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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Sep 1908, p. 7

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WT EG YO RÂUTRN QSven Coaches Leave 'the Rails---Eight Passeugers Injured. A despatch. from Wodst)ck17, Ot. es: A F, taiload cf psegr hUd nmrcuosescape L ilan n- citont jiust west of Gebles station, tonu miles ost of 'her , tfive olekon Thrsdy orning, No. 4 .T. a-budepress a vmuaningý alonig thirough a deep bush Rýi terae it is said, of fifty miles ".!'iheur,' when the train apparent- Iy struck a broken rail. The engino iind froýnt end cf the first car kcpt die track, thon the aoxt seveni cochs ere tumhled ever the tra 1,s and rear coach stayod on-)i. Twc of the coaches lef t thetrackIS j ndc wero baîf burîed in the o -arth ?Er'jtunately ail kept uprigbit, andà it wvas probably due te ti,s that passongers escaped se wcell. Ina1the 'iptenm,,r number 0cf <'Secss agzin,"John L. Ma- c büews des-crilbos 'h inof Weylconribtesan article, end AlertWhite -Verse dcuIICLssos uur prgrsin aeronauts Iin an lar- ti,ýcenile At the ,Thresliold io? flîgbl"t." Th)e subj)eet of Oio wttMarden's editoriai is -"Wh1y Take'I-ý Life Se) Seriousýly, Anyway b," Mar-,garet H1. H. Modýrse tlshwa vyo"ng qcouple cnurdterdfi ulisin an aril-nild The Bc~ty-obHcuekopig C."Th3 Iatoneýs c(f the ionitiiare "Diania end the DukeIÏ," ýby Emt.ery Pottle; 0OitaU's Fathoer," hy Mry Fenel- lqe- Love ,in 't!e Fohls"b W.2. Morrowî; '1?he Longest Way 'Round," b-Y CaresBttel Loo- umis, nnd "The couatry 'Doctor,"ý 41 ugeno Weod.Thore re ý,poeems ýý'ortËhrep Morse and Emn ac Cooke. Address,SucsMga zinc, Succese Magazine Building, _031 East 22nd Street, New York. LippIncq(tt's Magazine "pursues bhe even tenor cf its way" regard- les c summer's hoat or financial r~a,u ncb successive number be- îag just as big, just ns carefully editedýý-, juet as, holly satisfying. The Spebrissue bhas for its "TheInvetigtion at oan isiThe Great e ewacsu-h tale cf awrcorespnet olbyn war corespondene illLvingon Ç,omfo WartonManderies y Fane H'%feldHiLera; "Thefic f aWi-n pobrtd hy H. .Stîckey, are "The Droissaffetnof Alide, byLurl ag.Sîmmn,st 0foffings toihqrean fictionthreanc"e Je.nnienrooks; "Zoîpine in ar-l x-i cshe"byA nný"ltge forlings- Bonber, t AdrBoen o re arc ais soe excelleInthrpeme t_. andth ýù horu dcartent"Wlasif eto qre, Phladoîtheilms.f n Mor.OCity. ilr.o ia lus artil ic theriBoeman Matine for Sep- tome L r, e"titleWaiThcf thory adr- fr eir bungliag mechtodsarticl- cd ito eg Terte the Giume cf Nexv centributes anotearticlewitb uny- p itres enetitbed "T he or o te Pîcture Tat MonvAiesi." Mr.TAu Man wtb the Diamond Eycs," by MJark F. Wilcox, is a story cf a Zulu in the dia mond IfîIeds 'cf Soutifh Africa. "TheEal' Youn," by Patrick Vaux, is a stirriiîg stery cf e future wnr cf 1920. Address, 'The Bihem%,an, Depesit, New York. Thc salmen industry is presented in twe eading articles in The Out- irng Magazine.for September. One S-verai receivedl minor injuries. One man had his head bruised and anlother a foot injured. Ail the pas- scagers received a, terrible shakiag up as the coaches bhumped aloixg the ties and camie to a suddr-n stol). The list of injured i,,s,, lûw Mrs,,. H. IHewland,adrs un ksxown, oid lady in bad cnition f rom sok taken toBrtfcl Mrs. Eugene Butrel, of Ciao recentlypase thro)ugh operatien, daing.erous condition fomshock; Henry alwWostclacerat- ed and bru-ised; ngneCruch, ewYork, ineaiinjuries; Mrs. E.,M Bec, Poughkecepsie, N. Y., hen i hndbrkea; W. S. Buronsjraiedanke;G. B, iChicago, abrasions of shoulder. i- enititled, "Farming the'Sons," Jsy Daniel L. Pratt; the other is euttie, "he y<yof the Sal- amen1, 'by BnscateDale.-The illstrtie fatroscfthe Septem- brOuttinig MagatZine are iinusualy attactve. WontLh Brehm contni- butesý a fui-page d1rawig that wili rcenhi the belicose days-cf boyhoed, enitied, "The Chip-'Go On Sai-ý my,, Kneck It Off-Go On.' " 0Ceeý cf the most cuious and instructiv-e (f the pictenial featuros is that senies cf drawiags made from unden -a rnagnifyuag- gla-ss y F. H. Hall- mai, ihumtnaingthe third instaîl- metof Miss gnes C. Laut's scuies "The ew Spirit of the Fanm." ddrssThe Outiag Pub- bicbng ompnyPublishode, 351 atnd 371 Weet 3lst Street, New York! "The racet benufiful quýcen oný, Duran elie the Empre,ýsecf Rus- iai hie, great series o? articles-, emmited"Te rmaýnce of ant Em-1 res"which begîns in the W,)-' iran'c Home Companion for Sep- tembee. n. ltis issue Irving Bach- I ciber hegîns a new senies cf Cricket! Taies. Other stonies are "The!l C'ldeýn Wedding," by AI iee Brown; "The Doerelief," by Juiet Wilbon Tompkins; "The Girl ini the Min- irer," by ilulhent Footner ; "Dare ocu te Love Me!1" by Aninie amil- t on Do.enoî, and "Tie Mnse' Ba-rrels," bhy H!ettie Bosbey Gehd-v iick. Tack Lonido1n on bis tnÉrp aruad cthe wor11N\ wicbho i ma ilg fer. tIle yWonn'ýs Homo Cen- aien iis ittle hoat, th,) Snark, stadev)te(tbe magazine firom11fan-off Tahiýti a dsrpino TeNtr Ma"wbornliho mn acrese in thaf disîtant Paific isb-d . Jan Web- ster telle in the Septemben_, number h owv she, witb three or four girl f iien.de, set up bousekýee3ping in The iuse cf VWistania Water." :Paýdýeenski bas sebecGted for Cern- p anion rendors the beet programme c f modemn Policb rmusic, wbich is aeccmoî-,p;aiïied by the full music cf numbers in the groat pîaaist's pro- gramme: "Stojowski's Folk Dance." The Septeniben number is 1 11 great Fahi Fashion Number cf SWoman's Home Companion, and cetise many things -cf intereef for every wemnan., Addrees, Wo- rman'c Home Companien, Metropo- litan Annex Biid;ng, Madison Square, New Yonk. ILORSE WAS CUT IN TIWO. Occupaýnts of Rlig RLAd aro Es ca1pe Near Gardon iii A despatch frorn Lindsay says: Mn. Dean, a resident of Manvers Township, and two cempanions had a narrcw escape from death, near Gardoen Hll, whiio trying te cross bblc tm'ac beforo, the approachîng G. T. R. passenger train, on Thuns- day. 'The herse was cnt complotely in two, and theý occupants o? the buggy were preeipitated almeet un- dei thje wboels cf the engino. John E. Redmcund, the Inish Na- tionaliet leader, bas debaned the Irish IUniversity net te hecoeo? the groateet emancipating mensures of the century. LInîormious Banage in BriLt-îi Columbia lJuring the S6ùa7on. iedspatçli front i4naB . ae:The benvy naiins (othe ps te,, days have worked iclual inod lual but etnnsun h fuioAi fies'that have fo-r wee(ks bron raging la the LCowiehan dib- toue lu te viInî cf tlhe Mout t0ike0 inig amwh 'eaL aeU llunsiiing ý,,-village wvient upi Urfamtes. The creun cflteiio' is acesbetimber w ibas beenj liek d p b ih fies, and the C. P. ., he ie-temma anmd Chemnain- us umbn Cmpny ad heCowi- panice are heavy sufeers, their osses rnning fan mi eifgures. l-t is etnaa ta oetfines Bnitis Coiihia bae causeed bec- struction cf the Towa cf Ferniel a atev onrbt o ath e WTa CURE A HAAH To attampt te ôure a head2che by taMndý a "headache powder,' Io like trying te stop a leak ln the roof by putttng a pan under the drippiag wiltcr. Chronlehedchsare caused by poý*eçidul )oçed. The blood is pol- soad b tsse vaseundlgested food and other'-impurities remiaing; ton loing in h yte.Teeposn r ciotrmy e1iiiated beoau-ce of sick liver, mees kin or idnys. If the bowïeis do not mveregullarlY -If thers- is pa,ýin la the backli sh wý,iag kidney troubile-if the s.kin is salIlow or d1f~rdwith pml s-i hows ciearly what Is causing thie heaclachef. "Frit--ties"cure beadaehes be- cause tbey cureû the cause of head- aches.z rutatle"aot dirct1y en the three geteliminating ,,organs- bowels, kdysand sain. "Fruit-a- tlvs" eepthe systD]n fri fpios "Frut-a-Ive" cone in two s15.5- 25e and 50ýo. If your de-aier, does net have theém write tW Fruit-a-tives Lirnited. Ottawa. IIAPPENINÇ'S FRO AIL T11E GLOBE. OVER '1'lorapeBiifs Frein Our Own aaid O'ter Countnfies of Recect Events. CANADA. Mn. J. A. Cummings wabked off a train in bis eleep at Kama and, was kiiied. Dr. Milton L. Hersey cf Montreal bas givon $10,000 te the Kingston Mining School. The Railwny Commission is con- siderng regulatiene for 'carrying explosives on railways. 1Swift (,,:Ce. cf Chicago are said te ho iutenested in an extensive toyrdand abattoir scor a In ea toIdasa cnal Lous Pton wa sabbed hy Mit- Mýrs. Harehaw was kilied by an expre-ss train atL Comnben, on Thursdny, whiie tnying te aveid an appronching freight. John MeAinsh cf Guelph town- ch*p, aged 83 yoane, dicd from a decse cf Parie green, on Thursday, taken with siia intent. Ia a rcw airnong drunkea Italians at Fenelon Fale e ne man was shasb- ed acrese the abdomen, and bis al- leged assailauît wns nmnested. A hiorse thî. iefleahegdte bave stolca a herse nu buggy-, frem By-ý nono BemrcfLno N onship, and set fine te the b lara te caver, bbc theft. Mn. B]eamoiir lest hie bara Y;;À,hiaery, lbcses and othen stock î GREAT 1BRITA IN. Prince Bobote"ff, n Russýian, will attomptteoces the English Chan- nel with an neroplane. Baron Sackville, who was Brut- ish Miaister te the United States fnomr 1881 te 1888, is dead. The Britishbahrk Amazon was wrecked off the Welh coast and 2'7 cf hon cnew weno dnewned.* The Eari cf Rosse, coeo? Ire- iand'e nepresentative Peers in the Reuse cf Lords, is dead. Great damnage- bas been donc la Eugland and aioag the ceact by terrifie stcrms durng- the mest two daye. Lieuf.-General F. W. Kitchener, brether cf Lord Kitchener, wili suc- ceed General Wodehouse as Gover- uer cf Bermuda. A mnadaman cansed a panic on the London ýStock Exewhange on Wed- pe*sday by fining thnece shots from hie revolver in the building. UNITED STATES. The people cf' the northwesern States are agitating for the >free ad- mission cf Canadin lumber. Pour seamen on tihe British bark Puritan wone suffocnied in the hold ef the vessel noar Boston. Eigbt trolley cars loaded with ex- cunsioniste were s'tallod by potato bugs on the rails near Bristol, Cona. GENERAL. A naibwa? from Damaseus te Me - dura, the beiy eity, wns opened on Týhursdlay.. W.' T. R. Preston prophesies thaf ;fifty years Japan will have a po- pr.hation of 70,000,000. An ediet iesued in the ame o? the Enp'-ror promises the Chinese reople ra cons titution in aine yearc. The J-Apaniese steamner Bankoku Meuwseunk off ClubaPrefecturi wltb ý asecof twenfy eigbt lix os. Aodngte a forecnst efare rci- pnecity tiatybetwe en C'1ýa1,adnd the elais thne islande are te givo anda pii eene)n food- stuf? s and rnahiev, andi Canada us te eiroaewitb a peeec en rmwceca, fruiit and cugan. THE BEST CRO'F 1 SCO0.iN }'ÀLL WHEAT, OATS AND 11KVY ALSO REPORTED GOOD. lhe Ontario flepaetmiosd of Airri.1 MATCI{ING FARM TEAMS. -k --M atching hborses is an artb, and cultrallia Encuraiag an art wich Quite a numiber of Reprtsifamers and horseinen seem na tble te master. It requires sorne, skiii. The followiag is a summary cf the and, Y judgment te bring to2gethier a statement as to the condition of pair cf herses that resemble each crops in Ontario, issue byThDe other in ahl characteristics suffici- partmnentc giutrbsdU- cnt te work in harmony. A macl ceretura-s from correspedenlts has te have more than th)e cele)r uneJate of Augus;t t cf the animaIs in mimd te de( hi Faîl wheat has yieldied çwcl, but successfully. To have a team close- owing te wet, warm weather when lv alike in celer and markings is haýrvestiag, much sprouting occur- desirable, but if's net the whole ied when grain was steoked A thing, as seine mea seem te think. fairporionwaseut arl an ~s Action cornes first when consid- fi portip n hard uta and 1wigt ering the matching of herses. Proper Sprig weatwilliio beactien;strong, dean, vigorouszý Sprig weatwil ne bese good movement of feet and legs, attracta generally as the fail variety, being a buyer more quickly than anything short iin straw, thin and une,1ven in else. Style is required in the ac- quality. tien of any class of herse. A Barley in western Ontario has sulappy, straight and balaaced been gond in yiecd, 1but inenstera oeetc h mtv paau Ontario -light and unvaowing te a team, each c)f which istands up te bot weathcr just befo)re ripening, the bit in about these way, are or te heavy ra7ý*ias earl1y1.1Il(the sea- attracti:ve te n iyers and pleasîng son hardening t'he si.te the rman iwho dcrives -ýthcm.- OaQts, cxcept in S;-t. Lawren'ce and! In a farm tam strenigth anid con- Ottawa ceunties and aeort1he-rndis- formnatinmightpessibly bc piaced trict will be fully, up te-vergein bfr action ; atl any rae-, it .should yield and gnrlyplumpr hn oneseod.Atemil!i matchled larst year. Rains in hrct may 1iýi regard to strength aD1staying cause s preutîi.,,ng. aadin theestpi erils a mgtyporase.l rust an gras aho-)pperýýs did daaebelecting hese ;t)wrkagainist so-me cf the largest yields 'Af ents ec other in a te'aml, get thcm (in i e\ er reported ,te thie 0departmcent general conformaution as, nearly have been received this year alike as possi1ble, geod and strong FROM BRUCE COUNTY. heýhind, and museled well in the back and loin, short and thick ia Rye, usually cut g-reca for food or the middle, with muscles, net 'a!. for turaixig undeur, v ýaries frem 10 buneath the bide. Sizc, te a er te 22 bushels5 per acre, and good in tainextent, may he,- sacrificed fo- quality. sireagth and coorain bt Peas promise an javeýrage crop. A enly wthncertanli nji1-ts. A df green ap is, rnch like the turaip ferenice of a huadred peunids or se) bunse, ý,wsvr injuricus ini Lake'*ic weight doesn't matncter greatly Ontaie and adjoinsîng districts. w,,hen a pair is heiag mnatched Up,_ Beans are exp-ected te showý, an buit if' much moi(re than that, the average yield. A seodgot difference in s;iïe will ho se clear bccause of raja asfearcd emea-, te dcetract from the value' of the places. team. Size is important, but it Hay and clover in the estrn-orr(es, after streagth, just as part of the Province show wh in strength and conformation follow bulk and quality, buit in the east- action in relative importa-nce. Col- cmn are somcwhat blwaverage. (r comes last cf ahl in the major There will be a fair sup À o good pe.ints te be coasidered. A differ- I bay in the barns thlis wnebath ence in celer, hou ever marked, is fo i home and outsidle suppy, most among the least ohjectionable fea- of the crop being eut and housedtures in a tearn. Yet, strangcly, in-first-cas cndtonhome mca consider it the ah îimpert- Cern is rcperted favorably, in antf consideration, and wili match evey dsfrctspcialy hatgron i hrsesse unlike in action and for fooder and silo. Shiould frost temi,ýperamnt, that one's wbiflc- hold back til! cuttiag it wllbe, tl h tre is always s-ouirin1g the wagon best copof the year and th bst belwhile teth her is drawiag crop of cern for miany ear. aeadkeon and srogte thoi bit, Flax is clas;sed as geod ini qua.,-,se ilike in strength anildcofra lity cf both seed and stock, lbut the tien thai1t ene isfaggd eut hurs acrYeage is lsathanIliiar form'l]er 'years. bey' ,,fo l the1otier shwsfaiguîe;: buit Tobacco promnisýes at best 1n1y a1f1te to ,sandabut the samein wedium 'aîtand inet so uh eghwcîgh uIp verVy narly ,alike bas be-en p)lanted as uul and resomle eacch otheri ee Petaeespro isemuch hetter and mnarkings, thiey are rated as a hotb as te yiid ad qality than well-matebed team. -lan reality, for the past three years. they are anythinig but matched Ahl classes cfrot are reportedl as good. Mangles are rather thin FATTENING FOWL IN PENS. in stand, _but vigereus in top, and The proportien cf farmers wbo bulky in, root. Tu.rniips; sufferedfatnherfwsicopinhs niore from the fiy or bouseo, but the fte hi ol ncosi hs genralconitin ws ipreî. country is small compared with Carro ts are rarelymeiod as a_______ ___ ____ field crep, but sugar b)eets are m-ore frequently spoken cf and ineoury case favorably. FO N U I Ui APPLES AND PEACHES. are sornewhat disappoiatiag, as, the varieties meet in demand l ho scande, whiie there are more than enuugb cf the boss valuable sorts. Pears have yiehded fainly, in coe districts abuaidanitiy. Plume bave giveni a fýair yield, butt boibl these kinde bhave suffered fnoxim peste. Cnawferd penches ýwiii ho scarce, but other vanietios wili ho fnîiry abundant. Cherries yýieideýd well, but hirde injured the -gnewîag crop and black knof is at2tacklng the Lrees. Grapes promis3e an imimense ýieU. . mall fruits goýnerabhy wene n geod average dr,ý,p. 1Pastures were geaernilly in good condition, and meet cf the live stock in good ceadition. The quantlitycf nilk wili ho boss than metse ason, but gcod pricos have brought a neady market for butter and cheese. As te labor and wgs there bas been n sufficieac ny e? edinary farm help, but firet-dlace agicultunai bande are ne scarce as ever. Han- vest urages rngedt from $1 ta $2 n day with board, $1.25 and $1.50 being rnost fnequeu-tly given; menthiy rates varied fro)m $15 te $35 witb board, acn ito ex- perienco. More triedmo are being 1-ined by tho yean, ith bouise, ai- tb-ougb irnproved machýinery i-, mon- dorng farmers monre inde(,pendeat cf bired behp. OIL FROM SLES. Yew Indiastry 3May he Started in 1 Canada. A jA sptei fromim Otýaaaye: Aqm fa iit-f WP'. Wj Euls, (if theo Gechogical Surîvey, n FOREIGN EXIBITS AT TO- aew industny miay ho started la Ca- RONTO. nada to extrnct cil from eblales. iDr. Elle weafte Sctla-rdnd oic There wiil ho more than the usuai' monthc ago, taking about forty-fiveý nmvumecf foriupExhibitsaLi tel tons c hae fmom the ]Bahimoe Conadian National ExhiitinTo- districtcf Aibent Cunyteho rteiis year, ceveal mnufIc- testedî. Dr. E'Is has not yetccu- tuners eFrance and Great Bnàin dfull epotethe distillatio,11 baviug resoed te sond ever exhi. bp t jgngfor, wbt adheen bits. Ili dito, i eexpeeced' oanne, bcwven, the AUxert Coun- tha Exibis ilb ho,?ou view fre)in t eblecomars mcfnvoma1ly aios Ilade in the est ladsi eiuith the Scttisb article. not ol fro m Moxico ýand a number cfI in cil pnoducing qualifies, but la, StateUs cf theUn -ion. 'the value of the by-pnoducts. For Her Children-Littie Girls Suf- fered-with I tch-ing Eczena Whiich Simply Covered Back of Heads- Baby Had a Tender Skinq Too. ALL PROMPTLY CURED BY "WOINDERFIJL OINTMENT" -Seme Years ago xaY fhree littie ýginls had a very bad f orm o c eoa. Iieh- ing 0r Upticas 1.r1e1 on the -.. backs cf their Ieads whichi mcerd. BEfer 1 heard cf Cuti-ý '~' 4'~, cura, I used te t ry almost - eeryihiag, but A ý 'L'bornymcther mecccm mouded the Cuticura Bernedies. 1 washed nîy chlldren's heads withCuti- cura Soap and thon applieti the wonder- fui ei.tm.nt, Cuticura. 1 did ibis four or five times and I ea ay thai ihey have been eatîrely cumed. 1 have anothor baby who iesec plump thýat the folds cf skin on his neck were bmoken and evon bled. 1 used Cuticura Qoap and Cuti- cura Ointmeat and the inext xnring the trouble hnd disa-ppea,-red. 1 arn »sagthe Cutieura RernIedies y etwe- evera yofnyfamiiy have aay oirs,1 ea nover recommentiCienasuffli- I cannet find iseqal. Mmne. Npie Ducoppo, 41 DuuthEI Sti.,MoreQu. Mîay 21, 1907." PAINF-ULULCER Two Sets of CutîcuLraý 1 ihan c n ice , -r o tfr) iamv ye1a-r or re and if was very pa-inful as ýCit was a ruun)iug ec'Sre. I Li'! n doctor, emgh metheageI emmeaced 'teusa it is niow ahi healed uip. Mra.S.E.F.Jydr Wesi, Brewster, Mass,, Apý'riI 29, 10. Goneplete Esternal and ïinternai Treaimntý CuacurUa ODitmen eijý l'eteSiat ui Curael v (ola tee olr01cl""",en eae ilms, laviala of 60) tO Purifir be S'oo . 51 tlrwugtmoi(tac wrld oterDrus & elm. coco. SlsPrope.,BotMe. FeMîe ree. (cutiiua Dock ce Sia ies art juit a s 2mod uns for rÈ PM 1 eýL. dq ar as thoy ýýTb If tl--,rro !ý- k-olib'.0 iyi rütm ýl, v ou. to ýit thr u ot fou'zý Èw, troablo. tho Idypopu ans bas! ,C At, tul ocamis ce sent on A. --sASril 1 lut ëA. Ci WM 1 1 the number cf those who de net!1 fat-i ten at ah1, but senid their fwste market in n ana state-, and there are aise aumbers cf poultry keepers who enclose fowls for a couple cof weoks in n peni or shed. Something ba h donc towards improving the conadition of chickens by shutting ti' m up in a shed and fteding hbr ahiy on autnitieus and hiigb fatt;6p,-j ing feýods. The feede rnay berna le- up in the camne vay, and rnay cn sist of thýe saine ingredients as r,-,1 cornmnended for crate fnttening. It is hest net te shut up a large nom ber of birds together, and the nurni ber net te exce(ed twenty, whilti haif that many wvould do stili bot-i ter. Cockrels anci puihets must ncti ho penned ianco lot, and the acar- ci ahi the fowls in a pen are U: an- other in breed, age and size. the, b'tr. Chicheais may ho(,pau.-eil 'n any kind cf ecoue hr tbey wili be undisturbed an 1Iwhceo they cannot take too much ec'io buit a shed or covered pen is hest, as, the flon wihl keep dry, a<. I the bu ds will honl the more ex afent, e from being shut away from the sigbt of birds roarnîng ab-,V th Oe yards. The oxperioenceaý fanc'fýr wi]i ai ways get best esit ro-mn fattei2- ine in cocps; buit thie bcgiiiier ïg gonenally rmor'e succecafiul w-tfat- tening fowhvs in pens, bo ui t-' ie- ne(t -t e sarke tendency teo ( ,f Upptiepr0vde hat 'hie c-u; c m takon ite fced only swleet riid vl- sorme foods, and net te olmc than the birds wil ont at a n i. There are oppertunities ,.,f fùeeding a greator variety cf staffs t kiffou si, ii; pons, than te those i eoeps). \Vhole grain rnay ho given ocen im ahiy, although it is net re- irnnimeîd- cd unless the birds becomp listless, and show mraked loss cf appotite, arnd green food rna1y alsc ho feýdoce- casienaiiy anapik-mou ]a-11 imîes and tboroumgh verf*Uatimen mn tbe bouse are iabsohuteeso t oi t succ,"ss, and it imust not ho suýppes- cd for a moment thatý tbo 'pen ey-< ttm" cf fatteinig is co wnchieii itseif- te aeeses adftcr, ing cduiswbicb- oughit te o C 1ý forrned witb mnachine-bih ? rela'- For LIfants andOhden The KInd You Hove Always Dought Bears the ESignature of AFRAID 0F THE 'PIRATES CAPTAIN AND CREW THREE WEEKS ON WIECK* Experiexice of Fifteea Saiionýs, Whose Ship Struek Sunkea Rleef. Fifteen sailors bave iaaded at Liverpeol witb a tbriiiing tale of shupwrecked peril among Mahay pirates. The ship- on wbicb they sailed from New Zealand was the New Or- beans, but the vesse1 ubieh bnougbt thern homo was the liner Stentor, from Singaporýe, wbicb pic-ked themi up and saved their ivos. "Wo were bound for Hamburg with phos<phate rock," said one of the sailers in an interview. "Wo sailed at the beginning of May, af- toi picking up car cargo at Ocean Island. We vient ahi right as far as the Straits cf Macassar, off the eeast o? Bornee, but thore we struck a sunken roef. "The sbip was badhy damaged, and the water gaîned in the hold. -But we kept the puiïps geing, for we boped sue would get dlean se that wo could beach bier IN SIIALLOW WATER. "The origines were kept at fuIl speegd astema all thé time, and ati hast the sbhip geot off the e ef, b'ut before shýe could make any beadway sh- hnk srckaote ref qand th ere woe prvisons!Idcorne sort of saft tlt "For three weeksý we lived on that wieek. Ail the tirne we kept a con- stant watcb- FOR TWO REASONS. There mîght ho a vessel pa-seýing and, oni the other hand, the.re îighit be a boatf tii of armied ni-»cves let nniy moment, as the rock on whicb the ship had struck 1ay closýe 1_c shore, and we cudh eafrom, tbc land.. '<luh arme we hadi we 'kept chose hiaady, especialiy wbea wo saw, tee ima-nytis for abso0iIînt cornfert, semali b)ande cf natives n.arcbing aingthes'hore nndA watcbiag the wneck. "At last our distress signzais, whicb we managed te keep fiying, wono coca by t he Dutcbeteme De Ferens. They bore dlowrm and teck us abeardi,ecp Capt. Hfum- by, the chief e;nginee,ýr and the s tew- ard, who wouid netecerne. Tbey stuck where they were te do cal- vage work. "The Dutchman,%i toucbed at Sing- apere, and there veteck thliier fer bernie." HIENCE TIIEDIOSS Tlhe Yolmng MUan Gets aPote "Mn. Munn sent foýr yen -ýwIýIie yomi were omut, dotorï," said thei ycung man who was learinLg the healing art in tuec offie cf,'Dr. Bronson. "Mun!I1have ne patient cf thatnanme, Where dees lho ive i- "Steenth Stroet, No. 675." "Ahilieas nnew patient. ll take yen with me, that you rnay observe how an old practitionen bu- cornes ncquainted witb the peCuhi- ar ities cf a man ho nover vmited be- Arnived at Mr. Munn's rsdne Dr. Bronsen and ie- assisfýttwr usbheredI intc the sick man'sch- ber. After ntn h ain> pulse and teml penatro, anid mak- ingafw iqies Dr. Bronison Wbtare your eating habits, Mni4. Munb For Iinstanice, wbat id yen take at dinnier ha st igb b "Weil, doctor, adaveyein pie cinner-notbing but n1 1ltho tur- tie coup, hauîncb cf voisnad na f'ew such dishes." "Aay wino b" "Juet a ip.Oayagasotbl oïaret and a bottle cf chiampagne.." "Ah! Uni! Do yousîoeb "I linsit mysoîf te cae cigan after dianen, and that a choice braad, u'whicb I import ms ]f romnIHa- vana." "I soc. Very wehi, Mn. uan, rthe doctr w ent on, as hoi wrote a prescription. "VotIi uest keep quioàtly inyoun rooro-)r corne timo, and nlot o nay mn.Ishah h lave te. put yen on a muItitea jbroth n e- gurna fr afeýw dnys, butli Flbin 'o onet al igbt. Sndand get this prsnpincompounded. Thon <if wator every two hôurs I shahl have to fonb)id your oiî'nr, teeo, for au-hile. l'11l cerne iÎnabot ane thms cv7enîng, when a InFcertain I1chi!l find yen much bettel,. Gocd imcmr- Whnthepysaîadbstu dent roched treet and wore druviing hck te the bpuee the latter said : "i aticed c *rfuvyaýIlycur in- qunodocton, and :L wouid Iike te, as)k one question." c'Procoed." 1 IWere ail thoe questions about the,< p)atient's diet-what lho ate and drank-necessani' te adianoss(c theea eb but the- main idea ,just thon faslt lemnornetbiag ofIbis xpadtue ,se as te ho in a condition te ak ouf bis bbiil correctly. I thinkw'v struck a gohd mmine in Mr. Munaii. Get up, Bucephalus 1" Editb--"I toid Mn. Cnes h Atber nigbt that Irsebdhl i11 cao respect." Car-Wn was thiat b" "That 1 always ojy

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