PIIENOMENA. 0f AMan Could Not Live an ilour of, lis Life- ini Any Worthy Sense Without 1t. "I pu inar Le m1 rua-k."-PLil. iii., 14. Th ihrlise meauing of eny uord ti gete h lkletthaL iteas ig- rabýle cn nandisy vl iimasquerait-e n- tires iiion, oirlmplile, elfIsL, eut su-îL ha sin AolrelIigion. Vvo nerd ms-or e neauîîîbertîrai ýhIs ul oss thue bedaue a;liestelslirer narre. Il ta net i aghawes-or, w-Luisige-, tu-y., h1podisy, grcot, ciii, eut design- isg huusbug ýi1qarragate te tisecselvea îLe aura .s f reigion, ont mxenciiaim ex- clurvly 4;t,,repisenti, îLot onîsl msen cntgotuealookaleshancca aisreligion, cnt pielor Ibat ihei viutuet, 515db ual Iii t Io ra reit. h11 l ,tiers fiel tisai religion ita ora - Iraýte lancm eit-lus-es Ilsat lley hLave no time taigise tb ils m-ius-itauatr5n. Ih may bc w-oit for gui-sorts of leisure, se-ntimen- tal or stîbul, tle treautofaI agiius cuit ,iaven, af îhe saut cit is sais choui, bul masiaof us uet oiuiiergy for tLe aeuy- day vbusýiiness cif living. Ifreligion is mate synonyiruous wilh tbaalogy, I .seima ta lelsecoîscrîsais et ch auteire ualo[ b bL-ont us -iiyappear' taibc A SFIEER1 WASTE 0F TIME,ý wltt neii arh r ises ,,n imi ur eety Thon y ou inuecl îLe allier nîcu. w-ha,' vwlihail IL sbusiness acrut Ls piacicai issnt.tnesstili gutis lis chief gieanre cind exatetuent in religion. Often Le w1ilI elo iy usisl liraI i feu-m aofî'- ligian la îL te orly oeue, alaIliers Liug Imiftehioiis tesignedtolayour etarsiai an- Ôciug shouitd you ever~ regard ilîce witL Antspeirhaps. you have corne la the -conclusion that, wxhie religion many ho foss ry cithose w-La tesire ta amun1se lhumsîve suîLIts foris cait dphilo, Iplîyv k)- yaum-self its anrooriisut"'usli-c liensi stta u-eaýýiity ont Is Irf- querit maeueanaiits,ihe ift uciber a iluiraaoe ItýnIsais c Lein luyour liii.- 0N TUE FfRL "'ti E BA ýCON TRDE AND TE FABM Th e 1rtL a rat Lsrecei samxvat benicl perlaif111til tary.g For .sveral caî3 l g-risug LasLeen prltboraturas. 13ut Ihere la grave dangr navoaititis importent trade e- tîgaigtoa cprottyamatinpas, if il la flot etinguisheýlttcîlget[her, -say0 a îrl a i Le rtiers duccl ïo gelat'the laci, lt1,us go back a 11eluIls lst Iiilu19W0 Canada ix- garbOta Gent Bitain 194,996 Laxes of baconji. Alaw,ýiuig sIx Lgsta a bax, ibis s11e vlt,16,96Lags lkileut in Cana1da fo"r expat. During tLe rame year' l, Le exent a01i le outaýrùit illings 1tring 1900 w re 410j,500 Lgs. exen yecrs tliin 1907, vo e fnd îlie situation bas riiiatnýity chauged.Ceasexot M baonfeu it ffto .1O133,90 boxasor îLep equiclen ai P:3.40 hga;inlial ktliings advnce t 48, a6 cghaBu ge Ille Knock-ouit lllow, 'r he blow whlcb knockzed ont Corbett vas a revelation to the prizafilghters. Prom Vthe earliest day3s af the ring he, knock-out blow was aimed for thç jaw, the temuple or the jugular velu. Stomacli punches were ihu n lu o worry a»d; weary the 1gb Vecýr, but if a scieuitifle man )aad toid oui of theaidighters that the mnost vuluerable spot xvas the reglon of tbe stomach, b'd bave Iafiglie4 at hlm for an ignoramus;. Dr. Pierce l!s bringlng ho t public a parallel fact; that th 3Qmac is the most vuluerable organ out of ep e ring as weil as lInV. -We proteet urheIl ,throats, feet and ug but . v are utlerly indîffer- ent VunVil (dise -,inds the solar plexus and uocs us ou Majk tomach s IL4 den M ca lcovery » cures "wenk stoïrach," inigestiorn, or' dyspepsla, torpid lîver, bad, t1hin and Im- pure blo--od and ether diseasRes, of h or- gans of digSestion andnuntrîtton. The "odnMedical Discovery"Il bas ca specîfir curative effect uLpon ail mucous surf'aces sud heuce cures catarrh, no enaiter where located or wLat stage It tay have roachet. Iu Nasal Catarria Ii Is neil to eceanse the passages with Dr. Sage'"s Catarrh Remedy fluid whie us 1urg the "Discavery 0 as a cntttoa rem-, edy. 1V7cyjthe "Golden Mediç.Jcal Discov- ery" cures catarrhi diseases, as; ai he stomach, bowels, bidtrand other pelvie' organs will Lec plain Vto yon if yen wili read a oofa extraet.s fromi the wr[t- Lugi of eineut miia authorilies, en- dorslug itVa lagreý_;itnsd expiaining1 thocir curative poete.IV la mailed fi-ce ou requcst. Addriss Dr. R.V. Pionce, 3ufoN. Y. This boclet g!'res aIl he lgaitsentering itta Dr. Pierce-'s nidcusfrom xhic-h il, will be seen that, tliev contain noV a drap af alcohol, pure, tr>:Icierfined iglycerine ,,beluig useit Insteat. Dr. ienc's geattbouand-ageillus- 'w1il be etl-e e-on, for 31 one- cenft stamups Or citit-bounitfr 50stapa 5dd(-ress D.Pec as above. Yet religion la isa moat simple ihiag mi îL\\, rt 'X airril a ugoat del mare reLgiaus ltatsum ilk,exargi vLeun e 1t1il \%e re n-L. lycrut-exclu- six eiy rlgru. Al its suîtetues cuitd contrus crsies ise fiant)moui ttîmpts ta analyze ils pIiimena lusuif1the r-e- ligiaus Ne 'is assinp 11as irelealiby Plito usiha ile ai n i to tal. se idoti-olise, ut ossastydoxelopa - hn.IL is Lic pilIti ravsusaili n iii tîu'iue discauteuil ibat tocs es ne rrion ;atisriedt uviihieof rsihLia usrît. IL atl-salrpreto. IL sîeks îLelt nogiacei. Reiinla tLe spinu n,ich livos -ach dlay, iua luy lu the cliglil hinga ,-1as tbiey are but nith iii(g egiit fer iainga as they aught ta e, IIîts Lofa mati visionsa & high aat-cie, f geat passions, noble s rOcsuselîfisisliv- ing, af betteî socal catilins cund a mor Lrmoniaus scalade.IL agîte Liiun t L ssio n aitthose pres. lie Is riigiausnhtos aîîyting for tLe scai aof a 1higL Iteci w-Le akes e slip foi-suart w heu îLe lLïi strikes TIEPATIU BFORE FilM;1 (- >v"ieis omw-batLe !w wsIl oughi la be. Hl, is-ý -e LyfaiL tire con Na nellr shet ts relusias my ,, h v;h t nai snivug) n iba ýàthnay. Na ualgias o lngas Lisï-humLly, dans- osly sekng LliF, i,, f tra drutgoat- ns.Thiý ligii Ibat ta on ltaI way moon shina aulacs alterIban iouiaw-u, cuit xvc fit we are alking wth îe Lest ofi aur uwnilday ctîLpratci od 0! ail lime,. Esery 11e h I)i esliirt uawo'1 las t.-eau ivet fer»-ont oflen liitond s loi s'nr tet.SeLhi are oulil reritafe, Iibeiirmaisescn ise1lir chus ouài idals. Amanig tîsece b flnof Nazaî-)f seerus luý us, aLiea-Lihe sia amoug îLe stars, tnt foltow Ihece anmw lieu-o is la O nt !,l,, su y of religl"'ion et fulilues aifli. HENRY F. COPE. in mnditions, andt in Canaita's relation te îLe epau-t La-oun h-ode, bu 1990 Can- adite sas îhe lorgeal exporter-oafbacon l,î GriatI Ruiqi, Loi exporta oxcîctirsg ih"ose f1)ceD 'nînaru Ly 82,()76 Lagat. Ini 1907 Demairk iýA i creaut ,ber exporta 1y 680,970 agandcitLoaiaait ad e- tau-enset hrs by 366,036 hLegs, lupexpminis for- II yaîlsln csda l bss thaus amietînl ci ira tlKeP<uIsfroceDm-, mark. Es-en lîe face ta th(, igrs cti Canion exiIPpanha, ors îLe oupi Len, s'aitLi cen o f Danuish, aunlise eller, Laetin more -or lbas g-aduet. l'rr sLierl yecasîte Dents aine-r bas Le stciyiriariaalrung Lis output aifltegs. Thio Cenodicu iaî-mer's oporaiem avoe bren îlargîly of tLe apasîoiaci-rdur, Ltu-ing boa ntdcatitas îLe puice vertît, eutd as luis fulminataions ogainattihe pc- cr grewsirousg ou n'eaia. 'TLis ispaiity liu Cenatian ont Daniah axpauls is fui- tLer necoutuxitdLy aomupanismin af the Olrsi lthree montha mii 1907 anit1908. Dur- tng Januu-y, February anit aacî,, ci 1907, CIîruaaos expeu-ts ofilcoîs noe uquis aluusi le 215,358-hîmgs, atd Dan- namt5s 392,000 Legs, amu incru ase cf 176,- 61ý2 Os lavr cf the la Il(er. Coulcasi Ibis xu'uth îLe figures i e e IraI ihtee ceoufiL ah te pesel ynu- Caadas iecraseit ta~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~u 51,9 es nies i1181600 oserîLe orrepantuu erlifai1907, -or 344,00 lua m ce-e fIlinCausait0 xpcu-tui foi' lii sainegai-ot.Am] Ibjiis net mil. Dou[îsh Isliag sit aepapt a igh ievel. Fei,-tîLe ,us-oea ntlgMay 2ud, iheuir e 5,00mknr ocr.Dur- ing 19)07 îe serg DntLkltnaseu-e, about 1 5.000 sseekty,, ast cuapas th abau1 22000 l 90. l 10 Cmot' xx'eckly kiluiag- foi- axpeuTIusaot2- 000-, as roriiParrî,t si l about17,000 lu 190)7, eut abeul ,000 duuliug îLe lirai ibuce mauhs ci190S. In sanie rrespectsftie Doutais fainer lies an ans a,ïogesir bis Caustian campeli- 1cr. Ir'us niai- îLe cecîkel. Packing- h 2,uses taie sm-lai, cu ithîlins drivisg dis- hoaie. The fariner telivers lus cuva La;gsaut the pachin,-laause. cnt la pait cartua(ilg thowes-tlsuy kili out-iOral, semajnts, mut seonoï. Ho Lbas same dis- aitsautagea, lmou-exer, ns cansporeit xxitb hhi' Canotian fainait-. Ho hcs ta, Lny tuaie fout fer luis Laps. Holiras umi thîe ceaspeiition Imoriu(f paecirs facrliags ta keep Ihîiesl -Abhîsbuieus ruinning usai aur farme-1, are suppoe-et t() avs-. The prima foi b'acon i ci-ugt y a contrat cansmitte-e, atd tIItýikalef aiosoos la xît iacardiagiî'. This iîîsuîy Leia atxanlcge iii lîsal pres ai-e licui rgtîi- îraniu Causaita. Biluela crartLe, fou' Legs, s in anatawiueapt-i-s go Le- Icut ushalîLe mar-k l 'iiw-urani 1psy- su-re pritîiîglaonhcsila Ss.,eu liis c-imn-oiie asl i O.h L miseai Le i acitlr mIaus, i u-eseuseJ lii îLe.cise cf L sc*a"Ilt rex n ceuiageucic, us h ci x l cun foi îLeIhfrPieupria.O îesan daeCasitau pirsserepr4 ua E L 1 G 10 IN 1 export bacon -ma kit frouaL ice. Cen lue plaidtotatel im ta so? la Canada's ex- port bacon traite of 50uile niomienl tiat suc. con afford ta teci il go bytefault, andt the couîntry Le noue tLe uvuise for it? Wl a cessatiou -t ibis traite aP tugelber basin rnateraelly tLe profits nbi boui peaple myake oui ai tLheir farming opoattos? Is this bran1iof traite vnonib ae-n a hs i i uoît mkng ansacrifes ta r'ta1, jilil ibm paît s ix mnbbe latn L kcepn lu!îLe gamie aind gi ai rti our hoît an tLe expolt trite? Tus r some ai îLe prablenas lu conniion su )i .t titis industry thal confratît the, Catnad(iaus fariner ai tLe prisent lime. 1 Lava IriedtotabLefair iutLe faits, as presentei. andtotajudge af îLe-sibuation fram a purely expoi-miket standpolal. Tc.inay farmers, tLe packils uthe fel- low svho is preventing progrîsancuitwL-r is ta bleuie for the c unditionin awbich Ibis lîrparlantý trite find tselsd ai tLe gîcaunt. It is net aur inissionIo tadolent hlm or amaidoua is affenicets lu any way. Ha la a factrai tathe Cenaticîr traite whu can- nai veiy%-wett bc dspes t 1h just non'. Gaj-opoerative paia:mg establisbraeuts n ire rie-d a fosv years cigoa d e thuLwhat stîrreasi ex eryaue, knaws. If tLe busiuness isto tWL atncd L ak as we Lave hlm Vao-daýy, Lecaîe essary ta its sua- ces. lie dlatais that1 lie Las test rnon 'ey !ni tLeh- ptbacon itraite.,cuit las Lait ta ardta ibrnhsta ltsa butsiness in1 ordeia uokeil poial. But as taj tIret, tIefariner is ual cncerrîed. Theý gake1r bliaseupîuttfer tantllng et hastthîc bais asnîa h Las as Le la raewgeting Salong as iLote candi- n, thero uilI ha nira'e or iess arasim e ta geiLehgs, end the for- ali -ullgîtalltthe markel xvilta1bw, rut lusaie cases, goîhapa, a uitile îîîano But beLilhîoas it inay, ont uudging ai the Luies aaits rmerils the ftrîner Juistifidtilakîeping iu tLe hog-pioduriiug business eut la incî-easingthie suppiy, ici- tueeaîppty af hags must NLe incresed ifth Le csgrt.frade la ttu e raintatned? yeci's, il iS safe la say Ihat lrag-t-aising buas Lion one af aur mast grofitahle i bronches -of agriculture. Ta beave ontt IL-a petiots ai lîigh prices. sud judge -of ILh. business solely fromt the lasv-prica Nlakes Red Blood AND GOOD HEALTH What Dr. Chaae's Nerve Fond dmues to increase the number of red corpusclea ini the blood and îheceby malte the blond redder aud icher in thecléments which build up new cells and tissues to replace those waated by disease and ini the process of living. 11 By use of this great restorative you lif t your.. Self fron thte low level of health which icaves you an easy prey to every jîl win d ta l for witla îh'u, watery blond yucthcl e sil>' and are an easy victissa for consuieption and contagions diacases. "Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food By the building up praces, cures anaemia, Slieeplesanless,lheadaches, idgstoweakness, fainting spels sund ail dicasc< of the nerves. 1 50 cents a box, at ail dealers or Edmnanson,î Bates5 & Ca., Toronto. Mys. Go. cok, Welýind, Ont., writes: SFor ive yeaïes I seffered with nervouscse, tired f eeling, headac and terrible weaknese sdbecame gceaîly enaciated. M 'y doctor, ccnud not heIlp ro 1. began the use of DIr. Chi-uc's Nerve Fond and six boxes miade me soi;nsd and well. 1 now feel bettes titlan i lhave for tcu ytas lu. m . Coonîbeý1 , HiteA,. eJ.L Bi-ihrla Ditric metingfor aeon Lcr;T andket, . W. Galbîcuiheut NoT A PARTICLE Worst Case of Eczmr-a DGtor Had Seen in 40 Years - For Six Monhs athr EpecedHis Baby to Die-Blood Oozed 11,,t1AU Over Her Body-Had â'to Be Wrapped in SiIk and ca,ýrr!e on a Plilow- Now ýShe Is Per.eCtly Cured. "My lttie irl as b)orn two wek beforeier tin1a, and sy wife died fou heurs lier' thile -birth of ac id and I had V as the baby on arti- ficial foodas. Six mathscr irth q ËI-e broke aut 'and h,ýýlad two doctors in atteundance. partLicle of eilef V on ber bodY,Vh blood oozcd out juat,, ainywhere, an 1d we baci Vo wrap ber in Hallia and carry her on a plo for ten wes Sho Nyrs,~ma erbesgtIee Eaw, aand for s-iX moth lookdd for ber Vo go to lie Lurn ut thaia God and lis a g nta, abs las iie anid well to-day antIshie 'ahiobeth'ree years oid the seventii of Dýcemiber adbas inover 1"iLuseci every knowri reîedy Vo Pale.. viatelber £uffsring, for it iras terrible t'- wias.Dr. (C- g lier up and thra went Vo C - F-nd g0t Dr. r- and hâ anid Cuticuira SoeQ1p ard Cuticura Olntment saved L1a". I. re-ommended the Cuticur a Remedies, or said we wcre right inl maktniÏg use cf therm. As nearly as 1 aan remember, we Used eiht cakes cf Cuticura Soap aud Vrea boxes cf Cutiaura Olinmeat; but you must take lato consideration tbat bers was an exceptional caEe, for an oId and goad doctor saîd that 1V was the worst case that Lad ecore Vo Lims inforty years. I bave alwats hia ed on Cu Sr eap Vo keep ber sl in so 1 and ta ive ber a pure co mplexion. James J. Sib Wood aad Metal Pattern Makcer, Box 234, Buena Vista, Va., Oct. 14 aid 22, 10ý06." foomiete Externat and Internal Tecatinent or Every t(uor cf Infants, Oliiren, and Adulte consiste of uticUra $Gap to Cisanse the Bkita cuttrura ointmüeat to Heai the Skia, and cuti- cura. Resoivent (or la the forai of (toceiste tjoated Plla, iu viais of 60) to Purity the Bisud. Solit treuglaust te world. Potter Drug & Chlem. Corp., siOe Props., Boéton, Miass. WeMatied Fret, Cuticura Bloua on Skia Disesses. ped lýria faslas many dota1ual iîeatiu th viau athe recýrut ý Iperteit of I10wýva lues cnincnca(et ceai0ffie ,,e veagp pli(.o poiIt foc 11rg, usas suffrý!,litu l ta aI lofta îcdsnu poft a Lelrmeî wha aae Isbsneswl.High priais are bauit taPcoma agaýin, soonet or laîc-, cuit, judiging hotu pisent con- ditions, they xiii ul a oîgdelaycit: cnt, averraged it upuiLoJe f îe past fatt!cind ie,, ;,illiieffort al ai -glu -or tLe iglîtaie li eIîdger. rutubes, etlau, Tcrsie îL coars ncrs ave gîîe ia lirg-raiiig onsto Ici ~ ~ Jj, piasab îd aesacrifIceà samei rlL 4îcuaLaIlrmiiîg l inoder la doý Itiese have L iad tltThe ,farlineri xshe svp,ýi oait Le aise silefo1 te H shwual Lard h,ýLt wHan a> sluip n ri-roies, cTrumaesa larer l'alie a bi, it siplyroîtL kei ip tOcftadyquatiy ear a cit taisei, iitîLe aiaitfr anade baenin GrioJBitainvretaineit. s Tltl s, Wh aàî l yoilncltheil o ýyif iaI ferma . o ota rh ontiToubloesh siepro!Tse Btea1i, ucesJrlyans. is bcaethmoe. elooba fus1 learis mthls d fat i i flre-uing n-u- moul:ca,oup ani n y afeion bcf de Lîeesthe-g gans, Jurytha &auLovoli rsa es, etigNaalu t rf arrhîLe m aIri ftais oaLngrpaatonfoi L sainhes puern ucrgaflltatiisr aun îtrnd uý,l (frani aiThelbîn cia sta p ut impiyhbreetont inhle it ts'ays îean wlue iht raues yoppuea artaind onistheuagTrioblas Il LîtIg stempa rutù onchiai InouLfi, $1.0 ',Ithoditprîtice aI aulte Scil\taia P.~~iîi1 tlr,.ys:Hruci ,s sy aue anl! nit ua. l inneagnt curhe ui -ada t giis eu itre ai, au Wkits îLe urus ai i,!.,e. il LuiIyotieofnipltemuot, $1.nd00. É,thad1st epsioS , i Leamue Sol r- il~ itigSucceas cuit scial gs on i tiseMillitil ita-r auto îLeausare adre Epus rt-tii I. M.g1ue ,it ;aeeiug usJ S Pcas a pIaIs- C. rilsucan. issniealre Anos iiioci decat-iatrilt xxîthML.lF.tBJa lIs art panot triae. Leîndcy cha'D or-h Saiio ndetleie Mitpcfll. Miss.Me. psin gi-amue i-s, Aittaur E.oySti, ua an ev l.W tul msieiB.A.,lBy.,uexcoi- lit gly gave prgaie r.uvas i enaIl gamme-on'asencloCn suon more ian hau admiss,,in leva.n ageK7i ;e So%.lrd los oe u utreîsrctLyMisis. B.ti M.Michll . . J. S LnMrs. C. . Can ker', rMisand o Aini At Eluenezi-); pao solo Mis eltie \\Iglut. [PAulîc) eitieni , of E dý c---FoIe;ý \\ ia, by i-ýIeqast, s-c Boiu ais tarit 1ev.I-Ij Wdesig. A., BD., Pc cryg3peonigesIeiana g d'i. adreuicî paiie n i- taLCAsia Loe;alchorus ti,, it\w an Nost, InezMsn net Amie A. J.Dais Pnlaekarýt-T,ýddoaitmseYing A t ,P 4 thîecoea he-ois enyu -an- iai.cafe, ice crint cuit sfforta intits -ial' orches te icurcd obuadsautai TIIE We hauve giratplur a irbl,ïisig ilie follianiîsg l rttîr- mou Ni- Cuis. 'a1. Bice, Attiirre -t-css, rustu, Cl-cita1. Mir. Bîce ' L \\,-i ut au bl'uh Las aeutila p1,lyinig ;cuaii'igît-tanit pc-l, in the siicaupo evrctneLincn' iL0 naay f LIus fil-Ii bollait al ir, Darinboland nt esper ally ý is ot îsaî Sc-lina-ill reic, fiat -ith 51a iscîI 1h1 1liînely card us-eI-rLitIfn huer . Edit-ar Stalesmarsli: IL --ny itao far îLe lad tbai LoýIl pa-sare Lu tiro, il op)tion itfight, suggests e ceutulî urIos. Tîte adirsa ol, f v.B.I.pac ui- est-eIely inreaing la musipe aMun iial eect[imniit, Wlu .1sirri, is isue noas submltet ta sciluiriý 'sidau ce suai-Os, suitirtrh rllyri m tioIiai '11 saloons lias-e "gis ou tîp uIcb , îi 3, dt-ug siones us-cidp-xc f ieng h( sali isithaut a pblica'spesilia At ptosent, su ei lcl-ti ta prefer'able ta stiopVcIIitiubl u esimaly ia tLe hlrge u s.' doo, IîoCe r eîtt)isi-idt l-l p1o s u t1 final goal. il vii[ itaîrblea Iit'tag1is- cial proiaii n (s,f tire ]kinîI ib t suil I ua anly puriLul!1[[i stuCtînt ie nrnrura tira aioflalidîra î .îiîl, uniltuat uvIte eihemituaiiy ouji it, . IDIisahnuasxsi cli ils arrampcniyîagci-ieiusaitw- , pa upî-ismI, iL fe -u!y[istie tsîrae ail Bris is anly suia t ibl li uosperli thter îLe tkeluerteilil ext mI ii ýid0tisa sala-ca urier the iceasesytir foaloption ils oifclîîal in iarLIty ai out Cm loa-etcrities aedt tai s, for il iîas beau fully lîstcd tos lie utter -exclasicîofmIi ie sq1ccu. midthue PI-eu ntion ai dî-ug stotaý liqaur selling. t tlsa esuupuîsîî,g fact that le fig-lît fiaitIl t Le. x-euce ir ienPi mst iu Lefure 1, iber- naie ris ici-ca e- t ealtcand.mSintans.aeleiî L hel o'e I e0î upoI_,:"bu-abs pefl iny,' ant ild moliîi,,stotaitaillus-ou-k. n IheFu-încete fg raamsl lias thene ave lairi i îLe îI nt ota dina, on îLe mitentI ntta It Pariain th eaccu goia- is powses d eshn le e-lcfonrts hiits ,hadinks teiesitarlt tuyofrat turc pmu-ty urvesiperif els, c iciit eîîai y de- rriaig heLyaîtreb ce njrieus ta1l bîcliL ci mos. iran T he sagtai-ne-ssals i ngit f mutfia irtenseiy 5h11, ti Iiaircd, latrU.lý O Ire uogLt l [ ru eîysLre ngit crut an\ efoe, iii aitîiia91 ics- tus-ue. h boan la ule aui.rat ta nus sx-epia isentw-Sole c or a-fas onuior pais qaica O tionscafoîpliader, cnt iii IbeuriaroebolensiexhisbitintIf bruits Lîaig crlati tîrir Iiniscru rlua, rut etis scon ot.isci uîity aii limtht. sayfodvau n lo T is an itînoesunhfat ii ibithecoln, sat fdhy i- a tbdrti Or-Aumnic tuas. h sccce0 nýta came fdrînktit genoa Li i irefarti raiOlas th. mane, axer $ I 0 nt 0ilsuulith uaeusnd uacf ly loi biiosani îs i ns vs- h ratsii is ur- P Iý, ultnboasdt of LI ., xcesss iiu 1tuIa asIlai l us qît1, : Alfcetirrs fo eder- sip. T ,co dr, amirenapes, Axafectsoa d,(ýu-utieniala she-a4r ieLle t finthe prirs ýdarl ian, ai- dlrpie,,Nol c 1rep ut c i e- cIi e it"u brn o rînt us ho Li-1 oi. hreis o ne -clag usîL, ln ichesa tuilie huanîLwdnk aet du-mia tenîLedr-iIsiarslire ceu Su-Fuedrhc 're es te iment sur- Ih pîjdraliy îLe npnaIl,,ciîL baOy. - *11Arcaal] pratues mnla il)-ST WAY TO CURE A COLD A FAILYPHYSICIAN ALSýO TELLS 110W TO AVOD ONE. Slight Atincias af CoId Nlay bye Tu . Succeilsaully by Recourse to 'catit FneshAM-r. Tho ,rmryrlt ii au-2 aia crut la w-euat mit uefieair.- BitIy stiîlotmt i iig-e-isai-c nia ,sariiy fil uit ahlii puu-- a r.n] ifartO -ci-stliglmse siI-ge-iLiis usudit ii tlieurthe air Tsvi ud-gistî causis Lai a cot trust e carIal.yis- tit.Eheu -îe LotY la xpuSai nh î sckenet Ly fa !gilior miet m i airtus ir ctiagid y iilui eada îLeides- liz1it iopi-c e saý li I1.hotuv le il c Oie te'ne su-ii IneLasboa aieii t ierigCel Io-r- 1, Lare tsi( cI a clanît ecLan-ch, chp cua irît ien oci t nîablys-are IJ'a isNTIILAELD .ATM0SPIIERE. S-I _g.Inr-art~cuhi atacka ahclt ma1 iy lis-Liaipaît of ia itoy-.lckina h i ;1r1î \ýLgt I-, ng Ise.itcago ilr. cuitdrisîga usaras. Lhnui 1 fel'espiag Iteinduce na.t tarai piý-rep rin. TL ýwan is saitl b,, partial y-pc-n if H[tuets-aleris t-il. To icle ,plie "sitiffi - 4cs-marI -on about Lhe nsose.- oto laruotlshiugittef lr thon liia LDP!iCtti-On -ai I i baIlanelittofa llni griandnothu--rs. As.,os ier ot- au n ici a-s- caqndi es htequaaîttî' cntaus ,'itul . Lai- h tkn sisto l aii Il i-raif th7relk -rr cl lubo- Lis-ilbyc - rapý i halicI l m atci i~~~~~~~u 1 -- LLIiLbus1in) isir-et t sp-o bi 1mil cf ise bite a andil thý bcd a t fo dr reons, fiopensa, n IN CGLEAII WEATHER... TL e miust La emsiy jaIs i ogsboit- iosering ta La ýcmnîhaitoblo. \,,bolin a su' iribath is gisami ut tii a itn lthe I thicri.îe niitndos s-tiraIt e abat. cui tîLe iintison ritl2leail os- r ex- iýý' pthe hcait,cuit n-at ane part ci a tUme. For îtbe fit-si tus outyfour hourra. or as-ou loi-gar. nnerrdhng ta the sevarity of Ih- s.iniptfims, nnthing but a Liesia- flait-cupftîl ofi ru y usater ont mlii. in lhusI qupiai- rtIine cey four haurs cmiia 11-c lînîl muastLa gIs-u. The liant auJ CC shruit a spc-et w Lb lt ec-!csitmlt. mcis for uIceput- wîs,r san, or iî tL ulaei Le gs tot ite nl îLý ,lùt îhite u-er mutlic hu-d, iri-i cnL amotu îLed oaustLot.--ciralLes Oitlas- ataul cpornnty u I Onir trord exie- . TLi5 bci,înlis fcor tusa se-u1 s-aio. rJrinafc-it, i ITL 011-m N, O pallu taosaua aluic-de-J iicîLearare itsl tîs~, rue m c"- rat re.TtoLts tIctas-dy g-P> , (e-h ieiugeeiiiaue.or it W'11 îi su tai-.Tui- tusuivreurai-e af lh,ýA coin- iL ,iTlE. 011 NOLIotb ivL, t "Iic ilthepens lti temo! he t-ia, le ai- acLn 'calir.aL ri- orm l- or ttîaltn- Fl~~~~~!-ýd -s-iatee esru ia s-IltLe si. t eu-nsurylalet cltsfi , utapa i,-e c-uItnlersholit Lre La,:thXve bDe sure ýjeu fy îrrigsu ot -cp LOCAL, OUTION A SILLY TRICK. Young Wounan Threwý a Býox at a kss A t spitcb iroce iiMflant'aIoa w gils lie c ts it P cýf (tocib ont l uennug mnin u-"W, imusyin ' t1l a s lite 1-unît a f oi1 ihl-ci u ensa nipi. Tish or soocu un-nmnit Ibmý gis sor aiu'Loaai5 Whs lise box n'as cîuiy 'ai- iaayocrb tlîross-the box citie L1 s's iatandi tLe animal i w- s( scare assit rau oay laniting Up apatniaaiigmbolon upsîiiting tLe bgy.'bulocebya- Ml-ESs Lurrie j11B aitiei siult frc- Itiret. cnt bt ad La bopouto ul, ri auce Liut tbeue la litile chance, f siug t!heir- lises.Tixs. .akrrby n as iufiu-ugci na ht muuch hurt, Liii Les;ie Cuaeror w-as balnry cut about îLe Liead. t'ioaralc irosae Qeiatnp thl' aily luii. Mr. William C. Edwards, Peter Street, Toronito (late steward'EUcs' Club)ý snstaiia,- d- a severe- 1 was under the rare of a well-known doctor in Toronto for several weeks. The wound got no better, ând one day s~ the ami. I consulted anoilher medical man and was treated by him for somte weeks longer. le then sugestedi J that the linger be, opened an.d the bone scraped.' At tbis stage a friend advised me to t y some Zam-l3nk which 1 ;t did. f bathed the wound and applied Zam-Buk as directed. Next morning the wound-been to bleed. It was a healthy sign so 1 continued with thetreatment, and in a weeks --- -R - ersever-cc and Zam-Buk cured the wound completely."'7, ;57- Toronto, vi0tt nrs rnsvupils, bad leg, poisoned wudadlsidsae. f5OL ascjaF. K4 Ail 1-ugiss ad stres so., r petpad f :' an-1ck Ce. oso. ________ A DURU lil COUN'1Y BOY O-N QUE-STION O0F 111E lIME. cook's Coton Rioot Ccinrpoun& She get Uterine .,TonIc, atytl -wegulator on wthwmn "Il U , depend. Sold ijithree deg'recs of a strengtb-Nýo. 1, $i;1; No, 2, 10degrees stroniger >,3; No. i, for special cases, î per bax Sold by ail diugg1sa r p repaid on receipt of P Frocpamphlet. Addresis y[ Coc :;lEU1aINE OJ.,TOnNTu. ONTr. oseWdo 2ND C LASS >Round-Tnip Excursions TO MANITOBA *SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA Apil 14, 29 dune 9l. 23 Aug. 4,18a May 12, 28 JuIy 7, 21 Seýpt. 1. 15, 21, TIiet. dod te returs wtthin 611 days VERY LOW RATES from ail pointas -ilu0Ontax.. Itanging f Winxnipeg and reaurn .332.00 between Edmnonton and retu! s$4250f Tickets3 issued -to alilNorth- VWest pointaý. TOURlST SLEEPERS A linited 'nmbr of Touriat Sleeping Carm ýill be mn on each e-cursio.n, fully ec uiPPed with bedeinsg, etc. BertheahoUld ht aeured arid pald for' through local agent at least si.x days befoQre excursion leares. ý% Rates and f ull information eortaiflèd eýt .P.R aget fo a cpyor VWrite bL [ . B. FSTFR, ititPs.ÂIC.P.11., T,ooJ C. B. KE.NT, At$ent,Bo anile ADRIFT FIVE DAYS EN & DORY. Allan Liner Carîhaqhiin Bi sTNwoI Salilars to Ilalifaix. A dc ,ýpat-h frrm lllHx sef : Th Altan l Gine ttbalginiiafýi, ~hciarv (rom Liverý_ art on Tiiur day i r1gï la Iwo Frün.-h satlors, Clli,luiot and Obigot. Augtjst, ý_.nu .msha pike up i L bogd the fî,shng sLo ar ar fat asiEria ~rniag auJLad b eIl rLaî frOve days aid ahUf. \Vhc aWedn. 'esdy thlIxýi l l-ng ian thold bottea i herdoy ucusctu and t dtheot roanver the ir nseIti l ttt Lad en p on board j:-for amelime. Cp, g niarms wckere swollen ta I, dri u L the n aa ar, anci me 4ljefi ap, r th-. Te suffirasit er ~fit L toh, \en eoac uas s5mït ea turailied,,e IL(h ta Le r sui rng, IL valsr apt -îtl i ý hj4ur Iandt ywe auctdfor th yLad gîven Up «se l. H fa oratri p Ia.Or &-ran uasnveryirugiwL. TLhî~e Kin w a vemdo, ay n affect g barthdwa e aryurwe. a Signature of a< 7 7 4,u