a alan TERMS -$1.00 Per Annum. OUR TOWN AND C0UNTY FIRST;5 TEm WORLD ArTEURWARDs. M .JMS OS rpit:s Lu Advanee. ~BOWMANVILLE- ONTA.RIO, TliiURSDAY, OCTOBER, 22 1908VÔUELVNo4 Muiag ags IPaints IPencis 1 Sharpeners 1 Eraaer~s jPaïteî fil~ i -Wantecd f 00 ilorses, ail kids 500 f ý» at Martyn's Harneqs Shop ... fé To be fitted with an up-to-date single, or double fib --- HAUNESS - - - M, ~HORSE BLÂNKETS l f~We have just received a large shipmen. (direct from f manufacturers) for Fail and Winter use. Cail and inspeet them. -~RUGS AND ROBES We have now on hand an excellent selection and a ful stock of averytlng that is usually kept in an up-to-date V~harneso shop. ÎÏ9 ==I-ý- EPAI RING Wili be neatly and promptlî attended to We willeonsîder [t a favour Ln have jou eal and examine our stock, j'O,0.MAoRT YN omanvie. Th-e Corner Sh oe Storeý' THE BEST 15 THE~ CH-EAPEST Now that the weather - e coming on which test boots severely, we sing the praises of the good boot and denounce the shoddy auction breed of boot as expensive at any price VVWVEPOINT WITH CONFIDENCE to tic mernte of: Our German School boots Our Me Creadly Farm Boots, Our Felt Lined Boots, Our Stylisi Finer Boots Our Broad Comfort âîapes Our Matchlees German Rubbcrs, LOOK IN at our four windows for prices whici rival the le west Toronto quotations VOU RUN NO RISK K1LRE of having auction boots palmed off on you. Our stock le well bougît, frash aud édean tîrouglout. HEADQUARTERS for Riliable Knockabout Rubbcrs Men)'s 75o Women's 55p. Rubber Boots 8.25 etc. TUE BURNS 00, 1Ltd, main Four corners. 0shawa I I store Opens 730 a. mi. When yen hsve trieci ail cougli sYrpe and so callad cold cures and stili haveaflot obtained relief then you should procure a bottie of Peptouized BIIu1sÎiIo! f Cod Ivier 0O1 with Quinine, It is a sc!entific- preparation of Cod Liver 011 contailling pep- sin and quinine making it suit- able for delicate stomachs and persons addicted to indigestion. You ca n proceure it for 40o a IF. R,. -Kersiake, Thc West End Drugglst. W e BellBulbs et al kinds for frpla ntlng now. ...Store closeB .so p. m.j -"The finest body of slagers ln the world -Arthur Nikiseh The greatest undere~king in the annaj.s of Ipral musie W, lying visit to Canada of the farfamed SrH EFIELDI CHOIR >200 VOICES, CONDUCTOR: Dr. Henry Coward. Reserved Seats, $2.00, L,50, 1.00. IWrite the manager Massey Hall. 'i-t tg a miracle. I haveis ver heard an>. Ihng lilse it."-Sir Jfubert ï'arry. Single Pare on Railways. B3ANK u0"F M0NTRIEAL Established 1817 Capital - $14,400,000 Reat -811,000,000 Total Assets $168,OO1,178 -_o'- Savings Bank Departme.nt. heai Office, Montreal J. A. MCOLELLAIq, Manager. BowmanvilleBranch. 44 the People's Faïorite GOUGH REMEDY las stocd tic test of ycars and te day our sales o! ,thus valuabe pre paration are larger than ever be- fore. Everybody' takes it, Children prefer it. Don't be without h a',t ts season Large bottle 2Mc. Rod'k 1E Mitchell- & Go., -~Tim QuALm vDnueigrr Phone -2a1 For ulght caýtlla owmanvllîe p e 98 22b. CONSERVATIVE VS. CONSERVAIVE idOR11ES DLIN'rF ARMONIZE POLITICPALý NOTES. Mr. R. L. Borden the other evening ilere is a poser for Mr. R. L. Borden. Cheer and hustle for Laurier. A ,pent twenty minutes telling a large He is quoted as saying that $5,000,000 vote for Simpson is a vote for Laurier. audience of the enormity cf the Mono- to $10,000,000 of money have been wast- Mr. Borden lias net convinced Ontario ton land deai, Thïe strange part of this ed every year-every year, please note electors that there is need of a change. deal-and it shows the general character -by the Liberal Goverument. He Snl aeo .T .frDmno of the scandai compaign-.tle landi in aliows himself a generous inargin for Singlefaen G. taR.iornDoinionu question was only purchased by the errors, but does net produce a single electosbtee i ttions n a- Goverument after a, valuation had been instance to prove bis case. The 0on- ada, going Oct. 23, 24, 25 and 26, returu- placed upon it by Mr. Sumner, and Mr. servative literature contains a list of ing Oct, 27. Sumuner is the Oonservative candidate overpayments by the Liberal Govern- %Ir. W. F. Maclean fteTrit at this election, opposing Mr. Emmer- ment in tweive years-in 12 yeurs, World was the only candidateinO) ir- son, and Mr. Sumner contends that the please note-and ït reaches the sum of 10 elected by acclamation at nommeri i. valuation of 810,500 lie piaced upon the $95000 or a trifle over $8,000 a year. He will represent South York. land. was a fair and just one. This is Rather a dîscrepancy liere. If The Great West existed before lria,, a sample of Tory scandai. upon which- Mr. Borden had any proof lie wouid but since Liberals- came into power ifi Mr. Borden seeks to overthrow Sir surely have printed tlie figures where lias flourislied, it lias grown, itha Wilfrid Laurier. tliey would have reached the people., advanced ini a remarkable degree. The oniy logicai conclusion is that Mr. Work 1 Work! W ork! Work!1 Bordea is making reckless statements Let Launrier flinish lis work 1 THE GARE 0F POLITICS hoping to influence those wlio May not Taîk 1 Taîk! Talk! ialk 1 inquire too closely into the facts. Let Borden keep on witli lis talk 1 àNext Monday Oct 28, the, people of this Dominion will have anether oppor- tunity to register their approval or disapprova1 of the legisiation given unom aut Ott.awa oy tne Lanrier -uov- ernmeut. This political campaign is nearing the end and the game of poli- tics was neyer more unwortliy of the the chief players on tlie Opposition side, but their scandai speeches-anld scandai edîtorials sent ont. from the Albany Club, Toronto, have faiied to besmirdli the dharacters or public records of a single member of Sir Wilfrid's Cabinet., Every man of them lias come throngh this contest witliout a bit of political scandaI attaching to him. Mr. R. L. Borden, Conservative lead- er, sliould bo sorry, if bie is not, for bringiug into the campaigu in Ontario premiers from the other provinces. -I was an ackuowledgmeut that lisOn tario followers were n ot to lis likîng ,or' could not do the peculiar kind of politicai work lie thouglit desirable >to do. We may remark in passing that we had regarded Mr. Borden with a f air measure of respect,, but his course in this campaign lias alienated ail that respect. It wili ever stand to lis dis- credit that hoe leaded a band of politi- cal speakers wliose public records have, been more or less beclouded. 0f the premiers wliom Mr. Borden seiected to accompanhMf, .--Hatze retired from the field very- early in the game, and lias been mnixed up in the Mayes plot to muin the dliaracter of Hon. Wm, Pngsley. Mr. Roblin re- maiued long enougli to be convicted as a siauderer, and lis record of dealing witli the public lands of Manitoba in the interests of the speculator, foilowed hini to Ontario, and lie witlidmew linù- self over niglit and wats -heard of no more. 'Ur.Bowe, -wyo wrqngly imagined that the peole of Ontario deliglited in profane stories, was ex- posed as the man who dmew the contract between the Japanese agent and tlie Canadian Pacifie Railway to facilîtate the entrance of tlie Japanese inte British Columnbia via Honolulu, and lie too, folded lis tout like the Arab and silently stole away. Mr. W. J. Hanna romains te explain away lis insuits to the newly arrîvod' immigrants. In this respect Mr. Hanna lias made himsolf obnoxions and ridiculous and has use- fuluess lias gone to seed. This is the positio n of Mr. Borden to-day. Not liaviug any men in his own party in Ontario with the abillty te stand before tlie people and proclaim a pelicy, lie fell baok upon strangers fmom otlier provinces and thoeo n added insuit upon insuit te the people of Ontario, until thoir presence becamo as intolerable as tlieir methods were unwelcome.ý Thon as to tlie alleged scandais cirou- latod against the Liberals. Be it ob- served se far as Mr. R. L. Borden is cencerned, tint lie lias only suggested wrong-doing, lie charges no persen,j and prodluces ne evidence, only state-j ments of the mest general character.1 The Liberals breugit charges direct1 agaînst members of the Conservative Government on the floor of tichenose, pmeseuted their evidence, proved them te the hlt, and drove premineut men eut of the House and eut of public life, This is the difference between the posi-1 tion of tIc Conservatives and Luberals.1 No charge lias been breuglit against any1 member of the Government, or any member of Parliament, but botl Mr, Pester and Mr. Aines have been coin- peiled te witidmaw and apologize for1 mentieniug the names of members ofi Parliament in conuection witli their1 se'-caiied scandais. The Laurier Goverumeut lias a record of work that telescopes the Oppesition's record of talk. 'The nominations for Durham Connty took place at Orono on Menday, Mr. H. H. Walker of Hope Returning Officer. Mr. D. B. Simpson, K. C., Liberal, and Mr. C. Jouas Tlornton,. lumbemman,, Conservati7e, are the flominees, We IFlear of More Cures Of troubles originating in impure bic od, scrofula, loss of .ïppoLite, catarrhi, rheuuna- tism-.,byEood's Sarsaparillathanbyallother so-called rernedies combined.! Somehow those cured by Hlood's scem te stay cured, and they giadly tell the good news to others. Blood PFueifer-"I have used Hood's, ara axilaan hav e f ound it the choîceat biood puir It sends a strong stead y strea'nu of lire throughout the weary body-. Teeslifo andi strenth in every drop of it, HILDA SMITH, 46l Wellesley St.. Toronto. Affllcted 16 Years-"Hood's Sarsapa- rilLýla:, haured me of scrofula, with whjch 1 have, been troubled 16 rears, and caused by sciofula swelling on her neck and Hood's, Sazrsa3parilla also cured lier." Mita. NoRA, Ruen, ipHughey, Tennessee. Hocod's SarsapariIIa is sold everywhere. 100 Doses Ont, Dollar.~ Prepared oni>' by C. 1. 110od Co, Lowell, Mass., U. S. A. N. B. Do neot take a substitute. matlit uPon having Hrod's. DO 1011H DUTY, ELECTORS 1 LIBERALS WILL WIN, tcibesIExercisors 1 Note Books 1 Siates 1I ùrawing BooKè; 1 Loclk Boxs NEW FALL DESIGNS IN EWa11 Faper]s reeeived this week. See display in windows. Latest colorings and patterns and at reasonable prices. W.T.ALN Bg 20 Booktorc, Bowmanvilie. e"u. irom m 1 1 The Uoinise . We dho net believe in cajoling or o oecing people te vote for any man or party. God lias given ns brains and power te think for ourselves, and we bolieve in allowing every man, tû exer- cisc his own jndgmnent at elections. We wili net ailow any man, however wise, te dictate te us how we shouid vote. Thar is a privilego we possess absolntely, accorded ns by the State, and we have sense enougli te use that franchise witliout advice fromn political heelers, The riglits we dlaim for our- selves, we freeiy accord to other men. Canvassîng for votes slionld be prohibit- cd by law, equaliy as mucli as prohibit- ing men from wearing campaign but- tons, badges or Party colors during clection contests. Electors sliould ho lcft free te exorcise their own judgment at the poils next Monday wlien tic voters are for the day masters of the political situation. Vote for the man wlie wiil best mepresent your constitu- ency according te your vicws in Par- liamont. The ballot is a very sacred trust aud sliould be cast conscientionsly as upon yonr individuai vote grave issues may depend, If may be fitting te, say in advance -that-afte- M ndawy'"-atti of-thie -ballots is over and the victories are celebrated, tint no illwîll sliould be entertained towards ny man or men who may have voted as they considered proper- fer the candidate tliey believe will best premote the welfare of Canada and Canadians. Ail electers will neyer thiuk alike, and ne man sliould be res pected less because lic ieuestly voted differeutly from us. Therefore, as soon as this eleOtio> is over, lot ius rememiber that we are f'ellow citizeus and forget ail differences of a political chaxacter and join bauds. bonds and hearts to ndvance our common interests. The interests; of our tewil and district are large enougli and important enougli te eugross our very best endeavers and tliey-nfford an arena wlieme party pol- itids sliould neyer 1 'nt any ice, "to use a vulgarisin. Let ns be citizens, SIR WILFRID'S STRONO FAITH Tînt Sir Wilfrid Laurier lias strong faithinlu anadians laslieown by thîs statement made at St. Clet, Que., last Tlursday. Six Wilfrid said. III will repeat liere wliat I -snid lu previons meetings:- 'If I were as sure of my etornai salvation as I amn of the Liberal victory on the 2fith, T would not have the ieast auxiety.' We have been higli- ly pleased wlth this part of is address on that occasion. It is *Well womtli reading - 1I do not come here te force the conscience of the electors of these counties or to show them the lime of conduct whidli tiey are to follew, but I will express my ideas, leaviug ,toe aci one lis liberty ef opinion. 'You are the sole judges lu this question, and yen only will decide wliom. yen wîsh to bo governed by. Our epponents say tînt a change must be made, and tînt even if they have been guilty in their administration they have been punislied for this. 1 do noi believe that their penaude lias been long enougli for the wmoug tliey did te tie country. Twolve yoams of purgatomy le not enengi. And wliy sliould thomo be a change?, Is it mot truc thnt dur- ing the last tweive years the Libemal Govermnet las administered the aiffairs of the country yen have lad more pmosperity than during ail the time dnrimg whidi the Conservativos weme in power? I see a great number of Conservatives home preseut. I want thein te kuow that I respect the opinion of everyonc as long as oee s suncere. Ail I ask of tliem 18 that tliey ask tliem- selves lu ail sincerity, if tliey are net more presperous now than twelve years ago. And wliat are the causes of this prosperity? Conservatives say tînt the merit Of this pmosperity is net duo te the Lîboral Goverument but te Prqvi- dence. But I say this, that Providence lielps those who lelp tiemseves, and I glomy iu saying that we have doue vory muci te lielp Providence, and tint our policy lias aiwrtys been eue o! progress and presperity. 1The wealtl of a country le in propor- tien te the deusîty of its population. We have breugli nto the new Provin- ces of Albierta and Snskatdhewan andi into Manitoba over 1,200,000 settiers, and what le the mesnît O! this pelicyl Instead of sein Irdhidmen emigmat- iug te tic Uuitedi States, as in Yeare gene by, uow wc se the Amenicýans coming into our country and investing their mouey lu our iudustmy and comn- mierce. The amount of monLey speut by these settiers o! tic now Provinces in the west of our country dnring the fast years is $60.O,00,00.TeAm ics arc- certanuiythc best of sottiers anid ef citizeus; t.hoy have brouglit witli tim 552000000and have iisvested la our industries 30000Ô I L . - - - - --s ineffoctive lu weakening confidence in the Govemumeut that it 18 now gem- ernlly cenccded that the Laurier Gev- emument wîil be sustained. CensOrva. tives are uow produu-iug figures to show that tic mnjority ef Sir Wilfrid Laur- ier wîll be redu -ced, and tboy take soe comfort in this, but the mest enthneias- tic supporter of tic, Censervative party ne longer entortaiuis the iden tînt î Wilfrid will be defeated. To change ths control e! affaire at this tino, and haud thona evor te Fosrý ter, Fowlcr, Lefurgey, Pope or Benne#t,, and possibly Roblin and Bowser, dees net appeal te tic people. Tieme is me doubt that the people of Ontario are opposed te any suob change, and fromx tic accounts received frein. ail over tic Dominion, this seens te ho the view gcncmally cntertained. Sir Wilfrid Laurier bas givon te thc people many ronsons why lie is euatitleàd te turthem-confideuce,. and Mr. Borden lias failed te put before tic people any sufficieut rmous te induce thoin te aot diffcmeutly. Statcesranship uponcie side and scandal mongemiug on thc other doos net mak tich choice n very hier prosporons wny assisted by , pro,- gressive, up-to-date administratioi lu the interosts of ail tic people. and ëItic verdict on October 26, will be very pro- uouucod upen this point, uulcs.ý ail signe fail. #LANADIAN FORESTERS CELEBUEATElE T'ic CanadieIin For'esters, Ij mlanlville, No. 961c, are en-joYing ~apýj4a did increase te ticir mevnbeshiip, throniig the e'fforts of District Organizr -~ llalpany, coupled witi tic assistance 2 -t, 1tic mnembers. Two weeks ago 25 canpr- Sdidates, were added, and on Tiursday evening ton more were mnade acquaiutod with t' e secrets o! the Order. Dr. U3 M. Stanley; Brantford, Ciairman M.edl- cal Board of Higi Court, wee preseni aud assisted in initieting uew members, after wiicli Mr. D, Luttrell, whose re- putation of putting Up fine suppers Is wel lnowu, spread a torupting array 0)f gond things te whicli ail did full justice. Mm. F. C. Pethick,QClairmen, iutroducedà the foilowing pregram, 'whici was equally enjoyeblo. Mr. Harold L.. Garner, London, rendered a fine piano solo; Mr. Sam. Glanville kepi ail in good humtor: 1by lis vocal aud accordion solos. Messrs. Warren Pinci and Austin McDoiiald witi nuandelin and violin rendered good music whilo Organizer Halpany eutog- Staiued the compauy ini eeug, recitati(on,, cornet solo. Rev, Harold R. Woir per- formed thc duties o! accempanist moafi acceptabiy. iligli Court officer Stanley gave an adÂdress on the monits -of the Order that, bmistled with stmong peints and teiling facta that greatly pleased tic members. The second pleasing celebma- tien o! this Court was brougit te a cIosea by eiugiug "Auld Lang Ilyne." WEDDING .BELLS. OBBOP.NE-PNNIiGTON A quiet lieouse wedding took place Wcduesday afternoon at the reaidence e!f Mm. and Mme. Andrem, Penuiugton wlieà ticir eldeet daugiter, Miss Eva1 WiwinL fred Pennington, was uuîlad in marriage witli Mm. Herbert F. Osborneof ou eti Demlington. iRev. D. 0. Croseley, Whit- by, a fermer pester and an intimate, friend of tie bride, performed tic cero- mony in tic presence of. only tbe neer relatives o! tic bride and groom. Tic weddýIng merci was piayed by Mis Caxrîe Roenigk. Tic bride wee give-n away by lier fatier and wore a very pretty drees o! castor siik eolienne witli trinnuings of lace atad applique and car- ried a bouquet of bride's roses. Tic hiappy couple were unattended, and affer congrattulations tic wedding part>'set, down te a nicely prepared supper. The table was prettily decematcd witi lily o! t)ie valley and wititc clirysantiemaume aud. very atttractuve -ýly laid withi cloicco vianide. ,Mr. and Mres. sborne lefi by tic ev-eniug train for e trip te Owen So)und, tic bride weariug a uavy bluie serge -suit witlibat te match and a very lind- somie set o! mink fiueclatter beiuig tic groom'e gift to, us bride, A beauiti- fnl silver bread. tray, from lier fellow employece in Messrs. Scott & Bowne'e, Tornto, was among tic mauy liandsomce preseute received, besides nmuy gifte, fromn frieude in Toronto, Owen Sud Fort, William, Port Hope, Co-ur-tice and o-tior places. Our ic'Articet (ongratui- lations are extended te Mml. and Mîs. Oshruefore vry apy and successfuLý future TI)eY will meýside ucear ElhenýezeÈ, m l 1 il