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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Sep 1908, p. 7

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'i ~ ) e' 'lo50wtat's in tiiem, biess lits heart; Muhfault with him one cannot find,' It's just bis hrigbt, inquiring mind. Sncb ounaismisa ceunferfeit îinworthy cf the ns-me. A LOVIER'S QAR liontreai Youth and irl Try--te PoisonThîuevs A despatcb frei etelsaysýI As a resuit cf ai vrs urA Fred Minte, tony ears (cf s-go, andl Miss Neilie BHurton,abu fwenty years ofrae,ùredtepoi son themseIveýs at 9 adexsfre"r on Weclnesdayi,.Teywrburl te [ho enea opti hr stomachb puîmp wa,,s vsd-,-h A effeet. T It iat flrs fard h as bing eut cfdagr Minto wili wel- ucghalone. LLit is significanit thait 1mon ad wc-ýV mon whe ba1ve influLenced their fol- iows ms deepiy have-spoken di- ~rectiy and unhesitatingly eut of[ H înt , 4their ow n best natures. They have ~net waited upon current opinion, Z net repeated the current hass ~ they have net weighed their word, HATý,. against their prospects cf advance-' FAL AT. ent, uer fitted their teaci-iag k, tý "Wbat shape wiil bats bel ill their prevalent mood. They haiý1v< thoy o siafic than batsbae said whut they belie-ved. rn beendurng he ummer ,i , Wili and courageousiy. They hJave ne thecrjsbe1lhih0or Iow ? Wili caiculated the chance;s cfacp- theyho timmdceibertly or wîll arIde; tbey balvie spoken whmat sen- th, be ocmaaief ipe't true It tm andlefýt the resu.t AtIsda aan aî a Gd tmopbri influi(,ees a' o str~d.hestILtumake prognes -vetwrfl nPersuasive and- ca"ti'on cenceruiýng the auswer te r'nly sr rg atures overceme yeur quemstion. T ruly, there is no- them; cneprr currents ar-4 1,ýThignoe in the style that sheloften-swft anid wîcte, oniy resolîtle preues ibch the tbing fer win-, sculs breast and baffle tbemr. LBat terý car,.ta as etnceuele au reaily speak te mon ii' Wbere s fltwill ho worýds 1A tatuplift andingra" ued, evenir the samne shades. Silk wbo cees net deveiep thinward bas ii h lined with a contrasting fcrce, tisý victorieus falith in [hoe cee fvelvet, 'and vice versa; feur truth asho seesý it. Theo eosc basiudwîth colored satin. Ail sitive a mni, hemore force imii are xtreý,mely big and ou the mushi-be Put forth te, express what is c(ri- rem rder. 0f course, &ik e ginal in hiIim;'butt thýe original 'words Dameé Fashion mnay at au'y timie arc the iy cnes that cunt al chng er deere just as she sud- eothers arel ch'es.We bl(id11our (leiy decided that bighcrwsb-tsve as if wo wereiashame! wero nent the thing and iow crw o f theI; utwbwilçetaecuae musi,,t Lhovern iustead. anm d spe-ak c-f our dee(pe'sf ovc Auitumu bats arc lew-that is euetieýlnsý,tour Iigbe-st aspiratius; wei facfte o)start ,wth1-alt'houigh eUl.y 1sudHrely find t1at wo have entecri the lags blsl oss idnosardcmaonbpwhau Paris h1ave lhegun i te-;rake tbem feiowsand that thie bet foui (with thle inigleexeptin'ofLewis, ferveIr bas strr ,Pte sime Iere ofl Vl -wbe hs aieayeen sbew'ping Sqm nhlnesiu i taf brus ini taffeta lbats for, earily f- l 1ar. u. Nvr gv estbhan iyu et Many c h uun oeshv ndyoresisaasyesef Cr ef-n smesbc(w thie 1loW CN LCND XIIIN ewnon the ame'shntrorder, 1NýR; A AEXI2T . vohile it is paitdta h rm c~oHI tOtw et 81 ~4 ew-lavngthe ostricýh fea-1 ,,ers fer these bahýts te ho esinc sty b a-eltocc n à ittilater , iiinte 1,en rvosba.AGrn oFol x A smnart bat cf black grosgri-n bbtt omai yCndinMn1 silk isfa"ed ith a burff satinad"es is trmmedwitb long, curling qilî ig lssVuevlePrgamew' j~ icwbile a stiff bow achsbogiî daytnfot ft' rn the liing iefthe brimi. Tis is 5 feNguEtranetwl a~~ sifor, there is uotbing about Îi , dTbui'"1byl fieL sD cf te sggot dressiness.,Hpradat'a onay oua A bat witb broad quilis -or pes prI xiipev îbyostrich feathers-is of wbitc A -sn .ly0 nn in d feîf, the brim being lined witb the LadiI s Wrk willî b'-nadmtýcfD signaLze pa;lesýt shade cf salmon pink. The tOc - opennd ofM tb HandIlsomni Ncw Fire- feathers ail start frein the leftside 9i0 f Buing now beng _crec'tcd ab a thewid brn ad orsegra." elc f $12,A00. ,;i -lie bri andeure grce- The SpellAtractions ta front cf fumlly haýck over the wide crewn. GranStan I in the afirnomn xilint- Thie lady wearing this bat ais udetbe latesO Euo--eau mývel.ty "Del V11oars a ue1 nck ruiff, wbich ffasteus 'n (Oro'1-Pesforing Cons.' Tbs i'3 trer- a , ,bugrnow at the rigbt sid. bo , ittcd te cappear t avTaafor A smairt bat for a young girl is ibe uî tsta Ameu\ [iý ca.Tbere ii th1a t ith itam-e'--shanter erown of aisebe a e t - si uniiLAi,[iixnel bUe taffata. The ;wbole hat, in fee,[ao na pr.ycnt [ld e lie! is, o cflthe sema ýýmaferiai, and thelie c Ïnt1stng hauffers beVgtjoda1r- baud aound he crown is ntirn en eiCl bieemridrdin gid. nTeexiib 3lcnBcsd tht a rmc ît ic 1dstin saf n cmain buge blaigr-,ette,. This is maore adnximnb oni theo dre-,ssy order than auy cf the T. C. BATE, E. MeMJAFION, Lbats son îstx. Scoay A lbatot wear with oue's autiu suit is in beige-elered feit, witb a sc(arf ctf black sati'n and a Ilgei '[RUEJUR L3. fanlike ehen cf the samne, Itis , lrcythat tbis bat is cfsoof Tbeoctest for urý jou-rnaliim, as atraotberwise ià wouid ohocdif- c vrtigeslen its effects, fiit te goet tbrougb the many dee(rs wbc budh euaieadoe that euemu nLst pass in daily lite. vfuifsn aloeif rigbt, a A at in shadof amnethyst is bhafrcd cf mwat i s low, petty and thiat cf cark t affeta, bound witb sa-1 f ,aise, qazeai for t-eIrefein cl f wbatt fin in a iighter shade. Tbesan wrong and'te upboIld tbe- cause idea is carried eut in the trimmiu, ci rigbf and trutb. if, in rising ishere the velvet baud areuud the frcm [ho perusai cf a journal wo ciewn matches the cler cf tbe bat, feel stinxulated te take sides witb thbe ernehîng round tbe tep cf the cause cf righteeusuess and jus- the .rowu is of taffeta te match the tic"', 'von at the' seesmiug sciis mnin.This is wcrn wifb a cark of cur personal interests. wue bel ametbyst-co-red ru1che c(f ebiffen, assured that such a publication is tied en th( erbt ,side witb a b)ig tfafounded con the eternilve(ritiosi. f'efa bo ematch ]the rubi-g 1 nd Scb a jenrunalist asks hmsffrst (~nIncf Itle bat. Ifis ,:a very at'I- and foromosýt in [be censideraticun traivic creation awid aebsîil ~-ecytpe la s -igbLt-, wborei fair toe h a pepular cler this seaï),- 4l ietern, and baviug seftied sen, this, allseis, plain sailing. Thus fc eevteiny subjeet is to removo SIIORTIIORNS AT TORONTO. ils.cut cf the mists aud legs cf pro- Tihe exhibit fcfbetrs at the ju dice and p)assien and poftv per- sonality. SelIf anc llhifs bliiding Cauadian Nattial Exhîiticu, Te- influences are bIf t behiud, and the rente, !lwiiIb0te ilargestin nuin- trntb is lumiiiin uifs ewon heav- hors and thi e bes in quality . bab-enîy îigit. Sc a jcurnal eau ever seen iiat s-n xbibiin un nver lho mov)ed fremi is meerings, Amerca. Toronto bas long been ac -yepste sa uiea 111______ _and__ sumit.pThs isthen spirisfutruc-a witb a cremp. 11eý beacs-menuccu-' cieus and sauk witb t he yug ster. 11srry, who -,v en thie bs-nk, 'tip')ped off bsclo[hlinrg, s-nd, civ- irg, rebscued bofb) father -nd hrc- tber frein [ho fittýï en focf wster t s fuud ai that spot. Mr. Climle s-nd b isthree byswore OUf fish-ing, andwruatmtigt crn(,ss [ho river in re e sk short eut te fewn when [hoecidn happnd.The yunger Lad ceuki net swiml. 'TO-RONý,TO'S BIG HIORSE HW 71,1e Cans-diail NaticnalExi- toTorento, [is -,year -wÀiii be1 ,Lpiiaiy ,irig in ETac(ýkniiey;s,1 lydesclis and ponis. Sacdle herses, hnes and bs-e s eses w-ill aise hox, wel 1P t e oavers-go. A noties-hie featnre ce[obls dsp-timneut wili ho [he numbercf anim-ais espceially imiported for show. eve'v exte refunti [ho m(',"i ffsils. Crocodiles, hi~-ke ofih',ssb & grindcing [heirfcd ThIts woa say she wa.s saved from an,ope, îratI on byLydia, E. Mrs. Frank Emsley, Lincdsay, Ontarie,-m-riteýs to Mrs. Pncai When 1 wroteý to you some time ago, I was a very siek wo'man suffering from flemale troubles. 1I had ifl-arnma- tien of tlie feI IIýne organs and could neot standc or walIk am-ditace At Iast I -was confined to my bed and the doctor said I would havero o go hrough ani operation, but this I refusdtdo "A friend ad vised Lydia E. P inkhiam'si Veg5etable Comnpoundl. Aftesa threýe bottier, of it,, I feel like a ne-w 'I os harii reomen Lti E piskham's Vegetable CompGun D t i women who sufer with femnale troubles." FACTS FORl SICK WOMEN., For thirty years Lydia E. Pink-. ham's VegetabLe C(omipound.i(, made from reots aýnd herbs, has býeen the standard romedy fur female 111s andhlas positivelycuetonns woraen who -avle breen troubled -withi dispi!acemnentsý,inamai, cr- tien, flbroid tmumrs, irregnaiis periodie pains, backaehe, that bear- ing-down feig it1nyidgs tieni,diziness orniervous ,prostration. Why doni't yen try it? womnen to write lier foradce She baS guided tos st hat.Address, LynniE, YMta. TIE WORD. Today wbatever may anneýy, The word for mie is joy, just simiple joy; The joy of life;. The joy of children and of wife; The joy of bright blue skies; Tbe joy of rain; the giad surprise 0f twinkling stars that shine at nigt; Tbe joy cf winged things upor their fliight; The joy cf noon-day, and the tir d True joyousness cf eventide; Tbe joy cf labor, and cf mirth; The joy cf air, and sea, and eartb- ThUcrn, esjoyýs tbiat ever flow The lu1stru ightf d(ay, Wbate'er there heocf sorrow l'Il put off tili tomorrow, And wben tomorrow cornes, wby thon- 'Twill hoe to-day and joy agaii! -John Kendrick Bangs. WIIAT PORTLANDI CEMENT REALLY IS. Writing in the Septemiber nimj ber cf Suburban Lite on '"lite Coming cf the ConcreÉe Age' an ford E. Thompson says, "?orQiiasv ccmien.t, namied not from the ci:y if PRrtland, as might ho sueimrsel, hut heîs its celer resembles thiat cf po)r 1ian1d stone in Engian 11i werre it was first inventod,abu 2- is macle by grindin.g tgto s oraciayevyUrcký,like 'shaîn wýthý a mterallike chalk or mso, iand to nnn h ruisn t so bigli a boalt that thke pwo ;oaIl used for felburnls lke a g wvitbou)it apparenit smokc or cr The clî1nker formed in thd kiln-s is 9gaini ground to) the finost joi.c -so fine, in facýt, that the diamiie- ter cf a grain is iess thaoeuefou hundro-ýdtb inch-anid ;s ticn-, patks in bags, or barrels, forsipet SAVED IIIS FATIIER'S LIFE. llarry Cline, of Ingersoil, is a Lit- tieclRero. A despatch fromn Ingersoil says: Rarry Clime, the little thirteen- year-old son cf Mr. W. A. -Cime coi this town, is beîng iooked upon aa: a young hero. Wbile swimming nca(ros;s the Tae River, east cf b oli re , o n W d es a , w it h is eigbt-year-oid soý.n, Melviin, on bis IlAPPENC S ROi ILL OVER TrilE GLOBE. Telegî'aphie Briefs FI-on] Our Oxvni an Ohmr Couintrie8o REeiceat EvenIts. The fire in the C. P. R, ces-i Piles st FrWilibasbenxtg- Pciiýe Capîs-a;in aîern f hs- gew~~~ý waobe f $2001)yMet irLeuis ette, retiring LieuIten- anit-Gevernor of Qee, ilre- [rura te tho Benich. T'le tfewn ,of Dlriirwilb auue-xed te enrelon tober 1sf. Tho e pulatien is ns-y7,- Mnr. B. H. Kr' bo e--l dsi-ghfenr was iiled st Millfown, BN B.,).y a herse falling upnbler. There bs-s been a great failiug .ff in [hoe amount of puIpweod)- car- ried by [hoTemisks-miug & Nerth- crul Onfarie Rsilway. Joseph -Bithel was aequi[ted on1 [ho charge of sssanifing s- con- s,,table st Montres-J, if being shewn [bat [he oceutabie struck hum firsf te keep hum hback frein the fire linoes. GREAT BIAN Bita'i's fiil[iatehpe h Dreadnughftyt' pe willb ho lanncb- cd s-f Pentsiniu[hon etiCt The ,,wif o ofMaoGerlLud was fouind mysterisl iy mrdecred' ii ades wood nos-r Sevenea)jks, net fs-r froninLes-don. UNITED STATES. To-,,nor fiffeen negro laho(rers iosti their lives iii tho flccds st Ags Ga. A loue bigbwm-nybleldup -and mobbe sevn cochescf [uristsi'n, 1elew-ýstone Park. John Lynch, imprisonied in a N.ýew York sewer, was driowaed(' by ws-fer frein floocled ceilars. Rcv. Albcrt Friek, s- Preshyferi- an mînister, shof and kiibedm- i self in a 'New. York boel. The succession anti transfer taxes on [ho estate cf [hoebste Russell Sage s-mouafed te $8667,583. Tîopersons wredrowne n sesenten -temisiugas [ho resuit cf[owash .Ingaway of s% bridge st CairnenCas. Frank Brysuf mýiurtiereti Thomas Brady in Chics-obesustho latter gîoaned in bis sleep, when Brys-nt wss net feeling woii.- Tbe trial cf te' aia1ro1es wbe are sccuIsedc f t [ho murder cf The AlsPrlu enn c. bas been awvarded thecerate suppiy 4,500,00i0)barrels cf cemient: fer use in [ho eusrctoùf tho Pans-ma Canal. -,r icvr DeteCtives-' in NewYok isevr cd crer $1,00 orfb cf jewels, silks and fujrs in [ho benuse cf Mrs. Minie Cuirtis, xvbrn [bhey srresfed feu cmpiicity in soyo- rebberies. Charles Knisley, a yeung English- ms-n cap[ured st Port Huron, wil be depor[ed [o Engbaud, where ho lias been seutenced te btife imprisen- tient for being inpiicafedi in a mur- der. GENERAL. Abd-el-Aziz, [be deposod Suifs-n tfMorecco, wiib fs-ko refuge in-Da- masses. Argentins-, bas decided te biti [wo battbesbips ant ILs-ffiIlia cf ter- bcde ires-fsandderyrs Baroni Makine Nobuski wilpreo- Lbysucceed Ceuf iLKornurs- as Japanese Amibassader s-f Londeni. Baron Speck Von Sternberg, Gem- ms-n Ambassadtie o [ho United States, tiied suddeniy st Reidel- A Berlin tes-cher cs-used s- mn on [hi, Freidriebiberger Bank by advis- ing bis pupils te [ehl their parents thaf [ho, instituitin w \as isOvnt. AVeuzuelan cour[tbs-s foicdthoe French Cabie Companuy gnilty of FAýTTFNINÇI FOWLS. finlusethle staple fatten1ing fooý d - s oats, grouind veýryfline 'by a uilk. But therîe are other less- cosiy nîmixues wîhhave given excelentresi l n there is no relason Wby the, fowl ,!fattener should cepend soioî10y on onIe kind of food. Success dpnsla.rgely upone the, proportions Iwiých thievaou of ground oats7, two parts, miaize mieal, one pairt; middlings, ono part, malkes niexcellent fattening ration. The pr'incipal moïstenling agent il allil mýixues must be skim muilk, ..ic obn else that may b£. usod (for tis purpS i qite as good. Somie fattenors, hwvr fred a g(ood deal oÀ brothi, whiîch is mýace by bili"ng ow,ýn ail kinds of roghft, tallow, bones, pioCcsosf aient, 11ivers, etc., w1ihc ari h picked up at small cost. The imethod is; to boil these various kinds of of- fal in a large vat for several bouýirs, and according aýs the brotb or souap is requ'ired it is drawn off and mixýed witb meal. Fowls in coops mnay bc fod either twice(, or tbrice a day; but we pre- feî to feed them ni y twvice, as we hav-e found thiat they,, keep boa,,lthier and ma->intin a hearty apeite for a loniger timle lupon two ) neals a day thani on three, vwhile thore is,,no ,ap- parent differonce( in gains of wegt. Muhlabor is also s"av(octbyf)j cnly twice- a da,andthis is an lim-, portant considera'tion in estalisýlh- monts her souehundreds of fcwls are bigfatteýned at once. The htours of feod(inig sbould e re- giular and Ievely iv idd-that is, to say-, fthe(re shoulýýd not be tuoo long aperciod b1otwe-ýen any two moals, noopportunity o7 fragngfor a slgemorsel of foodi, Suiffe i iathand decroase inii iii wýhen kept fasting too ]lng. The attendant should bce oarly astir, so as to givo the fowl their miorning meai between 5 and 6 o_'clock in summer timo, and as early as thore is, daylinght in winter, and tho ov- ering moal is aiso to be regulated by the length of the day. In wintcr it must be fod between 3 and 4 o dlock, but in the time of longer daylinght the usual mealeis about 5 p.m. At feeding times thc attendant should ho particularly observant, for there is no other time at which the health of the birds can be so acurately gauged. It, will h,'Obo- served that.certin ,ifowls -wilcat otes em olot heirurlish for foodý( within, a few Jdays after hav- ing been placeed in the coops. The latter birds are usually unsuitable subjeets for fattening being'anae- mic and thriftless, and the oniy ccurse that can ho taken with them is to lot them loose, and if tboy can Iloe got into good health and f air condition in the fields, to soul them off without fattening, for anythiing tboy will fetch. We may mention that the f owls which have ncs sarily to ho handled in this way are exveoptional. and that the majorîYty of healthy fowls rospond readily to) the efforts' of the fattener. Tt is unnocossary and indeed imnpossýile to lay Ilwn nd keopruo as to the quantity (-f food to ho fed, and int this the attendanit must ho guici- cd eu1tirely byV obsesrvation. The pi actico is-,to-, place as mluch foodi Sire the trouighs as it isý supposed he fewls wl eat u greedily, and thon to observe themi in order to asc-er- tin if ail are fecdirng wetL. If the attendant sees that more food i s required, ho givos it; but, if, on thre other hand, there is food left ovýer, the troughs are scraped into the fceding pail, and as the food can- Inot poissibiy got soiled in the tiougbs, it may be fed again at the nextmel The attendant should, 1bowvever, aim at mixing olas mnch food at a timo as will ho con- suimed at a single meal.-Ilome- EAiST OF TORONTO AUG. 20, 22, 27 sEzPT. 2 , ¶ Froru stations Et F- Trr-o North Bay in- te udr nd ng Sharbot Lake -'dKieo. Tickets issucd to wansen. ,but ne> t ýhai-fare f ne chldren. j~~~K RS SPECIAL TRAINS FROM ALL C. P. R STATIONS ON IExssrionalird~esîcco~I AUGUST 14, 18 snd 20. Appiy te nearest C.P.R. tcket ae.t Se er. Lorleaflet ivlnig condlitions, train times, etc.. or write 1~~akuîbern~j C. B. FOSTER, District Pamnaer Acent, TORONTO iew grade Woods, snýcb as willew, cftoniweed and oh, au ho macle as lasti)g as 1ed!ar or cak unitret- ed. AS SESS IMENT FRAUDIS. 39lloatrtei oerisEsoalpe Taxa- ion Altogether. A despatch fren Montreai says: Some startiing revelatieus- have [ceen macle hy the new city asses- sers. If bas been discovered thaf n eue divisicu cf the city alone or fen w ellingswore net as- sessedl by [ho olcl officiais; that a brîge yarc l]intho, city, svifb varieUs dwellings and ctber structures np- oui if, had escaped assessinent fcr untold years; and tbat properties wbich are now beiug assessed at $9,000 were escaping wifb an as- sessment of $900. There wil ho a cîvie investigation. For fat and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the 7 Signature of RUN DOWN BY TRAIN. Ileterboro' Man M~eets Death en Route to Birrel, Man. A des;patcbi frein Winn ipeg sy Gec. M. Yeunig, cf Peterbore -. Ont., was kiiiled by a tanon Wed- nesclay. He vwas en rente te Bir- roi, Ms-n., te take charge- cf a thresbing gang. POIJLTRY RECORD BREAKER.1 -The exhibit cf peultry'aud pet stock af the Canadian National Exbibition, Toronto, wil ho great- iy in excess cf lss year. Thon the exiisnuinherec liess than 00 Tis yeakr they have climhed m) te nws-ards cf 400, anti a few cf Élie . ..----------- lm- (Il)-* been tried, buitt[ho preser-vative tries. yewreemenedis creosote. Dis ----- is a byprcducrt cf ceal tar, whieh TIWO CRILDREN BURNED. is~~a preuce st s plants fe)r [ho maniiruacture of iiinmiiinatiug as.lieuse of Peter Good, Nýear Ethel- hs [s-r i istilied, ancl duing [obiD~ryd lpîoces[oecoudensodvsprae run inite tbree soýparafe resseis sdiA dcsps-ch frein Dauphin,Msn-. [bus eps-r-tedinte ho iihou cf, Rays: Tîvo eide fPrGoï Ud, [s-r cnptsthe des - il fcs-is-fariner livnge o- tebr tar, wbndsildin s- imi lar Mm- gTh fefitre cs-ught in tho uw- uer gves"wed resct."whib er tcy, heethoebîltiren w'rel aise ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u posseofogatspi u u f thei- r ny cane)F o roprfis. he restinef rcoi- cpe.Thbeys-s siand t[ho girl ieddfor fnepot ste bave threeàycars olti an rontan cas-be f holiga fyDFND poffil uieti, ivh(t-,p t re In, E ,F1, adebcfbrcami s-bs-iofef Te-hr Jhy ue ms-y speil ASitbcrosueosanti ebf. Te ' tis enîUvïeghbr., pssar-e tkepf in [bis bs-1fbierfeu ohn-""e --bbo- bone teInealueurs, tipeuUdng (en [ot ah er "Thaf'Uns right. Nw, euaaercfthaewe,sad Pare [heu Tommy, esn yen [eh mechat, a trasfrîcli') a colcl bath of tict ecighqr iM, saine matoieor nheur. Tomy Yesý, m-'Lr t',s a If is clsimed [bs-t by [bis procosa xx oms-n bs-t rws tig. rvnssyte, iaospe 0e lis oid Veins uesNr, Price $1pabr, sifrle..ewil ias.Vi (fgrmerly Windsor> Toe'ostpont. Itesidents of Fou-'Cte Dige Thirst. A ws-il cf auguisil cons fren the vs-st southeru province cf Apuia, Ifs-iy, where tise population is dy- iug cf the<creadful dreughf. Ne h0avy rains have taïlin feStce asf ciateen umcnths, the wel & nar e Pp- ans-d the clive groves a-nd vi Ae- yards preseut a spectacle cfai wer- cd vegefation. The wbeaf crops bave failed. The Tavoieedhhistitis remdd te a squalid desert, mhie in thaf C f Bari fresb water cests more than wîue. Over hose -vas:,t tracts cf un- wafereýd ceunfry tnc rtifIcia"îIIsup- ply- exists. ,That ggnteunurts-k- îng the Apulian aqu-ecuct. s) much Aalked of, and i rféuaboult durinig the lat twenfy years, is stilI far frein finisbed, nuer in ilthe mesf opti- mistie estimiafe wit if hoavailable for s-f les-st another eight years. The Cities cif Adria, Barletta, T> ani and Bifonto arceiiteraiiy farn- ished. They have sent clamercus demauds fo Mhe Geverurneuf for îimme-dîssfe froc trauspeorf ef wster bh railways andi wsrsbips. The Italian femslpNavigation Cern- pamny has tarknlthe generons initia- tive cf deptthngvsseIs laden with sweet water frein Veniice, An- cena a-nd Siciliani ports te varions pitonthe Apuflian coasf. The wocl spends aheuýit $IS7,000,,. 000 annuas-iy in mths A geýntlemiian was euie day rois-t- inig tc a Quaker a taie cf de dis- frsand conýcIiuded by saying- "Vrlfriend," rpidthe Qua- ker, ",tho idstrigbt in that thbou didst fol for tby ne1(ighbor; buý It dlids t thn ee in thýe rigit pae didslt thon feeInl inte peeket ?" EXCURSIONS to Harvest Fields of Manitoba, Sasýkatchew;an and AIberta. Well-paid work for over 25,000 nenl. L ~one-way second class to, Winný-ipeg. Free tickets from Wiînnipe-g to, points where harvesters are needed, east of Moose Jaw, andl west Of Moose Jaw to JÈ., J Aiberla ait one cent Per maile. RETURN TICKET TO O1NTARIO STARTINO POI NT FOR ADDITIONAL $13.00, AFTER WORKMING AT LEAST ONE MONTH Apply to ticket agents for fui 1 conitions G-PG DVAT E-S CAIN ADI ATNNA T1INA L Au 2 29 E -X ÀB ITION114spti 1 Graetand Best teddAna Exhibition iial L Ce W orld Every Province fAilGOfflnIMmtGoth Its products fla prizes and A rciù j Concerts 1rnternatonal MlIitarîy Ta!ttanandi Realiltic Spactaclec ThAe i~ f eàmaStoo International DA~ Show ItrainlCatShw 8,00O LiveSokonVe Fer prise Lista, Esi r7 Biens dald i iisQUle sdcs , 0.011, isarCity 5411, Toero CE A P IFA iES t FRO Y W a R F G,",FORT AND Dui ;ble 1, Y -anteedj Wtrproofi NORTRIEST OF TORONTO AULI-r. 14 5 18 S EPT. 1, 8 Frôn os inrsTer.oito-Nortb% B ay> " ne , w sr leb u t not irtcl injn 89OUThWEST 0F TORONT53 Frono staionseunToronto-Sar line. and souihtherenfi ns Ortasro. 1 1 Peind ot passion nr ýpit-intprp ut -t 1 hft q Manv -ubstalleps hFivr ý exhibiters have as manv as Il ml en- -1-

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