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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1908, p. 4

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COURTICE lha <Jd Yeu Hime A.ways Bout Mr CI fe.ihosi--,borne frornthe West. .Mis Ruh Corti~i as gone tooshaiwa wfier, 1 h ha accetited a Xc:mim-% positio a1 h a D lherl he Mle Ble Ba the ibend ion Have Always RM29b Mr Lou-ee o teN 3rwv lBouse ~rCephas filundie and bride.OWA.NV ILLE, DEC. 17, 1?08 J.OCAL OPTION ADVOCATBS, Winter Yis 0Z oming --i As well as Christmas and our tssortmeiit of skates andý , E Hockey su-pplies wli-i appeal toj people buying for themselves' ~- w l as for others WC e1eli te v ervy lbe st made GÊ Selected see guaantedfor,! Safey,( ( durability and sauperior, ~You are perfeetly'w31 - coe to Judge this entire SbuMIness by the way we r,011il skates. We get,-;the E -very best and surrund? ý the selhng wth every possible courtesy.ý,ï, E Tlie noyaI Bfank The moral atm3osphere sbou'd be purer and clearer after Suuday's serv- ices u h inter(ef t of Local1 Optton. Splndi adreseswere de-livered to large and attentive audiences. Beyr. V. Kettiewell spoke lu St. Pau-l's lu the3 morning, lu the etnno e Onlqy in tbe afternoon amàin the Disýciple churchiluthe evening, rctcl ogl cal, torcful,co>ivincing were ail of bis lectures, moderate and fair lu statemenit and f ree from, denunelation of men but deallng eledge hammer blows at, the liquor rraffic. *'Abolish the Bar:' was the key note throughout, Mr. Jos. Gibgoai, P.M., -Ingersoill Presldent Dominion Allian3ce, spoke in the Salva- tion Army Barracks at the afternoon siervice at the request of Adjt W, Brad- bury r nd wvas given appreciative atten- tion, aIthe Opera Iloase meigAt 4 o'coc~, peeetin auarr~oi convine- Ing argiuments uinftvoýr of abollshiug the barroomn that nn dare challenge, aud an gb-d the Methqdisi church was well flhl1ed -with au auIdie-neOthat ",hung, on bis lipis" for- 50 minlutes while he ltu1 iei Iiiitabl)e mauner mrsale rg- umnta ragent nt antcontiu. ing bar as, a uecessarv adjunct of hotels. HiRudience was amused instructed. couvncedandentbusiastically mrani pproval Of bis presentation of the amsof Local OptionI MINISTERS AND CHtJRHES Mr.G's. . Puud silo'smission- ar~.wil gie a udress aItho r~r meetin iii te Nethdlst cb.uirch Tu Rev. D. Worman'sappealaalt ~¶nra~on the goudof berCttal teacing waslsmsedby the Methodist CouoAppeals. Rev Father Kelly gave a good sermon ii- t he ýR.. cburch Sur day morning Mr Henry Mepder le speudinig the winter wltb bis daughter frIrE R, Praber, Toronpto A ne3w popuiar song-A Litt!e Hoop of Golde 25e-le being suaig n Cainada, See E. 34. scurra's qadVt. Miýss Kate Dustan is home irom Exeter where she rpent the paist season luila leadiug millinerji establishment. if -,ou waut fresha, plumap -ad tendAer poultry for %our Xmas or Sunday dIinner order early from viScotc & Alfin, phone 44. Noth4g- le better th-an a goodbo. P C Trebil cock i -es vycu a sp!endid es- ection, Leather bouuid bocks at 50c Shop early Young ladies who wlsh somE'thfing appropriate wo give for Xmýas wili fliad maniy heipftul Pggs ton acur store, Noswo)rtby, Inspectors Of!il-e Buio onraWere heffre ICWeeLk nspeýCt. ing the local brauch Mýfrs (Retv) J J Hae and Mrs.RB So1utli wîc(Ik htïyeeturned to their homnes afier attend'ing Ibe funeral af their father, Mr. Wv J WHs-Brî.ghton Ensign. Local and Pers onal. Y-mas tradle las begun lvely. Bowmanvllle shops look pretty. Considerable late news held oçer. Get a pair of boots free. Read Ri & Çearn's ad-vt. Alarge variety of Christmas caes at Thos Tod's, Try one Repeal It :-, shlloh'8 Caïure l,.aïg5y cure My conghs aurcods. Mr. George Allen, Toronto, fs ý!sting his father Mr, James A~i en, Tuarihipperare stili bs-co Free Press. 'Wby not here? Mrs. Jais Gilfillan bas been vsîn Mrs. T, G. Wartson, Port Hope~ Raglairn Xmas Fair j nx Mnd: and Port Ferry Tuesday Dec 212. Have 7ou rieoýd Scott & AIIln's mdvt. ini this Ise If not, do sýý at once Mr, Frank Jaekman, Toronto, is visiting bis father Mr W. Jackman-. Ladies' funr ruffs, toles ani Muaifs of ail kijnds at Couch, Johtistoni & Cryder. man's, The brand new store with the b atud of qualty-D Luttreil, baker aud -con- fectioner. a> West End House iiWHavthEm m-- Ladies" and Cbildrei ég-' Tur Stole a nd N'ýuls X en's Fu: r ad Pur- Liaed Cc ULadies' ,, Fur Gmauntie Kid Glovesq Sllk ea- (d Wýool Scarfa 1Ladies' and Children's TreyCoh e Cioqtb s Ti 1Dw s WGoolToques OCZ -ZcI Ladies' and VWool Hoode NeBoes 'iiki'aues NetIr Blusei 'I H ChiIdren'ls t r- - -r Rl;lsanà ouldigs, Speelal attention to planing and maclLreaawing and dressing lumber. lopen every. v ing. G oode are A word to c( warked in Plain figureaand cuare kuow aechei lnvlted t" coime and inspect the Imes faly upi stok !.Chl~mas goods at Santa laus' dou't Our n headquarters, NICHOLLS'. -.-: ntrwv rnd Do you bohr t ta : Hockey boots for Boys and Girls Bargains Iin le?. We A Suit Case or Club Bag make a ýerieunced suitable gif t. JPurpngtlie lm Buggies andWggn -F. A .t-ua Our Store is Open West E~nd Every Night Unitil Afte XIAmouse yfor Xinas and wheroto by it Larestamid MostCmplteRange of Goods ShoWn in Town ot Bolwmanville IiIIIIIII in v

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