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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Sep 1908, p. 8

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A Dollar Made * and that you ean de by purehaing one of the kitohen cabÎn- ets tu our window this week, our priees are from $8.50 to We give you eredit and guarantee our goods. Undertaking is a speelal brandi of our businessi aud always re- c7 elves personal attention day or night. We doanot make any extra _ charge for distance. P'hone 58, Hampton Branch, Phonel.29 F. W&E WANT YOUR SEED). We hLaveý- jubt purlhased a new upi,-to-date Seed Cleaner a nd l.are DOW prepajred to hiandie ail kin-ds of Ciover and Grass seeds cleaned or uneleaned and to3 pay the highest mnarket WEWN T VOU R R GR AIN. We, are also in the market as asual for ail kinds of coarse Grisu2à as Bariey, Bizkwhent, 9at-,,Peas, Rye and Goose Wh4ý-eatîr, ail of which we ,ire prepared to store and buy jtt store- house up town, our elevat-or at G.T, ýR, Station, or to -buy if ztored ait the Publie Eevatýor, Port Darlinigton, WE ARE STILL SELLING COAL At $6,50 per ton at Harbor & G T. R. Station atnd 87.00 per to,-n deiivered to al parts of the town. Pea Coal $1.00 per ton les25 uents per ton off for Spot Cash. Carrying in baskets extra. W. also have splendid Threshing Goal at 85.50 M at Harbor or Station and 86.00 up towu, lJsual limes ln Wood, Charcoal, Cernent, Lumber, Shingles (metýai and wood,) Rex-Flintkote and Asphait Roofing, Doors, Sash, Bli dei and, MouldingEr Special attention to p]aning and matcfràing, resawing and dressing um ber. LI1M lIEO, ýa . Kinig .St., East, Bowmanyile. %Tell V1.nour WifeIl*iý * To cali at onr store during this week and next. ~~ Teli l ier *We are going to clear out ç200 odd *e *chiairs and rockers. *Some at her price,. Soma at our- price. *Some at any price. e,* ,e, ,In this lot are chairs and rockers suit. *able for any room i the house and include * wood seats, cobbler seats, reed or rattan, oak * and mahogany, some are upholstered.* * Value and prieý make rapid selling so * *coite early. fLJ. MORRIS &zSE)No ý * - p1gRIIuRDUALBRSAIND FUNERAL ODiRECTORS, * Phno l~ wmnvile. Branches: Oronoù and Ha&mpton, e, Re'd & Pearn 's * Summer Sale 5 For the next 2 weeks we wilb osi at reducod prices a uet c odd lines of Boots aud Oxords for cwrbody, Here are s few of tbem;, Wom en's Canvas Oxford. regulAr Si.6o for S 25 Misse~ ,, , ,,$x 25 for .9o bhildreu"s ,c), o for .65 *Meni's whilte,. boots ,, $1 751fcr $1,35 *unr Boots surd Sio2 per cent off regular prices. Wïses' Pet, Leather Boot s, cSc7s --2 e00for $1 50 Womn'sOneStrap Kid Sipr French Heel, reg, $i * for $1 75. Wopen'e Pral Pump, sues z-6 8eua 2 75 for $2 25 * Bey' Boots, sizes 8forogular $1 26 for 75C. T1i iloly part o! theincerne sud sec for yourself. We have * ho mIe Crom for Fail1goode wIloi are daily arniviug.« iReid & Pearn, î * CLEÂN EST ESTOCK IN TO3'N15U OpoieBaimroal RotaI = omavll :4 4B4 4 4lie BOWMANVILLKE-AT-THE-LAKE Mise Hilda Bottreli bas returned1 home. Robert Bird vlsited at F. C. Petblck's recently.1 F. C. Petblck and Wm. Mathews are moyingtuhs week. Fred Roblin, Hamilten, bas been on- jeylng a wsek withtbe I"Cylent Pie". Fred Battie and wife spent a pleasant da,; at "Sunnyside Cottage" gueste of Rlerb Dilllng. Boufires were Indulged lu oaci even- Ing and enjoycd very much owing to chilly woatier. Harry Aluin aud familv, Peter Dey man, and A. Matisws speut Suuday at Wm Mathews'. Chas. HIL Bics aud famfiy bave va- cated their cottage '-Sandhurst" sud mot ed Up town. H L. Pearu, wife and cild, Wmn. Pearu and Mrs j Reid vlsited ut 'Ros. aile Cottage" Suuday. Robt. Bird and daugitor Isabel were gueits of Roger Fishelgi',,Noonshine Cottage" over Suuday. Chas Heal, Parcy Plyn, Alex. Brown Percy Gimblett, Mort. Murdof sund Jas, Luuney were gueste of Clint Lunney, Sunday. Mrs. F H. Bounsaland cibidren, Chas Cox and wife spent Sunday at "Sunsiue Cottaore" gueste ef Gus Bounsail. R. Greenfleld, sud wife and son, Vic- ter snd Harry Weismilier, Toronto, were guests cf Geo. Maynard "Fiera- dora Cottage" Sunday. Mrs. Go. Grant and son Ciarbie, Misses Swif t and Dawson returned te Toronto, Wednesday. Gee. Grant salled from Scotland Friday. Italians at the station do considerabie shootIug Sundays. Forelguers sioubd net be allowed te corne Inte our do- mains and violate tie Sabbath. Miss Allie, Middletou, Newcastle, and Mise Carrne Dustan, were recent guests of M9iss Susie Dustan,1 'Suuset Cottage"% Roger Fishigh, came borne Satur- day alter a moti's absence. Mrs. Fishielgh sud daugiter Violet accern- panaitd hlm to Tuoeto. Meuday sud1 are going te take lu tht, Fair.- Wàm Nash, Toronto, empl'oed ou theodredge met witbha painful accident1 Friday wherebyheo lst tbe bait of the imiddle inger sud ticprobable bossolcf another. W bile working he got bis Ungers betweou two scowe. Ernie Maynard, member cf the Rifle Association, speut tic week at Long Brancu, Toronto, camping with Perey D'Estereoeeof- the mariers at tie ranges He reports a goed ture nesd inteuds takiug taking a baud lu at the targets tiere ncxt sear. One day a nebgbborlng ccw came up toeir pro- vision tent and bavine a taste for sweet meas, ripped open tbe taut witb its bonsud ste ail ticir grub The owncr cf tic cow was notlfled cf the îiciL sud he soon snpplled them again. _____ BETHESDA On the e,ýenir.z cf August 27, a nui - ber cf relatives of Mr. H. C Hoar, met at tic home cf Mn, Suas V. ,Eoar, the family homesýtead. ,,tejoin lucelebratingi bis 7th bbthday. A,"ter s sumptueus repast tic healti cf the guse chouer was pnoposed. Mr. Milton J. Werry, toast-master made a neat speech Congraiulatony speeches were ma-le by P, W 'erry. J , D. Hoa,J.RB. Colo, Chas. igelew, Bake Cole, W. R, Cole, T, J. T. Cols, S, V. Hoar sud ochers. The ladies suppbied abundauce of music ah interludes. A very feeling aud appre- ciatîve respouse was made byv Mr. H. C. Hoar tate ie ny klnd words and con, gratulations, A vsr.y social eysuing was enjoyedt exernplary of tic strain ',How ple&aat il is for brsthrsn te dwell luunity".,,, Miss Pieulo West- ington, Piainvillo, has been vlitluig hor sister Mrs. S. V. Hoar... Tic mauv rinondsansd admirers of Miss Sexemith arc glad that they will have a chauce of seeing ber as sic la teacbiug at Orono. ....Miss Ethel Cols, millinen, returus ta Cor nwal tàLs week ta resume beri dluties... .MissJean Ted, town, visited Mns. J . R. Coloe ,... Harvest is welb ovor and thecrope were fain , R einIsmuci neýeded ... .Miss Lily Hïoar, Providence, visieed Mrs. T. R. Hoar and Is recoiviug congratulations ou wiuuing honors lu tic Juiy oxame. REDUCED RATES TO, TORONTO Via Grand Truuk Rallway Systom on accounI ci Cantidianu National Exhibi- tien. Returu tickets wibi be sold at single fane frorn ail stations lu Ontario to Toronte, geod goiug Aug, 29 te Sept. 12, nturuing from Toronto on or before Sept 15. Low rats excursions wiil aIse be run on certain dates, particubans cf whIihch au be obtaiued frorGan Trnuk AAnt. 8-4 'TOT.ICE le iereby givon, that a -NCourt will lie heid, pursuant to "The Vuters' MotIs A by Ris Honour the Judge of the Conuty Court aoftUnited Counties of Northumberland and Durbam at tie Council Chamber*,onlî5e15 day 0f Septemnber 1908, aI2 p. m 'l ,t ersddetermîne Oie sev- ai cmplinteo! rr os sd omàissions rintlb. PVoters List of tlie Muniipality o! BOwdmau- VIlle0 for 1905. Ai Lesn avîug business aI the ourt are rqnîýved tg ttend at same urne s»d Place, î D dt ed 1lit Cdaýy ô0f 'se pt eunb e r, 190$S, JOHiNLYLE ierk of tie sAid ,lnncpality. 1 Mr. Je.,. S. Hubiard, nga, Ont., Wsrites: "Myy wife was a great aufý'ferfr a c headache sud biliausue:sa, but Dr.Chii Kidney-LÀVe1r Pilla have mnade of lber a new creaîre, Tese lîltroubleshaentel ispeedfor which we thank Dr. Cliase.' 1 OSHAWA Mr Frank lHoning has returued frorn Londen.' Misi5 Lloyd la bolidaylng at bar home lu Toronto. Mn Roy Cnaig, Tenante, wsshobe over Suncdsy. Victor Pse, Tononlto, wae at homoDe over Snnday . Miss Merlo Baker la ioltdaying at St oney Crsek. Miss Plceot, Toronto, le guet of Mrs J os White. W Alchin sud nde, New York, are vlslting bsprns Mies Fboreuce Bennett 15 visihlng relatives lu Toronto. Mns Wick,' Berlin, Io vlslting ber cousin Mrs J Becker. AnthiurEliiott vlsited relatives lu Port Penry ever Sundsy. Mrs Wrn Goodaul, St Catharines, le visitlug ion motion Mirs Day, Mn Irwlni Arrnstrong, Hamilton, le tolinayiug witihbis parents. Mn Edgar Gregony, Winipeg, le vis- itlugis taonJas Gregory. Mies Olga Ted, Bewrnville, recontly visited ion uncbe Mn D M, Ted. Miss 1lIsta Qregory vlited friands at Cobourg sud Peterboro recently. Mrs Rusýeli Landen sud Douglas vislhod frleuds ln Toronto recently. rMiss Wiunif red Pal mon, Brantf ord, is ïMises Editi Sugden, Toronto, visited Miss Fbora French ovon tic week-end. Mies Eth el Cook, Newark, N j, le visitiug- ber c.ousin Miss Margaret Cook, Eric Pbllips, Toronto, vîsilod hie grandmother Mrs T H MeMilian naceut. 1y Misses Jenul'o Davinsd Ella Guan- rnow ane spendlng a vacation lu Tor- onto, Master Jack Wbihby, SaubI St Marbg, spont bis vacation witi bis uncle Chasj Simmons., Mrn dMrs Jaek Canten sud lîttls daugiten, Terno, are vlsitlng ber father Gao Lowe Mns Fred Bielle sud daugitens, Tii- sonburg.,are visitiug ber graudfathonr Mrti R Wellington. Miss Margaret Scott, Tononta, is boit dayfug withbahon graudmother NÂrs Wallon Coultiard. Mns Rugi MoPhenson sud daugbter Auna, Montreal, are guosts . o! ber fathonWillou White. Jas Joinaton, wife sud failîy bofit Vednesday fer Chicago, Ei, wiore thoy will lu futurs reside. Banniseo H E Merphy le speudlug bis vacation at Coboconi. Mne Monpiy1 aud Aubrey ans lu the cihy. No Worm Medicine achese u icely as Miler's Worm Powders; ne piysic ne- quIred R.'iM. Mtcell & Ce, 11ev Dr Petie, Broklyn, N Y, preached two euloquont sud lnspiring sermons inutlie Baptist ciarci Suuday, last. 11ev sud Mrs Jas Hodges sud Carlyle sud Lilisun eturn thIis week from Boatvorlon, whero tiey spent 'tie pasl rnontb, Major R Dilben cf 501h, Regîment wbo won sevenai goed prises at Long Brauchi winulug futher hiouons ah Ottawa tis wek. Muriel, Jean and Lililan, daugitors e! the bats J P Ptirdy bave gene ho Vaueuùvor, B C, le neside wlth them graudmethon Mrs Wlnten. 11ev H S Spenco, Tyrene, pneacbed very acceptabin lu Simcoe St ciurci Sunday 11ev H T Lewis, B A, preaci- cd Hanvest Home sermons ah Salem., Miss Aibeen V Kese, Detroit, Mici, Mise Elva Power and Gao Weekes, Bowrnanviloe, sud Ed F Wcokes, Ton- oute, were Suuday guesteo o W J Webster. Muet net be coufouuded wIti common cathantlc on purgative pille Carter%' Little Liver Pilis are eutirely unlike themIn l eveny respect, Oue trial will prove thein snperiorihy. Dr J McCulloggh, late of Blackstock, wio leaves sbhontlv for Ediubungh te speud sorne lime lu the principal hos. pitls thene, wae guest -cf his motien Mns Robt MeLaugilin. Nrvoùs PiaosTRATioN-M ns Edwsrd Lchwantz,Ladysrnith, Que., writee: I ha.d nervous prostration; ceuld not sloep, had frequeut headaches sud dlzzy spelis. palpitation of -tie heant, was tired, exbausted and very irritable sud nenveus. Dr. Chase'e Nerve Food cured il aIl, sud I caunot flad words ho express rnythianifuluess " Dr. Ciase 's Nerva Food cures lu uature's way by forrning ici, red blood sud building up tic6 systern, Mne Wux Greenway cf Cote St Paul, forrnerly o! Cedardabe, wss bunied hers heday frorn tic resideuce of her son-lu- law Mr John Cooper. She isd beau ailing for lie pasîtincre on four yoans but had beeýn eonfined te ion bcd onby ST ITITS DANCE A S3everre case Cuired bv Dr WiI- liams' Pink Pils. St Viles dance le a disease efthle, nerves brougit on by a mrebid condition o! the blood. It la a common disease wib cildren and allais lemale ofterier than maies. The enly cure lies bu plenty cf pure blood, because good býLood1 h. itsa food I 1h. nerves. Dr:. Williams' Pink Pille cure even the moal severe forme cof this trouble because they enich lie blood enpply, thiUs canrying lb. uecaeary food lethie nervea. Iu proof of li we have lie statement et Mrs Alex. Carneron, Summoeraide, P. E. I., who says:-"1Somàe years ago my daugiler Lena, tben a girl cf ten yeare, became afflicted wili St Viles dance. At thal lime se was atteudlug echool sud lb. final indication I hied tisat sometbiag weis wrong, was that se appeared eaaiiy dis- couraged i ler studiese 8h. was ustural- lys apiil.d ciild, net given to tears, but se would cny oven wiat 1 thought sbould be easy worni fon her. Tie dîsease pro- greesed se nepidly Ibat iu tbe course of a f.w weeks aie becamA unabie ho held amythiug lu, ber bande, and we were obliged to lais ber ont of aciscol. Si. became eaffected Ibal she could ual ioid a cep la ber îips wltbout euddeuiy iosrng bold cf il, I inew rmmthie firet bY tb. symplome tlatliber aliment waa St Vitus dance sud dispslred o! eeeing ber cened, as it waa loolsesion fas sncb a hopelese aimet. She became so bad liaIa se could net hald herseif s8011 for lise space oflen seconde. Her bauds or feet were continually moving sud biset cf al abs wouid contant ber featurea so tisaI ahe wa8 loeiug ber naturai expression. A t Ibis stage I chanced ou s papeif contalnlug a testimonial in favon of Dr Williams Fink PuIsl, describing tie cure o! a litt1. girl afflibced as mine wae. I hasleued to gel a couiple o! boxes of the pis, sud by lie lime hie iad need tiens I ueticed s de. cided chbange for 1h. betten and puncissed a funtner supply. 'By tie lime se had takeis ecvuK. boxes aise wss eutirely c.rede, Althoug h e.seemed liorougily cured 1 was afraid lie disease i git returu again, bul il neyer did, and oie bas eluce enj oyed tbe beel cf bealli. 1 cannot tbauk Dr Wiliams Pink Pille enougi fer what tiey did fon my cbild sud I hope my expenieuce may be of benefi b ecmeoue affliched ase my daugiter was," 1 1 Pr Williams Pink Pille are sold by al medicine dealers or rnay be obtaiued by mail at 50 jents a box or six boxes for $2.50 frorn The Dr William' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. About 60 yoaug people were eutertaiued le an ico creami panly eh th. home of Johin Siemori recetly.....Welcome le Mn J Montgomery sud family, Tarante, who bave mov'i mbthie bouese prciae.d from Geo Cowliug. , . ,Wr Semello, Nestleton, visited at Tios vloutjoy'e. ... Sevenai from hers attended Salem Harveet Home ,,LieuntLo,nnMeLaugisîlu sud j Me. Neil ancatatendflug camip ah Barniefield... ..H Stainton sud wi!e Sudayed at Post- master Cneeper'a ..... htre N Hall sud taîuily, Oshawa, are yisiting hier tlionD Graham. Miller's Compound Iran Pis, ouhy 25 cents for 50 doses , R. M. Mitchell & Ce., l3ewranville. HAMPTO)li. Miss E B Johns bas been eugsged te teaci th. balance of the year ia S S No 17, Darlinglon ...Henry Elliott , isihed fieuds la Fenelon hast week sud reporte crope ligit in tisat district.. . e J E L Cale sud wife attended the social ut Enuiekil- leu sud assisled outhie programn. 1ev T H P Auderson aIse rendered efficient asistauce,. . , Mrs PetIne, Si-mca., is vieit- log ber brother R Katensaou....Mrs Hawksn, Bowmanvilie, viaihed at J T Cole's reoently , ... J' Lauder sud wite, Toronto, vlsiled ai Tios Eiiohl'e receuhiy ...R Katerson receally visiled Inoende ah Newcastle. Mns Ayere, Lindsay, vislted bier anale J Waeley .... Mrs R Avery took la lie excursion te Cobourg. . ..Miss Lellie Hern vlsitedrionde lu Torntuo....Wesley Redman visiîed Brooiliu fionde. Tic Women's Institute wili meet ou Tbursday Sept 3d ah home of Mrs. Tics, Ce,eper. Subjecîs for discussions Re- sources cf Canada. Waten Cake for the famlly table, te be taken by Mes- dames, Ruse, Moore sud Rowe Al memnbers are rcquested ho ho preseut sud retunuthie ibranies belcuging ho institute, Brng a frieud, Meeting opens opens ah 2 30 P M STARKViLLE The Starkviile Branci of the Womeu's Institut. met lu Starkville Sciool Hanse Saturday Aug. 22. Tisane were thirteen ladies pissent. luatead of the usnal program, tfisty short amusiug stonies wene nead by the ruembers. A pienlo on Mns. George Rutherford's lawn will be ield Thursasy Sept. 3rd. BLACESTOCK. Blacistock Fair September 29 and 30. -Mr. Robt, Pili s going West this week. 11ev, 1&.A, Delve aud wife are wel- corne borne agaia. Mise Aima Harman, Grecabank, has cerne 10 esîde bore. Miss Marjorie H-unIer, Millbrook, is visiling Miss Unice Sauderson. Mr, James -Relies, ont catenpnisiag macine agent, was lu Bowrnvîiie tuis weck. Mr J H Devitt, M P P, was iu Bow- manvilie on Weduesday sud favored The News wili a cali. Cartwright farmers have siowil hemr culerprise by euternag in lie Goveru- ment Field Orop Compelticuo as appears frorn lie narnes ef eut townsip cern- poIions ou an insîde page, The report wiil be watched wti mach iutorost, PORT HOPE Mns Servie, lormeriy of Port Hope, uow reaiding bu the Northwest, le vieiting Jas WYade,, Pont Grauby. .._James L MeiNaîl, Minneapolis, je vieitiug bis fathen, W MoNal, ... Mns J L Weetaway -enter- taiued Thunsday aflernoon bu honor of Mise Mary Colman, Buffalo, N Y. ... Mro Montgomery, Buffale, Mrs Wickett, Mre Pennýy, Mrs El Fulford, Mne Dunfee, Mre Clarke, Mne Oliver sud Mise Charters enjoyed s very pieasaut drive te Cobourg receutly. . . . Henry Wade, Mre Wad e sud sou Hanry, sud Mise Swabee, Kingston, sud Mies Maeou, Toronto, were receul guests of Mr S O Taylor. Chariecote, St. Vîhus Dance rapily euned by Nillen's Ccrnpound Iron Pbls. R. M. Mitchell & Co, Bowmanvilllc. MAPLE GROVIE Recont visitors: Miss Elva Snomidon with berantMrs RD Suowdeu, lowu, Miss Merle Power, Orono, witb Miss Mabol Ccx; Misses L5wella sud lys Everson, Oshawa, visiled thein cousin Mrs Wm Snowdsu; Norman Thcisn, wife sud daughter, Or.hawa. aI ber uuce's John Snowdou, Miss Olive Os-. bonne, hown. wlth ber cousin L Heekin; Fred Heekin, wife sud hwo cbildrn, Lesikard with hie malien Mns Wmi Hocklu; Mrs Wm Ccx, Hampton, aI C Cox's; D R Ceates, wife sud son Llviu, Brantford, bave nturued honis aler spending thein hoiidas with hon mother Mrs S Cole; George Raulon Brantford, wlthbhies îsten Mrs Chester Power.. The garden social iebd on C Cox's lawn Thursday evcni g was a grand succesq. las cream furnished by Thoi Tod was of the bigiesl qualbtv, the people givbug- It great praiso. Cake wae aise eervpcd. EvenYbodyclv 1oyed thernseIves. Tic audene asceiedteoronby Rev F J Bannes sud bs priagram givens Speeh bv iarmnduel "Star o!the Eash" by Misses lJudleoy sud Pelard; solo, Sidneyý MiseJean Ted, LbaSuowdon eu osers L Cc Llod Suwdc'n; dulel *'Unan- swered Yt" isses 1DUd'leY sud Pellard; rcadLng, 'Cild's Dresm et a Star, "by Fred B. Fobey; ossav %'n.U "i>tars" bj Leel;ie Ccx; c1osed byv singiung tic at ional Auth-_em, roced-about $16,00, Boira sthe. is nd Y og Hae MWa Bau0l DARtLiNUQN Mr Elmer VanCamp goes to Kingstoa this week with Capt A E MeLaughuln's dragoons .. .. Miss G Barber, Brai) ford, je visiting at Jo13 VanCamp's -,..-Eh Trimin, Newcastle, bas purchaee--d Bd Foster's farin, occupied by Arthur Burgess and wili taka possession thiis fali ...- Mr and Mrs Jno F Wright, Cartwright, Miss Olive Oke, Ens Whltby. wtre guests of lMiss Mktr& Oke.. .. NMr qnd Mrs W m Jabus, sota, are viditlng their sIster Mrs C Biackbur-,i....EF Willoughby, Mowult Forest, bas returned to bis duties tN 8 T he new scbool bouse isle î- o occupation and is qulte a idY structuire.. ..At the close of the seliool last SundaY a vote of thmnks was moveâ by W, C Blackburu aud seconded b7YF Truil to j os VanCamp foi. the fi ecuse of bis vacant bouse while thenew scbo was becbg erected ...Casey Truil i , visitlng bis daughter Mre Ernest Bennett,Saskatoon, Sask, ... Mrs Aimou Gordenear and daugbter Helen and Fred Truli bave been vlsiting their sister Mrs Arthur McKtight, Se.lby. .. Miss Stella Blackburn bas acctipted a position as teacher ilu thionvie 96Publie scbool .... Miss ElNa VanD ' iI:obas beer- vislting lu Oshiawa and was yaccompr'- ledborne by ber cousin Miss Bf Gifford ... . Roland Fitzgerald aud i. Helen and Mise Vanboudan, Tloront4, and Mrs C Stewart vlsited Mrs E J Burk..George Sexemith, Torontq, was guest at Mr Jno Holt's; Mrs 8 Nicholson, Nestieton, and Levi Bartiett at W H Woods'. ... Mr aud Mrs E Van- Camp and daughter, Brantford, wità tbeir daughter Mrs F H Frost sud Mlisa Mary McConnaciie at J os VanCamip' ... Miss Nellie Guy le attending Bor- manvîhbe 111gb sebool .. . .Chas Burgesa is recovering from a, severe attaek of siekues...Is tiers aG T Tt station east of Toronto that sbipa more cream and mîlk than Darbington ? If so,wbere? -... Glad to recelve sucb a newsy buidget again from our South Darbington news, editor after vacation-[Eic. C. 851 There la ne ene article lu thec une et medîcinos that give so large a returau for the money as a gond poreus, streng. thening plaster, such as Carter's Smnart Weed and Bliadonna Backache PLas- tors. canladian National Exibition, .Toronto. $1 30 Froin BowllanviIIïg Good golng Aug. 29Lh te Sept, 12th, Special excursion rates 8.1 Gocd golng Sept. 1, 8, 5, 8, aud IOtb. Ail tickets valid returning from Toronto on or before Sept.lb18. See other- advertleing matter for epeclal train ser- vice, or ask nearest Grand Trunfr. FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS te Manitoba Alberta and Saskatcbewasn via Cbicago aud Duluth. $10 going-ý 818.00 additiojnia roturniug Sept. îsf frein Toronto, North, Bay snd. inter, mediste stations sund ail stations we$IÂ thereof in Ontario. Aug 27tb, Seot2ad, aud 14th frein Z'oronto anddOset a( east of Orillia iu OntarIo. Tickets wibb aise b6 lssusd via Tro.,aa & C. P R on above and otier dates. Sae Grand Trrunk .Agent for particular& as te restrictions, e LABO-R DAY Retura tickets nt sIngle0 fars betweni ail stations linadaaiweDetroit and Port Huýron, LMIch , Btiff Mlo Blig Rock aud Suxspeion Br) 3idge, N. Y", Good going Se'Pt. 4, -.' ed 7 Turu hîMIt TuesdLay Sept, 8h 98 Fulil norain nicket 'o ny Grand Truuk Aget,s JURY e LOVELL, C , P. &'T, Ag;t,-om~y, PrR, SWELL D1<ESS-El<.- OU'R CLOTHE.Ç AR<E ALL WOOL, BU771VA RE A VA D A1<ON7~TUF, CHEST ONLV FO1< THOSzE"WHO WEA I< A NVO. 36. WE CARR.V A LA -<GE STOCI( Or OUTCHOPPING THE £LEEVS YçHO1<TElt 01<LET- TING THE COA T OUT 111 THE Z]A CL-. WE L THOSVEWHO A <EHA -R 2)To FITTO COME 7TO OU1< SrTO1<E THE.VAI<EJUSÇTASÇEASVYFO< US TO FIT ASA.NVO.NEELSVE, 01 O1 HAEII<.o Grocers' Due Bills taken as cash T he flason Clothing Co. CLoTaiNG AND F unimisiNGs WOa GimsTmEN A~o THmiRN S. returu frorn hein wedding trip ,..Mr .WhIte sud -vif,, aiwrhvehn them daugbters edae H sud Bý SteveLs ; MsJohn Tniamier sund baby Mary Lillian,Te atàh JW Vinue'e; Mastter R-ýy Ulale ase) LLPnevIited ah C eat' ieIna and Aybmen ah J A VWerry'sý Il

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