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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Aug 1908, p. 7

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Beposits By- Public in Canada Show an In- orelase, of Over_7OOOO A esathfromii Ottawa says: thteir money 1Dnsp,-ulative ventures. T'he bauk Àstatment for July wasi Deposits e]sewhero tanIn Can- ise on Thrsdlay ngi.The ýada show the astonisIiîng increase fiant. TheY indcate th le pee- plue(et Canada hav1i; e icmoney, 'but aadinga ceuservative policy. The taemntis et a disfiactlyl On theiabiitysidcofetflc s-1 ,uyuf tte n nesinc iclation show aÏdcr, seet$145000. he bal- anceduete he omiionGoveru-1 I euont bs1 ee due by $5,100,-1 000, w t'ie teblnedue 'te pro-! vincal ovormeus las increase-l Deposits liy îliepublic, payable ou emýan!d ,in Cniada, have in- crpt.ed iy$557v,00,and payable ) onnotie, $,77900. This is ne- V ade a ,ea-eidence fliaf the 'anadian ublie ,a1enet iskiug A GJT AD AGAE was houýglitif th, e hef t ogood tucu s wbeu ,ýnthey beard lthaf ALiUt Lawa se ceming for a visit; a4 exi on avid u hiiip, ftwins, wer nne ,ears old, sud mî Mary ' , wewenef quifo tour, lnew tict smetingpleusant was -sure te ths iae "askeýdDvias they ) winows e wach fr fathený, wbe bcd dren dow fa tle depofte meetAtot Lara."Do you stop-1 peso i willlie(sMefhing'lovely fo do, r doyouguess if wiiiliecpros- The total liabýiiis for July are $756,328i,349, aicrrease of $9,584,- 099. Turning to thoaset of the banks, the spocie il) baud shows an i increase of $750,00, and Domin- ion notes of $3,2,50,000. The balance due from other banks or agencies in tbe United. States .lare încreased bý 711,0,and 1from banka in foreigu couýmntries by $ 9,082,000. Caîl and sbort b lans in Canada have dJecreased by $1,083,- 000, and elsewhiere than in Canada have increatsed by$2190. Current boans in and show a reduction ef $9,252,000. Tbe tot al ussets amounted to $936,411,830, as comnpared with $926,017,620. laniter and say, happily, "Not day- ligbt." Down by thw1e medow bars two pheasants ,rose no)iy anid fled across tie iroad; atdwc' u tey reacbed thie doeýp s (d)f tbe big oak, toniidedte but jfor,-day- lightral eu.lit was11vI quite durk coe uthý,0e big tre, nd Aut 1,Laur to(Ad all in lino and tldthem teo mk twr 'i;c mua-' dwfonce, and wa Md ntlhut di- skîpin, ud Mryw1-a lways;d skîppd, to, an thesmaillanterus "Aunt aura bd ïapacékage," suid P-1lp in a wipr David, stetbr lu of rose- coloredrt', stas enit tow,,ard the skv, toloeeï yRoa n idies and 'thered liglits.,,, "Anyway, it as bovely," said Lorraine, vlth a long breath of sut- "le all the tiun t lante--- OIIT-OP-TIIE-WAY PLAGES BB~ R HE BITS OF BRITAIN WRERE FOOT 0F MAN RAS NEVER TROD. -a- tT Yi tf cc ti ci ti 'i la al T ti r( tý Pl fe ai ti ti tE (I r h< fj- hi "Bt "declared Doris, hope- w ero swung gaily, aud all fie cuil- C ful.dieu tumnod swviay happiiy fowamd tj "I'esuete lic somnethiug we bmYubsCompanien. fi noverth 'àgtoetbetore,"said Lor- ' naine witba lit le sip whih moant XiA 11 iN O flat aI couldhardlIy wait ton flicI goedf ie emiug ~'~e~~ Belh' KiuoyPille are Doing Mar siped tesu grged fori, ninilO OtPeeple. iappily. A hie blooInla île hvvdy a o WheuAun LainsUmpdrom h-ul b- onsvr lrennts inged amis 1sd issed a ilermx ut50gaa f ipr iuit"d50-, rnu rhoori, ht. dry skin, Preseýnts 1!" whisperod Dois i c. gravel, dr ï-sdeoe t:s in tl sud a î lte four fliaf ficg e.e : rgBcoth's Klii y PUIS maReCf doils nopf ifo 'tonaio'9e1t,îcu righl acedjoerc0ime Kidney il iirep int Loraine i iii-hrlavi, cf Durham Countye ton eue vsisure fIat sîe hada' ivxîax od bsc -1L, was1 iivý, fo rid hÉ,lous fedoueq she xaafed. Boftanoet f hMi. L. O'Bro-ýn cf QuceraSt., Boxv- fli cllden eld aqustin.If iuvill e. Ont.. raye: «"Mi. O Brion bhada was lbippio'iss enougIl for a wile ltqueutAly suffcr d with backýache o f a0 ~tt feu Atut Lieaalliaf ýbad îjl u nintue.Iflho woultt de bapudsince hlir ld viit, sud r telt rlifting ho would hoelu Iilenf0allihetbirgs she hlad t acl el tra ignc ie fu toî tor. bcutte uussfiwna A dulil, heavy pain havi set- e til11iii Te iner \lýueariy teýd aise he small part cf bhick e-,, e , sud tle days ucre growing h'ýs b~adlîîui d aithugl huon, ai utfea-tîmo Atut Lauma iwtai sc aur y ffre ti meies,a sai: b t -e oun jner ief. Bùeeths K daey (Jlnw t lvly thiug tedoui xr e emuoc uprcru w-s boinung e pom~iy "A stong.hcol ndihe p ý ain grad'oally 10f i soonas avi finehe bi stpper" î. Jn. Hlba-neihentioubed suGe andC et ninue Atot Larawifhber ,y~ o m i ntLhoxihout a box cf ' Bloth'1-id(iyPille in the bouse."l prety suio "Iwantbîmte oto Sidh;,a1l deaiers. Pr-lc50'cents. the klcle, su Magi il give Th, n. T. B0eolb Cc., Lîv., Fort Erie, bim omefing.lie uust v'sean bis Ont., sole Canadian agents. c-p udcet.Wliat Maggie gives_______ bi l i uectlevemy ae tuliy sud waiî slow l t flicfront gate, sud "EA"WOIAN REVIVED. t w-ait th m outi e ail jein im." - "lveflisedmy stpper t" de- Resusûitstced Afttr Rer Lite IHad cisnid Dt i,,baving a round Apparently Fled. spd4ecak ufatedsu bunyng A despateh trnm New Bitain, f tadfie litchenr. Coun., ssys: Affor liai ing been pro- r AotLauna nodded, sud in a ,uce dead tiy the medicai cx- miueor tw'vo said, "eLraminer as a nesut of e carbolie acid ranyen go te flic kifeh,li aite poisoniug on Tuesday niglif, sud wbatMagie irc yo vey eme-permission fon the emoval et ber tuly sund stand beside Davîd a t fi body given, Mns. Evu Washîiewis- gafe. Be sure and put on your batki.,oet fhie cify was btor revived by sud coat." anothen physician sud is now ex- One by one flic chidmen were sent pected te recover. Mme. Wushkie- iltî.ý fi' t'-lîeu, even littie Mary wivi, i ilie s 48 yoars obd, draul s frfiîgoff quito by henseit. Thon lreqatt fteaiadte Litra ien don te pthsummonod lbon tniendesud board- tetegate. And tlere twinlled ors in fhe bouse, saying fliaf she fefiiliglits troin five, liuy Ian- wisbed te say good-bye toe lim, ase tenu, sd fi e ager faces turned ~~gigo ogjuny fuad'hier as if aslîng what joy Sbe tflou lay down on a coueh ud 1iw oti co -ve mex lonbcm ncnces h o nec u t Six c'elecl, butf fhe finl,' :1îboim) Medici Ex] ainer T. (C. 1ig h 's looked ic daneiug finofls [ il s'otte flic leuse. )D. "Nw ' evid Aunt Laura, 'oW niî,i ssie".poone Lorain uxf.an flc eysea - oo aferhicdeuj-,rfuire, ifis sai, nai vii tln'iar me" B îl li antl~n pysiianrine-d asud re-1 Va i esio fledden li as-soodli ýe teIouscueusuese. M(1 doJ -oPf til. ltieflclr et lgef ouldho 'eu ome ud ther tuea fic leuss etnoilibea, ome on o ne tm te 4eAe are 1ey adprmd; 5,roser;eaiw Q1 aritwseo.d man, eamesiei Parts of Edinb7urgh Castle Nover Climbed-Cuxuberlarnd Rock s Dcfy- the Climber. At first siglit it may seem incred- weutieth century, a single square yard et eur îslands where human beiugs bave nover set foot. Yef tWeé fact romnains that there are, many such places, t -hough, admîttediy, bhey are smail in area and, as a rulo, in eut-of-tho wayý parts et the country, says Londlon Answers. Oddly enougb, howvever, oeeof ho mest noforieus et theeountrod- on spaces is actually te bc found i, the midst et eue et our greatest cities-namely, Edinburgb. Thoeox- traerdinary crag en' wbicb Edia- ur-gh Castle stands - Stevenson calod if "a Bass Rock na dry laud," -sud spoko witbeut oxagger- ation-is, in parts, unscaleable. Thore are patches et it which have never beeni climbed, and nover will bc, witbout the aid et repos. Prisî- oners bave obeen ltueown te escape the cliff, bteni by circuiitous routebs. No human being can walk or seam Lsraightf up it at oe noiu pposite Princess Street. Iu Cumberland there are, hew- eri, many far more strikiug ecx- amples et recks which cdety the elimber,--even when-he is aided by ropes. Indeed, many experts cen- ider certain et the Cumberland f,!mbs te hoý even more dangerousý fian the highest Alps et Switzer- laud. George D. Abraham, TIT1E FAMOUS ROCK CLIMBER?, hias stated that the man who can iegetiate the ýmesf difficuit Englisb, h sunder sal],conditions eowf a becould also conquer flic Mat- erlioru. The Eagle's Nesf Ar-ete, on flic Grioat Gable, Cumberland. is pro- nounced by many te ho the most hazardous climb in the world, al- bhougli it is euly feur huudred feet gli. 'One hundred aud fitty teet cf this is almest vertical aud prac- tcally ledgeless, and about thirty ocet abeve fhe startîng point flore s an everhaugiag "nese" et- rock, wbhich lias te lie circum-navigated wîfth infinite pains ou a repe. Ne ïuot, ebviously lias *ever-todu bat "neise" ; and even going rouind ts side the venturosome epee' eet are temperar'ily duligin nlid air, while lie langs, mei(taphoýr- alyte if liy bis e7alis o vghit sud lof t im lare cquite widJe xpasesetrock hc av oe mee trveredand probabl;y inover The most diffieult clitul in Bni- tain is saîd te ho en Snowdon, on! tho "buttress" called Lliwedd, sud nf the Slanting Gully, wbich. is eight huudred teet higli. Haît way up, the climber, accordiug te eue wie has pertormed the fout, is "bile t fiy walking acress a ceiliug" ; and of course, flore is only oine wa-y up, eo fIat on either baud flore are unexplored patebes et considerable exteut. Iu the Highlands there are 538 summnits et 3,000 foot, and over, aud t dlozen et 4,000 foot, and ever. On lhe mountain called Bidean-dam- Bian, overleeking Gleucoe, au Arn eiicau expert says: e4There are still i9 number etf routes on thoese clifts chilieter tbe houer etf fret as- vnsto enterprisitig amnateurs."' [btis te say&,ý L'HEY ARE STILL UNEXPLORED British Alps have claimed flicir victims', tee, and net always inox- peienced climbers. A certain well-known Swiss mountaineer once ;r avelled specially te Skye, appu-r- evtly te prove te fhe Highlaniders that'their bill, Sgurr-nan G(illeani, woubd be a more stroîl for eue who 1--ad ascended- the Matterhorn. The niountain toek a terrible revonge on thie boaster, sud bis manglod body was feund at the foot et oe are the only kiud that pay. The most healthy are those fr-ee fromr lice-anid lice cannerlt exist where Kibîs lice insttly, Large Package5 A l'or einliBwanvle- All the Tlme-Torturing Eczema i Covered Fier Body-CGould Not Sleep-Doctor Said Sores Wo"u!d Last for Years-Skin Now OGlear. CURED IN THREE MONTHS BY CUTICURA RpEMtcLEIS 'I take gréatipesuinl tllngyo 'what a great 1-1- it wasfoý, ,ýr me to us Cuticura Sea.p adCuticu.ra intsneat for my baby niece. She wrTos uern frozu that teýrrible torturc, cuzen _n. _t was ail over -ber tbdy buit t Cewost wa on her face sdbad.Reiadswr se bad that secouid not bl ntig She cried anduci lid il hmi tiue and could ni,).sleep night or da-y from thec scratcbing. I had ber tander the doc- ter's care for a year and a balf aud ba soemed teO dOber ne) geed. -I took berc te the besit (doctor In the clty and he saidr that she woud aveý tho isores until she was Six yeaqrs oid, -But if 1 bad de- ended( on the doctor rny baby would bave lest ber miùnd nsud dicd from the want of aid. 'I used all terethe heit every- body told mne abeut aud 1 tortur Jed the child almost te death. Tho-n I saw in the paper how Ctocuqra waýs the ting for lrr-itating, skin. 1 batbed bler wit'L wamwater und C uticura Soap adused tutb cura Oitmnt. B,- bc was cu!redc in tbreentb.New ber skia is as clc'r an smotbs it cOoud be.Isa L cnmn he use of Outicura weee 1sec tbe ekin in bad condition. Ahice1 L. Dowell, 4769 E,,ton ve., St.Luis, Mo.. May '2,sud !20, 1907." Cuticura erno-mves Dnrufand suligbýt desnswith Cuticurla, pe vent dry, thin, sud falling bair, remev cruts, -cales, suddan;idruiýf, sre bair Parasites, sotbei!rritated, tbn surfaes, simultbhaîr i-felliclo-s, losen cl kn upythe reents wih negyand uori i-it sd tIlltebir row Vo aswet, whoesme baltbhy scalp 'wben al : or treatmou 'ans, CopesExternal 500 nteirnai rstmsnt fo veHorr1 oIn' infants, Childr, aC dut consi cuOtiCme ap tocisnothke entk1%our iment to tIi e Sk11 ie, "anlCcuti- cura itesolvent (or Ile ferrorf tchocolats coated Pille, ilt viais e0 6(1) tePurity taie Bl o 01 triroughout the world.ý Potter Drug & choui. corp., soie Props, Bostonmis. a.ýrMailed Frec. Cuticura B3ook on Skm in scaseo.1 of its grey procipiýces. Another LScottisb peak, Sebýiekallion, bas more tban once itese accidents as serious as anry wihbave occur- red umong the Ap 'The Keru Knts Crack, in the iLake district, forilngreman;iued un-j climbed, until couqutered !)Y theIn- trepid Owen Glynne Jenes, whoo ucrymmended if as a pracetice-place, F'or a a e r b w v'it te l aru -t clim th wold-a1mus Mum-1 mery Crak," the bardeet ýýpart et Mont Blnc, a1i' thle mstnrve- rakig libin Erp.Nearthe A RESOURCFUL OC 1ULIST. Ras a Blind, Beggar Worn1an te Ad- vertise Rlis Buisineýss. Enterprises takes -, <ouS turneis, eý,en in Warsaw. A youing _cculist, fln ding tbat patients wrfew and far hetween, bit upon an original means of advertising, wie a cor- respondent et the Pull Maîl Ga- zette. -He engaged a bliud womau wb sits and begs by tbe Chuiircli et the Holy Cross te* ol a liglit beard wbereoo are writteýn bis;nmoe, ad- dress, professioïnl qu1ali[fications sud consultation heutrs. As'the dhurci is in thie busiest thorouglitare efthte towu tfie no- tice attruets a grood deal et atten- tion. The beggar besoî sys she iq quite satisfred with tbe resuîts, as many peopîe notice L1er wbo would otherwise puss by, and aqs the doctorbas added bis assuirance thiati she is hopelessly blind bnvbn old ladies throw ppr into ber tn mug, sure tbat their money is ret wasted on au impestoýr. It i, net yet known wieilter tboe number et patients bas increased. -LAY 32 VEARS P\N SLUMBERL Woman Rip Van Wikikle Avakens Frose Long Nap. A- mosf nemanlahtS case et s wo- mian twhe lias, slept sfeadily ton *tbirfty-two ycars,, is repjorted in ne'an Sfeckboho, is-otas Karoline Ksnîsdatter1- vas a sebool g nirl et 13 wbIn suc sddenly fl asepOvonr licos'i' ie .Scheel- 11neomI. Alter rufeofferte on-fie tescic' u'artte mouLso ho the girl l'i 1hsepIt outil last week, when chie aweloe te fndflibrchild hiood sud girbheod ')'Iwere lng !past, sud ftb sheis uow amdbeao ooa f 45. Fraubein Kýaiedtter is nef er mulwom ievr fie ma1f;fon'l, w ene). Sie teels a m uas UShai's fIl * fcemgy \-as if si admo eno- SHem cio conIýConu ai rsetis -- te mae p f' o lsttîme ud om pleterm dcainwic ass abrupfby lu 'ermmpfed. SIc wiml11 1ltuof sa olanfieC i :.~ <~o te lier y y Mm1 GadruM lubads s Sulipsdluis buttosnsre for evr comug ff.lMe. Gode (sevnoiy)m prpeb."Me.Gdde'Tadt'e paoutn bi scwing." lng p sýaid flic second faimmen."OIs ; ynvo e roy-u'od ifovenl i yur And Y" 1 COOLING THE CEAM At once on fuîisbing 111sep101 îug bgin fIecoolig e iccroamý. Tbe clveseau ait a few -lmites botefiaann fîic rc ý.-am. There are devices maderton coinrg flie ef u1tensils fIaýt1 have Lt e ewasheý-d sud, bjile tiihe efrainer, thoy rnay ho ispnse wi h. The dainyman sbould povie imsqelf wifh enougli cmoste iei flc rcuai, Aeau et this kind lolde frem tînce te five gallonîs, is about 20 indhes deep and aîine inches in diamefen. Tliese cans are fIe beef te keep the cnoam lui af fhe fanm. They are ceuve-ni- eut te use sud keep dlean, sund fhe5 prescrit a largo colngsurface, wbicli is a-grosf dvnfgoinicool- ing eresm. Set ficpsucm prails et eest in a tank et celd wa-tor sud stir, tesfing fi femporaýturo -witî a thenmoîneten unfiil tfiecea;m is a- cold as fIe wafon. T in - pemative if succe îýis te le oliain- cd. As wifhthewpgetli cows' ddrc, this is amatter et a fwextr miues, but if w iiilibe a tacteninrideci d ingsuccees or, fail- unre. Theiiug c)d sud flic thon- momte seud ik;oeoensidered as indipouabiese Ie cr-aun' fite tîvo bundrepdtam sbssfir niometon-that eau le nedfon tiis, porpese. If th,-can et cra1i e 1T, a tank et wsten suidlt ihu sftirring, if will leb ersbfoeif hecomes tborougbily cool'. 1lin fie u,-eautime the gors wielhav goýton into if incpi ei t flc g, atr est came, bave becs ulipyig't a fncmeudeuc rate sudfiliecr gees teesttosoid.Ate flic deeoment et fic emeu very slowi, sud for flic rosssnen time sbould be lest in ecoiiag flic ci oam te bic ftemjerafure. TIc flior.mometer is abeoltoteli' the euh' mc ans hi' wbici euee au tell who- flier fie cean-vis tulli' ceeled on nef. By sfirring sud fesfiug witi flic fliemomofer tic fuel et cool- ing wili ho -fourid te ho short, sud eue will finish wif h fIe satisfac- tiefetknowing fli taf fliccreRm is cool. If ougb11t teblie ooled d-v te (v) degmee F If the watcr u1-is coid eouugl carrîmy fiecra lowen se muc'i fie botter. l,J7TS TO BGNES ponitýri. SomDe mai'1ho good, somoý bad, sud semo indiffoenu. If may ' if flic parties fIat write thîs woubd1 fobbow if themneives they would ho botter off. To liegin wifl ani' kiud et busi- neessene musut bs-vo an object in vîew. The fîvo objecte fiat smo toremest in meet peopie's minde are nxonoy refumus sud-suecees genon- ahi'. Succees is 6nly obtaînoed lii 'a combmnafuon etf houesti', encrgy, printon's l sad a f1rst-cLues qua- liti' et goods te bacl top youm dlaims. Ir onder te suceeed you mius!ftbave cerne ideset youn oiru, for ne eue eau sîaeceed in anything ,on oflier peeple's plans sud idese--. One lie- [gins in fIe poultri'bsns just as ho wotuld in ani' efl'i id et buisi- uess-w7itb capital asud s,e nabulifi'. BotI arc needed. Osie ými' have, pln d e mouey te) carry on s bui- ness sud yeýt have ,ne sbihify ne'ce- sari' te suceedi. Otiens bave fhe abiliti' bot are minus flic mouey. TIc peultri' busineoss offers a bot- ter chance te a pomeen wit b ublîi'y uminus thie moei' fan the man witb mouci' alone, ftoflene are ver' tew people wbe eaui get s stant in flic poultri'bsies A vemy emll enf1lai' wilb giv oeea good stant if theo euhave fie patience te waif sud groçw up wifh the business. someiefthticlargeet sud mosf sue- ceýsfu1 peultri' breedens et to-day built up from s vomi' smslb stant as a sud li. lRALIN- A ELPHANT HERD Hurotêr's Luoky Sheet linBig Gaine -Couaitry et -Uganda.___ About tbree days west et Mas- aIs, which is the Govemumeut sta- tien et Buddu, fhe bigli, impene- trahie grass wliich cevers flic groat- or portion et Uganda is bott lieid, sud a good game country, net un- ble parts et East Afnî1ca, is reacli- cd. Soon affer pfhn camp, ut- fer flic third day's mrdÀi, rom Mu- sala, we 1learued trîïom a passing caravun fliaf elophants bad heen heard early fIat merning near the rc.ad, says a wrifer in London Field. The elepliants w(-re in a narrow boit etofdense jungle ou fIe nigbt et the road; beyond fIe jungle a sirall, rock strewn hill rose abrupt-' ly te a beiglit et 100 foot. On the left efthfe rond was au extensive swamp, wbile beyond if were more rtîcly bibis. I decided 1immediate- by te move flireugij the boit et jungle in xvbici fhe elepliants were fe eding, and, if poss-ible, gin the bibisu ndes ,,1eor te get a xiew et the ber-d. Witi:grat ificuywe torced or ay liougli fi'e mafted TIc e 1Clepa,1 hoovn, us bave P ardis, fo ey almst i- meditel fld et t fthe cover in whicb athoy lad been tfeeding, sud, crossing thie rond, mrovcd into eh cxx amp. We got a flue vieof et tlem aýi fhey iseedaway. There, ws oue fine, bost wîth tusîsN.voll above,, the ax erago, a second witb average sized fusîks, sud tireeotofers with only small ivony. Wo immediafeby left our hill sud commeuced tlie steru clisse. We foilowed the bord up s valley, wifl lighbille on .iei- thon side, for about three bus fiey wene evidoutly mudli alanmed, sud fie fmacîs toid us f bat fîeity vcre meving ut a sfeady paco. Af lesîgtli the valley divided inte two. TIc bord teck the brandi run- niug te tIe left, wbicb was well wo-oded sud very narmew. Tey l'ad evidently bositafed ou0 rrva at this point, ton the dungý, wbýicl oip te tbisý time bad been celd, -was r--ow touud to e esligbýt-Iy wavm. tecim lic bill- eg our fil"It, W1m Vhých wo eeuldlbol dewniU luthfe valley. A short climb sheýwed us thiat the vaibey led up te a ueck ceunnecfing fwe buis and fiat fIe pucck iad a ciump, et largo trees on i We now moved along the side et thie valley- toward f lic wooed neck, sud vory ceeu au elepliauf',s ack w as spot ted beleow us as hoe moved acrose au open space. TIc son was gainiung stmongfb , se if xvas o-vident thaf fhe elepbaîîts were in search cf shade. Having ascentaincd ftlic direction efthfe wind, we,,made a lo>ng detoun and eventually cra-wl- oti out on a spur et meck1 erelool- 11ing flic weoded necl. The bond were huddled tegethen umong flic trees, sud wo easily cnawied te witbin tu enfv p5m205. A shof wýas impo>ssible, as onily patelles et eleplaut bide woro vis- ib'le, se sa wait was flic ouly alter- native. lit was ucarly an he-or ho foethere vças any mevement i tho brd, vbeu utIouigtl a ti op nl. As xvoxvoo reelustm I "I te aetecinootr oct ud pt a hot rom y .40 le- dou hoxasy.the aMal (1 a fr 1ed at adeoff wthbi omý!pan-_ cv r, ud if uiwihel efmyfcl:d roi1 oovor. My psiio ws dforubev 'Iby al wutoff at f op speedI tom o buts ile, wheu fbey uddnl stad nmb liag puace'. Tie1 0e l bll1 thnsepsrafod frum f-ie onc m-,emborý-ý-s (cf thebodsu snue vours et is 'nIlTe Lbeasf 1 lad ONTAES E LUABI I-talian Opened Pire on Them With a Winchester Rifl. A dcspatch from Parry Soun,,dg,ý,,ý inflicting a flcsh wouund in the8 sas:ConstablesiHyted ad hg .A uiltracbed temx en Wednesday, hav,)ig b hrg pn H tckt i mn Frank Sporanco, a aian, c-usngbi rvle btbIougýht cused of burglary vand rbbryatHmdw udbnSfedbm Key Harbor Junct 'ion,C.P t, yhstiebcno0ehuse and wbo -se far had eluded arrest, ,vithà loss of blooId and exertiens et On Tixesday Provincial Constable ý,'testreunuous figlit tChat lihwa Chas. Knight- and District Coacn- compelled to roma'in on thebtte stable(, W. Madigan gt race of the fleld. Shortlyý afterward Uvadigan. ItalIianz, wbo was working in a field,1 returnod with assistýance and bthà near Bying Inlet, for a man named wounded constable aud pioe Jtoeney, an Assyrian. As the cou- were conveyed to Byinig ]Inlet. stables approached the Italian. liwhere the constable is confined tu opened fire on themn witb an auto- bis bcd from the injuries. S-por- matie rifle, tbe coustables replying anco is one of the three Italians wvitb revolver sbots. Mr. Knieht, w ho b roke into a boarding bousit"e feigniug to have been shot, fell into at Key Hlarbor Junction and stole some bushes. The other constab le, about $80, the other two having seeing his companion fall and think-Ibeen p reviously caught by Knight ing. bim soriously moiiedcal lt and landed in jail here, but fo ed, turned and we.nt to the lup hihte eseaped i clever Pman>ý- for assistance and a eiclman. uer and are stili at large. Knigbt MVeantime, as soon as the Italian'deserves great pras for his cour- bad emptied the rifleKuiglit rose 1ago and good jdmn.The tain- tn d rau toward bîm nd o the try is beingseredf tes Italian turnîng, ho shot himi in thei caped two, seletý-ed wa.,;the second, best in fIe bord, sud d a aice pair et tusîsk o)f juisfve eighty pounidseoacii. TWO MEN Mý,ET DEATR'F. Feil on Thielir - eIds :and(1Neyeir Re- gained Cncoses A despatel trom Rentrew, (Ont., teleplione polos ou a fiatcr at Caldwell' s station, on- burday Jos. Sutherland, oet that plaef,e death almost instantly by talling backward off the top et the ýcar nsud strikiug ou the back etfbis bead Ho died in about au heuir atter theli fal, lietore medical atnac could arrive. - Ho was 45 yearset ugo, sud, unmarried. Chas. MeGlican, s preminent tar- mer of Bromloy, aud a member et tbe Township Council, died on Wed- Irosday frotu injuries received b)y a fatal fal, Ho, was worling in bis, humr sud was standing in tbe mjow vie owas struck ytheafok knocking thimnifron br oM 11f -Was standing, suid talliug on the barui floor ou b[is had Ho wasabu M5 yeýar-s et ago, sud lbaves a amily cf yon cidrn is witelied abouit two mutbs agIo. a ig Be'iied t'0Have Got Away With Larrge um Tbere is cvory roason fo beliýweve fliat the disc1bo-sure is immiinent eto a g'gasutic- couspiracy te rob thq Rand gold mines et enermous sume-n auuually. Some monflis ago, sevemal Rand j mining c npa nW iesdovoroi lak agos et gold. The matterbafe enquiry, and a carotuil watch-Ai lept on persons suspecfed et, illiitu dealings. Detectives woro soncrt te ail seaports aud wafcbed all trainls Suspicion pointed te a gang op- oratiug in Jobauneshurg sud Dur-d bau. Six weeks ago sxtondef-c- tives woro despatcbod Ite Dumiban te shadow fLIe suspects. Thledte by the gala 1eso. 1inre-ai'ty tiey hIad! laid canetul plans Éfte ifom ic 'onspirsCy. lIt is heive iatter eflont s will slortly lie rewamded witli success. Thei modus operandi is teolibtaill gold frotu coutedematese on flie mines, women taliung if in thein hggcby the fast mnail train ,te) Duirban, wbere otber confedierafes s1lip it te Englaind. Memlbers eft fie gag ave l ccons-taly tV ravel- linIg lotee urlan, Jojhannes- bl iurg sudEuoe AoïoX~- arty I)Oblieved te hoe opeýrating Irfi diectofetCa-,P owand psil a third b-, way et Delagea Baý:y. If is alleged t1hat a ttlsuini et $î00,000 lias licou stolen in 1908, sud many tbousands lu 1907. The detectives preserve pnofound soc- rccy as te their inves.,tigations. g-ýood blaud au anÀilmetie l" SmifhI "YeILs, Iam cusdeedvery good. iiy l" Joues "Well, hoere is a ltL feprobbem ýor Y out. Thene was n mn nmedLitleliving lun Dub- was inlove1, wi-(- a chiap she kuew be aer d;id net ap ovee, su eue day s"!(,e elopod wvitb him. Wbeui theoldmanfounld eut lie wasvery aig,Isud af once, tooed 1thetuî. New, flieu what fime Wa ts ift H Iow on eartb dOo yoiu suppose i a to'l you i gve if, Up." Joueic, (tiunpanly VWya Ltteaf- foli re-cýà at Uferine i, au& so7il y saeefcua otl - Regeator on bcwmeca

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