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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Mar 1909, p. 4

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f Beefq!ui C.- SICawker& Son have secured a choice lot of the best Doug cattle led in this district from the following weil-known S feedors for their present au:d sPring trade: 5 cholce steers from Thos Jackson, Providence 8 Il t, W. -J. Bragg. 2 steers and , hefer, Richard Sou,.h, ~ 3 , , John wi2rht, 3 , Charles Aluin, 8 , , Fiank Osborne, Clarke. 6 , , WIiim Gibson, ~ 2 stersIJonathn Channon, Tvrone 3 John Lane, Bowmanvilie 1 steer, Jý D. iloar, Proyîdence terFarmers having gond young cattie for sale wlIl find It t o thi dvantage ta soli to us. We pay the highest price for the / best qualitv, c leu M.(A3A W KER &t8SON, A~ PHONENO064 - BOWMANVILLE ~ ~. ~. ~- ~. - ]Lxcusive Icleas. We're surprising dozens of people every day with the si novelties we're shawing in. WA-&LL PAF IkdS I1QSucli as have never been seen before in Bow- r1I j!!! nianville. If S on purpose redeearating anyIDÎ part of the holuse, we claim yaur interest. (4'4 The papers we've alrcady sold speak most canvincingly for themselves. Samples sent!I atîîiîio ta of town custamers.Mtn IVjI Rooni mauldings ta match ail papers. iii W. T. î L ALLEN î Big 20 Bookstore B e Particular What you Eat Particular people always buy the best food and pay the lowest prices. They always live well-yet economicaily. Luttrell has the largest follow- ing of this particular elass. because we are particular ta please them. We aim, first, ta get and keep the gaod will of every customer. The al- mighty dollar is a secondary consideration. M o n e y is cbeerfully refunded when dit- satisfaction arises-very sel- dom necessary at Luttrell's. If you have neyer tasted aur home-made bread, cakes and pastry give them a trial and be eonvinced-of the super- iorlty of aur baking. Our assortinent is large. D. LUTT7RELL, Baker and Confectioner. Phone 97- Bowmanville Tnhis is Marifalade Timo Our marmalada orangos are btter than ever this year. We are offriog apeciai values this, week in California and Mexîcan oranges, also ehoice lemons: Marmalade oranges, extra fine, per. doz ................. 25a Califorola navels, extra fine, per dozen ....... .... .... 20o Calfornia navels, selected, per dozen..........80e Mexican oranges. Saturday bargains per dczsn................ 10e Ch"lc Messina lemons ......... 25o We have a llclng machine to loan to aur customors. Maple Syrup Onr Maple Syrup, whlèh we have just received, Is the finest in the market. Don't fail to send in your order belore it 1 ail galle. Scott & Alfin Bowrnanville1 A GreatSehool! Great in reputation, Resuits. In- fluence and Thoroughnesse! Now is the time to enter the popular TORONTO, ONT. and prepare for profitable ernploy- iment. Our graduates readily obtain good positions. Our Handsome Ctalogue is ire. Write for one ta- day. Students admitted at any j trne. Colege open the erntire year. W. J. ELLIOTT, Cor. Yonge and Principal Alexander Sts. CENTRAL BUSINESS- COLIEGE and success. Itba gh anthe tr ta thousands upon thousdertf ef Yong people. It csu heip rau. WrIte for catalogua. Enter sny tUme. W. B. SHAW, Venge & Cerrsrd St , Toronto YOUR COURSE ln Shorhand or Business willibrltn o best resuits If teken t aur old-estahh ed aud tboraughly rellebie 505001. Wiuîer term begins Jan. 4th. Cata- logue free, British American Business College Central Y. M. . A Building, Toronto. TENDERS WANTED. THE TRUSTEES of the Methadist Church ai Newcastle Invite tenders for work on their eburch as follave: 1-To restaie top of tower and ta repair and paint the steeple. 2-To repair the cburch roof ihoroughly andj ta do some inside cai penter work. 5-To kalsomine ail the inide waiis of the bady of the church. 4-To pint:* () The metailie ceiiig of the church. (b) The seais and woodwork oi tbe chureb. Ail work ta be completed by May 15, 1909. Tenders may be made for entire work or any part of it Up la noon on Iuesday March 23. Specifications may be een aSt theFarsonage- Nether the lowest or any tender necessartlyg a ceepted. THOMAS ravaLAs, S3ecretary of Board 10-2w xcwcastie. 1-_BOWMANVILLE, MAR. 18, 1909.1 NEW TELEPH014E LINE A meeting wilr bc held in the Town Hall, Hampton, on Wednesday, Match 21, 1909, et 2 p. m. la the interest of the resîdents of the townships of Darlington and East Whitby for the puÜrpose of prmtinF a private le.ephone lins Reve Wight will aceupy the chair. Speakers weli posted in private tale- phono linos are (xr)eted ta deliver addresses By ordor J. J. SMITHI, Promoter. AIJOTION SALES TOIURSDA'Y, Mgtch 18-The exocutors of the estate af the late William R KnLght, wiloil on lots 6i and 7, Broken Front, Darlin,-ton, ail of 'the fatm stocr,l implements, etc. Sale at 1 p m See bills. L A W TaLn, auctioneer. TUESDAY, Match 23-Nit Wm Staples, lot 31, con 5, Clarke, will seli ah of bis farm stock, implements, etc Sale ai 1 '0lack. GEO» JACKSON, auctioneer., FRIDAT, MAnoir 26-Mr Thos Creeper will sali et bis store, Hampton, about 187 different articles, the remnants, of groceries, dry goode, hardware, crorkery, windaw glass, scales, eook- log range, lamps, sorne furniture, buggy, cuiter, harne@s, etc. Sale et 1 p mn; terms cash. See buis. L. A. W, Tar.n, auctianeer. SATUISDAY, Match 27-Mr, Richard Bannette, Centre St, Bowmanville, will seli aIl o! his h ouseold furniture and furnishinge. Sale ai 1 o'clock See dadgsrs. L. A. W. ToLB,.uc u- tioneer. SATURDAY, Match 27-The executors of the laie Stephen Washington offer fat sale on the premises, Ontario Street, Bowrnenvills, iwa blocks of brick dwelings, one an Ontario St and ans on Washington Ave. Perfect tities. For terrms and particulaî-s sec edirt. Sale et 2 p m L A W TaLE, auction- est. Local and Personal. PotRioes wanted, Sse advte Miss Iva Blewett is vlsitlng frieuds lu Orono Newcastle methodissInvite tenders for the tenovation of the church. Sae advt. Miss Klrby, Oshawa, bas beau vislting Miss Inos Peatce, "South View Villa, Derlingian,- Mrs. T. E. KnowIton af Toronto will slng et the publie library concert on Friday, Match 26. Other ald-tirne favorites will also take part. We know of a number of cases af suppased cansumpilan that have been cuted by Miller's Compound Iran Puis, Sold by R M. Mitchell & Ca, Drugglsta. Mrs John Sandercock died rether suddenly et Cold Springs Wednesday after three strakes of peralysis. She is survhved b 'v her faither, 86 years aId, and elght sistero, two of thern being Mts Wm Glover, Newtonvllle; Mrs Gsa Clark, Port Hope. A yoong ma named Sam Yetes was teken ta Cobourg j ail recently fram the esterai part of the Caunty as a raving1 rnac Be seerned neyer ta cease raving In a laud volce, night and day, and on Saturday nigbt he kept the whole jail population aweke. Sundey, when bended bis faod, he eeemed quite ration- ai, and a beevv eruption of matter was fiowlng from his ears. He appears ta have had an auricular abseess la the head, which ptessed upan the brain, rel "n heopressure and he becarne qule rtna lquiet and respeciful. A closer exemination by the physiciens migbt have relieved 'the unfortunate man, and saved hlm from a terraila jeul and the punishment of e straight jacket. MINISTERS AND CHUROHES Rev. H. W. Foiey, delegate ta the Wotld's Sundey Sehool convention et Louisville, will zive an address In Bob. caygeon Methodist cbnrch Fridey even- log. Rev. Thos. Manning, Windsor, bas accepted e cail ta Dundes Centre Metb- odiet cburch, London. from whIcb churcb Rey. E B. Laneeley, goes ta the Firsi Church, Hamilton. A social under auspices of the Ladies' Aid of St Paul'a church wIll be beld la the schoal roam on Tueedey Match 23 aiS8 p m. Ail are cordlally. lnvlted ta attend, Ad.nlssion 15c. Bey. A. J. TerniTl. Greenbank, who cerne to town Fridey wlth Mne, Prlce's funerai, essisted Rev. J. Garbuttinl the speli service la the evening glvlng an intesting address on "Temptation." 1ev. W. E. Milîsan, Kingevhlle,, a' paputr siner an evanelieto- ih purges taMrs MeMulea la appreciation of his splendid orgar'izatiin and leader- ship o! the local option camplga that swept barrooms fram thse grand oid Sidney townshlo by uearly 400 votes above the tbree-fi!tbs requireiment. The most obstinais cotas and wartts fa.ll ta rssist Hioiloway's Corn Curei Try lu. ReersOthe 'ý.ETh Kid YHove Aways Bought oitr Local and 7Per-s"onal. Permets, advertise seed grain now. A f resh lot o! fine boiling pesai Peter Murcoch's. ýCaîl ana ses T H Knigbt. Heie l buying potatoes. Mrs. S J. Hall is visiting frisade ln Grand Rapids, Mieh, Wedding carde are a speeialty ai this office-ail latest styles. Repeat Il :-"ShToh's Cure wll always cuara My coughs and coids." Mrs. F. Patton. Cedardoile, recently visited ber Qistet, Mts. W Qui9k. Moa's blpck worsted scproguler 25c, 3 pair fot 50c Saturdý.-4at Niebolle'. 5 doz. pairs men's Jraes, regular 25oz, clearing nt 131 a ,iSàturdaY ai Nich- 5 The greatest snap ever oflered la eeediess fline sweet oranges et 70. per Mr and Mrs William Robson attended the funeral of ber mother at Fenelon 1FaIlsý Cheap! Think of it ! 70o per peck for seedss oranges Saturday ai T H Knigbt's. A lot of new carpets and linoleums just recehved et Couch, Johaston & Cry- derrnan'ai. Mr. Percy Piper wryn the prie for best dressed gent et the carnival ai Orona FrIday nlght. SuÉtIs Afrf e Script wanted. Write la confidence ta INVIESTOR, Drawet B., Rowmanvllle, Ont. Spring Millinery Openings et the Tingrnen Parlons an Friday and Satur- day Match 19 and 20. Mrs. E. Jeffery aad Mies Murley bave î-eturaed f rorn spending the winter wiih friends in Whitby and Toronto, Messrs. C, and W. Buitars, Cobourg, anîd R. Cepperton, H-arwood, spent the week-end et Gea. M. Cartathers. Miss MeClellan bas returned frorn a pleaseni two manthe' visit wiib -ber sister, Mrs; B. Brîttain, Chicago, 111. Mrs (Rev ) Gea Rebiceon, Poît Pst- ry, is visiting ber daughter, Mrs. J. J. Garbuti et the MethodîsiParsonege.. Attend the social ln St Paui's church Tuesday evenlng-, Match 23. Good program and refreshmenta. Admission 15C. Mr. John Kirkpatrick, Napanse, bas acceptedl a position In the Dry Goads Department of The McMuntry Ca., Limited. Thse many friends o! Mr. and Mrs. TIsas White wiil be pleased ta leara ihai their son Perey Te improving nicely f toin pneumonie. An interee:lng event-the SprIng Millinery Openinge et Haddy & Co'e Centrai Millinery Petiots on Frlday and Saturday Match 19 and 20th. Miss SaraIs Stani. Cuttles. returned Seturday evening fram a five weaks' visit with relatives la T5 rons, 1Lîndsav and Toronto.- Woodstocc Senitinel- Review. A photo of the orchestra c! Toronto Unoiversity recentlv nppeared in the Sundey Worîd, and amen- tIse mern- bers we noticed Mr. Goorge W. McGilI o! ibis towri. CoucIs, Johnston & Cryderman bave secured tIse services af a first cls ex- perienced- cutter and invite their frieads ta beave their ondere now. Satisfaction gueraateed. Thse Wall Papers lot thie Sprlng arts very pretir, P C Trebilcoek sbowing tIse rost attractive patteras Ho bas a verv large range, wlth specIal bocks a! select designe. Give hlme a eall. An argenTe ation meeting o! the Bow- maville Rifle Association will ha held et tIse PeTicen Club Tuesday evening Match 23 et 8 a'clook. A full attend- ance of members and others haterested in shooting le requesied. Ilowmanvllle Poultry Association wll hold their tegular rnonthly meeting Tbursday nigbtInlaTitisSTATEsuAN Block Leghotns fallaileeles wll be underd iscussion. Ansans Interestel la poutry wiI be made welcome, Ladies you are invied ta the Mhlinery Openinge Fridey and Saturday aitIshe Dingman Miliinery Parloeswbùb- are ha charge ibis teason o! Mrs, E. W. Pattinson Who l9 weîi-known L)th Ie ladies o! this îowa and vlcinity. Mrs. à. H., Bickell was et London lest week attending tIse funenel of ber slster-in-iaw, Mna. W. Harny Davis, wha died [rom pluera-pnsumonia anod rheurnitsm. Deeea ed leeves b2sidca ber Isbaad two sono and one daug,,Lifr, the eldeet son belng drowaed let J uly. Mr. Devis manv friende ln South Dat- llngtan will sympethîze with hlm la the double baeavement. Mr J W Johaston, Nepanes, Isas been"' encaged by Mesrs. Couch, Jobaston & Ct) dermen as cuiter ia their taiionlng department. Mr, Johnsion cornes bigbly recomuaended as e firet-clase' ýîîm4îu I[ UETO RENT-Frame house a 5amonth. with stabe, on Odeil street. AplMtW A. JAMES. 51-tf NOTICETO PUBLIC. 1 hereby give notice that I wiil not be re- sponsibie for any debts coutracted in my Dame bY anY Persoa without mY written order, 95W 1P. MCMILLUnq, Tenders 110r Sohool Bouse. TEINDERS wil be received up ta Tbursday. March 25tb, 1909, for a uew sohool building for ~S. S. No, 1, Clarke Township.> Materiai of aid building eu be utillzcci. Flans and srecifications may be seen et Sec-. retary Treasnrer 'o. Tue iowest or any tender not necessartly aceepted, 10-5w. Secrety-Treasurer Port Granby. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. I am autharfzed by the executors of the laie Stephen Wasbtugton tD off et for sale the foiiow- iug desrebie reai estate ln Bowmanviiie at the Ontario St. premises on Saturday, March 27th, et 2 p m, eonsisting of two blocks of dwelliigs. The tiret block consists ai four bouses on O3ntario St usi south of King St. The bouses. are solid 'brick-Ove roome eacb. Rented ta j'end tenants., Thie second block consise of twa four raomed bouses and one 7 roomed bouse on Washington Ave. These are elosolad brick, These pro- parties are al free of encumnbranca with per- fect tities end muet be soid to wind up tbe Estats. Terme: Ten per cent cash on day oi s'e, balance witbtn ihirty deys; or if desirtd ana balf the purchase money may remain on mort- gaga for three years aiS6!. T E Washington, Trustee, L A W Tanie, 156 Bey St, Toronto, Auctiotieer, or Rev W OWasbington, Bowmenville. 9-3w F ARM FOR SALE --175 acres, more A!or lesa, comprising Lot 23, Cou. 1. Carke. and forîneriy knowu as the Thom'g asiate, beautifuliy situated one mile east of Newcastle on tbe Kingàton Raed, witb al uecessary con- veniences and soli adeptad fer generel farming; wailsuppiied with cisterus end wells et the bouse, and well wetered by neyer failing Etream and alto a itving spriug. Of thei175 acres, ten acres are in orcberd, Sali of wbich is tan years aud the rest ibrea years old, in ail 400 trEe, and 7 acres lu bîrdwood bush. Gond !rane bouse, juýt rem )delled, bauk barn 49 x 80 wiib cament floo a in stabe; igood hog peu and tnplament shed, Ail feu plowlng done., Immediete posscasson. For iurther perticuiers apply to the Cw'ncr, SÊÂnuEL liEŽus, Newcastle, ke. O. & -9-4w THE WEST END HOUSE. ÈMTHE WEST END HOUSE. jSpring Importa New Goods Opeued * Spring Dress Goods. w-.. Ail the newest shades in taupe, w'and fawns for spring suits ranging froin $ý 2.00 a yard. 10 Navy blues, cardinals, fawns «D- greens, and browns from"50c to $1.25.' ,greys :L 7e ta greys, Sprinig SUitS & Overcoats. Our range of 201h Century Brand suits and avercoats for spring are now awaiting your eaul. If you want a suit ta fit you and suit you in quality and pries try this brand in ail the latsst itripes of greys, fawns, greens and browns in ahl sizes from 35 ta 44 from $10 ta 82000. Single breasied, 3 buttoned sack suits in fane-y stripes, all size5, ranging from $7.00 ta Fancy str iped worst ed 3 buttan saeks, faney flaps an poekcts, from $13.00 to $20.00 a suit. Spring overcoats in blacks, fawns and greys 46 inches long, from $10 ta $15.00. 48 inch raincoats for spring, $10.00 ta $18.00. Boots and Shoes. See aur stock of Ladies' and Men's boo4s and shoes for spring in tan bals and Oxford patent bals and Oxfords and fine don gala kid bals, also large range of children's shoes al sizes at low prices. Ladies' Blouses$ 30 different patterns and styles ta from with long or thiee-quarter sleeves, 32 ta 42 loches bust measure, ranging $1.00 ta $5.00 eaeh, pick sizes from Men's Furnishings. New Hats and Caps just the block ta suit you, neckwear, collars, fancy sox and the iargcst range of faney shirts for spring and summer wear, ail sizes from 44 ta 16J rang- ing in price from 75e ta $2.50. Linenst Fancy dress linens, table linens, linen table cloths, and napkins, toweliînga bath hand and tea, sideboard and washstand essarfs and tray cloths. ,w'IIâê"àhmhhI~ Dominion Lino 'ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, PROM PORTLAND TO LIVERPOOL Vaucruver Mar. 2i Dominion Api. 17 Canada ApI. 3 Vancouver May 1 Canada finît ciass $70 00 second 00 c Othar steamers iu moderata rate service ceil15ed "Second Class". Only ona class cabin pesa- augers e42.50 to t45.00 according to steamer. Thi rd cles.toLlvarpool,London,Londonderry, Belfast, Glasgow $27 50. ST. LAWRENCE SDIASON 1909. WHITE STAR-DOMINION LINS. ROYAL MAIL STEANSEIFS LÂ,UaxNrîc, 15340 triple screw, MEGANTIO, 15000 lergesi aûfd inest steamers saiiing from Montreal, also excellent Oua CiasB Cabin Set- vice <ead Second Ciase). For ail information appiy tg M. A. JAMES, Agent LIM kl!tlïlâf Low Seqttiers rates ta certain points ini Saskatehewan -and -Aiberta,"vila Chicago or Port Arthur, each TUESDAY during MARCII and APRIL P&IFIC COAST EXCURSIONSý -Daily Until April 3Oth- Vancouver, B. C Spokane, Wash. Seattle, Wash. 10cl Portland, Oregon One-way seeond-eiass from B f3WMANVI LLE. To Cobalt and Gowganda The Pioncer route is via grand Trank and T. & N. O. lly's. Full Information and ticketsfirom aay Grand Trak Agentù JUBY & LOVELLP' T. P.&Tâgents, Bowmanvule. Notice ofniflication f'or Divorce. ,Notice ie hereby Riven that 1, Laura McQuoid of the City of Toronto iu the Couuty of york, and Pt'Wince of Ontario, married woman, wiil appiy ta the Parliament of Canada et the nezi session tbereaf for a bill of divorce from my husband William McQuoid of the town of Col- borne la the county of Northumberlandi and Province of Ontario, fermer, an the gronnd of crueiiy. desertion and aduioery. Dated et TorontoaIn the Provin ce of Ontario, the etghth day af December, 19W8. 51-3m LAUDA MCQITOID C. P. R. Atlantic Lnest East LIVERPOOL West Mer. 20 Lake Brie Mer: 26 Empress of Britain ADI. 3 Lake Champlain Mer. 17 API. 9 Empl'ass of IreiaDd Mer. £6 Api. 17 Lake Manitoba Mar. 3 Rates and complete eilinge, and furiber Infor- metin on application ta nearest agent or 8, J. SHARP, 71 Yange St., Toronto. BOWMANVILLE AQENrs.- St. John N. B. ta Liverpool Fram From St. John Melifax Hesperian sailis Mar. 13 Virgfinian salis Mer 19 Me r 10 Tunisgan salis Mar. 27 Victarlin salis Aprl 2 A prit Steamers iitted witb Wiraîess and thea-,ut- marine dleep Sc& signalirg SYs3tenm. Wier Rates effective znatil April30 Sailings frein Boston and Portlznd tei Gasgow St. John and Ballai to Lonldon, Suimm-er SaiHngs MnratoLiverpool, GiegOw, ae andi Loudon Mi. A. Jameg, Allen Lint Agent, Bowmanvllle MctlurtY & Co, Limitede Bowmanville. Phone 44 itions Arriving Daily.", d Awaiting Your 1 Inspection, 1q., &QU.ALITYqý

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