- theirbac r= ma et eVerýthijln the roo0M S!b Y. wash tubý'. ataïou)e, pails01f water and wach tintde kitcan ater hevwait tilt SUbout mldnlght foùr the arl teogo toibed. Doyou njya bauhethberro! heew a, mi iio!l " a moderni baCh roorn. N Cartlng water up tairs, and" no doublin pluatb uth tap on (hot or sold iwater)an evryhlg eready. ln n n ave unive youanI -Zint o itu up a frt en bh ce Ym iESenwrsTANBowVV'-C 1Inde M-O-niWorîN Thie Deaîlemma e "if i e1 Irust, T; I trnst i bust; Nores- no r --To truet no bust'" We bave whatYo-u rqie-TEGO Youhae watwe neeci -THE MQEY; Let us get busp ndexhage aciboth betLehpir Sernto Cal u egStoe anîd rut size 1 W$650Per,, ton, at ilaror or G . tt unnd z7,00 iiveedinito Pen Coal $11OO per ton leu,. Ulusa hrge for carrying. 25C par ton OUf fr Spot Cash IP OU ara buidin we shaï b pete d to frisyou wi Lumbr, enn Lath, Shingles, Dooris, Sasb, Blinids, Mouid- !ngB, SidIng, WaiýýnsetngCeilNg, and Pine and Ehrdwood FiooingSA also handie Gait Art Mautai Shingles and Sid- iu, e Fiukte Apaiand Carey RoigGaeaSait, Land PaseC anne! n rnîigCoal. u iyrîgh', prloe' e~sna e WWefiedy and giver us a eallor telephone. Town Phon No i a. aroPone -No 1 b. "qti p i.ee.Î; L , I iiil Wear oigto clear ont 200 o dd 11 ha So ne tbeire Sorneat Our pie O orne at anypriCe In thý3 lot aecarsajrckr u , ablefor an- rorn I,-he hoiuýe ac1 ieîiel * and mahogantLy, on r uh1tî *VaIle and-i price make rapid seliing so0 * corne ear1y. N Ne 1QMTURe DBALERî- AND NERAL DIRECTORS 1.hBwoanale. Branches: rono and Hampton. Reid & earn5s Summ,.,er Sale Forthenet 2~wekswe wlll sel ut reducad prices n lot of odd flues of Bots arid tûtords for everbody. Hrier ye afew of tbem; 3 Womnz'sCanvas Oxf1ord, reg-wlas Ox.6o for $s .'i25 Mises' ,, , ~ $s25for ,à0 Chlde's ,, , , .0fo 65 * Me's whte, oos ,,$75 f0r$:!3ç Runnlinig Boots ad Shoca 20 perceat off regular prices. Mises'Fat Lathr Bot,'sJZeS 11 -',e82,00 far .0 * Women'setrap KId Siýpper, 1ren-ch Ileel, reg, $2.5o fr'75. WmnsPa tïump5, bis 2s -6 r 75lr .i or $2 25 ~~ Tb~s isonly part of themy- corneand see foryorefWehe to mnal e foom loýr F'ait goods which are daily arlviag. *ReiÎ & P ea rn, OLÂET TCiIkON Mid-Summer ýj-Weddig On the e ng't Jaty 29 h abo;ut 80 gesi asembed at the home et Mir. A pha PncLiberâv street, north, te wi*tnessý the o'1Larriage of theiir daughter, Ma")e1'lrIreeLto John ]David Graham. T,, the sranso the w7edd !in.g march, plydb',Missn EaChapMan, cf11To. zclo tebridue enterC;ed h alrlean iopg ou the alim cf ber iftherend açtend ed by tLe ridsm ib1s Hildali G7ra- a r ( roero utebi i ne, sUppoae the geroom.ey . -Gribut, weto suppr, afîe wxc D. J Pt r,"h Mr, Alpha Pin twh av a gte wuor cf ongat a nd adný1,T-,ý, eric Othes were calal on, ieinding eVe L. A. ToeMr mFan os t incipal dývOf CHleamnPubcr r) s,., iThegroo fan fe mnT7,T-,-,cngwa amedfrom Peterboro, ohv Hadn Ohi; Dloratue, M ýïan., Toronto, (C';-; masPeterboro sudother paces. Anguet 8rd, 98 besail pri-,ent except James G.,ooy Whoesle 1; Reeve James BYers presidinjg; flruied. D3r, R. B. Harri taerdbi esg naio3a ft ia')eob fier hc use Cf Town Hll, on lhebaiflt! esy terin cngrgaron or to haveaupe aud seied apoirtlng D.McAr'tur Mdclhea,,lth of1îmrfote eann part f 1908 ing of Cucite api.point a2 hico of r Rae ""o'108, men $ fe ue o TwnHall as poit- The Rev igned orders as lolowms: Geo. Fowler, wek n road div No :23 j$10132; John roug, ork on Manv"era boudar 84.8; Sil Denwork c ,L 1 î4!Une, con. i $10r; Aouso do 1 4 thuee on, 4 $29; Joha Forderulert slud timâber, 1-41cecn 5 $5 45; Johnî Wright, tînmber sud work orn brtdgeroaýd d iv. SNo 12.1,92'; 'S idn ue y l'MCQuade i , 80ý I oade o! gý,ravQi $8; Wm Daruy, work and gravei od diV. , $7 47; johin Strong, 1'5 od4sof. V' rece$375 nie$8GeNstt 55 rods o! ir feua;e $375 amsMarlow, wý;ork o road div. 3-1$4 Tt amei Gn, 13 feet of cedar t-imber $395; Jh c Kea, Shovelling gretl, road( div. :26 81.25; Wmn. MLw.-head!, drAwiugl gravei road div. 41 $7,2-5; Rqober Dickie,work où M.-nvers boundary $2;ý James Strong teani on grader 1 day $3; Taylor Bras., 18wl rode of wire con. 1 $41 62, Council adjourued te meet Septamber î th 908.6,EÂoz Cak are so uulversnlly kuown aud so highly prlzed as Dr. Chsse's Iledlpe Book and the same May be said lu regard te Dr. Chaise'è Madicinesa whicb new have at place lu the Medicine cabinet o! the getma.iorlty o! .hemas, -Dr% Chase's 'ltnu or example is standard thej worild over sud taprctca]vthe OnlIy Actuai Cure for AIl forme ,sof Plil. M à.% aud Cr"Eepuc lehoidaying at hkomei.... Iss Anula Mountjoy bas gene te visit with ber brother J A Mountjoy, Heward, Sask-. . .. John Graham sud brida, Bowmsnyilie, speut Sunday at David Grsham's..., .Mrs A Stainten sud Mies E Truli, Zion, visLted at R Moore'e , . Thos Mouutjoy blas purchased a new Dominion or,-an . .. Norman Rundie bas taken a position ai Lakafield ..... Mrs R Moore te vlsliing frieuds lu Tor- onto .. .. R Siemon lest a fine colt receni- lv ---- Mts0111eWillitams epeut some Dr. Chase's Ointmeut lia, an nuparallel- ed recordetcuesf 6e.a box aï ildea - I M fuids, Port Hope, autoed hans SuuidsY sudiW tille 2Lammimüan, Osha,-, ara' boldayng ere,.,..Eversbody coe Ifunjday. Bey T H PAdeoni preach te the DIision sud Loyal Crue. adars wIho appear lu regzaila suad badges. Mire (O'r) Wýïll4m A Wblte of Naw iYork CIty. wll ssiit tha choir sud sîng I OSHAWA JonHodgsouý._.-,lss MargaretM- Feeers Toora, l hoidainghere... Miss ZUih a ughli, Osawea, le guesi o MssMande Curtis. ..Miss MatrUy Mannirug, Bowmançillec ta wlth her itr Eff te.Rev Daivid Rogyers, Seaforth', wss enewng o1d aCquAiBtan. fer riane wh mouu te ath o! Mrs Fred iW. Allun (nea Iilly simPs0on) for- Meýriy Co! Tytne2. Whilb Arthuar H Brant V SWae 1uiodi ha- AUttg Btd the hfrkrope brok,3, aud st-eppîug bný&k tô aoid esu etrckha at fe!rom Lthe wago raigbsrgtam to cure a nbsd bowel 'treubles aud are PC dacrus.Wb he mether gives Baby's Owu Tablete te er lute4es ab bsteguarautea e a oermutsai,- ys tatibsmzçedoenaine nOc eplt or narzollo, And she nha h suac cre atm an sd bewei troubles btey Corne unexpercediy. G!,e haFel'l cbli an occasýLal dose of haatablai sudaj thay wtll preveut siekZuesa by clearlng the Ltozmmansd bewela of offeudlug imat- ter. lirs. WletBoueý, CrvllDnt,, saysý-'I av ne Baby'sOwu Tab),la for' sirnc sdhe týroubles sud ne by n3Ledîclua eaiers or iby mail ai25eP, bxfrein è D e . W:Iiîams' Mdi !c ne Mi. rokll L Ont, M.r Silas Trewin t e greýatly l mproviug,) sud MsF C Trebi'VCck vieited friaend's hrrecentl~he Dr. takiug Charge ef Dr Slemou'e pyr'actLice duirrng Is 'ab) sauce la the ciiy, ..,Mr Garnet Cham, wnsu bas biqen appoiuted techr f the Jewel,.. Mr C JMouujoyvlsted at Jrames MàoUntjoy's, Sr,.,. r sud Mrs T W L ebîewcstle, vlited MrI. ýWm Hecrringe ecny. .. LMr EH Rogersbas reiurued hiome. Hie brothier 'Rev D Roge,érs _lu el-siiiug-1,hlm .1ý11M rs R~A Wýi1scn le at PF W Lee's. ..re Knox, oroine, ai',MrsE H1Jwerr-Y's. .. . iss Fsnn.uy VirtUe sud Mr Wmn Staples ai J J Vîte'.. rs McBre , Tronie, M r D F Walsh, Orono, at RBey J A Jewell's. . _. Mise SybîlJwil at Mrs C Tsdner's, LPktfi3Ld. Mr11:s T Ryau1 sudýJ wiare expecad atMlr John Ry u'sonthair raturu from IU, S ,Mou- teaiarA, other places.MATaster W Sutherand, Columbus, at M.r Piow. right's.M. Nies Florence Trewln le visttiug ba.r sis-tars, Me.sdaLmes Wm sud Fred Srnitb, Efad,, onJacks The actIon etciar Littie Liver Pielepleasaut. 7mid and rnaturai. The:y gentty ',tiulais tha "liver aud, reultath bwesbutdonet pre Tb(eyarecuet pae.Tr.ytbemi Mr Jo)hn IMYeMullen lu3 art'he waaftber,., H HOda tifmadentrip to thiae ils.,. T Smevi ws ubui nase lu, Toronto recant1r...Mise M fi. niug -mule arelu rciiof acar Co! wh1ýat . _ ,_ i Cb7arl.ey M-illet was down frein t'he clty feýr hie holiday .... J E Richards aùd wifl' took a, holiday lu the elt last week. .Nr Hlali ett baving bis bouse reuewad by a fresb ceai of llqld,., MraHeekin of St Thomas le vliigber fathar, Tnomzuý Doujt ...Miss LizzlÈre ogba o~te Orîtls !r aprolug~ bn'Y'~. ,_ LUSs %UGt, Mrs S Hialliday. r Gog seymour and fnrniiy are, with ber sietar lu- PortHope.,.. .Mresllcav id sas', le vliiiugai John Rlekabv 'tý Misss%îMcCullagh were d u rmthe sojur wtl, ur iseraiAimenta, Mise MacP~ilbsreturned te diuty lu Tha- ~efi~rStoe,.. AToujaCanlin, .anld Mre W MocPhersen vîtied ibair' sister, Mi5ss L Tourie .._E V Dyer of Port HopeGý was lu to-wu racantly. .. Our vlaewrs overly quiet on civie hoiidav mayavailg themeves cf the axcur- siou te P1eterboro sud Burligh -Falls drawîng tha mos haRvi7Ls'upou Our r ..uc .,, Mre L Paterson3, Bowmau. vileaa beau guest at Geao Hancock's _ ,Mr Norman S James, wife and sier Mre "Dr-) William A White, Newf Yctrk Citï, ware lu the village oe evaiug Ist week. Wllýhv dou't you tirs Cartar's Little Livîer Pill1as? Thay are a positive cure for elck tbeadacheand ail tihals pro. duicad by dieorderadliver. Ouly oe ou Madawsska River, living ou s houl boat. Tb, pariv consi8ste et' Gea Mille L Stjphensen , 'J E Beaton, yE M Jeweý W A Hair'8ýe, aniMoorearsudJohn Bal W LHorsay, pOpuflarle kInown àte h friads sI<eta" had i pleasýyut et pisaonFniday lasi wv'han bis uu Ir Uriah '- ýsou cf Bast ?,tai resei Chie! -Hlud las uow bnsead inspecter. EHowýa rd Coeody hba s gnea te0 Bitant fo0 MIseI4lvaTrul 1i l iiig eaia Tyron,2. Oebawffa imusi coLÈrIbjtq 25,-4 ecoul rate feo. 1908. Nnrth WV-et MisLapp, Toront-,o,teusi o!M Carrne Cook. tIVes in Picton, rs Docnalid 1Halli 1v isi1edfiad oruorece3uty M,'iss Elva B3eokarleoldlgw relatives ai BerliLu H J LHarris sud wlfe, Teronto, wvý lu w n evaèr Suud ayî frIands aievatn Mï(rs W Naît sud Lloyd ara vistOi reaie uMou tr'eal MisZila McLaýugbiiUn rceutly vIE ed fiand luthe citty Dr- Nasmîttb, Toroueto,ý MVre WV Gordon icenn,1e--st her father WKeney Mie' ss'M4abel 7;illa m s tusi ca tliug Lake et Bayeý, Muekoka. R DoLLlng, Des MinsIwa, le bc dastng wîiib bis parents, Miss NallCor la ý, i visýttiug Mf Faucry VFonUBffal, N Y, Mir,,-zch, Bost, ass, le guaýsi ber sistare. J iF Giarson., MiseMarou AderonEgîlutonz, gui o ,H. A. Porter, JonCrresd Ms Mara uj iugs ttp broghManitoba, MilnsGrin Powdens Cureý. R Mitchell & e , Bwa le Miss Jeau n ithToronto,t! o aîldaý lug wib bhernci Fred Ha-ra, Miss Minute Cag atroovisitE bar cousin Mrs A N Eisrceîy Mrs Fnank -TuztilAnsd chîlira Detroît, are vlsltîug relativýes bers.ý W D ilon, vwtt e nsnd chLIldre n, cblag, ara ho9-1da Yiui nZ-tCapi nRobi Dlion!1s M rs Ed Rundle suýd dsngbtan EffIo Vermoutý, U S, are v;isittng MreJHo den, Miîss ablLow, cf the Viudicatc stf, 1le sp)end iugri 3rVac'ýa t io0n lUBl'y t h Oui. NeisonH Nlcd1sio's Bank, Toi ente, epaUL Suuday auder tha paneur-ts roc!. Mesdamnes H Benneit!dWin Jaec are ai St Thornas aitendiuLg Gran Lodge. Mrs Smith sud dauzbiers, Mlilbroot ara vleiiing bar mothar ire Mîllc French, MISs Gladys Hopper, Toronto,j vlsltlug b'ler grandinoher Mrs Thc Ban H ioppar sud Johîn iKehl!ow, a M1isses3 HdlîEh sud Grace Loweaia visitin-g iheir e;ttr Mrs Jesck Cardei Mrs (e Morris sud dangbtan Glady Torenzo, reviltngbr rmethar Mi Wlltou white, Mns Wm Ne8wtou suýd Eduia vlslbe lier sieter Mrs(By L W W,7icketý MIr s BJ G a y, H a rold udnJ-Ev ai v 1 Toronto, recentty visite! ber gran- miothar Mre R E veren.19Ca M1ieIW H Wilson bas beau caliled t the bedaidu Qi lier husband by hie ser loue illues3 lu Tornto, Mr A G Stonie will repraseut th t9wn P-' the sUbutiýjà E!riway conventie Un Tôronto oun Aug 2th. The beet ifemedy fer i&rofuli la Mil ler's CompOtiud Imon PIle,-50 doe fa e2e cents. IL. M. Mitchell & Co. Jack Neitt la visiinluToronto. Hi rnauy friande wiliihapleased te kue' that bis beltb bas greatiyImprovad. Markha-m's uew pos, office will b bu!)it by W J Tlrick o! ibis tewu. M begns orkon thle cencreta toundatiej 'l'hasilvar cnp won trom L1Wbitby 0e Civic, Holiday by Oshaw j union basebsl teain le on exhibitioniuu& Gregory' wlndow. Sait rbanm sud ail 4aezemaious cou ditieus oftIna sklu ara cured -bv the ni ot Mulr'saCompenund Itou PFilla. R. >1 Mitchel & Ceo, Bowmanvlla J D Sterîs sud wl!e, Mesdames1 Poliard, towu, sud L M Courtice, Coui tibe, motored te Cadmus Wadnesda aud spaut the day witb Tehun L Powei Eidrad sud Malville MeLean, Jac Hamrnend sud Walten Daulals ai camping at Pins Point, Scugog lsisu( Mn, Mrs sud Mies Clarke sud Miý Audrey Dowuey, Tononto., asd DA Clarke, Bannait, Bowmans'ille, wez gua3seoe!Mre B Bannatovan Sunda3 4~l ty onut moe tan orncet ~~~q~ bvtebethebugt inae l ut W , Bur au fieFAe H AI) I VI I. ".1 l~,/, ':~ '~ FA, I-ADDY GUroceérIts that pý,eiesle.1t 'iep an r en eavoningteseLpply as c w cousud nw e Ihaves wa GemiJasd ail siz, boih1lu ugar wds tops sud uanrrow to'o!2t lest trute of01ail kinde lu raeravingud tabla uvse. suabesl ,gain jars sud ,ud aggs aned > YChina ll-I Grocery - Warik 23,zS To WINNIPËEC Free tickets trom Winnipeg to poïnte whefam,, lab<e.-ers are ,,eeded-,, wiUhin crant~t. EXCURSIONS LEAVE G. UL2 2&SEP'rýT. 1 1 AsC 0.PR. !-ïkbt Axeat for useý e sp"ee O.B. K.ENT, Aet oravle naro teurlng theemcunly, caliad sud took nlm, for a meontrip East, Palte had a flue ride but reiunuied soconan ibsun ex- pectad on Salurdias'decaianug ibtal li tiluga conslderad, ha woui!d S'Oenr go TiczQmY vs E-xPuarnio- Theentaes areo! an erybeatiflbut tbegy ara net te betrustad as mauy s phýsict'an bas tOund Out whau fh waS tee laIe te gave th e it'ethie patient. hi Sle aaS; Salt p a uiedby tbae xperienca o! othiers sud use oniy i oaî ina !trlad sud preven matit sncbi as Dr. Chase'si Svrup of Llnseed sud Tlrpeutline ton iha cuira et Croup, brouc;hitis, astbrns, wbeoitping eough aileuhest Cols. r FOOT BALL., War'kworntb deteatad Warsa ,a,, lu tha MdadFoo3tbaillLeagua hy a scoe t 2O.We uudarsland Wanaaw bas protesisd Ihe garne on tîe grouuIdE ibat Warkwortb laadtweouteld4de playars beiougiug to lNorwood toam.. Sbenld tIbe exacutive et ite'Leagile sMI,, how eapoeiBwavi shoul4 plaY Off wÎth WVarsaw, as the ,two p iyna udisputie pla%3ed gsnsîBw manvilie lui Coiborua in the semi-finaI gems' cf ~.SIeL L WEL la, Goi.NG A WAWt -eITHOUT A 'ivF;w sLiT/'ý A5,Di WHY .SHO U E H. ECA,,N C O>LE TO Uý v WHYO-;1.OHE GOT 4 EADVSWLLSVIr Y QWE-A REUIUG iLSVA c ATIjON. All umnmer Gfoods at Ce-ost ME'LGT2 ?IECE ,ur UTSY5OS65O sO cOMAIE A JND SrE-Çf-C U, 2RE IJ'OIwE 0 F OU R G1.E A T 3,aA l2l ALLJUIZ#fl(GOODS HSSPPff b'i Ld1OrI~ N u~sni~ rnGNLIE N HI os r w qw v %W v v