v u - e g a iosi x ' i r tni g o n T b a s d ai y h - y 3 2 s o l e s l e 2 9 . or-d ar oto Ieî dybea uti 1ae s-iafpeany (tsxaieve as-aall! mg auit!protruding piles for eleven years, sud ishe ~ ~ i. aicgrsaabetosolsga-dnt s. throu h failure cf docto's treatunesut lbu Ai mot pn ric i--Ise vscggdca iebhaana ie-igwhrsîe l ef cura. Dr. Chaaa's OuueibroughîGE IN OD s-be ~ wa ca-ungveshlins $150 55a'lguba enpocigasa- elief atonce, sand! cou liealed the ucerA nitaue a s-lizsbat Lh rr,«t, Whc fod s~a icicg abesuas-ne- if; ac~d -een rltn motig ba p__ d That wasfilve vears aoand 1 haviri----- aIrls latter. svuichu iîneu inintal i sce maieaaiecoursinceal ho aws-j1mpi- unlass $1.000 iras laft under a his-ck,catei. île clahirce lis-Oa a peu-for-t catison ihe siOo-waik on EBro(aOxiay lns1i1ut 'It'1,svcïiic lb- sîreas 1f iLecbos front c ls aidcaca, LAsîfnîigbt liiirms a 1Le- aihc. sc-str bouse scud -thsy p is sm - heaseisshaie be-a ntaIiv-i n ing c f tishattr ndicc-baal tht ilcui- ish csa Sut up le iepresent has ans0-ed froas Itl[iu leht-s 'is M-tm mne 1 ht m;inet source cfL!b sas giving emcbnIafrievciag, ctiI s- tcigilir hi rsne od is heautifut b5sîie s astîcouged wiJlad ý4to aýjli la b nxct fli risp pirrominaent attizons. LUitkne-ss7n lt- iiv1tou-iInh - ii ni-f- 1 - , - Cisen -Lih Dstrable 1 6,779 1 OBITUARY. ýGl TIIE ALLONVED 0élUM.

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