Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Mar 1908, p. 5

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,EOWUMTILLE STATION. «Mail. -__8. .559 a.m, 1 'Fzprese -, 4.3 a. rm *Express - 1010 " 1 Local...-..7 57 m Mlxod......3.. 31 p.m. 1 Passenger.1 Sa P. rm G~a. 49 p.m. I Mixed...- 744 IMï. 9 58 p.M, JuaR &LOVELL ICown Agents I W hon Jury & Loveli test EHyes It Is Don,, Properly TRUSjV SES That fit at Jury & Lovel's TRUSSES0 That satisf y at Jury & Lovell'a rUSSirEtlms That gîve-comfort at jury & Lovel's TRUiSSES At reasonabie pnices at, Jury & Lovell's T *R US SE8 For Mtven or Ladies at Jiiry & Lovell's TLIRU sEs Thatare guaranteed at Jury ~Lovell's A Bc..,uty Shown to Advantage. Ramankable affecta ana naw being pradueed inelectric ligbing-as, fan lu- stance, drap lizit4 sbawing through the v' '- ed, glass, whicb gives a most beauti-, ICl, safi ligbt witb which ta rend an wiie aI home. We.are expert opera- tata on Electnie Lighî Plants, aud willl be ggd.ta lustail ana for sou lu your hanse, oiffice, store for factonv. Every. tblug lu- conuectian wllb electrical workh lneludiug the fixiug o! electrie hall Bowman% villa. kflectnician. One Way Goloist Exculrsions To The West. Commencing Feb 29 and continu lng dailv until A pril 29th, 1908 Tothe followlng points:- '~Vancouver, B. C. OSpokane, Wash, $ À7I. [Seattle, Wash %1 Portland, Oregon ~A~Iffl~ ~San Francisco, Cal. $49,05.VJ Los. Angeles, Cal. $54,55 ity Tickets sold to other certain pointe In proportion. Pull information may be ob- tained from any Grand Trunk ticket agent or write J. D. Me- 'Donald, D. P. A., Toronto, Ont. jriiViy & LOVELL BUSINESS SCHANGE H mgprchasel f rom t Mr. A, T. Plenniýngton, the i Hardware Business recently carried on by hlm, I will continue the same at the old stand where hardware of al kinds will bc kept in stock. S While thanking my E fr;eflds for the patronage extended to mewlille ini the E grocery business, I inviteý you to eall and see me When requiring anything in hard- a ware,, and as in the ýpast, it d wil] a a pleasure to wait 1 on1 you. f An inspection of these p goods and prices invited. Respectfully yours, b CHAS. BROWN. Grocers' Due Bis taken, Bowmanvile, Feb, 18, 1908,. I BOWMANVILLEi MARil. .1908. PH RSONAL. Mrs Geo. Davison, Toronto, Is -visit- ing at Mr. Richard Allen's. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Finkie have gone on a trip to the Pacifie coast. Mr. W. A. Elliott. Blenheim. visited ahis uncle Mr. S& Wood, Base Line. Senator Douglas, Tantallon, Sask., bas been guest of Hon. Robt. Belth. Miss Ida M. and Mn., Wllbur M. Trewin, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Mrs. H. S Griffin of New York bas been visiting lier sister, Mrs, T. W. Jolliffe. Miss, Arvilla Cox bas neturned lb Toronto after speuding a week wlth ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson, Nestieton, vlsltedlber sister Mrs. W. H. Wood, Base LUne Miss Mildred Gloven is vis!ting bier sister, Mra. A. Biugbam, 345 Berkeley street, Toronto. Mr. Richard Jennings vlslted bis bis niece Mrs Wm. Manning south o! Oshawa recently. Misses Madeline and Kate Dustan have returned fnom a month's visit witti frlends atPeterho4,o.j Mrs. Olcott and grand-daugbter, Miss Helen Luuuey, Hamilton, areg vlsiting friends bere. Mrs, M. Burk and Miss Eva iBurkj are enjoy iug a trip toWasblugton, D. C.,1 and other American cities. 1The Misses Dlngman Invite you ta the Millinery openinks on Friday and Satunday Marcb 2uth and 21st. ý Miss Ethel Bnittain, Toronto, and Mr. Frank Bnittain, Oshawa, spent Sunday wich their mothen Mrs, M. J. Brittain. Mr. and Mrs T. E. Osborne and Miss Olive 0Oshorne attended the funeral of Mr. Russell Brant at'Whitby on Wed- nesday, Miss Zetta Limbert, Orono, and Mr. Monte Bickle, Canton, were recent guests at Mr. W J. Bragg's, Provi- dence Mr. A. Waller is the uew propnietor of the Mitchell Ontario Gardeus, Port Hope, from wblcb Bowmanville gets its flowers. Prof Kinkpatnick is a first-clasa artist and you cannot afford to miss hearingr hlm give Barrie's "Little Minîster,>' IMonday Mar. 28. Mrs. W. R Bond and daugbten, Mrs. H. B. Harris, Oshawa, were guests of bier father Mr. John James Tbursday it belng bis 83rd birtbday. Miss Margaret Jolliffe after a tbree mouths' vIsit with bier parents in thîs town and ber sidter in Ravelock returned2 ta Winlpeg Wednesday last.2 Mrs. Joues and Miss Flornce Jones1 Wbo bas been spending the wiuter witb the former's sister Mns. J R. Finkle, P bave returued ta theirborne in Belleville. We congratulate Major., W., C. King of the 46tb Regîment on is appointment t] bv the Mînister of Milîitis, to the position of adjutant of this year's Canadian team fi at Bigley. n Mr. R R. Bird and Miss Helen Bird attended the funenai o! the formen's brotber-iu-law, Mr. James Rozers, 0 Toronto, wbo died last week froinb pneumonia. -V Mr. aud Mrs. Fenton N. Stevens, Manitou, Man., wbo bave heen enjoying b Feveral week's viRit with bier sisten MissIr Carnie Power and other relatives hene, rq have returued tu thein bome in the weet. Miss Ethel C. Freeland who la attend- ti ing the Nortbfield Seminary, Mass,, bas S been chosen as a memben of the, Este y& Chorus. This la the Seminary Glee Club of wbicb ber sister Miss- Emiiy y Fneeland was leader, during bier student davs there. Thein host etfrfienids lu Bowmanville wlll juin ln the wish that Dr. John Hos- C kmn, K. C , Mrs Hoskin and Miss i, Canpmael, Rosedale, wbo bave gone on s a trip to the ïMediterranean and Italy, may have a pleasant, bealthful voyage e] and safe returu.IV Prof. F. H. Kinkpatrick, Ph. B., a, Principal of the Conservatory Scbool of Elocution and Lecturer ln Knox Collegeb and MeMaster Uuiversit.v, Toronto, will give an eveniug wltb Barrie's "Little W Minister" lu tbe MethodlEt Scbool-room ai on Nlonday Marcb 23. Admission 25e. a] Mr. James Speanin, Pettypiece, ManRn bas been vtsitiug Mr., W. J. Bragg, W Providence. Mr. Spearin la an lufluen. tial western farmer having 480 acres nder controi. Ris wife Miss Mary G. 01 Bragg who died two years ago. was a ai Elaughter o! the late William B~ragg wbo lived on the I atm soutb of Mr. John Buckley's ln Clarke. l8 Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Whiting were gi pleasantlv surprised last Thunsday fo vengbv their friends and ueighbors, c Ete eigthe occasion of thein silver weddiug day. Tbey were pnesented aX great comfort and spiritual streugtb in se r ading ber bible and reling on the w! romises of God. The funeral tookL the lace Thursday afternoon and was la 3oducted, by Rev. Hugb Munroe B. A., er pastor, asisted by Rev. John Gar- ahi utt and Rev. T W. Jolilifae. Among Gi, Le mourners were ber tbrae dat, ghters. tiss Aikin, wbo bas been ber mothen's ,oatant companion and support, Mng, Pa: Lýiing, Clarke, Mrs.S B Gerry,Loiadoù OP' cLd several grand-children, four grand: Sa iûm acting as pali-bearerfi. me ti and ha was taken ta tha Hospital rere ha had the limb amPutated aboya ae kuca. Ha is now able ta ait Up and doinLy nicely. O ters ai Knlght's Saturday Seat- iipi braud reducad ta 29e par pint.9 va tbenia trial. Uaddy & Co,, of tbe Central millineny .î'lors anunea icheir Sprnug Milliuery eningsaou Frldav Match 20 and 1 aturday Match 21st. 'You wlll ha S tde welcoma. [N 10e music, sail ai Nichola', Fneah ocysiers daliy ai Tait's. Eveky page containasaonelocal uews, New musie 10e a copy, 8 for 25e ai Nîchoils'. Fnfield news will ha Iaund on au muner page. New music, papular pnices, 10 cents ai Nicholîs' Current tapies wlll intereat yau-on sezond page., A leap vear birthday panîy la reported ou an inside page. >-Au advertisement la a latter of invita. lion ta deal wi- b you. Fanmers shauld raad with profit the Plague a! Poor Caws. Colora lu millinery are discussad ou an inuer page, ladies. Toronto Daily World 15 mantha te new subacribens fon 82. Roada were mate or lass blccked Friday lasi by the sabri Leadiug mauihly magazines are reviewed an imuer pages. Rev. Hecnry Cope's sermonetia ai- phasizes the Cburcb's work. Progressive advertisens make use of the local papar ta invite trada. Seo the fuel-saven for lrouing dava, a, great couvanleuca, ai Nieholla' Perslstency lu intelligent advenlising invariably ieads ta sucesaful resuits, Caîl and see aur working boots. We eau save yoiî nioney. Raid & Pentu. Order Sealahipi aysters on Saturday ai Kuight's Model Gnoceny-anly 29e ai pint. Tea-We pnide ourelves lu the blandlug a! te as, Have you lnied us? Tait. Mrs. E. Jeffery and Miss Mfary Mur- 1ey are vlsiiing Mrs. Thos. E, Hardy, Wbitby. Natwiibstanding the advance you eau buy tiuware ai the sanie aId pnica at Nicholls'. Dou't fail tla a aiRaid &Paarn's shue atone and inspeel their stock,.l will pay you. Send ibis paver with the repart a! Durhami Old Boys' banquet la sa7ur absent friand. Leave your order for avatars at Kulgt'a Madel Gracery an Saturday. Dnly 29c a plat.- Spriugila oming. Millinary opeulugs Miatch 20and 21. TbeMlasesDlugman invite you ta attend. Noie change lu the Carey Sboa Co's advt. this week. Have i au panticipatad in the shae bang ains ? Daily World, Toronto, 15 mouiba for 82 ta aw subacnibers. Orden aiSTATES- tIÂN Office, Bowmanville Seo uew aprng styles in milliuer 'y Atteud the apenluga ou Marcb 20 and 21. The Misses Dingman. We ana pleasad to bear tbat Mra. R. R~ Loscombe wba sufferad a sîroke af paralysie la progreasing nlcely, .Seaishipt oavatars ai Kuigbt's Grocery Saturday. Chance for everyone ta lest bhis brnd. Bettar than any ather kiud. l'y ad vertisiug your gooda jndiciausly nyoun home papen now, large and note profitable business will be the resuit. Mn. S. Cawker. Tornuto, formerly of Oshawa, bas bougbt the bnlchanîng businesi a! the late ChaF. Wilinson, whitbhy. Mrs W Street, Rieglan, wbo bas been visiliâg ber mothen Mts R Wash. inon dunlng the pasi bwo weeks bas aeturnad home, Spring milllnery opeungs aI the Cen- trai Millînery parlons on Fnidny and Satundny, Match 2Oth and 21st. Haddy & Ca., milliniers, Ladiep, you are luylted ta the Spring ilillinent Opeuinga by the Misses )lugman on Friday and Sninrdny, ilarcb 201h and 2lst Wo notice thai Couch, Jobuston & Crsderman, West Durham's blggest importei s, are o pening out an immense sock o! naw Sprng gooda. Misa Ethel Lilian VanNest bas beau ngagad 10 sing ai aunaentalumant lu Medcalt atreet Methodiat churcb, Osh. wa, nexi Tueaday evenlug. Coucb, Johuston & Crydenman sth11 bave a few Ladies' cloth coats on baud wbicb the j are aalling ai bal! price and il funsa anad below cast pnice. If you don't invite the public tbrougb nu adveriisomenita trade wilh yau, do ot complait, if tbey buy froni sont wlda-awake competitor wba doas. Couch. Jahusion & Cryderman hava )pened oui a flua stock o! new tweeds und warsieds. Nowilatha lime toleave jur onden for y ouïr ew Sprlng suite. T. R. Kuîgbt o! the Modal Groceny 8 afferng fan the balance o! ibis weak0 tenter value luananges iban aven be- ore. 20 cases ta ha sold. Don't fail toa ili and gai a bargalu. Of course,'au will be there ou Fridny Lud Salurdny, Match 201h and 92Iat-. M ILLINERY APPRENTICE WANTED at once. Apply to MISSES DINOMAar, Bowmanille.ilf EED GRAIN FOR SALËE-A quant- "> ity of Mandischuri and English two rowed Barley. Apply tu ARHUR H. BRENT, lot 1G, con. 5, Darlinzton, or to box 239, Bowmanviie. 9-Swt 1~ RSALE-FRAME RESIDENCE J and acre of excellent garden with about 20 bearing apple trees. Will be sold at reai bargain. If you want a home on Odeli St. see M. A, JAMES. M ARE FOR SALE-CarriatYe brond mare in foal tb Crown Parole,'Id ban da, 1200 iba, wlII work single or double. Always been nsed on f arme, Apply at TEE STÂ2,TES- MIN office, Bowmanvi ile 11-1w. B ARN FOR SALE-To remove, 30x85 ft, iu gpod state of preservation, à maile, north of Kirby. Would inake a barn 40X72 with little change. Apply to S. M, BILLIrSs, L.eskard Ont. 10-2w. IGGS FOR SALE- Mammoth Pekin EU Ducaa (Imported) egga twenty five cents eacb. White Wyandottes (Eisbel airain) egga fifteen cents each, Apply to Misa FLORENCE FARWELL, Box 115, Oahawa. or at reaidence Harmony. il-tf. PARM TO RENT-AOUL 125 acres -&-'belng parts of lots 18 and 19, con. 5, Dar- lington, in goori state of cultivatjon. forme, ly occcnpied by W. Allia & sons. Fair build- ings, gocd water. Falplowing done. Posîeu'. sion April 1, 1908. For -particulars apply lu RiCHARD KATERSONI Hampton, or JAmEq, ELLIOTY, BowmanVille. 8 tf jARM FOIZ SALE-Adjoing the F. village of Enniaktlten. A amati f arm of 17 acre, being situated and composedi of part of thre Norih l of the South 1,0f lot 18 in the Stb concession of the township of Darlington. There la on the premisea a good bouse wlth stone cellar; good barn wttbatone basement; fruit trees an d malfruits'for a faluuly, For turther particulaîs apply 20 I. L. BROWN, Hampton. 16 If "IARN'! TO SELTL OR RENT-One FV of the beat farms lu DarlI,îgton 150 acres more or les,, lot 3o, con. 18, Darliigto,,, on wbich are a gond fraine dwelilng and ootbnild- legs-clore tu, Enfield village where are church school, post office, stores, etc. Neyer rented Will be sol d very reasonably. ALEX McCULL. ouan, Enfield. 9-Sw GENERAL BUSINESS FOR SALE. An old establi shed business for sale, conlsiat. iog of general store stock. Posi office in con- nection therewltb, prâying good salary. Dwell- iug and premises wili be i ented te purchaser if desired For particulars apply ai once to on tie premises to B. G. STEVENS, !Solîia. il-tf VICKEffl & GALBRiAITH. Bai risters Soltetora, N Dtaries Public WILLIAM W. VicgaîRs D. G, M. GALBRIAITH: (formerly of Bowmanvlle> 77 York St., Toronto. The practice formerly carrled on by Mn. Gabraith lu Bowmanvilme will be tontieued by the new firru. Mn. Galbraith wili be lu Bow ruanville every Satunday and aise duning the wcek if required. 22-t f Al W BEAT LAND> AT A SACRIFICE. 640 nea Rgiaoenpii,, aabe rio obstructions, This section was une 0f eighi seilyelected 25 yeans ago. Tiere îs no better ladefor wheat anywnere. Prrce ouly $16.50 wûýh $20. Termes, $3000; balance te suit purchaser. M. J,, DRAWEB B, Bowmanville, 6-swt FARM LABORERS ANDDMSI To farmers sud uthers nequiring help, Messrs Brunton &Gerrard. booking agents lu England, hlave booked a number of farm laborers and domestie servants for Ontario 10 embank Apnil 2ud, arrlvleg about Apnil 121h, A llmîted number will be alloted for Coonties of Durham and Ontario, aIl farmera requtning must aend lu apliato as soûle as possible to Box 83, Bowmliauvolillie, P. 0. or enquire at STATESXAN office, BDJwmanvjlle. 2W lu the Surrogate Court ( the UnitedConUes Oi Northumnberland and Dnrh lu. IN THE MA TTER 0F tme Guardian s/dp of Mary Farish McDougall, Rtoss Alexander Meflougall and Utifford Kennedy McDougall, t/mreI5 of thme infant c/midren of .dlexander Kennedy MeDougall, express agent, deceased. , Application will be ruade'to the Suroae court of -the UDiled Conntieà of Norhum.obýe- land and Duriaru before the Judge iu Chambers ai tie- Court- Houae in the toue.u of Cobourg aller lie expiration of tweuty days f rom the ïir- t publication hereof on behalf of Mattbew Mie Dougali of tbe township of Grimsby in the Couty of Lincoln, farmer. tbe paternal unele of the sad infants, for an order appointiug the aaid Mattbew MeDougall guardian of Marn Farish MeDongaîl, Ross Alexander McDougali, and Clifford Kenredy MeDougaîl, tbree 0f the infant cildren of tie said Alexander Kennedy MeDougall,,deceased. . Dated at Bowmanville the 25tb dayoaiFeb- ruary,1908. MÂrTHEW MC»OUOÂLL by Simupson & Blair. 23.bIssi osos Notiees of Bh.tlis, 25 cents; marrtages, 50 cents; Deaths, 50 cents, each In- serticas, When funeral cards are PrInted at this ofice. Insertlon free Bit N81 BONNYCASTLE..In Bowmanviile, March rd to Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Bonnycastie a daugbter. LAMKE-lu îXewcastle, Feb. 28, te Mn. and Mns Win. Lake, 5sou. WOODGER-QUICKIn Bawmanville, Marcb 101h, by Rev. Jobn Garbutt, Rev. F. Woodger, Meirose, aud Mn,, SarahB E. Quick, Bowm an- ville ,RLCHÂAnSO-POWERAÂî Brookln. Feb. 26th. by 11ev. W. Bý Tigbe, B. A., Mr. 'William Richardson, Columbus, and Mn,. Rebecca Power, Brooklin. CROWELL-CLRKIn Osbawa, Feb. 16th, at the Parsonage. by 1ev. H, T. Lewis. Mn. Will- iamu A. Crowells, and Miss Leta Clark, Ennis- kilien. HIND-INORtMN--At Osbawa, March 4th. Mn,. M. H. Norman was nnited in marniage te.Mn. A. F. Rlnd, by 1ev. D. M. Miheil, M. A. -DIED. JÂEDi)NE-At bis brother's resideuce, 445 Churcb Street, Toronto, Thursday, Marcb 5, Garuett Rae Jardine. formeriv of Bowmanviile son cf the late Gilbert H. Jardine aged 20 years. Interred In St James' Oemeteny, Toronto. HorFFmN-At Port Hope, March atb. iMary Ann Hoffman, widow cf thea late JacbHcffman, aged 71 yeare.1 11 DnFO-In Hope, March 8tbH e-rniet A. Cbarlesworth, wife of Oran Dà~oc, aged 70 years.. MaAiAty-la Bowmanville, Marcb ird, Lillian Aikin, nellet of the late Alex, Mahary, ia ber 8th Tear. BnANT-At Wbttby, Mardi 2nd, RuSsell James, son of Mn. T. S. Brant, aged 23 years. Brother ofiMrs. T. E. Osborne, Bownanvillel ROGERs-At St. Michael', BHospial, Toronto of posumnonia, Manci Srd, Jas. J. Rogers. Brother of the laie Mn,. R. R. Bird, Bpowmauý- ville. NOTICE TO PUBLIC Wm, Tannant, V. S., bavitng pur- chased the zood.wili aud practice o Dr. F. H. S. Lowney. V. S , la about ta open an office hene. Full partlculasInter,ý Vocal aud instrumental musie 10e ai Nichalls'. Picture po@i carda lececb, 10e a dozan ai Nicholîs'. K awartba Lakes Summen Sebool wil ha held July 6 ta 13, 1908 ai Cheniong Park. Mn. J. D, Haar delivared a load of alsike the othar day that taalized hbler than $600 Misses Diugman announces the Sprlug Mlliuaty Ovenings on Frideyi aud Snturday, Match-20 and 21, Oranges! Oranges!!lai T. H Knlght's Modal Grocary Ibis weak, 20 cases- bitter and sweai kinds. Caîl and orden lame ; batier, valuaeliban aven befona. Don'i misa basting Prof. Kirkpninick on Mfouday Match 23 Those wha heard hlm bafara will wani ta heasthlm again. Ladies! If Tau wonld ha sttang and henlthy aud have goad complexions, ake Milet'sl Compound Iran Pillg. R- M., Mitchell & Ce., Bowmnnville Prof, Kirkpainick's aucces an tbe îlat!onm bas beau grant and ha hais ganeud au enviable rapuintian bath lu Canada and the States," sOanys Prof. Chas. T. Pan! o! Hirami Collage, Ohio. West Durhami Agnicultunal Saciety la 1 3ummoned ta meel l uacil-rooni, Bowmnnville. Snturday Match 21, lu ,onnection witb evane a! pregent air graund. drill shed, naw grounds0 nd ganaral business. As Ibis will be ne of the masi important meetings tbis tociaiy averheld, a full attandauce a! nemb5ra ls urganîly l'equesiad. Fine alarm systa inluBawmanvilla 'ublie Sebools was well tasted vester- la wbau Chairman J. R Cryderman, 3r. Boiti and J. J. Mason thnee am- )ana of the Board, di'opped 'inta the en-rooni building, thait presence bciugr .nknown ta teachans on puplsq and ýouudedibe fine gang. Evan 'y child was utaida the building lu Ibrea-qjuanters d a minuta-45 seconds. fleare thle ,,q iKidVi131Âm Bîh gîînaturec Bea he »Ie iiîKîd Vii Have Always Bought aera~ ,,,,îlei îýd You ae Alyways Bouhir THE ROYAL BANK, 0F CANADA. Ineorrporrated 1869 CAPITAL PAID UP $3,900,000 ,00 mulugi HIEAD OEFICE: 11ONTREAL. 11111DIRECTORS: iliTnomas E. Kenuy, Esq., Presideut. H. S. Hait, Esq., Vice-Pres. Thomas Rtebia, Esq. E. L Pease, Esq. H. G. Bauld, Esq. Hlon. David Mackeeu, EEq. D K Elliott, Esq. F W ihompson, Esq i Jas. Redmand, Esq. Wiiey Smitb, Esq. G, Rý Crowe, Esq. I4ýU liii W. H. Thonue, Eaq. *iliIi OFFICERS sul VllEdsou L. Pease, lieneral Manager. C.E. Neiilg9. â1,111 W. B. Torrance, supt. of branches. F. J. Sherman j Ass..Gerieral Managers. 11M1 Elghty-fi;e branchas lu Canada. nine branches in Cuba, branchesIlrI ulu ne. oh's, Newfoundland, ani San Juan, Porto Rieo. gnc InNwYork, Correspondants tbroughout theworld. E! ~Manager Bowmanvllle Bnancbji. , M - .... = -.- ............ fi 5!mm5!i!-ammmmmmmmmmmmsmm..mm.tmmmumm.!mmtmmmmmmlm!mUmmm.mu* iri S. W. MASON & SON 9s big Reductilofi Sal1e L~.Conti nued-~ CHILDREN"S BEAR-SKIN COATS Rez. $3 00 for $2 10, 853 for $2 50, $3 75 for 2 75, 84 100 far $2 95 GLRL'S CLOTH COATS Reg. $2 25 for $1 25, $2 50 for 01 50, $2 75Jfor $1 75, $8 25 for $2 00 8 50 for $2 25, $5 008 00. L'ADIES' COATS Ladies' Coats, rez $8 00, $9 00 and 89 50 ou sale for ..... 5 00 " $10 75, $12 00, sud $12 75 an enle for ..... 6 75 $15 00 sud $15715 on sale for ............. 900 LADIES' SKIRTS Ladies' Skirts,any $4 00 ta $5 00 Skirt ou sale for ............ $2 75 46 46 6 5 50 ta6 50 18 9. for ...........8 75 GIRLS' ANDiMISSES' SKIRTS Girls' and Misses' Skirts any$ .3,00 ta $8 95 an ,sale far....... 2 25 WRIE WOLBLANKETS WhiteWool Blaukets $3 75 for 1$' 00, $5 C00fo0 '15, $5.50 for 84 00, $6 00 for 84 50.' COMFORTERS Reg. $1 75 fan $1 25 ie-2 1)3anut-i2'5 for SATEEN UNIDERSK1 &-,I Reg. $1 25 for 85c, '1 75 for *1 2 WOOL TOQUES 1ý .12c ù . 1k !, îe 1-Sefort 25(e o 1.bc, LAIDIES',WOoL AND CASHNIEH' VES AND MITTS .c-- 25e for 19c, 85e faor 25ce t. for 88c. MEN S WINTER UNDERWEAI{, AND OP SHItiTs* 1:e-. 50c, for 28c 7,.cfor 5ýc$; fr7Tc, $1 '25 forO95 $1si olar $1 10. MEN'S AND BOYSý,W 'ER CAPS IxeX. 50. [or 38c, 7-k for 55c,1$1 OC -75c. W RAPPERETTES Any l2jos a yd. for 1c a yd, 1,5ý,a-yd fon1l2o a 3 d. FURGOODS- Ruffa, Scins , Collars, M u!Gnurlïs sud Cars ail ai EXP5CTILY&COST PRICE NO CREDIT, Urocers' Due gulis taken as Cash V I ~1 5. W. 1fIASON &SONI SNexi door ta Standard ak o wm a nvile Free sliad roam ai Cenitral L Lvery yards anytime, P w when eating., that your food is of highest wholesomeness-that it has nothing in it that caa injure or distress you - makes the repast doubly comfortable and- satisfactory. This supreme confidence you h.ave -when the-food is raised with The only bakîng powder made' wîth Royal Grape Creani of Tartar There can be no comfortng confi- dence when eating alum baking pow- der food. Chemists say that more or Iess of the alum powder in unchanged alum or alum saIts remaîns in the food@ -We want you ta get our share of the specials we are 4~offering tbis week. A trial order' wvlM comrInce you that ibis ta the-store to deal ai. Marm alade 43 Now isa the time ta make ý our marmalade. We c;arry a large and select sto.k of Eeasonable nruits. Marnialade oranges, fine bright fruit, ...... 25e a doz. Small sweî oranges ..................... 20e a doz. Grape fruit............................,. for 25c. Suicer loaned if desired. Lenten Special 4fe Freali White Fish Salmon Trout Steak Cod B, C. Salmon Haddock Herring, oystcrs, etc. 4~Bring inà your bufter ançl eggs ta us and get tbe Cash Phone 65, The People's Grocer. s Mlghest Pnice pald for Farm Produce. s *mm mm mm mm mmmw mummwfmms.m.maum m....,mm .mfmm..m.. mh....... ..m......m..,., ----------- - z- -- -- -- RESERVE, $4,390,000,00

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