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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Feb 1909, p. 1

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i *100a ear in advaine $1L50 ta United States.BWMNILEPOT RJO ,%Y, FEBRLTIRY, .(8 19Û9VLUE,, O7 .A JAES& ON rpho. 1h G orner Sho e Sor WHEN In Doubt m m 'Buy our celeratect"German" Schol ~Botsfor,your fmt TRfEY are GAATE Westand ready to itake back any pair o'- Germnan &Notsi sIù,wn to have,":. [,1] Shoddy heel Stiffeners, 121 Shoddy iaieheel pieues 14] Cut off -'împi sa. t ee caps. [5] Coýmmon cetten stitching. "IGerman" Boots are neat lui ap- pearance. Tfrey out wear any Cther boot in the market. They are ne dearer thau manuy peer boots. They are "made lu Canaa. They are made lu any et tour leathe3rs-llght te eay They %re made lu irzes te fit &nY boy cor girl. Thay eau -be bought oiiiy at Bnrrns' Corner Store., BAR GAINS Midwinter bargains ail around Osaar,,ticu!arly at Buirna'. OSUîAWA., Main Four Oorners4. BANK O0F MONTREAL Cjapiltal e'614,400,000 I saving& Bank Departmeit. hýeaJ Office, Viontregal J. A. MICLE LLN,I Manager, Bowvnanville Branch,. El I. E Horses Wfanrte d, Buyers will visit the farm- ers of this district;, lu qnost of good hiorSes ffrom 4 te 7 jyears old. They have -jot yet signifled the exact dates but thoýse of you Who have young stuck for 1zsa la should see tn it that they are in good heaithy fliO. A horse in good flash and a sieek co0at wl brirg t'ou dol. ar or hwn oue not fltted, Agreat mnany people now kîeeýp te1nhrss ugood con- diinail the tinle a,1,dî use no ex:t ra f e edl. ThIe,-y use rs1.ake -'s ConitonPowder s and have good c lhiaiasal.si saleable cniin ThLeýse owerpurify t.hýý bi1ood a zid dgstnaJd toue up the system. They are 8sold cut 2D(-, l or 5ib Th'e VWest End 1Dýuggîist. Ifyou want ,yoý1ur ktssree take rhm o 2Mr. W. H.Il Wiliams Ws End 'Santhy. He know,ýs hwsae shudoshrendalid guarnt'ees ail cESS-THE SVRLTESR ERS' REPORTS SOWA B àT .A M OZ TUlf-Ékbflfl IMembers and adhe2renýts of the Meth- Iodist congregatien oetbtis town w ere I ~~ "At Hoine' te teievsonThndy Ievening wheon they eye a pleasant I ocial time togetheýr - C ar Garbatt and the officiais hatd otinda very complete evTening's program i -y1ch was carried eut systema-,ticnlly, The ladies ef the church liad provided abundance et good things and at 6.30 began te ser-v-e those present in the schooiroom with sandwiches, bread and butter, cake and coffee. After ail had partaken ____________________________oe the good thingsannd spent a social time tegether the cempany assembied Lag Sl~in the church and reports ofet vrin La r g r secieties for the year 1908 were present - Ied and a number eof ive-minute address- -and-J es madle. Atter singing a hymn and prayer by Moe lasdRev T, W. Jeiiffe, Mr. James MLa ]President, presentea. a reoport ef the, usto ers.Epworth League, Mr. Fred R. Foiey speke on the aims and ebjeots of the The greatest proof that League. Mr'. R. H. Hamley, Secretary, pros- onted the report ef the Sundaýy Seýheel, e0l andMr. Williamn Trewin, Superintend- 3')' ont, gave a short address giving credi" te the varions departments for the ,-work la the done. Ring of, Cough Cures Mrs. A. E._McOready, Treasurer, pre- sented tlie report et the Ladies' Aid. JNo family snould be without a Miss Bunner, Recording Secretreary, bottie at any ýtime,' gave a report et the Womans' Mission- i ary Seciety. j 0w PEoP1LE RECOMMEND IT Mr, John iii iott, A, Prïincipal YOUNG PLOPLn RELY Wri T Bewmanville High SSaheel, gav-ýe a short CHILDREN LONG FOR IT address on "Wemant's Work li the Don't cough when you cau get a M-r, J. J. Mason, Treasurerý, presented large bottie for or-ly 25u. a report et the Officiai Boaird, Mr. T. 0. Jeweil presenkted a report Rod' IL Mitcell from t&e Envelepe cemmittee and aise Rofi i, g ichelýl et the Peor Relief eto which lie is Treas- co , Mr. M. A. James, Treasurer, present. & CC.,ed the report of the Truste j Beard, BowmnviloMr. 0. M. Oawkor gave a short ad- jdress on the church's finances. Mr. P. CJ. Trebiicock spekoeon the _________________________pulpit and the congregation. Rev. John Garbntt spoke on the Ushers and the Choir. A Iew arg ins For Mr. W. B. Oeuch gave a short but À Few Bam ihis Forexcellent address on huh-rcli as an educationai force in the cemmiiunity. -- Althe financial reports werei very F B gR-U A RY lsatistactery showing that the fnnds ef tho different secieties wevre in g-oed shape and that the year had closed Ywith 8 cnsernfer_.........5 balances in ail treasuries, The address- 8 "Pe-pas ". ....... 25e es were ail gëood, briet but pointed anid 8 ",cern & rom%toes . 250, praýctic-alimad ga~va added initerest to thec 8 botie Extada..........25eeveniug's proceeedigs. The choir reni- 8 pks. Il favos bng Sgar 25edered severýi,.aiitliemsý, organ soieso er B " '< Jely......25egien bylâMiss Oawker, o.iganîist and ?. Ooclte Pudding ....... 2fj, Mr, T, H-. Follick,, M. A., whiie Misses 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~M r~Psue........5 arjery Kiug, Mine Trebilcock, Rhea 2"Macaroi..........25e Manning and. ethiers rendered pan 1 do%. Oranges.........6 solos -whiie the tiea was being servd Paster Garbutt expressea. bis approvýal and satisfaction with th)is gatheriug and Orange sHcer te lend. wisiled tha-t ail the People couid have been present. The ideüa et gatheriing Ail Candies at reduced prices. the con.gregatien togethor once a year te discuss the finances anid ether imi- Rebate in China. portan t teatures et thleechnrch is a goedi onie and muet with very- genieral approvai Watch windi3w every week for barg&ins. as was eiecj by those present.1 CAS14FOR W,ý.DUVEOwinig te sickness and the iey condition CASHFORPROUQE of the stre-ets mnany were uable to at- tendii who etherwýise wýouid have enijoyed TIIOS WIiITE, thetreat, _--- 2 doo>rs West et Couche Jühnston ýdB. 1r fi iheLd Yon Have Always Beu0g Phone b7 Cryderman'l. ol TiO IMPROVE RURAL SCHOOLS.j RAISINU QULIFI CATIONS 0F TEACI-ErýS 15 THE O0VïýRN-. 11ENT PLAN. At grena. success wes thlat public meet- ing inî the Town Hall, 1Hampton, Thu---, day addressed 1!y a qermer County 1In- specefr (et Pubic SbolMr. John lJ. iiyProvinlcial Medlel Seh'oolIset e'r. AÀ blizzard peala bten2ana. 3 p., m. ana. roatds weire %vory icy, but ihe at.tendance was suriprisingly lrg, goijdlà, number o( aieÀoorn h occasion h y their peoc îîr. Alex Wight, Reeve e aintn ably ffiled the chair!ana..briet1,Ly epresýs- cd approival etfthe action t theMiis- tor et Educaition in seninitg Mr. Iilley te expitain seheol martterýs m nd te learn ti e the changes in th., Public ehiocisstm 11e inita.cose attentionte u)theades witli wh1ici they werabouit tewhatavor- ana. ablility it will ha instructve cH hope. tesec readiscusýsion ana. expres- ion tiion e t its close.ý M.J. J. Tilie e cdalygeta aliose espea aa.ooran herlh la.tt b1is large au uience il,,ratiatiiin Hoe soakýs itbease ana. lueucyana. trLt is subets rciclyaa n T a a iv l ana.interestiulg discuss-ion ahudau evdene tat the peopleon it. Ho was 'candi(id eouh e emr sýpend-iing1 d tth vryuogistiC ve.toet imiatea.d tr feaaprssenetopiions. Hothnka.th svoalspeakers fr5e-r- ai prar-tical suggestiÎons ýthey ha. e na. as, the ,objeeeut u th]-ee eences wasý to0get mm toulcl vith the views e the peeple a.ctýuaily concomnea. in rural scha nm attbers hiàhad---adegt- -eft -the]: îoo poinlts advanced ana. would brin g Lhem te the attention et Hon, Dr- Pyne, _Miisteýr et Education. Be-fore Stook-takinigSl goods WPILa bsold at REDUCED- P R 1I ES. A lot of DressMras at about Men's and Boys, Overcoats at 4;'trs ,of alil k2is&t andbeo Ladies' aRid MAisses' Cloth as This is a genjuine s.ÀIL and ail1 goods wili bz Mod exac-ly zas adv'ert. ised, Cuc _ Johnstn& Cyd errmn F aptI)itude Ufor iip rting insrcto.The should he prepared to le ivewoth livos, eeana utnac edpef1 prcia!ife is lajd. EýveIr ý chi]ld sudý youthi >1hould be au1w t he ubatit evlp tetinigpowers o o for JInligencue. The developtinent soi beý aleglisil et naturýelapitde Th be ý a et' md hoogly kle ofength ou ; nwr hae ut l1i1, ottenpusud te-ripae puIL"s(r n LrIucite Hi igi achol CS. Hoshowedi the~~~~~ ~ necsstyfoMteinngho s Il glie Itf tarm lite agilul mtuui iI,ý l1)r.~ ma) nu'eltraýini ng, t hsi aoya untoi natrel rsoures w ich cnnohal prpel d.loe ftot kiled lbr Thi i peemnotl aninsryialame aise ad tholontestfor inustria sprering ai ro arkaii wkee. Ted that litoofrot us. Sk f-illod labo tili aiepsiin the iusril w eld, er- manry mas ýinacei for sied ias towîîs ini Ontario aimeady bave tbem and offert shoula. ho made te estalbIli ua in every eounty in the Provinue. Wýe 'Sonie States acrobs the 1-lina lead s agricelturai mettors. MinneotDka al .lusions beýing lmLainly t oniio lintI ati rd nrs1hev-e agrîcuiteral scliooistiat rkualsebools wîee mstetthe elidren are attenldea. by hundreds et studoentsj et this provinco 1e, releducaea. am- moe aspcislly ii witereris. Genieralt via-ca Ih cediten t tacier trainin« gîciurlaa dom'1estiecienelie prie te18)j,77 when niodel schools foi-aglt prtesonltraýiing et o teachoîs witee Some geca. suggestions were advanced strta. twe opea. theat graduates et in the discussion that tollowad(. P'rnci- these scheols woutlô go oný ana. 4uality pal Groat asked Mi. Tilley if ho is in tom second class permkïanent ýana. provincial favor of the latter ' U" certificates. But the number et second Mr. R. J. McKessock propesea. that, sud first class certificetes did net inereasa the school year shoula. end with the ana. ewing te the case of obtaining a Net-mal Scheel year for ceuvenionce cf third class certîticate that cless increasea. teachers sud trustees,- unduly with the resuit that trustees dis- M 1r. Thos. Baker said the Ontariol regamrdîng the value et experieîîce ana. Govemnunent is very rich with succession higîser certificates fillea. rural schecîs ana. othei revenues ana. tbey shoula. (lgive with inexperiened thira. ciass teachers, mucli larger grants for elementery cd- Quoting frein retumus made te Educationucain eylrogat r io Departinent fom 1907 the last report- for higlioreducation-tor-. the t.ew-and he scia. that et 5223 ural schools soventy- net enougli tom the rural sehools -for thmec pet cent were tauglit by teachers the many. Special grants shoula. ba holding third-cess cbertificates or perinits,ginteadnertintpoersho ana. the average age- et sncb teachers was lieuses in ural sections under 19 years ! The average time -of ser,1vice was s than . yearis for ail Mi. F. L. Squair soundea. a popular classes. Thus the waste was veary great note when lie saîd instruction ini rural tully 1200 new teachiers bcbng requirea. sehools is net carried far enougli. W a t te suppiy places et those quittîngo the is tanglit in Forms i- and. Il lu Higli professien yearly. Wlihen iii roquires sehools shoula. ho tauget iniilmural. fmomtbmec te five years te acq:,uire pro-- scheels. ,The shame et auy ntioàn 15 il- ficiency in most callings wbat weuid ho literacy. There are mnore popoin t'he resuIt if evemy five ycars tbey ail re- Durliani cennty todaywo cannot roa. tirea.'? The effeet on the toaching pro- than there were 25 years age, Ho would tese of this lare yearîy wsoo ae ltinana. Greek, Roots tauglit agýain loss et slllc her must appeai te as they were? 40 years ago to everybody ats rmest deopIorahie. 1 Mr. W. E. Poliard. wanted tahr Treeacge eiffort was mado by the weli eduicatea. ana.d andodctoa Miister oetLiducation te impreve these standard shoula. ho higli. Trustees are regrý,lettb Le ýConditions,. capable cf doiîsg their dn1ty.Horlent ed Governient initertereu:e. IHoe o:j oct-. It was clear that te iniprove thee eteSholIsetrsapitn schools the status ana.quliictin t htches teachers -must ho improveti- baco etho meJ mt ai t rcia change from medLelsehool-s th a'twer um- 1-- ed eu h -cos ecir onra education this country waný lts. Prosnt ehootatr aetunng t second cîlas systom is largely a feeder fer High1 teachers, and. iiiting tird:ý-cla'ss certifi- Shos cates tuo sehool;s whose financial condition Reevo Wighit wants te e ua precludea. them frein paying higli salaries, sehools tanght by capable teachejrs. Seme people predicted a. ilume et the ehb- They musti notu deteriorate. Trustees, ject desirea., f earing the supply would are respousîble for the condition et thoir net ainsi the demana.. How dees it schools. Good salaries will comimana. figure eut ? To repleniali the yeariy good teachors. waste statea., say,'1200 new teachers are Mr. S. J. Williams saici te-day the needea.. It il expectea. that the aggre- sehool attondance is only a third what it gaqta ,ut-put ot ail normal sebiools witb wss 40 years ago. Chidrou shoula. ho othiers certificatea. availabie for-,i sebools tauglit te, love tlieir :Country ana. venerate oxt idsmer wili ho net less than thoc Union Jack. 20,se hairein present outlook theEio ae eera eteaact suply t scond-cas rinaotahese maie teacliers in rural scbhois ana.d will e.jual- the dleml-ana. theUugi)t beys wouald develope groator ami Mmr. Tilley epaie.the diffamenit on- billn teacquir nowidgeana. the actmeutws with regard tbGvmn utaa.mn, sumy1inliie tatevrybo Munici al ats te rural seool ectfionýs S'eLajhaveif tanghit by s a n.11 e sttig ha ttal eh o rnS bd een>stro-,gIy tvra ec ing in cmunry inicreasea. frein co 00syemt sbes s ama practicalblcfe heracticaýl $38,00q-ubees ôugested b 1y Mm. TiLley ana 11u m!ely te tic q ILuestion JWCu11ldthe meX- sc.ai t tilarger sehools shola.ha -,ve quiremient et a yarsattenldau1ce at a whti wcle.continluato lass normnal sceool 1cbe-ar bardy on students etof tis a imîstake te en V omig boys ana. vary lirite.eanis, Mmý.jeTile meark- irste board in to lwn wiieatedn ed Yes. Buit the time was wbenul any Hjigh ebe.Ho deprecatea. the ment- p .erson coula. pmaictise niedicinle, Nwaina et countY in)spection. Hoe ol fiv yers corseisimpmaivo ruig- bv sonle sobools visitea 'severat l tures1 gists tomrly 1vwore nliceue. nwayear sud L'others -ieneor net Pat a,'I t tetms at collage are rqirathe isb siewihshfl udppls 1t lage rligieus delninations inist on hewek rSlow eestha-,t rqiem cýand0idates tom tle iistry spending tWbo attention.lu b1 is sebeel d'Ay'Scunr or throue years ni spocial stndy ana !. rai- beys snd Àgirls1up te 20 yeams sud manly îng inclege. Wb'Vy lThe public good over ibat agaet, da.tebrn eol demans it. Privateinte est mst bha Why Vare >they net f ounthi eretody suibordlinate te public god.TeChesBcas ew et thoi have (1advance are for Sebi(ools neot acheol7, for tea1chers claý,sses ;ana. thley dont came te o te It is net tic dulty oet the Staute tepo )'- se oul eirl teacers. 1He cnmn vide po)sitions for idvdul.the actio et(:,fthle Minister etf Edacatàon ieii sluPuibc soheoj,, ishou,'(! bhoiin his selection et Mm. Tilleýy tom this - we1] educatea., specilly traiiea. ana.shwspeciai wrkana. xpcta. in gea gedterra Abls woul diesI L M.T. jBaker îvd,,cndd Mi.. Thos. Pes:oo r t utenof appreci. ien t til o yexcllnt udexhustive addreý(ss deAive-rea. by Mr.. qTi[iey a oeu for- pbocing ithe views eft the people3 Inoi iteesta.in ruralteols i reouion was Carr-ied with pla) KýEY'S, TOISONTO FER 26. Congrasp the 'ýbauds Cof the dear oU 0f theC1Uear "ci happýy time, 1[fri ende Au ieawhile 'er the lîappy past Anué days 0o'M lnag syne. The ioycus oast bte joliy Lboys and girls et nlimwille hl.Fridaiy ovnig ei 2 t McCne 3s 1 V KingSt. Toont. Agoodly centiu.- aV'ill theOla Bys n Yo uGrletliey! F t ril a ap tîn itligiaeni ong Anohehtserîr lied it joys Thos Yeiowaos 23Division St., To.- onto, or on inigbt etBanqu TU Ifyen cau't go sonda îne ss"peA ogreetng. tendea. ýlreport f4 the ofceins tthe Twenity-sevenitli AnulMeetingoetthe Teonoito General ru, sCorporation which -was hela. t ts bead offic, comrerYonge ana. Co)bo)rne cstreets, Toronto, at neeon u, :bruï1ry 8rd, be. cause semae ofour shrewdest citiens nnFbn nes-nen arco-stock-1101tsdan ter the ptuuer reason that a trmce highly etee.citizen and gurn benefacto'(-r e omnvlei.ttti nndanHonre-v rpiI n , un1-. esnsbeoffice eo Pes f tetthis ably snccesstufl îoîtr lsi îu As nndoubtld evidIezcü oet ir* sîc 5 the profit aa.loss saeti ho groýss lprofits for last y(ýoets 75l0j which, toge'hrwti aae maltes a totall ýcdit ci 'ýiI Agaiinst thIs ischargea. t total x pense oet managemen2lt,ot, 'oîrn te $1396.1,iavig abaicet i carry d0ofe 188066 n tti sn the direetors 1paid iun. 1c'. ef sate depost vaits 2,335;inereas- ed the )resf"rve by $5,0,aa. 'Lcarriedl forward a 'balanlce te the creito profit ana. iess of $22, 417, 16. The assets under the control et the Corporation have been inc,-reased diriing the year te the oxtont etfaout to million ana. a quarter, miakingý, a total volume ef business unider thei car-e and management et this Corporation et over 885,000,000. An analysis ef the assets ana.dailte stateme(nt would seem te make veryv clear lie tact that while heCorprto 'in the mIatter et il-,vesmns, keeps striectly within the tomus et the t'.ruIstee inesmntnt, neotonly wih regard to the trust fiunds Un1der its cnrobut its owyn capitalaccov.nt, t seocures a', tbe- saine tixne for the enfcire et estates ana. its clients genlemally tueý highest possible revenrue' return, a fliown in 1jthe very large percenltage tyae moürtýgage iuivestments bear te the total ameo-unt invested by the o rporation. lu looking over the list et direotjors e.) this Corporation one is imipressea. with the stIatemiertntmade by MJ, W, Langinnir, the Man-aging Director, lu, blis aiddress, that the est, ates under thia care of this Trust Company receive thet Iben-tfit ef the bes;t jndgmnent and exper- ience ef a large niumber et the leading busîiness an. protessionai monneof, theo cennitry, at a charge ýwhjih s ne greater than is allowed by the couirts te privateý execuitors ana. trustees, A number et Bowmanville persou who have receDtly madet) hei.r wilirs have made The Teronto Gýeneral Trusts, their executers, first because et its fin- ancial strength ana. caret ul management et estates, ana. secondly becanse of the institutio.u's facilities for, advantageens investmenit e of nies un.der its control as trust(es, Iedoe h ite hr. helders ana. direoetors ana. note what a large nuniber et toremost citizens et Torento are assoiîatea. with the organ- L-ation. Ycn cet! if they ame healthy, cause you sickness if diseased, Te maike aLnd iteep tlim heýaihy it.fl ~tig i1(tehave ueeod reo trmdisease andvioruhat. Tie clietf purpmoef 'Iloos Sarsa- PaMI&lavtotedo tUN,aMd its Suc""ss la ateddby touaîd e eneru cur Ies. Cures of ail blooldsass serocfula, aczemna. rbematlsin, catarrh, î1{loo0d'sfiSaLr s a Pamil ,*ia"j offeet s thesý, Cures, inet simpiy -becauLse i cntîn sarapriiabut eaueit com-binezs thse utmo'st r'eilvles of monre Lihlýnri20 dHffereint nrdetec tuls peculiar ebnain -et it todiny oet yenr druggist. j1"( ossOne Dollar, Prpard elyby C. I. 1100 Ce., Lewetl, as, S. À, Sehool Law witb regard to training an -e paýyment of Public sehool teacîsers, bi,- ,Gwrocers' Due BUis taken as Casi Bor ders We are clIearing eut odd ines et Bordera andi wili sel 9 and 18 ineh, full reliset 8 yds for 5 cents per reolluii both gifla and. plain papera. 8eeure themn when they are cheap, W, T. Allen Big 20 Book Store 1 ýr -L

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