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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Nov 1908, p. 5

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Er jrn tickets will be issued at oingie ,-e the Grand Trunk Railwa-y Sys. between ail stations in Cartada, also tû Detroit, a.nd Fort Huron, Mielh . an< Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara & Sus. p ension Bridge, N. Y. Good going Nov 6, 7i,8, & 9th Returning on or ho fore Nov. 10 th, 1908 Secure tickets irmGrand Trunk Agents. BOWMANVILL1, STATION. GOINi EAST G )ING W Eft 'Mail .. . am Expreg., .... 4.40 ami m Epess. 10.10 ,, ......... 751 Local, .. 649 ,. h lxed ....7.44 Dally. JuRy & LovxSmL, Town Agents, This is another Une where we ,Can Save you money and save ,you Rnnoyance. When you get Rubber Goods irom us you can rely 0on them. Outr stock is ai ways fresh and' de- pendable, if you ever get a Syringe or flot Water Bottie from us that fails wo give satisfaction, brîng it right back. When- pureliaming alwayo ask for the kind we guarantee-then there îs no tro)uble. -It pays to give a trifie More and be sur-e of getting a good thing WE CARRY AMOST COMPLETE UINE FRESU, RELIABLE, CIIEAP At imizors, Syrlnges, Rot Water Botties Nursiing Botules, Bre,ýast Pumps. Nipp- les, Rubber Pillows and Rings, Rubber Uhe1~ ubber Bandages, Elastie ';zs mada to order), Abdominal ý,rs, etc., ail at Iowest prices, JURY &LOVEL Agents for al] Stealmship Lines toEngland. TeFirst Stp Often means s0 mach. XI bas meant success to thousands of y onnlg peoffle who wrote for Our ýatalogUean1d tbe first 8teýp te- ward a good salaried poiion. Takeý thçe s'ep) to day, PAddregs -Central Buisines3s College, 395 Tonge Street, To-ronto. W, H, SR AW, nCre.ase Your Salary I Proper Preparation docs it. Attend TORO1NTO, ONT, ad the time to commence is right now. one hundred and one students from other business colleges have patronized this eccl- lege wlthin one year, What does tbis prove? We give the best. Nothing else ýcu1d satlsfy us; nothing else sbould satlsfy onu. Aigraduates readily secure employ- inlt Write for catalogue. W.ge J, Elllott, Principal. or,1V ng Alexander Sts, Toroto Enroli Now f or W inter Tarin--no beter Uirne. WTe off er spactal ativantaeaanti priv.- ieg,e s not) Obtainable elsewhere. Write frparticulars, British Amnerican Business College Y. M. C. A Building, Toronto. Plow Boots. Guelph lu Decemiber, wixtMis May Gant as alternete. Mrs E. R Boun isail gave e goot Parer ou "Weiter5' closing wihon-o Witlcspooma, 'Tise Weaide WeL" GncidismusJOn wee boit on pcoparatiîîfoc Thanksgiv- iag tinuner, preperation of wieiter vg etables eut ciareo!fdahlia bulbs. -Noît meeting will ha bie t tho- home o! tho3 Pre21teu-t. Afler the roýgramr refresh- monts wiii ho servet, BDWMANVILLE. NOV. 5. 1908. t2 Mr. iH. B Goult, Toronto, wes receî a id gueat a! bis brother Mr. I. C Gonît, B-Mre. (Dc.)A. S.Tilley, Youlden Vulli 9 wll Bot receive until the ficat Fritay i aDecember. Miss Anale Brown, Lurgan, Euro -county, le vislting ber tuncle Mc. Thai Brown, Centre St Misses Lonie eut Marlon MeDouge' are home frorn Visltlng relatives i Nocth Bey eut'!coento. Mc. Norman Davis, South W1ýoodsiez ila vialting his sîster Mca John Faste eut other relatives la thia yleiulty. A rnumber of young mon lu toýwu bey receivet invitations to the Bel Thuri day nilht la the Big Riuk, Osbeawe Dit joun seO thoso glass lampsaet F A Haddý 'a? 40c, 85c, aneut25 lampa, 7eu1cen Lget jour cho"ice foc 25C Invitations have heen sent out hy thi ladies o! the towu ta e, Leap Yea: Dance iu the Town Hiall Fcidey eveu lug. Miss Penny Willis, vvbitby, eut Mcs jas. O'Bbea, Peterboro, were bore Sun 1day attoatlng tbe funerel of the latt Mca. Samuel Soucb. Rey John Gerbutt was et SmithfielÈ Thncsley attondlag the funsrel o! s fermer parishouer, Mca, John Reukîn who tîed in Toronto, Mca D. Dadte showot us an appilt ý the Alexander variety grown in Mr. WW B. Pinch'a orcherd thet meesuces 1 iuches lu ciccumfecence. Don't misa the Epwortb Leegue con. cert Pridey, Nov. 6. Miss Emecy, Picton, Mr. C L. Meirvine, Hamilton, eut otheca will turnisb the pcrogram . Mca. Ira H. F. Pettersen eut Mca. Thos. Piorton, 42 Wright Ave,; Toron- to. will rceove totey (Thucsdey) eut aftecwacds on the.firat Tbursday of eech, month. Senator Robert Belth, Bowmanvilie, ent Mr Job Wbite,, Aahbura, hba beau appointet judges an bevy borses at~Tocante Sprlng Stehlion Show Nýov 18, 14 eut 15. Cauob, Johuaton & Cr.vderma are ehowing some vecy fine Astrakan eut Bokhecen coats, aise a hlg stock of ladies' fur-lined coats iu blacks aut colora-no botter velue enywhere. We oeil the attention of anc ceadora ta the advectisemnt of Jury & Loveli in this Issue. Thij ficm purcheses their rnbber goods direct from factory thua lnsurlg fresh gooda and loweat possible pricea, Mr. Wrn, Sueigrove, our old tawas- man of Peterboco, was bore Wednestey on bis way beck fcom Bowrnenvllle whece ho bat been spentlug e few deys with Mc. Robt, Coplnd.-Milbrook Reporter, Mc. eut Mca. James Martin, Alton. visitet bis aunt Mca. Wm. Colwill, Kin-- St , ber brother Mc, John Lane, eut ether- friands'. --Mr, Mectinealtho &e Dar- iington boy, bat not beau ln Bowmau- ville foc 36 joars. Mca. T. E. B. Henry, Quick Block, King Street, Bawrnvllle. le offerlng ail of ber bousehoît. furniture for sale on Fcitey, Nov. 6, lacluding e plana, parlor, dining room, bedroom ent kit. chou furniture. Sale et 1 p. m. A apjleudit chance ta huy furnituce et jour own pnIco. It smarns Elmo Sisson, Wbo figucet onu the Bowmeniiville FootbalIl team for severel yeece pat, bas mate goot lu Rugby too. Aoecarding ta Toronto papoca, ho helpet Dents vle up e score on the Eucekas Satucday ta the tune of 36-0. Einio le alsa, holding bis own la Association Football ou the collae toam - Mlnlng opérations bave heen comý mencet neer Rasedele in Lindsay dis. trict, whoce, ItLaî sait. aliver oce bas been tiscovecet lu quantities. A Lindsay citizen bas bat essayera on the grount foc the pat tbroe wehs, eut commoncet active opérations lest Setuctey. Great intereat is being taeonlal the reEuit o! the excevetlug. Mc. eut Mca. John Wesley Wouch, Whltevele, celobretet their golden wettîng Oct, 28, when about focty guosta wece preseut. The présents wece numecous eut eppropriete inclut- ing a numbor of goit coins, Mc. Woucb ie well eut favocably knowu thcoughout Ontario District, No 29, as an enthusias- tic Otd Felaw, a P.D.G.M., eut e hale goot tellow. Mr. H. G. Peck, D. Paeet, of Peter- boro, Normai Sebool teechiug staff, la spoating a woek lu thia viciuity visitiug the publi c oeos wlth Inspector W. E. 1111ey to acquire e correct kaowiodgo of the work beiag doue. the oquipmnut eut the generel roqulcomonte on, the part o! toachers foc the efficient perform- ance o! the tuties they must perforrn. M. D. Wlliamns' saie o! ceai ostate eud furuiture ou Satucdey Nov. 7. offers a splendid opportnlty for envone, ta ti c T u fi p P b k y r c P u r p s a s c is b JL v ri Y, is ti ti fi ti Il P; Ni ju il Ir. 7:1 .-Iî ARCHER-In Clarke, Ct 28ti te Mr. and Mrs, samutel Archer, a son, HuuuINS-In Oshawa, Oct. 24, to Mr. and Mro, R -. Huggins, a son. 1SHORT-At Courtice. Nov 2, to Mr. and Mrs. L. A. J. Short, a son. 4UtNDY,-In Oshawa, Ct 28, ta Mr, aud MrLs. Chas. M. Mundy, a daughter. HopKIrNS-Tn Oshawa, Ct. 24tb, te Mz. and Mrs JOS. Hopkins, a daughicr WraSoa-In Fort William, Oct. 25th, te Mr. andII ýM.rs. Jos. Wilson, Inoe Rose Farewell] a dauglirer. HÂRBUEN-In Darlington, Oct. 29, ta Mr. and Mrs. Albert. John Hachurv, (nee Ethel Colla. cutt,) of Stratford, a daughter. Try the homlemede humbugs at Thocs. District newB is 8Publishled on an înside Tod's. ilpage. F. A. HladdY'i3 Ideail tee la stil1 to the Boom paper bargains at P. C. Treb- front llcock's. Chldren's fancy sweaters at 50e at Sidecombe from 10c to 81.50 a pair al; Nicholîs'. Nicholls'. 1 Best 25e and 40e tee ever offered et flair roues, l0c. 15c, 20c, and 25z aÏt Murdoch's. Nicholls'. Ladies' ringwod 9gioves, 25c and 85r Newcastle and Orono newsa:are on at Niceols'. inside pages, Mr, H. Meteaif, Cobourg, la visitlng 1 1f you enjoY a good story read "L1ove relativeJ boere. Kept its Faith.11 Fresh cnt 'fiîwers for Thanksglving Ladies' and chlldrerts underwear, ail et Thos. TodIs 1. sizes et Nichols'. Children's black woollen mitts 20e and Odell-Snowden wedding report la 25e at Nicholis'. on an Inside paze, Ladies' hand satchels In leather at P. Homemade peanut crlsp and maple C. T1rebicock'e. cream eat Thos, Tod's, $12 00 buis a'good kitehen cabinet at Did you begin our new story lestJ Williams & Son's, week ? It'a a goad onie Ladies' and chldren's black J3Ygien8 County Press' opinions on election underwear et 1 ' icholls', -eppear on another page. Ontario Con nty Flowing Match report If Fou want your heus ta 1ev egi eppears on Ins Ide page. get Devies' food at Murdcch's. Mrs. John Brook la visiting fier niece Particulars of Laymen's Missionary Mca, 1. W. Tyera, Hamil ton. Movemont are on an muner page. Seo notice of M. D. Williams' rai Returning Offîcers and Depu.t'ies forE estate and furnituce sale Nov, 7. Dnrbam eppear on an inner page. b Miss Eve Sanders, Dunsview, la visit- If you are a man, read ail about thec ing her father Mr John Bandera. Laymen'a Convention on an muner page, Attend the sale 0f roal estate and fur- Splendid opportunity t -,bny householde niture at M. D. Williamns', Nov. 7. furniture, ete, et Williaîns' sale Nov. 7.0 Upright piano and good organ for Frlday s aw our firat snow-fall-jaEtP sale, Apply ta M. D, Williams & Son, oaough to reminc! us thet winter is neaïr. i Mca.ý John Curtis, Port Hope, Wa5 onîfagt the grand conceyz 'ri the oue3t of Mca. M. D. WiIiams over Sun-, Methodiat ehnrch Nov 6. Resorve the ay.. Idate.M Mr. T. Hi. Clayton, Whltby, was in Mr. Leslie Allun, Newtonville, sPOnt ý tawa Tuesday and gave us a friendly Snnday at Mca. W. C. Aillin's, X-KinE oel. Boad. Ladies' ýur ruifs; stoles and muifs.0f A f resh shipment of Gan-onga . B ail inda etý Couch, John ston & Cryder. chacolatea recelved thi s wekE!t Thos. 0 mnan's. Tod's D Goodqult stetloaery et P. 0. Do you want to buC/ a n'Ica home?- Tcebillock's,. Aak for Linen Lawn Corne ta M. D. Williams' sale satucday It excels, Nov. 7.( Eyes tested free at Jury and Lovell's. Great reductions lu bulbs et Mar Se tei yolasframea thet fit auy doche. -Muast be sold, Borne lbas than any nase. bhal! rie Misa Editb Philp, Coîborne, bas ce- A rich treat la la store8 for thoeowhio turnod home alter two weekB' vîsit et attend the concert in the Mýethioist v Mr. C, L. Muusou'd. church Nov. 6.d Ladies' and cbildren 'a coets, buudreds Mr and Mca. Mark: Smïth and sn of tbem just receivoti at Couch, John. Everett, Oshawa, wece FguestE Of Mr. R Te stan & Crydermani's. B, Hoskia Sauday, Bey and Mca Kenneth MeDonald. , Wo found it? Baîttenburg tabler Kiacardine, weIý,re cont guests of ber eover and centre piece weas bat la Bo- brothet r.xGeo. M. Ceruthers. muanvi lie a few w eeks ago, Peaseleavo Hladdy's ideal Tee et 25c and 40PeIla ee TAEMN fie winner,, We are wiuningI. new eustom., New i&isins. curran1ts, poolDs anidfig ere througb thie tea. Have vou triedit? et F. A. iladd-v's, We pay speciel et- ý-i Messrs W. Shaw, Glea Case, Byron tention ta these goods, ana want jour Bc and Charles Hadtiy, Toronto. wece trcaGr guesteatMc. JF, A. Haddv'soverStinday. Pleased to sce Mra. (Adjt.) B,>radbury Ri No matter how long you have hacked oat a ation A srynsablesbe rond x and coughed and ne matter how meuy tphldhoer sron lnesfrr other couxh remnedies vou have tried. Thsfee r. L ar5.. et'mri we will cbeerful3y return your rney if ThewoMr.LGase'tsimn Tamacac Cordial wili not benefit son. !ai of Payehine appears. If von are je Jury & oeI ntecested write her. Alwaesmention 1 y_&_Lvait.t-is ps&perirwrtin--- tu Weoffer most beerty fraternel felici, Coucb, Jobaston & Cryýderman have of tatione ta Brer. W. J. Watson o! Thoe uch a supecb stock oi ladie,' coats tiset s. Oshawa «V indicatar, on bis-rocent mer ladies iromother towns are înduiced o 76 niage. Our sincere wlsh fer Mr and I ohret u tercot.a Ndca. Wataon is that 'Their joya may be1 on e ,obytîercas many and their troubles light as air " J Messcs. W. B. Armour, A. B. Werry Ja ailfnd WC.,OMaple G rave he zne on. No matter wbore you go yan li End W i, C. Oe, Crae,aîgn Alod, rieopie woarlng spectacles pucchesed at~ their annuel hlunting expedition ln the Nc jury & Lovel!l', and the stclking feet' No,'îtb conntry. lh are o! it la that env one of thes,ý eopelteeFý ýnhLtsSo will atdvlse yrou tagro to this aid éesteb- t Rosghuoas Èo! the fac -çe n hls emla lshed and relithble firm whoaevec yountposbeweJuy&Lei'Cca , have trouble of any kind with your ishes the skiaà so thiat i witbststnds the sves. rough weathers. Couch, Jobuston & Cryderman have Anv persan who dirinks 25e tee end bogîfor cash, as usuel, a fine stock once testes 30e "S8alade" wiliL eýe that it1 Df ma's and boy s' ovorcoats frram the le Bot oniy liner la fiavor, but that as miost up-to-date aud celiable makers, one pound makies many mare cupa, it la and tbey have no hesitation ln saving economical to use. thet their overcoata et $8800 $10 00, If you, use F. A. leddy'8 chce $11.00, 81250, 814.00, $15.00 eud 818,00 cleanet fruits iu youc Christmas cook i cannat ho beeten anywhore. Ing, you wilI ho mare thon pleaset. Do you want e furnlabed home? One The early sblpments are now lnand euwe. of the niceat and cosloat cottage bornes would like ta tcy them. in Bowrnvlllo. is for sale furnishet M. D. Williiams la going to Albrtal complete-at a bargain, or bouse aud and wîll offer for sale eil cf hie ral' lurnituce will hc soit separateiy. Any ostate conssiîing o' thcieo hou1ses and persan weutlng ta stact bcusekein sevoral lots besides bousohoîti furi1urd, wilI get a chance baoe edomn met wIth etc., on Saturday Nov, 7.] Sec the James Saunders estate edvt. Golng taEurope? Thisweekalready r< Every fermer ehouît know that the M. A. James, Stoamshlp Agent, bas 1 Gý prico offeredby the deaers for eattle, ticketed 6 passengers for E 1g1n,:r hoga, etc., la a fair one. How cen ho lent eud Seotland. - eoceprosente al kuow this if ho doos not taire 9e arm steemship linos. Caîl or write if inter business paper? There le but one fac- estet. e: mecs' business eut market pawer, thet WIth two preetica&l opticians lu. con. [s The Weokly Sun. Yen ca get The s tant oat teandanco the public, are sure of Sua la combination witb THE STTE. ettlng the -,best advice procucebe if StAN or THE NEws for only 81.75jaedt they cailiet Jury & Lovell'o. C&eoful You shouît nat be wlthout them. scientific oxarnlnatlou of the slght la a El Rey. and Mrs. John Garhutt gave a sp1ecie atuewîhti frn jadn reception ta the members of bis Bible charge whatever la made for consulta- Diasse Wednesday e7onlng nt the Par-J tion. _________] sonege. The young ladies epent a vrr u pleesent eveuing and et the close-a vuteI AUCTION SALES o! thanka movet by Miss Inez Mason 1co ent secondet by Miss Ida Hoakin, wes TuEsDAY, Nov. 8-Mr. Joseph Gee unanimously eccorded the teacher eut Beever St ,Newcastle, will soil by euec- bis wife for the social time afforded the tion hie bouse fncnishings ant bouse-J mombers by opening their home ou this boid effeets. Sale et i o'clock. See ac occasion, bills L. A, W. TOLE, auctioneer. of vi STEWAiT-CÂRTEU-In1 Chicago. Ill., Oct. 29, Elizabeth M. Stewart andi Dr. A. B. Carter, Oshawa. GHioay-1HÂYEs-At the Methodist Parson. age, Myrtie. Oct 26th, hy Rr.v. E. E. Howard, Mr. James Gregory. Oshawa, and MSrs. Mary E.,,çaesColumbus. PiiicH-CoopEn-At the residen ce ot Mr. Johin Graham. Wellington St., Bowmanvîlle, Nov. 2.,d. by Rev. John Gacbutt. Mr. Alpha Warren Piecli and Miss Ethel Fredricka Cooper, bath nf Bowmanville. SlqOWDENq-ODELL-At Carlton Methodist Church, Toronto. by »ev. Dr, Rankin, Oct, 28,1 Elizabeth Spowaen, claughter cf-laie Edward Suowden and Herbert Greaves Odeil, son of Hlenry H, OdelI,l Orono. WATsoc-Joys-At the resî decce' of the bride's mother 'Sunniy Hill," Northville, Mlch., Oct. 26tb, by Rev. J. W. Turner. Mary J., eld- est daughter of Mrs. Jbys, acd W. J. Watson, ediur The Vîndicator, Oshawa. TURNER -RAiNvE-At tliePiesbyterlar. cbncceb,' Oshawa, Oct, lSth, hy 11ev. James Hc.dgeg, B. A Pater, eldest sonl of the late Peter Turner, Lin. !ithgowsbite, Scoilani, te Margaret, yosuest daughter ofthe late Rtobert Raina,Port Hope. 'tAâLBOT-CRYIIERmA-At MeDougali churcs parsouage, Edmonton, Alta., Ct 22 by 11ev. E. E. Marshall, Mr. Bacry Dagvid Talbot, and Nliss BEva Grace, yongast daughtec of the laie Michael Crytierman, Bowmnanville, both of Edmonton. GUEST-MENAG-At St. Marti's cbucch, tloctteal 29th of Sept. by Rev. Gi O.ýbrne l'rooin, Miss Mabal Eîtsecoid dauýghter, et tIr. Frank B. M-nagh, Montreal focmerly of Oshawa. andi Mr. W. S. Guest, of the Trust an d Depsît Co.. Moutreal, OuED CLAuxK-At Port Hope, October 28th, Thomas Clark, i e s28th Fear, BAKE-lu Harmony, Oct. 3ctb, John Henry Baker, in his 65th year. HopKiNs-Iu Oshawa, Oct. 241h, tbe infaut daughter of Mr -antiMrs. Jas. Hopkins. R.oxîsuacaî-At Cessncck, Norwood. Oct, 19, William E wing Roxbncgh, aged 74 years. KEsTEE-in Oshawa, Cet. 3lst, Jennia, second .aogbter cf 1Mrn Wm. Eester, in bier 22nd yeac. Soucii-Iii Bûxwmac.ville, October Soth, Maria TTomnpson, helov-ýet wife of Samuel Souch, aged 71 yesJs. iopxRiNs-At Oshawa, Oct 17, Eleanor Jane pattersn1, lvdwife et Mr Joýseph Hopkins, in ber 29t1h year. WCE T-I oronito, Oc2t 25th. Ruby Louise cungest dautghter of Mr, %Willi1am Wiffckett, ort IHope, itelber l4tb yer REd-uOshawa, Nov. ]st, Renrietta ý'ictoria Rilson. haloved wife of the laiej James Boyd Kedtiie, in bier 7Oth year. GREENAWAY-Ill Ottawa, 00t. 30, Hon Thomas reenaway, Crystal, City, Man., Canadian >iJway Commissiocer, aged 70 years. WRMGHT-Ie Darlingion, Oct. Slst. Greta Vivian, infant daughter of Mr. W. A. Wright, gedi7 montbs. Icterred at Orono Monday. tTGLow-In Ho pe, Octoher. 28th. of scaclet rvar, Marjorie, t bird'daughter of John S andi Johannah t5glow, ageti e years andi 6 months. MonItNt-le Toronto, Nov, leid, Elsie Valen- Df W. R. Valentine, Elin St., Bowmnanville, SUNDERLANIS-111 Wyandotte, Micb, Oct. th Rarah, wif e of Capiain Jobu Sunderlandin luber 16th year. Deceased was the fonrth daughter t the late Edwqrd Houer, of Amherstbnrg, 9d was borit tn Darlington, Dlurhatm coucty, Tanuary 1st, 1842. KRýAPI-At lber son's resideuce, Mr. E. C. na_-pp, 59 May Str-e, West Torouto. on Mon- ay, Oct 526tb, Jane Williams, focmeîly of North Darlington andi Brookriu, widlow of tbe [e Cha;s.Kapste of Mr Chas. NWllliams. owmavlle, ntiMc. Je-seWp tlas )sbawai, aged U1 vears " Lest We Forget E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer andi Dealer le MG mrWents, Tablets, Markacs, etc., te Granite and Marbie BOWMANVILLE, 'ONT -VORKSHIRES FOR SALE CHEAP -A--January andi Marcb sows lu farrow, in. ýudlng my prize-winners. T J COLE, BOW- nanvilte, Box 158. 42-4w (1,091 GENERAL SERVANT 1~ WANTED-.at once. Good wages. Ap- [y e Ms. Dr. H J.HAZEWODWeliing- suBowmanville. 45 if ILTOUSE FOR SALE-On the south a.Lide of King sireet, Bowmanville. six soms, stable, goot lti. Apply te D. G.' M. ÂALBRAflH, BOWManv!ile. 55.tf £--TEE U E TRAY-Came on lot 5, con Dairlington, a yongFteer, Owner nia ave same hy proving propertY anti paying ipenises. RoBr,H CoLLACUTT, Bowmanville P.0. 45 Bw, FTOUSE FOR SALE-Oni the south -L.LsBide, of King Street, Bowmauville, nine oins andi baibrootu, eew, Pease Furnaee, Electrie lîgbt, stable, ai conveniences under avec, quarter acre land. Apply ta D. G M. SÂ,Li5EAIB, Bowmanville. 81-tf M fARE AND FOAL FOR SALE- .?.Draught mare 7 years olti andi bal 4 laouths. Gooti in barness, partectly Souînd, .pply to J. D. STEVENS, box 10, Bowmauville, Dr on premises, lot 16. cou. 1, Darlingion. 44-tf. UIZC1K COTTAGE~ and about one 1-P quarter acre of garsienandm lawn wlth quantity of furnitere, helonging to the estate ) the laie James Saunders, Duke St,, Bowman- ille, is offereti Rt private sale. , Mr. A. J. Saddrs of 374 Oisington Ave., Toronto, will s at the bouse fcom NOV. 9 to 14 ta show the Dause and furulinre to prospective buyea. bhis ls one et the most comfortable amnl resi- acnces le tgwn. 45 tf 'Vý SIRBLEP13OPERTY IN BOW- " ýAVILLE FOR SALE-On Concession t., East, comprislng il acres of land wltb 4ý Ires of gooti orchard. Brick bouse, 9 moins, ih room, heated wiih Hela furnace le gocti .oition. New harn 28 x 48 on brick fouda- ton, silo andti wndmill anti watering trough su ails. For terins apply ta Mas. W. R. K141GHT a the p remises, or address, Box 34.9, Bowman. 7Lîle, F.O1. ýVm. TENNANT, V. S., EiON RAY GRrn )A "DUTATEn 0-F% AT- 5,W. Mason Son Wool Blankets at $2.75, 3.00, 3.25, 3.50, 4,00!, 4.50 and $5,00 per pair. Extra special values, Tie Downs at $1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2,00, 2.25, 2 50, 2.75, 3.00 and 03.25. Flanuelette Blankets, white or grey froua $1,00 to $1,60 Grey Flannels et 20c, 25e, 300 and 35o a yard. Fiannelettes et 7c, 8e, 10c, 1212c, 15o ant 20e a. yt, Wrappecettes et c, 14-e, and 150 a yd. Kimona Clotho, special 18o e yd. Cotton Elterdown, extra hcuvy 20e a yt. Wool Eiderdown, assorted colore, firat quality, 50e? yd. Beaver Cloths in black, navyadrda 12,15 and $2.00. yndede$12,.5 Ladies' Vests and Drawers from 25c, to $1.25 eacb., - A Few of Our Extra Bargains. 5 tozen Ladies' Vests, regular 25e for 19c. 90 yds, Dress Goods, reguler 50o yt. for c2.5c yd. 9 only La.di*,es' Coats, regular $10 to 014,75, e-hoice $7,00. 100 yds, heavy cotton Towelling for t'e & yt. 25 y ds. Table Linen, rglr2c for 20e a yd. Sce our Ladies' and Misses' Coats, The most styUsh and, beat values in the tiat, Gents' Fuirnishîng Departmnent. ,oplote lu -ery detail with ih-'.elass goo~irs o!everyý description. NO CREDIT L jl Grocers' Due Bills taken as Cýash,. Ws,'ISN&SN Next dloor to St5add ,ink, omnil rec sheet -oom et CentraFl Livervy yards ayie a -ed. R. Foley, 3 BARLEY!12 ARLE!! -Wanted at- GALEDONJAN MILLS fliphest Frike ald For Arky Quantity of Good Barley 3 Jon M kav iIIuo 1 Toiet Sets we have J-nst ilmported a crate Of new toilet setsi s-hippedL to us direct from the Engliiali Pot1ýer!es, and, Swe think they are wortýhy of your notice. They are in alil colors, styles and Pa-'terns toj match any room, or sit any taste,9 The prices areight tooh raniging frO2ý $'2,510 to $10 Corne ini and see themn, ~AROIE "TAIT- P'hone 6.5, The Popular Grcer. Illighest Prico pald for Farm Produce, he ecs Its greýat Radvantage over ithe ur bant isý that it stays much clo'er to C.& .Z., he ee e utm. doos not Ilot the wind blow Ders 1 ,.lhs ,nd YVis lIaisAlways B04jlil înecothi. tacaon the same Signat, re >rncp o and the c s thet a Wey's c J 7-~4 4 uniie dos rount the nock a.nd is d ilt as coinfotabîe. The Meson Cloth- ngý Co,.has tho sole agency lor Bow- na~llo I i sot u al oloe t ScBeara th h ;l nd Y e heAiasBught 1 '5,, 8,00 anid $125, Ciid-eu's cing-wood gloves, 20C at Bigntule N,îchLlWs'a. ôet uold Weather Bargains Mau

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