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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Mar 1908, p. 1

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£ an t~te~nx ~îr* OuEt TowN AND COUNTY FIRST ; THE WoRLD A.PTERWARDS. M .JMS&SN rpitr BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, ý WEDNESDPAY, MIARCH 1.1, 1908. VOLUME LIV, No. il, In Advance. Furniture! Furniturel The besi lino of furniture * at the least money ever jioff ored to yoii Seeing i < belioving. Como!and tako a5plce Bug Pa:lor Sute plush tri:, reg. $65.00 for........9.5 SiIk , Mahogany Frame, reg. $65.00 for ...49.50 ' l uite iwas used tor ort t aadwf'be a1rg.$6000 ....$87 bargain for wbo ever is lucky enough t&dget it. J 15 plece Veour overing Beli Mabogany Prame, reg. $28. for $19.75 I3 plece Green Plush Parler Set MahoZany Framo reg. 875 for $58.75 We have otiior linos at reduced pricos that will pay you te eall and ss ~D. WILLIAMS& SON, i on 'tForgýet!i * We're Here To Seili Gam. oter_-9ý and now Is the time to buy. For the rest oft this O month we are going to oeil at greatir reduced pcos, ail linos cf Men's and Women's Foit Goo.de,Ovrhs and Winter Rulboers. We have alto rknliueswe wnt to 4lea tomkeromfrSPRING GOODS. I ecno el o l about them as space Los' Opposited - Bowmsgoos nd anll . Nopd-tc mn hm **4yllpa O *9**46*usa+ê6*ad omar The C.orner Shoe Store New, Sprillg Boots. A loading faetory lias favored us with early Spring shipmonts of Lady%~ Stylish LaGe Boots Lady's Stylish Law Sbües' The Meready Co. bas sent us seven cases of their MEN'S 8E1.4BLE WTORKING BOOTS Eùglish ýKip, Fine Grain and Oil Split. Do you know any better Bootg than a McCready? Anethor ligli lass faetory filsa our orders for German SchooJ Boots. These enjoy an ever-growingt popularity, There is ne shoddy in them-c the leather in uppers is of geeod weight yet keeps sot t. We guarantee the leather under the toe caps. These Splendid Unes OF New Spring Bouts Have been marked at close Cash Prices. O[4]E PnICE TO RJ.LL New Spring% Liglit or heavy w ght. Outr guaranteed glit weights Men's $1.00 Lady's 75e ,Are pepular for Spring and Summor, Ou.r Four WindowsýeteIII the Story. Tho Bllrls Go., Ltd*i ENFIÈLD. MRS. W F, TRAYDS DEAD. BOWNANViLLLE rMETHODIST x - CHURCH. Airs Thomas HIIII Toronto, is with Ars. W. F mnaycs, formerly Miss' frieuda bore..Miss Lucy aud Dr. C. Helen Boas, of Port'Hope, but who has ANNU-AL FINANCIAL REPORT PRESENTED R. Campbell are at Fenelon -.. Miss feor Some Yearq esided in Menominea. Lizzie McCulloch is'visiting at Kinsale Midi, died vory suddeniy there on ON SUNDAY-TOTAL RtcaErps $6776 44 ..... r. Jesse, Arnot, Taunton, vls;ited MOUCaY Manch 2ud. Mr Trayes lies EXPENDITURES $6478 Ù6. at Mr, John Virtue's,..Mr, R.Stacey verv 111 cf pueurnonia lu the hcspîtal. lias had n.Êedical attendance...Dr Four child ren t he oldest about six a nd Qee-h otsaitceyaia C R Campbiell returns to, Whitewood the 3 oun gi.t f hree weeks aId are thus reos tt e e thoisatorCburchl this eek. ir. nauk ampb ll c et tmotherless. irs 1B P Bass, Cobourg, Bowmauviile was Issued fremn James eompanbes him as far as Hârtnev, AMan lefttOn Mon'av to visit her daughtor Pulishing lieuse last week 'and ipre- Mr. N Hiayes sud tamily, Oshawa, have and wou'd only arrive some dams 'ttter 1 ntcd te the large congregatien ou Sun- ni oved ta the tarm wth Mr. Allan !layes lier death Mr Tra.ýes la sou of the late yevin.RvJonGbttth I ....Mn. ~oh Smthbasmoed u . B l'raves aud succaeded his tathen popular pastor, lu caîîîug* attehtionte t with Mr sud Airs John Ormaten. Airs, as editon of the Port Hope Times Hies the repent cemmeuded -the action ýof the Ormiston beiug ber dauiý-hter she will tniende svmapathiz - with hlm lu this officiais of this church inl placinganul make hen home with them.... Mn A sovore affliction.ibfoe1heme.es and at Ormletou lias sold a valuable harse te ybfr h enr n dèet Mir. Jas. Scott for a god figure .sncb a complete detailed report o! the Mr. aud Airs. J, Cllins. scugogIsad HIGOR SCHOOL NOTES. necelpts aud expenditures sud retenned havemovd onta he arm ! M. ~te the great amoitnt of labior necessary r'm aPP recnn.lY , ,-,.- YMr.Spnce .....Mr J.- Dart, Oshawa, is visiting his old uoighbors borse...Mr. Frank Bradley purehased a fine brood m-are at the sale of Mr. Frank Barris . O..ther Enfield nows is on another page, SA Life Insurance. NUMBER Foue, The more closely aud critically the monits 0f The Equity Assurance Comn- pany are invostigated and compared with its compotitors the more apparent and conviucing willits dlaims ou Insurers appoar. Whule safety l5 ef the firat importance iu life insuranice,cost is enly ot siigbtiy leas importance to most mon for the groat majority ot insurers bave to pav for their insurance out et thoir hard earned savings and cannot afford to pav boyond what is necessary to sodure absolute salety. As bas been already stated, the safety ot every regu- lar company is provided for in the reserves which ft lis compelled by law te carry to the credit of its policles If this be true as a general principle which applies to ail compaulos thon it must bo empbatically true of those companies which secure their business from the best class s of the people iu the moat favored localities, Experience bas amply demenstrated two -thirigs, ~Mortality la everyvwbere vory much lower amongst lnsured lives et total abstainers than amoug non-abstainers and there is no more favorable mo! taity amengst lusured lives lu any part of the world than in our owu country. Total abstajuers lu Canada should thereforo get their iniurance for a less cost than auy other class of poople boýre or any- wbere elËe. They cau do-)so bv patron. iziug the Equity Lite Assurance Com. pany which la represented by Gea. W James ot Bowmauville. Th latest annual report of this com paniy should bo carefullv studied liv overy man wbo desires ta get the largeat possible value tor the mouey ho spends for lite insur auce. It can bo had ou application te Mr. James or te Head Office, Toronto A Mistaken and Dangerous Idea, Bargain Iluntlng in Medicines. Ne more pornîcieus habit bas boon doveloped lu late yoars than bargain huutlng as applied te medicine. 0f ail the necessities et lite, medicine, for the ail important purpose ot nestering health or wanding off disease, is the oe article which should lie obtained frem a speciallst iu that lino, 'a couscleutious and rellable druggist whoae entire training and wý ose every cousideratien et self iuterest urges hlm te supply at ail times te his customers eul-v prepara- tiens ot rosI merit aud lu proper salable condition, whereas the eut rate dealer cares ouiy te make the Immediate sale wtloaresponsiblllty as to the ment or the odton of the article seld. The eue great Idea of the firm of Rod'k. M. Mitchell & Co. ie "QUALJTY FIRST" Evorythlng that beaves thoîr store is thoreughly examiued sud tested and they g'uanantee te thein customers entine satisfaction lu every Uine. You eau feel perfectly safe and couteuted wheu dealing at this high class Drug Store. B-'ANK e0F Establishedli8i7 Captal- 814,400,000 Best 8 11,000,000 TotallÂssets - $168,001,173 Savings Banlk I Department. hea4.t Office, Montreal J. A. Mc4JLELLAN, jMr Otîs Wordeu wha la new teachiug at Deloralue, Manitoba, expecta ta coe back ta Bowmauville Higb Scbooi next year ta take up the advanced course ton teacher8. Dr, H. B, Spatton, igli Schol Iu- spector, apeut Tuesday sud Weduesdav ut last weok lu the achool. His rnoet on the condition ofthîe achool wil liec made ta the education departrnunt anaj s copy will be sent te the higb achool board. The work of some students la Ping hludered byirneglanattendance. This la due lu part ta alckness sud liad noads but'in some cases it would aeem that noîther thb studeuts non thein parents nealize bow much succes lu seool wenk la lntortered with liy absence traeuo s single daQa. Mani' former studonts as Wall as the preseut senior students of the achool board with deep regret o! the death et Garnet R. Jardine, a graduate of tho vIassa et 1906, whicb 100k place in Ton- auto last week ot scanlet foyer. lie was a3 ouug minuof great promise sud auly tweuty 3 ears ef age wbon lie died, Iu 1905 ho won tle second tarin prîzo for general proficiency sud in 1906 he passed the junior teachers aud matriculatien examinatIons wlth houons, Goiug on ta take up the course in practical science at Tenante -University ho passaed the 1907 exarninatiens with finst cass houons aud wss proceediug with the second yoar wenk biddiug tfain fer s dîstin- guished course. Ho was a manly Young fellow sud higbly esteemed bi' lis teilow studeuts. Nowla the time ta take Rocky Moun. tain 'lea. lIt drives out the 'germis of winten, liuilds up the stamacl, kldueys sud liver. Tb& most wondertui îlpring touic te make people woll, You'il ho sunpnised with resuits. 35c, Tes er Talilets. Jury & Loveil. NAPANEE ËEDITOR DEAD). %IR Wm, TEMPLIUTON, EDITOR AND 1.'RopRrETôop 'TEE BR@AViER NEws- PArER DIES OP GASTERITS, The rnuls ot Osuadisu jounnalism have sustained s great bs lu tle deatb of Mn. Wm. Templeton, editon, pre- pnieton sud publaner et The Napanea Beaver, oeeoe the very liest tewu weokly newspapens lu oasteru Outanle, Deceased was s native et Napauee sud bad llved sud banne au active sud lielp- fui part lu the pregresa et that liesutiful town. Ho served au appreutlceship lu the prnting art sud a! ton wonkIug for a tew s'ears lu Moutroal, Tenante sud New York returned te Kapauee. In 1892 ho became sole preprieton of The Beaver. Improvement bas mankod its course till il ia a modal et excellence as a local newspapen Editer Templeon waa the finat pulishor, we bllieve, te intreduce a distinct <'PensousV' celumu lu a couuny uewspapen and se tar as las ceuîlnued te lead eveny ether wee3,k. Our Junior League meets ou Mondai' ly journal lu thls panticulan Its Im- atterneon ai 4-11 Il l under able mouse Papularity la unmistakealily management sud ibe juniors are taught shewn by its great circulation exceed- aleng linos et montai sud moral develop- lug 8,700 copies weekly. Lt may truîy meut whlch must lbe lu years te cerne a lie sald that Its lato oditon was a man of great blessiug sud inspiration. true progressive spirit sud rosi business The Ladies' Aid sud Womeu'a Mise- abllity li&was a Royal Arch Masan, iouarj' Sociotp presented encoursglug a Wdnkmsu. Odd Fellow, Chiot ef Sous reports o e! ibm ear'a toîl Bell are et Scatland, ton 20 yeasaU, S. Consul at doing much uoeded wenk lu ou midat. Napauee, an EIder aud Clerk o! Session The rnombenship ofthîe cdurcI at ite lu tle Presbyteriau churel. liseIlluesa Ilsat report to Conteence w&5 591 wilh a was of short durallon. gastnilis lieiug a gain ut 38 aven losses by removal sud the causq ef death, IsH i!e su d five death- -The financial condition la satis- chîldren are suddeuly berof t of a klud tactony, the total contribution fer last sud lovlng busbsnd, sud ftler. Dr. year being $6776 44. For Missiouary Charles P. Templeton, lie eldast son, le sud Bouevolont purpoes $1.255 WaS a succesaful sud populan physîcisu ut raised We most leantily cormnred to Brandon, Man. The editon ef Tmi ail our peopie the ueed of île Missionary STATESNAN waa acquainted with deeoss. Society, whlcl la endeavorlng te meet ed wlom le esteemed very highly sud île great demnanda of our country ai the news e! lis sudden demiso came as thid lime ef speciai expansion sud lu a vony greai sbock. is deuiloasai a cneasug population. great sonrow sud glom ovor lia native The public .congregat.ions bave been lewu sudtheleanrgeo funenal on Thure- good uotwithstauding the stermy weath- day was a manifestation efthîe hl&h Cr of mauy Salibaths." esteemin l whlcl le was held lu bis Thon !ollows a detalled statemeut ot ceuutyv. He wus 59 jeans et age, individual contributions t0 the diffenent dhurch achemes for tle year, tle langest sggnegale contribuntion being $87 sud the smallest 25c. The repart ofthîe sevenal zpri g M dicne scieiesfor 1907 sud offices for 1908 oc- in ihousandsansd thousauda c0 cupy folowiiig pages. One page is devotod te île officens et the clurch sud homos - i cties, towns and' villages - cheirsud en the next paela the dhurcI three doses a day et Hood's Sarspa-. dinectory A page is devoted te île rila _ar e nowlieing taken liy eery houored dead, tiboro bemg 21 naines on menabe r oethîe tamily. the roll.e. lduc The usual reductienoftecuh .Wly- ssch wide sud general4uae? delit by $ieee on more as las licou doue Because liood's Sarsapurilla lias pnoved eveny year sînce île cdurc was opoued iseit the Beat Spring Medicine, bý ie was net made lasi 3 ear owing te îheecx- wondertul effecte lu cleansiug tho sy- tensive ouilay onu durcI and ;pansouage tMo i uos vroigia prion tte eonfenence being hbld lere tem o ailhumor, ovrcomig tht ot frepaira hlabon sud supplies for tined feeling, cneating appetite, çienrinsgs ear exceeded $700 and there were cash the comp'iexwZu, giving strengîlan--, balances in the treasury of the Trustee animation, sud Off iciai Boards of $576 60. T;he n-total cash balance lu the -several tress- Over tanîy tlousand tsiauas unies amounîed te $844.91, Theludebt- ceived'iu two yeara3, by actusi euni. eduesa efthîe cdurch was $3.5So, whldh Accept no sixheihinie for lu ail probability wlll li considerably 91 5.1 duced this yosn. unlesa unfonseen exY. Hiood's Sarsaparilla pendîture bcmsnc?ýrO h linisiou avig loods.GetîIltoday. hast page 91thîe coven la a hait-touie 8.ýi everywhene. 100dosesonâdo l, ielecirtype u tie curcI. intecompilation of the beoklet, He heartily approved ef the metbed pursued. by the Compiler lu assembling theý Rames Ot contributors net; ouly alpha. betically butilu familles aud expressed bis satisfaction with the avstem of sev. eral familles in that evony member old aud youug le a regular coutributor by1 envelope ta the pasten's salany thnough the Sunday offerings, REV. JOHN GARBUTT, Pastan Methadiat Clurdli, Bowrusnvile. The repart is a pamphlet of Seme 28 pages sud caver lu calans. A hait-toue portrait Uf Bey. Johin Garbutt, pasýqr faces the Pastenial Addness which couý- tains amang ethen maltons the fehiewiug informa$ion: "~The we'k o! tle Chundli durnug tle past year bas beon weil sustained lu eyery departmont. The Sabbath Schoel continues to make progresa. The off icers andI teachens are faitlful sud efficient lu the dischange of their duties. The annual report shows the numenical sir engtb of the sehool te ho a total et 450 wlth su average attend- auceDo!325, Theso figures do nat Include île Bomne Departmeut whlch las s mombenship et about 4.6. The amount et moey rsi8od ton acheol purposes was $423,75 A new foature deserviug special mention is the ongauiziug of au Orchestra (unden the leadership etfAir. R. J Loweus) whicl will ho valuable assist- ane lu tle depanrntmt*of music. Our hlackboard arltist, Mr. Percy Piper, lias rondered rnuch appreciatod service. Our Epworth League lias been vigen- eus sud original lu the prosecution of its wonk. Thîs field la s large eue with msny oppetunities whicl demand un- tirng energy sud couseerated zoal te cultivate sud keep for tle Master. We desire te bespeak for the Soificens et oun yeung people's socioty tle hearty sup- port sud tle earuest pravers et our DURHAM BOYS IN TORONTO. MR, AND. MES. H. O'H1ARA ENTERTAIN DuRRAm OLD Boys AND GIRLS RIGIIT ROYALLY, (Prom our own Correspondent,) At the Invitation ot Mr, and 'Irs. Henry G'Hara, the Executive commlttee of the Durham Old Boys' Association of Toronto apont a mest dolightiul eveuiug at thein beautifful bomne at 50 Elm Ave, Rosodale, Monday evoniug, frarcli 9, The Heception and Drawing Booms were filled by the langest gatheriug iu the histony ot the Association, Aillwent menny as a manriage bell Mr James L. Hughes pnesided sud lu addition te Mr. Thos. Yeilowlees, Secnetary, Mn. J,ý D. Keachie, Treasunor, Mr. W. F. r,4as, Assistant Secretany, there were noticed Dr, D. J Goggin, Mr. sud Airs. John Wlckett Miss Jessie Penny. MYrs. Penny, Miss Pidgeon. Miss S.i's Deputy ChieftÇWm. Staark sud wite Prof. Squair, Mn. John McGiIllsud wlfo, Mn George Porter, Mrs W. F. Mass, Mrs J' D. Keachie, Mr. W. Copelaud sud wife, %Ir M. White and wite, Mr E and Miss Fieling, Mr. AicLean, Dr. sud Mrs, Wm. bcott, Mn. W Il Orn, Mn, T. E. Washington sud wlfe, Mn. Jas. Massie sud wite, Airs, T. Fairliain, Miss Jeu. ess, Rev. Dr. and Airs. Tallng, Dr. sud Airs. Marlow, sud many othens, Mauy o! the old souga et long age were Sung lu chonus by tbe assomblv, sud tbey were woll suug unden the direction et Mn. J. D. Koachle. Mucli faverable cemmeut was made by several et the Association at >the genai goodueEsoet ur -last annual banquet sud the couceusus of opinion was that it was the best that had beon bcld under its auspices. The association passed a resoluion eudonsiug théeee- tion ot a brasa tablet iu Bawmauville Public Sehool ta the momony o! the late Miss Sarah E. Maorcraft, who lad for tonty years taught schoal therein, sud a comrnittee was olected La Mosans. H. O'Hara, J L Hughes, T, Yellowlees J. D. Keachie, Prof. John Squaîr sud John MoGilI ta carrnv out the intention of tbe Association. The same commit- tee waa empewered te mako uecossany arrangements fer the aunual summer outiug.N Good addresses wefe made liy Dr. Goggin, W, H Or. Mn. -MeLean, aud these were terospersed by several good atonies li br memooers. Songe were rndened ver capablv b,7 Mn. James Niassie, Mn. J. D. Ketublo, sud Aine. Scrlmgen Messie, Mrs. Whbite accompan- .yiug wlth mueli acceptance at the piano About twouty minutes ws laid aside ton tote s-tote wbicb was iudulged lu ta the full alter wblch s meot delight. fui sud daiuty lunch was served by the hast sud bos.'e;s Tinowent nelentlessly past, sn udol%, too soon wss the evening spent Durham 01d..Bava" was thoni suug, "'Auld Lang Syne" tfollewed lu the time honared wav the -Id Durhama Boys oniv know how ta siug ih. A heanty vote of thanlia was thon accnord Mr, sud Mrs. O'Hara, fer tle oveuiug eurjovmeut. "God Save. the King$" then claaed the gathenug sud il weuded homewand nesoivod te meoî anetenr nigît. Report o! annual banquet ou an muner page. CHINA WEDDING. A veny pleasaut surprise was given Mn. suddAirs, George VauDrko, Dan- liugtou. Saturday evoning Marcb 7tlt wlieu about tblnty eftheir nelatives sud frieud unconemouleusly took possession ot their homo in ordor te colblinte the 2Oth anuiversary ai thein weddiug day. In the course of a geny pleasaut sud sujoyalile eveniinx the frionds assembled iu the panier sud noad Mn- sud Mrs. VanDyke an sddness sud pneseuted thom, witl two laudsome parler rockers s!lton whicb short Speeches were given liy Mosans. E. F. Willoughby, T, VanCampg, A Osboerne sud G. Tnevail. Mn. lenb. Osbiorne acted as chairman. The ad- dresswhlcl was noad by Mr-. A. J W, PasceeetofSelina, sud the speeches ail wont te show hew much Mn. aud Mrs, VauDyke have worked thein way liy thein mauy good qualities inte the affections sud osteem e! thoin mauv friondsand relatives. A short pnegnamn îensistlug Cf music, Bongoand necita- tiens was given liy the fnionds attei which a veny onjoyable eveulng was bnought te a close by the siuging et "God Be With You Titi We Mleet AstY.Your wn Doctor If ho teils you to take Ayer's Chery Poc.-torad for Itour sevoe. cough or bronchial trouble, then take It. If lie has anything better, tieu take that. W. have great confidence in this Medicine. So wilI you, when you once know it. The b"oal ±d 02 a teEstoeial- 'Scfd for over aolxm~~'. Wo hum a Co , e a i ttlî& f a 0 f aEu. O=mei&SS. K* u aobowels open %wtth On. of AYOUr'st Is mt ott ust one., ýf

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