* E.xcluisive Styles In * Fine Footwear. W e ereVing our FaIl Goods 1ad à it lllpay you 4 a CoaeaU-and i nspect our lunes before bu)Lying oswoe * lu theýi Finer Shoes we have tho ecelebrtec Dolly * Vacrdeýn and Foot Bite which are Ileaders in their lino. 4 * Our 8taple Shoos arc the best on the maýirket. Wo* * ~ ~ o hesoeotrL' he Dayfoot Brand foýr thiËl viinity. ici * Wc handie The Solid Leather Brand of Boots for 4 * Boy andGirls, The Mtaltese Cro-ss Ruý,bbers are hard to bec". We have thenim in every style and size. Reid & Pearn, ' CLAETSTC NI'W.4 SDon' ~ abo he kind of 4 yo ae oig o uy. Corne in to orsoeadsethe 4 b, bhil twdesigus, a eomplete assortment In ail ýgrades ýof 4 f fur~tureand our priez s male biiying easy. * Parlor Suites, newest patterns . .... 1.O4 8eeds LJ omaiille. ranhsOrn and te Hghs apton 4 WE WANT YOUR GRAI. We avee as tLnr asedanwup-tl o- ldat of Claner and are n of hzh; e prepared to hade i kns oerand rasse Soueds elane r ucened randto(;. pR.aytihesrt maretf WE AN TILVOUR GRAIN. O Wp 1eliare as n ar1 k fte to usual folknds o peor Grn , su25li asBarle, BuekhoftfotSpotashý,, ye n ins baseast, ilo!Wih repaed l..te sre Cand uat store- ht lous r up ton u lrand G T.. ttin, o obyi soa heline LWKc E] arc orariiemnton.me, hng tonesL 25 Mi entsapdr2ton1off frSpeca teot'-ash naing an matehig, resawing and dressing lumbor. Wa. lg S, EsBOwniauVllle. 'w Y~1TTTTI1UU'lSI.1 *~~~~L HI'.s1L1I & Ua.O fli MisIrons Argula Ivls!iin Tat auto...A J Roy nolda and wi!, D an. fana, vslid hrs, , A umb r ed tickets came ihis wny from Bowmauvlifi Fair._R Pascoe and wife, Enfi"ld. speut Sundav bore.,.Sln Division celobnated Raily niLghtideusday eveniug. Pnognama was furnished by Pasi Worthyi Pairiarehs thons being founeenpresnt.Election of offients thisi wcek._',10rn ud Mca Blake Stevens viaiýted ai Ira Pearice'a, Base Lino3, Sun- da>.. .Mne WaLLon and ElseL.ndsayý visiied at JnoBeuod.. Mnt Ilogarth vilted ber daughter MrsaRB Mitchell noar Zion .. .. Misa Nom Werry and Mn R IL Wenry Visitoýd fieudq in Cnwright.,..Mies PnrlGem>', Ton- onto, l is iiing ai A ïHogacth'a.. ,-, Mrs G VuaDyke nand Loin, Darllingion, vis- ied aiA L Pascoe's, .... John Monîgom- olr>' le homo froni the Ws.,,Bek Bras3 have purchnsed about 10,000 harcels o! aýppe ... ýJesse Arnot ha3 rented is !arm ta L Rabbins, Bunketoa ._Mn and Mns R L Wenry and San Wilfrid Lave rturned ta Montreal afiezr a pleasaut holiday hero For an>' case of nervoaees, s100pu555s weak stoînach, Indigestion, dyýspepsie try Canto's Litdo Nenvo Pilla, Relief la sure tLo oui>' norvo m-edicIne for tLs priceslu markei. MrE Bosch, Maitaba, Ila guessiof Mca W F Eaton,. Miss Bindie Balles roturna taDenver, Colo, ihis we6ýek, Mr. Jack Gona. NMontreal, Las been vlsiiing Lia parents, Miss Hermia Les le atterdixig Norrmai Sehool ni Potechoro. Mn H J Harria, Tononto, spont a !ew days lu towu tiiweek. MlisHattis Adama la visiiug lher brother lu Deturoit, MieL, Mr M J Piiigan Las retuirne3d !com ,a fishlag trip to,,C1obcýconk. Miss Lizzis HiezolýwGod, Wbnnlpeg, la guet o! Mes P FHalit. lIra W Hezelwood, Toconto, le guest of Mrs Oliver Hezelwood. Mn Cecil Cawan le attoudlug Upper canada Collage, Taoronto, Mrs J 1log levisiting ber nuses Mrs (Dr) lMcePLnil, Manlla. Mrs W A Hans aand Hlda Laveý re. turned 1fanm Honey Harbor, Miss Mabel Lookhart, Tonouta, la guesi of Miss Mollis Torreus. Oliver Paynter was killed Weduoaday b>' burstlng. o! an omery wheei, Milien'a Gnip Powdene Cure. R. M1. IMtitchiell and Ca, Bowmanville. Mi Lowo goos ta jail 18 manthia for seiling bricks on which was a lieu, ,Mca' F Arthurn Hoar and uitile son, Barri-e, are visiting Mcas Gea Millor. Miss (Cassie GrahLas Pýaccepted a poafilan ln L K Munion'a inW office. MNo anHoule>' Las been appoint- ed orgnulst or îLe Simecoe St, CLUr2eL, Mr aud Mca T H Everson were guesta ! Bey ýVDr Seorey, coboUrg, aovec Suni- day. Dr. sud Mca. Haig an(î Misa Manjonie are spending vacation lu New, York~ Misises Greta Ellis , nd Nellie Gililyn are atondlng Normal Sehool la Tonr auto. Misses Letiti a Wlgg und Idla Karr a1re3 visiting lu Ottawa, and atiendlng tiLs Pair, WL>' sufs: !nsm cornr, when &Ley' eau Le pa esloa sed o b'uig H Gloway's" o n C aca, Mn James Crsderman le aitendlng Ottawa Pain and visltlng frieuda in hLe Capiiol City, Mr, and ca. r 'rnest Mcuregor, Tarcrant, wene guesta o! Lis parents over Sunda>', Na y> aiheLîd en aeuhe"b t wV, sud man>' are boru wiih îean, spara Ibaru sJUffering b>' using Moihar Graves'Worm Extermin the isLet raedy o! cfîLe klnd 1 hat cn e haLd. Mn Edgar Grýgar>' and bride, who Lave benvlsltlng is faihen, have ne- tumrcd home ta Wluuipeg?. 1flIre J a Taylïor sud Gweudelyu hasec 1gonle t0 Nocth Ba>' where Mn Taylor bas a e)ctonetoy store and îbakery, Mn. Robent MeLaughlin waa elected ou tLe Executive a! Canadian àanufac- luron' Assiociatýion ai îLe aunual Met- inig aiMonineal. PaIPIiatlao! iLsthenniar, nenvousnes trembliuga nenvous Leadache, cold hLnde and feet. pains In tLe baok and oiher forma o! weakuess are relievod Lv Carten's Iran Pilla maada speciaiiy for blooid, nonves sud complexion. - Mls Florence Ù13nlen, Who -fdït- ed ilu rater>' ai Ontario Ladies'Coliege, Whiiby, lu June, Las beeon appointed on tLe tsnchIng staff o! thatiInstitution. EL1citiOUi la hftiè &LIcmLe nasad ilnennall>' or sonsf rot croup, wh0ooping cugh,t unsrpssel.A battis o!hlàcOGstýIa 1111e ui .thcnele ou as ialways hayiAÇîg l"%aitbaud, ENFIBLD Recont vstor-To ,%Hll andl wl!e, Brjokhlu, Mrc Hunier, Ladndau1-H G Pascoe andl wife, ZIon;Mca Fred G. Mitchell. Madison, 'N D, W B0ekelda wife, Taunion- Rare>' T. Ja.mes, Brook- lin.- - NMiss La MClog a a pleasaut tnip te oura., -Soea fcom bere attended îLie funerai o! îLe laie John ormieton, Blroklu -.... Sami. Bm-ýv sud Gea. Cocheane wece sueceqsful oxhibitons 4ai.Boiwmaavillie Pair, lad wo monoeoC sueh euetenprllng fanmera aur faire would ho fan botter. WL>' do do net more farmera mrise higL-class stock? Pïea and attendance cosi no mors. Broeding ta gond sires-îLe Lest avaIlnbie3-mniy ceai n trille mono, but It menus dollairs mono wheu îLte animal Ia rend>' for manket, Seo thse satisfaction, t0o, or ownlug a beasi that atinacta îLie attention andl admiraýtion of evers a)na wha comnes your way Parmors, think ou ihese ihïugo. -Vivial intonestislanroused b>' tLe Lis. torîcal uewa iLat Las appoaced unden til Loading about Sodoni Academy>, Cardiphonia, Chateaugua', ete, Mnr. Joseph S. H1ubhard o! Uno Park, New Ontario, Las sent n second bIter and promises another soon. Oldar readansï ver>' weillnemember ttis hrpeýsechool Louses ta whlch ho refers, andl soveral stilîl living attended tLe firai one ou îLhe nonth ide o!i te rond andl man>' mono the second ana where Mr Ebenezan Panton and tLe pr3eat Dr Eiishn Jeasop, M. P. P., o! St . Catharines taught lu tLe sixias. M. Hubbard rrites under date of .&ugust 31Ai: DEREixvox:,-Thank yeu ,ver>' much for tLe atieutIon you gave lu pnbhLnz m-, previaus latter lu refen- eucesta tise histony o! aid CardiphonxIa, Ou. nexi considecation la lu ceforeuce ota the fjrsf Public Kehool -Ihught-1lu iat plac whee Ld and b>' whom taught As ihere was uo public buildinug ai hâ limie Mn. Thomas West kIndiy, offereal the pooploe seç ýo! nrooni lu hLlag fanm Louï saiuaed ightacrosa îLeý rond tramn the peestent store anal Post Office kept b>' Mc. J ohn, Ashton The nexi qusion ,iiwa, t10prcurea ateachen. Oue w as gï,lt!nom the village of Coluni- Lus lu th-, penson o!f .Sanipsan Bob- unitil the hbiatfattsnels able to builaln ga choolhouse h nani> oposte Lepresu chool.The an-me Sapeo Rbanits tanghtinluthie pniulitive ,buildinz, Afien a lime Leh waa aucceeeded b' eue MnPeter Peilowv Who laugisi thons for s 7ra ears3. TLeu we Lad a uew Ëmania aschoolhouse, huili on souih sd crs he rond, just essio! h i,îLepresent Enfel eol. Lonse nwsad.Jus iln few flsinl rofernce 10 the sebool bo3oke thocn ;used We were filtaug-ht aur -A BIC'a, tho caur raading ookwns îLde New rTest3,a- ,ànei sud ChbaSpeung BSook t,-spoiî anal thid risis b'Niloual r!eaee ;and Inter Sugt r's nlhmeticj Pr?,&trse'se GeozrapLy ýBv thi lieve th-oupht we -ee ge-ttlng zon fneNai tue I w1i teilyouabot he dfeetbran. chea o (-f ss EsjAretha0 q' isd No Y iis ayBoGh Palie, Sickly Gyils HAVE ANAEMIA, Your mir or will tell you if you are anaemic. for tise unnaturai pallor of thse gumis and in- .ide oï thse lips and eyelids indicate thin, water bioocc. r You may also have indigestion, cizzy, faint- Sing spelis, ,evere headaches, and feelings oi irritability andi extremne lassitude. Tise biood is, Iacking îii tie very elemients that are con,- tainesi in condensed and easily assïriiatcd borin in Dr. A. W. Chase's2 Nerve Food Th*is great restorative sharpens thse appetite, ïnvigorates the nerv7eS which control the d igs. ie fluids. stiengthens thse heart's action and graduaily and naturall'y restores thse sufferer fromn weak blood to ehs strength and vigor, Sec that poîrrait and signature of AW.Chase, Mý D., thse famous iRýeceipt Book author, ane on the box you buy. ',0 cts. at al dealers nr Eduanson. Batîes & Co., Toronto. Mrs. À. Edwards, 14 Winnektt te WcodstOck, Ontttea : 5My Augv t wasver>' mucis run cdo ,n;i hea!t, eI tr and LanIguicl, and m'a- ver' n-rvus. he bganusing Dr. Chase's NerIve Foanit àrIt er right up. She garitsd I s-'s~ ~ ~ ~~~~~i P.0: ipe~di-clran ~io e ur tùhso Visliors. Mn. 1LutLer N. Werry and son W'iLld, Maonireal, Mr, John Lee, Kedron, Miss Ethel Adams, Toronto, Mr, Dud loy MeGregor, Taunton, at Mr S. Colo's; Misses Giad.vs Munda>' and RLea Je!! nov viitiung, fnends at Wau- buno; Mliss GPIbauL, Leskard ai honi sister's Mr ,rd iHookin; rHrry! Freieman with lis sister, Miss Freeman, Mr S, Sndowden raitonedCoboungI Fair. .,,Mrs eorea Timbie reýentI>'j visited Lot daughter Mns WmMea, To)ronto. CmtOxo BoNaunîs15 YERus-MVr. Jaimes Burns Sr. WiirOnt. wnites: leMy huebanui wao ili with chroalo bronchîtis for fi!teen výana and was attended b>' severai phvsiclana w iithout sucers., By the use o! Dr. Chase's Syrup o!, Liisei nd Turpentine the bran- chitis Las beaunire 'curedand. svs- tom was built up hy the uise o! D)r. Chase's Nerve Food. HNN18HILLEN JU Me1tenîfe, wlfO and sonSouth Darlington, visited at C Stewat's.... Master Howard Pye visiied at Feterboro1 Qun Erl eview at NMethodiet 8SS Sunday was taken by Garuet Chapman and wapuEVsuaýlly iuteresting, bristlinlg wlth bdighithoýughts and new idets... Muisa Florence Pse ,la vlsltng ai New-, ensle,.~.iasEdiih esud Ri Virtue vlaited their iunle Mn Staples, Tyrono Pye'.. ,Ths vllae ws wii eprea. enied at Fmnvll air .... Merle JewelJ vlsited ni Kirby . .. . Robert Me. Laughîla, Esq,, Oshawa, cýame down in Liq auto and took Mrs. Barclay 1for a v),sit iun haa ..Mca H-enring' le visit- ing; Ler son Wm O0 Herrnug, . . MinVs- tors su)d Iymen o! Bowmanviilo Diat. triet will meept in Leetho -hdiSt churüh Lea noxt Thursadar .... Mýiss Roua Bon- tham les home from Lindsay. ILSOF GHILDIIOOD9 HOW TO CURE '[HEM La ihouandaof homes Baby '8 O0 wu Tabletis ethe only medicinie tsed when childreu are aling and tîLe mothen who keepa this mediCie 0ou hstnd Mn>' !oeI as safo as tbough khere was a docior ioonsiantly lu2îLeho ,me. Bnbvý's owni Tablots cue ail stamnech aind bowel troubles, breaki up colda, expels wonms and mako teihing easy The moihen las tLe guarantue o! a governent au- aiyst thai ihis mo3dicine coutalus no op. laie or poistous eoothiug stui.Mrs fii E Bonnsiman Mattail N 8 sayvs:-I bave uaed Baby's own tableis for my luttie girl white toething and for constipa. tion and thlnk thon s e o Mediciue ceau or v ai at25 abox fnom ie Dr.: Wilm'Medite Co Brackville Onit., LAURIER'S GRAND REGEPTION. 1 The reception givea to Si3r Wilfrid Laurier at Niagara lasi; week wae the most magnificont one ever tendered a public man In Canada. Twenty thou- sand enîhUslastia admirerao!Ç' the premiee cheered thcmselves hoarse upon hisn arlsinkg to addrsss ýtheniacdi Iru Tory Ontario, Ontarlo May esupport a C3n- servatîve adm-inis5tration l heloual houas buit lu Pederal poiuesSir WlVlfrld le theiL choies. t was a rec('eptlOn Of w hièh any man mlight 153 proud and it is indicative Of ILsgreat victory whioh awaits the Liberai partY at thle com:nag siection. The weleomie tt 1rathroy ana Tilbury wae equaliy enthuiaïstia. A COOD RECORD. Sir Wilfrid hac good Cauneo for pride. In twelve yeare there Las not been one single act Of corruption cha ged gnat, any member of hia government. How dîfferent frow the days of Tory ui.Thora ha. beau insetances o! larger prices baiug pald for suapplies furritihed the Goverment than seemýed reasonable, but ln ail cases they were certificd to nsc fair and juat by officiais long lu the service o! the Gmorument and who wer.e appoint ed by the onevaies verythlug Jwasdons thakt thbe cuoaalo DqeaDded The officiai was promptly isuspsnded awattiug the ceunît o! intvesilgation; auy man !ounid gully of wrong.doing wili, be dlsoharged froan tLe Governmanet employ, but (t Fould Ènot be juatte diseharge met,, wlthout sa nss atlnd d tis ïipro- Cce-dlng auder Judge Caseio. ILu no case bas uyhgbieu proved sýhow;ig collusion with any espousîil membar of the Governmant, a truly ce- arkable record. When fîLe people, have a chanceto U record thair votes they wll quickiy dispo,,a, of siander and scandai and Poster wili retire to that obscurlty which any man with Lis record would havyo sought yearil ago. FAIR NIGHT CONCERT. The concert in tLe Opera Housa Fir Nlght -wvs falrly weil attended. Miss Nelio Wight opened the program with a brilliant piano solo.ý Mr, Norman Jolliffe, a barions soloist o! Toronto, arud a formier well-kuown and popular singer of thîs town, waa the leadlng artist ton the program. Ris solos were excecdingly Wel Sung and he received an encore tw ee-r> number. The crowuing number was considered ta bo "The Watch'" in whlch Le seemed ta rise o îLe Occasion wbth wonder!ul Power and excellent expressiun. George Elis Fax the humorous enter- tainer did Lis best ta amuse Lis audience witb songs and conundrumes and suc- ceoded preit>' weil. Miss Louis- Rod- ney la a winsome litile girl who was1 anuouneed ta "trip the fantastie" and, ta give spicy Eugiah touches lu her raie as a publicenraie but her program did not bear ont expectations lu these rtegarda but she may neot Lave known thîLecharacter ln which asewas ta appear Her numbers were vocal which we3re flot requ:red îin ibis occa- sion, Mis Luttreli played the acm pameuts in an ideal manner - HAMPTON,---- Mrs John Colwill, jr., Las been quite3 indisposed aince returning froni Toron. to, but is recoverng.... Miss E Johns, who Las been ill. Lad ta givo up ber school part o! at woek . She le con- valescent now,... Mr Thos. Goodman and daugLter, Tyronie, visited at J. T. Cole's Sunda>',..Miss Katerson was home from Toronto recentiy . ,M iss Lillian Elliott, Torouto. vibited fniena Lore.,.. . J Willis. wife -and daughter,- Toronio, suent SuWday wiih friende hiere, ... 249 la the produci of ans white 1 beau,$ Howîlathai for a crop?. . ,,Sab. bath School Raliy Sauday, Sept. 127tL Mn. J. Elîlott, B. A , principal Bowmau. vill ,e High ScLoal, wiii give an addreass Spu5ciai muzlc by tLe achool. Collection 1 Iu behaif of! S. S fund. Cordsilinvita- tion le exiended toaU ail..,. The Sabbath achool &ud Epwonith Leaigue are remod. elling -and painting the basement of 1 theobcuroh..A number o! youn g people sitended the aniersairy services a! Moîhodisi S S ai;Bowmanville... ....Mr M B and MissHilda Cry der- man vbsiied frionde ai; Bowman-vll. ... Mr and Mrs-F G Burns visited at J G Langmaid's reeutly.Mr E Jr Gregory and bride, Winnipeg, apeni t Suudav wlth Lis aunt Mrs E. Moore..-1 Mr. T Taylor vislted ai Mr. 8 Pooter's, town ...Mr J G Burns captared sev. crali pnizsat tLe Pair Priday.,..M as. ltors MarkfHannam and 'Wilbur Baiiey were-eierk-s fer e-travelng- m on -the - Fair grounds . ...Rev. W R Rach wii eonduet 'service ai Hampton Sundav mornxng, and Mr. lobn Elliou;, BRA", -- 'a FIELD GLSEAR NOT NEEVED TO ýSEL 7 FI,7NE ?oINT30F ?or FC fft INTH.z &IND2 CLOTIIES W.- .SEL£, STYLE, F17 A,/ND EVJEýRy TAIL 0F FINE 'TAILOUINÇ A'RE THERE I JNJij AND UTIF ETTEýR C.LOTHEýS COULTJ MýA D ETH ÏS 1S TeOwRE 7WOULDV HA VE T HEII. ,WE, MfE N WHvoYNE VE -R WOIREP; R E A D Y MA 2)E C L ri To SEL OUIRsQUA LTY UP, P'RICE Do W.N- JTH E ST pLACE TO WUY Y0UVR MA Tn Groce3rs' Duxe Bîlis taken as cashl The flason Clothing Co., CWTUlN AND PTNSIO FOR GENTLEMEN AND Turin SoNs, Mrsa W J Hol0mes Las bceu jîl, but is better A bouuiciug girxliLas just annived at HCroker's -£bram Beacock Las returued !nom 'a trip tü Aibenrta The- droughi was sl«lihtiy broken by a geutie nain Saturda>' Methodist Suuday Sehool Rally Suuday at 2.30. Good programume. Re>' R A Delve and family, S Jef- frey and J Wright visited Orono Fain, Threshing is general and farmers are findiug tLe grain yield botter than ,hey auticipated Melville Trewin isceeig con- gratulations on wmning irai pnizýefori F'ield Tcialin banlo>' Presbytenians are ceIflbratîng thî.vr Anniversary Sunday R,'Ev Mr Johua-is ton, Millb:ook, wili p-roach. T Swaiu's colt gai fracliaus Suuday and inied ta jump îLe stable door, receiving scratches and bruises, Mesars A Taylor, W C Fenguson, J H Deviti and othens atteed the Bow-ranville Pair and repart il g ceai. Dont forget Blackstock Fair WYed- nesday, Sept 3oth It je te be boiter Lhau even, with more eninies and botter prizes, The C P R train sel fine lu Mr Wm Slesbiiit's flue hacdwood bush Tuesday and deslnoyed about 3 acres besides ,urning Lun4reda -of rails- 7'"Wcere Éympathy is felt for Miss M Hlarris, our senior teacher, in the death o! hen brother John She did not ieach tLe firet part o!fIthe week The fines and smokle from New Ou- tarn, have appareutly dniven hordes of tLe famous Black Plies jute our corm- munily and children and adults have beeun "marked .Up" iu coutsequefice.j 1A very pleasing eveut tranispined ai Lhe Epwýoyti Leagne service in the Niethodisi mceuedyeveunmg After a good program Lhad been couder ed Dr. and Misa Hlarnis we-re clldta holi front aud the foilowing addcess' read;, D1_ÂR PE:Evs,--It i. w(tLh ver>' deep i'egret that we, your assoclÎatea lu the wory o! tLe Methodiut ehurrh Lare, Lanve lesarned o!f youar removal froni aur village ald mjldat. Since comIug to u, bOyesrs râgo, yoa have 'bath won youn way luiso Our conIfid'ence, respect sundesteein, by your sterling qualitieso! of haracter sud isant ; Êsud also b>' your unselfishi devo- tion ta theLe taintereats o! fLe work anal adyseancfmt o! our cLurch. VComlng as8 yon dIal, froni s Parsonage home, wlth fýGod Inifluence sud trainiug surrounaîdîng von, $76 esuilpatod your sympaih>' sud iniec;blit weea gratefull>' rgy, thia; aveiu, tatyon Laïve exceweded our anti-' c,îpationg. TUe CbuceL, Sunday Sehoo, E. ),ortt Lane sud Choir, will ai feol vouc 1osa keenly, and Yeu 1bave vacanclesý ashioh WUIl e bard tae fill, WE aiel méke a tangible expreon.! ur eses sud love for you sud iherefoe &8kyon Doctor, to &accept this Poaket Beti PlasLllgh suted 0,k Alarm Ulock,%n Miss Harnis, thîs Ebon>' Ladios' onm ion.ý Wb Inuit OlthatYOUMa cg spsred ta serve tLe âMaster an te chic with tLe sanie seal sud fidelty you hiàve exllited Lare, sud esahceve atInlat thse wreleoe, "Weli Doue." Slged on behaîf o!fLe, Ch urcL, Suuday Sebiool ani Longue, W, C. Pxnausoe,- Josu STEWAR1T, FRtANK Cxoznxa M s GLÂY, B, A îELv, Pastor. Blackatock, Sept. l6th, 1U,08. Mca. S Gcay rend tLe eddress and Mn, Frank Crozier made îLe preson- tation Dr. Harris ma<de a s1hort buit feeling nesponse, expneaeiveofo the kiud, spirit of the peop)le preseu)t. Rev R Al 1Deive auýd Mc W F,,gYso3 made ap, propriate speeches and tLe ïmeeting Was adjoucuried wiîh the Eptvonîh League Ben ediciion Tri l Inepensýive. -To shosa who suifav fROM dyppiindigesioin, rhenMR,;iam o r &Dy aJlimenta a tesdigetivesysteni, trial of PamlesVegeta4ble PIlSi eemà n. ed. ThLe trial willbe inoxpensive snd the requnît ill tLa NUOther cusiiower fan ihig excellant medicina ùî, effectig la i seath at man> 'Icras ecan balinl bê traýced 10thaLiir 1use Vwherao ther pilla Lavel pcojved iafcie CARTWRIGHT FAIR, Tuesdayr and Weduosday Sept 29 aûuI 80 are îLe davs e aeiedfor Cartwright Pall Pain. The veteman Searetacy, Mr>, James Parc la euh iiLs Lheahlm and with tLe Dicectors le planning for ibe best exhiblion held fan yearms.'ý It le a question if an>' othen township of lis Rizoe a holal &a-good a faîl faim. Parna'% ors lu Cartwnighi are making a jucoe o! agnicultueni pureuite and îLe>' take n hanal lu Lelpiug to maLstýheir own are, good lu Cartwright and it will be ai Blackatock ,eximoi tat îLfine samplea o! graIn , mamlmoth vgube and good 10oe711g ldiswill ho seï FIX tLe date o! Sept 380 with ;(our 'e ginl ta attend Blncekstorok Ilair. FALL FAIRS. ,inrâdesa Y, Sep t. 24, 2:5, ,, PortHoe, 2ep. 9,0 Blackstoek, Spï 9 aal 802, SeacrrO, Septý , 8 Mank'hami, it 7, 8, 9., AUO.JTION SALMES, TaUZESDAIY, S 24 -- WlliaAId wotlt23, con. 8, DarWaagton i» ' seali Il o! isfarîq 3stck, sic Saleant 2o'clocký, Seo Wi - .A, TTUESDÂTA Otoe 6 - ifm, Axf>ond, lot lc ',2 Dýlr9o Lug soýO idheFnrmwill i eaI o! Lisî fanm stock,>mpemnt, ec. sale ailà e'ciock, Sos bilia. L, A. W. Tim TRURSDÂY, , D. Gaîbralih, lot 4, B. P', Danl1ing oW11lll lsoma 20 henal o! Thýorobred Shonthorne, pejigieed, , s. ther socFuller particiaË ter, 1% GrtOJÂoxsei, uctioneer. br,.,t2Thc iid Vis Haa Alwybî Agr -W w ýw-'vw ýwe