a it 0teýin anà TEMS~-1.OFer Anaum. OuR ToWvN AND COUNTTY FIRST ; THE WORLD APTERWARID. M. à. JA mES&FINPrpr18r lu Âvne BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THUR'SD-AY-,-EPTEMIBE-Pt 24 1908. rT fl Couch W Johnston & Cryderman Invite everbodyfl visitin g Bowmanville this -week to se-e the finest stock in New Dress Goodïs, Suitings, Dress Furnishings and Silks they have ever sho3wn. Ladies' & Chéldren'es Coats, Hundreds of the-m-Âi new goods- Malde up luthe very Iatest styles a very large and chioice Stock of New Ready-to-Wear Clothing bouglit for cash from the best and most Fe- liable Manufacturers, We, are wl sole agents for semi- WK Read-y Clothing. W --also- a biïg s t o ck ofi Carpets, Rutgs andW ,Squares în wool, tapestry, brussels W and, velvet. 1 ..O U H. JOHNSTON &CRYDERNAN Grocers' Due Bis talken as Cash. 1~ -i i~cnbbioe iEetciors ~oî ook ISaýtes I Iýawîng ýok8oi citBoe aab yecvd ti Aeý e ipa ýs l-reasonable prices. Total Assoe sD P Big 20.1Book8tore, Bwmvle J.A.M I44 C -MI1 A f-11 =lý-t ýle== 5ýe ± e j Pastâ-4: Prclitng R'equDsDtes VINEGAR . Fruit Vinogzar, whte wlne Vinegar, ilMaiIt Vilega- the beet kind, the satisÊactory kînd, Made undon gagverumeut supervision. 40ec 10 o <c pot gallon, -PURE SPCSy whilo Pure Spiceas or't more pet pounud Ihan the Adulterated k'ind, tygvebee4t iresu11ts and are cheapesi i theend.We kcep onlY. praposboth wholo and ground. Ail kLide o!Vogetables for piokling. H.-DDrS IDEAL A. Don,'t forget b lîcelude Ibis popular branid fal yoit grocory orderý. fa G-rocorlos aîd Crockerýys~ou whil find our stock wellI assorted. Butterand egg mwaîed. Ilished 1817 Departmont. i'ice, Montreal !ecCLELLAIN,' ,r.Bowoeanvilie Branch. IIOW'S YOUR OLASSE.S 7- Dci tbeay fit properly ? If you dlo not es n wef asyoî verdidcon le us and have YOUR EVES EXAMINED Examinations are free. If yoî ý bu-, G7asseso s O an id we fail 40 fiUl you proverly urmmy willl ho rofunlLdiýd for toaknaod DOiN'T LOSE SIOIIT o! the fact t iatwe do repalriig; 00 eave Ibe piecea,ý Rod'k ML Mitchell Phone SqS.1tf For nlght calls Bomnli iPhoee9D2"b. Store openL.37.30 1a. ifl. Fa.ir Notes,I Fair Notes C OGHNG~ OUGIN ~ Weptherwav; njAppieseefexcletqaiy No dut to lr2, ýKilman is Butter Quteoî. Lace Coliar awaits an owner at this S. Riokard. & Son we8re easy on aged Office. Short Hon bul. Dap eaeran szden W- E J13WO11 ShoWed a fiedatmare 1F. H.,Jooss was awarded ail prizes ohagesii tepea~tr~ strt Clarke farmers oarried off many prizes MISS 1Montgomnery. Port Hope, was a many a cou,.gh and cold. on horses. nE)w exhibitor boere. Wby do not ladies tu saddle compote1 P. C. Trblcc'sfn dispiav o! Wali, KE SL RESat the Fair? Papota was _greatiy admired. Hugh Greenlees waP Pa wlnner In 1W. H. Dustan had a nicely fitted bath Wlie "mcâ heavy horses. room that was very bandy and complote. AUI" Oshawa poole were bao in consider- 1DUrham bord-bull, 4 females, T. able numbers,1 Baker & son ian , .Aln& o checkS la ecoýiu1halste sore- 1How mucb help did Directors rentier 2nd.doSAln&Sn nesa ai çlrvesoui he n I. Itis he ~crear1 Sixteeîi entries of gentleman's beet tho esiFawI u' h Remedv, Brood mare be1avy draUght clae was turnou;t--J W.,Hnter and w.Wd pleaant saf su qui v efecive, a crodit to Urham.wn Excell ierch1 rn.Mnv k Fernando Perrln's first pn!iomare was Telde'sir ass yoelet and if ntsatsfodmnach talked about. other embruideries, woere boautifully Accopting entrios fromi outsiders on doue, Pr: je Pair DRY, la wrong. Mr, J, W.Y Sparling is bard tobeat on _____________________ ow bard some peopleo work to avoid SpODgo cake. Sh8 got the ted agazin paying gaie monoy ! thie à car It ay t dalw-thLewis Truil won, two blue tickets Onr SofaPiow were flot as mmny as some It pys o del Wth oadster mare aid foal yemrs, but the quality of the work was Geo Cochrane, Eiifield,wno a sucess- not iakinklg. F. 1 e sa e fui ex'lilro!bàss Capt. A E. McLoiughlln's polo poîy andJ. H McMutofs chstnu wo Frank Alu, Newcastlo, sbowed a e" 'H mmltyseotu o - The Weýst End iflrugglet. Splendid beavy draft teemq. the saddle prizes. Will the Faîl Fair givo any botter sat.. T. W, Underwood, Hagerman's Cor- lore cy.9 6.3o p, m. isfaction. on iiew grounids? nets, represonted Eaet York Agricuitur. Dr.__________________Toronto,____ al 1Society at our Fair, ______________________________ r P rinea l ue Trntwa a m .so errors. or complainte ibis ait- roalprineos.sbould ho sont lu writiîg at once, to J J. R R.Col's gricultural brood & Moorcraft, Sertary. Th4-ilsScbool bases its claim m1are was wDrthyof the red, Arthur Battie sold another of bis ment alone essrs W, Bain and, John ondsh.White Leghoûrn fowl for a good prie for Support 'Jpon eI Iloe awn a, h Fairtagether. it pays to keep good birds. INewton Taylor, Bturketon, was a new A. M Williams bad a complote Kltch- EgL% e xhibito)r of horses and won,. en Catbinet that took the oye o! the la-dies ifl Pîck.-pockets wero conispieuns by ab aid madod thoin long to bave ono. souc-afaidcf CIe!Jaris.Jary & Lovîll had a fine dispiay, veryv TOPONT, OYTS.A Devitt, Cartwright, woni the red attractive and atsticaily arranged and TORNTO ON, ick;et on> botb bis roadter mate and fomi, which attracted mnucb attention.' Has hJl-grade e1ourse, suiperior facilitie e ana unaurpaso£ed teaebing talent.,Ilun- Drili Shied floor bas gone and a litter R. M. Mitchell & Co bail a prettily desof studen ts g0Oont ann)UaiilY fromn thi.F, & sawdust coveted the ground-a great fitted booth of drugglst'e supplies and coilege ta oed positions. lLet uB educat p roeet gave away Souvenirs o! Sachet powder. ouz fo rltaiepkyment, We w1 0 Q r talç%ýogue froeE nter auy time John Oke was a proud man, wiuilg Sam Bray,ý Enfieid, wvon fret on1 W. T.Bildi, rinipl. the ted on CarriaLye brood mare aid foal Durham bull cal! with S. Allun & Son' cor. yonge &Aklexandýer sts, T0roato. 2 yr. old aid foal, and T. Baker & Son close competitors. ______ fillies Prizes went to Cartwrlght, Dar- prizes onr pies. sho's a good Cook and l~& ington and Hopo bas been au exten3sive winnier for years John Davev, Leskard, and A, Tam. in thi es, culiural 2-, r. olds. hanness-S. A. Dnvitt, Geo. Caldweill The Fi st St ~ hi wde a pmake Toronto Dajlv 11PrtoVt:w and.R C. svo::, Port! WoldsFarmiug Editýor, ropresented Hlope, won theî prizes. ag t- .,. Ei,,,;,won fit anhs sfome foirmet ,,emrs, Ladies, get the OfiF i nean uces tgo a sL h hea-y draft spau. They wero greatly directors te off or larger prizes ; this de- pýpewho îwrote for aur vad(mired sud merited iît,too, pairtmeut fa worthy fo! botter prizes. gue . Co au e irsti V, ta-uestion that faced the light horse Mrs. Geo MXitchelfl is recelving crIn. Take the ste p to day Address *î WjLIdges was - Shail ueoland hotiîes be gratualations on winnllnz frst prize on. centrai Businesm Jollege, 895 & given a prize? It is dobatable. ber patchod qibt. What a pitv that r Tnge streel, Toro0nto. 1V Nurerous pensons wili regret whenl old time quilt-making le passing away. WI, H. SRAW, NI eold grounds are abandoned, as It Twonty entrlos lu single dzlver's Presden, ~ as anv leaant ssoiatins.roadster cms, J. W. Hunter, Orono;- ____________________________ WY Wv -ard, unaRwa, andij.w.Bail, Hfoney display was v e ' £fne heonoComrwr wro h Spnîze wînuers are: J. W. Sp ln-9on raewr wrd t' J ean Adame, J.- G. Buie, T J. Coie. ks J. Kyle, Osýhawa, looked as pleased Miss Margaret i rebilcock was anDotiler AT Das; a boy withý bis firet pair o! top boots, ne exhibitor th's vear aud sîacceeded, Busiess Colege riovMichel, it3es ad many ladciers ppy with Y M.0. Buidin, Toant. Camkes0,aid Goo. Corne&Enfel Egt entier.ldydrvrs Ms pairs gth mois 1 heri> . P C for he eatattetio su thebes ne WblacsanHoeaid HoMiss Laura Mit suitinbsiniess u soad luin Ken wa th cntet o sclu al ~es aNwndmnlaisupy tm g emprNla,-Thos. 4iln and WitLelil, vlle hadle th nibon rnter sny tim. ç.Catalogue free. Clrkeiad T Bker& Sn.Solia Clarke; awa Th. honore.So, oinl No piece o! wonk among the fino àarts T. K, WÂ'rsaoaN.t Dirtor oScrb woon more admiration than MlssMay PrincipaliSocet, Mr A.Reynold s ,d Gaud's "Grandfatbier'sClock, " in burnt- Agrn iulîal foret, Mr elds n wood work. Lt was well done and must _________________________ Jo nîeoble mi orettrsantonians, have requiroed a great demi o! time, ekili' ____________________________ wre lîerste spetatrs.and patience. Toronto World report saye in tho5 car- Miss Belle Allen carried off first prize HUNTERS _EXCURSIO0NS rlage and roadester classes the show of on ber collection o! faîcy work This epring goals was oie that might eaehly le the greate$t honor in this elass. Hon Výia Grand Trunk Railwvay~ Systom bc a credIt to mny plaice on tbIs continent work le certainly very fine aid alwmys Rotn tckes a sigl fae; ct iIh10 Mr Thos. A Cnow and Dr.01e Tor- wyýins golden opinions !romr those votsed Nov ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L ta t ont oaanl Qîeontiojudged light horses and gave ex. in-fine nedlowork. Mattawa 1 to ti In Gengaia nta celle'nt satisfaction. Tbey sald the lange The Mason Clothing Co, with Its ion Mattawa Divion Port A nthu; eoi r a entry list o! light borses wâs a orodit to al enterpnise. bad a verv fine display o! and Mackidaw DvpoPr rhr the district. ready-to-wear clotbluig for mon, youths via N. N. Co., aidt to certain points in Senator Robert Beitb did not parade aid boys, In ail the leading colora and QýUebe, Newe Brunýwick, Nova Scti is fine string 0f Hackneys lu the show st yles. This la the firet aid onir exhibit an ewo lid t ueoaL fuing, this year, as tbey were being ship. îof tbf s character seon at this FaIr and It i-);L 2nl wNov4"Ed,'L I,%!LM ea o gdensbîrg for the New Yt proved a capital advertisoment. Lake o! Baye, Magaî-etawan Riveri, Pene- State Fait, thirtoon o! them.ý The ladies' neodlowork was up to. or tang. Midland and Lakefieid. Mladalwas- Dr 0111esays there wms oily a small above any former oxhibit 'Needlework kia ta Habno, Sarget0oboak i perceiSage of the driving horses realyiy le fas becoming a baFt art, but a few Lin. a & o P.Byand proint s fro Lae via sound and says farmers are responsible porsons can do il ,,et. So maniy new K. & Pf.r thandregrettable condition. ColIte are! piecea o! work wero on exhibitIon n the Nortb Bay inclusive, Returu limit on all not handled as carefuiily as they shoui Ladies' Depariment ibat it gave en air tickets Saturday, Dec, 5th, 1908, or until ho)(3 reai ng o! nlewness to thea whole dispiay. the.,close of Naviýgation, if eanclierto points1InSkotîr alehr wshebg noacbedj by Steamïers, FuIl informiation LsT dhe fact tAt od j3y Dr.fl,rpecig i brhr ateteewstebg freim any Grand TrunikticketA agent aduond hose aMtDai cnbe as gest eitry letý for some years, the Lards at uryan Loeils rugStoe, explainod. Farmc boys bgiaï when car- o! Thomas Bakzer & Son and Samuel niage c0lts are too youpg to train aid! Allun&Sosbeg eyc mndbe drive tbem while their boues are no 1athiibicimsoan expert judge, sent by YIV 0-4Ui5LV ~U Fair Notes, O'ompleta Prize '-îLis-t next week. Fakers were much luid co Vego9tables were below average. F.ý T. Guy's A,,rshires swept, the prie Total recelpt-, of the 1908 Fair weï6 Yoga tables did flot approaeh the ex, bibit &f1907. Grain was a ir, dispia'y and tho prizes well dlstributed Wý. D. D37erz Columnbus, won soyeral rode on Shrop Shpep john Ayre3 & Son~ swopt the liLst of SoutShdowns wirh tileîr fIock. T. J, Colo wou êrsit and third on Ba. coni loge, W. S. Bragyg, 2nd. Mrs, T, Percs, A. Battie and E, P. Doneaster, took Canaryy bird prizes. Lewis Tril and Ernoa2t Bottreil were successful contestants in applo nain-g Meseýrs. Jas. Eliiott and John Lylp- sold tho ticket3 and wAre8kept hustiing, for a few boirs. M&r. W, J. Stovonson, Osbawva, repo- sentel the Canadfian Dairyman auid Farmftug World. W Daroy, Caetwr'ight, and A. A. Cole wiLl, Noîwcasti,,bad thoý prizes among thom on Cotswold sheep Hl and N. Allin, Nowcastle, captured most of the Liecoester sraeep prizos, with W. Q. Blackburn a good second. Mr. W. H. Stoyen1son, Oshawa. ropre Se3nted The Horticulturiat and wa.se niuch intüested t ho f rait display. Coustabies G. D. Fletchor and Jo8, Fletchor werc fi thoir 01(d posts et the gate and performed their dlutios wel Baniker MeIcïan won p-firet on collec. tion of ferne. 'The show of begonias wfaa oxcellent. Th8o weroeieght exhibitsý o! nasturtiums, *Samauol Snowdon, jr., had thinge hi& own wav la Berkehiro swine. Thos SÀ Colo 'L Larýgo Whtes and A. A COwIVÎ In Tpmwortbs,. Editor L. B. Davidson, Nemcastle, swopt the fiold wlth hie jersey boerd, ex- copting two seconds won by T. E. Hlg. gonibotbami and a first by A. Trlmm, The Misses Morris woro very success- fui uinnigprizes on theîr oit peiînt. igwter col orz and chIna. W1hv do no oeyouing gitîis Iearn the ï ir1-Of. Painting Somathiug besides thel' f ~c"sP D.r. Jo-hn o iK. C, T!,e Dtde, Rosedalo, TOrOntO, gave two p. zeý; of 88 each for butter, brlnging ont !il en. tries. mm. W, KilmaIn aid M'Let& Jackonaugtero! M1r, Thos. Jf Cksoa Dariington, were the w1;inners. Apples are a splendid qu aity ibis season finthla iocaiity. R. L. Huggard, WhItby, Who jud-gd the fruit, told ns ho had flot. seen botter applez lu twentty yas. Kinge er xclenHesm1d, Sh slions woro weoil made, the aiue veaging iï1ey. mmemi~ircijury carrid éoePa numo-e7, o! red linr qrvetmes ut -,7rîI and china We Like to 500 youugeu girls becomiug h, Iaterested ini the fait. IE l8 a splendid tbiig for, them and holpi thei FaIt, he-nco we are pesdte- notc Ille succea8 o! Miss Jury Mr. J. S. Moorcra!t, Seoretary-Treas'. flvj., won e r ,, r,,a n w4~rmn earl andth laoet otiofiep.uNo îbe thi endless amunt o! work wMhc always man cou'd 'Lo found for the work. H-l c"orr3ct tille sbou0d be bManager o! the PFair for the nManagement devof"Vos on bim. The Recümmended articles e-rer dia- oretionarY prîzes are: Autograph QufIt, Mrs Gameby; rintlemnbroide3red centre, Mre BirkÉ; linted checene tabbHoardVaroe:Ca1t-ornia Thon IM. Duelan, Double Nastîrîlume, M. 1Dustan; Aeh Tray, Harold Caun. Dire ectons wil coneider these aiut h6îr mee*. Faw exhibitions oaî put on a botter forai dhsplay Iban Bowmanviile. This year's wamtrulyexcellent. H Fielohen's forai design, "Gate's Ajatr," and TMrm 8, J. Jaoklman's Rlatp, wene certaiily floral creations and mon praise from ail quartera. Thein foraI baskets wener< beaatiees too The dahlias ndi asters were veryfine -and added grea-,tîv 10 the dispiay, P1ouilry was a grand show. poaeibly ai good in quiality aid extensive In quýai. tîty as bas ever ee so bre xbib- îLt ieladed T, J.- Colo, S. SnawdonJ,jr J Bîýteon, & SoxeT J. Poitreil &; Sons, W. R., Knight, E J Wh-ison,Allin Bros, E L Vîckery, Gordon Rice, M. and J. Nookes, Howard Vateceo, H. B. Poster, Aà Batie, J. H.. Edeail, LE P. Doîcastetj J. G. Burne. Butter exhîbit was large and everY- tbin-g goid-edged. Dunhaim butter-mak ors have mn oenviable repulation Iru Tot. ot.Exhilbitore included Mesdames John Wigt .KlaJs ,RIck. ard, ~ ~ g H.-ABagS nowdeu, John Rioekard, A. A. Gam8by, b.d. Osborrne, J. 13amio, Levi Sklnnor, Jas. SCC-t1. (uns oompetlng woro: Misses Leta Jackson, Olive Skiînren and Vidla Hilda Mrs. G MitchlMiss Gaud, Ma , Gadeo icharde, Miss Eva Waddtel, M, M.Burk, MiseMlldned Jury, fi. Varcoe, Misa Moris1, bMrs. G. Vaqrooo, 1Miss àfkdeýino Dustan aup Mrs. J,- Â. -McClellan, exhibiîing. Floral Baskets, deelgis and hanil hoquets o! MVirr, Jack. mai and Mrs. Plt,'eoer, woe great1Y adniired ano.morited ail the nice t-hingas said o! tbem, IiqPAMEDErus-Wh1en the eyelld2 berome te ad nfane a i rre y feelings as thuhparticleso!ofsaud1 w'pere in t'te oe you.,iwlll ýîkow thaýt " ou bave ;rnltdoeli Our rîedere' will ho glad 10 oauta Dr. Cbasqe'e troble su ehul heavpiedaInight ~aitor watýàikýteliewthwr wi Eo -V ,-"!n 61- NK OF -- ffREÏAL, -0- L-