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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Apr 1909, p. 8

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Royral Bank OU CANADAI INCOIWORATED 1869.' Pays Special Attention to Savings Account. CapItal, paid up Reaser" Funad Total As-e $8,900,000 $4,600,000 850,0o0,000 I F. J. Mitchell, Ilanager Bowsnanville Bralnch.j Domi nio n -Lino ROYAL MAIL STEAYISRIPS EROM PORTLAND TO LIVERPOOL Dominion API. 17 WHITE STAR-DOMINION LINE. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSEIPS LAURENTIC, MEGANTIC Triple Srew. Twin S3crew Largest and finest steamers on the St. Law- rence route. Latest production of the ship. builders' art; passengers elevator rerving four decks Elvery detail of comfort and luxury of present day travel will be found on jhese steamer$. Monltreal Quebec Liveru)ool Canada..._ May S. June 12, JnIy 17 Laurete May 15, June 109, July '4 Domnidh May 22, June 26, July Si Megatte .........J 3, Aug. 7 0Oaa . a2, July 10 Aug, 14 'Vancouver'1....................... Jule 5 Th~e popular steamer "CANADA" la a.lso again scheduled to carry three classes of aseerz. While the fast steamer '*OT- TWand the comfortable steamerDO MIN- IO"as one class cabin steamers (called Second Class] are very attractive, at moderate rates. Tliird clas eari led on ait steamers. S;es plans L ad rates at local agents, or Company 's offices, For alinformation apply to M. A.. JAMES, Agent. LastePr Excusions Grant & Pinch C INTERIOR DECORATORS ETC. 6ý We will speclalize lu Hagng Wall paper, Kalsomluning Tinting etc. Ail work guaranteed, Orders eft at "Big 20" or phoei 96 promptiy attended te. RIGIIT SLIOE Every woman appreclitesz the importance of a handscnioRaud eorrect shon-for no, costume 5c'en bo compJote without it. We'ro sbowing handsoraù. Newv Creations in Fpootwear aud choices ew maodols for house aid street. Caur prices are3 always wlthln easy and reasonable reach- neyer beyond. We'd rather showv you th an tell you about our shoes. Mlay we do se ? THIE 510E MAN. Parlor Shoe Store, Bowmanville IReturn tickets at Single Faie be- I tween all stations in Canada, aIse ________________ to) Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo sud Niagara Falls,' N. Y. Good golng ýApril 8, 9,10, il and l2th, Ileturu lilt April 131h, 1909. ROIEEEKRS'EXCURSIONS _DlD Winipeg aul1 retuîn $32.00. Edmonon aid retur!n$42,50.__ -Iîtiees good!for 6U!d ýÏs Proportionate rates to other points. in Western Canada, First excursion April GiLi, via Chicago. Tickets te certain points sold în aceordance with above will not he gcod for passage on train No. 1 or train No. 4. Full Information ànd tickets froin any Grand Trank Agent. JURY & LOVELL, C. P. & T. Agents, Bowmanvilllo. Notice 'to Creditors. IN THE E&';T4.T" QF HIRAM 1ARD BDURIt DECEÀ,S'ED. TOTICE 18 ISHU, EBY GIVEN that ail lZxCrýýSoi iaViflg any cialmeaâgainSt Hiran Ward E lurl laie of the Town ot Bow- nianvîile in hu Province of Ontario whe died onu or abo~ut hie Thlrtiéia uay of oeme, 110 are riquired on or before h. T WENtY THIRD DAY OFAPIL 1909, to send by post prepald on otherwtse delivet to the undersigned admoinistraiers, iheir naines and addresses and fuît prticu are ln writirg of Iheir iaimis and thu 8tatesments of hir aecounts and tue nature of hu securities (if any) held by them, lmmediately afler the said tvntý -tblrd day of April. 1909,.'the administrators will proceed to ieribute ie assets o! Che said ceeeased among thse per8ons entitîrd theretc, baving regard only to those dlaims or which they shalithen have notice, and the admaintatrators will flot bu hiable for he said assois or any part thereof to uny persons of! whose dlaims they shal flot hais have reeeivcd notice. DATED t Toronto the 2rd day of Match, uiffl. TOTcOaroGiNERAT.TaussCORPOATION. 59 Yonge Street, Toront,, 11-3wAdmnistrators, Il rUIJLtdI ;Os You'll have a Wall Paper Problem t h i s ,Spring. "Most every married man or woman in town wilI. But don't let it worry you. Let it worry Dilliing. Just as -you let the barber worry with your hair when you want a hair ircut; or the. shoemaker wben your shoes need repairing. Every man to his busines, and BOWMANVILLE, AmR 8, 1909 AUCTION SAI438 Profit by the experlence of others, (>rder youn Sale Bille printed at thîs office sud got a frse notice lu TuE STATESkAN sud THE NEws. Otherwise the price Ie $1.00 for each insertion. We have the only circulation that covers the tsrritory tboreugbly. S.&TuRDAT. April 2'1-Mr. Gao. W. Brown, Temperauice Street, Bowmau- ville.,'wil lluali ol hie bousohold furulture snd furuishlugp. Sale ut 1 G'lclck. See, bille, L. A. W. TODLE, auctioneer. SAT'UPDAY. April 10,-Mr. Lyman Gif- ford wl' seii at the Commercial Hotel, Oshawa, 25 new milehars and spiugerig. This le an extra gccd lot cf cattis sud the sale will ahi etc far- moi s an excellent oppertunity of ne- curlog new rtock, Sale at 3 o'cleck. Sc bille. JAMEs Bisiiop, anctieneer. ENFIELD Mr and Mrs Richard Pascoe have beon visiting their daughter, Mrs 0 L Maokey, Kinsalo, Whilo tirera Mrs Pascoe wvas strioken with pueumenia of a severe type aud though very critically iii for a week le now îeooveîing nicely. Among the relatives who, visited her thera were Miss Laura Hogarth sud Mr and IMrs J T Rndle, Solina ; Messre L C and E W Pasoo, Enfield - Mr and Mrs John Pascos, Mt Vernon; Mr and Mie H L Pascoe, Taunton ; Mi G H Hogaîtb, Whitby. Tbe well kuown streugtieuinapipop- orties o! aî comnbIned with other ton- îes sud" a metperfect nervln, are tihe nerveýs sud bodv, sud imprcove the bleod sudcomplexion. SOLIN A. A H.-ogarti le c onfined te the bouse with rheunlatlsi...,. Mns Samolle aud. dauglitor, Caoss tes, le visiting bier brethers, Silas aud Paul Williams.. Mfrs J T Rundie sud Mies Laurs Hogarth bave bpente Kinsale waiting apon Mr R Pasco who bas beeu sur- iously i.-,.nvray at Eldad May 30 aud 81, wiî,h s tes sud entertaininent ...Miss Nons Worry lse xpectsd borne front Remuington Business Collage, roronto, for Easteîr. -... Ester prognaxu et Division U'ridav niglit ... MisGeo and Miss Riva VauDSke, Darlingtou, visitod bene. FEACIEL PARALYSUS. Mn,.F. A. Kînîz, Schwartz, Que., writes:-"'Fot eue year I was a comploe wreck, colOUd not teSt or sloop. bad indigestion and terrible ieada2bes and censtantly feaîed parai- .vsis. Six boxes cf Dr Cba8c's Nerve F~ood made me wel aud strong. There s ne treatinont lu lbc world se goed as bhis for building Up the systein T«YRONE. A grand concert under the auîpices cf Tytone choir wll ho given on Goofi Fi'ndav. April 9, in the churci. when a good progran wll ho given hv lise fol- owlng: Music hy Morrisou's Orchestra, 3owmanviisnglug by tic choir, recitatIons by local sund othen talent Aui excellent prognauin lal preparation ad au onjoyablo tins le prcnnised to ail whoe attend. Doors open at 7 go p ni; îrogram at 8. Admission: sduit3 2J0;' chiidren 10c. Mise P Collacutt, organ- Wby suifer frein coins -wbeu n ien a be patulessly rooted ont by uiig Bel- 9.waý 'e Coin Cure. Au organization meeting oet 1sre Frootball Club was hold lu the Sous of 1'erperance, Hall, Fridav, Match 26, a'hcu the followlug officere wsre elect- ed:-President-Jamres Souci; Vice- Pres-Norman Collacot; Secretaîv- Hlerbert Scott; Treasurer-W Staples; Captain-Lesîle Curtis; Mauagiug Committse-Thos Hantis, Sidney Hoar, Peecy Clernons; Field Commitees- Herbert Burgess, Mer 7is Morris, Net- mlan Pooley. Il was declded te enter a esin uthe Darlingtcu Loagno.' iOPRING BLOOD 15 BAD BLOOD Iow Best to Get New liealth and Strength in Spring. The winter menthe are trylng to the esîlth of even the meet iobu.it. Con- sineent in-doors, ia over-heated sud « neariy always hadi'r ventilated roonis-- i the homti, the office, theshsop sud th schcol-taxes the vltality oh eveu th Strougeet. The bloed becomes- tin sud watsny or clogged witb impur- Mles. Sometlme3'VýcU get up lu the morulng just as tired as wbeu you went oa bed, Sonie people bave boadaches; thons are low spiritsd; soins bave pia- ples sud ekIn eruptions. These are ail pring symptoms that the blood is ont of OSHAWA Mis (Dr) Farewell wus la the cltr. Mrs Fred Patte was lu Toronto ovei Sunday. 9 Mr R Reynoidg, Detroit, le visitini ubis parents., 3 Mr J Stacey speut a few ditys iu Tor 'onto recently. 13 Mrs Hicks, Pickering, recently vis lted Mis EUig. Mrs Gao Morrow spent a few days tu Toronto reaently. Mrs H Dennis and daugliter were ir the clty recently. Miss Hagerman, Port Elope, bas besi vislting Mis Ed M Henry. 1 Miss Edilli L Kirby vIslted relativel luI Toronto over the week-end. Mr John Bale utteudod the Laymenï Mlssiouary Congrese lu Toronto. Mr A J Logan altended the La&ymen'e Missionary Congneess iu Toronto. Miss Pearl McCullough, Enfield, vîsît- ed ber siater Mrs S Storie oven Sunday. Mrs Thos B James, Teronto, vas receut gust of lier father Mr D Drew. Mis Thos Morton, Toronto, visited bet nephew, M C Davins over the week- end. Dr and Mis Henry, Miss RhQa and Mr Clîfford Hîenry, weîe la the city ree3ntly. Mrs Wý'm and Mise Zlllali MeLauglillu are.spendlug the Easteî bollda3s lu Kingston., Mr Ed J Pulil preslded at the organ la the Prsveiuchurcli very uccept- ably Sundlay. ,Mrs JFck Kenniedy was receut gust of ber-slstder-ln-la-w Mns F B GoodéMan, Mak st, Tor0Uto. Milor's oend lIron pil, rouly 725 cents for 50tdoses. Sojld by B. ýM. Mitcell 21& Co. Dngss Mi K MIfKutcheon sang 1'The P.elms" ver37acýceptahlv lu St George's Churcl i unday ovening. Mr Cecl Cowau, Upper Canada Col- loge, Torouto, le spendiug tbe Esator bolidays wlth bis parents. Mr Luther H Kirby bas heau eeced President cf the Llteîars Society ut Victoria' Collage, Toronto,. Muet not ha cenfounded with corn- in cathantie or purgative pille, Car- ter'8 Little Liver Pille are sutlîely un- Ilke thein every sespect, Ons trial will prove their supenionlty, Mr Deîbert Uogers bas purcbased the market on Firncoe St, Nortb, tormeriy rnaged by Mr Dunkley. Mrs R F Wtigley (ne3 Miss' Bertîs Nicholson) Wibnipeg, Ma,. isvisltiug ber sistere, Mlrs F Moore and Mis F Lamhert. Ladies! If you would be etîong sud bealthy and bave good comple xions, takre Miller's Compound Iton Piles, Sold by R. M. Mitchell & Co. Drugglets, Mr and Mrs Robt McLauLbuin recent- ly Yisited their son Mi J J McLaughin, Toronto, who le spouding the wiuter at Charleston, North Carolina. To lie strong you muet have a good appotIte, good digestion sud gccd assimilation. Millor's Connpound Lion Pille bring ail these. Sold by R, M. Mitchell &,Co'. Druggiets. MIrL KMurtLon sud Dr D S Holg were appointed by the Round of Edu- cation as delegutes te the Truitees Section o! tho1 Provincial Edacational iovnln uTotonto. There is nco one article iu the lins of th rnoniey us a good poroua strengtb. niug plaster, sucb as Carter',! Em'rt Weezd asudBlladona Bachache Plas- tons Flowsvr Mission are arranzlng a? grand concert thls moulli, when Mrs Wilson Ljawronce, soprano, and Mr HarryBlen nett, enteitait er, Toronto, wlll assiet. This le a worthy cause sud should he Wall patrouized.- Nearly ail chlldren are subi sot te woiorins and many ans bora wlth thein Sdare thoin sufferng by using Mother UEravee, Worm Exterminator, the be8t reuiedy of the klnd that cau be had. Rey S C Moore, D D, Trenton. preaci- ed capital sarmons lu the Slmcoe St churcli Suuday. Mis W A Haro sang 1,1Y Iledeemer sud Mv Lord" very sweetty at; the evsn3ing service. Paster Lewis preacbod lu Trenton. Mr Roy R White, teller of the Stan- dlard Bank, Plcton, bas beau pîonioted to ths BraLeh at Brantford. Before leaviug Picton ho was presented by the ruembers ci the staffs of the foÛir banks' In that town witb a handsome black travelling bag. New officers cf the bowling cl ,ub are: Presidet-A J Stalter; Vice-President -Dr. P. L lienty; Secretary-Treasutr -A M McLeau; Colector-E H Hall; Green Ccmtmittee-Wm McAdie, A J s5kes, H B îaziuels;, Match Cermittee -Geo Pediar, jr. H T Carswell, P H Pinnhnnu MAPLE GROVE Miss Rota Nioholis, Hlampton, Vlsited rlber cousin, Miss Ge ýrtie Lymer...We welcome Mr and Mrs Higginson and f amily to eur neighborhood .. .. Mr John and Miss Gortie Loo, Goneva, visited Mrs Samuel Cl.. Mr George Trixuble town, spent Snnday at bomne. .Mr Thos Hîgginson has gone te Alberta 9- with Mr M D Williams. In its Initial stages a ec )1d ie a local n aliment easily dealt with. But many negleet t and the resuit is of ton the Sdevelopment ci dlstressinZ seizures of the bronchial tubes and lunge that ton der life mlserable for the unh.ppy vtie n tim. As a first aid there la notbiug ln the medicîns lino so c'rtain lni curative 0 results as BlekIe's Auti-Consumptlve SyruD, the far-famed remedy fer colds la aud coughis BRADLEY'S SOHOOL Foliowlng la the report of S S No 14' for the month of Mardi. Naines ln Sorder of merit: Sr IV-Wiille Westlake, Wifrid Dewell, Cecil Bush Jr IV- Olive VariNest, Anînie Mouîitjevu, Eimer 1 Wilbur, Donq1d Yelowleeg, Garfield M8,g1irs. ,Poinl Maguire, (absent.) Sr il,-Lilia -F0, Rbecca Wýýilbur. Jr Il-Katie MLVounut V, Marlon Orchard, FEvsrett C3dn . Sr Il-Robait Rogers. Latine Thompson, Z[llah i Dewell, Eiwosd Wiibur. Jr il-Mur- 1Ion Farrell, Flossle Montgomery, Mar- goenrite Thompson, Marguerite Llek, Pt Il-Charlie VanNest, Bruce Mont- *gomery; Pt I-Ilerbie Farrell, Clifford Ferguson, Tommy Wllbur. ADA L *Wîin'rr, teacher. THE VALUE 0op TIinpENTINE Wheu ail else fails the physician recomeuds his wealthy paitient stetake a trip to the turpeutine groves as a cure for tbroat aud iung troubleçs, The turpontine of commerce cannot very weli ho used but bv extraeting this Ineredient f rom gums and bv adding lilseoci Dr. Chase suc- ceeded ln getting Up the most effective treatinent for throat and lung troubles that was ever discovered. It la bues n as Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, Chamois skIus at bal f price; we have securan a largo lot slightly damaged; .a bargain you should neot miss as tbsy are lust the tblug for washIng buggies, Windows, etc. Jury & Lovel. .EAMPTON. Miss Hlda Crydernian vlsited Orono friends Sunday.... 9 DWr~inson, Hope, vislted frieuds bore Sunday .... Womau's Mlssionary Society wilI conduct service Easter Sunday evening. Thoy oxpect to have the assistance cf Miss AI E Jonees, Bowmanville, and possibly Ray Mn (itterbout, missionaîy from B C. Offering la atd cf Womeu'a Hospital and Nurses' Tralîlug Echool, Chentu China..Glad to see Mr Thos Efflott and wife out te churcli Sunday...We welcome Mr Bruce Ferguson, wilfe and familyý to our village .... The funeral of the late MrsW Tordiff on Mouday was largely attended by friends and neigli hors. Rev. T. H. P. Anderson cen- ducted a short service at the bouse and : off iciated at the interment lu the Meth- odiet cemetery bore. Mrs Tordif! was a residout of tbis village for soins 3 sars, her muid on naine being Lucy Hill1. We sympathlze with Mn Tordiff lu the les he bas sustalned .. ..Miss Grace Rogers, Toronto. visited friends here last weekV Mrs E SameIls and daughter. Cart- M Wright-,oc li M o ge «. and Mrs J G Burns...Principal F J Groat bas tRken up fifthcelass worr, lu Scheol for soins ture..,.Nelson Wllcox wiIl ho foremun for M Robbins this sumn'er. ... M1ýs Bouhton, Mlmico, bas corne to eare for bar aunt, Mrs J Ker-i sialte, who la 111 ..,.Wonnen' s Instîtutei meeting at homne of Mrs 8 J Wili aine Tbursclay was very profitable, AIl] srijoyed the prograin of readizsgs hw Mesdames S J Williamesud 1 L Brown, after which a genaral discussion on Housecleaulng, Cooktng Cheese, Fisb, Tempting dlsbos wbeu appetîte nede coaxing. Next meeting ut home of Mrs C N Ruse May 6. ...Our citizans sympathize wltb Mr T J Clarke and E wife iu their recent bersavement of theair eldest son, Will, who died inl Morden, Man., bospital Monday, Match 22, after an operation for appendicitis ...MrsE 8 J Williamis has heon coufined to the bouse fer sorne days .... Congratulations CE to Mr and Mis J J Harris (ne o Lous i Clark) on the arrivai of a daugbter. Contractor Clatwortby le enlarging and renovating M Robbins' bains.. Mr C N R use bas the oautract for mov- Inz and reinodelling Mr F J Kerslako's bouse. OHASE AWAY TUE TIRED FEENG We have aIl our new HIats- and Caps inu, and they wehl worth seeing. You have to see oui chapes lu stiff to cee the hateet models, $1,50, 82.00, $2,50, and 63.00. ar e certahl., and soft ts Grocers' Due Bil taken as cash The îtlason Clothing Co. CLOTHING AND FunNsumNas Pou QENTLzmE1z AND TBimRi SoNs. Spring Painting. Ilpring lefthe turne wheu nmost oh the paiutluig le douie. lture Le brlgliteufu-g-al aieuud sud the barnesud foncesbigt Tel good econemy. Yen neot Oly make-things spick sud span, bout Yen Save ycur pîeperty and make il more valuabie Ony-yeu muet une good Paints-pai o'white lssd sud lin- seed cil. Yen are Eure cf the best qualities Wheu yen use Prism Paînts.i 1We are sole agents lu Bowrnville for this celebrated hrand sud we bave ordersd a langer stock than usual tbis Spring as we expeot a big rush ou paluts. We bave everytbiug lu the lino of cannlage and wagon paints, floot puints iaraisb stalus lu ahl coloîs whicb nake oid furalture look like usw.1 Ail Prîsin paluts are guarauteed or mouey îeiuu.ded. Ont stock cf paint and kalsornîne brushes wae nover langer. ~liPhone 74 wm vie "M"I m'lu.iM aaausaas W 'l.ws sm !.er àk"55r55 las"'a,, I 'j, 'j, M El B 'b 'b E mliii~ "liii P t. 'b 'b îii l Baster 2Iothing For Men and B36 Our Spring display of, Clothing, Fuirnish.ings,, Hats and Caps, iri ready, excelling in quality and coînpleteness, anything weà have ever before attempted. The styles we are showing, different fro m thoso yva, will see elsewhere, are the representative models of the most sucoessfual designers. The Iuat8rials haveaai been personally selected by us and when you consider that baek of this, is our grîarantee, Money cheerfully reftinde-d on ail purchases flot matisfaotory you absoluteiy take no chance in dealing with um. Men's Suits $6-50 to $2 2.00 In our immense range of Men's suits we are showing al that is clever and new, ail that m erits the approval of men who wîsh te dres earefully and fashiznably, and at e'very price the value is the greatest we have ever ehown. Our suits are tailored in the iatest styles, the deep lapel, long dip front, with cutf s on sleeves, and ail the new knacks, that go to make styliahc1ot.hes, and weIl dressed men, The prices are 86.5,0, 87.5O, 88.50, 010.00, $12.50,, $15.00, 016.50, $18.00, $20.00, and $22.00. Men's Spring Overcoats and Raicoais' $7.5Oto Ê$15,00 We have ail that la new along this line. The black Chest2rfield with silk lapels $7.50, $1.0.00, $12.50, 815.00. Topper Coats $8,50, 810.01), $12.50. Rain Coats in the long Chesterfield with ordinary collar and lapels and the new motor coat with Prussian collar, Boys' Clothing. For the littie man we have macle strenuous effortq to' out do any previous season. 'We have a greater range of styles and a greater range of prices. Boys' 2 piece suits, $2.50, $2.75, 23.0, $3,50, 24,00. Boys' 3 piece suits, single Rnd double breasted 82,95, $.,24.00, $1.50, 85.00, $6.00 to 08.00. We have a&H the new shades, brown, green grey and blite. Mon's and Boys tHats and Caps. 4i

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