'ians NeDawene, fiesch aie 1177ig,, 'Painf sie id,&c hiatgo ma jiver a n eulea ie aa . lintfthaIo 01 àb4o1-nse try ihenwiII flnd Ibesa -littia pbo ilal- >Uttodwitbon arnL'. 1-u0tzbter aU1,.3l,10!r IBtheýbaie of e" manFy OvestMat houle aw1sms' wem rot.ga~bas.Orilauethi Carter iti ie Plaar eyemî n ýhyar t 1ictly vegat&iLa =nd do not griye o pnrga. but i>. t CIe r 61g 3el 0,actile 0a sa a 'il h 1iein. ýî4L!k'i P 20 Satemanlilak, ingSteat transiansdt Ton. a cen pr n. 1)sqen nerin C c CrAtS 0r. BpL 1i, slitios Nta. t3arlter ohctr n anaacOr FEJc IN ORSy«HS BLoïK. T 0To P Zs F te To Z r4HallE A R 1' '5' ely oppotrioir 10hed. ntin au! Ticýý-, nu& Co, .Pao.,ilCHANe etrc., MorUis3.lA-k Ust ino l Lake Otaro &k. rBay.cisai- cd t aest rateCs. ritd M;.. ANMyTar toXlUFSSyeaRs Ateni Pttta1i*iV'g, Es. ShanNONT. KlSQ CommOe HAR OPHARIN Tiextnn& G., 17 Prk ownewa EYORS CiY, . A. 208 me We oucS tit incs o n.cn~s Hognees sd alies ho ealse bOntvario Solo o j, f lladial NortliriWe tq kaahe dia cos.Iamlo e ml vr1 yarsofag tite u n o u oon eurryen- A~~~~~~ lpi ta o etyOetOettdes p tir aplicol t aDoirow .anj loisyn or SMOI sot o h ititl 'Grand So of Horses hi Agri=- i culItural and CraeClasses Attendance Large and a Very Well Pleased Pol -T-lhe Compclete Prize LiSt Fine weather farzvoDrtcl Cînekei Townshiiiip A'gricuilturjal Soiety on Dust won annaying, but theim- i mense crowtids of peop)ie woýre goond- latureti antisurunittuering "ili the last iasvas jutigeti.1 Sjpeedýiug in the riîng was no)t quiteý tip taani pr-eviaus ,years, but th contests mnatiefun for tho specta- tors. K ar S3E S. J11g. -.Polati . Eas Two yoad Gelding or ily T. E. sleeman, S. Rikard anti SonJ. E. Porsnanti]o. (ne year aid Geltiing orAFitu' H. ~ J GJeleJ.Au nI o, A Thos. R arness, WV. E. Jowoell. Prood àMare, bandby ber side - W.- J. StttCea HndersoA. T\wo ýyerraiid Geitiing (or Fýily-1 J. Davely an1ti-oA. T bln anti Sous, J.Davey antiSonl. On yacad eliigor Fly IJ. D. Bcown, Ths.Cow5an, A. ucigCol-U1eo. Henderson, A. ambyn ntiSons; , W.J. "ytutt. ïBrot Mare, foal b'y her side- 'iwao year auid GeàLting ai Filly- One ya adGoltCiig or Fly !L. A. Atira, . E. JewelI,W.E Ceago. Brooti àMrf ioal by lhecside - e. -A. Gmb, rb.Stewar, ina BrWu. loyd coc Bras, S.S, 1Bcagg. HORSES IN nARNESS. Span Heavwy Draugh-t Horses- F. Aln .L. P esantiSon. cpan Agrutural-. Lewis, T AFThos. PBajker. Span Ratser 53 auds igb11 ant i uder- Thos. oa, .A Janteýs anti sons, omule Spa Crnae vec 1534 b,> auds ig-ýwmNal eoProwui, J. C. Deain. Single Roatister 1534 bauds higbl antid ner G eo.Pe irlO Single LCarage avec 15,, bauds, high-Bert. 1i1%,W. J. Dean, C Glass, Three year aid Gelding or Fiily,. Carriage--W. V. Jewuell, Tï.C llragg, Jua. PRikard ;antisoli. 1Three year aid Glting or Filly, Roaste-Ju. Dvey M.Rabinrs, C ATTL E Jutige-Wm. ,wA.,rdn Thbree year old Bull, anti aver- S. Pikt anid Sonl, ist. Two uyoýar otiBllS Ale, A& One year aid Bul-H. nt N. Ai- B-ull C f-.A.Clw£,,ui;S Alun, 3ct. Cow in ýmilk aI ea-S. Aln, il Twov year (Aid Ieil e-S-. Aln, 1 'anti 3 He1 cife alf-S. Alun[ùr-, iallnti 2 - GRADE DURHAM. i Cow iii railk ce cadi T. Allie, XV. S. Bra~g, F. Alun. Two year aid Heifer Thon. 'Ai- Two year aid Heier---L. B. Dy One yepar aidHiî-L B. Day- itison. anti 2. SHEEP. Aget Ra-W.C. lackburn anti Son, IH. antiN. luni. Sheariig Ram-. aunti N. Allin, 1 anti 3; W. C. Blacburn, 2. RaLa mbI. niN. AMin,I Aget Ew-H.ai N. Ailun, W. C. Biac-khun, 2Unti 3 J ani 3 W.C. Backurnanti Son, Ewe Lamb -H.anti N. jan, i Ageti Rarahs. Baker. AgetiEe a nst ahti Ewe Lamb-Th. ABaker. AgetcRm-.A. Clilianti- RM Lamb-A. A. Colwiii,1iand! SOUTBT)OWNS. Agetam .Aeiat ;R E. HidsorthandSons, -2. hai ing RamA. yerianti 2:; . L.a d '2 Ram Enmh- . Ayer, ; R. E 1o, wot anionl, i antci Ageti Ew-. Ay ern ianti 3; R S n E. H ls T A ný t So, 2 A, A.ring we-1,2andye, at R. L. yocarsotkantiSonm2 Ani o, ianti2; an . e 3 lJunig-DA. J. Gibsn. ad Boar S. SnowdenGianti 2., J S.dc A A.owden,1, antid2. So Snow-, At . WY12 an , ete ots nio 3 months-S Snowdn, ianti3 W DeGur, cn 2. rul n ud Sow, entier G monts anti avr3 3months-. Snowti, i 2anti '3W MJure . ow 1,- a BroiSow--, inpg.-S Snotieu iO M antid 2. A. A. Coi , 1, ani m A. A. Colwill, 1, 2anndB3. Bac hute 6 onths ani1avec'3 andan3d Boar, ane yac id atiunie-- 1o2 J. CeeNi nti 2 FowC , ud6 otsatiavec lin JS.;AllS A , n e if !Cîf S Alle, . Rvcad, j BA2.] rd A lc aniSoSoca BadWio Le1rn ocàl--o J Rockwhie, plle-fi ntiN. AUn, i antid Wy nIttA, cok S.Snoie[n, anti Sons. Wyandotosphn-S. Sodn A.TablnantiSnsoksanti teA. 9'Taml anti Sons, unokes ati Bo!r, l anti Sans. Noesani!ottel,2 nt13 1' Morcas, hLIon-H.nB Fst, i andr" 2;Nke ni otei,3 truiani2: AUKn Bo,3 RhdeTlanti et, ooee-Ali Bra, lati2. RhdeJsanti Roi, ple-ii TURKEYS. Tuckoy-T.J.CaeS.eodn GE'ESE. DUC¶KS. Colo, -antid FinT. J.Coiau2 T RAINnND LEDS Judges-Atiahery, Jme Bwn.e ý ron Oasrn, ba-ii rs .D FaoiniWhleaonAla îdSn TS. litti.cn Aon ]ilthe, ait i Srn Six owei Bre-. .Bou Oats whte-e con M. Bras.F U T Lar ge-PasJ.RR.Cae Bons-.',te, . . oie bu. ndioSouchA.Bas.ln,1 Comuin he ar, it stung S le. Sowtiou. Aie-Aiin ras., S. Snawdpen.ý BestColltion-W. C. Blck- C Ainan. jlijan Pive Northeebu p-. abbinG. Gtea. ephens FiveBn A-. Stphn- Un. Tambynnti ans F'ive hieîlat GCnîg. D.n Bronoc.,. Cap1a ] F'ive BaltiinsUotehes Five olden Rssett W. C l3 A .burî --aïtA.Saro Foeveison. P.ppîn- G. teph enA.Tmlynai LSus Fie tak-.Ali,W.C BRckuom ntSn Fie ptznbr-F AleG Y, Founalive, hest collection - X.S. Gamsby, F. Awde. JutgesJas BrwnDolph Heur-j Eari Pontoe-G.Cain, F. Tur~p-F.Aln, . ain. A- H.sn Dv. Boos, ptable-. S.GambA Shpc e.n he SuarMag.s-Tbs.inos, A. Tarablyn ,antiSos Wmbte Cnbag-XV. S. GasbyF. Thos. AlA.nj Atiaras, Sou ro1-s(uhl.Cs 1 CauiflweeW.. aby. 1Ciee-. .Gan i Omatoes-W. . Gamsb1y, JohnA R.~H R.Coo Fnmpkns-oiohBa. Aa Bras.'. f biodick. Aru.oRo.! Tably ani So. A. GamshyS.Gamby H. Davis. BlackburnrantirSon Musk AMA.iOsX.C Bnhe in 'Beo-wn1Leghoencoc-S.Snow-1 den, j and 2 eihanld Tucker, 3.1 Beown egor, Hu Noesandj Bottruîl, S. Sno-wdeýn, Ieight and! TPueker. Brown Lgon oke-eg and Tuokr,cian 3 S. STov-de-1, 2. Brown Lgon uit-oe and Btri, ;Lihand tTucke-r, 2and 3 B3uf Opntn cc-e nt Bruif orpingon, hn-Noikes n Bottrei, S.Sowden, Leigh1nti BT. Op4. tn aere-Nke an ote, cou S. aned-.uoker.d apnoteliaLeih antiTueker Braoha ok-Soh wden , . J Brahm, he-S. nowdn ian 2;m T.J ale ; . s m p. 3 Spanîswhi, cc-Nk and Bat- ASp4ai 2. ho , , S -w4e, I-a Aln y Nvariety, ced insA.A Bine-. A. olfe Gee-Miss JanAdams. FLO WERS lANI)PLANTS. judgeý-Richaàrd Jarvis. Furanînns, singie F-l.Ade Fcisdouble- f. At Glaiai -W S.Gamsby. Borgnia-Mrs R.C. Cawanti, ýat-W. S. Gamsby Mrs.R.C Cwan. Piox irmmlondii-H. -Davis, F. Ad. Ton Weest'ocks-H. Davis, CulectusîBalsais-A. A. Rle W.S. amby. ColectonAstors-W. S. Gaine- Colecton etuiasW.S. Gains- Coilecion ahlias-Jean Adams, Coliecî;tinVerbenas -W., S. Plants other ta gewn in hous-, es-W W.,S.aamsby Greehouio Pant-W.s . iS- CntFloersH.Davis, W. S. Ranti Bouquet-H. Davis, W. S. Pansies--F. Awde, W. S. Gams- Litti, M 3 rs .H.Al. WoolenShtsM. A. A. Grs by. Mes.A. A Gas. A Awd. WooenYar-Ms.A A. Gan1s- b. F.sE AorrMes. A. A . Gmy PaitreWiolen Vo1sM B it JutigT. Smith.'î Jean A a mî. Q~~~~~1ý uit0olnMr.A ore, Mers. A. A asy QuiltiogF_ c11bin-Mes3. A or ý eec, Mis Ed A iiti lain Quî. ltring Mrs. A .Gis byMr.A Tourrie. A i GamrnesJun. Gentiman'sShirtaniClr- Mgs-. UA.rA, GMisbs. FAt i Mainideedultng, any mteËras Mr. . MA . Eam sb ;f, CLADIES,-' DEPÂRcTulLT..Lt Jtige3,ls Ms. . ConeeMs Battenurtis.Ei.Tsore Mes. .Ture. Irish c~~re-M, T.Pc, Pecy JeneAdains. V L Briin Cttng. LU0, faine-l Miss . Pecy .B Centeepiec , slkebiier_ iss E Mrrs Me 'vïs T. ercy Mes T Pecy M.B.litere.Ms Centrpiece, lace - M TuisEel anis. 1 ui.A.TtetiSlippr-Mse. or Cr cht lpp es- es R C Cowan , iss . 1AlJircy Me. T..Pîrcy3 Miss E. orris, . B.Ltie rAlexandra-A. Tamblyn, J. D. Birown. Crabs, red - A. Tamnblyln and Sonis, G. Steph)eus. Collion-A. A ofe Bartleýtt-F. Alun-, W.,S Gams-' Flemish BAuty-, Al ,A Tamb lnat os ShedonF.AluA aby Mexian NedieWorkM.B. Lit- tiMISsR. Percy. Ottoan is.A. A. asy R. C. Cown."i Appliqu Work rs. W.S. Giv. Smonkinig Cap--Mrs. A.- Tourjeeý, Jean Adams. Photo Frame, fambrodre-rs. T. Perey, Miss E.Marris. I Mis E Moris, Misýs R. ricy' Morris.y Buton oie -Ms.A. Tourîjeýe, JT. A.Liie 2lioni -1ro1 Nettng, oars-Mis K.Colville, Mrs. Rý. C. Cwn Tattin-'g, fine-Mrýf-s. 1H. AuMiss R. Pec. Mul.1W. Aun. Fanc Sceen-rs.A. Tuje CchRug, silk-Miss E.Mors Couch ,'î R7ng, wool-J. A.Lite T. PercMiss R. Percy. BestIniialor Monogram ni lie u MisT. Pe, MssR.Poc Hnipaintei hnaJadnee Miss H. MorrisH Morris.> AcetArticle-Mrs. FY, de Y. L. 'WaddeL Coiect~nof Fancy Worýk-J-ean1 AdmMrs. F. Awde. Seii(Doyiies) bycil o5 years..Miss Olive ïkihards. High- ly secommended hy judges.- FINEI ART. \AATEUR OIL PI4IG Judg W.S. Gamsby. SiolAntcapeMs , ors Copy, an imasMslE rs Mis K.Coli.1- M isslinH.ois . Poitrit E WndEl. PaDoin o Cig -Miss E. Mor- ris, 1 Mis .Mors 1deu.aMss H.Morrs.ecî-1s È CoE. ,M ari ne Mis . oris MisseH.Mris . lvle Origial, DYowers-Miss E Mr- go, àa. ri-Ms . ors Mis E.Wadie. S ris Mis E rrs thatteywilcur ull dneyndlSur-e That shows hWoianwe rotntGinPis-ilo 6oser es5M. Sen n eeftofpi f yonrdencer