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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1908, p. 1

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T~IRMS~-$1.O Per Anum.OUR TOWN AND Q0UNTYZ FIRST; THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, & SONSb rpitr In AdvallCe. BOWMÂANVILLE OTAJO TIJS3AYDCEMBER17, 1908. VoLUMELV N.5 [-JOLJDAY GIFT SUGGESTIONSý' THtIS I5 THlE BEST Christmnas Store becauseofo the quallty ef service we give as well as heassrteus o hliay ooeBy comlng te? us for whate ver you want in the lineocf Toys amiD oils, (lames and Books China and Cnt Glass, Decoration Goods, Christmnas Novelties. Boolks are o!~~E Tiuelml.Knwes Valloy" M. Keitk e Wbee" K Tkursten o! Love" Burnhamn ,lne"cMmvbers 1-25 1125 1 25 ï 10 Everv eirl wauts a doîl, sujd eac'u ý'oam the making cf temgetc ere u noarer parie. 'tirn. Wlth the %whole miarket before us we b'ave Hceetedthe best Sesty les su values te soii at reas- oiuRble prîces sud chLalenge any store lu Canada te- de btte)r in n DOLL S for the mnney. Ail we ssk id th-at you ses- them, îmii L-VjJ LLUnm Un vJS if m. yU LOI. 1Jch atOflS- Bibles ~ Hymin Books. Bouad inileather printed on Jadin paosr in al sîzos and at priceýs !rouim..... ...... 26e, te 85,00 loth-bound ibles ad H ý, Mn 0nBomat ,_,,.25o Church (;f Eriland Prai-,or and Hymn Books. Preebyterïian, BooIs o rf Praise in aIl styles of GirIE4 Own Aunual Boys' Ownr Annual Chumâs for 1908., pobt cardi Albums, zreat valiety ef bindinga frem 25e upwards, Photo Albumirs, large size, Xmas Stationery V P. ri le 01 Ri ff tive detail has nover been knwuùiiand y ashing ony Va mail seliilng commisioin va hove te inter. fi S est yen in theotr holiday gods oÊwhich w r have pleuty. Xmas Cards and Post Cards We haye thelCgit eetnlutw sd I also carry the Farhoues Tucli Postcards, the fusai mnde lu the World. Xmas Ihlu-strated Papers London News, Graphie, Holly Leave. A Toronto Globe, Xmias 'i unnier. Big 20W T A At 25e -A neaût bo.x wlthl pretty XMas desiga, 1quire fine linon L1finish paper, envelopes te match, gre"tiýnz card enecoed.- At 35ce-A neat box with pretty Xmas design contain'I i quire fine linona finiRh paper. enveopes to mratch. rib"bn tied and greeting tard enclosed. At 65e-A two quire box fine linon finish paper, wlth. envelopes te match, tled with sllk riboen, box red ineide, with pretty holly and nistlecos design on outside. At 75e-White box with boily and bell dac Oratlon on lid, with 2 quires paper sud 2 pack- gges envelopes;.-two differont stzes, fine linon finish, rlbbon tied. At $1 5O-Beantiful box. red surface, wlth Éolly design on ld, two eompartments, one for envelopes, and drawout section for paper. Vwo quires verv fine papgr wlth envelones te, match, linor. finish, -1me Plit, 50Q, Exehainge, Fascination, Flsh Pond, Iop Scotch, Ring 'Êoss, Hîalma. 25C Box Let Heir.... 175 15, Box Lest Heir-.......Se Building Blocks, Drawlug Siates, Water China Paints, China and bric.-a-brac vory choies assortmient. Rose Howls, Vases, JardIneres, Cand lestlcks, Fine Cups and Saucers ini China -and Japaneso LLLEN, The Leading Bookstore. Xmas Presents AND 'WIIERE TO BUY TIIEMHt Ooneh, Johuston & Cr ydermau are showing a loveiy lot o! nlew Good s sial for Ciiristmnas prosonuts, suîel as Hfandker- chiefs Plain, Embroidlered and Initialed S11k; Handkerehiels ilu lain and Initiaied; Embroidered lose, Fancy Boîte, Faucy Coiars, Neek- tics, Gloves lined and unline I, Toques, Gaiters and Golf Jackets, ,any Linens, Doyiies, Napkins, Tray and LuanchCoh. A big stock cf Ladies' and Misses' loth Coat3, 50 of these have been laid ent to bc sold at eue third off tae regL5ular price, Me-n's and Beys' Ovorcoats lu i ail sizes and qalIities. Speci- - --Iiy geod Vailue.ý Fur Mufs and Ruffs o! al kiuds. SpeciaI value iu Sable Mufs, Ruffs and Stoles. Ladies' Astrachan and Bokhran Coats and fine s tock of Ladies' aud Mens fur Iîned Coaxs. Theso are ail neow - dependabie gooda and ne btter valuie any-where lui Canada. Jo0hnston & Cryde-mrman Grocers' Due Bis taken as Cash. i~We, PASSION PLAY Or The Life of Christ As Seen hjj Oberammergau, Bavaria. Worth Considerinlg. Ont Fridayv and Saturday, Dec.- 18th and I9th we are givi-ng a speciai 10 per Cent IDiscovunt to al pUrýhaSers of Lether tioods and Com-paiing -our prices, which are iiiplain ligures wtih others youi wilI find ours as 10w as the lowest for goods of equsi qality. Then wehen we givo yon a 10 Pe-r Cent Discolint consider the saving to yoa. A 83.00 brush coats yenu juat $2.70 A $2,00 , , , ,$1.80 Our Purses are now styles and shades, and valuies are flot sur- passed by any. Our Xmnas perfuilles are the fin- est ever shown iu Bowýmanville, The West End Druggist. THIE RIURNS' PICf 15 LOWEST, Little Spice To Our BusÎHess, Bargains for Alert Buyers. Ladies' Fine Kid Blachers, regular 82 00...- ...........812 Ladies' Fine Kid Laeed, ruabber heels, regular $2.25. . ... .... 69 Studfents' Ridi Bluehers, low heel1s sizes 2, , , 3-1', regnîjir $.0 $. Ladiesý' Pebble Laced, Rivet, regu- lar 61.50 ...... -11 Boys' Bo0x C0~,f, Laced, sizes 4 and Boys' Ordinary Medium Welght, Laced.............. .. ...... ý85e Youtîh's Fine Dongola, Laced, ex- tra quality, size 13 ý. .-.. ...... 99o Men's Ordinary Medium Welght Boots, regular $160.........6S1.19* Men's Donigola, Laeed, regular 6190 ......... --$.3 Men's Patent Colt, Velour Caîf, or Box Caif, Stylish or swing tees- (Don't miss these)ý. .ý. .....$2.50 Mon's:UHeavy Bluehcter eut workers regular$82.00 .............81.24 Men's Gaiters, Moulders, regular $1.25..... >ýý............. 95C. Ruibbers, KnockabonÉts 14en's 75c; Wemen's 55e; Misses' Il te 2, 4àe; Boiys' 1 to 5 65e; Youth's il to 13, 50c; Chiid's838e; Men's O0vershoe, 61.25.1 Fleece Lined Boots a Speeialty. OYSHAWA. THE QUALITY DRUG STOREu XMAS S-ýA LE NOW GOING ON -AT- I WEDDING .BELLS. A verï Protty wdigcrmu a performed, at the home cf tf brd' paetNo. 2 C7emstLery Roakd, Bow- mavl, Wednesdsay, Dec. 9, wýhPn Miss Je'sie V, ineridge, dRatghter cf' Mr ýRichardWihrde sr , was iunite in11 jmarriage with Cephas jamrres Rudîs cf kEbeneze"r Rev Johin Gru pastor o f the IMetoitchurc, ofiiatd The brid wee averv bcrigtaeln nsuit c aybIesl.Ater Éthe cere- Lmony the cmpani sa-t dow nte a yery 8in-Vitinig repias:,,frwhich £toasts werce teudered tb ýthLý yo-ung cou"plebeg ' bY respondsd te by tho grom. he' b ridie was thé recipient et a lrenum- ber cf preents, both costly sud ivery aiseful, Thei groom's present to hie bride was -a geld watch artistically. on- igrarýed. Af rer ,)n enjoyable even-itn tho yvoung couple dspartsd for their future home at Ebenezer ý mld a, ,,howfr ef old boots, good wiehes adrcThe fgroom clglimed ho haid enough of tho latter down his back to mako apudn rThe house decorations wero excee.dingly peta credit te thoss Who neto the part ef akhing everything cheerfuL Have ne equal as a prompt anid posi- tieCure for sick headache, bilousness, onstipation, ain uthoeside, and liver troub os Cne Littîs LiverPl. Trey_ -theim. Tbousands of peopleo go many miles overy ton years fa wituesss the beauitifui and faciatng"Pssion Play" ait Obera.immrgau Bayaria. At ani ex- pensecof many thoýusjanjdscf dollars, this beautiful Pasin la.'> lias becs reiprodiuced b ' ovn Pictures consiat; lng el over twD miles cqf film. The tîme censumsd i hwn the piet'ures le eue heur and thirty minrutes, Thle pIle- tares are liantd (clorced and 50 complote lu every detail tlýat the audience eau 3asily imagine t-hat thoy are wltnoesslng the great 4"Passion lay"manly miles away lin ûl isea f lifp--Slzed mnoving pictures 1,lown are tho different scones The AnnunciattionD; Shepherds watch- ing their fioêeks byinight; The birth of Ch'rist; Flight Lito E-3ypt; Mîassacre o! ihe inocntF; (7hritlu the carpenter shpp. ismciJesus; Death of John, thLo Baptiet; Christ lu the synagogue; Christ feeding the m-ultitude; '<Suifer Little Childreu To CoLrne Uniýto Me;" Christ healing the sieký; Riir of Lazarus; The rnsiurton h Messslah's GentrY into je rusa ;Te1 Last suppor; Ageny lu the Gaýrdon; Jludas betra, cd aud the MeEsiah's arrest; Christ before the two Hligh Prisst,î Christ bof ors Klug Rerod: Chirist be-foî'e Pilot aud the condU(emnation; Carrying the cross; The Crucifixion; Tatlen dowu f rmteCross; PalgJesusIlinlh 'tomîb;Tho Resurrection sudAsenision.ýi 8peclal orchestra aud special singingý at eaech performancýe. Every mran, woman aud ehlld willinet onilyeuo this grand performance, bult wlli be hsld spellboiind at the sublime ë-,iid fps- cluating lîfe-size movlug picturos o1 oui: Saviolur an th e multitude, and 'the boautiful suirrcunding scones, Everv parent sud Suuday School teacher should tale advautageofo this opportun. ily te vividly impress upon the chuîdren these scenes In Christ's lifo-impresslons that cannot ho effaeed white the lamp et this lite holds eut te huma, lune other way short et a personal visit te Obraramergau lu Bavaria, at the>time of this stupoudous enactrmout, eau seO lasting arealization cf the Crucifixion cf Christ ho made, This bèutiful haud colored reproduc- tion et the "asinPIav " or the "Lite o! Christ," w.!!',ho showu aitûte Opera! House, Bowmanyiile, Thursday, Fn-. day. aud Saturday, December 21, 5 ud 26.' Doors open, at 7.1, performane at 8 'ciock, -harp). Admission: chlld-, ren 10c, adults 15e, WHAT LOCAL OPTION MEANYS? h méans broad tehungry chlldreni, i moans happlness te sait and overwcorked womou, ilmeans tho help oi the cem- munit-yfor mou who are struggiung wlth a tearful appetîte. Jr meaus the practical application of our prayer, "lLead us net ieto tmp- tation", for our sens and our frleuds whou thoy stop across the threshold of. their home. RIGH SOBOÔOL NlOTES. Sehool closes ou, Tuesday December 22nad te roopen Mouday Jan 41. The Sehool L-iterary Society met on TIUesday afiernoon Dec !5 Th.e main feature et the programa was au address by Bey, J, Garbutt on <'Mannors sud Morais". It was both interesting sud profitable aud the studeuts showed thoir appreciatten by n- very hearty vote of thanko, Other numbers ou tho proeram wera, a sùnug by Frank Walter. a piano solo by Olga Ted, a rading 'y Greta Wlckett, sud a recitation by Ethel Gil- bort. The soelety meeting of two wëeks ago passeci un-rep ettedTlbut it e wOrhY 0ol-a record even yet. The intereet eentred lu the speeches. Six cf the beys as thes eutsred the assanmbly room recelvod slips from the pre-sident on whleh were wrltteu subjeets, sud duirlng2 the Meet- ing oach was called upon te speak frcmn the subjeet asslgned him. Ail six re- zponded sud made very creditatble imn- promptu speeches, Thoe speakers were Leslie Ccox who speke ou "The beuefits of public speakiug", Fred Crýydermaný ,who dlseussed "Fishing". Elmor RundIe whose subject was '*The stuidy of Ger- man" HauidSlemon ýwho spoke u "ýFootball", Rteglnald Jollifle on 4'Somo character of whcm. Vou haveread" sud Douglas Ys'acDonald te whom was as- signed "Impromptu Speakiug." The Mission 0f those corpuiscles in your blood that have been cailed "Little Soldîers," is te ~f:ght for ,OLI ugaînat the disease germes that contantlY endlanger yeur, health. These corptiscles a-ere ade healthy and strong by the use of Hood's Sarsupariila. Xmas Specials Every person wvants as mnueh as they cain get for thei r money, kie this 15 theý plaýce wbere you, can get 3 Ibeý bestcrrns.....,...25 5 lb good rolSlnS for_ .......5C 1 lb milxed rptel................25 c .1 botti1es extractq, few 1sf t......25c 11 lb dts..................3 5 lb cook'ing fige ...........5 2 l b table fig_,s foir...........25c S lb pkg dates ...............25c Ltins peans r erbage-...........25c 2 pkgs majcaroni'.. ............ ..2,5v i3 -pkgs chocola&te puLd......25C 2 cans i3primon ,... ..............25c Order a ire coLn in lafast for Xrna!s Poultry and if o order early v-or willl get th8 pick- 'Phono 511. Cash, for produco Thos. White. second dooýr wesit of Coueh, Johinston & Crderman, Brand New Store Weare now in our now store-just a littie west of our former promises antd on the south side ot King street, We want you te caîl and seo what a fine store we have. We are iu a botter iiosition thlan ever te ct te our wants. Chiristmais weets- Yen e au Qha,,ve confi- douce in tho parity and quality of our con-fections as we represent chojcolateD mak- ers with werld-wide reputa- tiens, such as Loýwney, Paýter- son, Tobler, Webb,Rbr- son and McCormick, la homemade candies we have mnapie cream, humbugs and. peanulît crisp. Pastry and Cakes, Eat with a two-fold pur- pose-onicjymaent and 1n >uïish.. meut. You wil ftnd both etf these lu our bread, cakPe ': pies.' Go as dleep aEl yen J' i-nte the me'i'ts of our aip and you'll. find thoin excellent' for taste, for wholesomeness and goodnesa. Baker sud Cenfeetioner, Phono 97- Bowmanville LOCAL OPTION MA$S DMEETING. The meeting Monday night lu the Opera lieuse was -wall atttended]. Mr. F. A. Haddy, Presidieut the local organl- izationi, was in the chair. After s;iugingý, a tempma.xmuce hymu leld by R. J. Leweus' Orchestra Paster 1H. R. WVeir offeraed prayer. Thoefirst speaker was Bev. L, S. WlVght,,BA. f.D,,1 Bigiton;, a- knlown te mnauy hereabouts, whio is, always hbeard wýith mucl p1lasure. Brighteu is a local option Village. Ho came te give sonme facts cenicerrng bthe working of the Act anid ts affect on the business lite etthe place. He ýlokçed at it fromi thrýee standpeints- IHow it affect- ed business, the accommodation, and it-s enfercemen(,t.' lu tha firsýt case it is port ectly satisfactory as the article pub- lished jiL his paper showaPd. NXarly al the busýiness men signed-veutazrily iu favor cf the success cf thea Act, The dry goods mercliant, buteler and baîmker ail testified te auninarease lu business. H a' ae namles and tacts and( gaveay eule the eppertunlity te wriwt tese moup and find eu.-t for themnseives. There weré twe hotels lu fihe villa 'ge, beth o)wnbid by local meu aud leased te others. Both ware new beiu-g mn as teumiperane houses ou good payiug"basis aud were well cenducted. The travelling public wÇere receiving good acmoain As toe entorcement. They hiad dtiscoer- ed two Instances whaere liquer was kept auid dmun1îli. One lman had te psy a fine or $5'0 anid anothar $60. Since that everyth-îïng bas mioved aleng iîeiy. These whe mýust and will have liquor go te Tranrteni or soea other place. But it was gauarsally acceded by ail that Local Option is a great success andbeuefit snd aven the liverymon will net raut oeeoe thair couvayancas te mon who waut te go atar liquor if thay kuow it. Refarrîug te the conteat lu Bowman- ville Mr. Wight said: "Yen veted lu the bar, ils yeur option te, vota it eut. Its su econemical wasta, a burden which is productive ef ne goed." Ha muada a streng pieu for the womeu and cldmen and nrgad every voter te cast a vota lu favor of Local Option ou Jan. 4. Prasideut Haddy invitad =ancu op- posed te Locýal Optien te cemie te the plattorm ancd state lis viaws. Capt. James Wigh t was the only enaà brave eneugl te cerne forward. Hal had trled te get space lu a01 the town papers sud could net. hae ssid. Ha raferrad te the pie hiscite talon by the Ontarie Govamn- mient sud tha-ý referendeum by the Demoiin- ment saying ncthlug beneficial had ro- snltedl, the Scott and Dunkin Aets weiro the saine sud a classsad Local. Option with them. What lia wautad was total prohibition, -Ha didu't balieva thee people were lu esmuseet sud ha thepgLht Loca1 Optfion ne geed'-th'at is whiyha opposed it. Mr. A. M. Peterseni, Barrister, Coi- boorne, cnugrstulsted Bowmanvie aou its speddoutlook, presperous indus- tries, b)etitul homes sud fin e stores, sud believed ciîtizeus, were makinig a splendid miove te bsuîish1 the en10 grant par trm tairmidt.Ha balieved thel alttue e te eopa t oday was te remevov this great mlenace, lHe agreed with Cspt. Wight that the Scott and D[unkïin Acîs iwer(o net ahl they should have b)eau. But wa aaenet respensible for thea psst. if yen andc ail ethers ex- press yourselves iii favor of Local Option we shall soon sec Prohibitiern. This move is a worthy eue but net tle ultim- ata. Local Option differs antireiy frein any fermer Act-it is net lu the saine ciass. Il is lu your own bandsansd if it is net euforcad it is your ewn fanît. If yen have an officar wbe is worth his sait yen can have h nfrcd.No oe dame teli me it can't. ILi makes me msd tehear peopie say suiehtinig.it is a liva issue. it is youm fighit." Space w'ill1net permait lmo-rv than a brief refareuice te this speech. 111 con- cliuding an heur sud a hiaif address hae saidj: "Cousid-erth monay we losa ever-Ty year by the rik rafflo and what thiswed VOido(1ilu payiug ,-off Our i'nationalýt debt. ThleDimouey is atrivial thmjg comu- pamed to'tha t10U(.souils who are goiug do'vvni evary y-asr te o iardshall." OweuSouu, whre Lcal ptiîon had beaudcleamed by reliabt'la authority te ha a success. The liqueaý traffic 18 abse- lutaily wmeug. Vote il Out Ou Jan. 4. Orchestra under oedmsi f Mr, R. J. Loweuls iad Miss Laena Remuao, plan- ist, reuderedl a inmber cf excellant sel- actions that were muolel appreciated. Meetin-g closedl by sinigiug. God Save the King Phono4 4 Bowmanvllle. w. New Fresh and Carelully Selected. Every housekeeper in Dur- hami should keep in close toueh with SCOTT & ALLIN'S Pure -Focd -G'rocery Store. Nover -in Our history have we been aýblo te off er sucli values as we are now presenting-uever have we been cre bountifully supplied with ail sorts and kinda of good things to ont, Look over our holiday lis:- 8 Ibs o 6cfleted PRaisins> for.5 2 pks. Mf , Seeded ,, Grlff in's. .25e ô los cf gocd Cuirrants......25c 2j les of Mores Currants.....25 2 lbs Biue Pearl Currants....25e 1 lb Lemon Peel..........20e i lb Orange Peel.... ...... 20e 1 lb Citron Pool.......25e Shelled Walnuts ard Almonda new .. ..40c New almonds, filbërts, and Gronoblo WalnýUts........ 2fc per lb ixed mîtsý, 2 lb for..., .. ...Mce Calîtfonia Navel and MxcnOr- anges.......,,,5c to 50, Malaa Grpes.....20eper lb llighest Price Paîd for ail Farm Preod1ce. Ponltry, Butter Eggs and Beans. 1 UrGcods cdelivejred promptlïy te ail parts cf town,. Soott & Allia m ý Ji, an,

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