Perm -ïýane'nt R e suit s "J L'&d been slf' Pring fer over two7 moi4ntLs -with au obstinate ,ouighi, as had also jny Elittie girl. 'Wetried svea renndi4ýes omm--on to any drug stýore withcut ob)tainlng any, apparent relief, in faet we wer" growingw-r's e. 1 gout a Lotte o l fote EzpcctQrafrcfomn rny druggist and insde of two days the Eough was atoppod, and thc e eos so peýrma"Pnent Pand rapid U tat wo deeided to Lkeep it ia our 1home eontinually, C.A .Station,Ota. Coiafote xpetorntis reeo2gn1ized theword oeras thie beýst prescription ever -used by tho m edical poesinfor Cou'.gli, CdsCroup, Bonc itiad TighAness eCSA, Cmadrn liae it. To intx-odneie il into 'Weyhomen we Vi snda frac sa1pe te vry pro sending theoir name and addresqs to Dr. T. A. U~ctLmited, Toýronto. Sold by il np-to-date dro1ggibss4ai25C. Stund fýýerFrc sample 'To-day, The hais now being sownfore&PIY âpr1ng are so-ýniewiaf -on t-le mjushrmoom shaealtou I uGh ale and turn- l~ 1,p s31 ightly in the front. A PkW are sbown rolledbaclc straLghbt oitthe bf isîle ad ihIere are evon one or two Pihat areaugbi back in the midffle of teft'oni with a ,,quili sown ai right anlsl He, face, Altogether ihere is no inicatof any set fashion, for ht l~~~f ttelr l kbudefiiitely whaf suai- me wl rîng forth. For the betwenT eaoi Ltl11 oras lysale tk invest in at ilarge,fiat- si! ;r shot- n bacItndi] frnt. ThFis rnmay cither'roll sligbtly ai tha edge ofilthe brlm on the loft i ade orz els nay bha perfectly, sîraighl, tùim- mcd Jwith fbowers or quills. Lehon ats, koo, are very popular, but ihey aaIc straighi in the back arid turned L up. i the middle ofthie front. A vcry ml Panama la shown- wilh 1 , jho brnrolled hack ai Itho side and hel1 ini place by a chou of vel-vet. This forma i oh' rimming. Man 0fIb basshown for very early &prJing ïare umacle cf horsebair and triro- med wtvth s'iralght., short ostrich plumes. Ot.her matriais used ko a great extent aiene nd malîne bound ail round witýh lÏffta, while aigrettes and wings uu alli yi. fojr)r the trimmtng. Th'tic dl ats for early sprlng have forI ar M Wt -ow f lace or net wiih large boops lbcavlily wlred. Thase stand outin 0al1ieciosand give the hall anl ete lyfly-away look wlxich. la be- omIng oLe toynun-ger women. The J older nes 11w.tho ay, seem kbhvei beau bell oi ef tholoulaton hardi' fne unldslgiled < dehkh Wou bu- 5utabiofes-tem6 î Haiiqila inre--tgatwinç satr-ind"usen bilais'. tiîeoc rethe np a fd a arew Gld ýreoqutls are qll aredenad are matcgayat ai preneent. rin uerl Sometîm s, c, hirertaap is a re a-adsomeu strîheplwueîpomarnsmacle ýtw are a gecneianc, &dthaearey prgays ie winoplase hav or with pluesorthse feaihers Ihat are. toc VmatI k ue in- any ether- way. - I QUEBE~ BRIfl~E BISÂTER, Report of the Royal ConissioeI- JnvestigatLing ItL A deaspatoh frona Otlawa says; The reýport of tieRaloyal Commission, ap- prniîtet k ieivesUgate tibecoellaps-e . 1 flle Quete.o bridge, lhas hotu piesenhod ho lb-a Mnlsticw f ksilways. The' fini- inge ci' lire commission oerarly show that tire coliapse was due net lte any (Cifeci in macrial -or corstiucton, but te- bas;c detoti inIre dosiga. The gon- era&I delails of consiruetti-n were wvork- ,ed eut sith -tbe greatesicacre and Ibor- nugliness, 'but iLa pi'ooed*ng on the gen- oral fcrmuiac new edeploed as standi- ards for _bridge consîruc'lon, 4he de- ,ignAers l ibaermasscf d ehail searo te have bacit sigbt cf on-e great basioc point, aiameîy, the'riaking ot pncpar proviLs- lon for flica maximum aitrain- on .the greaiýeanlraI span acreas the river, In an undertaking greater thon ever ho- fore attempted in bridge c -cnstruction il appears tlha1 t th enginoars laileC Iol recagnize tirai the usuel w-rking for- multie as k sva'ghi and strain w-re net ffplicble withcu-l cens-iderabie mod:li- ,catifn lathe instance. Tira Cie siga iv-as a beautiful co, andthebbcdc- hails of con-'r-uotlýon w-are x-orked out with the fnst oce, eccordtng 4otee Jaest prnclp',s -cf modern bridge-bu i - frg, but the wegbt -of thie groat mIdrilo BOYCOTT BBITISII c.OO-DS. ispcn w-es Io great fer /he supporling anombers, h are the cellapse.. No flaw1 w-os f-euninl any eff bbh mataa sup- pliby the Ph- enix C- tapa :y. Thain'lL brf, ;s Ihae încluî'r nat ,whichhIe ocnimmssien lias orrlvecl. F-or ho desagu Ibotheiel englacer of the Ph-eux BmCIdge Gempmny sas - Oiým-Siy rpan-ihie, bis desigiu eing tI e.w-rds approv-d iay Mr. Coaider, c,,a-su 'ic-g an- ginacr -of tbe Qiiebec Er Cig o Cenaay, ba'ng -rcaa srias au h ti son Ibis continentlinhem nieler -of bridge con- struoti,3a. Afttr bath hari passed -on lbe reigtn >,t w-as approve by the Gev- carcyiag -eut the design, w-ba n -o appraved, tbe comnisson, ILi l sari, hua-n-Qmcaroleasness or any reayan fcolasn That -he d-fecls cf 'ho presont desima cii 1-o î-cecd nd -i be br*dLeofinaly ccstructed ila ne.w the opinion o! the Oengineoca. Thie rmniosin, of colýrse, maRes ne ,iidî,cial han-ding as ba the rcs»-nsýbility cf the G )vermemnt or ofl h" PàCen 7x jBcge Compaîny for Ibe colleuse bc- y-cari lbN sWa',-mp,,ts ulai b ohvo. R-espnsbilty f-r -4hafinanciel 105e li- sIelr, etc., w-Il bave a te hosetlac laies-., ALL CXBIIIEI) WEAPONS. Nalâves o! India Being Slfrred Up bylEiglit Italiens Rounrier Up by Daheclives AflaJr.IF vloareay ---- --- A cia-sptceh frin BeOsian, Mass..asDys' The -ors cf tire German ste-arnsh p Nouenfeas, whliob arcised bore on \Ved- nesday froro Ildia and Ceylen, report a ser'ous coaiditien -of affaira tiraugli- eut Indus. The ni.atives lhey as et ai-a Cpenly defying ibe British. They have boyootiad the Brîtisis gooris, ai have refusori te bande cargees shippeàdby Britishir er ants. lanlise intoi-ioo bbcey axe çn the svergaetf pen s-ovolt, arid in many plaes tlîey are armint- andi preparing k combat Bitish ru o,. Agi- tLoirs ara largely respeasible for the Present coonditions. Tlsey are inoiîing list natives k oa cof violence. Th-ey IsoLieve tise Japanase will nid them Il tbey sireuld engage ta war sitb Bni- tain, and thoy delare tboey w-lIl ho vie- torieus. ln tiraeacarcitins-tise feel- ing againsi IhD BEntasari forignersj ia geîîerel iraS akea the form of a boy- octit, ari commere la gr 'ai y hirper- ýcd- The Neuamfels was, delayed 6/kCieys 9t, Calcutta waiiing for baer crg-.' The Aricapatoli fcm M untreal -ess'Ac, -!on irstruotli ns frmm the nsicî Geseramea-t, ChileCakih as madie a îeund-up of suspicious lîcýrac'ers i:RaIy te carry er-aooaied w-eapns, and on Wedaesday Ihe provulcal deectives arraa',ed ighi Rli 'ans, -on cveî-y one et w hem kaives, sillei as ari revelvpe .v-ore teund. Ia eannnchýiin s-v lb bbc reerat ifreqluoy 0 -f murdors amen cý for- oit-n poea ulahien cf Monîrcal the -ir nc.y-Genraîas Deparimeait bas dec'ded h. ado il energet;o moasurea La conato. tion with immigration. ROYAL PAIR IIAD CLOSE CALL. Queen Wilhel1mi4ne mâd Consort iii a Serlosîs Carnlage AccIdent. A Cespatris frota The lague says: Qucen Wilheîmina and, Prince H-anry, )iai uhanr, i, bd a mireoulous esoape freta-serloas injury ta a ce-rriage acci- rient noar the- palace on Wedaeaday. The -Prince- was drivine-b 5c e WEDDING BELLS. A quiet weCiîg w-as clbaelai fhe h-ine -ô Mmr. JOua Coudier, Ptonty- P,1on01 Wedao.slay, Feb. l9tb, thse "ieiîracting parti-asbeint- Miss Sula H. C-cuiteOr, of l1-Ontypo-1anaMîr, c W. H. NurLhieoti, of 1-1milt-an, tbý e Be. D. B. tiarsh, F..AS., oficatiîg. 'lho bride t as for a nunbei' c ycrs enjoyed- the nýnh Oîof Lei1îg eue -of the imosi, po-nra-gbta-taMa avers anr- v-ery- nume-ous indc d were, tbe go-Qd w.sies elle iwe4evlfoi, a happy wedded lite. AIl-ar bbe oeroiroay [ba gueýis epaired W tho; cknrng rcoor, w-heî-o a sumptu- euzs repasaiwasa cIsp nsefi, reflectn gm-.ti orocl,,,n thosa ss-hi se coml>otent- ly teck -charge -of lire cabines-y déipari- mcmii. The bride w-are a handsme priacos Irostume of ccam imervelleux suR, timtmos witb Ir'ish la'e anri pearis and w as assiaer by Miss Margaret Fa,, who -bworc, a pretty orea lion ef electric blue silR, The groom s-as supported b3 -Mr. A. J. Coultes-, brother of lire bride. Ameang Ihoso preseni wora: Mr. aCi Mca. -Willi ana Noriboct, Mr. andCi Ms-s. V. Coo'srau-e, Miss A. Ceulter, Mc, G. couttes-, Mc. S. Coi-dico Ns-. and Mra. William Coaltar, Mca. «James Coulier, Mca. Syec, Miss LN. Sper, Mc, E. Srer, Mss L,.Ni. Wasb- ington, MJisa E. WilIiams,cii>Mbssesj MI F. and V., Benson, Mr&. Dl,. Mac- Collum, Mr (i. fluîrnrn Mi- Y P Th-~~ lie rarried a kelhie of l>cihing watar freta r . --N-nb e-.-,ina .~-,~~t,-'-- --'--n-r-N, W -. .11-4-, <-'s r- - N~ ,rS >- ~ 9 's-et, r"<NYI,- r--r-,---- k-vo- n,'wi~~ 1' . eogahiert:r, i : . Was Re0JbngaflIouse in tha Absence of -1Il,, nOur. EME laîgeam0unîs 0fof eed iqdevoloed. Through use the m-uscles of the aný- iaI are develeped; fr>'disuse tbey atrophy. To train a horseo k ruot, ire [3 put on flire track and trotLod, there- hy daveloping the muscles wbich are] nacess ary le produce -,peed. The dairy ccw not *hing kept fer speed purposas, is nett lrcîned upen iihe trook, but by baing forced 10ohibain ber grolwth by e&tiag liieraliy of hay, foâder ancl si- loge. Sha should have a raning thafl wtIl tendCile dvelop ber digestive capa- city, thus developing héec ho pertorni WAFIMING TFIE XVATEH 5FOR COWS. Wariag the water for oilob cow-s résuLis in mnore e t ibngeoensumpe'd. Whan our fIrst tank heatar was mInro- dured se-vocal yoars ago il did not taRe locng te consLace us lirai we gel more mrn!J than we had bean geting whe-i the cows Crank it unwarmod, even thougb from a wvell-protocled source. Wa do not hear -or read se muoh these days on this subjeot, because ncarly everybody sinderstanda that ice waiec lanet condiîcive te a large milk tlow. Net all berna are equlpped witir ins"de walering devices, and many bords sth11 go k Ite oulside tank for, drink. Sinc-e 85 par ceai, -of &Hail P ooassts of \va*er, il payc tk encourage a freea oosuinption, on the part of tbe One of tho most auccesslul ris iryrnn i over lznew kepi but a few cews,bu hG to-aR excellant care cf lboe few, lui winier, sinc lire hafi no baller way, jjÇ The happy cul iîcnxt hM s ~ iW MAKE IT Y01UR!S1EL1F, longadto y n mnei uta Icne ounce , Con-ý,ipoun Krgon, lhrce Every itrue daiGri now blin ouanons of opudSyrup )Sarsapa- ordr1raoia slbrong, vgru n tilla. Shakoesawlini a bolîle and bigh pi-oducjýing dairy Cou\"i 35ai-Q take in tcaponfl oss afler eacb riecessary tu Xecplherm fat during thirt nical and ai bedtîimo; also drink plenty growing peried. in tact Ai- le btter ne1-t f good water. l I fatten iboeYoung dairy calvos or Me- I is claimed thal there are lew vic- fer.s, but siniply keep themn in tbrifty tims efthiis dread- and torturous dis- condil-on. Dairy calves and the Young Panse wirc will fait ho find ready relief slock sbould ho libcraily led, but iiOl ia tbis simple home-macle mixture. and ie fedth wlfaenhm.I in niosi cases a permanent cure is thae isnlesta iltlo hi.I result. s hbold by our h-ast breeders thai a This simple reoipe [s said te strength- Lulky ralion is beller for grewing dalry an and cleansa thbe elimicatîvo tissues aniaIs thon a ration centaiuiug a ot tha Kidneys so that they can filter harge pereenlago -of concenîrates. and aIrain !rom the blood and systomn There is a reson for tis tbeory and dîO poisons, acids and vaste malter. rcie h cd er e uit whicb cause not only lhheumaiism, but capable 'Of takiag o large omouni of numnîous othor diseases. Evcry man feed and cnaverwtiag il !nie milk. If an or womaa bore whe feels that their kid- -animal cannaI do ibis she -is not proý- nrys are not beaiihy and active., or whio flablo 10 keop for daicy purposes. So sutiers trom any urinery troubla whai- 1:11 training Young, dairy sieek te carry aver, shosild net besilalo te maire up out tireir svoî-k lby are given bulky ibis mixture, as il is certain to do iteds which tond ho exercLse tiroir di- mach good, and mnay save you frnmgastive oigansý more Ibmn the cenoon- nuch miaery ' oAC suffaring after while. trai[es. Perhaps iA is net se much a Orc home *ct uggsis say they wil question of e-varoise, but the digestive elîber qae!qply bb tgrdnt or mix tract la distended more by oorse bod- ihe proscrjiption redy te1ta) ef our r and hay Ihan by meals and con- readors &&ks lbem. seque.ntll the caDavQtv for handlinC TeKiRd Yoii Haye Alway ouh Iw~U~ For ver S8Ye,0 FARM NOTES. Improved îro-thods -of culture are spreach broadoasi oe-rtbbclandiby nicans cof boks andi papora. Foc Ibis reasoa f arma-s are nierae inleiîligent tban tbc saeaclaslnanay other ceun- tî'y. Few f armera nows-v cof ai agriaul- tural information. Eighty-seven per ýeai. of talR is w a- toc. which shows Iho nacessily cf pre- v1ding la abunri-anca for Ihe cows, ari il shoulol always ho pure aridsbele- some. Waker frota a stagnant pcoî, or- a well which goba bbce soalrage fi-oui de- cay and 1111hi, aay have l il a poison tirai findls ils victiao ta the bumon f amliy.1 Heriýnlias Ihce sdsiniago -of nitrate e<f sd:Tira nitroýgen being at once aveul-1 -L roDsa wncnmmaic egra7; the LuIngTafrpc fhecae;Ie ~~ksJ C5ilAt'g CC ~ ~ sr l î-,nn-, , dCg - U-NJU.i~JLAC~b1UCfturaioîi aiie------- --- -----c -Ttireacio ucrss, 1date-abig k>.Lo~ etsadprlulc pl surinb- ceadci wthhbeorlb--x-l-cgr~--ft-r-vtth ~yVIIS refuse osbaed n-rualitsseanTefu:iiu-s.ociteN.II Pr s,$0.ameF--r& j Os--di CCO --,C-CLCa UC CCJ ! Ua as Asmnny cai l-iaDmi it, nt. j ~CCCyCC . C0CC~ ite- pp iD te anappie omcbordet r nieLAe, 21 Easu End MS. osY Onk, p'ore A<, i icareer,trd ~Mc's. Nibr'i it mi ax' trient-c b i mea0=nf a creln os 5,Cn bi-d i-u' m h-b Y whal bla tm ff bt eiho trejBwmanlv la an md vcntyonlahni-1 utdy eut e a i- s on cotriday-so ~ is-aieesanbtwiC rp r I Ip1o-n an- he p;,-io ,,bO oC -i. ~ - o . . -ioui ci- d-t--i- -r ai?'5-etu-- m~____ I ~ADIAN FORE-TRY ASSCIATIN. - tabloc, pienty Ago - ', n Coo,,k's Cotton Root Cm on The great titerine Tonie, and ilenlY saf e effectuai Monthily depend. Sold in three degmes ï f strength-No. 1, $1; No. 2, I 10 degrees atronger Ç3-No. 3, for s ecial cases, M5 per box. ioabal drugyists, or senti repail on recelpt of price. e a hiet. .A<dress. THE CDG:II~EWfIN 0.n5 NT. sx hormerlîj Windslor> LEABN PlIBENOLOGY. THE AMERICAN INSTiTUTE -0F PHRENOLOGY, Incorperah.ed 18C6, by special act ef the Ne-w York Lgisila-, tare, will -op-en its noxt -ssio.n thbo flrst Vvednesday in September. Il is xx2l ho make carly arrangûî.eut-ý. Th, sub- ilu~fJtilac-ing,~Baynirolegy, 4ys-e- Warm 0f geori bcd cari ms-at. ihe 14051 ameî,nt cf arnrnznin flneo (~o,-,rpA ,u-r,-1 ~in~'Ir~.A n I 'J f-ashýd Li 1, -L. -L 'L Li L" mL mr- L The KrLnda yeu Have AwysBugt ndw -t asbe lik cue fr over 30 years,ba borne -the sgaueo and bas been inaae Under bis pr sonal supervision Oince Its infane.y. I.ow no one te deceive yen lu thls. Ail Counterfeits, Imitations and 116Just-as-good"l are bati Experirnents that trille 'wlth and endanger thec health of Infants and ChUfdren-Experience agalnst -,Ex.periment. Castoria 19 a harmless substitute fror Castor 011, pare. gorne, Drops and Soothing Syrups. If is Pleasan1tith contains neither Opium, Morphine uerote'Narti substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destrocys WoVrmn and allays Fevenishness. It cures Diarrhoea and ýýlWind Colle. 1 t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Cntpto a~nd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulatesý thn Btomach and Bowels, giving bealthy and na'ialseepe. The Children's Panaceap-Tlhe JMotier'S 2Fncien. GENUINE A LWA Y S