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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Mar 1908, p. 3

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Receipts and Expend itures àf the Province of Ontario. Total receipîs... .... $8,320,419.19 Total expeediture3 .. 7,714,245.61 upu.... .... .... 0,7-5 lepl'aýin figures, that is the inanciai -ofemntetthe province of 'Oitaric oirflic year 1907. Frdef ails, thare is a volume o. is11m O 80 prie led pages, prepared un- dec flae aspiesof Hon .A. J. \Iath,- sica Tresureancd fhrougl itif lie he wudmaY plougli. Durlinig fic year the enfire troe wns$1181765881,which lncludeda baceof $3,310,636.70 on band ai flic )n f e f190. 0f this, 8,2,2.5was adac-dfo the T. & N. O., - iil tf .a ilanjiceon flie procecdsoethfle !bond Tfil, 'pusfer 1906 ias $429,299.22, an] !,or 190l7 flie sum -of 8620D,159 68. B1I_ GEST REVENUE. Thc. fwo big soumrces of revenue ivere flic mines auj the suhsidy. From lands, forests and d mines the province got »8,0068,49,,ced from flic subsîdy TheIccips xe flic largestin ieifi hi jr cfic province, beîng $1,180,- 40.0more tanisse ficvear previou- sf082.04,43 ore than 1905. Thig ix scune for liy sevet-al circumî- stne. Tis subsidy increascd by -394',742, bcbgn one hlat-vyearly insta1- nien grafcdby flic Dominion Gov-cm- ment.h l mec-me rom flands, mid is nti ines iîncrcased. $815,294, ~nclding$1,085,000 receivcd trom tlie ~ o!ColatfLake . AdvacceS -er$7,- 19ro liuer t, lcee ses. $500000from incororato f companies, Imay also W ýHERE MONEY WVENT. As t- h he icmoney w-cntWtei fouwirîg expidla5. Civil Gveremee.... .... $ 5283 Lcuicio ....... .... ...223,327.80 Jut....... .... ......579,598.16 Ecais-on .... .... ..... .1,359,105.81 PbIcnlstitutions .... .....990,379.18 Cnaiprison .... .... ....65,483.69 Colonizafion and Immigra- Agîculur.... .... ......40,317.84 Ho ýp'tai,, uni Cliîrities ..,..338.011.70 Parfumeicnt Buddings ....... 95,3380.40 [.ocks, Daims, etc...... .. ..16,8111.06 Col iîizatro)n Roads _. ... 316,906,39 Co'nLands ...........5111,827.61 Svîs, le ,pchons . .. 1,013.59 - ietuîf....... .........40,254.ý5 Misclaiîeu.... .... ....196,g15.12 $5,800,126.55 Pli rmanid 1,867 269.6 is made up of pcyrncnts f lic the sylums, $340,-A 000 lit itîteret, 8f20ouo in raIlwcy aid certificîtes, $587,162 undier srpecicl ciel- utc, anid manv cmiii umrounts. 0f flic specilcxpcenditurcc during tlic ye r, thu' follrwing xx re-ethe niosti intcrsting iicoind i 54eat River Pulîl Go., 820,000; purcisc of yacht Lurîjîs, $10,000; esenîi 'rs ef LeýgisIa- tuýrc visiting minieg dislricts. $4,585; Prince Fushinil, $,265; funeral laie Hlon. J. W. St. John. $2,4543,5; Eiîg- lls;h jotîrneliets, $4o0 îîiîîg engi- neers, $6.305; new rocds in mninà- districts, $34,623. Duplring flic yar 8792.9w-sesx- pended in enforcng lic Jiquoýr Lien;e Acf , whîcli irîcluds ile salaries oft Sp-ela -oicrs. Theip o e lcBrit- lsl e'rti1ciymO teCobltcsl $24558. Th.elraxllig oxensofetMr. A. tH. U Coquhon, DpufyMinister et Edu- ain lic Coigr -sin School Hy- glan le oisdn, ngT,, were $526.34. lion w-ili flicII,-dro Electrie Peixer Com' ioî îinfed e $40.524.2l, -of Lad earfli exendfur sias 826,000. The exf ook onimssion cost $7,- 292. I li,, s1Iafemenjt T.W. Coflicrs, ý:nie oitfli cmisioirs, la put dos-n lis 1 recoviîg 812 o ý,-acone f eser- î; recoýived8200cli Mr. Crethersc refused te eccepf- payment lover hN ýxlenscls, SOHOOL BOOKS CIIRAP. 0f course, those wlio pay kncw aci about flic reduction lenftho price of 3ici Wbcoks. Bat, In reply 10 a ques- ioFl-on. Dr. Pyne put on reccord the acftChat alflicthePublic school, books a.nd E nglish, Frendh ced German texfs Un Hi1gli achooüls fi-crbeen reduced fron -50 to 66 per cent. As te Separate sefacol bcoks, svil are ss"ued Lieder different agreements, ne chainges or reductions havec beet mcado. If w-as al-)oxpcte, cded Dr. ine1,,t hat fIs-epries)f a;ttexf beok Nwiuid ho erduý dand as sei,)n as pos- sîbile. AN OPEN LETTER. To tlt.e People of Bowivmcnvfifle Te Whorn If May Conccîrn: 0flte f heom a beeýn a goed deal Cf discussion le Bownîanville in regard te advertised nîcO,,icines and their, value -lic papers ai-c full et them. Wew-au to say f-o cvery :man, siv-- manad child je Bow-mcnvit e thlai WC beliove tIse eiost valuable prepai-ation ut ced i-or oil-tIse bes amctone con- siructor, he-alîli resterer and strenagthi ermar-w-c lai-o ver sold in our stfore iiVnot. Miss-el is nof 'apaIent esedicine,, if con- tains no injurious drugs, but if actu- ally does c-itein nil et t hanidicînal, cui-clive el-ents taken fromn froali coda' li-crs, xvifiout adnmp et the use- less oit te upsc-t the stonsacl aed re- tard ifs Nwerk, andr tonte iren cdJeL] Virel as recognized flireugisout the xvorld as tbhe greatest strengtli creafori of old r,-coplc, wcck, s'ekly womn ced obhldren, nursing m-,ofhei-s, and aftar-a severe sickness. Vinof cures hackieg cotighs, clîronîc colds, tronchuii, and ailliroat aed lueg troublas. Wc ask tiic peepie (f Bowinaevillof-o try Vinai on eut- offer te roture meney if itf feus. Jury & LviDruggisfs. ENFIELD NEWVS. Meas.Mm. ot-nitesA, Gco.-Cech- rarue, Levi Bualloire, and AIex iUi tloch vislteodToronte Hersa Show. Miss Pearli SîcCullochL s ut Oshawsa. Mr-. cnd Maij. H-enry Truil, llarmny, srisit-ad lbore, rccently. Mr, Jamen -,Goard, XWinnipeg, ced Miss Rubv Pase, 'I.Venen, are guesîs -af Mr. R. Pascoeýs. ,LNir. J-c-ln lI-oblis las just movo(,d te tlie tarin etf-Mr. Fred. NMouef] oy -Nlr. Mel-uîtjoy having mesc,,d tbEeniskillen. Experts say Ilixat material suifable ti)r flic manuf-sc'nre e o îif is verY pion- tiful iii Forbe.s' Lake, iiear licro. Pro- Labty a cempani- could he o frisicd te eperat- lIs--business. Ceusent is blîeing more ini demnaiid e-cry î-,iar. -Mr, Thomas Thiorn. flic veicran mail carrier trem Di-eoî-~n. bas resiged. Tho L-ed reads, have discouragod flic 01d4finie mail carriers. A winter liko this nsay flot licagain for tonty years. WVlLL MAtIETIIREE LAWS. Prince of IXiles Opposes the cruel Bear- . îng Roe. A dcspatoli frem London aays: At tiie annuelissmeeting 0foflie Aniti-Bcaring Rein Associat ion on 'VCodnesday a stpeaker said the mo)v.mnnf bd flic learfy support efthtIe Prince etWacs wiho Lad proesisedflic speedy suppres- sien of flic cruel Ioaring-i-eiin practice ix len ho renie I,,le i roîse, Ilc qnotad flic Prince s dnnito f flicprec- ic-e, publishied lei c bo-ok by Gen. Baden- Powelcl, say-Ing: "WIscn 1 cm King I w-li niaiseflîrcelaws. No oeshahl more 1gi in the ceuntry, -and neb-ody shahl use be.ciingi-rinis, bec-ci-e lhoy burtth îl oises.' Net OnL matin 10.000 over cois c chsance loo1k a glît herse lenflic moufli, PROJiUCJ 0F 1THE MINESI hoOutput of Ontarîo Was Lar&Re Durine a -l e s s i s The Fam.,ous Pdsra Gentlemien- 'II was a martyr to catarili of t -he hejad, throat -and stomacli. 1 was so bad the doctors feared consuraption. 1 trled many physicians and onedicines. A friend suggested Psychlne. I triçd it and Ît was the only thing ever dia me any good. I arn now perfeetly Weil. It is the greatest remedy the world lias ever known. I do not need it for my bealth now but I use it as a strengthener for my walking matches. I owe much of cny physical endurance to Psychine. 1 JAMES REYNOLDS, Port Hope, Ont. Psychino le the greatest cure for catarrh of the head, throat or stomacli in the world. It je a wonderful, tenie anid etrengthener of run down system, acting directly on ail the vital organs, giving youthful vigor and etrength f0 the system. At ail druggisfe 50e. and $1, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS IA PI ENINGS IBMALL O .iTUE GLOBE. Telegrapri -nicîfs Prom Our Own andi Olliet Counnries oai Becent 1Es-ents. CAN ADA. Golf iS te, spee-d $292,121.35 on sew- e rs. No more immigrants siut bo permit- -ted fo go teO Cha,tflî. 3 lie Scls'ction Arîniy lias an extensive 1immiigrationx achoîne for 1908. - Ail sfeam t-îeîrnaiv-s haei'been fok- Ou e;off£flic Sarnieaftunneetrips. The estînafes et the Toronto Board -o! Education foi-tItis y car ýamunet to $1,- 397,004k. Trasportatlion anîbet-ifios expedt ftlie immnigration to Canada fuis scason xili L5supc-s -il former yoars. Mr. WV. T. Pc3 ne' las been appoiefed mnanagerof t theC. P. R.Pacip fie Bcd ivfithucdaquarers at ooca The surplus ut fli thes ovicilrvenue ose'ýrhIe('expenditures cf tIse closeeofflic financial -ar wsius 8606,173.58. Teî,inporary loioes inay h-o crecici te accenmsodafo Ihe c altending flic Que- be tescentenary- clebration. Mr. XW. L. SMackrenzie King s-i go le England te infei-xiesv flicInsperiat ced Indice autherities reLgardhîg oinigrction trom lucheIofe icDensiioîs. Genor-ul Otter lias declired flic AIdepr shet appointmeef cnd xiii Le made Chiot Cf Slaff l Isc heCanadicut iilitia. Getieral1 Lak- ie s filBu flicpost et InspcterGCon-c eral for a lime.1 TIse appciieîîo f a tcccossort- oitflic lafo Judge 1011cm as Cliairman i e t fiailway Conmission xiii prcbably lic m 'de scout. Ibougiflthe vet-ement liasI n-at as yul tceîîsideî-ed flic malter, GREAT BRITAliN.t Tliedexiager-Empres etRussie bas errie in Londmn on c visit te ber ais- feu-. Quce Alexandra.- Neiw slips are bciiig built cf Belfastf toi pert-thIe building -of vessois a tIos-ond feot le lenthli if is cnneuneed le Leonnfliaï; le Prin ce et XXaies xiii mpeîc-nt King Ed-1 sisia iflictheQuebec e r-eaioncry. Mct-. Asquliiith iitet-nct-e ets Britishi Rau e etfCenînons tIbtis i sasflic Gos- enmeîîf's intentien to rnîinfain fltsi-to- pois-c-stanîdar~d-efthtIe navyX. GIENERAL,.8 King Lcopoid lias censonicd le Ihe cen- nexafiota by Rlgium 0ethfle Cengo Free Stato. Dom-o, a fowis n l Russia Poiaud. lias Iseca coîrI by ils ciinom te an Austianc Ceunt fýor $2,000,000. Toisa et thonsanda of porseîsc bas-e Lee i inpýos-crîshesi bY flooda in thflcsa- ley oithfli PelIse Riv-er. ini China, il is stated et Tokile flilarge nies- L-ca et Indicîs latoecs arc t.eiing pas-t sage et Hong Koeg fer Vncuvr Rublior bunfet-s un flic Comasfilj an m- cm-ons, NVest Atrica. fit1 rcccnily fore-b co nativ-e e s Ie rirfor thetîs andl te auP- p-fy food.- Antoine Thomas. w-ho w-as i-cspoiusile fer flic ,sencaticeel roliheicaoetFrenîch - chuîcbesiastfafit, lias been lne,-da teo six years in prison. f UNITED STATES.s A musonîn flrm fa -anxs eus te trans-g port an acelnt Egyptian loesb te Clii-- cage. f Tis cii- huedred ciidron marclicd eut- cf a burning schlot a Grand Rapids,- Sfic-b., wifliut a misbap. Uîifel Sfates immîigration officiaiso luese been orderi o 0 c-opomataiifh- flic pelice le Ieir efforts le sxs'eep flue cniyu dean -ot allen Anarcitcs andl eiim nais. l JUVN ILE INLNICR 'LNTS. ti & ~J. J. Ke'so. Supecnifendeuil -ot Negleci- cd ced De2 endeet Ubidrn, in li.s re- Last Year, oto uoie imgainit n tarie ton 1907, rccenfiy niade public. cf aos ihat fisceI-ctel number -oftchilOre-n si-licrame _inle flic Province sivas 2,159, val-e it Is prdîmtset 40;comeabrik, 1.40,00,a ocrasaascomupared siitIs 2,243 f-or 190.The Tlue teotaf an o h -1eso ,0 omo rc- jq000 craepercentage cf rnimc ameng flic child.rcen Ontaneio mes le 1907 sias 82i.31'3,302, cof $217000; droints iles, $24J8 ,000,de- eftfhis etass lias getly dimunishled, ced an auvance over 1900et8of 5,99.Tise ces . 9; teae ci,899.417, fia la athriiînfed toi lie close- inspection greaestinecascis agin t bc fond anemease 8161,622,; paving! brick, $73,'- made at Liverpool. Beoe-e y arc ai- gretoa inreae l aguîîte o fned270, $trac 28,270; buiing -cDn.i loxerI te board ship fliere, lie chidren in tIse-output ef ail-en, wsisili otll-rI cusiscd siena, $675,000, încrcas 8 15,000; must!lie chiele Orend ced write, ced if P,866,50,11otncesrs'aneat S5,927,858, fie calcium rarbide $173.763. incc-e $10.- tîîcy bave bcen used fou stre-ef lite must itîcreesebelg aui 4,1i e$2.238,572. 983; Portiand conîccl, $2,610.698, lu- spn lipanied in -one oethlie homes lie- Of fIseeetli peiu- uiczi de4meS reacuse$22,6Mi; notural rock ceet, foir bing allowveel tecorne te Canade. iOiipito a Mes1,968 fouis 55,097, 0ecrease 8903); runduim. $242.- TPe ehîidron locafed le tIc Proviece bigvalucd f -al7, 06.Geiold î-1y 600, decrease $19,84e0; teidapar, $30.375. durng the pasf year siere brouglif eut inrasdfou îlle )fat o 8206), ticeout- d reaose ,47;graphita,80, iîn- under flie auspices o!fische olewing in- putl bIngsvuris86,39 TIseý ouf-put -if creeýse 500;gput $ 10.776, inerLacue sfitutiens:-Dr. Ramnarde's Homne, Te- cbl,7:3 ten, isveimul cf89,71.TIse F4.171; mron Ps-itas, $51.837, incmease rco, 750; Dr. Ramnarde's Home, Peter- pro i-uion o1ce'pan njeeesee !)y $84,- $11.254; lime, $412.000, decrotusa 884,785;' benougli. 346; Cathelic Ensigretien So- l9.fie,33 ee mmcd beieg vatued emica, $82.929, incrcace $13.888; celi-ai ciety, Ottawxa, 331; Fegan Honýie, To- st ~ ~ o $10551.O ro r 0015lns g1as, $755.167. increie 4$221,7?1: pet- meonte, 73: Macpherson 1-lem,,Sîýratfoerd, were inou werh 841,12. sibilefhle roleumu, , 049,631, increes 2805aol 7;Mnlmn imBho-le 0 proue o!pi mo. l ieneie !fm, 5,8,dotcs 1 -,?015 1-c-ry 79Cisurc c Enfaad eciely, Niagar0; $12,bO .fo onrntflc ro uce 8198. Ie-r'5ms ar-sot5:t om fi, 13 Iuri lius 1ani g ,o) a w-e-e:Arsni, 3,305 nworth $1,- pi 't u mîofabiy toetr c.-12. BURIAL PLACE0FOKJNW -BEAUTIFUL CATIIEDRAL 0-F ST Pl CENTE DE FORlA. Bodfrs ofthtie Soverelgns of Portugî Lie in thue Splendid Royal Pantheon. An uinusual mode etf hurlai in Pertugt induces mcny c tras-eller fk> vlsi f ii cemiýeries ouf Liabon1. st of thf head,1stenes aed monments e th1e grav yýii-d ofetfher counrîies, rossand suc-w eft f ny chapets arc lW e cscen rangei in long avenu-es'- berdored liy cypres, TIse Porfuguese are reluchunt le ber, filair dead eut o! sigit, andl Ibese cisr, Oms serve as mortueres for fie coffins xvhich ave plaed oie sheises isithir Thm-ougithfli rn grilles -fia oye'dOn cerna amaîl allers ccd tiewers gieurn lni, fliougi the sulidued ligit oet fi inleriers. StilI more, curious, and fratig it -l stmangely mixcd inferesU, is the meth-o cf buriai, preeer--d. tremu s'ery ancien rusioms, for ihfl narncchs -ofthflic u itsg houeu ofet Bganeza. Their ccs-ting-plaeo 1; nef diffi-uIt 1k PesO, for lIse church le wichflic Bob-a Panticon la attcchod ls conspicuen, from mcey parts efthtie city, le Intac-t, flie celiodmal -et St. Yirenk de Fora, siithis ifsmajecstic ferede, de crated in tIse Jesuit stb-le- e-ýthfli six. loîxîlicentury. is lookod upen liy rosi- de-nta as fie linndsomesf cburcb in Lis- P-s. Tic ,edifiýce istapuls higli npon ia. ope. 'Itle pi-osent buildIng isas crectocd by P'ilip Il. -et Spain, cnd, lisaugli gratly injure,,d by tise eriquei-e et 1155, dliil prcerves te fin restoralion ils original appearcece. St. Vice edc Fera istahe gafhertng point for great religionîs fes- tivals sncb as flic centenamy et St. An- tlieîy a teis yems ags and flie Interne- Lenai Celbeic Cousg-ss. BURIAL-PLACE 0F lONGS. Tiere 15 an -exit itlethe adjacent uloisters, -%Nhicli, curiously eiuhare IiIi wîlî bine ced wbil ur-il- n, udliing flic tables et Le Fenhaie.. Tise only sound biset stirs tic silence if tise enclosced gerden ils the mummur -f ruening wa'ter as xx-c mm lewurds i dc-c-rway cf tle end -ot ticarcade-. A Oins, les- clepel ties leyeed, anîd sifhin ils si-cis flore lircods a spirit if) unutlsmcbhc quiotude nd eîytery. Hoee 5 île Royal Panhen of bbc Kings et the Hoi04e et Brageaza. Hero reet flic mortel t'amains et Dom Joao V. (elgîtis Duke oit Brageeze ced flic Khing et tIse Raesleu-cton) ced lais suc- ~cssors-Dens Pedro III., Dom Joce V., Doii:i- Jose, Dem Joco VI., Dom. Peidro IV. (fie Ibematieg King, si-b gave Po- tugal hon Consltuicn), Donc Maria Glioria, Dons. Pe-dmo V., and Dom Pedro Il., wli sias tIse last Eniperor et Brazil, Thora 15s senétbtng moro tlien ou din- îrlly sleme cii csv-inspirlng atou lie mnariner un whýicî-îe-se dcfuncf îî,oîarchs ne-pose ini Ihis hbuse et he lotO. The lic-Oies have -alilibe-caembcimcd ike effligies, aed unitil quile s-ec-ettly te faces sscro visilee.as thougl ceni- posed in fraîsce-like slunîber, fhrongh tass apet-tures in fli cocffini lis. The bier et Dem Luis, tise falier f lie ]ae s-urdareul Kinsg, occupies fli chcief pos;tion id fioe eypl. The mot-tel rectales ethflicgoniel, K-ing cend bhtý psscmising young hein,1 Dom Luis Filippe, aue Tex- in tIs e i-- &ome compeeieuship oet blise cisibalm- ai. unonarchs in tie Reyel Patîtheon, and if is flore biset tIsa oece smiliug and gracious lady, Qu-eon Dene Anielie, icels le menmaltîg feorlier decO, FOUR IIOSPITALS FAILED. Jameos Hecrd, etof ttnPeu-k, Onf., says: "Wiule po et afhf10Spcciaify Woens -et Now-mat-kcf 6 et- 7 yea-s ao, 1liruiscd îny ankie, buit lîrough niegleet hits bruise ftu-ned !t) an ulcerafed or burniug &seoxihich canard me a great ocal et .cutteîing. If niced a get;nci- ber oft deefors, ced w-as in fise bospifai tur lime-s. If rieO aimoaf everyfliing, ut nething d40 me aey ge. I -d-1conld noh sioep et rîlght it-fh tise sccidleg ani burmiing paie, nAt trom 11e first ppliec-tioua --rif e-B o olst- eny sloep, and feît nething moeof t i [han if I hiadre't lied aey sone eatacl. if tarted hecling ced gai-a ne no fum- ier frouible. SI-îrly fter flic ciasi- ad ctfiag on a street car, my foot siippod- tîd I ren!ie si-h iti liuy miglit00w-n, se edgéocf th- stcp and gave my folot e is riglit leg w-as ftmIitfully crualicd. lisceeeuttIs hree!tIse skiaýne,- iaiugll. TIsa mca te camp procurcd lic ýlaundl opeanO de lns b' dy n w-as ireugit t:Vencuver Fe- n pcca aptafo lois mel s we-' - y ss . iei 's yI y Thmcc isîtie gis met testant eeata tei atf-empting to jump fi-cm flie third FRANTIýC FATHER'S EFFORTS. A inan. eam-ed Douran, w-lie -rrivcod upeonfIse sceno ecrly, w-bontflic dut- dren ivere crowded lne fismrnt door, discovercO bislit tie girl among flic mass et injuied, aed erushed. lHo ceugli thle girl liy flic isnds, and te bis franfie offerts le sa'c lier pulled lier arms frons ler body. The lest, four, show-ore hitdren et tise jcuiter et the buildIng, ts their li-esWteothei-. ONE EI LSD The r4)ef fasetlite wxvas causod Isy ojie 0f fic -ùexils heing cosrd l sîhiclipin coe of ftha ciildmen rushcd. Tha,,ir esýcepe sias hlockcJ by a door tht eprîcdfîsîard. le Ibis mecener tlcy or diycd fircig flic ethor door cîd xvîîdexvs If is5 salul filt a rcite tf sîceipede c lone crseahlrnl0 tbeir luxes. TWO TEACHE.RS SIG 0f fli, nino toacGhers t fic ahe sase cearc ecc-ouiîc o.Ts i- is îng arc -aflieriine WVo-ileo! Cles-oIendc, andl Grac.e Fiske, 4et Clev-eland. Principal Fr-enk P. Whitney, ot flic, scisceol, ectinsates ficnuîbr t ead ci 165. Tho pupils w-ci-c, m-o)t ly ltl chiLdroen, rcngfng iecg from 9 tb 12 years. RO -RINS REE ILE tse lad agitatfon. If tlsey tal:e cutr as jeef, an-O if tlsoy refuse sncb entries flic Departmeet -et Agicutn'ue sill not gi-e NEWYS BY MAIL FROM I L'1LAND'S the anettal grant. TIse Dublin Cas Mter Factory sans $DORES. >tetaliy deSfryed by fiîc last];seek. A. itundrod mon bas-c been thmexvn ouftoof em-pleymenl, but w-hflibetalinon 0 flappienlngs in the Enkerald Isle of agaun as seee as ucîx quai-fers can lie socureel. Itterest Io Irish- Thore died lalst w-oek, tMrs. M. A. Nef- mon, son, of Ccmick-o-Slannon, cffIse cge ef 103. Mrs.-Nlsen ii ent tliougli tIs Umlimeae War as crie -f Floenic-e Nighf- Jas. F. M. Mulie, J. P., oft Boimaent, iegaic's:nurses. On lier doafl shc sias lias bcen iappelned FHigli Shorîft et ii- rcce-pt et an annual pension et £24,. Coi-leotoelicpreserit bar. jS-c Charles H. Bretl lias beon cppolnt- erI prrsdeletefthle Belfast Ciamber oe! BAISE TIIE ÂGE LI.XîIT. Co-im-ce t-or 1908. Antritu îoiad residents ame cgitaling Le MaýI e Vyuflis Under 20 Kcep Awîày Frons fi-or oft the puirebasae ithfiscCanîbulI - & \Vhitcxxail Tramwacy systoma bi tisa Pool Blooms, Belfast corporatien. A despateli freni beronte says:Logis- Aldorman Sir Bob'rt 1Anderson hla iato teraise flic cge at ihclyenti t-con ejectod niayoi oit Relfast, ln place are prmuilfcd te troquant --c-el seem etf ttc Earl oif Shrftfsbnry. Coinnillor sacs asîel by iept-csuui-ctivrs 'et the John icCauglicy las bee n made high mtuniipabity et Orllia, w-ho cliii onf sIsorift for 1908. the Atforuey-Genou-rai on \Vcdncsday.t The corporation oi theflicty et Beltast *Titome sias an agitation te mduce fli c and tiseemanagement -ofil-s Forster- licetise tee payabfeIsy fliesc estabuli-h- Gieen lospital bave be-ee fLans nucnts arIl in vies- etihe feeling agaiesi, agrrcd te pay for ixvcenty-tive nix lieds al-oxviusg beys toepnd licîer time ia in tise institution. - fhem, the mueicipelify snggests fliaf t Four mon and tiio ivomen have i coen youtlss under 20 bc torbidciti f visif crmestod -4i- Relfat, cisarged w si-[is flfiefs. Thelieniimum cge ai. preseni isd tisef t-oif £202 from the tilt oit brunis 18 yeams. O'Flchcmty s spirit store. Twe RBelfast constables, sacti tac- rest a lunetic oi tIhe came oit Deougi, TIHE BORE RETORTS. lied a sîrecueusfînso bofore tiey cf- - Mideight cameancd stilf flic bora me-n feefed tie capture. Tic man wsiO maincd.r armed siifia razer, ced betli po1icýe- "Do yen flic music?" asked ftliabeau-" mec roceivrd maey bcd culs. tiful girl, jusfteti broekflic moinetouy. t Tic, Belfat heaili cautiomifies report "Passioectely fond cfit," replîcd tiset cnotlie-r outbreof --tspotiste-s-ce-r 4niboe. "in tact, musicxiii aîw-ays car-C Ihef city. ýOsing le tise us et a nexi- y me aw-ay.' sernm, flic reathis m-ce bas, liec-c, Silo rusbcd over te tIse plane ced beeni reziuccd te tfî-irty per cent.,- as pîayed sev-cral pepular airs. cgaînst soeeity pc-r ceet. le lasI îeimr'a "Yeu arc sil home," sic said, tuîe- <pidemic. 1ine1g on flic sf061, Ins-estigation inlo tbc iregniarif tes "Yes," yass-ed.flie bore, la flic Betast frcacumry diparfme11tlies "But i thouglît yen scie music ai- rcveated a defaication etf £6,800 lu tireixcys camnicO yon axi-y?'-, si-crO alonte. If is tliougit fiat tbe "Seu Idinusi" Awakeieg fî-om si-cep, le-v. Lindsay Cuibcu, et Ranger, Gouefy Des-e, tenu HE GRABBED THE IDEA, T tic gas issuing from c bu'oken pipe ced "aioymCsue s h-tig1 hfli urnilure in flames. Thongb almoaf Ha" maen din csum ye li fig oserpow-ered, le manegeul1 te escape i- " reeircul Ma wms. n tyf, fa1is0 ced ture in an alammn.idcboîgtaas-nenefein On tiseuccemmendatien oet tie EcrI siionld clearly express-lier peusonaîity cf Ceystet, H.M. L for lie ouef hler attire." ý,c Cafsfrt,1-1 N. L fo th C lit "Weil, nîy dcci-," rejoieedhe linbs- c o!c Wickiexi, the Lord Chancelior ba se,'fabinfe .eyncudsi :eapinlod Mr. Cliistoplior Chat-les Fier-bad ttbenth .syoDulrt bort Hall, ef Keecirehlioc, Rouadisood, pssihIy improse on your presont cos- te -be a justice ofthflicpoace for that fumeýs.' cenunty "Tiey are eertaiely elaborata," sad The bridge sihd con ects Crit s- hum iladysip, "but d eo fley futîy xpi-cas i lan wth hernanlndcotiap-cso wtie "Suce fhing," ansîvered fiscmet-c a number et beung people lad ases-me "bled ounif for a dlance. mnany ettxs -riî. "Aey crie casiroiadiiy sec thef p ý heng trownintothe ea oui bavent csingle Iheuighît bey-etd 1 aoin e the institution oit a batli at BRî-th--cm." iymoncy svorklicus o niy riglift-ramps svct-ca flroiîglithae rdeci, ccd w-etc e, ceived in lIse weriioiusc, compared wih fiygweko Irnî asoixO efhecr. opoFor Infants and Children. Mrs. Margaret Fageni, et Cunîmings The Kind Viii Have 1 '~OL tew-n, West Mcclii, lias just pasacd kiM~ wyouUn aw-ey ai fl icceetf10)4 yeurs.f Bears the a - If is riepe-cleul from Duhuin thaf 1hec Duire linaet stea mers lias boe pur- Signature of 4 .-' clascul by C. & J. Burîts for ftxa snm et £14,0,bo0. >4 si In -an add rss il e Ilefast enera t M iss A n a Te ckl- H s e go dl o g i 1 Boo fli annou eroed that -e lady gav ae lim l e se n l is le e siafy tnugl i n ?' In 1£20L,000 for lis social w-oms. aed lied -Du alan "-ýNe, munm, but poriapa you'd d, earmarkeel if for f-set purpoise. I (AfIr nef gaI round ie front. f him." tý 1Af 'Dencas-er Gee. Perdy Fin, ce uuîdo(-r-too)tnan cf Milton Halcl, w-as comn-t mf-lolfr triai, cliarged w-tb stealing TIse Hostes"Aren't yen golng 1,eu a diameud tiare, tf10 rprerty o e! isgi-ouie c egCu1d Sasi Th'bb inistî-ess. 'at Il'm sure f lero's ne necul w-if h Ini enffavecing le rescue bis dogig al fliese -etever people, bore." TIse ibl bd bocatp4i an ettor buircesyat -lîOstcss-"But w-c ianit cfittie variefy. Cloaderlasi (Ce. Cîice), John Cs.d Yukoh liedý- hq liend s dyhitten li nea t0r fibof- i fero iata ci cto ie istr-"omIyIs youIr nmammfIale The'cîmiffioflie U)Lot'ri Agri- bd'oi grlls ss sI w ot ifye i ceual515w, e coseqeic of I eer elu li.sh 16b Children Caiight in the Flames in Suburb of ýCleVelandI Ohio. A despatel, frocs Cles-eland, Ohio, Ment. Ncamby t-scieries dismissad tlýIor 3R-yS: In a tBec w-iicl complet 'iy decstromen esuand inslmucted fliem le cssist ini cd flic cmmen sclsoiel building in Col- tisa rescua. They brax'ed flicrBre ccd l'ngsood, subrb, o onumadIeiseroeffrttor tsave lise enes a sbubonWcdesd-ay, o si-ho w-ce ef odeead, isuedreri and six-five , tt,0 , 0---. 1-- - - -- pla) p-g.on od nllu Ofld e i.<reNs-- .a et,y Mna xs rot orDs Syropsis of canadian Northi-West. Ilûmnestead i egalat-ons. A NY een nubwf d sectton of^Dm tuba Lande lu Maito, ...tciea ard Aiberta, ecpig8andl2,fo eevd may bli omesteadd y n, pe n whaet sole hed of family, or . ny- maie ovec 18 ye ars0f age ta the extent of o0au-euar:er sec. tion of 260 acres, more or es51 Applicatinn for entry must lie made lu e SOnby the aPPlicant at a DomInioacds AgenY Or tSb-ageney for, the 8ltit l wh1ilhe the la'-d lsluate. .Entry by proxymay however, le madIe at an Agency onceti 1c ï, Onciîz by the feilier, mothr, so t, d anugbter, brother orastir of an lutendiughmsedr The homeSteader ln reqnired tb perform t he hcmnestead duties under one efthe flown c(I)&feaeast six montheý' residence ti~l antitn eîtivaton of!theI dla lseach ïye ar for tiree (2) A hGmeteafer may if lie snderepr fform the requlred residence tItlU by Iiv-î1g ont farining lanurI owued solely by' li, m, 0 le ibanl eic ty 8>acres la client, ln the sliîlty othe ,home eteud. Joint ownership lu lanrI will not meet ibis requirement. (M11lthe father (or mother, if the faýiher P dýeceaeed> of ahomasteader has permanentt rc- silence on farmig Iand awned soleiy bl ivîn, riot less theauelghty f8o] acre3 ijutf,1l the vienlty,, o! u c lomestead, nor qpol, a h.om e teati e tesed for bly hlm in th l c v cliy suchihmeAteader may perform hieý own res dence dalles by living ii the fathacr [or motliar/. f]The termi "vieinity * lu the two rcf tgparag:apbe It deflned as m n n it mare than aine miles in a direct lnc ilev of thie wldth 0f roari allowances ero.sed luiieh mesensinet. filA bomesteader latentilng to preform in i recfence duties in accordance witlii the aba)ve while livIng wlth parents or on farmhng land owssed bv himef màst notify tho Ageot for the district 0f sucb intention, Six months' notice lu writlnx must bo giveni to the Commissinr of Dominion Lande at Ottawa, of Intention tea pplyfrr atent. W W. CORY, rleputy 0f tbe Minlser of the Interlor. N. B.-Unat2orized publication ,>, th.is ad- vertisemeat wii net be patit! for. 4-ue PrIVATE [HEIR TO FORTUVNE, 8iihtier aI Londekn Brak nsrf S15OOby Denth otfaer A dc.spa!cli from London, Ont., as Ihonias Kîrby, e prix-ato at osee Barracks, -was notified -onWdnsy that he liad f-allen hedr teo a fortune 0ýf $14î5ý)D0 lof t lnm by his fallier, a weal- lliy stationer, of Warswý,-,ick, Englin, *i'lo diad recently. Thýe informationi camne about in a pecultarc way throughi are employe 'Of ý fli an tMonfren! ioûticÈng an .advertlsemýent in un Eng- lsi paper requesting Informatina te the location ofthflic mssi,ýng licr. I-le imparted the information to one t t)h1Je o1icers, wh-o, in furn, insftuýted aJý)u n - quiry fliaf revealed that Kirby wsthoe party roferred to. DYNAMITE EXPLOSION. )nte Man Ki lied and Five Injureti an t he Transcontinental Rai1lwa1, A despaîdli trom Kconasas A dy- lamîte accident, fer. i n manwa kilcd and Bye ofiers inJurc, -ccrr t. Parson's campýjeNo. 8. rncotn was kllcd anI W.Muetomava 8 criously injurcd. Thý o er e agcd in toadieg a 80footisole, wi îa:d been lsprujng oýn fic Sturaypro- lhe xývork. U"nii bs ýroture f0 w-r lie dynamïite xvas ýýput in. whil(c limping Ns f0placeth eposonfei' lae DR. A'W.CA8 S le sent direct ta tue dlsessed par±'s by th, inproved Blower sies he alce,.C!eare Ilieair throt an pemaasbfycures Catarrh and Hsy Poyer. Blawr fre.AHdisersjo orDr. A. W.-C11~ i.dlç;ne Co., Toroiý nt fd 81iigIV Beecham's Pis are the "ouýnce Qi Frevention" that saves many at dot-' Iare or cure. Keep die t rony. getting in, and it will neyer lay yotsu out. The safeguards against ali, ' èommon juls are: A Sourd Stomracli, Ilealthy Kldneys, Regular Bo-wtîs and Pure Blood. Hundreds 'ofthuadbol meni and women-keep hlealthiy by using a reniedy thiat lias stood thec tes;t for half -a century and is nowý used vver ail the civilized loe They Purify the blood, strenigthen ithei nerves, regulate the bowveÏs, aid the kîdneys and cure stomachi troubles.» ;Build up the nervous force and re- J air the iii effects of overeating, ýe best safeguard against indiges- tion, biliousness and dyspeýpsia. and you i wll maintain good healtii at small cost. Soüld Everywhere, b boxes 2)5 cenltL Tise Vre w-as starfo,,d iy an exer- IsicOfunac-e. The fl-cmos quicly, dpi-aO, utaepanic aissucd ixhen.theli building flihîc iifh ,smeko ud the 4,00 chiudcen qtjemptEuj 1teescape. Thema ierebut fwe xil0 in th,- build- ing fliaf vereavilb One son lie-- 'Camle cekul if ix f icchldren, sals eîadly dashed for tise- open ait-. Those xvhe tf in flic deorway xvcre frairîpiad upen b heflc ces behind acid Ooce-theli ,dr-orwvax w as iniPaas-able. ESCAPE WAS CUT OFF. The frighlc-ned and panic-striekeuij chilciren ls-uscd f-o get -out flirougli flic Windows and by any 011cr means tfisf could lic found. Escape w-as cnt -off by flic flames, is-Iicli hy this tinie had spi-ead tflinougliut the cc-oms, Tise building ivas cf belyet tINa sdid ro t retard flic progress et ftIse flue. 111 a tow- iinfes fi1w-orfloor telI, preeipitating sor A etchildrete flie liasenient. anson fic ý1,bîîrîxng ombin rs. A HATENIGSCENE. The scne about lie buildinig xvas hcartreeding. Quickly flie ncwýs cf flic terrible catastrophie spread flireuigieuf the sillage anîd hundi-cus of parents ixete cxu &Oc bout t,lebuilding ie searcli of flîcir girls aueO boys. Le a tes- minutes 1wenh- bouc0 liead been fare-n trom flic ruies. Plcinly tIse w-i-ihng or sfiifed ftrnis ef dozens 0ùf otetlcs cc-nId be scout in the base- , 1

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