I CURENTTOPICS. (ormery iyo omnIi, 77 Y m k St. Torono. The pracîlca prmry arl onrs by Fr ii rlbb orsavil iih en'cleudA the ne. SAm, Mr. GaibRjlthWini be '!, Po manile ve"yrySatus day .eav" To 0dring t'h% week iruqIsd. st TOT P4 E HARLOE CFH EA REN G Au eficient afid sent for triai heu cf expense orr!k Nopmntl d iioe; -con-trmat.AdrsC. . 'flemmna & Cri., 10I7 Pe-rk ow be Yok iLy, U S. A. 2) 8 Mo alizte iedysb A dvis,,er selit upor :e a ,eit FE W8'8, MrireAlCAM. CotiWCali Y evnumherrd sctia-on oD ru. i ýrn La' de s iM tbSaktie toit, cpljr- g S a dSi lo rsvd hbmvta 1l2ts as>pe1rsnn wtiiv3 letir "d oï a lrnl.or ar-y maie crac18ï: )i !egO 1 t> eextenlt pitf o i,re oarerse 6useîe, eaor es Buit Ln isîfated tebecmquit a ceertdas ,a prophet.JHe founds bis~~~or prpece ois hsoy n thep asestpuzlee nsw5 0C are tSa calculaisons cfan asto orjner hofie re of cornetsi thousands o! yasHbcjougîhe desar tifa aerftjirvsbe rxl althoughd ithIei r ess o most iejA I' deWlu n b is ae mt vs ionc he for. tion.uuitu amnPrs ThduenBible tOs o! il pop Pof . JA&vensbiels t. e ba (À 'th. A nd bIbliesthr uI !ý, hc1 Hague peac eofcrenos exsedfr ycrS. O'y thyvor se silently end unobtruCýsivciythati ne eue knows about tarnBuLte areteaaces o!atemintent mntonslitte mateshic yenj uand rnèandiwlch e affect know nothing about. And they are beld 0e car sP ltoBlftrTwet e, a rBodg A rî ag ifie fian SCrlg 03 médA0 A zI)! :publ ý-Ie ake canneot aff" orte hmru boasensa f te troa beorn MUi- àth epiraory Odses wil fnd 4oeal,0Poona a nmagnlnct anu soveregu OrC c of i sorteSI. Ack yeur DTug i ra Fras Pervna mnuao fc lut' be tle firmt foi0e iunnins o world gevenrnen0ýtdeatens inanplnigTeonycne for poon romanis bouad up wt Tbey are thMfire frits of étheteposbe itryo wtp hemu hefere it wns conceived. It carne wvith aspnaneu 'n onisgoer (o!hope, this ay tien and iben te bc ere aay eueof lghtnth smoernvwrnaNuil rcaliZed watits Scig hetad-dubieisbedlyogauls. But ed. Urdess Pro!. Jevons saw aýdm desccdng furm sociologica undcnstood. 1He interprets a groupd sei te merenactas éo! lola many thigmiin Mtheushtof t%, nus !if, is tctrC thut Mom it 0n1o cent world satec. Teeare h ee vraoitw ic vodo machines o! war. Tbcy ar ]ani d,!ikeo ibspntdslirlat hiining the -ar wbicb they pare M-po0 d snil aiitelgn invented te,0a betÉ. WbeuairshipsI worunnl What sert of wemen do s riethey wil be the rnoýst poer tfut rilitary acconterens ever d renrned. But theywil oe ~ pewefulin digawaýy witli.1 people are grewing moereaiend- Ilier. Good wilI on ;at s !realiz-i img as we ail hecorne more Mn ~ virte a Lie te cthically modemn, arnong the etbica( ehte.They pDre- fer wrdsn cosmopol anosm. Tbey bave evoled beond th(,hogh o! the"bod fuier F- eigner and n lative valike are des]ir- able citizenls.Soebdba i- te-n On ptitsna rmtv idea.l. Thecîiie and cultured iprefer theý world sae A nversity sociooii a sounided severnotso maue 0f warning agaînst the te)dnc' o the modern man te everferniiz wea.Net satisfied with th dif ferenes nature bas provided, we are t'ld man, as he dvncsin cîivilization "cernes() teï) have'sismi arnd em eiefo epct Mest men, it seemi, pefrignor ant, irratkina, capracious, hlup- les s Nvoren, eenwocannetýu I er illonso! ag wokcr prfe MsAhi the esin do!tue woËmens clubs and inodtons, o! for, phibýithoby frceprog-, th wrnnin the isty lblpîc;s1 wonan1 Wh as been theefc direction for edneated wmeu 1 The sociolgiit is aboutbal! al c-nu r behinud1 the tim1 - eve(nraS ne gardetue expclsvets aad cr fer chýarm ucibat n wea in woa emr er iand cl buinaterob 1 !be Thcarteniýý y Bord ! he e thoistCh1ch B crinvi, snt to is nimcmete!1o~i reolton ovd yRe.T.W Mr.f. Ru Fluy or sncre m thae!s ad rin tat lst the beybl euntc n th adc W.E Ti le, ereay inieu ordr f mnt bePt. ht Sr. 4th lss- Ale Mrrs cuar Sai, Hro nl Skine, ar V.t M Ho . E O_ý, You esrrr wIltel you if youanaem -ide of t!ise lips andeecis idiat thin, Iatery You m a a Lehave idgsin izfit sng pelUmmevee hac, tifelings of eriailm nd etrmelasiud.Thse blod isIi.i the eyelnet iai are con- aieàî 3iii cn eddctsly aSsimilaîed *0m im Thîs greatresoraive shaypes tlapp e reiose ienerve, whh-cotro tie ies tsvefluis, îrenthes tie bartCs action andi graualyandnaurllyretoesthe ci.ilre fr M ekboot o eltsrengh and vigon 0e , h 1t-ortrit t ïCI S g r.a ,U c 0f A .CikSase, M. E, ts amu Beciiookanio,, are Send eciety effies' lis inteUs. Laies f Lrv capels,-tr te uLs. ton Rhben ac utey s arverbu1nw. tht bota ine engn lWhowilbmais fr169 Anether Dr . Il oigt en Alex Talor>g etinate g fready SM. T.V. FHick Wî, M . a judge taW .T U eilc test j,7a1,Orono. Fsruers IsitCe metng t Kday.1 Advrtiefrm soc fr7a, litan. o F dy opouly Slci~hin aasenjyed astioek l rerpptsan mgzieinw Mn.Micha.el 1Bloom c f Lewis- tow, F., bois 80 yersno!age, Ayc: "For a long time J have been se feebie that I bave lhad te be wbpeld around lu an invalids chair. Ibad vnestmengthnand teck coldat te slghetpooain preanai. ailed Vinel, and pro- ceda bo'ttie for me. It buil!tirp my sreath apilyand aftem ta1k- inig thmee botties I arn able ytecde most ! ny wrand I can walk a quairr o!a imile easilyý. veryý aged or eak prsnwho rqie stregtb houl tmyVino.I arn deAigbte d w itb hati t ba1 dncfoml As a bd builder andsregt creator fer oid people, delicate cidnweak, run down pres -and aftcr scnsVin-A isunex peubs. If it suistY givesatisfc- tion, vre will retura -1your rnency'. 'Vinol is sold in Bewrnanville byi .y & LviDugss M'RAT IN TRE l'iITTER WTI 'J'OFlPIJBIICSCLOS Trij. Is The Ants-wer: Alittle wbile ago-heDeicao was askiug the question, "hti the Itt er xith the ý public echool]s!- There wem-re a number o! sugetinsthat dvlpdf rom that investhiaioni. Thjene are a numb-Jer o! tbiugs the m-atten We pay our iuuskilled steet b-1 orers sornebiag likýe a dollar or al dIollarad a quart-er a day-. ,We are p)aying Our sbol ahes oneý les Laud corne a littie more'. it ,is the, ,vïges that, a dull bralianad a primitive mn are wortb. Iune turu for sueb wgeswe are reýquir- ia a, serIvice tbat should be 'I,,tust- edon1y te a mind annd hcart u,-ý richeci ith au that literature aud! art aId siuecan countnibute "te)a perfet cultrur It sbod be ol sucb a perfect personality intro rbo erin ing wegv the future citiens o! the nation. Can we get nersonaities Mik that te serve u< J T'S just possible y OU iave, not;ced that the îskate youCweo weariïlas oeason was- a v eryanquedpos- tion;thaýtitnihbemdlgtrad present dayske as an automobKle ic ahead i c h ldtmougg'y. - Lihterby any ounces z3thain eny o'dhet aead agr Et has a umlu loio-h vmetalzJust rie aa on hr they caubiýne t aeamtpa aw- st'osig a% teland fiv imes asi ilÊh. The"uooil"Saeha. aima a thin bladc7,- f nce te- the toughes.t, togs eped metal on tLhe maF9keýt. Ti he At l2ment MM F-12 R ieu-te t0hiftuay Eeyabodee t e skate thlng ever teur te tsmlt mmlais araurs:d a î,rnk- VAich distance t!S ealty covu.ed by mont "anme Aratlg tYmusie- hu â covared 52,800 bt aend Iifted aither alnaskate or thec ether 13,200 imes Wýe saýy L ttteAu- mWb%'e"SUateIl5 t tne Iowes> figure, six OceMs Ilghter than any cethar maclde. Figurlng thet eut, wae tlnd that ha has raCtu- ally lftad 4,888 pounderj &case than ho would were ha usIng any other kae, MAON&DALE, Locacl Agýen-ts. bave the ot'her goodtineo! life t-hat thir 1largest natures..mav. tbey go te(r it. Unlees' we nealîze woith a'tnic tien thatmahs ourpokbos that tescheol, laborer Î.s, worthly o! hem ir le, wc re tgoïing te) the public epo.Anid therewil conitinute 'Obe eomethinig 0the ma1t- ter ýith the public ech(ooLs. For InfantLs and hlen Thoe Kind You HvrAl ,y BCht1 Beams the Signature of TuPE FIS ABTII -SCROO 1;EA N IN " 01,TVAiL EY geýd regiment" wv'as the -narne octe afterRbrtRistefstod bisecolas.The thonugh!are was ini the -pin fton'1ies o!'locst EaglaId. R obent Raiik es PaIÏidMs lino: Cael-,Sndt o tnshthe ho - The great Ute-ijne Tonieý, anil den.o1.In redeee srngçis, ors rep& on ecepÉt ofprice. Churches are bonny aih lads, and rasusnt raý,gd, buit cdresse)(d i-.1 their best, going bappily te "hear stared. One of th geatstfactors iln J- veleupi ig te u nd(la y - ýbco11iu i A meoric(a is tlie sunday-Sclhoel 1Un- ion. Mr. E. P. Bancroft is the pro- r ent secrctary. This organizatio bhas been labering in the fleld fer niney-one years.Last yearitC os- with 1204mmbr.TeSocietLy emploped 27msinre.It ne- ceived $215,613 and pent $206017 esdsthe wor o!tis ,oirganiza- mîsmsonaresin the field recrulitirsg forisSuaysoo. Sucede,"in th, Jaar,ýty Delý,ine- Qunce Iighe~ thnja7 OurthamdPadton t 'M 1 r -kç