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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1908, p. 5

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tî No î for the Grand Opening on SSaturday Aucqust l5th. àk We extend a cordial invitation tc0 every persan to corne rarest bargains, Riead our offering5 anti von will be con- vincedtb»tht every item is a positive rnoney savert Grante Pddin Pan 1Serub Brushes, reg, vaine 15e <q Grnite nuuvn panssale prle'1e. ',ceg. prie 15e, sale priefc. 1 . ens' blaek wconSokreg.ý ,, 2 iec, , 2, value 15e, SalepOrîce 1e <q , 5e, ,, 15e Cottage ,Curtain Poles, white enaýmelleti, reg. vainae 15e <q >, 3e> 25e. sale prîce 1e Comfort & Ecipse Soap, reg. <q > nHJLO Snc ranls. value Se, Sale price 4Ca )<q bar. * e.price 15e, , 0e4 18e , 1eTiutTea Pots, reg. vaine 20e, 4q 1sale price 10e. I <q 5e 1eVietorine Washing ,Comnpounrd <q ,, 35c, cc2,e reg. vaine 2 for ýe, sale <q prce 4 for 5e. * Giranite P&e P9lates> Embro îS!ik, reg. V aine ,4î <q c a baIl, sale price 3 for <qreg. priee 10e, c5, 10c, *Pr»Matches 1000 un a bx Berhin WOOls, reg, value 8e <q reg- valuie 5eý a box, sale oz, sale pi)ý, c, e <q pric-e 3 boxes for 10e3, 144 Ladies> Collars, reg. vainUe + Big 3 ShoePosh reg. Value 10c, sale priee 5e oachl, <q 10c, sale pricee cea box, <q 2 i 1 hoePulshreg vaueCina Vases, reg. value 15e, lo10, sale price 2 for 15e. sl price 10e. 4? Horse Brushes, reg. valiie 25e, Glass water Pitehors, reg, sale price 15e3, vaine 25e, sle prico 5e.S <qDur4ng this sa'eeWO cannot acuept due ýbis, These prices are- for cash only as somie lunes are marked 1below eost., <qCorne one 1 Corne ail ! Whether yon buy or not we wiii <qý be pieased tu sec yon. Rerne.,mber the place. *A.L.NIeHOLLSi ~rWM NVILE. UG. 18.à 1908, Miss Vea'o.ý Landau, ishere. Miss Emily i s visiting !rlonds lu Osheawa. Miss O'ive Allen, Toronto, le9 lame fr a olIld ay S. Mu. LiaSisson le h-oiidaving et bis homWe lu Bethan-,y. Mrn Frank Vi tue, Tronta, ueeently vJisiteSd frieudés bore. IMiss L B-nahan rE,ýentIy visiteS heu 'IMus. H. J Barris, Tootwas guest Missesý Etlol anS Edua AIlun, Nw csevIsýited friands bore Mis, euS Mis Amaoti, Lindsêai', avrc MIst a Mis. McCueady. Mis EgaWigist anS son Gordon are viiln riends lu Orano. Mus. BallJe>', MidIanS, Is vlsiting heu sister IMIe. J.ý ýIt Meplehurst. Miss.ý Arv lÉ, is onjoving a few ho i-ey a Teowater und Wingham. Mis W. Street, Raglan, recently vis- led o maîher MuS. M A. Weshington. Misý,s A JE. Worden, Hllsburg, is visïing Mus Jacob Cobbledicit, Queen Mies Gyeorge Sandercoek receullIv visited her brother Wm. Beard, Coder. dele. MISS Edilis James, Oshawa, is spend- ing her ilidaîs lare, guesi o! Miss White. Mrss. '-Vames Bellamy anS son Mannuel cecent>' vislteci her fathci Mu John Mue. Avjer>' Joînston Is at île Klan- oýshIa Houso, Sougog Lake, for a week or two. Mu W. W. Jardine, B.A, Omemee. has beon visiftg lie cousin Regîsirar PolaiS. Miîsses Maude anS Luele Willls, Toronta, visiîteS tiseir s181er Mus Wm Mur. Bockeridge, Toronto, visiteS his unce r F. Densem, su,, and aller relati.ves Marster Ernest Hebden, Chelsea, Mhass., is Visitidg bis giaudmotiser Musy Johni Beacock. Mliss Myrtie MeResuolds, Brookhill Deliry, is vleitlug friandsaet Llndsay edI Ca Mbray. Mise Clere NevinWlril, and Murs J Bath,Wiiherrectgss ofMrsl Tab. Mu-s. lelpon Cohbedlck aa Sanzlier Maujorv' Est Tooto re vstn hirs. MeCreaS>'.ý "4r. Ctias. Tembîvua anS friand Mi HBoinms, Touanto, have beeu vlsýting ~,J Mu. W. W. Tamblyn. Mis Jrhnû Bcee has returnied from vlsiting beir s;ou iu Myirtie 3,Ld Mr. Embur C. Hcgfhtemo The Stanûdard Bank, Chatham,, le spenflng 'lis vacation lu Muskoka;, Mi. A B., McaFIseuson, Des Moines, otaand Miss Minulo MCPIber-,L TootvisiteS lIeuî aunt Musn John i ss Francs, E. Conlev o! TuaE STATE M!S is peldlng ber rvacation willoi parents lun St.Ct, uus isë, seridan Cemphel I anS sou Vic- iaTort, waeeguests o! MuTsý . J,î BrimaCombe, "Green Cout " W. B. Thieikeon le uepresentir'g Lodge Wellington S. M. Eaillhe Su- preme Lodge et HamIltan. Mu anS Mis. John Osborne bave te- turneS froa vîsiting tiseir Saugister, Mus. F. Arthsur Hoar, Barrie, Mils. George Richards, Bowmanville, anS Miss Berthe Hembisu, Woodstoek, visUed O>sawa friands Sunday. Mus. _N, Hungerford anS Saugisier iMiss Emma Keasb, De R-al, Ili., aie vis- îIbig ber brt r MiFume E. Cucighton Higginbatham leï enjov. ing bis vacation will bis unceoMi. AUf H-4yigglbatham et Baie, Muskokýa. Mr. W Asisurv Wilson, B.A,, wlfe anS Sengîter Eleanor, Kenora, wore recent guësts et NMr. S. Bingham-'s. Mliss Newby Muir, who las beau home ou a vieil ta0 heu mouler Mis. Jas. Gaie, relurued ta thl ity Monda>'. MiChas Cox, Mus GUiS ÏBoUnsa,I Iv illa Cox and Mr. Bert Haryàer et 'Cobourg guet of Mus. P. Convev Principal and Mrs. A. E. Manting' anS sons Carl anS Bal. BamIlton.ý 'wero recent vieltous et âMi G. A.- Watts'. Mr. RBld, Wiheridge, jr, euS daugh ter Eva anS soun Diekie visiteS Mr Hlenuy Piper, Oshawa, Civie Holiday. Mrs Ciarence A. Dieiz, Warren. Ohio, bas been guest o! lir brotheuMiriHarold, Weiu, Ating Pestai a! the Diseipie's churel. Mi. W. B Cobhiedick anS wvife, East Toronto, anS Arthuir M. Belimen, Tcî- auto. were lboue for île C0reszweiL- B eliman weddlu., Mu, Ge. J. Bueay anS sister Miss ireue B. Bray. Butaside, East Whitbv, woeagueste o! lIeu uncie et Lamne Villa aveu Sundar. Mu. Norman FichaiS, wifo anS ehili- ren, Fort Arhur, are visiting his par- ents, Newcastle, anS brother, A. W.n Pickard, Bowmauviiie. Mise Bayera! t wrlting from Ceve- land, Ohio, wheue she is visitiug Mu@ M. A. James, jr, sey@ tha4 Iis a0 veiv eaeutiful eh>' Bshe expeocts ta reluit eariy nExt week. iMisses iBerthe anS Bealîbca Tamblvîî h ave gone laWei-ouCamp, Lak Temegemi. anS ar enoylg lSmses greatiy. Mu. Chaules 3Temhljyn las gone 1tIc eMuskolca Laees fouae week. Mu. anS Murs. A. Wi. Fie.kerd anS Saugiter MrontIeu riadsMis. Virtue a unei. Win. lHache, oure anSj 14aster Ernes iaHbdanu, UBýtûDn MRSS , spoRt tîle wee-end &t W,0C, Forgu.son'e,Bacstk Misses Eve enS Getru1de Wrignt a! Beatrice SI, Toi-enta, were recent guesta o! Miss EtIel L VenNest, Lainje Ville. MiJss Wright soPop! &Tauonto's acopliihed voalst daS e!igîhtod thuse wlo biard lheu sing wlenloe. Mu.Wm. MDcR,3-yuolid euS Sanglier 'AESra, Brooisili Deirv, anSidMi. Thos. Hliggîinsan anS wifeD, Baise Lîne, euS Mir, Jo White anS wife, Lvrol Enlnweut on tîle excursion 10 Bubeeter a eot a Tory pleaseni Beers tisa ~ Tho Kid [llH vewyB1g1 Besis~ lieKiîdYunHae Alwvays kBe Claver seed want'ed. ses advt. At Trebileock's for croqu7et anS foot- belle. Gem ar$, pli sizes, et F. A. Hadd3 >5. Ail kluds of eut flowers fo-r sale by S. J. Jackmain. A fullstock of scbool supplies et F. C. Treblcock 's T. H KniklIn thse market !or Claver SeeS. CorrespondentF, senS copyMonSay -as Use Bug Death o'n pour, potatoos. Sclb., P. Murdoch. Seldom bas Bo-menvitle looked 50 fresh anS green in August, F. A. Haddy forall kinds (Àftfrsh fruits, foreign and- domesîle -John Gîigg wants yoUî old iran, brass$,rubhcr, etc. Sec %dyt, Goo eetigsare held in the S A. Bgrracks under tbe new o.ffileer, Upright plan a ed good organ for sale Apply ta M.l D. Willamis & Son George Sandercoek anad wlfe rccenitly -vîstcd e1t Henry Wio',Hmtn Hona. A, leE arhREas oe ta Vienne, Europe, for auarai treatment. Mr. W Fle as been at Banygeon Vlsitin1g lis son Reav. H. W, Foiey, B 1). Mi-e, John Hooklin. Port Ferry, iS visit'Iug ber sistor Mrs. W. J.'Williams. Miss Glady,ýs Wright, Tcorato, is vis- itingm ber gran dmo ter, 5lrc. 'S Wright. Thse Argil ari drectly nortb o! Saline, js for sale or to rrent. See advt. Bowmanville-on.tfia Lake news writ. ten for ]et issue ap-pears on. an inuer page. A11 wbite blouses sei!ing eat or below cos, Pr ce a t.Co)urd, Johnstai P-qn & Cr5der- etbrodeelers charge su ch gh prices focr fruit citizeus be 'v here is Uncle Tas Bin tumbasberutified îleexerir f bs ffice with a fresb coAt, of painit. sain. Clarke MAP. P., Cboug,!S lu the Northwest laoklng afl.er îlte big barvest on bis falims. No0 need o! seuding, ta Toronto fir Wreiatbs tor floral funerall deslgns lHavel Sý . J. aekmau meke tblem for rou. Tbe -copious showers o! lest we savcd îlehe rops from w1zhering anS srvlngby thc hot winds and Sun- shine. DOn't fail taSeo the greet bargeins i muslus anS dres ooSsent Coueb, Joînston rdemns 66 It-Feaney Iran and Wlre Lawn Fonce for sale ai less tIen baîf prico JAS. DETMAN, Bowmauville. 25-tf fflueberry season will soon ba uver. F. A. Haddy receives two sbipments eael week a! goad dean blueberrbos. Ail coloreS muslus sellinge t greatly reduced prîces and several pieces et exaetlv hli!prieo et Couch, Joînston & Crs derman's We would like bo show you aur three pieee parler suite> Mahozany frames, upbolsteredýlu Velour et 318.75, M D, Williams & Son.ý ILa Behikuap, Prince- Albert, cham- pionB fruit troc agent, ýgaVE us13a coeil fAlcn inusstIrangMrý-r Ciiesattondied Durham Rubber Ci- excusio taRocbester lu great numbersý Ail rporta grnd o tlng Derangement o! the liver, s'tipation, Injures the complexioýnudc pimples. sailow skia. Removetie cause bv using Carter's Lîtt, Liver PuIs. On a dose. Try îlem.. j J, Pisilp, Wluuipeg, spent a fort. nigît lu Bowmanville and vieinity in Juiyand enjoý cd several games o! bowls on thse green On bis return home-ho was taken suddeulv ili and died. Part. iculars wll be found on another page Durham Rubber Ca. baud gave e good apen air concert on the baud stand Thursdav ovcning. A gaodly numc1b( e !t tcecitizecs eDnied te mnusie. Who eeid tley eouldn't pleay bae_-,u.se anc a! their membors was s!cý ? Oni aid schoolmate et Brooklin, Robert Hf. Waiks o! the Lindsny Colleg- iate ,institute bas heofiapoineSou the staff o!ts lgtnColeg'iate InstituteI and also lectureir ou i Metbods and i Enaglsl In tise faculty o! educ-a*tof ! Queen 's University. -Miss Mary Metealfe, Burford * wba was a membor Iest yof a!tbe Suatt fard Expositor's Popularit>' Party Vwhicb was composS O!thec mOst ýpopular Young-ladies ln their respective districts anS givon an extenasive excurs1in ta the South jni e tdiug some daîs aI Jamies- -twný Exposition, weas guest af Mis. M.% A. Jaýmes over thse week-end. i. ,. A. James bas just completed1 is thirîleth year as owuer and publislier of THEs STATESMAŽ7, Bowmanviile. The steandy nres it circulationanci île Hsddye Idal T a cavs agoodlia pressIonr, Try it. Re'duzed price for sebool RoaSers8 P. C. Trebllcoek>s, Home Comlng of Cccii î leve le a, good staorlette on enother page, Tee-tee o! quality-.-Heddy 's Ideai Ton. F. A. Haddy, zrocor, Barrister Galbraibavrtsstw'c desire'bko proper1tÂifor sale, S seceds. Men's twa pleco snuits ecliog off et and hbo-i cost etCalJousn& Wgrm îlhe teapot, Puitàlua e epiug teaspoanful o!f ald"Tpee for ever>' and allow ta infuse fîom (6 ta 8minutes, Poýur,,île liquor of Le vesandIc cco. "Salada," Tea.eicd is e mast doudcous and refres!bg beverege. As Selighîful as a 11p l i en ce ~ Volnteee wa ted for No, 8 Apply aI Pîlîl Shed Saturdey aeu- lns!omn 7 ta 8.80 wherf) Unllaums May be abteiued or to Lieuitenants ,,MeLaugh- ind, HoaEr or Marris. BoÎmanville, Aug, 11, 1908. A7e gadnparty wli begvionby îLbe laes 0-! tbe town luthe lutereet o! BomaVileLawu BowlIng rClub on t e, b ea ub if u iL r o ur.d so!f Capt. A. MeLaughli*n who les vr'kn placed Reithskamery et ediosi! tise lub. TiseD. O0&1P. Ca Bau.d monts wili be serveS Ge.mes anS 'Midway" attractiüoswill ho ro,ývided2 Eveoryhbo dv came, A dmi r 1ssb ionià la zrournde froc FriSa> Augus: t _tat five ftisftrty ocloek. BOWMA4NV.IL-E FAIR. WEuST DUrHAM PFAIR TO LEBET'ETTER TR-AN ,,EVER ,TinisYE. Tise Directors are determined tîntl tie lest exhibition ion tise aid grouu-dsi ehalil ho tihe stover - Tise prizzýlist le read> for distribion. ,Il bas boen roviseci tisroughl>', uew features lu- trodueed and a numbe'r n o oo sece prizes are offered. Public scisool pupile wiii be especlaily luterested iýn tise ma p- Srewiug competition tbis year. For p3rize liste oraller information write J, S. Mooreraft, Secretery, Boýx S98, Bowmauville. Ouirolysenior jaurnie conee lu netual ion gt o! service lu Ibis part of Ontario Is Mr. G,30. Keves, edit0 of Coihorne Express, acof Caueda'.s Ibrighbest local papers iu lis las sue île grows reminlsent anS ,says au Aug-. 7, 1850,le entereid île office of Belle ville Intellig-enuer as anu apprentico, tle Han. Senatflowoil Vý!anS tise lliM. Radney Mor, is bobeen-e , ho ing proprietors, ba)th rotieprînte3rs euS daily'enigageSýliu the' meclanicel Soperîmeut. Thse papor bas Jus, Éon- boreS ou its 75t1 ve-au o! publication. In 1850 il was anc o!ou niry 4 papers, tise Beloevilit ole , tise Cobourg Star, euS tise Port Hope Guide, being tle ollers, betweeu Kln.gston anS Tor- onto, witis un paper nurthwaîd,; MINISTERS AMI) CHIJRCHES. Tise sextani's cottage b>' tie YMethodist churcis las been given niew front ou- trance anS otherwise improved A lads wlo visiteS recenlly Iu town saiS sise laS secu meny fine cisurches in Canadien end Amerien cies but noue* more beaulif ni tIen tise inteorior o! Baw- manville Methodist Cisurch. Tiseul you; Bev. T. W. Jolliffe will supplv foui Roi'. D, O. Cîossley et tIc Whibtbky Tabernacle, durlng tise Ïastor's ah. scence et Muskoka eanimencing Sun- day. This wili ho third surmmer Rev. Jolliffe bas supplieS et WIitby, Mi. H, W. Laird, wbo las baecu cbosen b>' the Provincial S.giteis o! Regina 10 coulest tisai donetituone>' this leetian, leý thse son o! e Metisodisi Minis1ter tise' lae Rev. W, H. Laird a former racm- heu o! tiseNiaea Coufereuce Ho we a ditor o! the Cior etnlS~ 4he!ore going West, Bey Edward anS Mus. Cragg, o! -',',rcn, have baS a famly reunlîn, in honor o! tise fi! 1detanuiversary a! theiri marrieS life. Dr. Cecii C. Crrzg, o! A BUSIHEL 0F FLIES et" b>' al, ugit and General storum TF-N4CeNTS PEU PACKrET fprOM IMr. ,L son Piper ofa agt 0f r. Jamces Almon Beeiof 0a son, vIon- b IËBowmanvýilîe u.ltewf of Miý, FranLk ymonS, ot a dau.gbter, MCSOLEY-LLI5NIOBowmanville, Aug lb Bey. J. Garbutt, Andrew John MeSorley V,! a Allison, al 0of Bowmanvile. CREBOWELL-BELLMAN-ID BOWManVllle at the residene of the brlde's parents, Balsamn Grave by Rev. John Garbutt, on Saturday Augut8. M-. Chas. Trevelyan Cresswel Princial Pràbile ehoolo, Rayid Cit;, Man., and miss useoMay, daugbter ao Mr. E. Bellian, centre St. CAVANAU-JO~Br-ID owmanvllle, Aug. ,aithe resîdence cf Mr. W. H, WillIs.ms, LitertcY st., by B-ey, Rugis. Maure, B. A., as- aisted biy ey. James Badges, B. A.,. bwa MJohn H. Cavanai ,Strasburg. Sask, and MieEdaWnnifred ýJoneEl, êdaughter aI Mn . J. onsformerly of Clark,, <lamEi-bn Darli gon dayArg' , ,mi" ThoQmas Grlgg, In W. 84th year. MODOWELL-At Aurore, August îtb, 1908, BeV. Henry MeDowell. îb Sisi year. ALUWN-ID Darlingtoan, AuguSi 111h Matilda Ann, beloved wife or Mr. Fred. W. Ainj aged SUErmoN-At Feese, Micli,, Anusiio t, 1908, Edwaýrd Siemon, aged C89 yea'rs, Lest We éorget E. R. E36UNS1ALL> Designer and Des 1er ln Monuments, Tablis, Ma>ý"rkers, etc , Granite and Marbie9 BOWMÂNVILLE, OT C-eLOîJVE R SELED WAINT1ED., W111 bay any quantîty of AI- sike or REýd Clover, Clegn or as it cornes from trheiii. Bring Or senld1 T, El. NGT Model Groee ry, W ANT.ED-Ail kildis (Àf ruit on COITAZGE TO RENT-At Bùw- mavill1eon the Lakýe, 'S,set Cottage" for the lest two weks L'in Augu'st, Gno(-. 'r T-TOUSE FOR SALE-On the sou*h, i.L aidÈe o! Kin- street, Bwavle i roomssitaisie, gad Lt. Apjply tao D. Ci. M. MTOSE FOR SALE- 5 Years lid, Â.good driver or ,erreraj purpose, quiet in ail harne2s, sound d gnocn style, App!y ta JONGRIGG, 17 Qatarjo Si., Bowmanville, pýhnre17. 30-til tORSALE-FRAME RESIDENCE .2and stre ai excellent gardan aith about 20 beringa ple trees. Wlll3 be sold ai real bargaîn. gIfeyou want Ia borne on OdeIl St. see Ni, ', JAMES. ï AN T E D PFORCASH- An,, qa- TVtity of sceplin, ýop)per, brass, se!rs pï rbere. delivered at cour yard. 82 Ontarin, st-, o'r wlll ctIyoLir place. Phonie Na. 17 or Wite JH LGBwavla 14 ARMS FOR SALE IN i)A RLJ,,G- .1 TN-are ndsmllfarrrs for s aie ina 00Woffericg, is la a ood time lO inveýsti- gal'e. Aet quickly l'y t a-ppling to C. MowN.1 Haixipon, Ot, 82w 1 T-Lt013E FOR SLL-O ihesop ...lde 0f Kiiug Street, flowmanvill]e, ine roomIs IanS bathroom, Lew Pease Furaîre,-' ElecIri c bigbt, stable, ah ovniue under cover, quarter acre land A pply ta D. G' ,M. GAIBRAITE, Bowmanville. 81-tf 'ARM FOR SALE-do thbe vi 'Age -&2 Hlawpton. about 5.3 acres inuas good s'ate ,î cltivaloin, gcod bouse and bains and other ouibuidins.If flot sold wili rent fýr term cf years. possession to plow at Once. Apply al once ta . Buxr,,Hamlan. 38w F- eAilM FOR RENT- i o acres situat- e7-d one mile north froim Bowmanvilie con, siettcg of parts af lots and 7, en. i. Darling- ton, One of the besi faims in the country. Apply on the primises ta JOHîN Sosinas or Bowmanvilae., P. O0,3z5-tf F ARN"1FOR,ýALE OR TO-RENT+- 90 acres being parts o! lot 24 in 6tb and 7tb concessions of tawnenlp of Darlingten, tire ,r it c e.Airgue. Good brick hanse anSn fa1rIrn buIi.ngs on the property-a debLablu farm.- For particuflars apply tb F. W. LzE. Enilsillen 3 14V. FUARFOR SALE (OR TO,,,)T 30 acrecf lot 2s, con 3, falgowithl barin 80 x 45, stane cfaundationi, alsa borsstaible. GýOod sandly loirmiwitb running strea1m ibrougli smrall trouse ]oacres ocf wood, cear, maple, beectb Framte bouse witb gnon b fard and sait Waier. Posession ta plougl ýi afl r harvest Will saili cbeap. WTI.L1AM ALDSWORTH, BaW- marnville, Ont. 81-aw t MUST BE SOLD. THE PROPERTY of Mrs. C. A. Randall'a brick d"ellngliondoar"sl"s,holilow,,wall, spl endid cflar, ba^rd and saft wate. if solS h n n ditely tis Pr._ r r w llbe solS cleap,' A pply ta 1»_ W. tA.,cr. Weliington and sThe House UCold P n~ 7nI it is aur motto ta keep Reýasons whky Ibis tire nettr dca ts orkbeýtter th an te ID ,î Te ,ties stay tgi longer, Therei pno charixgo bur 7ngo!th, wo-od. No danger of aver dishing the wheel. The paint Is flot scratcheS or finureS. Can get your job dane ln one quarter the time. 1We wiil guarantesail work done by Ibt2 is mhine- e are aisa3 prepared ta eut down wheels or eny othier repaire that pour rîg raay need. Lawn Mowers sharpened anS vehal #vasus mian al kinds of Bicycle îepairing done rmty Mo~rGPo NSe This Week S.W 14MA SO N SO I 'S F i ne Sw i ss Ne t Cu rt l ,aî,ns To Clear. 5 pair on.ly, reg. $ 5,00 for $3 O a pair, 7 pair only, reg. 84.50 for $2.75 a pair. 2 pair only, reg. $3.25 for e2.00 a pair. Ladies' White Wear. White cambric nnderskirt, laIce or trmb-o'dery timd reg. $1.75 for $1.25, $1,50 for $1, '- .'Mfor 75e, 85e for Drawers, reg., $2.00 for $1.50, 81.7 ý for $1,25, $1,50 for $1 .10, $1,25 for 95e, $1.00 for 75e, 75o for 55e, 50e for 38c, 35o for 25e, Night Gowns, reg. 82.00 for $1.50, $115 flor $1,'25, $1,50 for,$1.10, $1.25 for 95e, $1,00 for 75c. 1Corset Covers, reg. $1,00 for 75e.-, 5e or 55e, 50jefor 39e. 25e for 19c.-- 'Another lot of Wîte Mu IIts , ny eek rsrp reg. 15e for 9e a yd. 5 only Ladies&' Wh; *te Dress S -rt , g 10for $ýLOO. floy's VWash Suits, asret ts-, reg. ý 7!,, 90e, ehoice for 750e, Embroidery silk- - Tany lo ,e e ae, ý110W2fo:r 5C Bleaehed Shectin-g 3Sx 4etr-pIa ;r25 d. Sealbargains ýlhoisery andi Glovýes NO CREDIT Urocers', Due Bis takers as Cash, Fleeiedroom alt centralLveyad ayi, r 1k w LetUîls Help Yuto OlanHs 41 Bly upplying pou cWit ricles to mkethe 'work easy, 4.The a gre-So0m e cof'th etlngs that "heîp Wasingmachines2 wringers, lslfrging moa, caretswepesbroomssrbigadwieahbuhs etove ?and sInkbrushes à tgrecs variety. Gilets Lye .......... 3 tins for L2à'. OId Dnteh Otasr..,...1 is Hardy Ammonia ?(powdJer),2 lb, -p'kg 10e Househod Amnia (Hq id) ..i15c. bottie. MEE Wahing power'n 5c & 0e.p'kgs Globe NM eta oish in... 5e & 1%e tin, Mayer's PuIz Creami ...... 2%e. lrge tin, WeaHington Miie pohh..., 20e can, 4arbnkscsour-!ing soap .....?, bar-s 2e Powered borax.i - 0eM 2e . spigse Nonsueh llqbu ove poli,,sh I. 5e.botîle,ý X Ray stovýe poýlish Paris w Mte,,..,...1 b.fr2e Il;Washing Soda..,..,10lfr2e Snap &t 1p-. a'Lin ani hani pliata10eca >ke to1"kee-p YOILr.hands sof it and white and remo-ve thewok tans ArchieTait, <q lif-ighest PrIce pytad for Parm Poue île duties o!Clchairm-!an Io! District,le suiryneeds a rosI a! 1erae 7aar'u. assiS-1 no u m ate toapstoral dut>. Attise1 mauingier ts eduSo!Fred Matoui was hapb4s&î ed Houbeit EdwarS Mrs.ý WV liiem A. White of! New Yoîck assist-9 eS the choir, siugiug e solo during lie offertary et bath services, euS was pub-l licl>' tianke3d for 1er assac by tise pastor Te nl t île evening ses- sion waseoa fntîf ni ne euS tise cho'ir Peu dered it excelieuti>',

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