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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Mar 1908, p. 6

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-, £ rg-nTn' r1 - n, l j U You Read This It W111 ho to learn that the Ieading meIlI- cal wrlters a.nd teachers of.all the several _schoo19 of practîce recoffimend, ln 'the stronge3t terms possible, each and every Ingredient enterlng Into the composition of Dr. Pierce'g Golden Medical Dlscovery for the cure of' weak àtomiach, dyspepsta, catarrh -of stoxnach, "Ilver complaint,n torpid liver, or billousness chronle bowel affectionis, and ail catarrhal diseases of whatever reglon, name or nature It le &go a pcc remedy for ail such chronle or long -standing cases of catarrhal af - tions aud their resultants, as bronchial, throat and lun gdisese (except consomp. tion> accompaniýed wlth evere cou gls. I is not so good for a-este colds and eoughs, but for lingering, or tbronic cases ftila especcally efficac ous In produclng per- fect cures. It contalns Black Cherrybark, Golden Seal root, Bloodroot, Stone root Mandrake root and Queen's root-al oI which are hlghly praised as remedies for ail the above xeptioned affections by such eînent medicai writers and teacheiýs as Prof. Bartholow, of, .Jefferson Med. Col.~ 'lege- Prof, Hareef the Univ. of Pa.; ProÏ. Fi nie ngwood, M. D., of fBen- nett Med V llege Chleago; Prof. John Klng,' M. 1<,of Cëncnnatl; Prof. John AL Seudcf Cincnnati; Prof. Ewin M .i. D., of Hahnemann Mked. e Chicago, and scores of other a îy eminent ln their several, ech ract.lce. ~bwt G lden Ml& Dedica tgsc ter r ntls u osnurnfIor abit- --urae te-sned lycbedrin mengu e td, lyerlne la entlrely unobjec- a b U des je a most useful agent he o fl iton1fcljaweil as bron- lthrot lpgaffe,tos. ~tl~hJ Iielaut ,hMrty fort i4Sge al aucaaee, e'vIDIscover "Is ýn conceetratogl'vc ioextxact0f flUUvo,' ued1lcait rôomf 514ls zafoa nd relitble. A booklet of extmeta lrom eminent, ~melol tor(uerA oralng Ita tingre-1 Miss NomGCo' eman, 155 Stsaw St. Miss L. Moruheai, l14 Gueuxl-0l St. Mr. and Mrs. John MGlI 2St. Mary St. fM{iS M. Bames, 6 ornhrtAe Mrs, A. A. B-rewa, 1W6 Culi St, Mu. and Mrs, W. Ingicsa,.554 Bleor S t. W. Miss S. A. NoDadis¾Mra. M. Bewecn, Mrs. Sarah Anson, 924 D î'eroourt Btd, Mr. N. C. Dunbar, 15 Bleecker St. M'ss C. Gibbard, 590 Collega St, Misa T. Dunbsar, M6 Jarvis7 St. Miss3 L. Gully, Mrs. J. woods, 18 Bliee'kkeu St. Mr. ani Muis. Frd H.eaI-, 529 jing St. W. Murs. H. Donfr,145 Beatrico St. Mr. and Mrs. D. MePerson, 576 Man- ning Ave. Mu. and Mrs. John. L. Soît, 124 Carl- V'on F.ASt3.Bso Nîv. isnd Mrut,F.A ü PUseSt Mr. Pcrcy G. Migisi, 4-6 Bruuswlck Ave. Mr. D. W. Armstrong, 121 Robert St. Mss Anale- Crumbs, 2/k Brant 1;t. MNiss Kate MleNeil, 226 Bol eut St. Mr. W. H. Grant, 84 Bobeuct St. Mr. N. S, Maconald, 46 Brunswiclc Ave. Mr. Fred. J. Pattinson, 46 Peaioke St. Mr. and Nlrs. J. B. Hiîg,39/1Du- iniSt. Mu. andý-M' A. J. Saundel t 3-m 0s-z ngteon Ave. Dr. James Bray, 288 Gerrard St. E. Mr, GL'e. Parteir, 48 Czar St. Mu. andi Mus. E. T. Bit-,2 p pîncai)t St. Mur. J. S. Pen ,I. 220 Grrari St. E. Mr. and Mus. H. Bennett. Miýss Lena BennotI, 213 Mutul Sýt. . M'sý-es DcI. ani ,-rtliaaDancaster, MfssiEx-a- lt rh,18 HecrSt. D:-. ai Mus. J. iH. E 6io1.1iSpa- Nu. l]i NMs. C>as. MA-l'u 1 Mus. 11. H. Wa'soa. Toro nto. Miss Aberta M. Wight, 56 Keole St., Tom'nto Jufl(t'on. Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Wcllard, 396 Annetta St., Torenueo Junctî-on. Miss ELthe1 Wpodiiy, Tyrne. Mrs. Wm. Saut. Stratisuoy. Mr. William and Miss Id'& Sn-tf, Mrs. A. B. Cryderman and Mrs. F. T. Ailun, Hampton. Mi-. James Stainten, Fnîîîskillen, Mr. A. J. andi Miss Eina Beynolds, Somuboro Junction, Mu. G. L. Dyke, Geicirichs, Miss L. Roenwick, Mîr. T. W. Jack-_ son, Orcueo. M r. Evan H. Mc L-,n. Newcastle. Col. Jolin Hughv-, fsewtonviile. Mr. C. G. Armtrong, Oren.î.) Mrs. G. W. Clen1enan, Toronto June- tien. Mr. Fred. A. IMaasl, retvle Mss Bezner, Weýst Fia-ml op. Mr. and Mus. Wv. G. Gover, Mr,%. C. A CaWker r, ar. Mre. LJ.-H. H. Jury, Miss, Windat.t, Mis- E. Jies Mr. anrd Mus. M. A. JmeMrs. PBubt. Colla- c&ott, Mus. Chas Mur1 ff, Miss H. MI. Murdoji Mssrs. C. . Ce e, S.J. Ilonex, G. A. tps . J. Bragg and Gece. P. Blad mnîle TH1E SOCTIL HO(U!R. ThoivJtat;-an on,- itathe hejur G f, te7 ocokwas fr renew- al ýf frieni*sisips a1 social hour-. It was ail exCeeding!y jyos nd interesting k'ccasiUil. As isbiowni by thie guest- Darlington and Clarke were lanattend- ancia andirieoei'ied a verï cordial wel- cerne from tiieir city acquaintances and fsdllow Durbamiites. Presidoent J. L. Hughes, S-ýecretary Thes. Yelloxleee a-nd Tru-c ur John D. Keaci, ercýoeivod tIse ,uesf.q on arrival and baie theni îsec.rn. eprate cloak roiswere epen for stori'Ug ratps,laiube, semhly w u t apierneo ag nirý ý, t'Jtiope it~auy, gaive a Lt en d aicresas. Probabiy thse man who- causd geatstfun was the "MNan fuomi Orono," whe ade fini. of cverythIng ani eryoybefere ornmencing tW sing. Thý,;Is umerous entertainer wýa& Mr. Cat Armetrong, thse generat merachnt. Tha e mcn or wonaln iio woki.tlauLgh a-t. lis ludicreus jokes anid -,allies weluid ho a stoic indeed, iThis veuy piessant e~igwas brought o acloseby ali joining îoices and hands in "Auld Lang Synie.', TBY LIMBERGER, Onlons are sali te cure lots of dis- cases, but what wiil cureo nions? T HERE'S notlsing like a, good soup te pave the way for a good dinner. And there's nothing like Arnioure Extract of Ileef to gîve that ibdescribable relisIs and saveur to soups. Armour'e Extraci of Beef gives the rloh, tasty, appetizing flavor cf reset beef to al meat dl»bes. " My Favorite Recip. "tells orf many wm.ys used. Sen% free on recel rt t. one, mtal cap from ajar ef Armour'»tact 0f Bf. Âcdres, Armour Ltmited. Toronto, Airmour à Solid Extract of Beef te Ihoin, the-ir trngrins caitb U aish a sec nie,an tna jutcei atisfili, OPPOSE LICENSE BILL. Movernent in Englasnd In Defence oi Public bouse. «'A Plca for the Preservatien of ic Tisueatened Public lese"TIis, ia or. fect, is tue purport of thoe manifesto cf puotesl issuei witb 1,051 signatories, by tise Britih- National Freeiom De- fénce League, who claim o be support- ei by "vast piblie epînion,ý opposed to extreme and repuossive leisiation.' It is anticipalci that ti- , Britiish Gev- erninent will introduce another Licen-' sing Bill thissession, and tihe manifes- te pleads that the public bouse, "se ofien the onIy possible meeting place for so- oial movements of al l iais-clubs, liindly soclettes, tuade unions, oe- should bo maie as cemmoditous and ccmfertable as possible." Employes at several London thQatues, traie union secuetarios, and scores cfI ,piesentalive Foresters and Oddfe'- lo-ws support tisenianifesto, which de- clares tisat "we yili to none in our desire to exterminate the ovils cf irun. iscaness,' nad "aàviorkingias is as cap- able of resisting temptation as an M. CRUEL. "What do- you tis:nk cf nîy execution ca -jhé- pianfor- 1"No botter place for vour execution cculd ho chosen. I have atways been 1n lai ou cf punishing crinsinals -on tise scerse cf the crime." ille-"ýWisat would your fathor do -if I told hlm 1 wanted tte maury you?' h-H'drefor te at-r ens. l Sb-ldrfer the niatteýr te the,' un iUp2 XQUP nind," anetiier coer. Go)arFser feathers, aîany of them more fneakiiss tisan heauýiful, trini less cxi- pensive hats, ofien making up by ebarin et ooloring for laclç cf .1he flneness ani dolicacy that, are tise charirnof tise os. prey and tise gourah. Anl'ISTIC. \igg-l amn sure se peints and pc- dcus, but do you thinlç shae pencila lier eereivs? Wagg--I tliink tisat's wlsare she drawi theUic ise. Poerty May n-at be a crime, but. it ta tise cause cf rnany. music a is e fýoc cf loveý. De Style,-Foed, fs ilTisn tutms be steak Mary's pounin' o Iapay A MISTAKE. C-'eont--Didn't You nmaRke miale egloiîîg mblawiv nstuai )f tise am Lawgc,ýr -Why?. "By thse way you carethieUre wofld ite litile teft of tl is- neY. Miss Ascum "2l i hear Mf ass GelIAjics caled'on yoûu thec ciberdv iaf suppose you gel a chance to")oIl n your meiulli." Miss Bright- "Oh, si lhait it open almost ccnstanlly." M s, Ascuai -"You did?" Miss Bu*gàt-"Yes, yawn. ing; but se n-exeu tmok the int." ~tf'1]Rapid changes of temperature are hard mi'.'on the toughest constitution. The conductor passing from the heated 2 inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature of the platform-the canvasser spending an hour or 80 in a heated building. and then walking against a biting wind-know the diffIculty of avoiding cold. Scoft '.r Emtels'ion strengthens the 2body so that- it can better withstand the danger of cold from changes of temperature. It will -help you to avoid taking cold. ALL DRUCCJSTS; 50c. AND 151.00. 4 2 wwwwwwwww w - - ---- - - --- - - 1

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