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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Mar 1909, p. 1

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ta $1.00 a year in advance; $1,50 to United States. BOWMA.NVILLE, ONTARIO, TIIURSDAY," MARUH? 1 1909. VOLUME LV, No. il M. A. JAMES & SONSPpreos Onily.a Few Weeks before Plouhingand Seedwf in« Time So do net Jelay lu getting your harness and collars repaired while you are not using thern. Get yeur orders lu NOW for what you may need lu the way of new kharness or harness parts. We are sure ta bc rushed with work later on so bring in your repaire the next tirne you corne A full lina of whips, combs, bruhs sweat pada, etc., always in stock. Onr ____stock la the largest lu tewn. ____ J. B. MARTYN, PHONFE $6, ÀBOWMANv VILLE A% - -lh--&-A-à - &.Pl 0-% Temarmalade season Le now ou. Tho long delayed marma.. fi ade oranges are now lu and thav are fine clean stock. The value and quaiity neyer botter than now. Only 25c par doz. fiWa are seiiu large q uantities of sweet orangea as usuai being' the hast value in town. Fine Mexicans ............. 12c par doz, fiChaice Navals............ .. 25o per doz. Fine large Navals..........35e par doz, fi Sea aur large Grapo Fruit they make fine marmalade. Choice * gonds 4 for 25o. Extra large 2 for 25e. fiFine Messina Lamons ...... 25o par dez. S SL ICER LOANED FREE Everything Ln Groceries and Crockery * O1'4OlE BUTTER ANO DEQGS WA NTED_ .1 china ttall Grocery -b- . .. ~ *. .*.~ ,.~ ~** **~ ~., â m~m*w~wpwrwrwrw,"w'rw'rwrw'rww ~1be Gorner Shoe Store The Burns' Price is J4owest. New Farm Knockabouts. In buying for spriug aur alm was ta secure goad wearing boots for aur customera. lu no prevîcus year did we buy so large a proportion of aur stock from high-cla.ss factories. Such factor- les use first-ciass leather and good strang thraad, and do flot lucor- porate card-board or ground leather board in thFi soles We contracted for good quantitiep, and thereby secured close prices and liberal discount. We have also arranged with Mr.- Tonkin ta sali his whoie out-put of hand made buckie and iaced farm boots. Specials. Men's best grain Gaiters, seamiesa Aurora make. The, $2 kind ....... $1 89 Men's 011 Split Blucher, Berlin maka, gaod flUter and strong .......... 81 40 Man's heavy 011 Split Blucher extra strong. The $2 kind ......... 82 00 Men's 011 leather Top Bots.,..82 E0 These are flot heavy ana save the trousers. A tin of water proof dubbln thrown in, For Tender Feet Men's acf t Importad kip Bluchens shapely iast, good year sewn siles, heav................8 25 The. egt o ain for outaide workers. Rends with the foot, No pags ta bather. Fashionable Spring Footwear. Our four windows teli the story of our effort ta gather for Voun Inspection thschoica of the newest styles and beat values f or adulte as well as ehiidren. Not a pon wearer in the bauch. Many pnetty shoas at low prîces usually paid for clumsy shoes. OSHAWA, àLimain Four Corners.! We thi-k Cream Bam isas1 be madie. Yeu wiil think so too, if von give it a fair trialand judge it strictiv upon it,3 menta. Every thing thatiCream Balm contains is _-ood f ir thae kti 9 and t la ab. solutely harmiesa aven if accident- ally awallowed. 1IC La far superiar ta any glycerine and rose water mixtures, as it containe sucli sub. stances as benzoin, milk ef al- monda, witch-hazel and antisep- tics, Cream Balm Io exqulsitely perfumed and cornes In dainty bottlee juat ri ght for, the dresser. We oeilit under a positive guar- antee ta give satisfaction. If t does uot, your rnonay wîlli ha re- turnad without question or quib hie. That's fair isn't t ? Gea bottie and keep smooth. F. lm KEÏRSLAKE, The West End Druggist. * WEAR ýA SMILE ONV WASH DAY Se Monday le wash dar, but if yeu haven ot our KNOLL WASH- ING MACHINES your washlng wili hoe ut eanly. yaun hack wouî ache, anti you can m oan a mrile ai dinnar ture nel place a! the usaa! "wash day frowu." You will wonder why yau hati not bought one long ' ago after you have tnieti ana cf these ma- chines. Your washing wli ba doue lunLeslime andi more Iban bal! the laborfsla eav-1- They pay for thernseives Lu a, very short time. Cali at the store anti ask nus how these lahor savons wonk. You may try these machines ant Ilif ci as representati weýwill SwillLngiy take ibeni back. las. LBrown] Dealer in ail sheif hardware etc. Three Doors East of Bennett Boume Bowmaniville. is a warnIng from your KIDNEYS Give Hleed to It l Do flot dalay but procure ai once a box of DE WOLFE'S BACK- ACHE..KIDNEY PILLS A perfect rernedy for that pain in -the emali of the back and al oCher symptons o! Kidney trouble Qne box will convince yen. The price is 35c par box or 3 boxes $1.00, Rod'k M. IMitchell & Co., -~TaQUALzTY DRansanTs Bowmanville. WANTNED AT ONCE on sai aLry and exPenses. One good nman fi jENIi each locality with rig or capable of handling horses ta advertise and introd Lce Our guaranteed Royal Purpie Stock and PouLtry Specifies. No experience necessary- we lay out your work for you. Z25 a week and expenses. Position permanent. Write W. A. JENKINS MANP'G CO.. London. Ontariob SALT 18 GOOD. If you hava any doubt about it ask your neighbor who makeg a practice of sowing it, and as a result has brighter and beavier Grain, and always realizes the Highest Market Prices. We have land sali for sale, absolutoly Frvesh Stock, in 200 Ibs sacks at on1y75 cents, aliso Rock; Sait for: your stock, and f'ine alt for- table sud dsiary. McLe LLANL & Co. LimtedKl~US., EatBomanville. CS4w The r8malus o! the laie Mr&. W. W. Price were brougbt hene hy G. T. R. on Friday afternoon front Greenbank, where she dieti ou Wednesdav front heant lai uro after several years' illness. Daceaseti wae a daughten of Mn. J esse Salter. Hampton, ant i snce the deaili cf ber husbanti ou Manch 8,1904, ai Pouzh- treepsie, N. Y., sho ibas b,ýen mating ber haire wlth han sLstor, Mrs Edwand Ward, Greanhank. Service was cun- dLcteti hy 1ev, A. J. TernIli, B. D , who accompanieti the romains hte andi con- ducteti a short service ai the grave, assistoti hy 1ev. John Garbut, De- ceaEeti leaves 10 meuru hen early daath ana litt1e boy, Howard, aged soven yeare, hen ageti father ana moiher anti tbrea listera, Mrs. J. T. Trewiu, Baw- manvîlle, Mns F. G. Kersiake, Sofina, Mrs, Eti. Ward,- Greaubanli; anti two brothers, Mr. Theopiliuî SaIter a! the Faculty cf Mimico Industîiai Echool, anti Mn, Theodore SaIter, Hampton. Among the relatives froni a distance lu attentiance were: Mn. anti Mrs. Etiwarti Warti, Greenbank- Mn.T. Salter, Mini- Ico; anti Miss Ida 't'ewin, Taranto. WiNNirFRED MAUD CHRTuÂN Aller an iîlneas af sevon weaks, Miss Wlnnifrati Mauti Obartran, eldesi dsugbter of the laie Walter sud Mns. A. Chantran, passeti quioily ta rosi Manday evenlug ageti 24 yaara. De- ceasset hati la grippe whlch laI t han in a very low condition, sud nai beiug sble le take sufficieut nounishmnn she grad- ualiy grew weaker until the anti. She was of a very quiet, neiig disposition but wae loveti anti respecteti by ail wba knew bar. Reing the eldeet daugbier abe bas bravely saaeti the responsibihity of the home wilhbera moihar anti bas beau a great camfort te bar lu carnug for the yeuuger members aI the f amily. The funeral toek place froin thé fami!y reslieuce, Churcb Street, Wednesday aflaruoou, service beiug con ducteti by hon pastor anti Snnday Sebool teacher, 11ev. John Ganhuit, assistati by 11ev, T. W. Jolliffe, The membars of the Young Ladies' Bible Olass of tbe Methodiai Church of which deceaseti waa a faiblful membai-, attendeti anti sang "Shaîl we gaihar at theo-River". The bearers were:. Messrs. Sydney anti Roy Chartran,1 braîhars; Jerry Weiaway anti Romaine Dumnas, unclas; anti Herman Westa- wsy anti Leon Dumas, cousins. Many beautiful floral offeringe froin sym- pathîzing friands exprasseti the aorrow tbey- fait for the henoaved -: wreaihs frein The Young Ladies' Bible Cias, Mrs. W. R, Tapsan; sprays frein Mr- anti Mrs. D. ýLuttneU], Mn. anti Mns. T. H. Spry, Miss Maria anti Chas. Paiuton, Mrs, Daviti Grigg, Mrs. W. anti the Mna Etiger, Mrs, J. F. ant i Mss Lana Horne, Reaidea han moiben, ibrea broibers anti ane sister anti a number af relatives mauru theo les of a dean oue. Safaly, safely gatherat inl Fan frain sorrow, fan from sin, No more eaanhly griefs on beans, No more satineas. no more tears; For the lile s80 youung anti fuir, Now bath passeti froin eartbly cana-, Goti. Himsalf the seul Nwillkep GiVing His Reloveti Sleep. 1 WEJDDING .BELLS. KIVELL-ASHTOZZ A veny pratty wedditg was ceiebrated on~ Wednesdav, '%larch 10, at 4 o'cieck at the home of, the brida's parente, MNI anid Mrs Wm Ashton. Coluinbuq, wher ~teir daughter, Minnie M1av._was united gi ai v ti fa cc to tq -BY AUCTION- ijutlLuuj 1-ivatlu la [I L Messrs Buchanan & Ferden, will ccl inluthe, Beninett Hotis-e Yards, THE LATE JUDGE KETCHUrtI, Thafunenai of thelateJudgeKetchum. junior judge of the united couuties of Northumberland and Durham, took place Wednesdav 1lOtb mai. 1Service was conducted at St. Pater'e Church, Cobourg, by 11ev. Canon Spnagge. a-3 eisted by 11ev. Mn.r -l'. afiar when heIhaïmanseae taken ta Look-. port for interment ThaeRanch ançËf Bar o!tha uniteti çaunties and coup<lyl officiais attended lu a body. The # .1i-' bearere wene Messrs E. H. Osler , enry Fitzhugh, J. W. Rickie, H. F. "Holiand, A. 1. Armstnong and F. D. Roggs. Jutige Ketchum le sun,výived by bis widow, a daughter o! the late 11ev John Davideon, nectar cf Caîbarne, Ont, and seven sans, Vincent Katchuni, manager of the Bank of Toronto, Ganaucque; Herbent Ketchuni, Edmonton, andi five sounger sous ai home. Amone friands prasent at the fanerai were: 11ev J. C. Davitison, rector, Petarbono; W. F. Davidacu, K.C . Taranto, brothers-iu. aw; Mn. D.- R, Simipson, K.O.,Roawman- ville, Mr. Casey Wood, Tarante; Mn F. S Loosemore, manager cf the Standard Bank, Lindsay; Mn. Harold Monrow, Judge Weiier, Peterbara, andi othans OBITUARY. bd". JOHNî D. Lusx Sarah Dotds, wife a! John D. Lusk, Bowmauvile. passeti away Friday, March 12, at the home of ber son-Lu- law Alfred Strowgen, 248 Hughson St, nonth, Hamilton, ageti 71 years. Mrs. Lusk came hare ta vLit han daughtan, &frs, Strowger, about three weeks ago, aud was stnicken down by an ilLuess a few dass after ber arrivai. Resides han huabaud sha beaves a family cf two sous and six daugliters, The sympathy cf many friands haro wlll be extended ta Mrs. StrowZer. The funeral » Ili take place private!y Mouday ,a!tarnoon - Spectator. Ma. JOHN' MITCHELL, BOWMAEVILI. An aid anti very worthy citizen-Mr., John Mtchel-passed ta rast on Thurs-E day lat. Decaasad Iived for mauy1 years Lu Daniington Lu the neighborhocd cf MapieGrave where be 'was moat hihy naspected, The people shoiwed thair respect and eympathy by the large attandanca at the funerai. Few men were more worthy of respect than Ifonest John Mitchell whose naine has long beau a synonym for honesty andi upnlghtness. Sine leàvlng the farm he and his wife have beau living quietiy lu tcwn. The funenal service on Saturdav was conducted by hie paston, Rev H F Weir. The pal bearens wene: W H WlIamÉs,,Gea Power, John Percy. John McMurtry. Ha issurvivatiby hiewidow and an adopteti daughten-Mrs. 0 Cux. Be Careful About Your functional aciivhty ta ithe wboie systeni. Beed, itmakes pople well. "lI have useti twa bolttas o! HoatýI'L% ar- Wehae om xtra nice SeetiRt sapanilla ibis spnug and bave gai a gra Clover, Alsîke, anti Timothy, at rea son troui01rle'uoftr£,1baeen able prices anti gooti c!valule, aiso seeied wtbloues, but Ho' has oai-Serel Stndrd WiieSe ia1cm a eycr ti m." D. J.Caaeu Prinice Royal, atBannaier ietisani342 Aï! Wane Street, Moantr, Mue(a a limuteti suppiy o!gooi,6rowed BEarley. Caîl anti 5ee us aniJ we wilitry antil give youi a square deal. McCLELLAN &-,CoHo a Sar pa la KZ'ing, St , Ewsi, Bc'wmaviUiiie - 8-4, 8o1d a.~~hq 100 domee ant dollar,' -li L il! 3 fft Saulna, Rev. E. E. Howard- offlciating. l'ha wedding march was P!açed bv Mrs Horace Hancock, Courtice. The bride., Who was given oway by her father, was attirai1 in a daintv gown cf white Aru.eres silk, madie Directoire stylea ant tnhmmeti wlth Liberty 8atin nibbon and oveniaca andi carrled a showvar bouquet o! white carnations. The bride was attandeti by Miss Jessia Willam@, Osh- awa. who wcre a pnetty pnincees gown o! pink silk trimmet i wth lace, and carnieti a banquet cf pinkcarnations. andi wearnng a pink brooch, the gift of the groom. Mn, Albert Ralion, Sauina, acieti as bast man ta whom the groom gave a garnet île pin. The bridai pain lef t amiti showere cf nice, confetti andi goond wishes for Terauto. The bride t raveile Inlua costumeofa!brown Panama cioth with siik hat ta match. Mrs. Kiveli wiil ha at homne a! tan Apnil 1 at Solina. HIGH SOHOOL NOTES Miss locale Davitison, graduate o! this Schoel, fcrmerly cf Newcastle, le uaw teachiug Lu the public sehool at Part Rowan. A meeting of the Literary Society was hel4 N'onday, Mareh 1, with Mn. Otîs Wardeu, Frauident, Lu the chair. The chie! feature cf the program wae a travel talk by Mies Ward, B. A., who at the request a! the students gave an account o! her receut trip ta Europe. î,he gave what proveti ta ho a most iueesting sketch of a tour from Lau- on whLch embraced Hollanti, Reiginni andi the Rhine Swizenlaud andti he Alps, Italv iucludLng Venice, Milan, Florence, Rame and Napiea natunning through France. The thauka o!' the stutieuts were heartiiy expreEseti ta Mis Ward by the President. The Literary Society.held thoir reg- ulan meeting Tuasday afiarnoon andi was a contest betweeu the upper and iower forma. Mn. E. A. Loveil abiy filaed tbe chair wvhite Messrs. Fred R Foiey, Rod'k M. Mitchell and Gea. W. James acted as jutiges The prograni by the Juniors cansîsteti o! eboruses hy the girls; piano duet by Marjory King anti Derothy Saudereon; reading by Haroldi Siemon; sang by five boys; reci- tationhy Marlou VanNest; plana solo hy Fionence Aluin Durng the Inter- mission 11ev. W. E. Milison f avored the socLety with a sala which requireti an encore. The Seniors' pragram consist- ed cf a plana duet by Helen Mitchell dumb bahl exercises by four girls, reci- talion by Lil a Osborne; dialogue eutitled RealiLîle Reading; vocal solo, Greta Scott; readinx by Elmer Rundie; anti a Life Rost tableau. After ail the evid. ence hd bean given Mn. Foiey, chair- man of the jury. la a few well-chosen worda compiimenteti bath sides on the excellent prognams given anti gave the verdict lu favor o! Senior pupils, WHOSEFAIR SIT? Satunday week white listening ta the reports' of the Agicultural Society Dinactors who waited on the rural mun- icipal cancils the abova question fereed itself upon us. It le called Bowmanville F3air becausa h les helti in the town, but t ie not Rowmanville's faiin the sense of ownershlp by auy means. It is West Dunham's .Agriculturai Society. Ihisl usually refarredte t as the Riding of West Durham Agricultural Society lu he Goverument forma. West Durham uceludea Cartwright, Olanke, Newcast.le, Daliugton andi Rowmanvilie, anti evary one of these municipalities bas a direct part lu the affaira aud a mutuai inteneat n the suces of the Society. Every ownship has a jusi iight ta a voie lu he management. The obligation cf its upport resta on every niunicipitiity. i s a mistake to imagina thai Darlington .s alona responsibie for its maintenance. If the people of Cartwright aud Ciarke particîpate in the benefits of the exhibi- tou as they nsually do they shoulti ba willing ta contnibutae omethiug ta pro-' viing suitabla groundis anti buildings. Clarke axhibitora taka a large numbar of pnizes every year, what valiti naseau an the Clarke Concil ativauce for wiih-holding a grant ta the eneciion of fonce sud buildings? l hisleCla.rke's ex- hibition precisaly lu the samne sense as It e Danlingion'a. There la no matarial liffreuce. We mistake the fshrmind- tinees of the Clarke people If they do ot racagnize mutuai interesi aud oah igation. The same hoitis true cfi Jartwright andi Newcastle. Thej 3xhibition le West Dnnham's inati- bution sud evary farmen anti reaitient in ýh iding bas equal privilege. We hope ;hcouncil cf each municipall1ty will ,ive a grant-not necesarily theame imout-but an amount that wil ha worthy cf the aize anti importance af ýh municipality. And wa trust the 'armera lu each munioipslity wvil en- ,nrage their councoillors te vote s grant ; the W est Durham Agricultural Soc- ety. The money la certainly neededtat neet the nacessary buildings for exhibi- BO0WMANVILLE=, 30 choice young dairy cows, 15 of Lwhich are freali milkers-balance ceming in early-Including 2 reg- istered Hoisteins, Sala at 1 30 o'clock sharp. Terme of sale 10 menthe' credut an approved notes' 6% Far annum off for cish. Se bis. GEO. JACKSON, a Auctioneer t TIlE PRESS. A publication that ia hecomiug more generaliy inteneating anti eaof which, ail resding people of the Dominion ashonîti patroniza la "The Canadian Cour- v1er, " editeti by Mn. John A. Cooper, tM.A., 61 Victoria Sù., Toronto, No foreigu publication compares with this rweekly budget of illustratati uews anti hesuiy sîmply heanse ibis le purely Caustian anti us contente are always iniereatiug "The Lure cf the Gardon" lu lasi week'a issue makes ana long fer epring anti for the opportunity ta gardon, - Progreasscf Civie Improvemeut" sboulti ha atudiati by ah who lava their places o! resitieuce anti avory effort tahouitilbe matie ta make tawn works besutiful as well s useful anti secure. BOYS' PROGRESS GUILD. The boys of St. Paui's Presbytanian Church are organîzed in te the Beys' Pro. grass Guilti which mieets tivice a nionth 1for mutual iînprovemeni. The proeaui officers are: Presideni, Harold Sharpa; Secretary, J. Rosa Stuti; Treasurer, Windati Toti; Onganist, William Gai. braith, A supervisory committea of ibrea members of the Woînan's Foreign Missionary Society assista the Guiid in varions waya. Lasi year they raised over no f-romi eniertainmants anti othar wayýs, wlich la very good for 24 niembers. 'They haveý been paying for a piano sud ai Wcdnes- day nighi's concert the pleasing announce- ment was matie b~y vHugh àMur -BYA, patortaithé proceeda wouid dlean off the balance cf the dabi. The program 80 well given ai this aný ieriainmnin was intarestiug aud mucx appreciated by the audience, After singing Master Jack Meath gave au ad.- dresa of welcome. Messns. Geo,. -W, James sud E. Creighton Iligginbotham piayed a piano duei-"Parade March"; Masters Jack Meaih, Clarke Taylor, Clarence Sharp sud George Hughes gave a dhilogue with gooti spirit, anti afier a " Mapie Leaf" chorus Master Andrew Nicholis recited capitally "Johnnia's Orantimothen". Miss Ethel L. VanNasi coutributed two vocal solos accompanieti by Miss Mamie Shaw on the piano; Master Gurnsey McClailau playeti a piano solo very nicely sud Capi. A. E. McLaugblin favoredth ie audience with sonie oldti ime melodies on the violîn; Misses Tamblyn anti Ethel Brock played nicely a piano duet anti Mn. William Galbraith a solo with mncb accepiance; Miss Tamblyn also sang a soloie lier' usual sweet voice wiih Misa Lutireil as pianisi. A dialogue "'Teacher Wanied" [was aniusing and spiendidly given by W. Galbraith (chairman), Wiadatt Ted sudd Max Quick members of the Board sud -Ross Stuti, W. Gibson, Haroldi Caun, Norman McDonald, Herbent Fowler, Haroldi Sharpe anti Millau MeDonalti applicanis for the achool. The boys concludethe piogram witb a spectaculan feature-an illusirateti song I'Teniing To-NLighi on the Old Camp Grounti." The boys were dresseti as soldions withi tenta showing lu the moonlighi. If, vas well nepresenteti The boys sang as a ciosing chorus "Gooti Night, Ladies," We hope to ho favoned with anoiher such enjoyable evenirîg by the Guilti. Rev Mr. Munroe thanketi ail who had taken pari sud expresseti bis pleasure with the effort o! the boys. Mn. Eti. Warren, a fariner student c! Rowmanvilie High School, bas corn- meuceti duly as teachor o! Cowansville achool lu Clarke Pimples, bouls, -czemýa anti othenr erupions, bass cf appetite, thaititreti feeling, lits of bilieusuess, indigestion anti beadache, are somne of ihem. They are ahl radicaliy anti perma. nenily cured by Hood's Sarsapanîlis. This gyeat medicine thoronghly -r el - ai L- ra fî . ýOk, à ý r 1 in

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