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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Mar 1908, p. 7

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CURRENT TOPICS. aiiMacLeani, ellirwsse kuown as SicHarry MacLean, the Britisli sub- jet wi is ommniander ofth[le body- 5guard etofIth Sultan, Abdlul Aziz, ha- recorasi bis liserty aller a dtentiora oý scien suonîls.instlu.Iborunlains ef -c-, a cineM nroccéo. Tbe cendtions et raslson die- iated be tihe beihb aisuli to tDe Bril- îcîGovernment ba'.ng beon cromplioed 'wilb, [lie prisosser w as personally con- ducted Py bis caplor te the British Le,- "s gcim e t Tanguer ai is nn\v in sat'ty. e ii c deut rocaîls [Pe Middsle Ages, wbcrs kidnasppiug w as'an honorable cal- Mtuet Beai' S!Snaturo of I ng ansi holding te rausem \vas a pro fLable business. TPbs is netth[e first, lIme Ibat Bai- SsoPac.silloWtapper Babyw. suli hes imas-e meey by roverting 10 mesiuseî ai ways. Seme four years age VoesT 'àU n&5 ao 0557 lis'apturesi the correspondent etf[lie 40 taise no 6 gaze èLe ns-en Tinmos on the entais-ofe Tan- s FO lIK~JAfhI~ gser andsi sd net give hlm up 111lihe ~AR ER8FORDIZINES. securedsinl exehange the release r- MpTTL %ILIQUIFNEf;5 prison ofcoma et f sashereuts. N IVE FORTORPIRLIY k,Ioiig atterwars h-e seizesi an American PI L ~O CONSTPATIGE andi a British sulijeot, ansi tlists ime net FOR SLLOWKIM. enly gel frn tP Sultan Abdul Aziz FOR TH COMPLXIO D.aranseru et soea fsly thousansi dol. g i p;sjPg végotab >e.e lacs Put aisean appeintmeut te ho Gev- cm- or ot a dIstrict tvhere lis intçcrss ~U~ 801< AD&~ilL lay. Having heen dismissesi ts'om ibis .&DVERT!SliCG RATES.,, pod aiont a ye-ar age, Pc terthwLtl re- vertedS te brigandage, ans ai-I attempbs rfbhe CanfIatn taa am s pblished t4,ceerre hlm'failesi, sîthliugioee-ot Eery Wednasday smsocnhog a oftiseOfce 26 ftatess.n 13 hock. King Streetthe liatowns centratalie' yhLm was occu- ~I oWoanville.. Ont., l'y 11. A. J1amas, pied adanme fbsfloes n 1E i t or and 'ropirletoýr. Subsýcription nianme tPsfloesas $,ffls per am)ns , o $00ILpaiS sorne wýouen et bis harem noeecap- fiticty i adarse.Adlvcrtslmg rates, tramaienýt adviiing, tan cents per k.ne, turcSd. :rm:t Insertion; five centsea lino eacb -2bsequent insertion. Contrect ratez on lapplicatior. In lune ef lest year, ielleving [liat more, ceuld lie acýcemnp1lihd by diple- TO U. S. SUBSCUIBERS. mae tien hy force, the Sultan sent TPe tat",nan xvill lie $1.501 a year Sr Harry Macbean te negetiale wi[h atsuiscribers lu thé' Uitesi States, lie bandit-, but alter oe interview the wbiliis I 00fer ,suiscriptien ansi 51aenv-ny ventue it,,')ga [e -anlor wili- cnafe'r postage. AUl suliscriptiens eut asequate sateguards aud -on Juîy 4nstle paisi ln adiance. Porseýns, th enile paper te friands ilU l. 1 \vs mrade prisoner. .Thie offerts ta Y. must gevern thesuselves aceemdung- seýcure bis release were long futile, on'- ly. W regreltich neces.sity fer Ibis' isî te [lie prepostemuos tenus imposed hagbut tic new Postal Trealy by tho brigand. Etaisulu ulllmately de- u Ake i suilirrec. Cliîadlan suli-S aýc'ibers will pay '011Y $1.00 as for-m- clinosi le [ceaI with tho Sultan Abdult er,f -ansi we request ail' vhe eari te Aziz ansi insisteS upon en[cerr n laI pjay iu ad ance. 50-4w. dietngbatious -wýibi lie Brit[sli Gernmint. Even alter an agreement A. F. IM[cLÂGHLINT. hlie lioueaciosi witb Sr Gerard Low- flarrist-r Scîtor ard Convayanear. Uýer, lie Brillis Minister et Tangues-,aa cfr1c:-Bicýst,,s ISSr-O1 ,King Street,- hitci-e urdbcue u 33owmnnvnîe. Ajoncy tO ban at reasois- i ecrei- -<as P utlirity etof ýNO MO Lî ùlR E fiHEU lmA TIs "FRUIT-A-TIVES " CUREBNIBM Chitpe .Gaa sa well A known citizen of Ottawa-formerly inMt the City Hall and largely instrumental ini forming the Ottawa Hunt Club. Mr. LEF T -IANDEDNESS. Mrs. Ir. Miner, Of 311 Suffolk Grahaa's voluntary testimonial as to ThIe causpo e: <hi,tandedness bas lon iie hl l iing in Osaa the great beneit le received fromtaking pul Ihiiukers a- h in years of age contracted a sLi îe and the who first broke out like tinv water blià,oýrs, ai "1Frit-a4ives" will carry conviction. are anet saUsfild witls accecptng tisîngs w suld disappear for a short lime and thl as they arc, but must 1now xhy tîïey corning in contact with the skin set up s are.'Why shouid xsinety-seven e-ut oï 10 keep hier front scratching. Wet (,eiesy hunidres use the riglit haral. y good resut until we hegan using Zamn- preterence for grasping objects, writ- and soreness was greatly relieved, and Ing, a nd ail the nmore delicale and in- tning, the eruptions and scabs fast disap1 Isicte f mvemet ,whie lie min- was completely clearesi frorn the diseast ing thrce id thec 1db hand to Le the Zamr-Buk, andi as there are no sîgns of ai 'kardy'hans ani th rilit endtPe we believe Zaws-Buk bas worked a compj wcog larj? \byindesi shn dSend for a trial box. thero lte arsypreterersee in [the matter, iEnc7lose =coupon and c. ar'Yway? Why net useen lansi or stani.addr~s, Zami-Buk the ether inditterentiy? 3K2rooao One is able te appreciatle the asivart-M âge ,l Ibis arrangementsmtme, when Keasecs these Who are ambidext- TO LS, e-cltes. Tîs amemeaingdraughts, eannot enter. Furthser, xin. itght-lianded -on belli sies s incor- dews are fr ýquontly curtaineci se heav- rect, for in enest cases tlicy are really iy tliat sunligi-i, whic.b is almest Ps OttwaOnt Nv. 6th ig7.left-bandesi on- bGtli sides. 'ihey are important as fresli air, cannol enter. OttwaaOt.Noirs:- 107 awkxvard andi etten vexed wjtb whet, one But [ s rot at ail neeessary te have DeaSis: eiglit cal manual indecisien, he-i l e modernlieuse unnleallhy, andi, by 1 have been a sufferer frontlUseuru- "119G'a to xvhich hsnd. te use, andi thon using intelligence andl tlughtfulness, atism for a long time - pain, in my neot infrequiently using the wrong one, a wecilb-hiilt Miuse can lie kepl as tresh sholde an jontspraticllyailtheatiOr ail, or perhaps stretching eut blethi andi Jn'eozy as was ever thse most pro- shouler an joins praticaltegelthe r. if sueh a person lias an eb- historie wicker but. trne, I triedvarîoustreatmentswithout jei.î in oach. band, oe, to lie kept, andi Frosti air and sunllight-twe eof the benefit andi then I was reconimended the ether te lie put doxvn, lie wiltl be 11,11t nccessary aids te liealth- are fu(ie byafriendtotsy"rruit-a-tives."l Itoolc as iikciy te Iay diwn tP-e, one that gislate ail, andi they sbould net lie abut several boxes of the tablets andi now, .shonld have been kept ansi relain [ie eut, (en if the first [s iolneitechl for a long time, 1 have been entirely eier as te make the prepai'r di.sposition anesd the scond lte take [h-e celeýr free froru ali rheuanatism andi rhelum- <t the objecis. tram ft-urmi'ure and carpets. atic pains,.aThis le an agmetagainsl tercing 1 wsh o sat, asotha isufere an alur'a 11y lef thnGi ,1c hilsid te use [the CRYSTAL WEDDJNG. I wsh o sate alo, hatI sifeesiright haud, like jither persens. if ai- frotu haeenorrhoids, or piles, for years;, lswod te feüliow ceut'his naturel impulse, lMm, and Mrs. Jamnes 6. Tamablýi Ororso, 1 usesi ail kinds of oinitnents and i hs lftI band wiil Leoume siilful, and lie treatnaient andi nothing dud me any gooi, Wil gel ailong9as welas bis right- P1aîl Srrie onTcrF- but after taking IlFruit-a-tives" for my harsded brother, except lb-at he wiii be toient Wedding Day. rheumatism I amn entirely cureS of these hitbe-ced more or less thcough lite by 1 t act [bat baols andi maohinecy are On Setursiav, Foi. 22nd, about 80 dreasiful piles. (Sgd) C. D. GRÂHsAu.rad torillhueipep.tind drltveet cadMs Eruit-a-tives" or IlFruit Liver This lis ret ;se ouýci etofa handicap James G. Tamblyni, Oreneo, assembiesi Tablets" are solS by dealeirs at Soc a box as il Miglil sfp r tor[he left-landesi aI their residience te eolehs aIe thse tif- -6 for $2.5o-or will be sent on receipt peceon can train bs iglit bansi te sub- teen[Ih wedd[ng annivecsary, andi gave of price. Fruit-a-tives Limiited, Ottawa., ordiniale sets, juess os s t us train (hem a pleesant surprise. Mc. John C. ___________________________ the cloi-t hlansi tecarry tD tbe menti Etilot callesiIthe comp-auy le erder, with a fork, snd de ýoth1er tings re- f1ev. W. Limiert occupiasi the chaciranii quiriug more or less ete4. Mc. Charles N. Tamblyn rea Ibe t, oi- -d emaisterstng taisîeson the fîeontly Dlc rGouisi, an ocutist et lvwýing acdees: death rate tcom the disoase in tbe Unied Phlamblphia, Pas sliown thal one is "Te Mr. an-d Mcs. Sas. G. Taniblyni:- Wugdom talion in conneetaen ith thea right-liaxded b-ecausa his rightlt , i-, Dear Freýnds,-A tew et yeur nu- slaistcs of auprs. It as ho Uitc belter fie, andi t-balthie liuld tisare- <roua trierissand aslmesi innumerabie bhat the mertality from ceusumpticentfore uses the r1ghl Paudby prefèr-ence seltiVCel bave, gaîhered bore tbis etter- Lecaulse te sees il bettes' andi eanguida h on te colebrate wth youen lbileenlir had declined tran 3.99 per tbcusand iLs niovenie-nts. Ift by ebance e licis born lanniversacy et you11 wedded l'Ife. Feci- iving in 1838 te 2.77 ver theusansi in wit a, supe-r-or lofti e thon jusf as na- mng Ihat we ceuld rot ]i Ils eciesicn [855 and te 1.15 per tbousaud in 1906, tUraiiy ho luces tPe lefti land. Dye apsss witboul expressing te you in soire an actuai decirease in deallis troru59, use, et the telband lie irain, centre m0al.sureo ui goosi wisbcs we have tak- cn the etsers- sdo, wl-db, guides ils cir, the liborty ef entering yo-ur lieuse- iLS te 39,7116 in sixty-eigbt yeacs. 1 Ailmovemneuts, leceimes ibotteride'velcied lansi intrndlug Ibus tac upen pour c-eed -~ .,-~-a Ik Street, GuelPh, Ont., says: "A year aOnt., miy littie daughter Lorinda, six ase on the upper part of hier body. Thîs ifterwards taking the form of dry acaba These han reappear worse than ever. The closhas -iý snch a severe irritation that il was impossible triesi vasions preparations yet Olitainesi no i Iluk, With each application tlie irritation - - I thé 'chitd restesi easier. Thro' continned Lpeared ansi in a short space of timne the skin se. i s aow sme months incs-e e csed any more ersiptions breaking out on har body, ilcte cure." ZraM.Buk Cures comm, criapped hanms, itch, oicers, assena, 4 runmingsg mres and ail dis- eases of the skm. 0f al - drsmggiýts and stores 5mc. or frons Zanm4uk Co., Toront-o. LITTI1 E î Diai and avoided !)y everyone about tie Lhousihold. makes Itsmtm like play. It tcula the dr and grea-e, leasen-, the workc fuslly onc-hait and makas the (dishes jar brighter and cleýaner-. Tr-y Oold tDust once and you'll neyer be without it in yoýur kçitchen. OTHER GENERAL Serubbna floors, wcshlng rcltfmas anSd dislhos, e&ynn wocod.. tE FOR Iwork. cil eioth. silverwarce afsdtinwarc, polshlng brasa work, GOLO fUT claansing bath reoon, pipes, ec.. and making te fSnet sot sOcp. iedeé by ThE N. K. PAIRBANK COMPANY, ISomitreal,% P. û.-Mers of FAIRY SOAP.

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