SAYS VUSIS 15BEST ing the questio, "Wit isthe bent ~prescription to cleai; and purify the 4blood ?" r-tsiii arercent issue the :Ji foilowing Danduilion eune ounce; j Compound Salatone, one ounce; ('Compound Syrup Sarsaparilia, four Shako well and use intesonu dosýes after each meai and at bedýt ime, Aweil-known physician, sta tes that thwse are harmless vegeta1ble ingre. dieu ts, which cari be obtained frum This mixture will dlean the blood of iH impurities. In just a few days ihe skia begins te clear of sures, boils anjdJilples. It pis vi gr and eucergy jnto run-down e ilitated Pieu n ad women. For miauy yesrs Saýrsaparilla alune bas been <onidered ai good blood ciedicine. But whiie it built up and made new biood, the *iniipurities rentai ced within and the godaccomplishod wes, oniy tempur- ary. Sarsapar Illa, ho10wever, Nhen uisLid iecombination witii Coexpund Sali,.atone and Extract Dand.1un woks woniders. This conibination pets the kidneys te work te filer and sift eut the wsste niatter, uric aoid, and ther icipurities that causee isease., ;It 1niakes new bloed and relivesrhematsrnand lamne baýck 0-and bladder troubles. 1 ý 1 1 1 '10 PREVENT FBXpUD AM SUPPLY. Same ae temb theu l" ct prvent iîîg framl ii Ile îîîoriufocîura cf ciseose oridluter, eretride by lte Cntarjo cbaig", lgoIttill] ise î1ýpet lc[nss ef liseeld ci ' mori:ixiibu curisali- w hu!e qui.a:1 iffroujd inritnik7sup- piy Tle 00w' bill givs peWcr tu irispe lor-s appoiîtiba d bu tisluserimni -l eo n tu-e torms ut ppison,ýs supbin l'ie aid es raiptsse taI hy cen- I otî ui xil[lite tîilir deiiveted ail ie obe o t-buterfoclty. il may bho de- lortstcd Isthe he nsitirbas hecît siitie r w oered. Under Ihe etod oct i!upece[s iod nulisapr,îve-r, ibough il os xemc-d, insuei cases3. lite preslentor ohar fficer uf a clîcesei, trillr coripots botIhe rigbi le o oný[ a pairemus tam'm. and taire or lest aris- ries Of milir. or liu contA authorize sce Crieý tu go. Tise bill gisvus 1lite goxertîmeni the. puisr 10 C.Pîni quotifled inspecturs. xi- ho sah insptîc i oirnt upcd l i- if.twns anA villages. Tii-cvxviii hîavec litasaIe paet-as eloce ýanidbutter î ceyiriPeclaOrs hase ta t asmpiýes cf risiii cn bbc preducers farm, in tî'ar- ori lecl ou'twr icadeth ie promises uf e lie oa- r whiie bing detiverel la usomrs, the irtittîttunbeing lu soc- tisI he siti.o udod fîunî tise cous sii l t'eo 1r the:c, i rt is ihut st"i (triti" or stinusiii ng. V\\litre a ci [y de- 1 Thýe Famoues Pedestrian Gentlemen:- 111 was a martyr te catarrh eof the head, Iliroat and stoinach. I was su bad tried rnany physicians and medicines. A friend suggested Psychine. I tried il and it was the oniy thing ever dîd me aniy goud. I amn now perfectlvy wcli. Et is the greatest remedy the world Lias ever kaown, I do nut necd it fer my health new but I use it as a strengt-henePr for my walking matches. I owe mudh ' of -my physical endurance te isychine." JAMES 1REYNOLDS, Port Hope, Onit. Psychine le the greatest cure for catarrîs of the head, throat or stouiaeh ia the worid. It is a wondcrfui tonic and strengthcner of rua, down systemn, acting diretly on ail the vital organe, giving youthful vigor and strength te'L theu system. At ail druggists 50c. anld $1,. or Dr. T . A. Slocum, Liurited, Toronto. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS tlEI"E\,NG ritom ALL O%-ATin Tlegraph Biiete Froni 0ur OmIn and Other Coulitrles of ecent CANADA. Tise Torontle Counscit struckr the rate oftalxatli t i18ytsils Custonis teburris rit Toraonto for April ShIow a decrease cif $167,W0. Four hýot roicaenues w'ercclt ffby lte BoutadutfLiccîsse Comnnisiuriers. The Scoîl aci was sustoincd aI Fr'il- etictun ..N. B., aller a ittd-founglit cuon- ,Martin Price svas senlrneed aI Ge',cpb tfiftecntaLinlapenientiary frtut' Antericans arc maki ng huas-y purc ',' C.s uf putpwuod alenthIe lino(,f lite Totlriiskaming Bailxvay. Lonsden Vsalun Gornissioriers pro- pose a sclherne te extenri lte xaterwyo'k, aI a cust cf $560,000. Milliam 1Ilanlun. xxlin is aciready serv- irig a terni ai Kingston for feorgeî'y, xvas sctetccA ai Guelphs to an. addt- inai twetve yenýrs, Milie Arome, a Bussioi, bcbg ru- fused admissîointe a streel car ai Hami- itoti licartre lic w as drunt:, drew a revuiset' and fired aI the cundrictut', but rntisscd itn. ama s souon us you Cr.Al suf- fering -of any crea'ture, jui before iA dies, poisons lte meat. If Ihere w ere nuo birds, mani coul 31,t iv e on the eartb. an d bih'd are dlccrasing ini lis couuntry. If yo'u have any dolubti as lu xhetller ainimas fel 1pain, watch, lice louk ot extrema su ffering aýnd huapeiess wuoe up- -on the face of a pour, half-starved exver- sredho su. IEW CLUBBING RATES. G. T. PACIIIC BUILDING. CITY OF PALACES MIES Winnipeg to th flickieles bu lic Opexird NexI Faîl. A d pansfruim Ottawva says: Mr. FRANCO-BBIIl EXHLIITI¶ON TO BE uVfngwud ireet, Govoriment WN'DERFULSTRUCTURE. cunsuliing erigiricer for lAie National Transcaniicinetl Biwaslaird on Thursýdy thi the Grand runk flaci- fio Iroi \Vinni pc, lu prtnce BRupert Ioder Kiralfys Dtjteclion Buildings Xp- i% as ýnow alil mde con'raci% with 4tise pear Sonicix bat in '"Arabian exc _eption of about 500 ileson lhe Meuinton isectiýon. Tihe whoislepro rie Niubls" Fasltion. SatolitsfruitsWînnpfcg tla thelBac ries, irictidirig about. 100 niltes -wcst uf F0- 'uch fris becr said and writien menton, -w outlbe epen for busitis s iahaul ftic Fricu-British Exhibition ai rext fait. Rails arc nusx laid Iran Shephcrd',qRBuis, neoar Londuos, Englarid., ilhn 30 mlJc5 o)f Winnipeg to Baitle but nu onte. x hi o s net benon otlie River, and fromi Baitle Rtvor ws't lu grouid laoly can have ari dea Ci lte Einionton nmucb uf the gradlitis new iiiPus ug \Vbite City which bus siîrung dre.Tise delay uritil fait i operinng Up tihre a irhieldinig of tt at inodemib tme ibagrlcfrum Ef.dmoouri t magician-l, îrnrc Kir aiy. NVin îspeg ta due. says Mr. Schrciber, Ts sgcantitesc. t"IA le the constructioni-of the immense din" -%vas ahle teO creale a palace ini a bridge «over the BaLIle River. The nigbl 'Mr. KiralîMA in anir icredibly bridge i o o" ne mile long anid 180 short t1inte, has calluA mb obeirig some feut h1gli. Na'difFlculy ta belig cx- tweîilv palaces, xx'lich îoiuvzcaver the pciencerd by thre cutitractors lu g.ttitiq v 14 acres uf exhibition grouîd alime i labor. Ibis ycar, and the whule srua- readv for the~ exisibits te ho plut inbý lien, su far os the conîiracluirs arc con- tent. cerned, bas considerably ttsproved sirice Telri.o usctls ia ile laI co. nnh a ge. Theti thu plac" waa a des- ý i a gluumy î a lc-f mci , cid iraili "SHOW NIE" PIIOOF g's.New ý,il is a stitly lusYv, il wider{tuds taidl ffasatul at'deu oi Thl, ÎSWhat llhrobne4i idt do li ail fa hruad canotlnseanderir ibrougitil. Forcis of Cfflarri a nd Troubles xvtllifine bid nt %-,oryty lurîs ccl of The Bteatbiîg Organs. vstla rx'eolirig tresh baueanid cvet'y paosise if beng eody for the pýublic Ilntr aqu ou f 1lb aîn2i havirig tc gaze uputiý ils wotdios ai lise bogies. cureri s iie et cscý -ý, btxi1iil teocis ring out Mayc. your oun arliculatr case, if ix ,Cold in if lUbord e beilsic slie ert eb te iead. iClais i, itnhttPrieu- palce liîi'ii iesnlgîîtia te n1,iaa.C nup sutaîy rIfctAis thie ae Ptrirestuieiuttui.Ti yel', aîîd 's iii ret ilIeiPîtt if . dlli, swelas t -Ibe ruo ob:it1 fails. N elhr prtsarat or u'the cf de iroe realintr e (-e, are bc iu.e the H3 uîîei bi ti: ai rotra \\olsFt' uw tliPaExi- BABY BOY HAD Which Broke Out ivi Different, Places -Nothing Would Help Him- Mother Almost in Despair-Skîi Quickly Ffealed Withouta Scar and Trouble Has Neyer Returneci SINCE USING CUTICURA MOIHER GIVES Il PRAISE "Several months ae n i te y Ilow two and a half yesod, bgnt break out with ltching sores. 1 begna toedec- ter himn, and as -' them healead up înoneplacethey would break out in anether. I was almost r despair. I couli flot getanythlng that would help hlmn. One even- ing 1 read a tes- lad timonial from a lady -ho bad eured her littie boy witli Cticura. 1 began to use the Cter Soap and Cuticura Olntmenit, wnd îafter using thoem three times, the sures. com- inerced te heal. Ho je now, well, and flot a soar le ioft on his body. Theyý> have neyer -returnod nor ef t hmwitti bad blood, as coewould think. Cuti- cura Ramedpies are theheet 1 have ever tried, and theoy are surely great. 1 -ha;,iwa7ïys have them in the bouse handy, and shall highly recommenci therm te any one who ie suffering likewise. I cannot give thema 100 muchpraise. Mrs. Wil-liam GCeeding, 102 W4 igo