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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jun 1908, p. 6

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TH1E £50 CHEQUE "N'Neil?" askcd Borlase, as lie door closaieh b,îad the clcnk. Shuteýr remained standiUng. His terrer was tee great f'or hlm te pretenni ho waa at cae Ie w as down wienc a ma dostcan-e any longer, snd ho leoked il. Buitin his cyca, inigit wib-h lie fean of inxiaty wviici wa,,eating hlm up, there c (ame a lit île hope as thîcy resled on lie'big, confident ma bainni tie table. Borlase ad b-e bel been good frcua iesa tire y-ars. The siock 'ahcbh badsmasbed hlm couhd't bave af- fected Borlase very scriously. Borlase would sec hlm tirougi. But ha must "'Naîl1?" Borlase askel agae, ald Shut- er p)1lnnged la. -1O1d-rma ni"-he- cd taDecp-ie bWieshas bit rn-c ard." "Ive dropped tiiry-sven thousand peun11da rnyaslf," ia.tlBorlase. "'Nonlt yoiu sit dewn?" "Noý," soaid Shuler. I-e swayed a littie sud caught tiaecidge o! the table. "!BoLtter sit dowa,", said Borlase; and Shuter obcy'ed thea suggestion. He got a se)rt of comfont la being told te do aven so sienaî1l a rnaller as that, fer bis mind was, paralysad with trouble, lie tic mmid ïo! a beast la a cage tIaI cen oaly spring> abmlassly f ,om side te aide, Io mnuci fîighîlned, Ico muci ravsged le unîde-A,tand tbe !utility e! whet il la de- ring. "A cigar?" soid Borlase. "No,)ý wade aïhead." "Twýenty Ihousanni peunds weuld1 pull MOe tirengi," sald Shuber, watching tie ti'sface over lie flame o! the match. He read nobiing tiare. "01d man," Ce aËl, as hi'thnew ticth maletcinlaothe fndr and 4ote ic yt tîhtCiger fobetweea Ils ei , "It's 41hjs way.ýý If 1I can't get twenty theusaul PSuids l'nflnisied." "Ye aoulci ha worti moire than liaI." "ï ar. But 'm-siety thousaneltr pounds 1cn. I enu aly mccl forty ticusad pcuso! tiat if I cdel my hast stick. SkWliat arn I to do?" Rorlasa wikqtled a 11111e French air hron;gh bis leatti, andsast regarliag Shtner fer bal! a minute, "'iIseeunity ea yen gie mie?" ho asikd I tlengli. Shtrlanghed eout leud. "Sac-unity " i-e said. Yes, saunity," saici Bonlasa. "Ql y mter's incomes ia il," salI Shintan ."My niecesmarriage scîlernant. lOy lodge's-lancia -are la- it---Secuii4l Yo're rny al tstraw."1 Bo-riese presznu cd silence. "'r'aps yeu think me mad," Shutar wcte."P'reps 1 amn. I ougit We le, 1 kow. Ils iard enougi for me k> come la1 yen liRe tuis. But I hiteR yonr my frianid, and-and yeu put me on tlic Haco)lor'ed slowly ual-ar Borlase's yc lot yeurs 'À l maxi," ha cat11, i xtn ot[ lame, i adniel cenfde nl t-ic iiang. I1ida jtuii ýyou ceuld go \xroag. You knc\ý, w ilit cedewn. 1,ic0 otk>rn aîrply !ehh o-ui. Oua dayjVil was sheky and tic, next, il was crp. Bonlace pulifad ils igar. "lt's net rumýin ui"ca ud5b eî-; "but ,tus means iigaolj. AnI bic bcjxy'a juat gone ltr4) t."Hi vic mka Tic big muan ley back lilsîiý chair, itaing aI Sinter, smoking slwycruM- ming ca(ri e abl, vv'itb bis in g -r-ail6. Il-cree uxas net eolior ouaci in lie reera. Tic hope dieci eut o! Siut-er's eyes. "For Godas salce, Borlas-"' "Let mie tell yen a akry," saîl Rerlase, andl Shuler had We listan. "About en yeers ago," Rnls sid, "I was, as yen may or mnîey Ltk4ow, ai lie very bo1k>m, rigit Ifa tic coze. Il deesa't mallerieiv I got tiýcre any more than it maltera ioîv Igel eout again. But tiare f wes. MOy entire wardrobc, Sinler, cnise l ! bbc ark green-once baiIeetc cfone ïShirt, bbc tweed troisurs, 1!i- otanci th(e bat liv wilciI stoci up. 'Yen may hlave Paccu a icImal IaliktaI, sud 1 ne- mebrtiat my beek he-in sedte wcrk ilirongtic place wbere hie-bim and, th,- Cre)wa heci parteL copoy.DiCiyou Pue e ic flsh e!fyonr knaalrngi a hele la yeur baga? I tionýgit ne)t. I dld. I saw il cvery lima Iookei dewnj- ars, nci it mcdo. me eshimei, as if 1,1 baca sterk naked on the sbree. My aecket wýas cof a raîber expansive elpaca. Il mcy bave beau made origiîally for th i aummier wcarcf a business ma,. if you haavevenwemn suchi gaenisset, yen xiii recegniza tlit at'et Is hast il la 1li-fîL-eci fer keeping ont flie vin(t. Mina was mari venlilatad, tee. "I w\a, sittiag, tins cled, aboutL twe O'clock cfý a fesh wintar înorning oa one ef tic0bonchas by lic railings o! tic GeaPark. It was Mny purpese, wilh Ibm- kln1d Permission 0f tlicpolice, te, Snetcell !ew heurs' rc!rcshIag alcep. The wînd wa1s atroug frern tic nerth-cast, but l'mi flot tic mani te complate of a 1111e frsi air,ad tiare bal beauneorain fer ever an hour. -lunapte 0f ail tiese Mor-- Moftkarber CoNc5le. Cori. Queen and -r ti£ned ln "Natharapocon'a'Naly'Ho gaeme aPocit-pan, cul I inal My nam ,'vriliig qc i top,o! ic hauc Tni Il?, oyn'etm di a "Ifia si(l ho di, seI4-) le Lodo Under rnMY cme ia read il, anidlarigillu c go in. -"lic lu nsts dos h IFi YOU WANT TO KEEP WELL Careful tests have provad beyond question that orange juice bas dlear- iy dafined maîlcinal virtues. Those who suifer wilb Indigastiou-are com- pellal "10o diet' --tind that a! ter aat- ing oranges regulariy for breakfa-st tiare ta no distress, ne palpitation.ý Wher'e tiare was a tendancy to- wards colrstiPatiefl, the eatilng o! Or- anxges ragulatel thc e, es In skin troubles. haise anc began thse mernîng mreal aIth &II Orange were otlc&blyimproved. Tiaýre is, h'Oaaver, a1 quieker way te gel balter resultS This la te take Oe or twe o"F"srit-a-tlveW" tablaIS ah beldtime ln addition te the mice o! an- orange bêeora breakfast tisa next mornlng, IFIruit-a-tivas'I are tisa pruneas, bn whiicithe mdielnal action la many timnes InatanslfIad by th1e SPa- elal way o!cferbing tham. valu- able terries are tien addIed. Ta-e the jule o! an! orange befoe breakfat-tac Fri-atva" at night-and yen_ wili qui ckly ba rild et Indigestion, 0to-ach Troubles, Con- stipation and 1Billougness. ',Fruit-a- tivas" ara sald by ahI dealers at 60e a box-O- for $2,'50, Sent on reçeipt Of pni1e by "Fruit-a-tiýVec." limitaI. Ottaïwa. ,ad, as I reeoignized Iiiim, I ccptI is invitation te dirrun-extecnu.And 'va beciame gi-at pals. Ha dila' reomr- tar me, Ibongi. Ne, by Jova, he, lielut rarnamier mcl "Ho ale, as 1 sayý, lookinig dow,,n aI me cr i I'vr sýoeanew iccalt, sud i stad tup) et ihlm d(efraally, for, altiongh Id( beau11 l i uter acm-e lime iheu, 1 -adJat gl aI te ticInolncof tie nii.Ha10cRhlie 'veel oui o! uts menti, ai'! s-ail, ili a ëihtey volce:ý "'lOy fiayen seem te o Gd-en on ycur iluc,' "I titiugbit lha mîght giverme soem enmc- cy if 1 'vas, civil te unf, se I saici I was. I ven callel h lm 'sic.' "'Ycu den't lueR as if you'd muci o! a balance at CoutL'e.' ho remnarkel.. "I conîci have strucR hlm te Vieý groual. But I said 'No, 1 have net.'Slîuter, arien tie hunger fiead bas. yeu la bts gnîp yoru'l LaRe a geoci dccl frorm a mran 'vie sazies cigara liaI ameli iliktaI en-e Iid. "'Yen ievan'b been-making ouI -ma n-y claques lately?' scys ho, uviti a sUmper. 1 bagante 'vondr 'viat -on carbîrlie 'vas dmiving at, 'viti bts Couttss and its 'Yoýu haven't got snch a thing as liaI flfty-pcuud cieque on yenu, Iisupposa?' b'-'skal, sud blien il.ad-al flashcd up nmc aathe'vnti. "Let mcgel" soi huler suddenly, Bolse hal npilhanl.iý-1ai n "YoUf' got > om ry ifugie giard htrelaI im o i t ofVat e na-iýen claverahan e dariin.I sut naslot of mca ikti te-poual benkuetesancul mautionac Iic(ad.Any- enaý 'viebit or-r eu-e o!fhsejohiuies. tmnd askal iim, '11ave yen got tuat ta tn- pocunci note?' gel il given hlm la exciange for bts signal raceipt. Tien lie maga- zine published lhe lucky man's namo anl adîreas. London 'vont a litîle mad ovon il, and everyene 'vas esig eîvery- bedy alse if tiey bcd got liaItan-poual noI,pc nd 'vas saylng wbat a clexer ccIlge il 'vos. 'Neil, os you knew, 'vian oaa cf Iliese magazine -publisiera gees as, geod e ena as 1ha1, bis rivais, aimply bave te go one bettan; se iu a vcry !ew laya thua daity uvas giving a'vay geld ivalcias, aundthtat mou tily uvas promet- iag ls circul'a tion by ieý gratuit)enai off or of dlcmondl-nings, aini CaI t bi-e uvas a weckly Iplungtnig iaiy'iififby- pouncichequs. I bl head e! hase things, o! corse Den ii lu tue ma uv-a bel triecid Ucael e ie pnIjzs;but ticy ajI scc'med] ho ha 'von!)Y pope vie livel uinixh ndiHmaelan bel plauly -of mca rcadý,y. "This hast papan, tiengli, lied boo-n vary triclcy, puhtinglis choquas lan-tIic ctustedy of a11 sorts e! uailely-leoking people- uvomen, dressaI up liRe 011 bodies up for thc Oais, or d-own-ab-icel-boeking falloiva liRe myseif. This chap ite cHeiurg l'at, 1 i i;unhiI 'as Iryiag me. RBy fHei- en, e al cieiac te ronk shept "I conld bave RiLaI iim foruts ari-- Croup, w1ooïn cugi.astira.courgis and colds readily yielýd te tfrsothing i! ing influence cf t& retmdiie 5 cents a boule, at &Il dealers or Edmanson, Bates& Co., Toronto. eu$s. A. Barnum, ingearaoil, Ont., writes: '"Myýhusban.d was so bad wsth a b-onchial coldttttire couid not spcak above a wirisper and niedicine see-med of no aveul until we usecI Dr. Chase's Syrup cf Linseed and Turpentine -whicbk curt;d hinu in two days' (an. tihOfodetetbralich of tie ret NohrtirsBenkI, sign1ed WlimCahr sooand at tic to)p waLq typewritten, 'Ac(ýouint of lie Fifty-pound Chaeque Gem- peiio. t was dated two deya pre-L viously. He filled ln my name -on il, and tb'n lhe sai: "'Present it bo-morrow morning after tan. Tbay won't hie notice 'Of your anetilitien. Goodntightl' "'1I1beg your pardon,' 1 cri-ed, 'but. coulId youi advance meý a co-uple of shillings. I n:ýust icon1fe3ss Could oaat something,ad 1 co)uldd) wtii a bcd to-nigit. "'No,' he said, Tlil sac you hanged tiratl H1avenli.t you got youî cheque. Hcre'st fcurpùmnoe for you, tiough. By Jox e, your face just now was worth it!' "FedeaIt out four pennies into my palmi. 1 Ionged te tirow themn in huas t-eti, but 1 had tstrenger loîîgiîîgs tien1 ti'at. f tiaiiked hlm iastead. 'Goodýnîght,' he saîd egai; 'sleap "Tien ho walked axvay quickly,_ and I cldheair him laugiing te himscîf a "I weOighed,( in my mind the respective advatages o; 4f food and shelter. 1I could- n't haýve boti. After careful ceasidera- tion I decided that, as I iad gone with- otanytiing toeaet for only twenty-four hounsl i& would stand i, for another fine. B'ut I had te get out of the wiad. 1 wa's alwaysý. a luxurious dog, Shuter, and love ti, sleefýp arm and aoft. Ift dont matter mumi where I1 spent tc ight, IL was somaýwh)ere la the nai,,ghborioed o! King's Cross Station, anid rny bcd was as goeýd as my cirduiù- stances permitted. Wiet wt the trains a'M4 etier thing>s 1 IdidaL t leep very 1u ;Islmply lay warm, and told my- sali what 1 was going k> do with liat rongy. First of ail I devised a litIle menu for tie breakfast te wiici I xould ;t down about tan-fifteen arn., in, a lit- tIi' Swlss restaurant net five minutes' vakfrom the bank. There was an ome- lette te It;andsorne bot coffe and Frnibread and good butter. 1 knew jutthe kind of cigar I should buy in lietobceoists oposte cbank, and I ~ ~ 1- 1nwjuthwIsol lean back in fhli utIleresiern n mk l cec aticpacd bctrobl I holdhave a1 firat with te uileý fat man, who kept thic place, about ())goint at ail, and I smiled te myseiýf osàsw his back bend doýuble win1I siould Pull out e fist fuill i f gold te show iim. lbon I thouight of t i,'he bet place k> go ;anld get a d-ece(nt1 suit o)f reaeh-medoxvns1 and soma freýý1i'ei i en and a, weathcrproof bat and boots, and 1 reckoncd that wien t1lied got ail I wantcd I shonld have about forty-fivc pounds Le start flfe again. "I sbayed in the doashouse, as long as -£notld-and then went -right-off k> Oxford- Street and rneuchcd up and down tic streets near tie bank till lbtsiould be Urne'lel get my money. I believa I act- Ually blassed that cheque man for onîy giving me -enougi for a bcd. I Wld my- self that I sio)uld bava spioidMy appe- liewith stodgy bread eJt acffestl I wcnttek th ban wii ,ajjburstin me to cer out. I-ed notiing for nieC, ho, soid. "Shuter, I was so happy liat I jested,_ with hlm. "'Oh, yes, yon have,' says Il 'you've gol fifty Pounds.' "I look out the cha-que and endorsad it withi a hend wiich trembled most ridi- 'Cuiou.sly. Tien 1 threw If our>ss tic coualer k> tic casiier. 'Thats aIl right, I thinik,' 1I seid; ad I winlced alt thc fel- 10w ouI of pure goed nature. "lc pieked it, up aîîd glanced et it. 'Wiat's ail Ibis?' ho asked. 'Wiy,' I said, 'ils the fifty-pound eheque Coinpctition. Hlaven't ttîcy sent > n my name yet?' My Leart sanR a 1111e, for I thougitmy breakfast was goiag f1l ble put Off for a fcw minutes, 'Wiat's your game?' esked lie cash- fer 'We-'ve no one of that name on our bookes and ne account of liat umm either,' -0O1, nonsense!' I cried. 'Tic fifty- pound chaque competition lin Wtir spons aekly," you kinoîv. Dn'!ry any )f yeur rickes on lthlle.' 'Yudbottr ref 1Cin andsoectie mange, besid. " 'A igit' said 1, quite lasd 'el knejw ail about it'LtIfernd k> me Cea- senabîe lhaï. a cheque like lus shýjoujdn1t bd Cashad without some safeguards.. "He led tie, way tek> ticý rooîn of bbe manager, wie looked Ilp)lansome sur- prise at seeing a secdy tramp liRe me commue in. "ear me, Pullet,' he crled, 'what's tbis, wiat's tis?' 'This pers on's got sorne sk>ry about a flftyv-pound chpieu acempetiin, girl' Net long agtlhle cus asec ho was fî'equainthy itrutdby a cnap- pisi mambrioînc Nhl. M.Sek er." sidMr.Dcknurig>hc Ciýîin,"il at armmc-c ysm prescattlmyfehrciîdaexes islia 'lcv lie prase t;ad s l "\C\'1ilh, "! teid hlm tlic whole stecry, and tie cashiier asliowcd ii t1ic cheque, "'Very sorry,' aaid tie manager, 'but you've been haci. lUs a heax; do you undcrsiand? Watier;spo)on doasa't bauk Lare, an-d wa'vc no accouat cf any sort. Wist -a sabhy trický, tiough, k> play on a poor devtl liRe yon.' That's wiiothti heuRni anager tiongit -of it. You ca iinagine iow I lookea i l; as lie fiiched I turnced turtle--faintcd. bang off across ticý table. "Tiey put sme randy down my throat, and i crnPound, and tlien ttîay w ara, 1 must sayi, very kmnd. Ticeruan- oger soid be 1ied nyeheard of a cruallar tlîing. TLeho .,r ald tiat 'tie mon was a ruffiianTic ommissionaire, wie lied been called, ýsaid hae was. blcwcd. I evas utterly Rnocked -out, and 1 nmem- hei'ed lId no business ticre, and I gct up to cer. "Tien tic manager divad labo bis peck- et and ferk-ed ont ten shillings. 'Look here,' ùays lie, 'l beliaew ycur sk>ry, Bnd l'in tiundaring serry for ycu. Pullet, hendI me my bat.' He put tic ten shillings inte il and -Fadd- te-d-the casir, 'Take tiat round tie bank, Pullet,' lie said, 'and tell 'ni about tus peor ýcbap. Ive no doubt they'll edd sonel-hlng to il.' 1 "Puilat put ln a shiling and w-cnt round among lie Cher clanks. Somne of thcm tbld hlm te go te lie deuce, but otiers forkcdoeut liRe mn, and hetweea [hemn tiey made up tic managera toni shillings k> severnteen shillings aad four- pence. Tiare was aI young chap paying :n coernccash aiýt te countar, andi e askcdI svhat lie bat was gciug ronnd for. Tic otier cashier toid him, and hae said he'd rredeG a gooci tiing ont of tic National, and ie'd contributel And ha did; a xvbole soGvereignl Se tiat I got my breakfast, cfe ba sl, you sec,"ý Borlase tecIk a fresh elgar, for tic fu'st Laýd gone eout during lie taie. "And I kaept tie cheque," b-e saici, «"l rcmind me cf tudr kindaass, and -of otlier things." ThEmnlhe opcned a draîvor in the laile and tooeR eut an envelope. From itliha 1dre,'iv a criInpjcd c2he-qua. Ha leaed over ocp'addlb ut carcfulhy la fr-ont cf Si ut ar. "Do yeu irecegnizce il?" ha asked. Shuler nutered an inaudible raply as ho reaciad blintlly for his bait. "Stop a minute," sai Borlase. "v souîethîng cIsc te showv you." H- loo o ut a second enavelope and laiid if, un- opened on tie toila. "LooRinside,"h said. Shuter uafasbanad it rehnisland foýund i tscn d chaque. it was madaeout, b is ordar for fo)rty btheusand pounds, and ivas signed "onBorlase-." "'No," said Shuber. as ha oor-pped it a n the table. "You slia'n't gel any more JuIYre on f .Not that a. "It's ai nîgit," said Borlaso. "Pick il, rip. l'in not plagiarlsiag." "Do yensîvea;r " bagan Sinter, as hie graibeci aI ithî iag." "You)i're a ced and a heat, Shutaer," sadBorlase; "but cu boy's a îiee boy." Tlien lha ran.g 1tic hall, and said k> lie c-e i o nsîvarfiedit: "hwMr Sinar of,2-Lond>a Ans- A Loîllcr o!i nnrsi fer Many fni ow- maInN Hie, Ont. ,Afteýr e veî'y long oad tnying axperi- e-rcc, -Iirs. W\. C. Parker of Jaclsýon, Michigan, writos a friand as fohh'îjws: "I have heen siok andail rua down for mu"re than a yer. I took alI km-bis of fraidicines, liaI were ra"ommcnd 'd iy frionîds. I was la sncb ca ner-vous cari- diinthati ,1could -mot bear lia cigit- 4 à,no!se, and-su e3aithat, I could hpî'd- ]y wehlk u tatra1-i. A frieud odvlscà n-ie te try tic ccd1hiver prepanation, VinaIo, and I did so xvcti wo- erful. resu'ts. MIy iveakness aninron 'saie ailgoîîe, I cen w aIRany distance, and bave gaiacd i ery rapily la strengli and flash. 1 am wnfting you cof my -expaîl- ence in erder liaI you ma *y edv'se any e-.rie wiem you Rne'w la suffertng as 1 was wiat L> taRe.' Tusý is only -adeitienal testimony la regard ho lie value cf our ccd Iveru pre- paratdoýn, V.n-el, which wec have se ý un- hesita:ngly eoernmended k> li peopi cf criimnviLefor tlie lestfew yeeirs. Vend is net apatentmeiflbu 'ppo Afe f on, wiicli :iS a nced-ful cositetfor tie blood, al fAi me- hicia,iliag, and 'body biLdlîîig ehe-, mnt's cf ccd tiver 011, but no cil. We osk every person la Be'ýwmeinvîiaI îî' iLPri dowa, niarvous, debilitated andJ every aged. feebie person tû try ViooI o ur gac tVo roturan EÉuey i il faiha to give satisfaction. Jury ad Lovail, dmrugg*shs, Boivmaavihle, ont. -+.--- I * - .'.~ YOUNG FOLK3 'Nill bal corne borne fi-amicottagefor a few days., cl-nas il va a raniny day, ho calkai hic o ilai iL tha li .- rary. "N-othng ieing te -day, Beasý ," ha rasic. "Dont 3ye n vci.tcleplay uiti yeu?' 'Yen 'veuldn't care fac uy -cf tlic sil- silîl gaines, lue dallansd thingaý," cm 'Nul thaanght fer a Immiet. "o yeýar iucn ea"h ai." hn i Il'ater Vo -o1d1for Iua ni. utone w'hea 1'vas sici, I1 gel),a lot o! comfont outl o!f l ust zs,,iug round w'vtIhings, ,srd I lanita o coma xpei,,imnt-, nI l-ea.s t, I calied themi fhat--anî L'il y "SUNSHINE" ADVANTAGE - Furnace can be cleaned out any time in season without trouble, dirtor "fear of chilling the bouse."* ...LONDON 5~ TORNT ST. JOHN. N.B. MONTRE^ HMITO C; WINNIPEG A.QR rua ri anc geler i lve ibeaf n a socme string, an.d l'Il -eaiyon îowW k ring tic 'Bells ofCoge' 'Nien Resala haci meuiglIt hem t10 ber 1 rother he tbei tic poo, ied tire lirne.ad roundîltic(,wenpaLrt of 1tic hanile, cal w,,uud tàce long ,nds Ž'eunid Besesfor e-fugers. 'o',ju-atý put your lngera t i nl ya[ras," be sa-id. "Tber stnd ff ccid iri ie bowl o! thcnpuoonigina lie tabla." Tie 11111e girl dîd as aie 'vas b d ha-r fae igbted up uvItti hapicl in-cal surprised mib! ny anla Ll 1ie rocm vwouil have sen nLy a 1111Mgil ;nc LgS spo,-.n wlha j;inglag1-jang- I lirng noise [utla ber cv ýars .sou ad1, eifferent, autii n-rare ;>,i 1ifiui, sic theugit. "Do ion beatr Il, 'Nill',lie crieci. "Do- yen hear ILb Oh, isîî'L it lovelyh" S-e bo iersnic,"No, I cenit bear whial you do,' he saJd. "Y-ou see, lb-cia wbat thcy cail an axpenimoal la soDunci. Tic sourd 'vaves ruan p froa-î tic bow i cf lic-sp-conaci loneg tic string imb yGUr cal'S." Fonr a long wbiieRsl rang lie- "Rli f Colo Dgue"; tli- 'Nlshoweci ba' zov a dmnp ef înencury could b,, scp- drtoi!,I- in ahundreci parts, and yet j- -lugni tintera-e a around, shý.ining droep tiaI r;1u roun-d andi round the saLuc.cr. "jua iRe a i,ý Uquie-k litîbe ailier hUg i,"B ioj aidi 'I Ie ap-eimals,\Vil,"saiBes- s-o, Do' you know any m-? "Ni ay Ilcould cio, noîv,' ad e brelLer. "Rut sea time, if x'o-u'Ill-oak -a p-i ' et--o 'tr-ota-- igh- -a-vcny very saIt uvaber, sud Iheni dry Ileut. FUi le a ring te eue neend- cf il, andi lb-a cher cid 1'lfashea romnîd tie eleoctre flxlrre. - Ttil1*l'Ifl ght it, andi bel t Ahum Il li te ;va,, dcrwn, and sill tliaringîo'tfi" "W ýiy ',,w'f t i, 'Nrl?" dmae l saler'% "'Neh, jet blau;lre ýSaIt crystfaIS ai-ese lacl bat tbey are strcang enougr lebeaIli,,,'vaigit evai wlîeî lic lraci-n-tigbut ia.TIrets 11,l I1on eh ouflu. You i hveW 'AmI uvion I gel le cllaIge I'm ig n te"sal Resale, aqs ae ran hock 10 rinrg ag in lie ci-a'-?ud BeLis cf Culogu.- Youlit's Companion, SENTENCE SERMONS. Yen con ho faiîtul witicut being trosty. Tie sources a!beanty aah la inte Tic beat way le 'von for -a raise . Le raise ycnr wori. Praparation is lie beat prayer fer suc- ceasrunay uaderlekiug. I-e bas neo principal in heaven uvie bas ne interasV la iumnauily. 'Nien a rnan inows he a anrtyr yen may kncw thit ho is not. Tie man 'vie always la flgunung fer bimacîf cula a peur figure et lest. SDem mcthink they muaI be gocci be- ceuse lîf-e lastes se -1ad leolira. Tihas et linci o!f n-er a ite one 'la ,ri, nebers li iot iigs. - Yo)u acir ihigLIeni lie uvorîci y buruiingthc-candle et iti na Ils the reigin yu put , nol lia yon put onlihat yeun relyhae Icle mcaîonts aeapoluiias fr'ia- vesîmentlor avenues four infection, Providence iways seama uîleiad ta lb-ose wiemasiït1-ou chawinig tien' ,pilla. Nohhing dunes up tihe ianî quiear tia athing il la lie m -oa f melan- cmolv. Toc man-y el-ucies ara -,ayng "Taea oui' creed on faiti aad ive 'vi1 go il blind as te youn cehanceler."l Tic sica you bide iluthic anheeha r il- 'vays ara lie cnes tlia mdcthaîmeblvas evidaent cleer up te lie allie., Maney tlks, but il la mýot heard in heaven, save wien il speali;btlirougl lips 'vilchitil as stirrcl te gralafui le. FARMEIR AND BIIS WIFE FRAISE ZAM-BUK. As a family -tain and salve Zam-Buî la unequalieci, anci stîuld be on evory Calnadian farra, Mrs. C. E. Tibia cf Oake Vale Frmn, 'Winnipeg Beach, xxil-s:- "'Ne have fcund Znm-Buik a wordlcifl [obr. I useci itPfoi- s \ i.m 1 bc d 1buî- n yb ud nihy tic nex-t :We11l on lie îvay ýteuehn ybs - be-daieusc ZmRu cranet fl-lesu vouniIon bis taria vlii -d BuîÈ ml Canadaz, w-c n,-d ho wîite tl, Fjagbanciffor il,. ve !Ibougit, soemui CoksCotton Root Cmon The great Uterîne Toit, and à oiy sreef'eiia ntb1y Rnegnla tor Con iw Iihje oni ,.depend. Sold iik thi-eo 4drees of srenth- o.1 ~1 !No. 2, 10 dgeeFtronger ,3* No. 3, for leil se, sper box. Soil 'ï al raugrlts, or senti prepai onlarooept fvLï price. 1ý1-eo Address. TAi(I Coa: EDIOINErTOtWNTO, ONT.<orclWno> "CENTREFUGALIZED ML. lapanese Enqlish as It is Priyled i kaa Kobe Ncw spa'per. If yeu dont know' what "centrcfu)giiz- ei' rnilk is go to Kobe, Japan, anid therd ,si at the fect of TaLsero Hanamïiy,,i "dealer in mrilks," anddrir7 nk tx wS- 1o l\ic i l [h sweet phrasooy Mrý. [Loai: aani cpidi aE;ls brani ors~Lilimlik d lîvcr.g ffiC4, porl eiran unsaîitaj ry or culaislnd even Lad COW'S m111i 11':ac- turia and mîlk constituenîs before theIrî ,elivcring ;and aven forer cou,'s hoialth, under and fond, anin tum branch or rndk delivering -officeî,thuir pure- milk la &gain fIlterecd throuhps th-e Bundo's mActhýod'ýs app:oîaùu- til! h ai- ba4,eria is, all eut, and we cen d lvr their pure milk with the sabsa0 tory proof, os the seal is mon thebIte and now poiur drinking riilk or city \s imitk, is ail about \vhen dange>rcones as-- the:r mil i icluded many \,d irtianl al, r baclera, but you are ver brd1 sý1r them xvell wilh your m kod eye, if yau cen often lhrough pisa th-c flan- ne1 -or cotton cavered witli linen o r 3f il b' cenlrafugalized wih ta veryeas wVell to ae w ihnaked e,3 os ifawas I beg if you are sanitary ma.n o-i-baiby and hrm-cabve, you must haive ticý pure ,oia r!ll Y i;1k Pnd. ta ke your he1111. If ýou cenmaiemeýfýor order to havo servant ofmReS. o rne fi'21'de May. Name-sjinlorerf r.i. Ir V, -- Vers Mountjoy, rbi M ore, Johln vrLseGahm Jr. I.6og Mlepr S'r. II .ttVacr .Sr.ILHuhM r. tln. Stella imn Jr. Pl..-Ri'M (;i>,,L 1A i n Sir. Pt. I er sIn Jr Pl. .-Dora Muto.Mr si ton, nBenc Coopl'i. Kat' ore 1Ie Cnxspecr, Muriet AAht-on, Lîli nlF, r v ELSIE RNL.Tsbr BELONG TO THE UNION. The Mîl' Imgýoiî1 ,jm 1,,) biile city naxt iveek." The Ape-"Wliat arae î.gongtei1 mvhen you get thiere?" Thle iNonkey--".Act os sici' vfor an or). gan rna. A me.ýgician 'e, ifo î-rneyhv ocso tefe roud of Iirickry Gai-mca Prefaser-"Yeu cone k> me,' rnyhilIe an l'l lec ye teha geet "An 1cm ua 'eyoi ai - you hava FLUE-CLEANING -a dirty, heart-breaking lob., FLUE-CLEANING -a cean, rercord-breakin&y lob. 9F THE FLUE DOORS - Situated " singly " ever feed door -on se me furnaces. Situated "doubly," same distance from each other, same distance from feed, door-on " Sunshine " Furnace. "SUNSHiNý'E" ADVANTAGE: Operator can easî y c~n eer bit of soot eut of radiator. ' THE OPERATION Fire put eout, Smoke-pipe pulled down-on se me furnaces, Fire stays in, smoke-pipe sba.ys up- on "Sunshine " Furnace, FROM'BONNIE SCOTLANDl NOTES 0F INTEREST FBOM IIE BANKS AND BRAES. 'Whalta sGding on tn the lighiands ad Lowlands o! Aulîl Scotla. The cri-age cf cdean krasti sud laad da'veted k>' sp-art La Sculandn is 561,188, Tio acacIa cf Da-lkerhîxPu-bl,.c-hrouae( Cemrpaay n-wawemout toi $112.110. The profits last year uveroe over $1,100. A,-draft fmom thie hackiiay, slnd at Tiaornieome, Lai-mIc, a, s d.sýccsa of rccentiy, 'vion 17 animais brought $6,- 154. Thie EducatiiiaDeparîment o! Kil- rwu'nle boagruau a gi-ont ef $IÉ,OIX) lo'var'Is li w evlclînîcal scicel, hall ils eiaelccci. foi' StrrlIIng. Col,. SiL' Rbeert Cranste,i o!E'in hurgb, hbos b an appolîrntel dta- cearImaul li,! Lolhii rBiiSgcdý,' unîdr tlic aaxv 1m- mioilscicîne. Th1'i boMr. John llrdn, Cenat- bridge, resi>dal dii lie sam-c icuge dace thie day e f h;ls manctaga in 1850 titi ira d'ati ai te agLocf 85. Thie Secr oay f Shateh' bapo'cnlad Mr. T. Douglas, Duinu, M. A., Enîglisi master Lna Relle.bcustaui Acadaîny, Iin- clodlir cf Scîrcols iu Rengal. Mn. James Geais, unu., Fen'uslep, HIa-e, Paisley, ias proe ao librcîy ch over' ZO0 volumýes, 'viîh e bookL-asa, caps, etc., lo eibertaink Sciol. Mi-. Neil Brown, heu-e agent, îî'i baci been a 'vehl nouum figue on Botlle- soy Pian, Butesi-re, for înary yeaais, drel rec-enhby in hic- 72nd, year. Mi'. John Young, Grecnic as. Gamins- loan g, cilel fricm hlo ikjawr,-cen lý. Sanie bie ge bu'receiviedia- Ride fromca uos nci blýocldI pcüsoung set ý- iin. ThMAln. bjine ! iamiusgîve no-0 t iceI _f iielid'ey tumdurýiagt)ic ýumriic Mn. 1Donald M Coil, jul., fiicroly cf Gagw Tramuvoýya DUlaorlbas Leen appiointaI goneî'el manager ocf tie Suauphai Eledt-ic Tramwaiys. St-. Andî-aw's fisiermen are iaving boird timecs. Tiare ias scercaly a fnsb te ho gwo-t in l'e Bey. Sirîco lie Newv 'iar lire laies have been îery jooer. Genirnat French inispcctel mceully hlie flîaaiiv Boys;' 1Brigade, 'vian t-à bat- ltahjlus cf 1118 conipau:es, - e. toýtal stierrgti c.f 6,528-passaI lie .sebuing post. T-e SoIisih ili-i'ote for 1907 is said te ha tlthe lewest-levier recerciec. Tire unici' trof uis'as 1-78, bing 3,- 131 fou (r-ai- in lule pîcieuo a ,' Mr. Rclberl 'Wight, Ormmsu-ile, XMuir- piRk, Dehîati, aiel recantiy ru bis SSIi year. 1I-ae bcd for river haif a caîîbcry lean sm apreminant par- in utle affaira -o! lie district. Si'r'b mas Gîabamn, Li-utpnaC-Gn enab ia 1810, lie hieno o! St. Sebeshian. afterwards Lord Lynucch, and ppria- Ici (f Balgon an, ten Perthsbire, begaîr W îe ie iA aI a foiinieus a-t Lnnearriemaiorware ,it dînucii-, ic e rf feýILin. Oý, re maIrne fain biquefly acis lreplae aan boaiin bc Pri Gui cf Inuer- ke-rihle, clli asusaiforIlia n nial ,ai- oosk>tlc em1 lccmci A 1- iua fe iebaibf vl 1

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