£ tate ia --OuR TowN AND COUNTY Fus;THE WORLD AFEWES l. A,~OLOl7 TERMB :--$1.00 Fer Annum. FEWRS -Tmr lu Âdvance. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARJO,., TIIRRSDAY S TE ER 31008VOUELV ,36 ~~~~~~~~ F'L AR.1AKTMrCHN SATURDA SStore openg 7.30 ai. m. , ,oono .Ug FAtLeK.1 iecrpel dsrydth oe Cobourg. Sept. 16 and i7. ierm Yollr favoràt BOWM AN VILLE, SEPT. 17, 18, THIRTY-FIEENRDPPR Mr. Jobn MysSar yeengb. Perboro, Sept. 17. 18. 19. PRINE WEEKLY làwe,9ad1 oo~' efmI Osbawa, Sept 22, 23.ILL was swas athemaLhw iefe Ldsay, Sept. 2ýý,2,2 started w IlIri n ytr nlt ips Port Hope, Sept, 29. ff-- returu from nc aot9x r BaktcSept. 2an80Th l advertIslng season bae ar- Myefudfr nsuhatro n whnbogtt hSarboro, Sept, 8o rie.Bowmanville merchants enjoy a tried to quechi thpteo wtr when brouht to theOrono> Sept. 14 and 16, privilege that tew other towns If any In but finding tefae ann ed Mlilbrook, Oet. -l'and 2, Canada enjoy Th obne ubrway he gaiea ]r on o~ West End Drug iStore Markham, Oct 7, 8, 9. of copies of The Canadiaji Statesman W. B. pin(hsadpo o eta to be filed. are properly take _____ and The Bowinanville News prlnted MatrtYn's Ele ed ad rgd ~ crofadflewfhtepesEFEDevery week exceeds Thlry-Five flun- first on the seeedsvdtenab ____________________ofad_1_1__________the______ dred.coples. Wllhing horkr eto te roso ecn istr.J ryan îeThis leanewspaper circulation 0f Mr. W.H.Wiasredeean -----------_________________ frmhe a d es in ed n Ts Hecnt-vstr:J Ga ad w e whîeh no other town of this sie can _______ money ean buy. - -----eo.,-, j IraeeBray, I3rovsid e;s E ofM isuslcheeniquerlcniinand erthat ean ould rchemical came next u a flti We uaanee hequlit o Igoda MncheBr, a John CMp's Jme he eeyloa erhny oh use as by that time thefae neoe and thd acurs pe paring. tyOf-0dsManicheaidtwJohn atadverti,,er. Almost eer ousehold In the dwelling By thtieheta- an to ecra -ofprpaia- eCllchan ,wü.Manchester, a the trading area of Bowmanviiie reeds er began to play on th1 iethdpS8 The charges are moder-ate, and as AlxMCloh5 rnia one uaor the othpr of these papers. teciaadwsdciigEey low as possible "or the goods we arh, B A, and wifo, Whitby, Miss Mary tecia n a ilp 0 ogarth, Soltna, Thios Pascoe, wife and Just think, mi-rchýaits wbo advertise thing was burned nudgane upply tO you. daughtir. Hampton, arI ceat; îiEs ini both town patpe)rs, that the alnounice Dominion Piano.,an 850n oe We gask ou to give *us a til then Lizzie M(cCulioçchliat PontypV-ool îst ment you maIre this week, as they avoftanari le!cthglaefex judge for yourseifweek; Dr 8 W Clarkre, Toronto, john, every week sa fer under preseoft pvr-cp hat the failvwswai M culochs;Mie MHoleyha rtur- hiry-iv hudrd.familles, for we find 14 years. Mr M(yewrsi h A ralrdcdprices (rom to-day. Coueh, Joh--I ast elwt doTrno isDNdeyl ià ey wfmle take both papers. 1D. 0 & P. factory. sraconon ~ ~ al id Mualis atas~1hibiting Baron Montague at i:he N-ation- 1aimostdistinetlydifferentconstituenciepýs. taying wtith fronde iite a e stn ryderman wil cI a8Oi coored F. Dal Exhibition, Toronto. ..R Griffin and >detsesdetieorac hp opeSoe thingrs together n sals n 1, 1Advetisrs averise e rerh heapopl -4tn 'âlo ome Des God atabuthaf egG Fer.-uson haver gene West .. .. Shal and those whtch appear in bath loc9l other home. Practica yptyla reduced prices. Alosm DrsGodatbuthl The Weset End Druggtst. be sorry to lose W Grîffin who moves papers reacli practtcally the homes o! been shoWn by a feotiznaditt to Eunlkillen . .. .Miss Nellie Cochrane, ail the people who trade ln Bowman- hoped that many moen l epwt 1:9 Two Pieo Su.ts. ...Stor cloes 680 p mToronto, has returned home after' ville, Expense put into other adver- clothing, articles o!furi eec m pendtng two weeks here, ... Mrs Ger- tsn eim snett honaa. To be !orehande1MsMos a -asT oP e e"--u t .trude L. Cochrane, Toronto, and Mr Teepnr oe h itit What juat finiahed that day etn tecud !i Jackson, Oshawa, were the guests o! more is needed? Bewmanvllle possesses ren's wlnter clothes mc n eard Regula Pric $7.50for $.00 ~Mr Ueo Cochranie Sucday. a very valuobie asset In these two local They had $50 saved u emIeapy _____________l501fo $.0 papiers. The publishers are prend pof ment soon te be due adwihwst Regular Price 9.00 for 6,00,..~ N'( I the position these journals ccupy in a bureau drawer. Tite a un Regular PrB A N 1.00ror-7P50.SOLINA the local newppaper world and every cd. The hous wasond yM Rou Price 121,0forP9,050. -resident off Bewmanville and cif West Wm. Lake,-Newcaatesniwsiar Reguar 1II('IJ~1D1AJ M R Mcessok, ifeandobildren Durham neyer need biush te hoid Up ed fer 8550, in the Wsen ieulrPrice 1,0for1.090. MrV R JIN MoL-. ld tKse orm wféan Rd ather paper and aay this là one of aur Regular à-rc 15JOf1.00 . -'ýN ýR E L jvâteetnae ... NranRynos, local papers, for either wlll compare Chas Scott and Fred King bave gene te favorably with any other cea1 paper These goods mustbe sold aad will be Sold as Kingston camp wi'h the volunteers.. pubtishied in any town o! this alze. A FOOTBALLERS R!UIN advrtse . 0Mipss Hden Hogarth la visiting in Tor comparison la invited. Il any person enets-d rt .... Miss Leta Gifford, Oshawa, bas can produce a better local paper we neeahrtirethfoblloy Esàtablished 1817 been atteuding b ler aut Mrs A L Pascoe wnnt ta see ItL Forward te us a copy Fiewahrfv who has'had sciatca.... être William A with the sender's naime written on I for their celebrationFldyaieno ,,,eJoU dH ,,, White, again !avored the congregation at W e want te see It tt at we may Impreve end eveuing. A god rw ins 0 u c I Eldad Sunday with two solos which ours. We will net take second place the football gaienai eHil Sho were recoived with greet acceptance.... with any town papier The very beat is grounde between the"HWzes n nnUl1,n' I R ~ apital 3 14,400),000 Mr% James A Phullipa, New York City, none tee goed for the people of this the ,Nawz6ro." Thgaewsey o, ~~...L4 sud danghter Marlon and Mre (Dr) tewn and district and nolhing tees shall closely contested, samon tpayn en uLFWU mILPuuhImI Ret - 61,00,000 White and daughters visited at Roseiand. the5y have This la net boasting. it la dons on both aides. Nihrad a Toa sst $6,O113 vals,....,. Mervin Saunders, -Oshawa, la straight business. nabe acfreoon thot eremd ~b Total Assets 16 8 ~holidaylng at'L T Pascoe's.. .. I Tink nme fgn ht Grocers Due Bus t'ïaken asi Cash,--o-is purchasedl a team of horses. . Mirs LMINISTES A141) CHURCHES tesme.,Saiee thongli h OdG~ra Saig akSyera, Bowmanville, vtstted ai Sllas wud' atmr Williams',.. Thomas and wife3, To. By .S ih.Biltn rahdthey were there ithtegea1h Ra, ý S.VAht Bîgttimrec e About 10 tminutsbfr in h Depatmen. to, viitedat3 G Seea.,MsLena i n the Firsi Metheodist chuirch, Pticton, ol~ga a crdb al olci Taylor waa In lier place as orgar'ist Sun. Sundy for the as, hows assedbyD he-Ofie1onra day after a Ilong viit in T(,ornte.Mi iSS Mrse,eV.) W. S. Pascoe, weli.k'nown 1eiti)-eatck h ougtr Meý4na Vice officiated in lier absence,..by maniy off aur ider citizens, died at tidbr eee pbti a h W IH.Gitbank, EnterprIse, visited at w ,Ramittonliar ne 5.e -~eQýe e e 1 e -o-wx * e T Taylor'e. Rey. Nv.Keriner lias Eold bis sinptoysanfomeeaythycot Satina Women's Institutsmeleta Sept. lu Prince Albert aud intends mpast tKersiakethewbal pelki TJ.rer ~ ~ , A. MeOLELLAN, 10 at Mies Nora Werry's berne, "Rase- Ptrooeryin(eoeemprofvted wth e ad aplmni A mauO I iOOManager, Bowmauville Brandiêihodi. Cdu rebtra huciHretwas expected tbe gie~sfe rs ______________________________invited to attend aud enjoy wbat la being Home Aug. 80 and 31, Bey. R. M. roughness and RefeeL.TPac, C 44 iziveu and alme te takepart. 'Subjects - Phalen, a former pastor wIit preacli. Solina, lied an easy treo t e F The best kiud of things for Xmas presents, 11ev. W. H, McInnes, B. A , B. -D. a e taken by Misses Irene Argue sud Helen bas accepted a c?ll te St. John's Pres. The teame f aced thepgkiasolo. Yi 1Se oo6 THE BURNS' PRICE Hogarth, Thie Business Woan an~d b3terianCliurch, Port Perry, and wiîî biasFRKerslk,WMer;h ~~ 15 LOWEST~-~~~' ~ GOOD rj1,D~iuni Methodist Sunday Schot auntersarv akyD ors oray a on Sunday Sept 20. The eachool wtÏt H Bilîtuge; forwardaD eit B3 tv-a_ VR BY A aTYOE Hrest Home Cautata on Sisson, J Cailacutt, FWrr1S or a .8 ook Titxne1 The Burn%' Assortmnent W YL&L Açoh ~hdtHm srie !les Inday evening Sept. 21 Partîculare "Nowser,"-Goal ae;bce reakize he wortho!ma hrvic eseof Tyronelater. ABonBCHlggibthm;a!bak ____________________________________________LargeSt. cear visieonle o! ee rtoi - t eir O daSt euc lept6 emons wllobesheMr.bourStet ehoie huciwrd, dae ESienRTrmle___________________of______P___ r AturBlaely ogait !P ibltt PP edaaEHe fr k _visonf______On______ept6_srmos_______________Steet___________c, wrde 0 dam.en beyes beginto fait andth, they1a5 preaehed at 10,80 a. m. and 7 p m. by Tomante, will give an organ recital In Bradley, C H Mason, O We have afull suppîye! aIl the"Oh why dld I net have my t11ev. e. H. Laitch, Port Ferry. MusiceSt Paul'e church Friday evenîng Sept. Afethganteplyre!ot aa Wthave exatfullspl for the uleH ---.- aig eyes examined before" by the choir, Collection in aid o! churcli 25. ]Reserve the date. taiaogwtitemmeso h an ih eolA---bT H W i . fîK1 sg ean se rmnchi e!the aboyai -supper wilt ha served at 4 80 p m by Rev. A. J. G Caf rscnadnfigaed hi club and a few inyitedioobl hsat s and High Sehools o~ wa slncerelyladvise everyone te gîve the ladies of the congrégation. In the pli udyatno n ae arst down te a bonteu dne i 1 b is or bier eyes every attention at> avcning at 8 o'clock Bey. 'Dr.1 Cleaver, extra goed srmnSeraetngs Royal Tlemplars' Hl, hEae a F31ol d T 1Sept1beT11 1908 the firet sign e! any dafect. Toronto, wilt deliver hle popular lecture Who were pressent were more t han draped mÎth buutiaîntsortdwt SohoolsOpen Setember , 1908, ~ ,~, >"Jean Val Jean." Music by Ebenezer plasdwitn ît, remarklng, tbay were Union Jacks,8 The talsw1 batfl h Our serylcate Oexmn oule las atQinet.Admission, supper and foc- tprethear sncb a sermon dlu alydcaedwtboqtsdnedb 0 FREE_______OF___________________Publiecocrdialty iuvited ...Voluntees I M, SJ acman udth wrea!er 1Buy our celebrated "Ger- % RE 0-CAR E le!t for camp Monday .... Miss Maggie Bey, Geo. Robinson, Port PerryP oc-. atudnlrd Szi undeaa!p m ma-Sho otsfryu5egarne u ok Lindsay, Coîborne, la vtsitIng at home., cupted the Methodiet pulpit Sunday atum;wday udsuna n àFR e aa"Sho ot o orW urne u ok Samuel Blngham and *Ife, Bowman- preaching twe plain and practîcal ser- lseswnos.ftralbddu family. ~villa, called on frends reccntly ... .Miss mens, is nirning theme belng "Tic Justice te the meal,whowaasvdl W . T .A L , 9 a i We gIý e satisfaction. Etta' Campbell lias genee te restiue Ligit o! tic World" and the evening excellent atyle byMxDLtrle, BY' 2 Booktore Bowmnvlle, c HEY a'e ~ARANTED ?duty on the publice choot staff,- Toronto the "Law e! tic Lord." Thougi super. Hugli MunioeBiA smsero ee Bi 0Boaoe BwavGe R Y r A A E 'Rcpair work a specintty ,.Huth MeRoberts and farnily, annuated Mr Robinsoa te a vigorous montes, propoeed thetatteTe)n kilWestndredIto ak Rnrin... onscrtinEsrvceat elueFoie),; Canada propedy J ao back pai ofGerman ' ,JiIi~ next Frlday evenlng., Everybody cor- SALBM was responded te byWWTabyTH iuiaeIBaga 1 Paints 1 Pearcbaiis1Sharpeners 1 Erasers 1 Pasto bc yparo o, M Mi hel Îdially lvtd..,Mils Geo A. Watts, M0rayOWotde ;"heNazsa Bootsshow to hveCO Bowmanvilte, spent Sunday wltli lier rpsibyjU ____________________ -(1) Shoddy lied stiffeners, - Tas QuALrrT DaUccIaS '- Sabbati momnlng baeed on PBalms 90, Methodiat ohurci were a aptendld succese. t bM Brell PWsndk, 0SssoU ~ (2) Sioddy nside .eel pôces. .. Phoo 92a Par nght cala}Bwmnil 14 was eminentl>' logîcal and helpful.... AIl services were held la the sPatoÎus bothain propoesdth HsWzes 9't(3) C ,à.. Phenev Miss Effie Manning will lîve wltb lier new taent whicb gave ample accommoda- whîch brought forthbi!pecsfrn ______________*__%AAb____(_) Shoddy !P sde soles. mother on Odeli St., Bewmanvtlie, and tien for aIl. Bev. H. T. Lewis, B. A., F a and B S VanetonDu ors ~II UN (~ ~u offvamp at ee cps. ___________________________attend'lgh Seheol. .....Congratulations Osbawa, delighted large congregationa J Cellacutt, L Paso(,1 Wry SBa E" 11 I- i,,1>(teJonColaet n icglr wn twîti seasonable and practical sermons and W Mloore ; Ascainjotal C (5) Common cetton stitching. theîrecent football match lu Bewmaun- aepcal heelg ujc rpgdb rR VI-Füa-* "German" Boots are neat in ap. nwwl wville. Tfirea dcre for Tyrone otd onSunday spcatl e nlng sunbaeiîpse b' Dr (arissnple Lia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~boys! ...., Mme Pleasant, New York CitYI nMna'atronHyozbs- eb'D abp n ln 4îc~in 0 doD pearafloe. Mrs Cinnamon. Lindsay, and the bail teain contested a game wîtb Our Dr C W Siemon prosdteoateTe 5' hyweretayote otj Misses Broud o! Toronto, vlslted at Mi home teain whIch reaulted lagain8t the Ladies andl H J KigtudAELel themaretentai usiessThos Goodman's. vIsitera, score 14 te 2. The ladies served made happy espoussa MEG R he ae o darr ha mnyColeg, '0on0ýlarge crowd who thoroughly enjoyed the Asellfsueo the pregrain waa o t rbot.good thinga povlded b>' our tadies whe thCplsutatieyo! He o1Cohn .5 Co'a Ccp by O He Adapande son oteînPresteden1 'Fui Vnear witw wnOViterMat inge- heVit hegaermdeinCaMaltOfHod Vinegar-a s o emndticO ledpbeaenotth poor hepepbootsk o bh kind, the stsa cVkind, Made inuder goveruiment supeearrvmdesniCnad,"The largeet and î h ed araaria atormidye ! a praknofte upe icpepeLeague. omn Frui Vingar VIN GAR.,...~Xsupevison. Tley ae n deaer han anyCoîlgeToroto.rtu fýl' s aJveo rtiieret :rammbed:pta t e ofkin:ter failKal,keo esl ~t:Drig PU ESJIE V leathers-light te lieavy. ta write for Ils new aelon. giard u a nerve, stomnach and di- given by Bey. Dr. Haziswood, aWes thopleenptedya u h rp '"'~ made u sizes tofit auy SaitT«ri frein Sept. 1, addresas estive toniec Nothing else lîke it, ne other Tarante, whe spake for an heur anda Jaws. ,aitd etcCpti e A They are m d nszs o ft a y W, H. Saw, Fresiden, or E .hsse geod a record, ne otiser will do yeu b al! on "Hie trp througi Ireland. " The Ja rmel ol V they ive Pu epcs ceai more pr pound than the aduterated kind, boy or girl. Shaw, ecretary, o ranch good. h cures. lecture wae Inteneel>' intereating and lut me alsisb'M E me Elit tepîcv é es whltaae cheapest in tic end. We keep anyeubebuhnlylya , Dsesa s ruld fer kept the audience lnterested sud enter n oalslsb' eeeHJ rih n hatrsleadaaTîey enb ogtol tDs a rul pure both w fl dground. Fxn îth ypepi dcud ntct taîe troughout tia evenlng. The W IHoar were given l gth vng !' ing withoutdistress. 1 began tkigchoIr under the leadership e! Miss fi u eevdheryecrs !a e Brus ComerStoe iud,; s arsaparilla and was soon insurev- Lo k u t ur fo r in ow orE............... tok itstadlyanilI a cre.' Rnie ge vili Mis Edna Cllcott i lht photo was tak nc tegthr gb> Ail knda of Vegetables fe iki dLo i ,or orwndw o yDi)A MOWHEELERi Athol. Mass. erganiet gave a plentîful aud excellent Photogmapher S Hay etrswr e up-to-date stylish b-Mte. Catarrh-"Mýy mether snffered traos-c l omD. tarrh and feared consominption. She o gr' o!musa tail seoieswhCh cl tram D. NJHaîe r ID A TAlemHod's Sarsaparilla and inaPf ew montha Waswsmc noe.Rv H .SecMClogiBy ihMam Don't feýrge tota tclude this popular brand lu yeur grecer>' order. ______________bottr, strsud heaoithfor tha sbe.psocia.oceeds 142,85 W Clns, t amern nd'1Bute lGroert3s and Crockery -yen will find our stock wilasserted. JNandL t mCn orth oo rgcig tat luw M posbrfrthi eggs 1.111 ~The harvesrislail cut adlosd huaim" aSsvrl flee U I ~ ~ ,U nd eta sfullA u BkrofW Buatter and eg wfanted, ~ IT UIT¶T'Iwt huaim ykcsbd wle.upgta a l !hmr h ap êqýý4 iI 'ID OOý a TA lTic crope onnthï wliolc have heen nor- Ha' aspril epdm fter other