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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1908, p. 6

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QUESTIO N 0F N~oUf Failli in UltLlîllkillg R@utîîIcs, Even i th Namne 0f Rellioil. "Whnmt sap it profit a mni" V- lin the chumch or,, i the raimeofdro- Mlark, avii 36 liion itbfout anytboghtot hei TheNon iEgiand ,,coniscineAi1n pupoe or value;it May ho anujr- uinted -at overytig t1hat fuot good eligios act. Many a person il must, heretoe obad, that tAh1 stunting bis religions deveooment fcthtit, wa-s a ploasure to do! by doing acts of religion withon any particular acionas proof the religions motive. suphehnt tbat that actionwa dan.- If pou lurge a boy to go do Suni- geou aJ inulitat iwhicýb pos-dyschooul, auhoanswrs1"!e ethe plae uýt hopomuiicius to w11a'"5 je usea" oudit neto bot li balh, Hatiwchlthe taste' ore- ter, insteaid cfforin iintoi H4oldinjg this view Hifecamre a sense of religions dnîty, oAiy b vndie of contradictions, a perpetu- faice is qesindu discover ifý ai warfaeÈbeteen those thinge hore is any vaine, any use, anYý n-hch he renteýr soems u f1thrug2 nfiiet1evieiii bth'is wicb lyouL nuîr soersutesuggost tat w seld urge bim to Jo? do and thoese n-icb piety pro scrib Wïe have no moral igbt te go,- eCo The god Mar was the unanat throngh any mnelbanicalimrund or ttrai ne n-ho exbansted imself i efrne iindl makinig these fpiting against bîmseif. utions, perf'orming these rits, Reliion ecoms, nder sncb c-ir clitncoa matter of Jetermlin- MMLN IEEWRS ing heherit pays te endure this simply becanse our fathers rin te pueen ImiL erodof retrcton , fiosb ditese thing, or ur tathersa dpiainand denials in orderin toefaitb commijand us te do) tA eUpey andeonty et loas, -be-tem the itis \"orth--, n-b1ileteenu' e'adl brenocea'r orh pngatory on eartb fr the sake tc nsercancoe from e, t,-ethet paradise atrdab omeca nards. nn.We must Tbeqetinof religion goos auseeHityeail tbeway cround bfr gi cat Joui deaper tdan wbe ther it emyko bte h ibpt ips te ho misorable bore in ordemipay's. IstMe yn-b ou -rdUthe ice te h sefisiy iistuiin ior; Ce fotle t hat ays the groat prce, gues Jeeper thani nieainlf oiiighl hegi eVt a co1J"asi-or t diiual un strenigth and betuty of' COMERCALSUPEMAY; lifte worth the ceti it is tbisdJeep), rtquestion, does Snrive knew hatai l tis lifeý it; pay te folio w pyor ideais h et things depeads on thedymi I-s it wnrt nhile, at any coste Acfe e wod of tbougbt, tuat o40 persist in tbe patb cufbeing thebatalire isie by noble idas a yon no 11i supposig tht hedi-dc een te loat piece "f norw i once te that heaveniy vision tdatwa worthy ann"e.Iithe pïursit iee tat ornce tens ai l eda cf soMe id"a! that givns proflncyý ilito paths of pain, demawnds il- h;u every caPinîg; it is the pursnit Iig ste Suifer and to boni- bas, et the idealiii e that gives pne te romain uunknowu, te endure n-at in tbe art et living. nany will (eau lfailuire, is iitthi It is easy -tu s2e' fhow-, t pays toi wrorth whiie I ig Jitches, or t elsougooda. Ar h àisnet an ovideuce of anYthîiug niie se biind ithat iwe canne secb1t basely utilitrian Ai the characterl the joy aind the Profit etfthe life of tdis ago thait yen bear se often tat is ived for the supremo aims,- the test quston "ha s the the, iLeat rlaJiy loses the shadlow- use y' appied te proposed courses for the substauce, the thiugs thar cf action or duty. ltimntely Al perish for thosethat endure,tmat t ring sut contue thiMs prof ofpiety la netseekiuugont the painfl -terriglit te ho, that tdey bave side et hlf e, but it is living for lite use, vaine or tdey render service, iself ratder than for ics tools or One is jUstifed in putthg toe ita mas, that ne prîc yen eap sanie test te every Jennd et relig- pay is tee groat tor the prize cf fi icuis Juty. tit; uscliil on- iig' religions nct te go oni doïiug thiniga HER17. COPE. TIE BBYSDEVELOPIMENT.1 A baby in a Famîly, especialy te ý ërstheby, ita aSoorc ou uenJiiil crit ertuhuntent. otbling ha m Ilore Jualy aasng igna etofinteili- gneas Vtespciloses develop ue at(ter Vite other, und te secite mmd ciunifoid as the body enlarges auJ grens apaco. Te flrstof te senses te be de- veloped i,5 that e ouciot, ýTitis isi present ut birtit, alhongh itis not v.yacute. But it rupidiy, incroeas- esi, aud very seon Viecying auJ freting efthVie baby, if a pinI cutesor te lthigprse uadniy in aay part, afford amjpleý pi-cet tÈhat titis ses a -il dvl Uped. bseandatl are preseat car- What Aias 701-1 Do you feel watrd despondent l have frquent heaches, conaTed fouguie, bitter or lbnd aste la rnornlng, "heart- buma," bel ofig Ztga, acid risa i itetatter eatlng, stomachgnwo bumu, foui breatit, dizzy 8pehîs, poer or variable uppetlte, nausea ut Urnes and klndred symptoma? If y6 ZNuave-&nv constderable nuimber of 111 abovo toms you are sufieriag (romilluan , Id lver with ladi. valmabe ~edela1 2liCcsesknOwn Vo ineelcal scýIence for V ~ uee efficient liver invigorator. stomach tonle,. bowvel regalator and nerve strengthener. ThMGl eMdicai Dlsco)very,,"la net a atntindIcIne or secreýt nostrum, a Iui] list of JUS Igoinsbeing printe'd n ts btte-rapr adatetednae catit. A giauce at its formula -isho thitt.I couVtains ti alcooio, or harintul babit-foritalag driig. It La ai fluid extraci maden-R pure, trlpfle-refined glycerine, iuf proper strejnVth. f rom the ýrtots oft f.l. !y, bui tJone)t bcot tail acute! or Jliscriminating unt"il atter iafancy LInfants are net br -t i Cý os sht, but h' ight Las n-vcii o, fqr they are as bhînd as btos Tbuy iappear te J ,istingmisb;etfe '-" ~ ~ ~ OM -WII-CVX*tcom a ton-woeks oliha evîdently inter- ested n-hon a brigbIt object lantve befre'u e s llitinxt00ilA tbree montabefore I)ocild ei dently recegaizes 'a face-evea uts motber's. TIbi;is ha thrugb ine tait - f theec(s, but is due te the tact that ttie bain is net suflicientiy cJe-- veloed e reordanJ inter-pret -bat tle eyes ceý. The nn-oach.iid is dont as -ehI ns bIinýd, b)ut usually notice,(s d noises býy the iddie or end ocf the secod n-ek.The direction fmom) îwvhicbl a sounid conties seents te ho, recgaîedabout the end oft he, third monti. IV in sente tinteauter thtayweefýom tn-o n-este i twýo titsite-eoeteby cari JinustJfeetsounda ori recegnize Ats motbers voe. Babies l libe noises, if tbey a re net tee boicd or tee audden, and they are parti-1 1Clarly pheaaed whibattling or jing,,-iing seuuds, especially if thecy are muore or lee hythmic. By thte end of tlie flrst balf-yeam an infant n-Hl show pbJeaure on bearing muusic, epeially ingig, aitbough hbnntiu on a tn oe xil usualiy give it as muc piona- sure apparentiy as actual siaging. A cb-ild's movements at firAtare onI hand, reay orus at any timoti Kidnoey t ülsu lieîr qui-c"Jeouetrr ail Kçiduey vwp eabness. omo i n-ba yenms I bad been sutteriag-itb naay uYnneyinig auJ!paintul aymýp-1 toms et kîdney auJdblAdder trouble auâJ aithougit I Lad used every kwameaas cf relief, uotbing sented te benefit may condition. lI -as gra-'dualhy becoming-eûrsef, and itad been prononncijied incura.ble.ý My- back n-as'se -eo kanidtne that Iceid sarcey stand Vie pain cf it. 1 eeuld inet tura iin bcd and cwouid bave te geV up four or five times encit aigbt n-ih the trquent, and irregular utrination. The urine nu-,s scant auJ scalinhapang. Ij xvulfeten un-ake nmore tiredl thian 01ongeing te bed. Bo ot]b's Kîd1noY PIis uvore dvrisdat Jury's Pbarntacy anJdItrid Viont They seen reieved me.I continu- cd thieir treatteat aund -as seen cuired.Every sy oten etthelong standing auJ painful trouble is gene ýL1auJ I -ila-, pa - CIf Ecotbs Kidney PillanauJccsid- or they have adIded mny days t my future." Sold by deèies.Prie 50 cents. Tl-. lE>-P11S.T.-+h fl-, TCo.-1 .Fort uý bpi 1,(ýs ,re i. 1 If YO,ýUAR THN DoýnU t verexri. Sleep ail yuucn Doa't wrrylhrry, or got in a Do'tloeyo)ur tm r o o tilleisiriaoyn Eat freely !)Tof ls1 akn od but not ooiigh to in yo)udgs tion, îwichmas raerag Drink ait 3yeur nmeals and ak pleny ofwate, as well as coý:con. (sobsae 'nd milk. AVoid pickles, cids, SaLit meat Lem odsto conceni youu c.f eeLts. Yoil may tiki ab te do, but it isýn't naicmsgc r o the trouble yeur ato uter bau CHEINGTHE FOODl) Siîxtýy or seventýy cble ws 1to ever y b)itecfofoodis watn-h ogh t guve;: instead off that, n-e cnrr t hrongh our melobt u r fodand bastiiy walowitwitb thle hel oDamuthul f wntr orote llnid, and whbat is tho resuit of-thisi Fir"st ithere is idget0nro oh chewe foe; secndly ail he eil mudy complexion, 'rled ee n fer from lac fs.The tetare mneantfor cbe"-ving tefoa ndI if Unot usd for that pin-pos for- ]yrely dcay. Ntehoimub nos Icoka depeud upon cewingon' 110W TO) USEIDNE if it is ncsayto 1use hodine for panigthe sii in med'(ical 1treýat-ý mnitis worth romembering tbat the Painting shiddonc](l , ii theo lark or in a redC light sncb as" isý used'f in pbioto'grapby. If 'thisisl donc andthe painted port)ionoftbe skia b ho ovred witbout bking ex- ter neýr stain the fiesb eo ifte painting is repeated a good many timmis. KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELIJ Frm Expience.dý ", Sic kdacs r rspoýnsible foýrý a geatamont of nforiuîg andiii The eaonso imanly use Bootb's licsi Dee a clineda noterof ta e p ie necyerctzens oft Winripeg uà tue person cf Jescph James Phip,Do muinion fruit inispectôrv,Sudy Aug. ,2nJ(. He Jiod at bis rsdne i6jGrabat avenu , ater -a <hort Mr. lPhilp n-a n-cil avancdl year, pssiG;thetbeescore markul ýi good,),iheth up te nPweek agol hie worlc tabou a) eiei-Ay iii, auJ Jespitothe berPAt edcaaiidho gradually sank, [paigan-yabou heeo'cbeeCk. 'loUia mr sis skiJtdThm1ave bocen~ Vite cause et' Je'ath. The laVe Mm. bilpwas ene et teG ietko- c n the city. Comiug fron t brout n-nty years1 Ag h tok up bis residence in té- cit auJ bas resîded homo ever sonce. 11e n-a identifIed -J ,,itb eml socie- iesý auJ n-as a prominount Itomber cf! Grave churoit. The no-s efbis Jath xvi4lconte as agrea msbok te bis maiy tfied n-osn it alive vey e!enithy. Ev tit , manage-rs; et philanthropie and religions istttin ,,as n-oh as a, largo circle cf acquaur-mitancos., bis suddenen -ilbvol o e pyr- getted. bbThe t Mm. Phiip n-ns bora at educ(ation being received utte public auJditigb sebols (eft tat ton-n. Hie n-as eloyo)l)-d for a shiort ite(, as clork in London, Ont-, ad biter entee"d bsns in Quebecý. Hoe camen-est i 88,accempaieo !),, bis tantily, Iau ek up bis rosi- Jonce iný Winn--ipog. Ho n-as for a nunther oet ycars eNae t -v ohesaI(e fruit business. ha 1902 4i nte nrren-wstreets of ,3ctiïuatasea are belon- ns, wîth bîgit gabled houses. We sec men rnnd enrs ett 100ok ün--ati us. gradnalliy massed togethor in crowVýds. The roofs et the bouses bc- cotie black witit peoplo. Handker- chiots appear overyn-hore, -,and abouts rcacb pur cars ex on Vhougha te rat[tleof pur mtos. NO PROBLEMS 0F TRANSIT. 'Tho f al efthVie Ritine, impassable and unichangeabie obstacle Vo !nahi- gatuon, precsents ne difiiculty Vo)us. ofbl s ttransit ontVitesufc e)ftÀVitýecartit bave ceas,,ed Vo exiat for1 us un the air. \We san>-rvete tho souithe-at, cressiag the plaii te- n-vards tVite Sniss nmountains. MWeare passing ,above sitonig uulun vill1ageýs wbicit, eind up te uis front 0evei'y point a 1greeting nithout envy. ïtho railway belon- us ouchestVite ntouQ1UVtinis and Jisappears in a tr- ne!, Iookiug ike -,an oartbn-orm re heum ghit. '1iheruddcirs send tus ip-i -d, so-yaund etcni;our psbip ut a steep angle climba Vs tite aide o1ýË a peîpcand tethat n-e t1itowno n ballast overboar'd. Pamral-1 let n-ith Vte railway tunne-l -e kcros's over teo mouintains at a hieght of TIo pen-r secin as badý !iLk i greaty amfecne by yeuag Ceearly eey hoissne hd The e uifhi padouris oboleto Stran-trimmn arks the lntest noein orriey Raj'lah 11auJ (tuloegoý-v's are neC fncy t ts Momeabnt. e Coat ar fanifu1in nt s n-cilA m as~a; in hei ti)mà" gerie rok t etilrîds Tuome pcf tue lateitibats uggest ai larg embmidred doiy.eýàlo X bie seeis atoheofmatemrial par Pie bcutncefo nar t tebc oe En mrieedflt e s per yn on ntaayDIEt tDe hndsomes JOURNEYIN AN AIRSIU TWELVE OURS IN 9111E AIE WITiI COUN-T ZEPPELIN, Few Over Towns and M~ondai»s in flore is a strîîngstoy onih one secs and Lods ]lke on a twelve- bour 1!ýjoL1rney in anl airship ,-tij tuis )year no mian in the wvorid s hîstoywasable o w rite eer imae sLich a evehujor neyý t'il[(Junt Yelepcn andtlas frinds dmid i on July 1, travelling from ontacetoZuih Amongthosein thle shlipwaDr H. Mere,'SÇeli1, an1d lho uas ritte he follwin artcledecruïibing bis or nyfor IeWce Iobno Lvenîinglestasae hatb toriedoueths 110W TUIE! TITD '(Jllegueand tïriîend of Uount parnod hîimi n tattev-ur oneyin bis airship, thelogs journey that; baýs e been tak ,en in an a01ip0hrub h Swîýssmon tain, ;t't is to 5say-, over a dsrc wh Gb p~se t te grea1'test di'1cu1 d ~ placewas in thefontgn oîa w îet the control ofstcrrn nîahinrytakeýs pac.In atca th '-ciwe eght eol-teCount, thecio enaciiylfto in the nndrgondi(olawretiree mechaics lsoand in thesoale sýaloonl, -whichiis plaed btween thL!e no'elt fied of thec Counlt. "Sve mnucsand the ýs'hip mo,ýv- cd ou of is floating bail and back- cd raîdl owardsCntac.i n twonlty inu tes we w,,ere above the(ý town,iten'igto the shouts of the ontîlre popjulace. Wýe leit thleencîy and liurid onwards. Balow us lMy the ric etre s that had been thise of so-) many great, evenits i Enr-opean hîstory. Wepa1sedove\-r this Counltry ati pedof oesît kîlometers in the hour, but at last the Rhîle valteýy began tonrow and we approachodi a difficuit andi interesting part of Cthe jurey lte niavigation of t-he airshîip i l mun- tain valleys. ý_NA-VJ.CAIED TnEMUIA. -AS wCn swnng r loui)cnd oni oun- t'ainter htebr, we had our firs-t eprec of a veýrtical ascend- ing cuirrent, of air which pse the arshîpstronagly u-adat pvul eecessarily bring our journe(y to) aned if its force couild not ho rstc.By masof Our dnm viudders ,we woro able, inispite o the dîtrm lorce, to ke i slip At its rigât leveL. pouiJ 'AL0oPeEfArIerA. Intenatinal o~ Sow Iternational Cat show, Fer Fnuz Liss Enfry Blssks ;d ] nfrs Io dre"s 3. O. CiR , a r, Ci'-81 Fyil CHEAF AIRES FROM EVER-YWH-ERE * w or cuirren,n-bicb flews onarsauJ the sbi. -"At ten minutes te tn-o n-ehad pssed the apex, and the vien- et the Lake et fZurich n-ns bLoeus. The clescent n-as ns dfcit as the as- centË. The wnld n-ns aVilI str ,ong aga-inat us, auJ. non-à it n-asine)long- er a dsenigbut an nscendîng- curment. Ounrhi ur amai- cdl don-an-ards, anJ at lastn-e reatý- cd overZuih BACK AAN "At hit -afve no auhtsib once m ore t!th brndsirtace cf Lake Cons"'tan"e. ] I the evnung sunL thec imetue fotigbul nbe is tehome et our shi, shonecler ly, iIigus bome-ard ; bti-em susteci. Wo turmned Vlýit no et Vi sbip eastn-ard uaiorder te kIeep our promise te mua anothler point et Vlite Ruilie valey " AV VwenVy six minute',s pasIeib the-cars toucbed the srfaeof the water; te preciso momnt a n-uc n-o htad lof t it that memn ring«,. Ia )Ur ofme ttvlv er - u fin-n ) oer ton-,n s au,-iiJllmountaÏlinh ranuerube coditinaJdirc tienis. We hdpasofrnuese may ctoaln-ay aser emor sblip), an slords e tefln-n Gcean air, auJcn qeord -UiV aanonc that Vte Inon-1 ZepplinAirhipCompauy , -umbi te mantaU!n a regniarservice cif .binra' betn-en erlia n Vt leainlg econtiniental cities, n-il bv a cýapital of betn-eea £400ù,00ü and Y,500,000, Vte Kmnpp firm ,being heavîly iatereste-d," , ays lThe Ob- server. "Utiter capitalîsta arc ne- tieypusiug t- orn-ard te erganiz- aVi on et a, bague te carry on an aiainfor a igbty 'Intpemiah air ité'of buhairshipsanad nero- pl)anes, aud te eperate tenton their en-n account by toeus et a amaliannuelaliilbscription." depend1(. S'id ilx three degreea for ý)eiaIper b Sod il driqgs, or sens !reopaimon e.it TriE~ acres ofgoo orchiard land is coîil.- (idre qiteenul to keep a faill- Thereiý- areý two orhrd wned by twýoSctmn T-b ey wevnt outt land at the modest sum of $200~ per acre from the Governent,cead iaud plantd appl e rcs pon it. Last yer botb of themr netted ove (r t ,oo m.lreo, ols ey j_ýCu Vil sale et appies. Many a tian, ifHoA j manages bis Von acres et baud pro- Ily~4u, o1ruk2~0~ r$'3,M0tL profitut1 the end e iteseasi a Sente mon are no n tking as muci as $ý5,0i00 a yoar trot t 'heir tn acre patches. li e rosit a i;tat sente 10,0,)( people in ite isliad are non- gr;n-- biîg applos, pet tbey cannet suppiy the demand. lThe arn-tillain tec colony- coulne)t tîîmn ont eneugit boxes la],,st soason lte,)packalVte applos titat n-egren-ni. liteprn cipal rnsen wIty h"the choîsa re mýaking nie itie fortunesý ont et no-cuptumed i tIeBitsturt. Itrequired tn-enty-seven large steamers te carryVitequantity tub- [en by Great Britain h, astsesn lThe value etfte id t tetecol- Soay is nioV leýs titan $1, ý250,000. Saved lusband's ite, lte creported disîover-y etJitehi C'zain etf a "Terîcriat deait sen- tenice" hying(on Vte bed cli er sleeëping son recahIs twe sim!ilaiy ICa-e e-' ,e,- er- - i-the life rof liter L a ___________________ ____________________ . . . . . . . . - - its kicbing, clincitingcfbtau 1ubigfae 0ntVo ho trerelinii- sicieexorcise et its non- mlus- clos, just ns its'cying serves tne -,ý, padifs Iinugs. Other MOtions, are reflex or instinctive, auJ purpeOse-, fuil museniar 1moveý-uts are ot course jnet macle unil Vitebrain isi s'ifi~ietiy Jevecped te rdler Vitet.-outt'sCompanuen.1 SANDBAGFOR TH1E SIC R0O1. Erie On., oleCunadian Agents. TR11EE TH A TMWO N'T C ATCH IlF!RE On ite vast plains of C'olumbia aud norti of Sentt Arnerica calledi savannas,ý whieb are parclited n-iti bout, cpt Juring Vie aiay sou-, sothere is eueetite greatao f inutuiireuciriositie-a Vree mca1hled te "ciapurre," n-iicit is tireproof IV is tho cuso f Vite Celumbian tEýrdJsmen Vo clea-r Vite greund by toas et irefor te non- vegetaien, wbhicitapin 1 P se uuiatyi tee rogonsatter te maiuy seaca. specor i hiitposition lho hleld np tanet on-an inha1875. 1De- ceasd hasurvvedby bis nite,eu son, , Caec, a itree daugitema.i Mr.E. b. Leecit, Mrs. S. A.ý camptel al'd Miss Maud Pbihp, who i,;engaged on te teaciting - staff et itepbi ciobbuit n-be is ut peetabsout a uVie)coa o1 item vacaionlWod e be ath'er's1 d'atb -as nirdher.-elogmaým. NLWBALONACT FOR TUE agini at the point whe-re the tunnel REACEIED LUCEIRNE. 'Shourtly after midday we reached Lucerne, facing Pilatus and the Rigi surface of the Bernese Oberland. As wepaFis over the lake the lîttle steamers are f ull of shouting people. Thie streets andi quayýs are black withi ~¶ithrt[lte fliglit bias been) wrth, or at Ieast ]not aasthe windi,; now we must manoIeuvr1e cdif- CASTOlA For Infants and Childrelà. The Kind You Haye Alwayp;s Bought Bears the Signature of PORTUESIN APPLE (1ROWfiiN U Tasmaia i Desrib as ise Frit -Gro er& Padiso prs.On on e occasýio-n she folund on bier hsadsdesn al curions and raiia weca, andC, on pic-king it wp11)to xai it more close'l, w-as both urrie and alarmled at 1 liht u3-- rying with it to bercowýn ro ,,she plunged it int bai n o1)11'11(ÏwaÀlter, andsmondtePeet6P- stidy, theCzarinla fanc l ýicdse eiz., Golde-n Seal root, Stone root, Black san bas. g. Oc oeden ie rc t survive the flme to prof. Hutchinso)n, the rený!owned strength of the wind changes un apei a-wyTsai ubn wyudrpeeto Cherrybark, Queen's ro)ot, B1ooot. jjid s:and; dry jýtkfortunes inoc the cultivation thf theieý rar prsec otieés minege fur tOOK Wuer on is.apei a-wa u1 '0ndra-ke root. 1~soe brubyl pan afford a, elcome shade ià air other-bloitenaefrteCnrlmonans The islanid mlay well ho dlescrib-bidnbscidr go-iht Theng fhoSimo tes xo then tworeon INgike inhe or g fanoil onty t sa m Canada Fair. bas a nce act caicu- "But the mounitain gate is Short, eastefutgwr'prdise ihnusr. nlaigte Te tiiowAmno Ueam neusca aUthorities, squar)e, abou trels thripu lApo any visito to the fair. soon we are beodWordirotheocdthdoradgv cover the1,w twenty { ____in___________________________ _'i__acre_________eau__________________a an suarbaho tulatd ___ an rtoi al0 th c~ drop an par Con-Ys reehths i ýf.ud rý 'c! 2;t_.ý uple paacuesndi pass coter________________ the_____________________ M.kgo B..J h K a I , A u rm o pe.vent t e sns(jn n us iii l ily f ro m fire,_ o the nature Lho g h c ion a md ideal s rrundings, bu't stidy, <der.~~~an M.on s..PîRing~ ofar ±s nark of m siy parachute Troe baloon Agi we asedttnimne sata aac a i ak aoeoo a aebsecp iihiocan ProfD.stry Jo ofn ho Scld !of A throug the windhow. h SLfuhrdrda mneedoftesaon-lv drNIDAuthorotS»ctl Mie ; merof. and will ails(, enale yout t'o betleso h tuki loelyes as oacnd120fottSerieegh n nsjgt aanta bi iitelno iuriuS Launce Jolie NL MD. MAd. Dpçt. Unlv. et the bag quickly by placng it in tirhes ý) then aerona per ourrmîngsusatalblnc thi a Prf afeni d-oe ree ntbe top of the tbemoe deoiate parts sf the strue-rnat oro tlis actf. Prof. HultcbIiuso bas g near- nortbeast wrind over the pas&. namd fo the rvro htnm anl a'ilgciao m ui d stove After once using tbi yo fif esm sppie orhad are tes hoar 1AAR,2 o,.Y.- -nd bole i foot r adsm of a mikwt tum rc. ý Tenive beiv1htti v3000 ascens tu bis credit '11RRUGH ORETO ZURIU.wih flowslý tbrough it, aïere tbe h C . ,extirac-s froei tng 0f o.1 or bote perso tr!gow y where goid is ahbun- .___"Frteirhptepsismade fndCrosyeogi svr Stuuus poswdmy msib t ee-r la-h ar ti or mso a bikp rýü vik beo laýý sen diec too dee diueheased ori.Criisy nuhi s cel, -tlhs d many ater e d mgl tin-oebu waAe r a .ik dant ifnoh soi' ,)'1w "and it ct-r- T)riiy ýc ,wobd brl o('Ilel yahg alln aet idoeman oain n or-,~teuctc r i groeutn of ;whirti GMenMeU-ea D"sc-- The sand holds the heat a long tinm tainiy i common i auriferous dis- Derth, vaged mul wbo hasd been more- wnwul ih tablelanci ownung - Dr Perco'S Pi sant Pllt rg.i1ate an and__ the wisdo ofn due failyd physictrots.hreugh this gorge we must pass, in extet.,h aoiyo be eia y-e inegoars ac. frr a bwes.Thy heback witbout bnrting tinva -Wby, miammaii," she said one day, and bore navigation is especîally- hx- range frr fifteon te tbirtyý acrefeAldeesorD..W ha MolclDsoey tbosseI4 ire xnuch con- 1Ii d. 1is- C1ar simd Ha 1eer Blesser le-- g f -+ de '~~~ t.-.- SiStfl apo inrt andd Beuorls, are the best remedy for a derainged stomnacli, Tbiey are a safc ande ueritlelaaie a reliabe cure for obstinate Constpation, Bilious iAttaks ilcaaMcand aildisordersarising from a aeak Di- gestion, sluggishLiver or clogged oes.BehansPulla and are a wo-r1(d-famnouLs mediçine for the cu-e of thecseprven complints. The-iir cost is a tilteir iadt. For your-î7 healtb's sakýc, insit on Beecham'ês Pulls They do monre for your boy ha ay other rcmiedy. 1Knownvr and use(d by hundreds of tosdsau ovr tde goe Prepard ony by Thonmas Bcecham, A.t. Hmen, Lencushire, EngIan Suid b i Oregglss lM Cana d U. S. Amnerlc . oxS..28 cen. Au pi9 XT TI NSet.1 GrAtéd iE Pn BsÏAtMldÂm C xhbtinii alfleWol Every v ic Seucla Mai- ll M L'e and 1 1 ---- - --- - - - - 1 ......... ...... 7ýï -- 2 - -- - - --- 1, idaviIL-ht mnd Amd .-.- ý, ' 1 - ý --iz-t , ', ý *,7 ni -L Lý ýL -L il ýi Ir ; j Ir ý 1 rr - 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 Ir Dominion Fruit Insýpecte4r Atter a iBrieflneaof

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