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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1908, p. 2

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Ir 0Fll CILCLIVE 01ne did nef need te lie a oen fdetof phyýsiognomiy te eonz fIaith fl laing cliaracteniïsfic i Ivr.JonBanf',liwas cocnratedA S e1itlhstncs,îfpepe2,en i emnlali, pi iecye rmlic ieavy menIf ombiswnnkedforicý!,,-ad. If prcane Ifslin cvcry note c bis dccp, SClfsfmfedvic. I filic uie .lis isoafcccp cf ni wac Vcal n, loreove if wasnefectd n eficfaces cf flic fast fiableiswosnAfuad Whlt losetfire e ndurcdonde ifycfflc anfi raitonfor ego loeiy homnes t-a longfo f- ism f aiiing i 101o1iio. iesnt on ittenien If ws Mn i3ath' pratîceat e li mbl ntrthse wieds, bud breafs ietena ni aper mi ecauSe f our raiedrne 1ufiP.nlytepmp litnerete Ii hi Lis lirat'itlmuci ign---ify c ro tj halhy -Utr11i-y îla, feced',ae tedos o:Il ccson. aeomiished )y fi us',c "Tci lkcfcre mon i mz-Lr ~ ing, hoosrvd Lstnf lic EEA EC Al r , osan u'J '-erîhweUnoS.C,-ie e i.Pi'nkh'am: 11I was greatly ruu-down m. healh1 lad uccede luamasinga frtue rom a wcakruess p-culian vte rnmy s £50f 0 inoooo l f Aodfic IcffIe C when Lyd-ia E. Pinkham', s Vegtabie l~onik. Icemilprcieeyes Cempeund w -as rneoommnded te m. It1 (À Mn.BLai-Éli glwedbo wi benvy pof niy rcctoned me te pe-rfct heltb as ie eadfli wodsandlicputbut te mýy dlighit I arna mothier2' d en ie pap ten al 1f1angiiy p.uteehneHlfBrsen '5fis a ainuKy.n, lcolsrv Y,, wites cd, ~ ~ ~ ,,i 'fa o iemsiwohave I ws aver grat ufener fnom wokdliard and sreaily , 0houid te help e. Lydia E. Iukam 1Ve auiaels a ier cmetnc, hst abeCempound net f ony restared jme thes adentrer sîuldwaiow luteperfecet lieaith, but I arn new a pre07d "Tic gcenrs o lc upfic AT O SC<W M nleîiîng, whspecdAnthur te) lis For thutyyea Lydia E. Pink- broher "N chnceof mygetingham'ýS Vege'ýtabie Compourd, made U1lat fvrIepcc. ro et n ebtias benhfe "It' lie yur cnfundd sucestandard îemedy forfeial1ls to expýct if" grwiedGeore anhas Pecitively cured thoulsandfoso() "ynoglft lcairndo yl oen whe have been troubled with self." dsiceetinflammai-tin, -lcera- 'Shuf up " retorte Anfli fon, flbroid tfumerairglaii un, eriodie painsm, backache,ft bear cracking ancgg viciousy. xng-downfeeling, fauecIdga MisMaliýel now Put ;.lu le word)l-(. itie lznsenr-osotain "le il hve ai lic women affer Whfr ont you try if ? hlm, nyho," sc sa1.M"Iwisl ý Pkha Invtes i Il sic 41-e ws achnce fer -me . wome-t-Ito ite lier for advlce. "T wis se foc,"o'bcerved lfier She isgiddfinsnat faq 1fir. "If is ligli fim-e fiat yen healli Addrs, ynMas gofc' mridnddid smfligfor, Mc lu- tur fo flc mnyIv 1ohs id fhiu,' thougît l-ad corne liOMe, a beggar, 1râgged M ancad thon added tel imuer Iauid penls.If asdisgra)(ceful. sioI-if "IfeerfIdo m-ar-ry a 1n1ili mnIfws ncaail.Ifws iogf l'h~~~~til f k odcn Iddedesn't o cad1os hav afinerin tic pie""low dane lic corne - oteeles At iatmomnt1oh, ficigdin' such atce!" cried maii, wilo1 servat, cntnedfic 1 nuitlia once(i ws eeved, lbad entefan leokcf ntese gittionou is ace eda fonder feceling îfer Ccci. 'il beg pardon1, >",";,le saîd, ad- Kick hlmofgvenrdvs dressiug bismastr,-but ccuid Ilcd George. -peak te enfr a Iute" Orlme," pleaded Athur. i (Wia liceishlfaryema- "inc " red oidBaf. ing ~ ~ ~ ~ W1ï a1yfî bu "rordod"bnIwan on dic - il ask Banli."Wht'sliapeud y fe if bu unil lolie ekind enou[gi T hie servant hlisifated. "If's te kepif te Iyour;clves. Admit Mn. Min. BanfLli urneUd pale. Ccii w"as presCent I canuot deivo ml-c -iywad ble nieplcw vanld flic famîly prodigal;1robe te suiit Ilic-ovnec. lie hia',licou brouýtgIf up ly AMn. "Vygodc,"npidfeor lovie llis faflie'r, andtaftfe aje A muetlfrli euu loi- et twny-n acO ee1prmpyloweviya fa'I lin ougfcllow' paccd ff e Actrlia tesink or wI ka bozcfranik face. ook s-wim as hoIl(, oser as fIe Fates de-ing ou hîm, mi~e peceived thant bis1 ie.Net a'-oLdfrein-11lIliad desire fer -a-chang-eefotlig a recidflic,, Banfl loucliidin flic bhigliiy laturial. luis garli,,L whl Uintervai, and M.Brîldlong !ladce been a lug ut em sînco congriafi'ated hIrnsl onav-1 cd ýte hlave doue a cýonsidnc'alfedeat uig gt lid(ï cfoesedtiits fioniicefli daywlienIf eail. liulesfre is namie Ilff flic land)(sOet flicf aii1r, and 11- was,-,nmeutiened liy fhe butler, if leoeishewsa xecigygo nef surprnieiîfiat li1rfpned pale imitation of a paricuLianiy sab 'wifl amiazement and fLear. sarcrw Wel"ho snappedl, "Wliat cf "uaicnucleý! Haleoa, al cf imrji -yen!" lie burst eut whien Johl l "If yen ple-asi, scr, lie'scene gn90 Ga e1e ou lonl ac.And ble wants te kýnow if ye supose noe of ynwl euufi eau leud hlm ,asuit ofliste putcop',et.The I;ly peree(n whoc onl, befere Lie cernes lu llicre." semred glad te belcld miy laud- A suit cf col1s1Tose;( simple i sm eneac a îteMs wodsf idfli on-1,y.S, i olimes, thec nunsery goveruiese, who1 fli podiaief li Sripurs, cciiaimeef cried witî joy. But flo,1 ___________________________ s cuusopbisticateci. and cicesu t3 T[ieineef ,ýtlealfly are tiiense free frein lice-andc lice cannelit eie,ýit where Poultry Duner 1 i~owmanvîi & Lovoil, - Yn ay it dowu, Ccl"ci - erVed eid FBarfi, lu a dlgnified vec.11(and NIwilliarwlat yen bave te ay Iprcivthougi, lave Corne b<wcI te Englad ilu, a higliiy depilorublcesfafte H, I'm! If looks like if,dos' if'0 si CcIasho lumpd hl- soif luooa",cliainand smiled ut eesry- o te ea. My iofes ill !)peak fer fIms(es and ,cave m ne fie "Yen anc enuicd fcusl obevdMn. Barfl. "A 0, f coup~e, àI l al ycnr owu faunîf. "Wel,I 1don't kuow;: if was my confouuided hmd, Ispps. "Thnelene sud hing as imdc, meutý; "otmwrmidyen i lat fIe ocil iangied. t'quetiugcfpoulr ayig semtis te peit en o en mmd ye oiýf ue 'wIiichsgessft yôu sheuL'dner kick ama he cocle do5." Mn Banfli suerfetcd mwithihgr- boen, After Once Tasting,, no O-oewantis anolfa- ondcod. liver oillppa- tion o)remdonbeue Vintol is a rnoc'h beltter b-ody- bauilder anid strength creator a for Éep ew a b ilen chits, tc.-fit do,-es no goodiý 77 7 whih sugf. u man tfiat lie yen ~ ~ ~ ~~~ie wolygv hmficcldsoud LU tbi,ý von? ixeefiid fedly affer vwas flic fdon't paly tefi ro trouble -(;n on a finlsaccouf.i "Uo)w dareyosr"leeci- ed, ternpestuously, "owdare Youi address m-e in thîL nnnr sit not enougi hmat you corne back here lieabggar, witliouýt adding no lenice andirineceto- your othi- er disgraceful doings 0' The outcast smiled bitterly, 'IL is as 1 expected,"lie sad;"i I lad rtune omie hladen witli treasure my in sswould hane been forottn nd I sliou,î[l have had thefatutedcaf kiled iMy hnor. As it isý, Iupos tat I cannot Iok franiy help fi-rmyu uce or firminmv cousn. ut Ue n as best I can." The stu)nvLaces o1 the four peopleý 1 regardcd hirâith col3yesvoas lie "your facs speac fortesevs a. friendly baud tolm. not une'" A o onedo a uçe theli opendoo, an aninstnt ater it asflu1î,ngwide opn ad a sedr prtygil r-1Susd ijnoe rom Itsa shiame-a tril hm, Mr.iciyo)u n ,'eawulgodt me~~~~~~i beoeyo et wy ad1 Amzect, oril adover- of Mr. Joýhn Bath nd o-nthfas of isofsping. Fora oen fi when the wrdsvcame tlie-y were Jove -like in terslm ofn "Miss illme ,aid! themais tona;ýl voiceý, "thÉis is miostunsa molstetrodnr Imiltams Vam niot iasliaed of it. Was it m-y faultif you raicd your voitat 1 could overlicar every wvord in the garden ? And wlien I1ead liose cruel words I uloîtcontrol My- self aniy longeýr. Ifeit 1Ilmust corne liee, and-and----- Cccii turnled owrsieandinl lhis ces there elione a liglit whicli not oe ow(f femLAeve-r seen ie-1 fore. He nit towards the agirad Nook lier liraising hif tolss 'Tbank you," lie said, gently. "I arn, giad fliat I have at ]east one frcdleft -in this house. 1IJshiaîl Bartli '<remmber latit is my house, and that yo(ur plceis n ibe oersie of-4the door. )BeoffI' neerwa o see yo-u again. You- went awnay anegarand you bhave cornehmeabeggar. Be ýoff! -And if you ,niever afeýmpt tocrste flirsliod again Plihave youturned ont b.te, evat. Cecil ialied. u niesbu taiity did flot Scem1to aiffect !himn nearly "seiimucl as lffe iýs! Ilomcss kndnss iaddone, and, hie Went' to-wards thc doýor -witHi gay fot. ï"I'm goinig,une, lie said; "dntlo-se yourtpr . Goodt Miss HInrLes stin a crecry- ingsofy fieapracedthegil patPed lier gently ontheJsholer, and tueniwent frornnthe room. "A'\good 1niddanlce,siGere "He's positàively h~fl"cm m-rented iMabol. "Anotheýr momn!t and I'd haveý wlowas awy eypgaîu wn -- fliere wsnooytoi glit. Mnr. Barthi,liowoven, was siuent. Ob~ioulyhewa cosdin a wveigh1îv tat ter, and t'ie ou1teoml-e oif bsdelihîeraioýns povd athlevr u- pleasant for Miss H1-oirnes. Clear- irng bis tliroat, lie saîd in a loud, juidicial ton(e "Mis Hoires be good enouglite attend to me."1 The girl rosýeand tood witli lier1 small liand,ý ,ciaspod tigbitly to- getlier. "Forsorn ycas~"said the dig- Mifld vowCe,"ou bave.uc-cupicd a position ii in y huehi and lIý hkave no reason tou isppov lo il A5L .Ln<Ioveryuay, ,iý!e said * "Tiat is as yen ploase," rcpljýied_,( Mn. Bart,11. gnanI ously, andj feciin vagu l tat le -was doirng a will be botter,"' "If wîll- lie a splndid thIng for flic cgbnie,"osne n Banfli aL few we'ec latrztîsl wouen lîyho eletedour part cf flic !ounfrýy for lis om. t 1He ladco -u divusirg ii is farii fe uwsfItilad "ijiïet readli- cd eadwlinstlt fliceffetbfat Consfafine cIlwr ilad puir- dlasepd fhe 1Hall and intended seffi- ing duwn licefrcr mentis. "'TlIc man i enrrnoly ridli," we(nt on M.Br." nonedoulif lie wiJil ie cresoni gly gerous. If dn nfeee limin t fatscliemle works if wil mon aILdiffenenjlce cf foS-d' r anu!m te mei" Now, M1 g .1 Brl did nof leelus and wrfct M.Mciwafeg gi ' or an itriw rtecfafit w resdnOar fiat t 1,ic echnewlilIdesire ýte l ai1î tgous."l socrc-tary, askiuig lm te caîl utfi Hall on flic folowing mornin t Deîhtdby tins speedy reply, Mr. Badrfh weit Lis m tahi feî 11 hecnîiest cf spiriteand onuic up ex rnorliulic but ýýntoncd himself Tup lu salied enfl tethe Hlall. cred lim i-iite icgreaf c:a'kenlii rary and asked bii te sf;dwt A raneeu iJafer fhe deor epeod Barth jurnped iup linamet "aiaGeorge !" lie exýciai 'ed. "Wlia on anfl are ycudog "Iwsjuet goîig te as'k pyen tIc sre qunest ion, dadl," 'ie fac, lvean-,-,ppoinfinent, wýifl "l'r ITlatsqucer 1"' ornentýi-,ed Bali. "H!, toid cî etelie 'at fIe .hlise ai, fie cameleu. Once thinfe door opcneiLd, and fafen ndsountre up, readcy teý calf as npecfdlyM.Cntn fine~L- Mcirilbt) e11ne supTreýre amaernutof locffle tiy beedAnflur iaid Malii. Wy, 1penmywodficern iE a farniy parfy," spiutteed Mn.a Bart'l-î, wou d oning liaf was flich rnaungof flis ecxfrard'iinarymet ing. - "Wat biingo you bore"' "We "..ere askd teca01 ut doyen" reýpliod Anflunr and Mlilina Confidences fllwe IsOwly. If! semcedfiat eorgeliadscrey wn'ifteu fIhe milicuaire askI,.g for a poiinassccfn; ttArtlinr lad begged Ihim te 'find hm nap- R pointmeý_nt as somef,'hiug lintP' l City: and tînt I s Maliel lad uctali lievn lold ceuogli te inquire wiefh- or !lie deýsired a lady fypiejt. EVacli hiad keîu-pt i,'-c arPli cat1in secret -ncrn i thc o!li ,Lut nwcucalcn ws fufile, an-d feyahlooedremark- wlo prcesvd lic auguet maunerý it_hougli ie ,faIt deuidc-diy- cncom i- IL fertallie. 1 Iflookl1S ias tholiiMcîelwraifh weîe 'goiug te m'ake fcsoff us,"' s'aid George, in au ndtne "liere lie cornes." As lie spoke flic footstcpsou fil tlbreslold approiaclied fh I oor, and 1 if ý swuig oen osiewiy. Then, oncýe agaibu, amlazemenit wac maedin fie faces c (f itlim ail, for th bore, standing lfr imcohdn perfect gniana lookiug fthe venyj pictro f lealth and prospcnrify, stood tic prodigal, C cuCive. "Gflood rorniug," lie said. Ga- ai1l five m iinutes to qulit titis l(ieuse, and f eer- anlyofy-on, except Mýabel -hbcanIý,,so le isîa wmn mnust be trcafcd with someread show' your face's bere again, l'il hav-1 yo -Irnd-eut hy m srat s." "GetJove, rny onwordIsl>" gaspedc Mr. Barth. "Youl have a good memiory."' Ye; I1hav a good mem Ory, sir,- and Inover frgê.Iiv tedtle lot üf youlenethis mrnngse th'at, I Jmîglifrevaltoyou the -trutli and flien send youpakn" lie went to the dor andi eld it open, A siigbf, hiack-citled figure came towands t'hein. Lo, it w'as Ms Holmes, the little geverness, and whli r..ibatlibeld lier lie flWC H'm I cn unerstn nw wli-y this per-son w-as rayto takeý, your part,lie snoured. "'Silenice !"sioutcd Cci. "If yudare to isnaeuoe word agistler, I1rnay forget thaf you are oi-d enouglitto kowbofter and sendcyou)ut quikertnyucm in. Sh1e ke ined1Seke nlothing. Sebieed m ob h b)eggar tha't vou al'hongI me to be, but: she sf'ood'b'Y -Mecie I 'brick fIt ce is. And 1lenI erud1 fliat siceliad ieff your house I at once sýougit lir uf, toid lier thbe trItli1, and asked 1i(er ocrn ir cad da toaid me witli 1rnyý cores- "YOur Sccretary, ehY0' li ut ter- ed. ,Yes, sir, my eceî r at present -myî wife that is to be." Non acer w-ord vos spoken. In grim silence thte liftle famiy panty dceddthc stops of tue big liouse and turned their faces bomewards. MNr. Barth was[F the first to break tHie solenm lbut lis woýrds ice flicir Iusuai dignifyý. "WeIl," le saed, orfiy "'Tinha.nged !"-Londýon it-is AIEIICAINi PisIIIS CANADAs. The AlonuinPak -ýîýCf 1Ontario1ls and tho)se fond 1of Itlewosan oUt-door life. The Grand Trunk i Rilwa7i-y 'Sysejj lave rcceivc(ýd a let- ter fom ahigli Governmenitofcii ai cf tie Statec of Connecticut wlioi las justý retirned front a few days in the confines cf that de3liglitful Park; lie says - "Soýme weeks ago 1SIdsn o,~n obtaind a Grand Truk foider ne-1 latîig toAlonqinPark. Tic printe1Ldmtenrcevdwa-s vr interesting rcading, but I had flie oppoxtuity cf carning vwithin a l'cw ,ý çasthat the bauieof lthe Park waeenM ovcrdrawn, and thatl thie fsing obfained tliere was the beet I have ever lad te privîlege 4 , enýjoy, altloughI haifve fished the brout watrs.c îlleEdward Is- Iand1, tiou theCaainLu cntianstinsand in Clrd and 'Wyoming in the Un1-ited States. I arriv-ed at loqi Park fromi Poronto on flic'27th of June and (on ý tbe ý28th I ieftflicloel o nk and Ragged Lkearrivýing af Simokè Lake lafe ndyenig June 28fli. I strtcd fo)r Crowni Lake flchextmrnnand fld1ied in thaf Lakc, and had g-oodî luck, catching suaetailed fon.This lake ic oufeide cf tflic Parmk. As I sfarfed for my edqafcsat flic Park. June 3Ofb, on mty refuru tnp iv 1 fislicd ini Bagged andSoe Lakes for, salmon trouf, using a, f îee-r-atcn-troi!andlirwwn minno-w V or liait,Bcee fouor and five! ~ooýk I catuglit twctsalmon ftrouit, orc cf tie wiged cg teen peunds and nmeasured ithirty-two neheý(s in lcngth. As rny stay wa i oly tîrc days n flic Par-k, I mean teow more albont this, place, anfd shah try te gc in there azain Itis faîl. fDsrp tions cf Iccalities and prospeçetns cf I raiiroads are -effen timfes isap- t pointing. 'Many timtç I tilhikit is lue teicfact that flic pitures are greatlyoverdrawe, butfrem Myr n experience Isonl say t'bat Tur dr dee edcnibe thîis beautiful countryknoIwn aS tIcAiï Lonouini Park, in as briglit colors a A New Orleans womnanwathn Because she dîd flot extract sufficient nouishentfrom bher food. She took ScoýXlt'., Eu.uii elh- S gained à pound a day în vweight AU DRUGGJXSTS. S0c. AND 81.00 2C43 w, li s TABLiSHED 1873ffi 0F CANIADA Head Office -. oot $1,0OPENS AN ACCODUNT fin our Saviugs Deparfrneut. Deposits of$î iaud up ardnr eclvd on which I le highest curouit rate cý f itnfereet is aiiowed. No DeIbys inimkn fhrwt Savigs Baffik Dprmn nCneto ihalBace C'ANVL EER C THE LOST BIG BOTER uew ineAlin adopws more !ntresfed lu fliespkig tubýe fln lelyhngcsc. W7heuL a1 great1 E ilneL f0 Ceve nto ityi Ilanolp chide, nLecu, tic ilog brother that clbert lest, Sas full cfectdrneef ýAllient evcd aclPr, it lhal aud Spentme o f 1bisfmesadn on if, ikngdou the tube. We flic bel agle wsah ysfic irst, te calI d, 0 "Whe-1 ,V_,lei0ic pIeuse 1 f Lieiug ut i- tItub e ho eild heur a, vomce uC r <Epes, Tcdy affer fhey meedLeo ~nvied Alietu go te akwt iu the Park thlicbos ceeu canre Cte fie irers cf a large pond, wlere duekie Sand geese wer, atn bîea-crrnli thowuont by twvo ginis standing on a, liffle rustic bridge. Leon sut dw on a sot- eecoe liy, pllda b;(okfrom lis pkeand began te) read. "I wanf te go bine," licseaid t ast "Lt'sgo liack and 4ealunp "01, nne yet. Wliy, wc waut ;o oon adi ee op rwe cf fipark "I on'It," aiMAlient ] . waf oe go liome aud ring flh elle. Lot Pm go amiue Ikncw ficewy. e Cn g-o riglit doýwn ýotIe e ud cff ' Is aftInen-1 rig'21it'w ardsf11i ye torn te(lic arci; fhlu ngo eut, tid yen eaquisec ficeleectrice on flic aeuand our h liuse le nriglit iy lie cerner." Tînt acouudd ngît but Leon, re.diug, did nef se tînt wMen AI- bent and "nîgiwards" le wved is Met aud. "Be ücurfutl we 'en'ros fite -sre,'aid Loon, ýaujd dou't get rmn eon." A<Coursu nof-I'rn lig cuculgl 1 said Allient. Wlen flic beys lad licou eut aboiut an leur, fhe doon-blh rang ngain. Mnsý. Raudoîplihitcd 'H-ello 1" calicd Leen. "What ii-e Vîliet doinghý" "Ho lihas gene ont te ak il buF liig brother. I expoct hlm lad - cou," allcd ainma. SIe ianglied, fu sic tho ugînt fat Allient was iowçýn floere, 11sf eIiiug9 Abouit fiffeen lminufes laten flic, 'cli rang agalu. "fias Allient corne laev 1" allcd Leon. - Net yet. Yen lmigilitcoee pi and waif for, bin)," samd. nimma. Somne turnie later tvien Lecu called p flie flird filne, mlamna tb'ougîit Iise voîce S(-ieude as if lie wvere n!igbIteued, and ,s i Clcd, "Why,- [v eoisu'f Allient witli yen ? I thugîf yen werc playing. Corne 'p."ý Leýon camrne nuLg nip, and c- lAniud, addiug fIat lie laid licu yacko e epark le trme flînesand p aud dowvn tIc, avenue l, otI ways, lrut fliat l-ie ceuild nof fid Allient. nrywliec. "'Yen go down stIeect and l'il-go, p"said nmammna, liustily puftU -g ni lier luit.'"Aeýk tIchet police m'In yeu n met lIhene fIe uneest 'dio satmu l, and ge the-- te! lok for Allient V'Uldouflic acau nid wo'll pnobabhy find, un eue side or tfliChoer." iWby, mnamma, Allient wouldu f -etc arresfed 1cl" crc D Lon, in dis- "Oh,un, but lu aciytea- ,,,(,cod lest chiccncn te apoi- futiion," eëxplained nuilammaïi. Mbu llent reacliod fIe enld ý lpafli, le ioc nIar<dwvc le an fxirdLeon. who a eaiuflu nedconîfldeniy in hoi wnong direction. Tic pufi was tnigforjere sevenal[ fonkeý 1,1e nas ~ ~ ~ ajý ne e i fud.A l 1rh cem1puaLetey round, nid stu&fd u ceeu iýfouud 1a pna lfl rde an-d d1îcle 'a11Jgee1se; th'ere wae aa sctctebut neLii' boheA gi-caf, lump ewv'eli'e d lu1Aibe1t' fln 1oat.Leonmuet lic lest! \Wbato wouid mammira 0 (Jdan dean!ý Dow hficpafli Allientlurid fbi hic wy au fatîvyntl lie camune eut wllichoconld cee edc. ftilesun a ljisy streef. le ale up and (dowu, bu,-t couild nef fiuid uyroW (cflieuFs ioustr, anoh, vwlat wac tLie nigîti nn lirlTiese vwere ec enyngt lcwacsue hi ec and Liking about in won- don au epar W tsfe imat- ton, ?" lieased."Ar ye lst 1" c"Oh1, ne !"auswercd AIitfy ing nepe-r.11rnngi1ioe but my liig linotlier'e lest. le waa on a sfeui e parkauad 1I went liack auli e waegee - "icrc do yen i ive "Itiglit ly acenrweefec' tube, but I dou'f remwember tre noumber, and I-I'a afruid tic liueig lest, tee, for I can't fiud "Well, cerne up bore te Beylsfonî Ftreef, and wo'ii stand ou fie cor- nonr, and sec if wc cau't flnd Ca. lest linofler, and perliape hoecaui fiud flic liuse. If lie doesn't corne aleug prefy ceeu, mo'nlgo luto;fIe station and sieU if es licou rouglif lu1 flec. e'ii iu allut h ight, doU' t wonnry. tie ýor-ner longwlou i. policeý'jm aw a& i o unigfwr thecm, smifiiug joyonely as lie rccýog- njiz'ed tfIe îmtîeIoeno. Allient did net' secLeo unil fIepecmasîd "Here, who's eceiuig w" Albient turned, tben dasled eut iito f!ie -sfrcet towandLenniî 'l front cif au automlobile. Leon and flic polieman lioti rushldPl- ,r hlm, and miet sesquuciyfliat ai fînceoi narr--,owiy escaped be7ng mn eer.The auto ,swcvvedcl p sped ou ýifs w-'ay, footing fuiosy -O, Lon ee " loufcd A. bort. "' ega wc've fouud yen! iBut yu'i ave te lie mne1 carofui ncxf tirnie yng nwe wifh hve yeflrcnd'tleanyv eue te f oîl fIhe poiicemnau, and it miglit lc pretfy serions,Loa" YeufI's Cmain CIIEAP FAIRE TO T-)OiNTO. Ail tailaysconuccting wifli To.- route lu _Neflieru New York, Mi- chigan, have cuseuted te give ne.- duced rates te fteeCanadian Na- tienal Exîuiicuio, Torouto, good Eroml Augue't 29f i te Septemlben 14t1. AS LIFE PASSES. A. liile !in-e gney iu fhe lccseuiuig lair Eaci day as flic ycans go liy; ý% iifflo mono restoeping i lue foinm, A lite more dim luinfbe oec. j ittie mono falterng cf fIe stop As wve fnead life's patîway c'enr, And a liffle ucaner eveny day To fliceunes wlic have gone liefore. A iittle more lýal-inig cf thc gaif, And a duinns cf tIc, car ; A. gnowiug weariness cf flic frarne Wifh oaci swift passiug ycar. AV fading cf liopes aud ambitions, to, A faifering lu life's quest, And a liffle neýari orcn'y cday Te a sweef and peaceful reet. ~ lifie orelonchineess lu ife,ý As flic dean eues pues away; Vbiggen ciaim on Uhe oaeul id 'Wdfl evcny pussig day. A 1iffle fantbien from ftoit ïtdcae A% lifflegsceway te roarn; A druwý,ing near to a joyfui hoope, An1d a lappy elomhorne.

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