BOW29ANVILLE STATI ON. eoNseEAST Gouf e WigOT Ma1 ... 8 59 a. MI*Express -,4.38 &' Mf, n xres 10 10 t LoCal -.,.. 7 57 I 'ixe-........8. 31 p. ýpassenger-1 Br- 851%j...- 649 p.m.l* *Mixed.-.- 7 44 *aily. 95p JURY&LoELLTown AgeutS jW hon Jury & Loveli tesýýt EyesI I It IS Done rp ly Âbe Popular Way Io tue West is via Chicago and t. Pau! and the rates to principal points in Manitoba, Aiberta and Saskatchewan are now the saine via this route as formerly applieti via No"frthBSay. Domô[*inion Day lleturn Tickets at Single Fr ';at'Ween ail stations in Ca ada, aiso te aeroi at Port Huron, Mich,, Buffalo, Blaclk Rock andi Suspension Bridge, N Y. 'Good gon une 30th and JuIy lst. Betw-,1-1m t Tbursday Juiy 2ad. F-ll information may be ob- tned from any Grand Trunk ti&tagent, or write J. D. Ale- Doniald, D, P. A., Toronto, Ont. JURY & LOVELL Town Azetti, -Bowmanvillie Wall Paper Beautîfles the Homle Properly solectoti Wall Paper will go turîber la maklng the -home beautif ai anti attractive than eny pether tarin cf docoration.- You hnow that a moont wiil ai. ways look "sbabby" witb poor or worn eut paper on the walls, ne malter how fine ýour, urailare, carpe.ts, draperies, etc. Suilable Wall Paper willmake your raoms attractive oveu wheu yeur furuishiags'are of the lesse ex- jpensive order. We carry ane et the largeet Rant Meqst cornlete lino cf Waï Paper la Ibis ,ectýion oft he cenalry. Our price range frein 4c up tao 59c per Conma anti look ver Our sok we can bolp yeu tg make a proper TeeIon HLA * ILIG BownianVilIO. [nterier Decorater. Phone 113D BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 17. 1908. Mr, Eber G. FoieJ;, Seaterth, le bell- daying at -home Miss Mamie Nott, Oshawa, receiitly visiteti frieuds bore. Mrs. John Mrlan, Toronto, isvisltiag Mr. S Robt. Richards. Mr. Fred Hicks, Detroit, MicIa , visitti Mr. S. F. Hill recentiy. Mr Hiram Borland, Farquahar, le visiting ah Mr R B Turaor'e. Miss E Miller, Toronto, was guebt of Miss Eva Osbiorne lest weeli. Serafala cure,_ by Miller'e Compuand iron Pille. R. NI. Mitchell & Co. Dr E G Dewuey, Chicago, Ill, le vie- iting is father anti brothere bore. Mr. anti Mrs. J. John Sanders recent- ly vi-iteti Mr. W. J. Stanley, Pickering Mr@. Brooks, Millbrook, le visitiag9 ber daughler Mrs. Thos. Brown, Centre stre'et. Mr Thomas McKeown, Tnoeto,1t speLit Sunday witb bis aunt Mrs J T' Blooper. Mrs R Coplanti, King streel, wlll1 receivo on Thursday anti Friday l une 18 anti 19. Mrs. Robt, anti Miss Lena ïtichards recently visiteti Mre, John. Clark, Taunton. Mr. Davidi Kirkeiîdall, Groenbushi, bas been visitiag ber son Mr. F. W. Kirkendall. Mr. A. J. Bagshaw of the Bank ot Montreal je hohidaçing at bis home la Sunderlandi. Messrs James anti Richard Moare, anti Mrs. Wm Squire, Brookli 1 wr la own Monday. Mr anti Mrs John James, Columbusa, visiteti hie tather anti other relatives hera ever Saxxday. Mr anti Mrs. W. H. Williams visiteti Mr S. Talor, Charlecote his brother John la Port fHope. ,Mr anti Mrs Norman James na& Master Stuart are vlslling Dr anti Mrsl F H S Lowre#', Ingersoli. Miss Jennie Heepor avdnti br Dieco, Mise Louise Morris lot t Monday for Rochester, 14 Y , te visil rela tives. Mr H Sutherleti. Toronto, President anti Manager cf The iLquity Lite lI- turaneCompauv.isin tewn on business' 1ev. andt Mrs. J E Miles anti daugh- ter Catharine, Detroit. Mch , are visitng at ber fatber's Mr M D Wil- liam-ý. Miss Loula Wikins, Saloen. le holiday- ing aI ber grandfatber's Mr. Eti Wil- kins, Courtice, ant i Wtb friende et Oshawa. Mrs (Rev) George Robinson, Part Perry, bas been visitlng ber tiaugbter Mrs (Rev) John Garbutt at the Meba- diet Parsanage. Mr W Gerrv, Glasgow, Scotianti, ls filing the position ot Mr G J. Rawe, beati book-keepor ia the D O & P Ce. office, wbilo the latter le la Engianti Mr, anti Mrs, J. D. Storie, Miss Storie snd Bey andi Mrs Jas llodges, Os - awa, visileti Bawmanvllle Friday inL X, Shori's 110w McLaughiin automobile. Mr H. H. Todgbam was in Toronto atteaidi ng tbe Commer cement Exorcisýes anti bnquet ah the Uiversity. Be aise rc eivedîthe cdegree ef Bachelor et Dr C. J. O. Basting-s of Torontr stateti aI Ottawa that impure milk was respansibie fer the deatb et 15.000 out ont of 30000 chiltiren wht, dieti aanually lu Canada, The Maseai Cleling Ce, bas a great sh,wing cf NMen's anti Boys' straw sali. ors an the lateet shape, h1gb crowa and narrew brim, $250, $200 $81 50, $125, 81 00, 75c, S0c, 25c. Gel yeur butter-papor at THE STATES- MAN office We keep coatantly on banti a stock efthIe best parcbment paver. We prini the samne aI the law- est current rates anti guarantco satis- Lindsay Wardes,, Post anti Frea Press are giving a free trip ta Quebccj ta five yeung ladies of their district w ho are the meet pepular be roason cf the number of the votes tbey recolvo thbrougb their respective subsenlption liste. The Bisley Teain salle tomorro*ý, bv the Allan LUno Victorian, for Englanti. Major W. C Ki&g, second lu commandi, Sergt. F H. Moriat Pte. G J. UR of thIis rawn g a 5 -Olti Landt tewin glerj for Canada wlth, thoir rifles. As neither teain bave been abië to elore la tbe lwo Mitlanti footbalgames r1aý ed between Oshawa and Bowman- ville a thirti gaine will be plav et an the latter's fied-Righ Sebool Grounris-- Satnrtiay aI 630 sharp. The ht st gaine of the season le assareti. Rev John Garbutî attosxiled ',e~ exorcises la cenneetion with thegrd nation cf nurses at Rose Mefacoriai Has., pitl. Lindsav, lest wek. Hie sister, Mite Garbutt, was ameng the graduaaos Jaines Royabîtis, Port Bcpeý's walk mng barber, last iweek attemptedti tewalk tram tha t twn tu Toronite ainti reura la 113 haurs on a wager et$00f aia $250, failedt teaccompllsh the noIrder- tak!tiag.Ho colla pseti&bout a ýu!IeeoacI Qaf Nowetle antibaltite ho akea back ta hatvila ant tOtebed. LTbis3 le b hird lime Jimmnie has uatdîrLaLeu anti has taleti eacb lime te de il la Ibe seiit tme, Thies holi surely endi the malter, Toilet sets at aIl prices at F A Hati dly's. Heatiquarters for Mangel seeti at Murdoch's. Footbhalls andi shln padt4 at P. C. Trebilcock 's. Heatiquarters for Ideal Fence at. Mardech's. oranges anti bananas-F., A Haddy cani sapply you. 10»00 people wantetd te bay post cards at Nicholle' iMiller's Grip Powders',Cure. R. ýM. Mitchell & Ce,, Bowmanvillo. Ladies' band bage In great varioty andi cheap, at P. C. Trebllcock's. Don't fergot Haddy 's Ideal Tea, the best' value on the market totiay. Parler Organ, gooti as new. for sale choap, Appiy at STÂTESMASN Office -Mrs. Jesse Williams, Oshawa, visiteti trientis bore durîng the convention. The children's Wabash wagons are the beet. P. C. Trebllceck has them. Uprlgbt plane anti got organ for sale Apply te M. D. Willams & Son No partîculars are te hanti cf the late James H. McGiil's beqaest te Bowman- ville, Reports cf Farmers' anti Wemen's Institute meetings wili appear . aext week. Did yousece those new dinner sets at F A Hadtiy's? A geeti serviceable 97 plece set for $5.25 Mrs. F. Woodger, Woaler, visiteti bei sister Miss Cale anti atten dt the W. M. S. Convention. Mrs J, Bye, Pickering, anti Mre.. J. Hancock, Clarke, visited their nioc Mrs. W. H. M2l3eer recently. Mrs. Mý&rti,ulby, anti Mrs. Abbot. lngsford, were gueste of Mrb. (Dr'; Potter during the convention. Pay what yoa will, and go where you liko, yca caninot got a btter, purer, or more tielilous tea than "'Saatia." 166 ft-Fancy Iron and Wlre Lawn Pence for sale at lese than-half prîce JAs. DEX'mAx, Bowmanvilie, 25-ti Mrs. J. C. Vanstone. Mise May anti Mr. Byron S, Vanstone, Toronto, were guests of Mr. F, C. Vanstone, '<Cedar Speciai excursion via G T.R. steamers anti tamoas Gorge Reute tu Niagara> Falls Wetiaesday, Julv Sth. Tickets to Toron te or threugh te Falls. See large aulvt Mr Alex West, Manager cf Darling- ton Union Cheese Co, announces that the Factory ia now open anti reatiy for business, ro'r the very lateat styles anti the very best value la Men's anti Bov's ready-to- wear Clthing, cail at Couch, Johaston & Crý drmaa's. We weuld liko te show yeu aur tbreo ieco parler suite, Mahogany frames, uphoistereti in Velour at $18,7 5. M D. Williams & Son. Mrs. Sidney Day andi daughter Miss Mabel Day, Kingston, are guoste et ber sister ia iaw Mrs, (Rev) W C Wash- ington, Division St. Coloreti bat bande are vers popuar. The Mlasou Clotblnz Co. have a splen- did assartinont cf ail the new enombin3a. tien cf coloa at 50e anti 25c, ceacta, Johnaten & Crytierman have opened out a fine stock et new tweeds aniworsteds. Nowilethe lime toleave veur order for,, your new Sprlng suite. Bs' joining the merrv crowd et Dar- 'hem 0-d Beys Wetineedav July8St, you gel une day at Niagara Fla antioeo day in Toronto or twc tiays la sîther place. Séec large ativt. ln this issue. Tbe Mason Cloting Ce. are showing a large range ot outing trotisers la light Tweed, Homespun, Duck, Flan- nel, matie with cuf on bcttom andi straps for boIt,at $1,25, $200, $2.50 te $500 Couch, Jebuston & Cryderman are sbowing the very latest styles in Men's Hýats for Sprlng. Tbey are sole agents bore for the eiebralteti Carter anti WIlklnson Bats which they get direct tram the makerg. Fritiay eveningz the firet game ef bowls was plaveti on the green as tollows: President's team-King, (skip), Dey- mnau, Mooreratt, Mitcheli-28. Vice- President-Bora, (skip), Lyle, Davîi- ;s0a, W B McMrtry-19. 1 Verv great avmpathv le extendeti by tuav ftriends in Ibisvicinity te Mr anti 1&re Frank Batty, Broaklu, whine e ely li odaughter, agedt tree years, dieti sutidonlvý Sunday niwbht from eating strîchnine pille whlch she obtaineti w hilna a reem by herseit. The Mitchell Ativocate reterriag ta the re-apening services of Knox Pros-, bvterian church in that tewn paye a ery gracef nI compliment te the organ- ist, MisEdlt h- L. Freelanti, who is a "owmanvîlilegirl -for'--whom TuE S3TATESMAN ig al waYO ploaset te saY' a Zaeti word., The Ativacate saye "spec- iûl reterence shaulti be matie te the, work of the argan soloist and accean- paniet. Miss Freelaati's different Oaceuxe t Dominian Day the Grand TraLdk RaiIwvv Sstem wrillv issueretun tlc~etsa igle tare ho- Petro it andi Part Huaron, Miichi , Buffalo, alaC ock anti Susp nien Bridgpe, .Y. ooigoiag , Jane SotIa,Jlvs rtrigon or befere Jlaiy 2ndï 1908Sý Socre icktsfrein any Grandî Trunik Ticket Agent, Julry & Lovui t wVhen e.ating, that yot:r food is of ligbest wholesom eness - t hat it has nothing in it thiat can injure or distress you - masthe repast étoubly coer-ortable aýrd satisfactory. This s,-preime confidence you h.-ve hn thie fo-od Is r v~jl ,th ~C'rc-Cx antcfTartar 'I ~ ~ ~ ~ -L Or C4rt'~ INSIDE PAGES THISîWEEK. Woman's Misienary Society. The dairy eow a wonderful creature., Rape as a forage crop. Dariington Concil. Current Topics. Fashion Hints. Health Celumnu. The Minstrelsy cf the Waves. The $50 Choque. From Bonnie Scotland, Fruit for England. The Duty of Thinklng. Overations on animais. Hayden 2chool Report. Fresh etrawberries dlaily ut F. A, Haddy's. Durham OId Bo3ys are5 makhing big nrepratâIons for teran leci:ursions, Jaly 8th te Toronto and iNia.gara Falle See large advt. We have been privilegeel to reaci a letter datetij Ï160road St, Cre-w, Ches. hire, Engianti, and written bv Mr. G Bloss, father cf Mrs, Daniel Joues who wlth hier husband and family recentiF settleti in Bowmanville antd are now livinLg in the brick cttage on Capt. A. E. McLaughlin's fine groundis. Mr. Bloss is tery gladtiet hear from bis daugbter that our citîzene tram the3 Mayordfown.have shown se mach kind-1 niess te them since locating in this prettv' town He says how thankful heie sthat they have founti sach gooti Ilends andi that they are in a Christian country which hie thinks muet be very beautit ni from description -received, It le verv elear from this letter that Mrs. Jones bas toiti the truth about Canada iîîsteadi of denouneing the countrv ani people as some new arrivais from the Olti Lanti have done.-Canada isas goctiast any countrv untier the sun for people able and williing te work and live hon- orableIlives. NINISTERS AND CHUIRCHES Bey and Mrs H Crozier. Ashb"i~, are visiting theirson Rev H G Crezier at Uamiota, Man. flower Sunday wiil be obsbrved in the Methotiist church Sunday Jane 28 Particulars next week. 11ev Wm Kenner who has been reitid- ing lui Prince Alblert for sone vears Intentis removin_- te Peterboro where his son Mr H R Kenner le Princip'--l ef the Collegiat e in that city . A former Newcastle boy Rev Char'es Henry Brent, Bishop cf the Philipp,ýines, wno was inviteti te Bishop of Washinz ton, lna succession te the late Bishop Henry Saînorile, hae declineti The two beautiful bouquets of carna- tiens wblch were se much atiret inl the Methodist Churcb Sunday were thei gift cf Miss Anna Wav, Mountain View, Belleville, te Mrs F. A. Crago, who se kintily entertaineti ber during the ceon- vention. Mrs. rage verv thoughtfuily teck this way cf sharing her beautiful gif t wittt others. Ontario province is entitieti te a rep- resentatiten of sixty delegates te the International Sunday Scbôoe Convention wbich meBts In Leaisvi le, Ky , Jane 18 te2 âmong the4& who have acespted noamination are: R. W. Clark e, Mill- brcok Rev. H. W. Foley, Bohucîygecn); Rev, A. C. Orews, J. A. Jackson antid ILboe Yellowle3es, Toronto> R'8,v John Garbutt, pastor cf the Metfhodîst church, acc)rtilnzte bis cuc- ,ocm the first Sunday after Conference, rep.d the raie13 ot the cbllrcb 'Sunda.y morzrlog andi the Pastoî,ial atitress add- lng a t 2W kindly suggestions ani om e flte. la the oeaeing he preached on lAscension et Christ. Mrs ILR. J Dilwrth, Toronto, verv k iindly sang a1 beiut1'ful sole. Her services ar-ealways greatlV appreciatei here. Janetyile correspoideut te liàntisay Warder sv:RvJ t, teCourlice sIe ogaývea vryclaraïnti edfigatdre3s -on "Thoughit PowVer", sFh(cW-m that ore'. lite and deede are 1only the cutward exprezsslomoft te thcughts that are ehcerishet i wthin. Tl-he -etoxi as I1houht on Mi ways and turneti mv fee!, *untre hy testimo0nizs". Hoe ar exehorted bis hearers to cultivate tLoughts of plurlty andi right- Notices of Bipths, 2 5 cents.- Marriages, 50 cents, Deathe, 50 conte, eaeh in- sertion. When funeral carde are iprintçd at thlu sertlon froc IRWIN,-In Newcastle, June lth, the wife of Rev. A. ManselIrwin, B. A., B. D;, of a son. GaarNNP-In Cartwright, June 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Glenney, a son. ~ MaueKs-In Oshawa, June itt. fo Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins, Centre St., a son, (SÛRl born.) NOas'REY--In Oshawa, June llth, the wife of Thos. INorthey, of a daughter. WALKE-In Oshawa, June 7th, the wxfe of Mr. Geo. Wallter, o! a danghter. MCMULaar-At the MetS odlst'Paroonage, 1Fra,,kford, May lth, te 11ev. and Mr . . MeMullen, a son. HAcocî<-In Port Hope, June 4th, to Mr. and Mrs, Geo. T. Hancock, twtn sons. MlA AiU1 BD. CIIVSDAL-WA'FERS-Ifl Fingal, Jure ltS, by ]ev. Mr. Pidgeon. Mr. Frank Crysdale, Oshawa and Mias Christina Waters, Fingal. MEECH-FRENCH-III Oshawa, June loth, by 11ev. W. B. Tucker. B.A.,B.D., Edîth Alice Ffrench, and Davtd Coombs Meech, bo1h of Oshawa, McMÂoH-Crrg-earWelcomne, May Abi by 1ev. F. T. Anderson. Mr. Frederick -A. McMashon, Millbrrool. and Mise, Cbarlotýte E,, only duhe of tifr. ThompsCoyte. "IBO. PURDY,-In Oeh1aWa, June 14, J. P. Purcly, aged 46 years. GRER-In Ballyduif, Jure ttb, Ellen Greer, wife of Robert Greer, aged 71 years. CURTIs-Im Darlingtoni, June 10, Cbarlotte Gîimblett, reltet of the laie John Curtis, aged 78 years., Witsoi-In Cartwright. June 8. Burney Wilson, fourth son of Wm, ard Elizabeth Wilson, aged 19 years TAYLOR-In Cartwright, June 5th, Thos. Taylor, aged Gyears. oaa-At Holsworthy, Devon, England. June 5. 1908, cfpneumonia. Mr. John Westaway O1e, Chemist. aged 460 bars. nepbew of Mr. Jolie James, Bowmanville, Ont JACOBS-In Oshawa, June Sth, Charles Iteni y belDved son of!]Robert and Caroline Jacobs, aged 80 years. TAYLOR-In Oshawa, June lotb, Irene Vie- tqria, beloved daughter of George and Mabel Taylor, aged 5years. SLest We Forget E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and'Dealer iu Monuments, Tableti, Markers, et, iîn Granite and Marble BOWMANVILLE,- OýNT H TOLSE WANTED-A drivlng horse also a carniage and barneeis. 1EV. We. C. WASHINGTON, 46 Division, St. Bowmanvillie. 52 l-1 G ENERAL SERVANT WANTED- At orce fer two months, to go'to the Lake. Apply te MaS. FRED W COUcR, Ontario Street, BowmanvilUe. -25 lwl MIOR SALE-FRAVIE RESIDENCE JO and acre of excellent gardea with about 20 bearnug apple tre85. Will be sold et real bargain. If yetu want a home on Odeil St. see rd. A. JAMES. lence and salary. A rural pupil preferred. Apply to Joua CAMPBEILL, Enfield, Ont,. 25 sert, F RSALE-Drivlng mare 4 yeare old, and generalpurpose horse 9 years old, kind. single or double. Price $125 each. AlSO ab quanltity of Silver Hull Buckwbeat at 65c per bushel. Apj ly te J. L. METCALF. lot 18, Broken Front, Dar litn ton 23 sert 'ARM FOR SALE-9o acres beinz .V lotsl10, 11, con. 4, Darliug#an, on whlch are good house and barns; seven acres orcbard; good wlland ceerfouir, ~five acres o1 woo-ds; !,,nd in gond taite of tultivation. For particula s apply to JOHN SomERs, box 91 Bowmanivllle, 241!f PARLOR Boïunsall's Bloch. î Eve-ry evening 7 P,' Ili Matinee Sat. 2 p. mu. Uaes emving pictures andi illustrateti ADMlýISSION: c D. J. L'ESPERANOCE LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND REPAIREDI De't put off getting your Lawu Mower bharpened. Do il new, se that il will be ready wheu yeu neeti il.- I utse the Icteal Lawn Mowor Grinder which bas given such goQd satisfaction iu the pas t. A trial will convince onof et is superierity over ethere. Orders premptly attendedt t, A.W.FCIAD Cor. King & Ontaria Sts. Blacksmitb. Goodba Thisa- Week at S.W, MASON & SONlS DRESS SLN-Wht rclrdfay 0rgandies, Dimity, Persian Lawns and Victoria Lawns. WHITE INDIA HEAD and DRESS LIN-ENS. 1.0 pieces Fýancy Delainettes at 14c. ART MIJSLINS, SATEENS, CRETONNES, CTURTAIN NETS ANI) MTJSLINS. LONOî GtGOVES Silk or lisie, plain or lace in white, black or tans. IIOISERY-Plain or lace in white, b]iack -or tans, WHIITE M USL NINWAI1s TS ,3 doz, more of those special $1 50 waists for, 98c. 10 doz Plainbak cashmere hose, regular 251, foirl1)c a Pair. Men's Negligee anad outing shirts, far -ýcy ý hose, belts, bracesý, straw and linen i htsteec NO CREDIT Groo.ers' Due Buis taken as Cash, 5.e WIIA5ON & SONz, -)x dor te tnard In.BWmnil I E «- Let Us Help Yoi'u to Clean House 4q fi 4 By suppl3 irig you wi-th articles to make the work easy., fiThese are some of the things that help fiWaThing machines, -wringers, self ringing mops, ficarpet sweevers, brooms, scrubbing and whitewash brushes, stove and simk brushes iu, great variety. 4î Gilletts Lye..... ........ 3 tins for 25c.' fiOld Dateh Cluanser ........... 10e. tins. fi llandy Ammonla (powder) .2 lb p'kg 10e fi llousehold Animonia (liquid). . 15c. bottle, fi EZE washing powder luI 5c & 10c. p'kgs. Globe Metal Polish in .... 5e & 10e tins. fiMayer's Putz Cream .. 25c. large tin, fi Wellington knife poilsh..... 20c, can. fiSapolia .................... 1c.cake. fiFairbank's scouring soap.8 bars 25e. fiPowered borax. 10e & 2Ue p'kgs. Nonsueli liquid stove polîsh .. 15v,. bottle. fiX Ray stove polish .......... 10c, can fiAlabastine (ail colors)in 25e and 40e pkgs. fiParis white............. 10 lbs. for 25c. fiWashing Soda.......... 10 lb, for 25ë". 4q also Snap at 15e. a tin and hand Sapolia at 10e a cake to kcep your hands sof t and white =nd rernov e the ýwork srtain s, -Phone 65, Tlhe Peopl-e 's Grocer. fi lgestPrke pald for Farm Produre,, Imm 1