t NEWTONVILLE WORDS 0F APPRECIATION'. os HAWA fla putting bis best efforts into this noble I work of uphftlng bis fellow men, Hie WI ie aslftb '-asedafwm Mr Robkt Keeler visited bis parents at sang solos very acceptably at both Wa Pit fRlcc, s inftBeospdafe EDiTert THE STATESMAN-Permit meservices. The churcli was crowded to TU a ihfred uBwmanville and te mention two articles ef special inter- Port:Hope. the doors andl every one was dellghtecl. f k Oshawa prier te bis raturn ta Salmon est te me and 1 belieie aise to others, in Mrs Frank Procter ls visiting ber PREVENTION 18 W'ORTH WHILE ArmI B C ...... No service in Presbster- lastwe' ubro Oreceln itr nCiao When you consider the risk ta lite, the Ian Church Sunday owlug te ilinese eftae The one le by Mr. J. L. Hughes Will Durranrt, Toronto, visited bis expense, the anxietv, which it involved aBToronto recently .. ..Clare Mitchell is onathes et S on and aT e pelln paetFurSna.I natake pedctsada r- R o al B ank 11vAZa V Bron. .ehc mieie in u ... Wa buth- an antehave Miss Maude Brown, Peterboro, spent gicai loperatioen, itv lsecertainly wertb erfrdba gve u dawngth milschooi in an adjoining sectiong anhave the week-end at home. hieoavditW kepn the liver y rodasgvnp rwn temi taken part in many a Spellig coawnLdesteorlSotey.r and bowels-regu1ar by using Dr. Chase'a and la going on his tarm agatn at Shlh but never in one so thrIlling and ment- Oaw LdisChrlSceyreKldney-Liver Pilus. Doctors are now G Payne le t-) take bis place as HI erable as those se grapbiQally deFcrlbed preparing for a concert,.nnmui b oiintstapn Majesty's Mail Carrier.... Mrs C Good- by the inimitable wrlter. Wbilà on this Miss Irene Bray, Enied vsie ctmomsyc teopianegonc t4 apeup 3F CANADA rnanand son, Toronte, are~~it~g it ujjeti, iîht 1 as k la there avy place friends in town recently. udywt vcan eell hahfic- terviste frend l Osawareenty.presorved among the archives of our bis f atber, C A Hagerman. Tusa aqe a edl h INCORPORATED' 1869. COURTICE. CenReligo T ne oThe lg bs hes rtete Mme. John James, Celumbus, bas been Lecture Boom of the Simoce St Metho. HeryF Reigoe and Tbiegy ber Ben . vlsiting ber son, Ed J James. dist Chureb, which was attendcd by always gond. but this la more than gond Miss Gladys Jackson spent the week. about eue Lundmed and twentv-fi ve lay- Miss Laura Gay disited Miss Ada I thînk. Wbîie be dees net dlrectly end wlth ber parente in Newcastle. men, who st down te a very enjovabie Pays Speclal Attention tO Nichoa Sunday .... Miss Irene Womdcn, meto4h rsn booia ifr mGoSot myoat»e b - Savings Account. W hitby, was home over Sunday ....,The ences, centreing in Toronto and reach- funeral of the late Mrs Thos Short. Couries B A sidr Sety Mr a Ily b' Box Social at Mt Carswell was quite ing wberever our great daily fl6Ws- Mme (Rey) D M Mibieli la visitin- bier mnanner. The speakers ef theeeng suceesai Prcede bot $4.,,, Apapers circulate the reference ta obylous daughter, Mrs Jobuston, Brantford. were Mes5rs J B L 'Starr, K C, and Capital, paid up $3,9,O number from Mount Carswell Division and the lassons pricelese. Yours sin Thos H Tremeer 0000 vstdTuonDiin rayenoel ad wife, Bowman- Oliver Hezalwood, Toronto. The ad. C vieited Tauntona Diion rdv n erl y villeq, are viSiting relatives in towa. dres-ses were instructive and seul in-« seerve Fund $4,600,000 l adrpt o im.TeWl1 ' W. C, WÂSrnINGTON, MeBeelLne n oga prn ln b n tmsinr etalt Es~h $50000000 League th!s <WedriesIas)! ___Rsel_____adogls______ln telie fmisonr Toa sea 5,0,0 vsi g henee Women'-e Misslonary have been visitlug friends ln Tomonte. giving Musical nurubers weme well evenng. Therendered by âlessrs Evans. Brown, ISociety heid their inentbly At Home Mm and Mme Poster, Belleville, were Adams and Eenley and the Maie Quar--__ Wednesday at tbe borne ef Mrs Wm mc- SLEEPLESS LITTL~E BABIES gueste et Mr and Mme P Pememan ever tette. j ~Donald ....Boys, enter a football team ARE SICKLY BABIES Sunday, y Ivlelhel inl the Dalington Football: Leigue --Mme R Lumb and Mise Ethel a Liver Po _____trs itl Ustn,_pedn som iek w teatives rx ek11,LirPliii? Tbey are a positive cure rlanager Bowmanviile Bmano Who Cais1 u5àuD 10 hicago, Il1. and cross it le the sureet possible aig duced bv disordered iver. Oaly oee- __ MAPLE GROVE that they are net well, Well babies Mrs W Wilson and family have gene pl1 a dose. _____________________________ leep soundly and wake up brm*gbtly. te jolin ber busband lu Chicago, wbeme_______ BOWMANVILLE, MAR. 18, 1909 Becent visitors: Miss Elizabeth Ven- sîcepiessuese le generaily due te soma tbey will in future reaide.- ENN1SE:ILLEN, _______ ning, ILiydon, at Mme Sam Cole'ig; Mise allient ef tbe stomacb or bowels, or Mr T H McMumtry bas dlsposed ef bis________ NESTIJETON, Mahel Atklnson, Newcastle. at Mme Wm cutting teeth. A few anses ef Babî's Gents' Furnisbing bu'iness te a mer- MeMKe aîtn iie tM NESTLETON. Hockin's, Miss Anale Tmenouth, Hois- Own Tablete will put the littie one chant from Thorold, Ont. MsMKe aitn iîe tM worthy, England, with ber niece Mrs ight and give It sound, naturai Sleep. Mr Robt McCaw and Mise Mamie FLqsaele's.. ..Mr Jamed Gisîet" a Mise Jabs Jewell, ESte.d visited, Nt ttne heHlidyWllsw at_____ The mamiage et Miss Lillilan H. John Snowdon . ....Our Division vieited Mm o oel t vmse u, otatne h oldyWli e-Mm Gmiffin's...Miss Besele Spamling, Bloan, second youngest daugbter et Taunton 8 ef T Fridav evenlng and sasS: 1 have fouud Baby'Own -.abiets ding ut Port Wbltbv, Mamch 10. emullsettewekedwt .,lWi Mm. and Mme, H. Sloan, Neste, and report an excellent ti e .... Mr Leslie an slndm cinbeI gîor cntiprato Large photos et Mr F L Fowke, tom Miss Hazel Pasoe .. .. Glad te se MISSI '""I Mm, George Peacock, Trafalgarý, took Cox attended the convention et the an tmc ruls iete eleght yeare Mayor et thie town, have Eva Seuch leoking eo weil ince bier paeon Weduesday Mamch 1Oth, Bey, Dominion Alliance, He wîîî gîve ar-my littIe girl and tbey keep birlvl beuhgonteal fte uc Thos. Snowdon, Janetvlle, officiating port at Sunday Sehel next Suuday and well,"1 Sold by medicine dealers thman le allbt. h Cun ratura tram Medicine Hat. She Ie witb The bride wae gowned lu white sil ,k memning. Let tbere be a gond attend- or by mail at 25 conts a tram, The Dm. boor andte Libma club.... nu cu andlae, ttnde b be sste Eiîbane, -.Ge bsybos, ndorganîze Willams' Medicine Ce., Brockvlille, Messrs. M. F. Smith and E S. Thomas, oert et the Daley Mission Baud Monday Two of the New Sty-leswe ae hwlg and pae, bluene llk M er John e FPEcoe ana.. foot b bem os the Oal n t. Who are lnterested lu tbe Meaford Oaa- Mamch 22nd; excellent pmogram consist- Inpl bn Il.M. onF.Paocafotal emfo h Drig Ont ning Ce, attendedt the Annual Meeting lnz oI dialogues, readinge, motion of Buffalo, brother et the groom, acted League. Meeting le te be held next ef the Compauy ai Meatord. songs, etc. Libemal collection for mis- trom Milion, Darlîngion, Little Britain, hem sîster at Mme Bobert'a at Uxbrldge Tegar RN.Alothr sfe p u iawv teanxit sien s îeo aexp et u.M nd Mrme ameso Buffalo, and other parts, Mm. and Mme, .. . .Glad te see Mr Wm Hoekea areund -hy g gStionhv reu edra a waiho ' gofN ew Peacock left later on for the nerth u aga sin.Cedadaa l ht DiIso lsd Tbe Sons of England enjoyed an oy- minater te gîve relief. Ils efforts are onto, IJxbmidge. ... Wm Wermy and wite Divisio Mthea night. Goodssry pro-r ster supper at their Lodge meeting sran stg.Selina, vislted at Geo Amgue's,... .The Compound Iron contain that element gram of recitatione, dialogues, vocal Monday ....Miss Blanche Bail, Oshawa, suesdlslgfuneral Sunday of Mise Farrell, Tymone, la the moat assimable torm, - old by Bý aud instrumental music was given. recentiy visilcd friende .. .. Messrs Har- Franklin Jay Goync, Son ef Mm Chas te Eniniekilien Engllsbobhureh cemeemy- M. MitchellCo.Dra& Ct. If-à ougga-ets.4pourf a1gcougb makesp yrour êtr, -ngÏets sleep- d-brmUy Websterw tormerlyz- xie -bypte- aa-lrgeyRa-enGd ...es won theIfyopr crze al aoutn by lohbe ___________________less and weary, ht wlli worry you a moud Davey and J King, recently bv Sbammock Medicine Ca for the mas i.vsi slmcytend Mrs iB anc . ockalo Ifire elsai abouft er lthe , pabri cuaeaetesyecret ZION ~~goad deal, aud witb god cause. To Richard Hawkey, stamied fer th e Nortci. popular baby. Th.ehi pand wa aged io, visited Mm eiBun,.-Jhnï iallmng oureclases are mafotr. te arialeoheyurju :hknd f ZINdispel the wormy and give yourselt reet West ibis week ...Besi wlshes toa, i lued silver water tîlter. daughter Mme Arthur Anale,, Tyrone. ... lu tewn, becauee there ls ne other make aitn rcl tecm Ie iry Bickle'e Anti-Coasumptive Syrup. happy and prospemeus marmied lite ara;, Derangemeat: efthe liver, wlth con- H M Collacuit, wite and daughem &nmart, dlean, cUt, style, aud genuine old failndmmi 'The lecture on "lYour Ncighbers" ht exeris a soethlng Influence ou the air extcnded ta Mm and Mme Paul Curtis stipation, injures the complexion, Induce Giadys, Tymene, Sundayed ai Wm given by Mm. Thomas McGiliicuddv, passages and allays the irritation that (nec Mise Carnie Gigg, Salem)' who i pimples, sallow skia. Rumove the Trewin's, ....Mms Emastus Burke aud Mm From six et Canadaae beet makeme wepye b cisoke oua Tometo, under auspices et tbe E.L.C.E. icade ta Inflammation, [t wiil subdue wcre marrled on Wednesday 10 ....Atteri cause b usIng Camtem's Little Liver Metealte, Souil Darlingtoa, spens, Sua. prleed cloibes ever shown lu Bewruaavlle. Teavncgade hsslni ai Zion, Mamch 5th, met wlth tbe gea- the mosi stubboru cough or cold, sud a long period et weakness our oldesi PIS. One a dose. Try thora. day ai C Stewarl's.,. Miss Jewell bas mange le bere now, and inelude ail the uew hdselmwtn lvgen eral appreval ot ail. The auditorium eventualiyeradbcate it frem the systcm mesident, Mise S Farrell, tamiliar- *Thos Miller & Sens oi the Arcade, meiurned tram a very pleasant vieil wiîh and gmey. of the church was nearly filled, regard- as a trial et Il wiil prove ta sou. ly known as An Susan, sank iet celcbrated the 201h annlvemsamy, Tues- hem sisteme Mms Tanner, Lakeficld, and Teca tlsacmn u aid u nid I h xrm lls Icess et the cbilly night and heavy roads mest Friday eveulng, 121h, ai the ad- 4ay, March 16, sud preseated theïr reg- Mme T Cruikshank, Peterbomo .... Mn a he atstle re aser ad v mod Tceupicdo he. hir Hud aP.e Andersla- SOLIN A. vanced age et 83 years. Mies Farrell ular cuelomeme with pmetty 11111e pin edisi Young people ai Enlkîllea are a ela h oecnevtv oes tocducte chmair, ad one Mm Mc I- bas always lived la ibis neighborhcnd. irsys as souvenirs et the occasion. iuvited te give a concert at the Method- The Sprlng ceai styles arc numemur abcaewt eo elrl trdutryrmak, ale n r M-having speul mosi t hflem Ilte on the COULD NOT Kimp Tais SucumT. ist cburch, Blackstock, Marcb 25 .... Our brown, green sud gray, Toppeme sud S11k-f cdhetril, Gillcuddv. The lecture wae Iu a greai The initiation conteet reeuled ia homeslead norlh ef Tymone sud neceut ,.Sîx moathe ago I wae cumed ot ples Suuday eveang services are attcnded measure instructive, lntcrpersed witb a tavor et Mm B G Stevens' aide Fred yeams In her cottage Iu the villagi-W h s tD. hs' llet with inereasing intemest. Our pasier, Came lu and Sec the exclusive uew pateatenweae tgen a great many humeonos 853 loge. The Balson and MISS Laura Hogarth acted Beiug ot a sociable disposition Auiib wntee Mm. G. A. Cwa es Conen t," Rey J A Jeweli, glves us sermons eue and emoke gray sud the clever uew meodesl wl eamveli3 eyn League- are ta be congratulaied on se- as judgee .. Mme W H Lammiman, Susan was neied tom hem hospitalily a1dEgnC. n.11hdbe flce aatafr ams ebsba UT 75,8 0$00.$25,85 cunin-g se able and acceptable a lecturer, Oshawa, le visitiug tricude here .... We kindness ta othersand *111 1ie rnIs8d Efgr e., t. "1r -ad breen afllsots cani afordl Itedt miemi Ht ba s e The action et Camter's Little Liver weicorne Mm John Kiveîl and bride te by a large circle et acquaintances. 'A fo vrtlt er u ne o t i yeanlm ....y nLe ta mealt usda SUIS 87.50 88.50,810-00, 81250,8150 1 0 2.0 2 Filtepesnmldsdntrl he Taylor farta sud extend ihemn our brother and twe aiters survive ber-M et treatmeais Ia vain, se I was surprised a ngthidyarLeaued sociale Fro.SBN OT 76,80 0 1 0 1.0 1 0 File I guly stiante mie ande saudal heartiesi congratulations. melr S John Farrell, TIverton; Mme David sud dellghted te be cured I don't'came ngam was oeof attnsde aud e ro- Groi 'a Due Bnsi aeraics regetsiulate the boebu e r puge Travail, Courtice, la stayîng w;ith hem Raînard, St Thomas, aud Mme Jane tom pubiicity but wauld like te tell every ga a u tcaieaî et Threy are suhe toeplese. bty 'ntbpem. sister, Mre A L Pascoe. ... . L C Pascoe Campbell. Tyrone, Bey H S Spence one suffeiug from ples. about Dr.Cbase's Theyare ure t opease 'Ir tho. sud famlly, Enfld visited at Granda cenducted the tunemal services ai 2 p m Onmn.T he 1]L onI HAMPTON. Hogartb's.. ..J W Brooks sud J Balsea Suuday wheu romains et deceased weme A necent issue ot the Norh Amerîcan N'eed no T heze -1 l s n C o h n o H APO .are under the doctom'e came.Mies Iulermed la the Englisb Chumoh burvIng Beview ce)ntaine a bmilliantly written "C Longe AxD FUitNîSINGS FOR CETHE N an os Eva Cooledge le sufferinz tram an grounds near Eniekillea. Friende article on " Why Engilsb doce net q1m- - , attack etf bronchitis... .Taunton Dlv- trom a distance who weme present weme pllty bier spelling" bv Prcfessar Max r a snie _____ Mn W H Moore le able lo be oui agalu ision wll vieil tbeir bmehenbreFIth aiadrS hoa, ieElaEutsnsntthevSH simn ud11%( n i f e___________________________ alter hie mecentilînee.... Mr J T Cole day nigbt-...Mm sud Mme M A James, Campbell, Toronte, Mm sud Misa F an- well known bere, Is improving slawly, . ... Mme (Rev) T If Mn sud Mme N S B James sud sou mcil, Easily. P Andersoa bas beencalled ta Cobocoak 8tuart. Bowmaaviile, visited ai Rase- lisb, 1 the Bible the Word et Qed ?,." sud Gravel Eaîyand Natural- thmough tbe ilîncess et hem mothen ...laadvale ....- Miss Dalla Wemry la visiting "The Bible's Theomy et the Origin of MrmmAlliaî le lto indispesed.. - Mr ai ber brother's,j A Werry, Enniakillea Man" wcme the subjecta et thougbtlitI Cureci by Dodd' T Salten, laie et ýreebauk, has mo'vof -..... The Womeu'e Institute beld an '% sermons given by Rev James Hodgem ide Pulls, a eranntreidni WIcme Sus iliame Tray. th omne sfplendid a B A, lu lthe Presbyterian Cbnrcb Sun-// permnen roidet. Wlcoe .... SiIs Wllims hursay.Som spendi Ao lle ýLàday Mm Bebi Heuderson sang "'Hie Unr citizens were shacked Friday ta intreeg neengo ala uj3t ýý oel l ed"i i ,sa a hieep KlineyoSfee the Ter. £4n s u rn itur hear ef the death cf Mme W W Price ut bltsetyîe vrusbe C r d le, la AIl eeIn lee sua fietiiewoSfee ____________________ Gme3ubank, Mme Prîco wae a fermer followed by~ profitable discussion. When It lias reached the chest, istlalieeeigsrichd tures of this Terrible Complaint 4 mea let e ibs pacesudver hihlydeveloping into bronchit;sandthren Simcoe St Methodiet Cburcb el rossiet of ilis h lac m hod er hihA.LJG- teiisto beceme peeumonia. .-tbelrannual missiuary services Sunday fer Nine Menthe telle hew thse lieuse beautiftul; that's theprpeanefetfor reptdba(wt hmh ael A L (T e prass fro ndt smpl fo o a Assstnt Recr 0 Et Misin, ToroelintoRed furniture. uhmksta fo nyoni contact. The bereaved tamlly have thie Olo grdaiyadetatli esabhuBe leMnigTmn Kidney Rmd borbood, She 1eAV8on e child, a son; Mr Ja3 Pearse le recoveming frein a cold in the head into inflammation of very instructive and Impressive serm ons Cured ui, c hm aa tratv abtt as;adytw i Lis au1It Mme F G Kersiake will have seveme cold ... . Mn W J Hlgginoe bas the bronchiai tubes and then on te th, dealing prncipally wilh the home mie- FORT FELIX EAST, Gua-sboro Co., thoe fin ay aaratie ochsand fihsta caatr charge et hlm .,.,,. Mies Rote Rabbins meated the Bark tarin ef Mm 8 J Hall, langs that many do net realize their sien womk.- Ho aise addmeesed the mena .S MAR, 15. (Specîi) - Thst yen v the e eas arti le wetou h avtepes arenidi ntre odvfrDnigod ai ow occupled by C Cox. Mm Cex ls condition until pnenmonia is upe'n them. meeting sud vlsited the Sunvide N. Svnteee s ril eh ted ieil v b fbor Mm Jon, Moabn, goiug te Providence te womk Mr Soeon' Wysol lt vr odb a:n Misilen ahie attemnoon. Mr. Evans n longer ueed fear the kuife If tmaubled P h onee vr eetpre tem Ciitrol Troate a d repnartes ar ..g.. Meepect rgessen et tie va.d anyshd etn e& before ta ervce wbw a malyejvd atheglad ews or Joth ep mrn ruble ah bo d Tak iebearydes apumn ta a n qa ... Mm I L Brown atteudefi the Sup- fr -MeS uresanodudseriously and Dr. Chase 's Syrup of Lin- sang au apprepriate sole ai the evening lthe ga e s ethaoe ph riu r ne oak ceeors-n very harmmanous meeting-...A few lîY',",sc wy eeiy Tetm vers ilînese ie upon Yeu. At Medcsît St Leagun Tuesday even' elkoayugfibra eel for varloty; the carving, the pelsig h iihn r trom ere tiencd th coneri u ib havethe yxnpthy e ueibbor sud There as-e nany measons why yen lag the llîcrary department gave a meuet oefn isiod. 2 e the highest type; the Woods r h ei eend n Metodl hurc Be wmauvthe o idah friende lu their bereavemeut. .... Mr and should use Dr. Chase 'e Syrup of Lin- întcresîîug progm censîaîîng of vocal "I Suffemed Intense pain tram gravai 85CItecntuton r sfr svce.Orpie en evening -, ,,Mr J Imwlu sud wite, Vir. Mme Fred Gale and twe çhl'dreu, Wbit- seed and Turpentine. -Tt je more tisor- soles by Miss Etuel EdmoasEa, Mn sud ether urnay troubee, tom aine h 1 don Mn, istedMrud me~ w~-by, are viig ber fathen, Mm Thoegb a a-reaehing in its effeets on Frank Herrlng, snd a plane sole by montbn," Mm.Peileea3s. "But sevea 1 mence at $12.00. den at . mec eu Mmr and rs, Bra. VanCamp - .Mr and Mme Aibemi Man- tueh ansde ta n e- oui c Ms Ina Amnoît. The stomy et the lite boxes of Dedd's Kidaey Pillaecuned me IUn raln leascalbadoforbiessu don, Man, le visitiug ai Mr T J L.larkels. nig ecsivisited Mm S Butrgess -u ean possibly ble. rtepsheouoh HfBra e qk wr*ù, tgld la a ver>' complotai>'. 1 beartily neoendawy eévsproa t U SING ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t PMGriE Jasoin e be rert . ~ and allaye the inflammation, Acollection wae takea fr the Barbarg frein gravei or umnary troubles,"' do mut make any extra charge frdsac, Hnpo Darllongn mimu h 100:tof S No.V-Ev Mrs. Geo. Goofi, 'fleliborfie, Adding- Heck metialla Fuad. mise A Baud, Dodd&a Xidney Pille cure gravel by BacPoe19F VanDike 56, Boy Mtcali 41. JIr IV_ ton Co., ont, writes. "It is witb rd Vice Fresidet. ocuped the chair. cring the kiduevs h rnayogn Mar Tul 4. m Ii-nne al,6 pleasure that I certify te the wonder- jas Simpsan, Toronto, a mepreFenta- are enîirely dependent ou lthe kîducys. A N 1? INUEPTEBeLH ary MTrulf 4S AcyBunie 5-2. 660il fui success of Dr. Chase's Syrnp of live ot the Deparîment of Tempemance If -the kiducys are net ia goed work>» Peal Mtcaf 6ý Ay Rndl 52 vvl.Li sed and Turpentine as a cure fer sud Moral Retorm et the Melthodiet order tho>' cannai filter out the uri % fred Rundie 48, Alice Downey 42. Sm 14e lu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~T thei S-in a -oi __ Neeed _lP i Hal-,LwsPwr6 colds. It le the, beetf ndnre tireat- Chumcbff deiipled Medeît St pulpit. Sun- acid sud Il combines witb other praducis h eS&B MNVLE waemy blood Thialle whv mun end' %ud Franec ElIbeck, lte Misses Ati$n- 'à]-- - - -- wamen who lake Dr. luue Pian' âon sud mlsuesEva sud Lauma Rîckard, I Pile et wli slcp eil sd fel nigtMisses HaWhlins, EtIiel rad Lili c ~ DO, A20 1g__ aciv nn tan.I ou ueed a medi- ard sang a trie; Miss jackjuon, Ciho, _____SIO ':iÉ H ru tispng try ibis T!'eaI reviving Miss Gladys BradeyMisnaudMBE NT7H UEA . . boau ee ib5-eç ewlie, ue-,w healtit Walter Biek:aîd sang soos witich coli EaNý7 OS sudï ff.w strength il il put iet yen. cludled an excellent prograi. Betresit- bod y ail mudiclue defalcrs or b>' mail mente, wore sen'ved ai ëie close consisi-U_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ a t 5ca b r x or siýx bo,ýxe(s fo r $ý2 50.ý tram irg i t cake sud ie ereamn.... Mr C M ~T-e Od B tk B idn ,B~î'1t11i The Dr). WilIams' elc Co, Bmoek- ECdv wae lu Lindea>' Tbunsrday vieiting