uum-rui~~ uirin ~worth of besa;into titis stir NAI HLVL T ioe tablespoon ful of sugar and as M UE IR 1mueiiicli laundrysapsbewx The dctiors as w-ell as thec layrnenu Add one tablepoonful of cold, TE S4 j R nlotoriously- disgre s to) the ef- C 1! iI fl tIIhu'wetcream.i Spread onr cloth, ap- e fccts of tobacco, in mdrtOon I)l\LMI rIL\IoM boil and put on fresh every l healthi. Tequestion, 'To smouke ,tIsýUh ànalse 1873I OF Branche ('r flotÏ to smo)ke ý"remainis uniset- l o on mon n mni ro ý l ilumpii starch t, oi ase is a Bank of age and 3trengthi. It lias arcr eidi Inard ;î Blir, Ther flo e epn tbru ihe wrap withi a clothi or edi-bak gexeece Shwwih i hbiua vO i-lave you ever tasted anythn more oithstdy of whnc reouce bein catedn cotonpkepthestrc et loncte, reads ILti n insit to, be), del'ioous than the fresh, ripe, lusclous mr atvey prud by theadtepi ilso be removed We invite you to join the large nibe fpuet ap'uit of" tha is lanftte A regular dilt without fruit ispoi 'ofeso todata is that of()dInthl'm way. it both agreeable and profitable. tieydan-geroiur', for the system soon cacr od c er fo tu besiaTf -l-ythginteu oi pr -lIe Sh'2asokn a filthy and e do- ,l withi waste mater and ___________ia__________________egtý,- tosv________________________ it hr are the blood poisonead. Fruit ma rc - o aer u 5O i stte male a start to-day by deposiling OneDolrrmrei disgetin hait, ut hereJuiea air as ben nownforages cadboard. They are inexpensive,6 Must Beur signature Gie sholars, poets, atseand gentie- up I3owels, K-'lneys and gkfl ia;ing ,ut its truci nMir ad its causeý dean, and noiselese, and can easil* our savingic'sJearnn. moen quite as refined as hoe is who Cie eor v0Poul to sho of rLtlLrppdi h epe be repljaced with dlean onles as soon Che, dead tissue anid indigestible food -BOWM A N V9LLE B fin te ipeorciara slaea hich, If retained, soon poion the -btr. Sm eivei sdea hy become soiled.. Tumblers companion, a joy. AtoteprbldadcasInietoIedteh ctnofa germii; othlers, làhih have cootained milk shouId"'J .J~~,Mng tha it tshegowh f mbronl o irtnrnsd n ol waerbeor Ba-..Oaia t ewsste.Netonrii aedOrno $eeFacShnIo raper eloIvl mnedicai verdict, there s,îimply aces iReurnatism, Neulralgia and a cel o cJle wih ee ogot na bi:rt ws in in o waterscfýr ____________0_____________________Ne!'______________ isn't anly, as yet. host of trouerldsstreCssin,,troubles.r Ve~y umall and ut thereis a- quicker way3 to st ni- w"l er , anti l1eft j ein 1 h h For prickly heat in the2 face bathe j' ~~"'pryt ulf. I i e u tat ite o rgne ir t o their woe 11odY wa rgniy bit o L as often as it begins to itcb andi 1 1LfDAoe Bu paetytetives" tiete eveýry niilh, be-sides eat- vrgr')t by theý iojry f a blw b orne, dasbing it Up with thie coliectively he j dsqaied FO HADDI inhaling ils lees- difficuit. TheLn!igsm fehfuivr day'. Fr-I poisonolusi ac.tio.n of waste bonds. Dry by patting gently with W e l E ~DIOUS~S ce, n tisussngthe toiiyc ete-)ytinsltnsfe-fpoducts oïFthe body neut prom"ptly soft oid lie.If you feel that you bIM N OTO .UTA-at h enrioe iehv FO TRPO IVR ttibaceucmok says that suli rne. pla rue n fgwt eiia niust wipe off perspiration use per- been comlieiwt euyCm thebes toiosan inerni dsinee- Sme elivethat it lis a purely fectly clean atieche and bare-LI'NELW.msonrr eitaofPson E Og CNTIATO sinoke containis a large proportio nt added.W AW khi acio on Bovei rier Ki-lcld ae tes, that it is due ly touch thefc.wl nuly seetepnint F0,8L SALWSl. c abn mnxdapioos -sy and 5k is asý natural as Na- te, a cosiuinitaint, th)e local -" ands tIer boxe for $250 Frut-tve 15itd Iion o r in uspt,r ho - -ui Slq rED~ 4 fore says th m dca rg , ilý,~~~~th Caada National have, le theý wayla fere th mohe wîîîr beir dividet int dis-n.ýe ya G ETAT O NC,)LE stennivfll Ontifu )n ori 0. Ile ailles, au a1), ~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~Bt Autaln and New alînuin. or"0 fpi nte____ me 5~a oeaîm~ r m h ry ne"tr imin te ieue ilh fromii thee fam- ticos ofI a roya comisio apoit cad sta Mgse aayr acquiretit ous-i wFt'1, ýione, have in 90 the inqurit the subh- eho echr utorofcr Lid7(21i!'S outo f h niiii 1xItal ) i, Galeries - counetry The ac l l et esoms e n o lcemana tico, ra p frof forc unti Juhy 1,ige 1909, fore thet poîntet puren The) ' registra ont ,i foune tor efr the;ýehe Guiot Hall Sehoold Direc-ly Commonweof'Lical t h a ln t a e prsnt cclig te fr netgt same ya efu Art, enoughiL mone ind banti-ý', topy aaïte lca agsrae sisi ann gscisC pieure "S t fretli yersý outy Te c s t s o.e or i h oait nia itud ofa h.jntlil anti, hoi bas iise toDr aro eîy esia te a rom £ jdiats n hedam crti dilon 1 O the( Proereor Oua;;. aý io prison the eer, of a th i a r a rc ia t e eof they in full chargea eninreeueac beý paid teoth pp at orunt Ïrnmit) te Nationa teutin thein that metti o h eealTesr rain fanwteatnn ~ý fac fof veryn getipr- the collctions hol p-ý_rose te, seni eths instituteoy al trumstondpp iite cîcesstapaebejsîe o Theiýý!te etprren bas bden tein Canadar oir exee 1in. vautniwibwi o iaced rem tie tetsieeal Gvebet a Ien~~ane os ia worthaneyin Flhat ce polaen fîstler ipon; T1owcn iai penr no~ fac ts ant dor Ilt ,igr~- h îo îaîg.ya rnfso rm a im un 0, sasThe London Dailye Con i iitepetofce oghu u aotrc cate. Aý, sumatyytol of" a70,0 wasly sed ap-, stilia Aitoia bye usin them p ý ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ at il corn intace th re-ýil1 :î .ttwe.freutlJu ,1 ,frýeP mPtlyn erpiiyta r h dieae Euhee sam thG a ast. ThmlDrc-C mne srplu'is sien at an nnaicet f l,00 SIMSO & LAR. t poionusgo in thein smeke thate FOiSA Î,~ L-SAýuèil is aevis thegý areaiir rec eaandtruhtecm ious ~ înia papers have bee oree ever bee triet inul mani Seith seem- nuhmiie llhn a A.1.SM'3NK . S. cousesGIIq the heacach ant ttigenefit bofhecse r tee, rue h e rvte hteeypr hnedsrbtsoe 200 etc. Blok, Kng e andstu it î fee ig" that 1o teae prhe saiie cfil r(,en toeathnet a i-(yABne, n cf wh isr permanen t ia- t a cotour 00ayer esto Stee, omanvïue. an Coe r . :o 1n tiat-sntncs Cetand the paciate lor work wiib qaiiij2prcet ewSuhWaeo doli",Ce netk maeigrnag reading. tively tha aý leot curei1ii basi been What a xiet recor of-, traed 000 7reoiv apesin uy pricaa th te atpasi pnin an,1 tliaLobtae ned. Evni uceeuti wouido nt flaop * diaser ofa Naua Ieut ors;i1b1 o tien wmno60y a ma hqa-Thrug a bnat t ot 2, ti tho tee trsuad shor-lin overll prsn.Adpy', ek nii e Suhocyreoeia rm£,5, bi I: ik,;s orCwekmybvobelortnool nP zseial s hs afo Éae n N ;Zalni;ic a e 1,0000 easaceto o afte a, ac year1 or morel awaitin trial fotiuegîebsbloifrt pt t hnhcrigoi s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lf seodla'ý11Iiitep wxvere fnue of1. crime ten rm .i. od . prvn curee this liev sr i ok iommein te'ýIý['iI moe tan £25e o yeari Dai Chin u ntesateeipp de n tatt byri thol foilwin ty- n Sonie guiity or areyar now te iitleýar porl vntlae-'. t s i t ns nai -lpeins ate a ilouithtc e Tbemîno~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ Ce.,g 107 PrRewteanilgtiors i50thghnacopraivly sa'ir- h COseae AND sCOilS. then lino ofia h,-,te mak ths ort £T10 or morîco reeivO ac Selni uhdsrppltt S13IP',ý;ON~~~scle &Attemth osoos a i h spoilse ofa thee deepp Fevealin ApND pension nlon asil Éie holaur benew hie nty gruni ctl. ciefrntth ac~ sin ta hve o!e p oli e l e n !e)otilat ad l ma inten seheat- gy.a ocean., t)hatMSN K . CA . Ce lare ha part e ane ta' throfcisanismtmshycd ifi wnef butathe mores aet te eu re or ah acteit ofvlc spore anti IN 1RD- TOGI RLE.comao tbteipovdee * A, Noares. conset cfPxesise ot re success uo. heeectiis (B doo ai nimsc h OSflO te ncae anentl cfsmeson of pr wo per oft loin a paesn a mosrewthu bv E oeto lis valua l i ou bis n eeaoo eapa ana d atsetepts. by rvltainit indoor tatmoapbenie, cures bs 0 a bar oudrii hehn pthn d £310 may redoive qupalifiie fod a2iai for itsconum PlR DnPrTLYa S URD iy.Dr . l.Kra -t Wtofnd o ai- fealet t ctarraticnsmp icneeceord' eigteaof er ls ddotin o £eorevr £0,mtine Crtinyth otwii e -duienohrs hraiztedvsbi fnot omverealeraii. ob and i o iatr o aua eat r orcev e son yp ol ma h og inodrete Gorins'ntors AdiserSentupoi feu satsfyîg ~t apptîte Dr.C. eîll erneagraian rime Rus~a ' thi oieasoaantaredembraOiiliadet scrpt-bt ab shewilî la odor o qunifyfor penionthae' pevnueoonmet0th bih Ai Ji'est Ma7io &how Ma-in frow thelîf hide id.49,00 MonIreaI ~~Paro as ahrtnBdUSA asn seonh aro sa tphe tisin oew anti t cudo prvnte i I otbers pofl nh eovr agaînedo lcte the ap'cn muthv wenady he ,0 ba benaproni F. Ibtige oati raduliy ieti g poe( tepriiý unimcfmue. hanti o!- %0m who 1aieamt e tenty-fe eae cenn ros ath e i bu pe etha m utbsytt tbrycxbue lc nle to trydyso e or ago È 01/ yug a to a svcer n0 citi ent tro dioshe adspe docem in Ausraelia. Ailiensanno wicho aei upu eeu c Lake l' Toontai &1a fQ it tonad m iues iss ue FIl -n M ocr- nvrrtr u ec a wc-hih etle onýa berr, logs h e Iiaps eplite ber sarest rt;at e ocosulc naurnit fo uet paeetipoielhtol h hlVlI i ais auti that thek an i dat- sontýe1),nos to pieeý! a .etr Ae,în hocol o , nosrîtlely enulteti s a te tvsc Auta iAncteP-treit h tts h omn Rochster N. .-Pot boe-Cooîîr tcad' wor amou tont ]'1,deep wbeathing teckl eoise the the dop r_î bre, mhcinglite- mou. to have aeigcbpreon wsot ls utatblnc ht r CommecingJone st. teame wlI !eae o jtno up , e 'If nihoven 1 g xirak to uples byîen ,dpe the ratfc m yo iendt orlsen entctcei. Hwvri h ai daly erepr uîda fsr Illtt hi' ') trees oceasonail working destrc Pe tsonFrlPnia ett i ~Prif CFate. tini puZnt ecRat herFrets Saeroln;a vrsewsat s~ wt uniyc the] blatie ifi hoP bas ne fr iine rdov Retuiîtn Stemerlents Chrlote a 9.0 Disaset o!the ir piecaes nthuiaste evr hn reedy.soa-eed ais disedgo bythe i~- ensin i cas at il. t ii he ose îrecitaatioUte-'ais th ~ i alyxcp5uda.isdetoytit agra etnthyprt Dagbs v watsoutih ao tilnc o! t1 1,es aret,-utonpiit oeote esno isncsayaout uto ti Ful nfrmtonfrm ilaens.th oileani uco. onbet orechtibydi nlie t. f enfeltht enar akngcvdecc f ore nlacbiydi ebîf(TeIane corsel- h qi , rbaletlatteLoerPat TG O THO nr Mtngr rnciltbs nilneca nyclt aeabo otbth rn ct,, hupebp ratwneeatott f i ebhbeoisi ta a e;gtti pake t Anilon dscnt for tenres oarubîs oUetexst 1or e vlubl ncio orth tti; nt athug ten" na h, h ot roîds orinahtipe- heprsot ovrnen u erog for, an opo-nt o!tiig oo gs on rnpltn teo i opsatt:Th a atiu o!i oser h efol Lwbetbe i erp an cone, bt ac difrnc les pin the sigt hrnbhthbue wt roachs the dîsoaeti prte wwuo bun, ton etaun u antiatiti00 lacit borner.o Tihaer ark, lihsei ant pe3a1et0 o naairtt fore ho Vo ia at N ;SotW s thenýv ,5Lo, 0 %r1 w e oi a re te g yps w rnot, si ' miliuis ton a icomisparafti ota! a,-oebî uc i anis , )z nt the snigh d ock vitb dian- iuc aob? n'cuino e pciey h to tts n cixty the arethe iseae, tein eter-; w~îe ie pe sipenceio Acr hia for -i fivo yimean.hvig itrd YfllWest Uu 0020 ladaum ant eu anti mondeos auti rohies one anyil pensiont fuif gyps catrpîear font tri ooe mnati'poi mean qurd umrvoee. ea! oniseiatsgr. A umeti antii t1eicu afi-, enfa The'e acidn on t Nî lc o!boLTE cenew.;h reqît indu ... !L ; ant gte a near ofathepi ar l(ry &N Loveli bav tGAgn y d t b d t t ts f -b p e eI i -toati andtme Auctalia rctl te proid for their agetlý\ ;fs d'mi. "tll. li1-teg watons.e, bose au souflO ne-osomO Hoerebstbfbe:îithtynefgyamuet have p oitsofv aoi-mou nght e fo fl1 e1sf a t er arel f nshti e tesonu of tha fno tie to anlt wben contiep a t hte glit- H n rv that becis u):il bealth ý pori A ~ ~ ~ i cau l tsofotteth teteticupee ntt o $00ude g-- iv tms dy Cillenshuiitein nt sakingexcso pr u ntdu t tatiort1bsw Di.ng ad u A.r r]ELte .,kln .- glass" emler Thee violett- bine, years~~iicofi > anf ugntuc xtn 0funluale'ec. tby ~ ~ ~ ~ I wok ltl cmeston ' D e howmyn fudauhtr on I_______ the______ deIcto wi'ai onuim ani eatfueh-A nt eisy Apliitbufo etr metbeOidem er aset. shah eb d g i nî,l ge e) i n tne as esehing or) hoe i 1hy oftueýi ta ei diîtate"ityyrxmv grocvrtipîtyh or ntne lhre aran brave,ýli nevetive ,rl yo n th e d ite p awe love-th a g inc foaptl____ ýj0 s ge Aey Or SuI aeniyto tUe A d Ci-lo In MOSTr tel nionsf on ofaroerucie Atiwo 11u no e h itsoe ufcsfrtin h Wilia hji.th 7. ,evo ;iima obtaîn a s tai he" JJtJ1fl.O~1 Poundi L illtO eioue~s , of ue. - ean ce rl ini t,h Rea ciye tier tw nt-ivek e rs co upotu and eultivatton of U Maîs tii eah .a d lire in solutude ton the moustl -- jet3" " M ,h pe rfed1I for tbe eas e5'"ei,;at is it?'"ýsbct in pul, how novneuetDviead Q 12ý) unetadra iftes ei, Prt aithongh sorntine shariug a "George monus business. He toîci 15;il fvo gin ofoc etersinlply Ihell be signi that babyatn oe forai tbere vqutred reidnettesý by livin ru__________________ e se) iast uight." ratr at t h on tim" ap 9W r 0o f-m i ra il nuh f-2rinilg tand owned seliy by lm, u't foo -i cl--- -o r hn n SIiUm th ,- à;e tbty op0 acews ln ceultni, Wi ehe tc y -u n MW__ prpnat te thns lo n t Y iGe't of~i bdimestead Jont ewueship in land tnmn aofrtonb ~oLc fnuihet~ h a e w'ilune tmeettutsu eqtremnt.OF CORE o6spaaiaa Ave.~ Reeeno o!terp sfu catie-, Sc0' EmI.én orse-bb' whis %%yîî Mnt parents or on fming laid Laa bb SbS" fnaacut o tb oem wned tivhutielf iti )ootify tUe Agent fo-r 1e, pîwmntugtt ettweks sucy cou ane so ungg e me inaeyit Iie tiury oS te Mn£tne 1fteItror erq~ -' tb fort - 'îýggý -a>'~ inih btrb xe.D U cmbîeaeu wiiie b adfr. 2-%z Sa~eA e rt, Ontarl vi-e away theý. botter I silt lveL "" M a di m n cW -1 you. -~C., excellent buttersL